IK ram DBPATC: f | ( : i I *% ®U Dawaoa aad Ua worthy tl*a teoaat, W. F. Nipper, ad the police dnpartnaaf. are do tor aal nod to e* faaaa all antenahlM laws aad bate lapalaiiawa. The ewe ayad cara aed ‘ the taO-UghUeae can will he oaoUei. aa will the apaadata aad thaaa whe dieaegard the npadatiaaa tigaad far the safety ad Dana heitiaeas aad Daart fries da who crowd Ha etnata la laet Thandey'a atari aa el ti e •ecaidect Court Jodfce God via had ST defaadaata hefora him ehargoJ with lefraetioaa ad the iitanahlla lawa. Meet af thaaa anhnitted to he 0«»y of operstioe can with eat the hphta repaired by State law or ta apeeding. eta. Not Thandey'a atari aa will aha eaea m greater earn* her helot* Che Jadp. So far the petieeeeeo hare aot had ■aoeh nppiwtaalli to pa altar the apaadara. wha da aaaat af their ■ratakiap sleep the riridaatial atreete, Bat their that ta cao^. >-7 !*> xV h & *T*TT‘‘i 1 •* Uaale Mam far M and tka to •* «ke ft*. Morrla marked IS • day, pwllii much of hat to the hospitals with tka rich rnd dying, “porortag tha capital," ind several athar tomtom, and then ■■■to* lata tka a*n ha work tka •to* watoh" aatS the paper waa pat > bad at I to tka morning, to waa aa awfai grind far a warn h«t not aaca did aka complain. -“•» • harotoe af tka period. ■' raa«k H ah tka worked wtthoat ■’ «to*k aa a Headache. Bat. the or ’» 1 toft Ua mark, though tka math tottaihia aad unknown until tha i aad did hie work ia a moment Fe.e af oar raudarn ever hoard ol ■> la that they are aa fortunate '*b* “copy reader” oa high wiE make no aaasfca ia the alary eke layi •tun tkd dorit of eternity. ■OH. WEEVIL DUNN MOUND Ben Townsend hat jut retained r.oaa a visit to kit mother at Marietta in Eabceon County. Be ear* the boU »e*vH U playing havoc all through bebojon and has invaded Cumberland slmoit to the Capa Fear. Tills means that the peat wiB get into the Dunn District next year Otero ia no doubt about that And vhan be dace— What ant we going to dot There * time to prigiare against Us coming, rhane are ways through wh‘ch the ••evil can be kept out of some parts »f tha fsitma around Dunn. These rays can be learned through the da pnrtmcal af agriculture. But the to Ike places from which he can x> k*P* are few—negligible. Props rs iama far raising hog and hominy tght at Kama mete ha made at once. »d other money crepe must be plan ted. Mr. Townsend says that on hie me bar's farm only IS acres were plant d to cotton this year and that net •ama than four kales af cotton will » gathered from the entire Sold. Every agsaro which had* not become 1 kaB an August 1 km become food — - -« nuu, HI- igwiXH aya. a weevil U sitting on every leaf art daring any other sqasres to one forth. That condition wiU bo in this d» rict ant year aalae* we sUrt some king right now. W. G. HAtClOVE DEAD W. G. Hargrove, oao of the boot »*wn men of the 8hedy Grove toc *f *am peon county, died at *his Movar hie stroagtb agala, and grad ally grow won# until death came aaday. Mr. Hargrove wne well known in ►unn. having lived here a number of whom he was popular with a loot of friends. Ho U survived by a widow and six hildren, two of whom live ia Dunn ad an Mrs. J. 0. Wert end Mitchell Improve. MM. MeKAY ENTERTAINS Mrs. Georgs McKay enter (mined at bridge Patty ths Entrs Nona club it her home oa Magnolia avenue, "harvday afternoon at 440. Graee •1 baakete of Oaanoo bowls of nas artiaau aad other eat flowers were and for decorations throughout the aceh aad living room. Dainty place aide marked placet far Ike foKow ■g «»amber» aad gaaats: Metdameo krthmr Pope, Harper HoQiday. David ‘tmoaO. Lewis C.’ Stephen., Durham Taylor, Horton Sansom, Wm. Pear _ . I KS, H. M. Pittman. Emmett Thomp Ma. EUleoa Goddard, Herbert Tay lor and Mia Loom Cox. Ax lee cetne with angel food cake waa at reed by tk* hoateoa and Mia Mabel Lynch. - — I I.T.P.U The Oraatoat Thing la the World: Diaraaaed by R. Y. P. U. at Pimt Beptirt church. Monday night. Aug aet 14, at 8 o'clock. • Plage— i Scripture reading, let Cor. IS—by G. T. Olive and Kin Saaan Lea. Introduction—by Mil* Ruth Wed brook. Paragraph 1—Talk, How Paul Cam* te Write this Character—by Parry Godwin. Paragraph S—Talk, What I. Meant by Lore—by Maa Gertrude Price Piano Solo—Miaa Salll* Naylor. Paragraph S—Talk, Without Lora All Other Virtue* and Glfta Art Worth Nothing. Section 1 by Mlm Katherine Allen. Section 2. Mr*. W. D. Holland and aoctien 8, by Mia* Lottie Strickland. Paragraph 4—Talk. What Love X* —by Miaa Oleta Naylor. Song—Lot* ia the theme—by Union. Paragraph 8—Talk, Lore Ia Eter nal In It* Nature, and can never Pr rbk by L. W. Strickland. , ■Trombone Solo (Jerueolem)—by E. M. Slaughter. Paragraph 6—Talk, The Three Gracaa—by Mint Jeeaamlnc Starling. The public i* cordially Invited to attend. LwU»l for the Boeutifal la CeUatoy ! Ufa For hie own part. If the writer had to list offhand tha country sights and soaods that giro him most delight, he would mention: The serenity and strength of an cient oaks, unmoved by all the storms of a century; The staidly grace and maiesty of tall taHp trees with erect, fair tranks wearing at groat heights their crowns ad green in rummer and gold in au tumn; The rich mellow note of the rain crow, ottering his prophecy in the dampness of a cloudy dawn; The small of bay and aid haylofts; The low ooag of the eonv-Madst as they grasp brotherly hands screes tha furrows when winds blow over the flsids; The grateful warmth of the spots where the cows lay aa oaa goes to mlBc on a wintry morning; Tha ever-grateful smell of freshly- J plowed earth, and the prosperous, comfortable, “wan-fed" feel of a rich 4 soil filled with humus; * The pungent, aromatic .mail of far ghtwood, and tha a^re subdued rMTanca af ftaahiy cut eak; ■Tut • art beauty of form. «a mock >vad hy artieta, af gmpa. leaves and •'.rging grape bunches; The penetrating, ioutkwatariag ragrarjet of ripe Bcgpperaoo it at lew fall la early Saptaotor; Tha rare beauty of a Una ol toag '*nf pines sUhooattad ‘•gainst a teri llght sky; The grace af wetVkept meadows or lawn, with airaggllng^wild flowers on tha adgak, romataJn*>M af Swia bomf* liaa— * “Whar. tldaa of «*m break into foam of flowan*'; Tho cbeerfal, rhsTU» lit a hahhln of little brook, aa they gharry down to U«« greater etn.wie lo the’towlande; Tha unhurried but-steady and re Uttlaaa moromaot the rtyara aa they rwaap majectfailly past over tanging wflliowa tal^ir home la tha faroff aaa. J' —The Pngo|gf« Firmer. COTTON 3HO#l TREND TOWARD TpW LEVELS Nrw Orleans, La.,' Aug. 8.—High trfcaa of last wedt^j* cation carrlod h. market 184 to point, oeer the reel af tha precedAy week's eloae. n»» wm oa bursae/ day. After the h**1 k Wea! ah>a opoat « react and tl)e trend waj gradually ow to that A* lowest price, wan nada on tho doting eomlow whoa tho radlng me a tha ware 14 to 46 pointa indar the clone of tha praordiaf reek. Last priest ware at net toaeea rf 14 to 14 pointa, 'October d»»l-g at 10.62. At Mohigbort October told at !1.50 and at Ha Imat at 20.80, a ange of exactly Me dents per pound T 616 a hale. In tha %ot department aiddUng I oat 2* ^ohota, doting at U »8 cents a poun* which price omparad with 12.60 on tha dee* of kaLe-« lA-k -_l.V 441.0M bale*. » After bereiu day the market re- ] .chred some support from tho con tinued dry weather and high temper atunrs la Team*, but there was con stant liquidation of long contracts and considers bis freak selling on