the: >u ll* VOLUME IX. DUNN. NORTH Yl? ------ -A:V -S WIW— ** =" * “1“!- :1 '" ' ' ' '_ - 1& iMJKKISUN WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH STRIKERS Declines President’s Request Advise Miners To Return To Work THINKS GOVERNMENTS DUTY IN ANOTHER UNE Workers Cannot Hnvo Muck Faith in Administration Which Takes So Decided A Stand Against Them No Trouble In Upholding Law In North Carolina. "Yfttlr position is practiislly to Use the power of the government sgslusl the striker*,” Governor Morrison yes Uiduy wired President Hsrdlng whsn bn declined to join with the Prwsidewt mid the Governors of t7 other Stales in an invitation to striking coni mis sis to return to work. The full duty of hotli Srtato and federal Govern ment* hon been disrhaiged wticn rig id order is enforced while employer mid employe flifhl their economic hot* II.s to s finish, the governor said. Keftwal of Governor Morrison to join Kamil witli tho President wav convcyi-d to Washington in a talc gram in response lo the invitation of the President sent out on Tuesday At Ihe tame time tho Governor in forms Uie President that he has -at Isis coramami adequate military foi«i to maintain order In North Carolina without the oasiitance of Pedant Li oops 1/1 the pa Hire to Industrial dis putes light their battles to the finish, with government exercising no func tion save that of police powers has been the attitude of the governor fiom hil Ant contact with labor dis putes in Concord last full. The Invi tation of the President war predicat ed upon tho coal strike, end in re plying the governor takas the oppor tunity to reaffirm hil position, which bean now entirely on the railroad atriltr. North Carol inn’s two coal misos ■%« not involusd in the strike of tho ’****i\r* would nut do so vV*n If they ward out oa strike, he tells the President He elaborates hia views at sum* length in lie following tulagram dis patched to the White House yester day afternoon: ■'Hia Excellency Warren 0. Harding, President of the United States, Washington, D. C.: ‘•Your wire of yesteiday received laet night There ia very little mining in this State, and so far aa l know there arc no strike troubles in this industry. It would be a vain tliiag for m« to invite coal miners to relent to work in Una State, but l would do e anyway. I asn truly sorry that s judgment long (ormvd and repeated ly txprviued heretofore in ray State prevent* my ag.eemg with your pout liuu as set forth in your telegram "I deem the whole policy of Na tional and Stills governments trying to adjust lauor disputes unwise. It always t’oitciU liie conlUluncc of the w mil i controversy Anally de cided against by the Government and cicutea suspicion uf the impartiality of its excicise of police power. i believe the full duty of the Uovarn mml and the part of wiadom is to jynuiu UU' WW WIM siupaos .Ullty uiul permit parties In imluslii *1 deputes Wo fight the economic bat du to a finish. “Your position >4 practically to ujc the power of the Government ■ gainst the atrikera and in the enforce ment of polico regulations nod the ’ upholding of the law the striker* will naturally have litte confidence hi the impniiality or fnimene of soldiers or other agencies of force directed by a government which has taken n de cided stand against them, howsver good the reasons for sueh a stand may be. I will elaborate my views in a letter mailed today, which 1 aer •■r-Ktly hope yon will de me the honor to read. “There will bo no trouble hi North Carolina In upholding the law In this or any other conlroverey. I am quite surv I will not need Fed are) force* to aid me In the position I have taken of non-interference with either side in ouch ooatrovotalas es erpt Wo uphold the law and koop the peace and protect every