THE DUNN* >11 VOLUME IX. DUNN, NORTH CAROti^ AUGUST 4, .—--1 * 111- ...Li-'gssB-_seaaMrsgggLi_m ■ — 1 i —ggwwwwww—■—bmbm— G0V1_IT SLOW TO TAKE FURTHER STEPS IN STRIKE Hist That TW Admioutretioo Might Apply For Receiver ship For Roods SHOP WORKERS WANT TO FORM NEW UNION Now AssocioHno Tologrophs Labor Board Demendini Thoir Rights Bo Safeguard* od In Any Settlement Of Strike. Illinois Control Em* ploys Killod By Poor Mom. Washington, Aug. *.—ladkstlone continued to multiply today that tba Rede ml government, contemplates no In modiste stop In tb^ssU strike situ ation. A member of President Hard ing’s cabinet declared, however, that u an gbstmet proportion “it might be Imagined" that ths government would supply bni roeotvrrahips of such railroad^ ss okra unstole to execute their mall carry fag contracts. The cabinet official emphasised that he was not saying that say recelver ship- proecedingi were Imminent and Ftootodce iicparxaien* — that generally the mail* were being handled with only alight interruption and delay. NEW ASSOCIATION DEMANDS PROTECTION OF RIGHTS Chicago, Aag. ». — Ten thousand shopmen on tie Santa Fe, who have feinnl an amoelatkm ef new em ploye*. today tetegraphed Chairman Hooper, of the United States Raitaray Labor Board, demanding their right* be safeguarded in any settlement ol the ehopmen’t Rrike. They are an titled, they nay. to pro taetion In the seniority right* acquir ed during the ftrtk*. 1M meaaage, which was signed by nflri— ef the Santa. Pe, auparviron. nnorentie** ef the boller xhe oemfts struck ageinct doe intone of the board, the meaaage mid, and to recognise them in preference to employe* wbo.Wayed on the Job would destroy faith in the govern ment. WORKMAN IS BEATKN TO DEATH BY FOUR STRIKERS Chicago. Aug. Botoert John eon, 4g, an employee of the Illinois Cen tral shop* at Bumelde, wa» beaten to death thle morning by four unidenti fied men, the police reported. The ama Hunts escaped. Witatmm told poMcetaen that the four men aeeosted Johnson, asked him not to go to wort and then attacked him. TO SEND SHOPMEN TO FOUR SOUTHERN ROADI N*W York. Aag. * —Oftelale o! mater® and wester® railroad# h**< decided to com# to the rescue of fo In forma Dr/ Poo at the Opera House Saturday. BIBLE CLASS ENJOY ANNUAL BARBECUE . j Outing Hold At How* Of £. J. Godwin Thursday After noon Boat Yot The annual picnic of tho We*Icy Bible Class of the Methodist Sunday School was enjoyed by the members of the class and a number of visitors at the home of K J. Godwin, five ■ilea sooth of Dunn, Thursday after noon at 6 o'clock. There was a rain storm in progress at the hour sat for departure of the party from Dunn In automobiles, but the thirst for bar becue and recollection* af similar oc casions enjoyed by this excellent clan in years past, made the lsrge crowd af man more determined than ' ever to tee it roceeaefuDy staged. The 1 barbecue was ready, the boots were 1 watting, and na amount of rain would • have forced them to change their ' plans. The eat* were loaded and In a few in Irate* all arrived safely at their dauHunU—■ The crowd was not disappointed wmn wwy •» uic UMUIII Ql country Homo of Mr. Godwin. To father with Kn Godwin and then ton, Oliver, they had prepared ai immense amount of fearimcae whirl waa ready to sarre on the large lawn All fanoalltlna ware dispensed wit! immediately and in n few minutes th< entire crowd was enjoying this ea retient diah. After all ted beeiysatls I fled Han. H. L. Godwin, who had baei selected as master erf cemnoalei, call ed the aseeoeblige together am n>evehea were made by the following well known eiUaane of Dunn: Casper Warren, Superintendent a Baptist Sunday School W. S. Baipee. Superintendent e punn Graded Schools R I* Godwin, Superintend on Preabytarlan Sunday School. C. C. Porker, Preaidant Bpwurt Meek M. Jernlgan. Group Leadc B. V. P. U. John Allen McLeod. Teacher I Baptist Sunday School D. H. Hood, Teacher of the We ley Bftle Clam. After Mi Hood had flnlshed h talk aD wars Invited Into the hou< day near the shops, the women baa hording thorn wtth half a hartal r eggs. Whan polkoe arrived not a w< aeon eaald bo fated la the neighba hood. The attackers took atapo 1 abasia publicity far tbs incident, ee oral am— eetifying tba hawapaps ■ ad the a fair TOBACCO PRICES PLEASE