THE VOLUME IX_ * DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA. SMITH IS BADLY HURT BY CLUB OF DEPUTY SHERIFF Man Struck By R. F. Jaruignn Unable To Attend Court Dr. Bute Says GODWIN WILL ASK FOR GRAND JURY INDICTMENT 1 pear For Injured Man—Says Attacks Upon Citizens By Ottcors Must Stop Casa Against Boy Goes To Jura nil* Court. Contrary to early reports, the con dition of M. R. Smith, who was rtroek on the head serersl times by Deputy Sheriff R. P. Jemlgan last Saturday Is rosily serious. This fact wai brought out in Re currier's Court y••tarday when Han nibs I L. Oodwin displayed a cartlfl csle from Dr. R. M. Buie, of Duko, ■bowing that Mr. Smith’s physical condition waa such that hr could not attend court. Mr. Smith waa wanted aa a witness in the ease against hi* grandson, Jehu Pal knar, whose arrest Mr. Jemigan was seeking at the time of his alleged assault upon Mr. Smite. Mr. Godwin iaitimated In clash that be would aak for an indictmvat of Mr. Jerntgan at th# next term of Harnett County Superior Court. Thi« Intimation oamc when Mr. Towneend naked if Mr. Godwin deaired to Miow tke aoml character of Mr. Smith. The former Coagraawaan replied that he did not chooee to do 10 then, bat that in another eaae being planned he would be very glad to go into the matter. Today Mr. Godwin Meted that the emee would be put before the grand Jury and that he would proeeeute Mr. Jerntgan for aaaauit. He aaid. tea, that be wae determined to make aa etrong an effort aa poaaihle to throw out of oSm policemen and other law , .. enforcement otMala who naraed to thfoh that they bad a Ood-giren r&n “Thing* have come to an awful paaa,” aaid Mr. Godwin, “if the etti aeaahtp of Harnett county tan be subjected to inch treetsnerrt u some of them have been gives in the last few yaare and find no rsltei at court. 1 an going to do all I can to break up the rtng whose menabere seen to think that tha ieeuance ef a warrant against a man places Mia beyond the pale." It developed yesterday that the trouble between Hr. Smith and Mr. Jernigan grew out of hia attempt to serve a warrant issued for Jehu Smith against Jehu Pmlkner. Felkner waa the boy wan tod, but tha warrant anas incorrectly filled out Mr. Smith contended that It could net be served. Re. it waa aaid, waa seated on a box in tha George T. Hodges stables. Mr. Jernigan la said to have warned him to be quiet, threatening that be would "tend to you If you do not" Mr. Smith was not easily quieted. He continued to toll Mr. Jeraigaa what he thought of him. Then Mr. Jernigan struck him three times on tbs heed, inflicting what were at first supposed to be flesh wounds. Mr. Smith areal to Dr. Tarttngtoa for treatment, bat before Dr. Turlington could make an anamination ef hie wounds, Mr. Jernigan entered. This seemed to ange^ Mr. Smith and ha left Dr. Turlington's office and went home. Later he went to Dr. Bala, k is •aid that ha suffered much through Saturday night and Sunday and that he bled profusely. It Is feared that hia shall bat been fractured. Aa x-rey of the wounds eriO be made aa aoon at possible. Tha result of this x-ray will be shown in Superior Court as evidence against Mr. Jernigan H an Indictment against him la returned by the grand jary. The ease againat Mr. Smith’s grandson waa transferred to the Ju venile court. The bey is leas than Sixteen yean old, it la aaid. PASQUOTANK PACKERS TO SELL COUNTY PORK n.w uwwa chj ru*t ww m* AM* T* HnA AN Pwk Fran Bala* BH*«*«*>> City. A<( tt—That tba tu«*n of F«<q*otoiil county um MU all tb* pork tb*y mn rain* at Mi* royaler «nik*t prl<« in EHwbatb City la tb* apmioa of C. V. Wbltlay, brad of EUttbatb CUy*. »•» paeWny plant mow »nd«r rmutmcUan. Batlaf notary proyr*** i* balay mad* on tba mow plant ul Mr WMtiay ««p«rt* tt la b* In op* rati an by Hr ««ab*r 1. Tba oow IndwAry wtU aparata ultr tba aa*M af C. tt. Wbltlay tad Co TM* aawapnay wtU WttaWaa ta tip atarkaUay af flaaltb BaU ba*M and baaaa bat wUI aba* bay and put on tks local nuutot no aa*e, backbones .toadariotna, rpara rib* and lard. The plant la bain* boRt to taka ear* af 100.000 poanda of part oaah aaaaan It la of brink contraction, SO by SO foot, and la loeatad at tka and af Chareh atroat. C. M. Whltlay aad Company ara now oprratla* planta at tnUlMaU and Haa*Wn. Va. Mr. WklUoy wfll make klo kaadqnartem la CMekhofk CUy, tka batten* af kia baesa naar Ota plant bat a* already andar way. POLISH SOLDIERS BACK Haaltfc Officials Spoil Big ■•option By r»mi gallon Order