THE DfflW DISPATCH MaUMOO IVKI ■ A • nu TUSSDAYS AND IHMYI u mA ran __at ni j' fii'igm suMcatmoK uni: ~ On* Year__MN ii Month!.101 lime Month*--—_-M CAM Pt AETAMCi D^pUtT* AU**drpsrtmowU'af % Dispatch caa he nnlul theaggh UJo pfcooe liS. Cammankal'ona own lie* topics as* Wetted, hot no dee aU cimafaa e«aa the tender *f s*eh »—■elf r ani mat (aratah as with Ui name. It ia not.. that the bum he •• ihlkhvd, hut we insist that It he gtena as aa eel den»a of good faith. ■hart acenoats of we&iagv aster taiata dah maetlaga, eac^ ara ■ invited. EFFICIENCY IM COVUNHEMT -■j> honed day's week fee aa how That ta what Haaaihal U Gedwia «U kuid upon in the fatal* man apemaBt af county. That, too. la Us reply to th* Kc r uhHema complaint that tastaa ara tea It'gh. Mr. Oodalu decs eet admit that tacaa ate too high, ner that tha tag ij«r ilaeao't get tall eadat sad mate for eeary dollar ho pays foe schools for reads and for maty aad stale irewiamwt He rises root end, however, that these 1a a large opportunity for fam .wring the rnethadl of expeading Mhlic meoejn. Be, as chairman of Ike Democratic vsee stive iiammittf. rxpecta to sac that more HWart M thods »r« Hum la Harnett Ceoa tr With this ml in view ha has ttIM a meeting of the executive com. Hthe far 1 iniagtsa Mossday, Aar T. h this meeting he win place hie pleas ha'ata the sinHUn. La ter they win he givm to the Demo «mtic candidates who are to fiB the variaaa consty eflkes altar the next sllttl— The Dispatch has hed Util* of which to complain to the management of county affairs by the Democratic 5e;ty. The tdtot balder* hare dost a< weB as they pattihly can Id do. probably sneer the present methods Bat it always has had aa Idea that the methods. It cammende Mr. God wfo’e ideas to the eeenty. It may ha that me am make ear tax dotton -ring rvan mare than they art now bringing, to spit* ef the fact that the Meath Carolinian gets mart far Ida tax** than doe* usy ether tax payer to the eeantry. LEND A HAND Nearly fear yearn ago oar hoys who andertoek the job of Hckiag the kaiser came twinging back to at who were wsittag with welcoming arms, happy hearts and HI aorta of ptoatiaa* of what wa ware going to do far them Lt the years to rams, In the hyWerto a' victory wa promised many things which we can never deliver. Bat there - are same firings we ehonld have dew* and haven't fa the fonr years dace wer teuton ttw Dan* District hat not given K* csddtera aa math as a picnic. Wa aal 4am hava even roeagtitoad ear vet c ran* except at swab times at « a a* ted them to parade la the things wa tom* striven to pat aver for etb *"• uaqr an* ui un Heal peat af tka American Lrgioo naked tor kelp. That ru when it ptopwd a little abww to wldrk tka nnawit; waa invited Tka |a« k awpperted aoleiy by tka dura In member pay. It kaa tea bend O iartara hart and tkaaa kaalnaaiteM nrv cap. idn. It U tka plane at wUab tl-.a hay; aka rawed ia tka anay er •••y *r wriae eery® father tor iw tmaflaa - id compawfawaklp. Ta add a adt to tba toad whieh wppart three toadqwartcn the U «'•» haa ewdertakro to profitably Maya tka R'dralh CtiauatM kart «*»• awadh. The pcepraaa wOI near tkaaa MdO and Otero wiH ha aeroe •(tor txpaaan—probably nathf tht total to MM to an. Tka Lcptoa maw atand aa^t# thla rape nee. It will have •Mat aril tfcketa to aadtoieni number to pwy tka MB ar pa toto Ha ~ .sji£ I baiter* tha eouad policy for abaafoU liberty ot 4 to protect Itkya aafo claat camteas at tha polio* power W the Qoremiaeal; bet plceao he av ««•* tint 1 oely differed wit*. yoe t* the extent ny wire too* through deep Mariettas mow the eubjoct. “I rtifly Where Bnt tha tut tkat our Country tram on* end ta tin i«thar la ahaa* aa aimed tup today. I rah at riot, ktoodehad and tawleee -tan ia duo to the effort* of the Owe emmet to adfnrt too indaatHal ran treraiatee out of which the trwebb •row*, butaad of krtagtng dleoxderij paaplo to enter wVth rack force* m ie Becamery." CONOKATULATKms TO NOEL AH neewir wa hare bean waiting tar George Noel** tea plant ta break down aa w* could write our neaal ouauntr editorial* about the Inedo uaaey at too commantty** ica capply. Bat bo Jute will act giro aa a chance. Two or tkro* tianf we ahnoat bare had bln, but erory that any part of hi* goaza would mltapea bo would pl around to John Thornton1* bru in* machine and bar* tha tkirwrtm oteff before are bad found out toot bo wan (Upping. k'« been a bard Job for George T. bat ha to* put R orer to Ter. Wr karau*! anything bat pratea for him. Long any ho traro. FIBST BAND CONCCJtT For At Srat dan ataeo H wu otg aatead a you or mare age, with too warid-reaownod Alfred Schmidt u ita coed actor, to* Dean Band will fir* a Sanday afternoon eoarert next Sunday am Lueknaw Square. Thera* after Ureagk tha xaanwr month* to* concerto will bo regnlar errata. I umuMmuauaMmMammmom*m* _ --- mwcw. -i .i .