GROWERS Comparator* Confident That Thay WiU RacaWc Mora Than Unorganized With the opening ealea on the lake City Toba^c* market bringing an average of *21 M per hundred lbs., diroctnr* of tho Tobacco Grower* Co operative Association arc rejoicing that in South Carolina a* in Kentneky tho grower* receive double the price which wae given them on lat year’* opening markets. The director* of the association are confident that the organise^ grower* with a Highly developed leaf depart ment, ample itorage plants and re drying facilities to turn out 1,900,000 pounds of tobacco daily will be en abled to secure better prices than those unorganized farmers who are grading their tobacco for the (I net time and are Belli eg without storage or redrying facilities. That prices on the South Carolina market* fail to give satisfaction to many of the grow an Is evident from the urgent reqaeot of grower! throughout the state to reopen the membership book* of the association. A committee of director* from the association have decided upon (hit action in view of the fact that 600 now members joined the marketing mwcuuki on uoiy 01K ana Otfnui Isctlon with conditions on the aaall or markets Indicated that there wtU be a record-breaking landslide to the big cooperative movement should the unorganised growess have another opportunity to better their piece* by joining with 78,000 members of the association from tbs three states, who have united for orderly marketing of this year's crop. It is generally expect*^ that tbs receiving points of tbs association wilt open next week throughout the South Carolina bek. Over 8,000 new members from the Sooth Carolina belt joined the Tobacco Grew are Co operate rn association drying tbs cam paign, according to the oouirr of eon tenets made at Raleigh headers mesn __WOPAY Senator Crow, Pennsylvania, And Coo§ sesames Padgett, Ten neeeee. Also Dead Sydney, N. 8., Aug 2.—Dr. Alex ander Graham Bell, inventor off Uv telephone, died at 2 o'clock this morn ing at Bainn Ehrssgh, his estats near Baddock. Although tha inventor had been in failing health for severs 1 months he had not been confined to bed and the end was unexpected. lata yester day afternoon, however, his condition became serious and Dr. Krr, of Wash ington, a cousin of Mr* Bell, a house runt, and a Sydney physician, at tended him. With Mr . Bell when he died were Mrs Bell, a daughter, Mrs. Marian Hubbard Fairchild, and her husband, David G. Fail-child, of Washington. The inventor leaves another daughter, Mrs. Bilae M. Groves nor, wlf* of a Washington magazine editor. SENATOR CROW’S DEATH LS THIRD FOR PENNSYLVANIA Utrlontown, Pa., Aug. 2.—United Statea Senator William E. Crow died at his country home In the mountains near here this morning. The death of Senator Crow makes ths third vacancy in the United Statea senate from Pennsylvania within 10 months. Senator P. C. Knox died Oc tober 12, last, and ^snator Boi« Penrose on Nevr Year eve. Senatoi vrww wu ippoiiwa oj uortinsi Sproul to fill the Knox vacancy anti a cuccecaor we* ilMtad in November CON. PADGETT SERVED IN THE MOUSE SS YEAR! Waihlngton, Aug. 2.—Represent* 1 tiva I-vraue! P. Pudgett, ef Tcnnacwee [ died early tonight at hla home hero Nr. Padgatt. who was war-time chair r man of tha houao naval committee had hoan in at Ma roiMeneo far tan f months Tha body will ha taken b hla homo at Colombia for burial t a where Ico lea waa aerrad. Ii Dorlng th* enUra program brant ful acleotlona wera rendered by th Puna Conaart Band. Tha Waalay Bible clam |a ona e n **• largest organ laetlvec of Ha kin in the State. It hoo a membership c ► moru than ona hundred and tha m arage atUadaaca la around aovantl a D. H. Hood hoi bean Ita taaebr a ,or than a quarter of a eentui . and during all Ibis time ho haw nev. P allowed lataraot to tag. Ho haa f wiaaoago rrory flu 11 ay morning 0 f clam Is glad to hoar aad tha oamaa p with whieb H la dallvwmd Is o iplraa anthualacm aad eoHIdanca. r- _________ ™ The trouble with being boon pc la you ealdaca recover HELP BOYS WITH AUQUA They Offer Splendid Wednesday path Chau day perfoi known the auspices at American • rally patrei Dunn distdot. touqua and ' mane* a that plete p Irresistible ork Ceat. lttk. Duo. lllh Washington, t-—Thie year cotton crop w at 11,449,00 bales of BOO gross weight I the second f the season ai I I the condition of Jsoe M having boon ■ 71.1 per cent o$a normal on which , tbe'flrat foreeoM ef the nee am, 11 . . 