• * * ■ b * ■* * • L O C A L * >. * i ♦ » r f * Ex ten live repair) and additions rs c.ntly have boon made to the home . ( Ur. and Mr*. OUa P. Shell. A now root of paint bad added Much to (be beaaty of tha handsome lio.no of Mr. xnd Mia D. H. Hood. W. H. Parrish left this morning for liaxifeaton, 8. C., where ho will • p Mid several da71 on bualneaa. Mol). Holliday returned Wednee «!.' j from Richmond, whsia he had ten to purrhaao goods for the 'Itrmi and Holliday Company. Mis* Allenc Fnuier of Winston "nlem, rjK'nt the week end in Dunn • b* gnrot of Mas Elisabeth Thomp : on. Mrs. C. C. Fordnam, rolomsd yas ’riduy tu her home In Gresnahoro. fh» ramc here to attsnd the fuaeral of her mother, Mra Jeanette Barnes. Mr*. B. l>. Maribbum has returned to her home la Eebulon. She was bare u> attend the fuuem) of her mothsr, M.i. Jeanetta Barnea. MU* Mitrjnne Godwin has return od U> achool at Slats College after pending eceerel days here with her parents, Mr. and Mm. Hannibal l ' .vdwirt. Jeff Barnes Wilson, of Selma, ir here to visit his aaat, Mrs. A. L Newberry. He probably will spend tha rummer, since he says Dunn la tha 1 ret town under tha sun. Met). Holliday, Hap Holliday and Malcolm Philips, all of the Barnea A Holiday Company, left yoaterday loi Mich Point, where they will porehaae furniture for the Company'* fall trcde. The meeting at South Dunn Chap el, conducted by Rev. J. E. Everett, continue* to grow in Interest. Ser vice* will be held Saturday night, Sunday afternoon and Sunday night Tb* public 1* invited. Rev. Elbert N. Johnson has return ed from Coots, where he conducted a .-cries of revival meeting* for ten day* Sixteen additions were made to the rhuroh membership through hi* preaching. Jim Smith, who'for many year* has been known as on« of the beat auto mechanics la the Dunn District, has accepted tbs position of ehief me chanic at the Smith and MeKay gar age to succeed Elmer E. Polk, who now la with Z. V. Snipes W. A. Gutney in suffering from a broken arm as the result of an ac cident at his aaw mill In the Spring Branch section this morning Hr was hero Just before noon to,have the arm dreuvd by Dr. Wallace E. Coll rand. Electric signs have been installed during the last few days fer Heed L (iiuitUiam. Wilson and Lee and the Young Hotel. Several other* have been ordered by sate>l>r)rlag merch ants and within a short time Broad street will out shine Broadway at night. Cleburne Wilson, undisputed champion wrestler of Dann, and Washington Moors, the unknown, wit! stage a wrestling match at the Johnson mill pond next Tuesday for Ihr ebampionahip of the Dunn Dis trict. The boot will go to the winner of the first three out of flvo lolls. Hood and Grantham and the State Bank and Trust Company, owning the adjoining buildings in Broad Street which house many of the law oOcvs of the profession here, are remodel* nig the upper atories af the bsild Inga and are making of the ofbcea the most attractive In town. Darn negroes are planning a big picnic ami ball game next Tuesday when tj|r Odd Fellow's excursion comes in from Durham, bringing, It believed, nearly 1,004 passenger* Tbe picnic Is to be held si H. P. Johnson’s mill pond about Arc mile* silt of Dunn. A charge of 60 cents will be made for IranuporUllon to and from the pond and swimming. The Democratic Executive Com mittee af Harnett County Has been called by Chairman H. L. Godwin (a meet in Lillington Monday, August 7. One at the things to coasa before the moeling will be the choosing af a successor of J. W. Jordan, nominee for county commissioner, srho has found that hia business maksa it Im perative that he decline to accept the nomination. A large construction ferae engag ed In laying now track an the north bound line of the Atlantic Coast Lina will camp hare within the next few days. They are placing 46-pound rails and are building between Park ton nod Contentnea Junction. O. L. Chit wood, chief of the signal man In the party, was hare loot night and said that