THE MJNN DISPATCH uwwUron M •'•Jki: . .o - ‘jiV« ^ '-r ia *o£j cooo roBBum With the ——ton— of tha WO Mtoa 3- Tfceaxpaea Cotton fi—naj to deal ahatototo ia cottas with Dana aa Ha pi*N far co—tntioa and the proWnhty af tha aaa af tha tew* aa a raaeaetratioa paUt far tha Natth. Carolina Cotton Crow— Ce •tot-ettea aaaariaMaa. H ia Hkaly that at laaat IM.dO^^alaa af tha atopia wiB p— throo^JDunn b is cattaia that tha r— paiif will — this as its tndae —tot. That will a—a tha **■«*■« of th»«lasts of halos har*. WHh tha is apaiatIsa -— T hosrator, aathtoy is k—wa yat aa to what patoto will ha choasa. It is ex tremely prahahto. the—h, that Baaa WO ha sheaaa, baaaaaa ttbthacae tto af a— of tha —at— cotta, ratal— csoUto la North rv.nlh. Practically M.000 haUs at* tmarkotad to its territory ovary year. • The Oaaaral Utility Company has ia* masplitid a— of tha lai—at aad . —---tac aa ••tol— fin— batter tad— fat | cotta, stare— • Wft af Is»tstars Ha—at wha famnd (hat hs woo Id not the mpecamt Thf hit visit. A day was added to the “"“1 fo—day pro— aad that fifth fay waa expected to wipe eat all hnlj broke even on ike mien. Bgwooot, Ihie yew ie another time The aawciattoa ie taking no thing Hr granted. It ioein well be foeo it leapa. TKe director* are plan ning large, hat they an y'-'~t in teWgeat. They npnt to mdke the •oaring (air the haat the -r^rm bo abort the earn* on that for laat yew. Beery attraction will ha m good a* eon be gotten and arraage aMrta for the praoept payment of the prearieam will he made before the fair ie riagri. Farmer* and ether* am invited to etoge eihibtta, and aeoarmet ie givan that they arlO be given every —~r*4 entlannnd paid praaeptiy when they - Witt ton its way It ta otafamtod that faUy ■ wfll ha marketed hen tato this yean crap. Thia will aal toe cotton to he concautoatad rthar center* ta Dunn mate Ika outlook as to prices now It Is eat likely that tha pries (all haiew M canto, according u toto who toady tha markets. Boms toy that tha price srMI go m high ai It canto. Even at It easts, IO.OOC hstos will pot «.000,000 Into siren tattos hers between now sad Febru «*F 1. 1 was writtag yesterday of sty rlsil to the poetefBes st Keamare aakiai for my rati which hadn't arrived. Nc reader teoald Infer that as mack tims atapaad after toy inquiry before 1 f«eo)eod attest loo aa my ratter ram hil«» tetter might indicate. The eon trary was true. Aa upstanding, clear eyed young man responded promptly ts my cull, leaked over the tetters ta tha D box aad skid: Thera is ao mall for yoa. sir.’’ You do not tear that -sir' always f»am young man to thorn who are older is was once the custom sad the respect which youth paid to those who art older than they ora. In tact yon hour It aH too seldom aad there hto teen n cult which turn sought to sltahite the •si*' os rather sot s ault word to te used by men who ore equal ta everything except ego. The eutoom is one which was aa beau tiful us it waa bosoming. It gave a toueb of rific* from the young to the old. aad instead of indicating a chaaf brought the young man and the aid mae very clone together. M It could te generally suvtved it srould help In the amenities of life. | love to boar a hoy toy, with mingled re spect and affection "Sri* to his fath er. It dues sot denote distance be — ‘»wfr wsuep'jmaini:. Of CMot be !• "old man" aad the tarn la affectionately naed aa the tena “dr" meant a certain regard tad evidence of reepect. I do not bear It eery oltee in North Caroline er North Dakota, aad arhea the yoang taaietaat postmaster earn! it with a h«cb of what I cannot better des cribe than cal) It good manneri. I na strock with eooaethlng about him that made mo certain that ht'had «errad ia the Navy. In that eerrice, both Annapolis and la the training rtatiaas sad oa the ships, the “air” o never emitted. No young maa ever Caik to any “Sir” ta a superior. 1 hnnght I detected tha young man ia So pOgtoSUo had the usual bearing tad Intonation, aad as with a quo I eouldnl toll kha. It halted dwA ■Hiaa. I dm pty foH * so stnmgiy teat 1 know it. Something ia hie »Uluting, aad same Inflection of tha rule# aa ha add "Sir" or something erea mere definite carried me in a •scaad back to the days of close aa eaeiatioa .with lads who sarred la the Narry. My recognition of hla eerrice made as at once ship mates on land. Hla asms was Westlake, ha had ea Msted when the war call came, gone to the Qreat Lakes near Chicago for traiiriag, aad sailed for Bordeaux whore be served meet of hia data in tha crucial days.