0*6,000 balee ef '666 poowdm gram ■ weight wee bfRt*. The average , change In (ha Mft 16 year* between l *one tl end Mf M wu a decline of i 1.* points The condition vf the erdp'oa July . * by Mete* faSeyni Virginia Mr Merth Caroline 76) i- South Caroline Sf; Georgia M| 71or> a Me 66; Alabaaan 76; MteeMppi 74) Lonlaitne 70) Tdwa 71) AittMM 61; f Tmmeaeee 66| Mbnworl M; Oklahoma 4 76; California 6tf| Arimm 16| New had been e rigs Me attendant on than) »- ooeeattmi tor the peat fifty years not having U |h hnrwteMgt. mUeed B Engle iiiilhM, end that he bad we been the ■ecieti’e prmldanl for dtf peat Stlity-ene |nis COMMERCE BODY MEETS IN WILSON Goldsboro CIiomd As Parra an oiU Soot of Eastern Car olina Chamber Gold/boro. Aug. 3.— Headquarter; far live Eastern Carolina Ctiobtr ol Commerce will bt In this city from now oa, it was derided in a meeting at Wilson today. Local buaincm men are jabiliant orar haring wan oral Kinston and other citlee of camera Carolina that made a fight far the headquarter* of the organisation. Temporary headquarter* hare been at araenrllle. Prompting agricultural development through common aeaee farming and marketing method* will be the primary function of the new organisation. W. C. Denmark secre tary of the local Mi—hgr saya The officer* of tha Kastaro Cham ber of Omaow am: Dr. EOlog of Craeoville .preaideat: W. A MeOirt, Wilmington, first rice president; and W. E. Stroud. Ooldsboro, Bmsatr. Seven Ceealbt Sapeaeeaead At tha meeting of the Chamber were representative aad delegataa from Pitt, Halifax, Wayne, Lenoir, Duplin, San>peon and Johnston conn tiea. Tha meeting eras held at tbs Hotel Cherry, where tunehoen wae •erred to all delegate*. Vice President and Manager M. C. Bartlett mode an Intereetiaw rennet ti the activities ef the ergaaimtiM from Me Inception early la the spr!»« to th# present time and made nu; valuable •■**—tierje far faturv de velopment. tee of the priaeipal otv jccte of the meetiig eras the seiee tion of pormaaeat headqaartem sad election of permanent oflcen. After aplrlted balloting, Goldsboro wai ieldcted as headquarters. and tbe officers ef the chamber were elected by the directors: The new execsdvj enamdtter is cempoeed af Gao. G EoymU of Geldahoro; W. H. Austin, el Smlthfield; H. H. Taylor, of Xbwtan; J. B. Alexander, Jr., af a— Mack; aad Dr. 1. C. Elen, of Sreen vflla. tto PO»f . object of (hie etgaaim |Um fa^iW.l^ikI^awA -V aAe_h. SARffiSfkjESbWdM rational mathsde aad l*ir Vli nllilii of tbo oeetlon which the orgsalsatioe Tills, originally lneladed the thlrtj nine eastern eoaatles of the state but at thla meetiag it waa decided It sak the follewing ooanties to bee oast included In the proposed develop meet: Scotland, Warren, Vaace Granville, Franklin, Wales and Hoke The manager and other officers ant directors of the Eastern CsroUni Chamber of Cemraerrc urge libers and enthusiastic support of thi movement through which It is hope that the boll weevil may be destroys here ae other sections of the aout have through • well-planned eyiter of pnqmratien which Is being ondei taken by that organisation. FIRING ON PREACHER IS ISSUE IN SENATE RAC] Swansea Caret— Davis Territory A Resalt af lbs .Bag la Virglade . ^ Richmond, Vs., Aug. I.—Bee bus of the fact that the recent shoo tin l op in Lou las county of the home « the Rev. J. R Glenn, Disciples c Christ minister, who is original , from Spray, N C-. was mid' to hai 0 become an itsue la the campaign, sp » cial interest centered to the letun • ivn tvunkjr h State* Senatorial D* met retie primary In which Senator Swanson waa re nominated yesterday by a heavy ma jority over hie opponent, exCovera or Wootmorolaod Davie. Although the county waa generally conceded to have boon a Davie mid that the tide tamed to favor of towatmon when eae of Daria' leaden, o lawyer, hooamo ooanool for mao* of the earn held la the Aeetl^ can*, end wham the ballets warn eoeatri tot night H tamed oat tha^ Swnnm* bad carried the county by a safe ma jority. Mr. Oleaa, It appeen. preached a •apaen denouncing the alleged ooti cities od bootleggori and niratolr am to the coanty. This waa feDotr* by the eppMcatlea of o coat of to aad feather* by a rigOaaeo 1 —11 too to aovoeul me* mepooted of bet* Involved to oeUvltleo. A fee night* later, a «r*«*d of me« n, poeed to have been lystpatbiaeie e thee# tented aad feathered, find ap oa the preacher* hem* Attheagh i number of abate ore mid bo haw •trunk the bourn. No one lurid* W* Injured. Maho onto to* Jack to wear* aad li ererklng order before attempting f take off a efceel. a EXTENDS INJUNCTION UNTIL SETTEllBEft S A C L Aad W.ihm.a Agree To Canllansssa By Jody* Hooey Wilmington, Aag. I.