would OS. uro'.kur. union or non-union, from no sacs, insult, and violence. In Milo position I hove the onltad support of practically the entire cillscnAtp of the State. “I deeply sympathise with the great harden of responsibility span your shoulders and truly regret that I can not Join yon In an hrvHeUon la the miners to return to work, which la practically taking aides la the con troversy. I hop# under no elrcuaa Rtencaa hi this or say other contro versy you will use military ims I f rUKU RETAIL SALE) MAKE NEW RECORD Company Report* Total Sola* Hava Raachad 5,709 Mach Law* A Day iRetall an lea of Ford cal*. tnirb and troctom established a new high reran) during Jane, when, according to a statement issued from the Farr) Factory at Detroit, nn aveiage of 6, 709 machines aver* sold dally. Ford tala* have been showing a constant increase each month Ibis year; June being the hlghi-M in the history of tho Company with a total of 144.439 ears, truck* and tractor*. O' this number, 6,054 were Mold by the Ford Company of Canada and 9.436 by the various European Ford Companie* and South Ameriean R ranches, reaching purchaser* in practically every civilized country In the world. With the closing of businew for June, Ford records disclosed the fact that total aalaa for the Best six month* of 1922 were well over the half-million mark, the exact figure* being 662,261. This 1* also a new high record a* it is considerably in advance of any previous half-year period. July Ford sale* are expected to equal, and probably eclipse June. Tlie estimated output of cars, trucks end tractors has bean placod at 161.767, although dealers have requisitioned more than 200,000. Ford officials state that every at tempi ut been made u> supply uieir dealers with xuArlent can to fin their orders, but that for the past three months, prompt deliveries have been impossible with some of ibe types. The demand for Pord enclosed errs has hern especially hard to meet, dec to the erer-incresaing popalarily of the Coupe and Sedan 'or ail year 'round use. A reflection af general business conditions Is scon la the record of Pord truck sales, which show an in crease of sighty-four per cent over last year. Merchants and farmer* alike have eoiqe to recognise the utility af the motor truck in cutting boslneta conditions. GIRLS' FRIENDLY CLUB ENJOYS PICNIC AT POND Dwke Orgealaatieo Speeds. Eveaina At Stewarts Mill—Sixty-Two la Party—Other New* Duke, July 19.—The members of the Girls Friendly Club enjoyed the picnic that was given them last Sat urday very much. Two truck loads of girls were carried to Stewart’s >ond. where they enjoyed swimming and other aquatic sports to their hearts content. However, rain butted in just st they were preparing sapper and they were foreed to wok shelter In the pavillton at the pond. The mana ger af the pond was very courteous to the girls and offered them every couitesv. Par this the girls are very thankful for the courteous treatment which they received. The party, con sisting of sixty-two girls, were chap eron'd by Mrr. Annie W. Tillinghaxt and Mrs. S T. Daniel. «• * • fn*. Nr. a. nitAb ten day for Fincaatla, Va., to apend thoir vacation. They were accompanied by Mr*. R W. Rieka, of Wilmington, and Mix Mary Mrleu, o' Red Spring!. W. M. Fowler, of the State College Summer School, apent the week end bore with hi* parent*, Mr. and Mr*. A. T. Fowler. ■W. H. Fowler, of tho State Col lege Summer School, apent the week end here with hi* parent*, Mr. and Mra A. T. Powtar. Mr*. R. M. Buie and Son, Roder ick, Jr., left Monday for Ocean View, Va., where they will ypend the rum mar John G. Webb apent the week end with hi* parent*, Mr. and Mr*. Tho*. H. Webb in Coacotd. Mr. and Mra. H. M. John ion are •pending thli week at Wrigbtaviile