—Joseph ue Daniels la The Nears and Observer. Boa Voyage The congregation has given the poacher a month’s vacation and vv rryhody will have a fine time—Whim Mo’s Weakly. —P^— Ornfat OU A Uttla mar* tired at the does of day, A Uttla lam anxious to bare oar way; A Uttla last anxious to scold and blast*, K little Her* cars far a brother's name, And so wo art nearing the Journey's end, , Where time and stern ity meat and blend. . A little Us ear* for bonds af gold, A little more scat for the days of •Id, A broader view and a saner mtad. And a little more lore for all man kind; And so we are faring down the way That leads to the goto* of a better day. A little more love for the friends of yanth, A little mare meal for established truth; A little more charity in our views, A little leu thirst for the dally newt; And so wa art folding our tenia sety And pasting in silence at close of day. A little more leisure to alt and dream, A little mare real the things unseen; A little nearer to those stbsad, With visions af those long loved and dead; And so we are going where aU must *•< To the place the living may never know. A Uttla more laughter, a few more tears. Ami wa shall have told our increas ing years. The book la closed, and the prayers are said, , And wa part of thv counties* dead. T'V rAnm kunnu fftamaa I# - - ■ _ *•7, ”1 live because he has patted My —A.V. Barnet in Christian Advocate. Thera’s only ono place where “coming clone" counts — that's in horseshoes. WEEKLY COTTON LETTER . (By Savannah Cotton Factorage Co. All inquiries promptly answer ed.) Out letter of Tuesday, August let, gave the Qoverament't condition re port as of inly t$th, 7*.8, indicat ing a cotton crop of 11,448,000 baleh. On that day the now York future market advanced nearly 8c per pound eloaing at a net gain of 108 to 110 *»teta. Periods of UquMatioa and. are te tattla tha seal and rail atrikaa encouraged selling by some South BANK! i friendly bank, the service pot f’i# • ys given yon. r* V' • The Fint National Bank Dunn, North Carolina y ■ — Mil !■ ■ ' f»r« sad also by profsMiooaJ trsd * *• Ths outlook today is that both trlaa «U1 ba settled at aa tarty, data. This, together with rontinaed1 •ry, hot ueathar is the West, should •ate a Kiaiulating effect on the mar ket before August 15ih. unions the dsamtwi is insufficient to take cart of off ft logs. • August Is the boll weevil month The September IK condition report will indicate the approximate dam s*r, and wa predict higher price* af ter that date. Mall order boosts, wholesalers and others report a steady improvement lo business. This baprovernes', should continue, for tbe following reasons: Lipilditiu la (very line la about over. Unaasploy*ant has decreased to normal. Cotton Kochs have de creased to pre-war levels. This sae *on‘» cotton crap of 10 to 11 million bale* should sail fat tOc or over, put ting millions of djllurs more into cir culation. “Unde Bam" is loaning money to assist in tbe orderly marketing of cotton, instead of natilng It on the ■naaket as rapidly aa picked. Better tiossa appear to he not far distant. Let’s be ^prepared to enjoy the prosperity which H bound to come. Mimiater LoeaMa Cold la North Carolina Mountains Asheville, Aug. 11.—Lured to tbe mountains of WeK in North Carolina by the climate aa I scenery, Bev. J. C. Coggins, D. I h, pastor of the Central Christian hatch of Augusta, Oa.. haa found other attraction* in the antive hilia and gold to the leader. While there are a* yet so Indication! ■a to wather geld in commercial quantities will be found by the Geor gia miqlstar, located within half a mile of Black Mountain, the prospects arc considered bright in view of the quality of lb# "free gold" found on the surface. Dr. Coggins is in pos session of a large nugget, weight six dollar*, which yaaa also found on the property by a mountaineer. BUILDING RECORD MAKE HIGH MARK Present Program Cannae Sum to 9300,000 Spent This Year—Mor* To Cense Construction was begun here yes terday on two new storn buildings and two new reaidencee, bringing the number of buildings now in process ot erection to the highest number ever undertaken in Dunn at one time. They will carry the year’s building record well beyond the $100,000. P. T. Maatengill it building the new stores on his lota at the comer of Broad Street and Clinton Avenue from wttfek two wooden buildings were burnde in December 1920. Z. V ■Snipes and Durham Taylor are building the residence!. Mr. Snipes’ home is being con-1 structsd on the lot at the comer of King Avenue and Pearsall street in front of the G. M. Tilghman home. Mr. Taylor's home Is being bullderi 1 ■ .-—1 You furc a Stranger Oply-Qnce Once yoi^enter our dooi^you will begin to feel that we are d^otog everything to make your transaction It is the^Mfablished poAcy of this bank to extend the utmost courtekr tc every one who transacts any buai Do not ydta^ to make use of our services. We want your viendAlp, iy> matter how email your trans We espiMslty ikvite savings accounts. One dollar WOT start nkeod VouJmay add to this as you are able. DUNN, ’ Jr NORTH CAROLINA 4 percent Interest Paid on Time Deposits --r+ ———■———■*—s—=■ at the comer of Harnett Street and ’ Kllia avenue, betide the hgme of hia 1 fathar, Jame. A. Taylor I Thera now art bt[ln* erected in I Dunn more than twenty homea, two i icheol building*, four Korea and one i of the largnet cotton ut RAT >NAP killed 12 in a week. I’m never vithoat RAT-4VJAP. Reckon I could t’t rahte chicki without it." ftAT 1NAH foul'll in c*km. Three ataei, \bt K!ie, 11.23. Bold and guaran ood by Wlleon A Lee, Hood A Gran* 'nin, Butler Hro*. — —y i_r——n ^ mgp CANNING? I ---.- : You’ll need one of our I complete home canning I outfits/if you intend I t