—The Injuno 'tlon granted hy Judge Henry O. Cmi nor. of the United But*. District court, tcvrril weeks ago restricting striking employes of the Atlantis Csaot Lise Hallrood from in Urfer ring with employe* or trains of the company was todsy continued until September 2nd. Both th* railroad and tho workmen agreed to the extension of the Injunction with rat argument. SECOND CONCERT BY BAND SUNDAY WHJ Play Ob larAmotr Square At ftSO O’clock la Tkc Among the crests of tho summer perhaps there is none as pleating to all as the concerts that the Ihiss Band or* firing on Sunday after noon*. This organisation has to gtrs at isoot tyro coacssta a month daring the summer aad full. Follow ing up this plan they will giro their next concert on Sunday afternoon. August 6th. at fire-thirty o’clock. Ths hand has oaly bran OTgnaiasd a rear sad taking into censiderattoa ths fact that moot of Ha mssaban ar*r» kMliism n* ttW, they render creditable manic. 11mm concerts an trees without say seal to the community sad afford splen our people The hoar la MB M aot to conflict with any ocher program for the day tad than is ample raoaa aa La*aiw Bqaare far iraryaac. A large crowd la Mpartad Is attend nest Seaday. Tha fallowing la tha pregnu at glam oat by Banry 0. Shall the director: "Lu La Band”—fMiriae Mmah “Star Spangled Banner”—Band. HIGH PRAISE FOR STATE EDUCATION I U. 9- Cornniaalnmar San It k I Om of Tim Moot Pro graaarra States i New To*. Aag. *.—“I do aot Ilka - superlatives, but I agree heartily with Dr. P. P. C lax ton when ho Mid that North Caroline la today aae *1 the meat pragnaatve States la tha l Union," Mid D. i. J. Tigs it. United States QmnaiaBeacr of Bdaeatioa, b * the eoano of a half hour add (MS be fora the iBSMbara of the Soothen Club of Colombia University aommei Mboel but night. The npeakrr eat ' Un®<1 the rapid pragreea made bj f the South In edecntlen, and rpoki f fat blrfi praiee of North Cerattaa’i f port ia tho work. He Browed bee fain was the mot* or leM general P impraadon ia other parte of the * country regarding the Seath’a back' r- wardneit In public school matter _aa -l _af-al a— .b *kai then waa no heals far Meh opinion! “Ohf State In the Union toowei a gala in tUifaraey, bat I umn yei that State li net le the South," b ait. He referred reanally to a bod recently published by a professor a the University of Korth Carotins pm Portia* to give a history of adaratio ia the Seeth. TV* beak," declare Dr. Tlgert, "If read aarpfaDy mlgt ’ give a wholly erremeaa Idas of wh< > le really being dona la lapnre th l South'* educational system " The occasion wag tee tnslflb ai I aaal meeting of the Soothers Cto » and wee largely attended. After U - address tea Southern States ware to) resented In as many tableau, peg t ants, and original eketshea gtvh • mam part of Stats hletary or dm - lag factors 4a the State’s hereto i meat. North OamUna'e stunt const! r ed of Songs, characters reprmsetti y varlons Indus tries, and placards ohm ■ tog the Mata’s aciivltim to high r sdueation, rural Jsvstspmset si y larger maaafaetartog totareeto. L i Edwards, of Oraonteoea. aad M! *■ Hue TUiatt, of Hatolgh. tod charge • Thai prkm fbr the beat slaat we • to ike West Virginia delegation; a> ••d prise to Soeth fbteHaa, ■ 1 third to Florida. a ■ ta There are 1M iiismilBs ted In to operation to (Us eoaairy. >» WIT WTTtvory MR MBIMt, with rSrt «f taMstaMnll e«w* utattaaa. "To Mt « a ta|b ■■■■lull k i Oa Mthiam aaU. "Os batata «T t all coal AtH tata ttat atata am ■ ardors from *s |W«mrt «aata . i taa, tbmgb tta Mail M AM ‘ rTi,0r •Mpataftata’taita • aad wBI pat ta adwawtattailta ► so!s." ' * r"**"""r ** f tiaa at |wfciata| tad Majtak a thalr Mpaiat, A MMATS AT LOWTtT — H ALIO, CATS OWIO -| My (Ml Ta* aa »R» taa» ta »