■ t ■ y Dm should be proud of iu Uui It to Mifa up ef young men of III town oho tore Dunn dlxlr* to give the .town the entertalaaml Inci dent to the fiwente of a good mu il eal organisation kero. They ate not paid for the nervier they give «h* community. They bought their own Mioiaiats and. except for a email turn given bp Was in me men towarJ the porches* ef unlfotma. have had no outside financial The Sunday concerts am rr« No body wiU ho aaked for money. Kerry body to tovlted to hear them. A few weeks ago tho organisation wont to Kinston as a goal of the Shnaers. Other band?, numerically larger, were there. Bat none waa giv en *o much praise ae that from Done under the leadership or iienry 0 Shell. What Kinston paid hnivl'-omrlj to hear, you are invited to hear foi nothing. Give the boys a good aodirnet Sunday. FIRST BAND CONCERT TO BE HELD SUNDAY Good Program Will Be Rendered Or Ladeeeo Square Frem 6:50 Te 8.30 O'clock Tho initial Sunday nfu-moon eon coto promised by the Dunn Band wit be hold aa Lucknow Square 8ut>ilaj from 6:80 to 6:30 o’clnrk, it mu an nounced this morning by Kugrne T Lee, manager of the hand. The hoys havo been practicing fo aom* time for this concert Slid extern a cordial invitation to tho public t< com* and hear them. The program fallows: Rlngilng Bros. Favorite_Marc! Tuekj Home ... Pox Tro Bluebird_ Walti Wang-Wang Mluou__Noveli; Too Hoo . —--Fox Tro “Mew I Cleared The Mill ef RaU", b] A Teeker. R. I. “An night watchman believe 1 ban aaen more rats than any man. Dogi wouldn't dare go near them Sol •1.R6 package of BAT-SNAP, tmldr of d weeks cleared them aH out. Kill •d theta by tho score every night Goaaa the rest wars scored away. IT: saver be without RAT-SNAF.'VThrei Am' I6c, 66c. $1.36. Sold oniguar anteod by Butler Brothers; Hood 4 jQradfhhm; Mjleon and Lae. Invercargill _ SUr Spangled lie la indeed a who g«U hi* last below aid month's AMERICAN BOYS! THE CHAO AC HA Under taka P*u» SOON START TO TICKETS AT Fine Bill Good Cast In 1 Drunk, Several j Humorous Nt Two ant 9 la Af The Cha-talk-' path's inimitable Hay, August *, and night i picas of the , in s fear days agent* ' you offering season tlel m!t you to each and i once, at ft each. Rig and good things ■ bf tills year's Wednesday afternoon ' concert by Dunbar’s qua rtrt. This X concert as a part of* gram following its i root. Other noted entertainer* an the bill ■r*: 'Is-cv C. Heffner and Andrew Lae.'ii •I rtr. V cturars; Ike Dixie Duo in cou rt't, Kuftmvc Know In humorona tea "e-ronstlco*, and compare pro--«t)l< lag Ike irre*iitittr comedy-drama. “F-icidly Kncmlea. Friendly F.nemle* will fcatura Thn-*day night program. The Own taonua Bureau any* of the play: Pedpath patron* have com* lo look forward to the production rarh year , of a notable dramatic »ucne» on th> Chautauqua program. Tn the prei auek nccturr a* “It Fay* to Advar aitien” and “Nothing But ton Truth* have been presented. THm year thi | dellght'sl comedy. “Friendly Enc mie*,“ will be the feature drumath ( offering. - “Friendly Eneirr'ea*’ is bn Irrerdet I iblc comedy that fuiily rune over will I laughs, but there are alto moment] • of heart gripping pathos. Audience in all part* of Arocricn have alter nately laughed and wept at it* vatic. • complications. The plot center* aboat the con r flirting convtctiorfr of two lifrluni • fritnd* who finally couipo'e their dif ' *■ **W j ilcnltic* ' love or a father for hU von, a hu» Iw.J for hie wife, and a man for hit r*,uhtry. ••Frkutlly Enemies” Is more than i j ftKtklmtr comedy. It is a play whtd ji* y nolnely ha man iu> well oa tre I ..» ndoa.iT intv'rosting. ‘•Ktiendly Enemies” will be pre ■ ecelcd I ent by fi notable company o: f.i». New York actor*, organised b; William J. KclgtJey, manager of th Ww York City l*roduclng Depart went of Lie Rrdpalh Bureau. DUNN PASTOR PREACHES TO BAPTISTS AT COAT! Rev. Elbert N. Johnson Mehss Fin Intprorslon—Professor Lyach Lends The Mask A rem * of meetings began at th t! Coals Kapti'l Church Monday, Jul i 101 h. Rev. Elbert N. Johnson, panto .iflnptist. chaich of Dunn, doing th II ;trca« hltijr and Prof. E. A. l.ynch a j lin e i Creek, N. C., leading the mi .'sic. M:r JnlniMin has dellverad ton . *tli tints "ormnns, and up to thin wri ,ing iheir hue been several additions to the church, the meeting wilt pro bwbly close early pert of this week, thoea attending the meeting (eel very much Indebted to Mr. Lynch for the matt excellent music rendered. Beginning with July I Oth there hna beta free instructions given in vocnl music nt Cunt* School Auditorium by Prof. A. E, Lynch to nil the cititon* of Grove Township who cared to • aeeopt this unusual offer, and :i good ! many has shown considerable Interest ' in this training, the lessons will be i given each day until the 2Mb Inst. ■' We feci that the ability to dng ij 1 quite an asset to the r'.iiseoo ol any community. Us! more your standing your ability and who '?!V^ L 111 111 II I I — UII llll—B I IIM———————— naHMMCVWMErr v ,'. « * ^vV^ifa Illustration of the Purchasing Poorer of $502.50 Jul'11 Bhii.n-il W.»m-1 i, an ifdu.-trious farmer and » Packman. resides on the “Old To.n tiioy” fo.m V.t rCi h" jiurol *wd t«.ciiillyJJH"2 mllaa southeast of Uradchaw. No uiukri. On AutfuA M, 11.21, lie decided to «0Ver with Life Insurance ■ mortgage of $16,000 on this farm »f :?20 ucrus. and n|rutc mutt tint inmire the Insurance. He was thir.y-i-ijrht year* of nxv ntid in the grout vigorous period of life. Thru- policies. N'o.y o:5165-M;6-4C7 Jhr $6,000 each, wore ioeuod to him bv tiie N< w England Mutual Life Insurance CiApany. of Boalcm, Massachusetts. through the agency of die Moote-MOCoy Company, district Managers at York, Nebraska. These t-oeUar'.r, which were dp the Ordina Lifo Perfection Plan, contained Sliu famous Dioal-ilily Jirr.efi. Oausek v.hioi guar -ccs to iniure the inauiancc In Uic event of to ml rmnent d'lability yom sickne or accident. Just 30 days after thrsa contracts wero iiaued, October 6. 1981, Mr. Wie nek, while engagi-d in ueisy woi for hia kitdhesi range, on a email circular saw J driven by a gas engine. noRced that in sleeves ware unbuttoned. Ha fastened the left sleeve ar.d learheii over tnl button w right, when in some manner the left touched and caught upon the teeth elf the si . Both hands went drawn downward in a crossed ,d«ilion, end be'ore bo mull jerk »m away, both were entirely severed about two inches above the wrists. Ills life, Sto over, was saved. The comnlct'vl paper* in lonacd ion with a total diaabiUty elalm were rceoivad in Dutton, November 7th. r.nd oich-rk for $150.00, w»s immediately forwarded. Payment of all further pramium wilj bo waived; brace all that has been paid, or c»n be paid by h:m, is the fir* annuel premium of $602.60. Mr. Weasels will receive each month * <-h«rk for $tS<)l»r ode ye* cent of th« face of the policies, for the bal ance of Sic i:fe. The Cc npanu will alio continue to pay him the usual dividends, and no will have the options of fValh Si rronder and Lose Values In hia policies exactly as if he wort- paying picmhims. X Fur liver moor, at death hia ilrrf :Urv will receive tka full —euet of $16,000. The aufeguarda of this nouderfu Perfection Poliey form a strong bulwark of pro tection ngainst life’s viruuitudlj. The contract of the New England Mutual Life lu'oiinnce Company nosara^* tmd t pgreo of excellence which leaves nothing to bo de tjrcd or in which nothing r.v|u «te is wanting. It is iiaued only to persona who rule a., standard risks. X in sum I n Sore Insurance Now England Mutual Life) naaraace Company, Bailee. Maaaachuaesta B GEORGE'L. CANNADY, Ageul —DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA ■ Money to Lend! * / % We are in the business of lending money to far ^rs of North Carolina. We can make you a loan on your farm up to one-half of its value >1uk one-fifth of the value of the in surable tmildings located thereon, on long term, xj f>ayable in small semi-annual install ments. • It is not necessary to take stock. '*r • You don’t have to be farming your land i.. ;i y particular manner. There is no liability on Accmfot of default rj fellow-borrower. No commissions are charged. \ You may pay your loan back any\ime afu r one year by special arrangement or it may run for twenty years. \ Maximum loan $37,500.00. \ ^ \ There is no red tape and no delays. \ This bank will give as prompt service in < losing these loans as it is humanly possible to give. - A You can find out more about these loant»Yiy applying to State Bank fit Trust Com pany, or Young. Best fit Young, Attorneys, write > • v ———- 1 ... 1 ■ —■ '■ '■■■*% '■■■1 ■ ■■■■■■—■—II ■ ■ ■ ■ — . * . f « - i I The Virginia-Car olina Joint Stock Land Bank Elizabeth City, North Carolina