he expected to have hie force here this week. Surreyort are now at woxh platting three passible routes for the State highway between Dunn and Lilting, ton. Hash of theeo are on tbi north side ef the Cape Peer and lout) Buies Creek and Duka. One eemei by way ef Joel Layton plantation Another eomeo between H and Mm mk vkltk earnm by Coal* Halibi of fha mki will girth* • kwa b» t«r**n Bilti Cr**h irt Dob* nny ih* am by C**t*. T. L 11Mb, unikry at Dm Chi»bif at Cammaraa, 1 L> Oad win, J. L, Thomyaan, William Tbowp aon art gavAal aOtar hkalaggg awi of Dm will fa I* Dm laaDhfll Fuel Mr at Hawlrt ml waafc wMh i a riew to studying peach growing me hod» in ordtr that they nay institute Heat in Harnett County. Mr. Thomp »n now If clearing a large area on lie farm near Sleeuasb to sat out hun ireds of poach tree*. Mr. Godwin ex seels to set out eoveral hutulrtd on lis lands nearer Dunn. Mtsa Elizabeth Thompson left to iay for Raleigh, Chapel Hill and Louisburg, where she will be a guest at houseparties given by echeoi friends. Mr*. Etbert N. Johnson will re turn tomorrow from Wagmmi, Bcot and county, where ah* has been ela ting for the past eeveral days. Mr. and Mrs. P. Y. Currie and two tons, Joseph and Hubert, anti Mrs. R. M. Currin of Oxford, war* here Wednesday the guesta of Mrs. J. E. Crockett and Mr*. K. II. Eubanks. rV'y wore cs rout* to WrightsviH* Beach where they will spmd several luya. Mr. end Mra. T. C. Young and fam ly of Smithfield, visited relatives tore Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Wallare E. Cottranc ipent Sunday in SmlthAeld with Mra. Coltrane’s parents, Mr. and Mr*. T. ft. Hood. Jtev. X. I. Olive, pastor of the First Baptist church of Mt. Airy has re turned home after a visit to rela Jvei In Dunn and Cumberland conn y Carey B. Taylor, sporting editor >' the Durham Herald, was here this week visiting Ms perents, Mr. and Mre. James A. Taylor. Mr. sod Mrs. P. M. Eascll, after spending several day* her* with Mr. EzxeU’s mother, Mrs. J. D. Kaacll. returned today to their home in Ox ford. Mr. end Mre. K. A. 8t*wart have returned to their home in Durham, sfter visiting Mrs. Stewart’s parents, ki. - - -J U _s. ■ r *+-«--i» lin Mary Lynn ButU and aon. Hubert, ara < • pan ding the Wi rk in Norfolk and Ocean View, Va. The Falcon Camp meeting will be told thii your from Aagaat 24th to leptrabar 2nd, moluaive. Rev. IS. D. Reeve* of Roanoke, Va., Rev. A. O. Doner of Peteraboro, Ontario, Can ida, and other* will do the preaching. Preparation* are being made to en tertain a large oroanl during tha ien dnya. HUDSON-ST eW ART Mil* Naomi Stewart, daughter of 2f. J. MoSU'Wurt o' Coat*, and Mr. Barnard Radio a of Banaon, ware |ui*t}y married In Dunn, at the home if Mr. W. H. Crimea, Wedneaday rrening, In th* proaenc* of a few relative*. Rev. E. N. Jubnton, paator if the Pint Baptiat church of Dunn, m the oCcdathig miaUtar. Mr. and Ha. Had*** lift immo Jlately on a twcrlAg- mpaiMf. REVIVAL MEETING Revival meeting at Antioch Bap tiat chunk. Falcon, begin* Friday night July Slat and continue* through following week. / Evening nervier at 2 adMock and morning nrvipw^OsJ 1 lock. Rev. R, PSpkJn of Mount OBva and Rev. Lonnie limn pf Rocky Mount, wfll condoct aerrieea Ringing wfll bo in . charge of a special ehoriiUr. ' I The public le cordially Invited to _- I B. Y. r U. FROCK AM ‘ Monday evening July 24. at a o’-' clock. Mlm Clara Johnson, group leader Subject: Why should wc have tbo , right kind of faith in Christ? Scripture Reading, Hebrews 11: j 1-10, by Mr. Ivon Bailey and Mr. jMord Dowd. i j i Talk: The importance of Faith— ! —A brief surrey of ecripturv texts, . by Mia Fve Strickland. Piano Duet: By Mieeee Myrtle Pope anil Madia Bell. ] Talk: Intellectual and emotional ' faith, by Mr. O’Brien. Vocal Solo: By Mr. J. O. Warren. Talk: Examples of lack of will, by Mlw Evelyn Bridges. Violin Solo: by Mr. Robert Jordan. Talk: Saving Faith—Some thing* that lead to saving faith and sons* evidences of saving faith, by