Reach. Leonid aa Jackaon, gradual* of pharmacy at tho Untverelty of North Carolina, boa accepted a poaition her* wltb the Thomaa Drag Com pany At a meeting of the board of dot eon* of tho Praabytrrian Church Sun day, it wa* ananimaualy voted to give a month*' vacation to the paotor. Rev C. M. Gibb*. tbt* State antH after aonfarenci with mo. Wo wSI not nood it aa the forrai at my command are adequate, ant will be lied, to prelect the bumbler laborer, union or non-union, in thli fttnta la avery legal right, ff l abouli bo mlelaken in tMa, although I aa 'aura 1 am not, I will InaUntly eal • •poa you fa* aid. DO YOU LOVE HER? I MYSTERY SOLVED ! BY C. P AND L CO. i i - Supcrintedant Islay Can Tall Wliaihar You Do Or Not Monday _T I OFFERING RANGE FOR LOW PRICE ON TERMS Ckaap Power, Automatic Store, Dinner Set, Comfort—All In Schema To Solve Problem Concerning Man’s Lera Far His Wife—Hinas Makes Dis play. “Do yon love her?” Art yon among the hundreds o' .-'nedm of The Dispatch who hew wondered what these words assent when you ruad llm scattered 'about the two latest Wants of the paperT Well, it was a deep, dark seeroi. Nobody about the shop woald tell yon. Only out person in It knew what thi >• meant, and he wouldn't teg the rest. Them was as mark mystery here si them was on the street. But now the secret is out; the my* lery. C. T. lalry. superintendent of the Carolina Power sod Light Company, has spilled the beans, *o to speak. Mr. Isley was preparing to advar ioc nrnin|»wi ntnnc range. * sale on which begin* at the com pany's store next Monday marnlng. Special Inducement* are made to pro spective putcuaaois who went to provu that they do "lore bar." Among the inducvaionts are special low rates on elvetric service for the ranges, re daced prices, long terms and a hand some dinner set free to all who pur chase. J. A. Hines, cbisf of the local sslaa auHf for tha company, has arranged a very attractive display for this aria. Ao antomatic range which can he operated, without trouble by any Housewife ia nicely displayed, sad 1* smpkaaUe tfia fey wfcfeh tea<T gn>aa te the towndr^|^jM|||^| cleanliness possible la else'dc cook ing and hnppoafela to the old method, MRS. BARNES DIES AFTER LONG UFE Mother Of J. D. Barnet Was In Ninety Second Year And Was Loved By Many Pipe m il and mellowed through nearly a century of life ia the son shine of love and frlendllaesa, the spir.t of Mrs. Jeannette Barnes, wi dow nT Hugh A. Barnes and mother of thirt-cn children who have play id >.o smalt port in the development of the community, pauccd to its te ws id .Uot Tuctday mornlr.g. A sweeter, more beloved soul than hers had never Mussed Dunn with its picscncc. Mr*. Borne* had seen mm h of life—nnd site round it all good. Khe had seen Dunn grow from n backwoods rettiement to one of '■»J seen its youth grow to manhood, .--he had M-en the growth of its char rhea. it* school, its business. And sh* loved it all. Nearly everybody In Dunn knew Mm. Borne* She hold n warm piste in the hearts of nil. She hod been in declining health for several months. The end was not unexpected. She wne in her ninety second year. Born In Hampton Coun ty, the daughter of If r. and Mrs. Den nis Parker, she was married early la Ilfs to D. B. Parker. Throe children ware born to this union. They wars the lute Bov. D. B. Parker who taught school hare several yeans ago, James C. Parker, aad Mrs. D. B. Marsh bam, of Sebulen. AS • young widow She became the wlfa of Hugh A Barnes, 1 of Harnett County, who lived near | where the town of Dann now stands.' | The latter union ton sons sad i daughters wan bom. An of these, | except the lute Willie Barnes, am now living and wen whh her whoa the mil ranee. They ami J, D. Hamas, of Ihsnu, and Claude Barnes, of. JaekeonvWe, Pla., Miss