■&. m t — ii. i MhaasaM _ Head Of Cotton -^^"Association Gets Not A Cent Salary Denounces Report That He Was To Get Pecuni ary Reward For His Interest In Co-op ••alive Marketing Omtag .«• ttib dtp ti **° with bpt fftton bondrtd <of°D *>•!• r tohk srtdit and litt"* toi* V**^ ***» U ttoj “'I ‘irtjjtVrTBk MUm •to. wto.1to Ma aartp. day*, i I, la thdt to la •toO> Carolina Cot > 4a Udatoato. ■t «( Ma Ufo. or battor rtlll, ' ttot.ygrt (rf Ma «** rwmim to ba .-.to**. B^w^i-toMaa • "to r to to ■to^ti a ropa—tlMi ia *, kb • Mbto* to • .aaa who gat raaato-to* bto bvtct ontarad apon jt*. aaythtog |al attatototo aa ha W«to toto, aaga&igad atoodadon. -IU-4i too * roast alMiti anxious to , «ok hto*to ft*, y Tew mm bar* dota abat W. B. . Aattin hi M tfto to Whisk : to* Ito*. Bt to* kallx a* tto tooal *M of «to W to tfeb part af Ito aatto* toX. Ho tod addad aataid toimaato of,d*U*» worth of woattk to tto,stop Pi toriBBakd and ato codptp of Ma*a. Ba', whflo akabtog a raacrd for hbaatlf tot, at tto sans* tfwa, acMagiktod aaa far this (dtp B* to* aaaaifl to* lights <rf tto •* um city. tM im «me pride u4 ha la a tirel*** worker far tha Willing up of Ma tow* and oounty. TUs ia what haa canard tha brtngteg forth of thi* artiei*. It ia not an easy joh to gala ou tran*# to the oSoa of Mr. W. B. ■ Auotin’a ualem it ta to dieeuee fam ing or problem* of that nature If job want ta talk cotton, oorn or to bacco than ha to ready and waiting to talk to any paraoa white ar hlodt That nrrex makas any difference «tth thtomraa. But ta go there jaat ta talk about thing* ta general and hare it aaaounead that thaab ia a new^eper nun waiting far an hkterrtew, than that ta aawathlng ala*. H* ta a bay man bat tbu time ha is jaat aa eax fona to talk far the pram aa h* la to taB hla tenant* how ta plant hla cot ton and when to row hla oata, ole. Bat ha did not know what waa com ing thto time fi* did not know wheth er ha waa going to be a toad about a dill piekle factory or the probability of mm cotton MlU’a rbantea of lo cating bar* ta hto atty. Mat anyhow ho waa ready. "There to a lemur out that the cot ton grower** mentation tg jjeytng you tha bandeom* aalaiy of 440,000 par yadr. There to alao another ram - or thad tide mieryia jaat 410,000 bat whatever K ia, or it la not, tha people of tMa eeunty want to know It.” TM» waa the opening of the Intern!cw. Mtttog at Ma dato aa though be neVer Board a ward of tha ah are queatlon, tha eotten man moved dour ly and rebrhad for an adrartiaemeat which he had on hi* dato uad toning back arid. "Mr fitaud I her* bean Un tUo afternoon ■tady+n* otot thli >Un *f'p*pen It Mi ellppod from ,OM «f fte HIMMIIM In tola State and it ha ire Ml mo to (fro K aadi reatedomtiao red 1 am. gUd Hut ] tteoo Hu opportonltr of talking tot too pita te mod to to* ^intia PM km Joat ate) MO. Pi rat, I <k iMt'dMW an pipap fan to* Kortk Carolina Otto® Groaram* annotation I hart already f«l mr •1,000 Ol HP cm mommy am trip* for too aa» • rtatioi ; la am I ho** Joal to Sn Of Hu -I tret o • Wo tl*n 4 treat! ' a. I. , aider. 1 ua working for the !■•■■■ of the faihiere and theee people who am patting out thle propaganda are working for theonaWea. They will lean everything when thi* organ i an ben la walking. “I have heard all about thoaa ra ta oea apd I can readily under*tend why yon aome her* thi* nfter □ to tell the people of r_. that t ia Jaot aa onxloaa (ho other Termer* into tin ** oociatioa aa I waa to get Into It W mkL h ia going to ba the lugoat and atrongeat digaaiaatioa la tko world." Bmithfleld Oboorror. CITIZENS INVITED TO ATTEND MEETING WiU Ba tuid ba Chnmbwr Cone ”***" day Night ' Every eitisoa of Dana it tori tod to attend a meeting la tha room* of (he Chamber of Commerce next Toesdajr night when matter* of vital import ant* to the community will