Mias Whylma Naylor. Poem: By Mrs. Batts. RELATES STORY OF ! BATTLE AT MINE Inquiry Into Clifton Mia. Clash Adjourned Until Friday; ! Wrilsborg, W. Va.. July 18—The inquest into the death of Sheriff M.IL . Duval and three other men who war* h lied in the attaek oa the Clifton m;ne. near Cllftonville yesterday, was ndjourm d late today until Friday •vb-n i; became evident there was •ome confusion in the mind of a 'oreifn witness who was testifying th roach an interpreter. The witness. a Hungarian non •rtion, while reciting hie story of the h;hL. sai l he saw tw* men standing near the tent colony and firing at th7 depaty sheriffs Ho later arlthdre* this statement, and it eras explained * that the interproter was unable to da term bit Jaet whet the wUnea Other Wltnaaaae. . Deputy aheriffa who took part li tha Sphl vara tha atha.' wltneaec* Georpa CaldvaQ, a prominent Walla btyr buiineaa man. taatt'iod that th. Invader* rwehcd down the kill Brtnj itnd yelling ma they run, and draft th< dcpotlai to cover behind a freipb car. llara they vara lohjtctrd, hi ■aid, tu a heavy fire (from the tan: colony. Ho detailed tha flpfct arount the tipple. laylnp that/the mob ehnrp ad tha dapaUai thru* timaa baton they vara finally driven off. Hlph J Badeliffe, another deputy, dt riled the jury by deelarin* that ka hai ■eon >ix dead mm daring tka flpht The oAelal account of the dead to fni U Sheriff Duval pad thrve of tka at tackinp party. Another vitneaa, J. C. Edvard*, mine auperiiitrndrfit ■aid th* voundad hfd been taken from th* min* and plvcn firat aid o« a farm nearby. Tha/Owner of tbt farm, who vaa taid te have been r former ualen minor, vaa arreded and taken te WhaallA W. 8. Wdkane, p^fcutlng aitor nay of Brook* count*, raid tooiphi that ia toon at tha fequeot it com plated, the evidence iron Id b* laid ba'on. a medal rrnjvii Jury, and if indictment* were foaRd thr aerated would he broupbt loftrial within a nonth. JOHNSTON COUNTY CAN BOAST I BEST JERSEY COW* IN STATE Smiths eld, July li — Johndam -ounty kiu the diettwAon of kariwe hr three bed jeneja com ia the >tat*. I. r. Uatle, vM Uoaa da mile-i v« # at here at WUwa’i MO*, mu thaaa Mwa, bring a part at hla dairy herd. Mr. Vial* baa Jurt reeeWed a latter treat Steely Caaba. Dairy hyert— tallrt. whlah Informed hla that hit three Jeraay cava, Pagia, Meaab Daaaael, and draco. had beat the far mer renter « year aid rtate record. Pag* onrM the rtate record by about 1M poaadi. Tbia goal vaa id reached all at am but 1j the raeakt at pendetaat effort ea the part at Mr. Umle. Me mr haa a hoed at M eew» aS at vhiah are at eadaent bleed. qceta.' Lrleare (Would bo aeod. not < There*! ahrayi vech to be around an i — "Wlfo caaning Iwt aurtOOT vvrtl at ooab mg breegte rate. We wedt to teen, £ -P but M eotatde ear tend. ,We mat ritmma. XAT-8tfAT. Three___ __ a2* «»*«*atoed bp W0 auywr;—« — 0~t’w-; "Who® you wHo starts ta talk dean N* knew when ta stagT” *1 don’t know yrt; Cm only beta Married ala* years.”—London Aa cwoc*. LOCATING THE sanwoop TV M who knock a town IT which thoy lhr*, a easily an* tha wary *m who fall ta pay yoU tanas, aad oogloot ta onto on * lection day.— Haw soMaas da wa heoa anything U say that la worth saying. U H wasn't Nr No payroll. Veto doss would v a happy partlrte la a ndoaaan aad No goods Itias [.color* aro cnloocaon, too. Booty MB on jays being cheated by a Uhl labor at Wart owes, hornnsr V can than heart abort H. A rtlswasa can't holy gathering la a decent gaata of ardors If V will expose Wassolf U raangb ha yore. H ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ »V;.' _ ^^H»s •' \j* * ^KSj.-,' I incpfl UVtfmi MIHTMI I I iii i !'! Bai | ! ! ! |§; i H I ( * ' We have a suite in oak, ! ing at attractive when you see The several we have on j —but them now. sets. See them. | CANNING I We have every tiitg needed for home canning: U JARS s CANS CLASSES AND OUTFITS BUTLER BROTHERS 1 IDuna, N. G x Varina, N. G

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