Rvna Barnes, Mrs. Hannibal L. Ced •tin. Mm A. D. Newberry, Mrs. A. R. Wilson, of Dunn; Mm MeCotter, of Boaufort County; Mra. Lean Pearsall, of Rocky Mount; Mm C. C. Ford ham of C free shove. Funeral sendees war* held la Di vine Street Methodist rhuiSb Wedueo | day aftomaun la tbs pressure of ■ large gathering of friends who hud known Mm Barnes all of their I tvs*, i The services were tea dec led by Rev. I J. H. Buffalo*, her poster, and Bov. Troy Adams, of Ooldahera. Mr. Ad I sms, as a child was a.companion al Mm Barnes. He stated that the la ihimV "After a thorough investigation of the eo-opermtiw marketing plan, we with to abate tbntwe heartily endorse il, and without heintating farther, ad vise every tobacco grown in this and adjoining counties to join if the)- hare net already dorr an. “If the plan wasn't a good one oar government would not have agreed to loan the Aaaoeiatloa thirty million dollar*. "We are going to hack the Asso ciation to oar limit, and in doing so we feel that k mean- a long step forward in bringing independence and prosperity to the farming indus try and patting it upon a mon- sa i are and solid -foundation "We believe the furmt-r* nerd to ail opt more modern and more bust ■lass-like methods, and unless they tlo Ibis there ran be no hspw of lifting their occupation from Its present d> DI''1llOn Alirl natiin# II nnnn tKn sum. !»«*> WWA Jnnwotats pn |>4p«S other btmrnoj enterprises rest upon. W# mm in eo-opsr»tiee marketing the Aiut and meat aodd hopo for aecom ni: blrg this. Wo took apon It ai stn aible, bostaeisdika effort to Inrrparc agi-leetluml prosperity und (hirtk that farmera eh on Id join wKh each other la thia enterprise. If yoa haves'! joined, don't stand back and let yoor neighbor do tkla work for yoo. Co operative matkoUog in oar opinion, la her# to etay, and wa are all (nine to benedt by it, therefore, dost wait until the last drive lo made, but Join in new with your neighbors and friends and •». "It has been ^sported that the ere dlt of farmsrawilgkt bo injured If then Join the marlMfn* contract. Don't be afraid of Ma, for 11 you bars existed under the eld pi on which has caused so many Is loss their cre dit, we aaxnru ear easterner* and floe nee she had apon hie life was re sponsible far Wa entrance late the ministry. Interment was made la O rose west Ceu WATER SERVICE .1 IS DEMED THOSE WHO DO NOT PAY !l5iF HiiS? oHrSlth0"** OfCtMUMTI YESTERDAY WAS LAST 1 CHANCE TO SAVE • Each Will Hava To Pay Dollar For Romotatorwant — Tow > Board larimb That All. Who Do Not Pay Mart Bo' r ■ Altar Tho |. : tkoy weald not baton to fito warn lay peat oot fcy lauaace U BiaacD, aayeiiatoadent of tko nual •iyal water dkyt—at, foaith of tko towah water yore deyr bred of aa rater tkle 'taf The Mirier will aot be watirat •atfl tkcaa eaatoaori hart paid for ty water oaed and hare paid as addi tional ft far nrinaiillio Tr. BHhO had ao altaeaattre ia kiM to deny water after twootieth day of tea month to who hod hot yaid. For ka hoo ran aa odraettea u oajn art virc to |)l FORD BUILDS OWN WINDSHIELD GLASS Dtparti From Cwtomary Mo tWj Aa^AppU** Ford The Ford Motor Company, Detroit, ha* began to manufartar* it* oats phrte glam, and already ha* in opera tion the Brat modem gtaae hour mr equipped imperially to make giant for railc mobile«. A* I* euatomary when taking oeer the manofartare of a new product. Ford haa applied hie own principle* of production, and, a* a rennaquonen, the nurthoilo and machinery otwd in makirg Ford gtaaa are a radical de parture from eatablUhrd practic*. j The Ford routinuoua conveyor *y» | lent feature* the opemtkm no that 1 from the time the giaa* loams the 1 | windshield, it is always moving. |* i Claw making, sbn viewed fat that 1 Ford plant, looks to be very 1 'i'hc