tome be fore that body far coattderattoa. %e~ fualiaaanta wfll he nerved and matte will bi farniabil. Among tha aaora Important thing* tram tha hid |Uwa whan laat year people added a aul cinally-owned betel to their already lony U«t Of community owned enter prise*. Tba Warren ten' hotel wn# bxflt st e cost of 1100,000, which ■wn was raised throayfc the sale of municipal bonds to ertnens of War ran ceoaty. The Chamber of Commerce will present this matter to the ehlaena la the Tuesday niyht mertmy. If they sndont K. the matter will be taken ■p with the hoard of town eomsds tioaen with (he request that they pe tition the legislature to permit them to Imus bonds for the purpose 4t buildlny the hotel .The eomaaiesdonen detira to know the will of the eltiseas and are anxious that they Met with the chamber and rvprf their views. Them art several other matters which tbs Dispatch Is not at liberty to name to coat* before the meetiny. They are matters ta which every per son la town ia interested All ere in vited to attend the meetiny. You owe It to ye rraelf sad your town to at tend. CLAIM WAYNE LOGICAL PLACE FOR CHAMBER Geidskeee To Malm Attempt To Gat Eastern Caealtee Chamber Gpldeboro, August 1— When Goldsboro repreasntstivca baytn their My Mow at Wilson Thursday, Aur not I, to briny tho aastera. Carolina ■■f w urmwnnnuon •trietly oa the ironnde of merit.’ac eerdiey to local Chamber of Cam nverec Secretary W. A. Denmark They wlB not e#er on# nlekla Oa u . inducement. Kfaetoo and other Mb I era OaroUna towna ere aall to bo ready alao to make a determined light I far Ala organisation whoa* tonottoa wHl extend aear I# eoantiaa. j' Secretary Denmark aaye that the aapodar VaSraad faaUIOea,' tho near ! aooo to Malolfh. aad too foot that , Oolhtwi la more caatraUy laeatod agrleahardhy am the contention* on which tho ftaefi* to brine tho general erraniaation horn, will be made. » ■ mama.aM ■ I 5 ' SmltMeld, Jaty »1_Brnaoe da fa*led SmltMoU bam tkla afternoon ,1 to I by hammering Scott for twe ( ran* in th* third, «*ttfa* a load ( which tho local* worn anabl* to near I* fenb»a. who mltorad Scott, pitch I ad goad ball, kaaytag hi. kit. wel >. that ha alto bad. Xadthor ftom Smwad DRIVE TO SIGN-UP t WiU Give Co-Op. 78 Per Cee* Of EatWted Yield in North Carolina Raleigh, August 1,—With Its org anisation for handling thla years cot ton crop of its ilsnben cocaplata, the North Carolina Cotton Growers' Co-operative Association it eondurt ing ah Intensive drive this month to bring Its total sign-up to six hundred thousand hales, which will be 7i per cent of the cot has ted yield In North Carolina. • U. B, Blalock, of Wadesboro, gen cml manager of the AmocUtlw, was kept (busy most of the week loeldag after his duties as president of the North Carolina Farmers' convention, which was In Mssian at West Fslilgh He Is moving kts fatally to Nals%h and will devote kla entile time to lookltg after the affaire at the head aoartpr* of th« AitfvUtlnn Arrangement* for eetslbUaMnf for eign ceiroecUoim to handle the fear hundred thousand bale* that kata been elgncd up by the association, wero mado laet weak at a conference of directors of atvoral Southern cot ton graders' co-operative associa tion*, which era# attended by Prod'' foot W. H. A eat la, Dinecton B. W. Kilgore and L- D. Roblnoon aad Gea tral Manager Blalock, of the North Car-41 no aaaneintloo. Oienley B. How irt e prominent Atlanta cotton mar ch .nt, how been (employed by the Mi rth Carolina. Georgia and Alaba ma eaenciatlao ae aaiot manager to handle their cotton. Arrangement! for financing the handling of the cotton of the Co-op erative anaortetieae baa proven to be the eaelept teefc of ell The War 71 naMce Corite rati an baa agreed to lean the North Qproiina association to the amount of .ten mflUoa