the I theory that the government had un der estimated the condition of the crop. T*" *“ particularly the case af 'w the meekly crop reports wart *n*ied whieh most traders interpreted aa reflecting a higher condition than wan shown t in the monthly report. Neat to as rain fell tn Texas the week through while temperatures rose to as high as 110 degrees at tome points, these weather conditions hold sellers In check, although thui did not pre vent a gradoual ragging market Miss Ida Pittman left last week for Washington, where she is to •pend several days with her titter, Mrs. Claud Gardner. United States Commissioner Kld redge Lee has moved his oflees from the Dunn Marble Works building to the Hood and Grantham Building, where A. B Adams and his aalstaat rum raiders are hooping him busy. ’ROSPERTTY JUST AROUND CORNER >rjr Good* M«rdiub Of Coun try Look For Bettor Time* Soon New York, Aug. G.—A telegraphic ujincn survey mad* by the Journal f Commerce indicates that the lead ng dry good* merchant* of the ountry agree that prosperity i* "Just round the comer.*’ While business has been holding »ck for aorac time (urn anil while ncrchani* have been unwilling to tuck their shelves or to contrnet for upplies at any grant distance In the ulufe, It is believed that fundomm* n] conditions have so far improved hat business is going to be brisk inch sentiments are particularly ex 'reased by the leaders fn the South m merchandising (Wide in the gen r«l business survey. The merchant ha* been unwilling 0 buy for distant requirements, but I hi* ha* been due largely to th* gen ] ral uncertainty existing .Hesitating luichaslnga have been the rule ever4 —■- i since the era ot deflation started In. Not until prices have adjusted them •"Ivee to what appeals to be a stable buais, will the merchants be tempted to stock up their shelve* as they have in times past. The situation, according to the sur vey. is rapidly changing. It is espu claly evident In that the merchants are having no trouble with credits end are able today to obtain all the bonk backing they desire.1 mervhan dislng stocks, however, in low. They will probably be increased if the dealer* ere assured that the mills art not intending to advance prices on them. Wfholoenl* stock* ere fair end believed to be ample to take car* of til current needs. But thn wholesalers r.rv cautioning the producer* not to advance pricee upon any probable in ctease in orders this, season. A fair cotton crop is indicated which will he marketed jit high price*. All this means u brisk fall season for the mer chants. It jo declared that merchan dising condition* for the next month* ere unuvuaUy bright. Some say that il' bul one-half of the present pros pect for bosinetais realised, the coming season will he better than K was last year. _NEW YORK MONEY 0 LOAN I AT FIVE AND ( ' i i < > < i * • < 1 ■ i « i ' 1 ■ • — ' 1 < i tf" before Sept. 1, !i 1922. . , , < i * < i %- \ ■ • i i < » i » J. Smith DOW — NORTH CAROLINA j| ...... j Picture Framing (rt^-s We me II Pictures of anV Size in any De sign to Order) / I WORK DONE PROMPTLY Call in Furniture Department II The Barnes & Holliday Co. I; AT LASTS A Plumbing Concern That Does Perfect Work at a Mod* ' 'erate / Price Convinced that nd plumber can excell our work nor better Our prices, we invite the people of Dunn and surrounding towns to submit their plumbing problems to us. We have the confi - dence born of knOwpedge and at the outset of * r our career among you we wish to emphasize j the fact that wekiUwyou will be pleased with / every phase of oun (dealings with you. ^ Best of Workmen, Material, Prices and Service .1 LEE & RYE Telephone 263 118 S. Railroad Ave* i 4 » --—--/ . • > . i