raw materials are introduced In- 1 to the furnace whore they became a 1 molten mast. Draws from the far- * "or» in a semi-liquid state, the (lass * posses under a roller, which (ires It 1 ! width anrl thickness, and on to a mwv- 1 I lag ronveyor. This cayrtM it for 444 * > 'ret through a gradually cooling far- 1 1 mice. At Mm end, it lo eat sad placed ' on another coavoyor which canto* 1 it through the grinding tad y sticking, 1 after which it la ready far asa. ■ This adds a new link to Mm fast < growing rhutn of FUrd Industrial, ! , which are being established and as- I | yended from Urns to time la Hmo i i with the Ford policy to sehiovs cam- i plat* in Jcy an dense of outaldc mo- 1 tcriol sources la meoufacturfagr F#rd*< . products, and at the mm* Uma areh • the means by which Ford Is nsabltd < I to nee fat the prodaction of motor i . care, trucks and tractors out Serial of ' onasually high quality and suit thorn at the famous Ford prises. friends that their trudh win not ho injured with us fas Mm least aesousrt' of dgnlag the mathetfaqi contract,' nor do wo behove their credit will he Injured srlth oby ether bueineee institution. “We must all aoatlaue to do hum nem, of ecu tun, with Individuals upeu the merits of each bsdWdool case, ‘ hut tho fact Mmt a fanner signs tho marketing root met aha old not, and In l out opinion. It wW not effect Ids '! standing In Ac least. “ft has been reported that Mm W> smew In to roots of Dunn did not for C. T. BUTLER DIES AT HOME OF SON Waa Natiw rfiMMMaCtMb Aad Atttw la 1—t— Baandia* art a Ufa Ml af aaa 'alaaa ami lava, C. T. Bate, a aa» *»• •* »■■»«— Comirtir, 4U km Aanday ad lart waak la tha haaM f Ma aaa. Wfltea F. BatUr, a Um datrmste yaar ad M* aga. 'aaaial aarrlcai wara bald aad U troaat araa lada at tha hartal Mr. Batiat had baaa la 01 baalU »r ahaat thiaa jraam Ha had «art laah ad that tea. la' (ate ad I UNITED STATES TO FACE LABOR SHORTAGE? in Dmtenl nl Ubr Ibsioi UampUynMt According to Afurtt of the Do ortmoot of Labor, tbr United DUtm lay shortly faro a labor Aartapa, its asoiyloyaMnt p rob 1cm comyisisip *lvod. Director Gsmoral Jonas of As En loymsnt Antes, daglarss Aa eoaatry is otaadfty bat sarsiy forg <g its way toward a parted of lodoo rial Prosperity la whleb It ia possMa tat tba labor supply wiH not spool hr drawnd." Opiolss, bo bsHoras. •reads* o**ry In das try ia.rrrry part f tba eoaatry. ReonossUta of As Wattnb Capital •n»d a note of caution to tboao to rboia any optimistic statosssat ia to on at its fans raise saAar Iban or Rs real awaniac. Tbey poiat ant ■rat a labor Asrtago doss not a os A •rily nest Aat ovary man to thr -ooirtry bar a Jab, bat Aat Aoro rr Jobs saoagb If tvsry man sMhial i Job coaid got Is A Ns sawmnV t say tiaso ia bMory, baa over aac- j rikatiaci af Itkf that all Jake ar taaa (ft ever. Thu at tha pmmt tW bare am States with too amay farm laad* a ad Stataa with a eryia* aaad db a laiwfal dame ad far MW •harm which caa ast ha foaad aad radaa with Ik Med la Wren wha saa •at Bad woric. It is faadimaatal and ■aimtry.wlda csodttlaai which tha Jipartmiat af Lahsr saatUcn. and With practically every ladaatry la tha oaantry tiring aa amca am, and rith Wan Street ml tha haakta* In lararta raaiWuWg oydalia, It la nat IMWIt te nad Into pradlatlaaa af aamal ywiperity. Barit, at UaatT" •ha mdtore jalfiat of HaaarUaJ pra^irtty ta aa. and wa wont « VA.-C LAND BANK APPOINTS AGENTS WDUNNMSTBCT ploc* <5(<to kaak Ami YOUNC, IUT A YOVJNG ASK LOCAL Al KMUNEYf ImA r. Ymw Ttob Of " ' •< TL Mato laak aat THat Cw> tar tfcr VkcUU-CajaUaa Jatot Mato Lai Mwfc, aai Taaag aai Baal Law to« tfca »toaaH»i to tLLto Li* lijiMl.W lator »a«Uto»ir»». 2t Mm Ar.A lr«» * Ab ba hi I Mi ba W «. A rus-. A *• la Am mi

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