dollar*, bat It la not naq^Aed that It will he aaeea ton at the time he delivers it ho the amocimtion. He aecoras thin advance by attaching bis warahotme receipt or bill ef lading to a eight draft on the association. The later advances wlH be made no the ootto* la marketed. ENEMIES OF EDUCATION DRAW A BROADSIDE “State* Ki*h*e" Oppaaaote of Dm ' partaeoot *f Edweatiea Anew* rad Washington Aug. 1—Certain op pone ate of the Towner-Sterling MU, now before Cong ram, .which whan pamad will create a Department ef Education with a Secretary In the ihreddenVa Cabinet, Havfe tried ha arouse oppoadtioc to the bill by the false etatement that It .will Interfere with States' rights, and piece com plete supervision of all State educa tional means and methods In the headi of the Federal Government. A mere reading of the bill 1* eulfi eient to show die absolute falsity of the claim, hot to answer the attack* on the bill la short fedtn, WiUimn B. Owen, president of the National Bdu cetien Aeeooiation. one of th* many organisations behind the bill, be* la sued the following statement: “T have been a participant in th) deliberation* of the gronp that spore sored the Towner-Sterling kill elaci Its inception in IBIS. It was tbo da liberate purpose from the start tt should crests e Department ef M* cities sad provide Federal eld to Ox States for specific educational per poepa. from the start It wee flte east ideas purpose to frame a blH tbe should eoeere these twit mala result and at the same time avoid contrails ad Federal control* over the separat end Independent State systems e public schools. Tbe Townerdherttni bill, in the farm new before Con grew, clearly end unmistakably pee vtdsfr for a Department ef Bdueatiai and Federal aid for pacific purpeae and as elearly sad unmistakably pro vents centre tiled baser oers tie fad oral control, while It safeguard* tk coastltutlestml sad traditional centra ef the separate States ever their rei schools. The National Bdnsetioa Aa ssdatioa bus repeatedly sadsresd th fundamental purposes ef (he Ml Tbe association Is us strongly sppsss to Federal ■ organisation, admlnistn ties, and suporvlsios sf th* pmhd •cheats as It la dies In Up advaeaa of Federal eeeperttioa wttb th* dtafc hi eeauHug ed—BWtid theelts s eienrty national taped end saaei Th* language ef th* MM le dear as unmistakable, lb m m Mi I and read fast* It centre ltaed Fedw * \ Dr A ■am to Ike a fortune iNt • ttU T ■ km wtftlth fifteen «f tha failure to lancertaat. elaborate lots Ttu mt tied at recti an ■nock tha asms caadHlah nrioti with all tha staple crops at fcdi been de termined by Dr. Is corps of laaistarta n, wheat, oats, rys an Tbs man or tha at farmers Information w to assart greater yialda kjr'dkp am af Improved aaad will psWfcSm a real banafaction became fhjfrhi bread and meat will ha offerWyte mill ana Aid this ia fast the Ufcd-of thing tha Dtvialaa of _"' am to do, says Dean Ci. (ho is at ita haad. It ia a... , „ ; to know, too. that ahwdffaogto HttU headway has beam medajn tha pma tical aide «f th* >«%. J . ' At tha present thaa^y If <hi n communitlaa la the lWg'km>oa organised far aaad la there conunonltiaa l a* average tnrvaaaf a# ■ ol lint cotton par acre. bv ersaaa of all the tp erating am salted he l 000. 'For too past sM aac ia caauamtWm ig jj 1 far thh work amaoatfd HARIHNG PLANS TO SETTLE THE STRIKE Mato* rto Specific Propooela To Enocutirea Of Rood* And Strike London Cincinnati, July SI,—Thro (pacific propoaob for tha eettlaanaat of the railroad atriha ar* contained la Praa Wont Hording'* piaa which wiB ha oebteittod to railroad axccaffeaa in Torit aad rail an km haada hi l*llei« tonacrow. It wa* learned ban taelght froaa aa edSdai of tha railroad Wop erafta anion. Tha odB icial. who rafeaad to panalt aa# of [ Wo nano, ftatad ha had aacarad tha jbatortaallaa tea mil an Ian efiteiale la Waahhagton Saturday. Tha flai Prapaaal* Tha tea padfle progenia. accord ing to tha aAdal, iaciad*: 1. That tha inflayai wUl .bid. by Wa dacMaos of tha UaHad Stata Baflmad Labor Board ba tha Man. «. That 'tha natter at aanlority tha mptayaa who raanlatd aa tha Job daring tha atriha will reoatra yrefar aatlal tt aotnaat Mon wha her* boon oa atriha arfll ratam with thoir me lority right* aabjcct to thorn righto •ago) red daring tha ataOca hy aton wha rrmalnad ae tha Jah aad tha aw a lority ad tha bow napiopao win rata from tho Una Ihoy entered tha aar a. TW wan wfli aecopt tka meant ni» rtdtetltaa ai tka « abroad U kar Baud peadtnp a farther whir tko natter by tka Bated. I aceeptinp tka peapotals of Twdelt Hardtop la‘entirely ap ta tka policy t« atari ft 11 of tka taOiaad •f Ub American Federation of labor, d«« tkia body was tka asM which aancUamod tka strike of tka ahopataa. Tka paHey eoanaittaa la nmpnaid ad %® atam, M ton each of tka thioa districts. tka diridiap line of wMab art tka XJpMppi Shw and tka Maaoa Dixon line. " SUCH MOURNER SKIPS WITH SNAPPY SHROUD Kinston, A up. 1—After loetrlap at tke Baa patota of tkraa aeakaa of tad. ttaorttop te tka aadartikar, flllrap kirn “phunb fan** of sate ate and confidence, a man kaBarod to haws boat a diet eroak oaad thaeoa dactor of tka fanaral parlor to de frand one of tha hippast doth tap ate rat kart oot of a ^H.Ttkal at • JA e. BIA 10a Marialwr waa daad, tha Maa(aa Hated la Aa aidat af a roaaoaabU alary to tha nadarlabar. Ha hod waa bar* from a rani yalnt to Mka Aa faoaral arranwaanta. Ha would docMo nyoa which cotta to ji at than whan hla brothar, who waa oa mate, irrtrad. Thar* war* athar ,IH,n, 41iwm4, sad tWn Ow Mi* dartakar broofht ay tha aobj*at af tha burial *uit -. Tha fend*, tha mid. da ' Head aatblaa aa 4rah aad *ctobri I yaafarrad aa oat oad aal atom aatt . Ha Uto yndartakar want tfih Hm I fTtorta* I'aaw-ta-tow to tha'atom aad I tha aaalar watebar af tha aaaaaw ! aa# "takon to** far tha aaH. H wai . no ahoddy tail that war tainted. Tha i atramar fin Ua ahaak. Tha chart I waa an a LaOnaya hank. » Tha aBa^d fiaad dawhod ayoa thi i Uattow whoa tha waa totted to ra I torn at an *tw# total Haw far Hm I eadto, tha bratbor obo toUtey to yw la an i ’ - to tha b.tofdaHiir. i I Car tha >Wai' term. TU • l . aad^haAaad whaaa tha i that ha had rartdad thorn a yaw a **ajaya had baaa tordtmd In yaai L-dty WUrnm Is Hm N«w Barn, J«l/ M-Uffr VI MO (M tto Mg ton la Mam Ban's claaa I ta • wia arar tto MamMta to day artoa to lat ttoai ton wtth twa hits and Ogorad twiea la hte toana scoring with a doable which waa follow ad by Fnd Uadis' single sad a siagio that scornd Kliaa. Bath toaiaa piaynd raal baseball. aaah BMfc «* twa swift daabta pteya Tto stab ton anon caaa la toa inning sad accounted far ualy aaa ns. ton: ma.w. Kinston-Oto MS MO > t t Naw Ban ..$44 til lta—• $ 1 Washraa and Martin; Wilson sad W. Mania. DUNN TO HAVE NEW COTTON COMPANY Raleigh, July 10.—Crowing groapo of rather gtagt Wake cowty peo ple, iacoand a* On ansatt on Mia. Him. W4ar, llotarday raiill Jafl nett, tin aogre amalien, win was reeked to Oraoadboro. Barnett met oe!y ittnfcid oad rioted Mia. MoOboo yesterday when oo a tnuty of On eoaatp ehaiagaag ha «M to bar homo iitniOM? for water end Oioa nnnlttiB On a» opeakaMo tidni. according to Mia. and is wry way node a dWytea* ipooraseo is )ail today, Mr*. Mc Ghee instantly idoettflod kin sad oil On naifci at On ttibbee hone ante evidence ego toot Me*. CAMP BRAGG CLAIMS Tft ip umnt mah mack Ik la»d m •f aattb ndn*. i *f tfc* i SmTeu lk« Wai vmI4 k dm- »• War Da Jaat «k ■Mat »f K waa i I y*M. » wO Mania, I 000, vi a«a, aa ral aa i % m a|a tka "»»P |^«o^ tea. w

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