The Baltic American line sleamah ip Lalrin arrived Thursday with more than 1,000 repatriated Poles return ing to the United States after light ing in the Polish army for several years. The handredt it friends sad relatives who want to the pier at the foot of Porty-alxth street, Brooklyn, to greet the returning soldiers were disappointed, as they ware seat to Hoffman Island to have their effects fumigated. They probably erill be re leased tomorrow. Special exemption was ruadr to al low the men to return to the United Stales. Their friends had planned a big reception '.but the health officers decided upon a preliminary fumiga tion—New York Times. CHARLOTTE LADY WRITES OF DUNN Mr*. J. L. Hina* Recall* Some Of Town’s History}. Daugh ter Of Raw. W. B. Harrell Mrs J. L. Hina, daughter of the late Rev. W. B. Harrell, of Dumb, writing fhom Charlotte, where she' hat made her home tor the last fire year*, recall* tame more of Datin'* early riitory that )e of intemt to her early history that it of interest to Dispatch rtadtrt. Here i* her letter: 1 road with interest some weeks •go your srUcle on the early days of Hood and Grantham drag store »pd later the loiter from Hr. Frank Shaw concerning th* early days of Dunn. My father, Re*. W. B Harrell with hie family moved to Dnnn in IMS My mother hod charge of the music in the Dima School. D. L. Ellis was th* principal, and I think was the first teacher the town ever had. In those days, Raneom Tay lor, Hannibal Godwin, Malcota aad Harvey McKay, Albert Harrell and several other* wbre school boys : ht A. Tapior and owned the two d?ug stores. Major J. A. t> McKay and hJa goad wife, kept the only hotel la town. Both have long since gone to their reward. In 18M the MeUiodiat church was being built in deep woods which could only be reached by a foot path. Rev. Mr. Bntt was the pioneer who biased th* trail tor th* handsome church which now stands on tbs ori ginal comer. ' The Baptist church vs built be fore 1888 oo the lot where the pres ent church aow stand*. Th* first newspaper In Dunn was owned 07 j-ar sum* Hr. Brook* Later it wai told to Mr. Conner of Wlho*. Then Pink Pittman bought It and war owner until hi* death, that wai the old "Dunn Guide." There were aix barrooms in town in those early days, aad It Vas not conMdered aafe for a lady to walk out on the atroeta Saturday after noon or sight. What a change for the better tine# thoae days. You have a live hustling town now and some men there who ere putting Dunn "Oa tha Marp." We have been living In Charlotte five yearn now, but I never fail to read the "DtapaUeh" every week and enjoy It very much. Tht* h a fine town and we like the people very mack, but 1 ahall nev er forget my old friend* In Dunn, the town where 1 spent 2B year* of my Hfe, and I hope to aee them again. “FLYING PARSON” TIM COUPLE IN SEAPLANE Maw York, Aug. 24.—Shouting ov er hie afaoutder “1 will,” aa he drove hio aeaplen# atxty milea an hour I, 000 feet above the Httdeon River here Lloyd Bertaud, ef San PnodMe, took as hU bride Mbs Helen Virginia Lent. The knot wue tied by former Lieutenant Belvia W. Maynard, tha "Flying Panoa.v Twenty minute* after they w*ra pronounced man and wife, th* plan* glujial down and taxed to it* moor ings, where Mr. and Mr*. Bertaud were greeted by a group of frienda. With Eddie Stinson, Mr. Boduud won th* world’* endurance record at MI**oU. N. Y., a fr*e*in*r day MM winter, remaining In th* air 20-hour* and *2 minute* SECOND SERIES OF ; B. AND L SHARES i OPEN NEXT WEEK 'Director* Went To Increase Active Number To 3,000 In Coming Imo* THREE HOMES COMPLETEt OTHERS ARE UDERWAY Institution Does More Than It Promised To Do—Builds More Than One Home Each Month Secretary Lee Issues Latter To Citizens He Hopes To Help. With three homes completed, two more under construction and plan, for several others underway, the Horae Balldlng end Loan Association will greet the opening of its second •cries of share* on Saturday of naxt week with a record it* officials believe will conviace all Dunn citizens that they should own dure* in the Insti tutions. The association la leas than three months old. It has done more than it promt sod to do—hoild a been in Dann each month. Eugana T. Lea. secretary and treasurer of the aaaoeialloa, has jiot isauad a letter to tit* people of Duaa. In It he tell* what the institution ha* dose and what It hops* to do. The letter nMi: "The Home Betiding * Loan Asso ciation of Door is as if eljIUhod fact. Since the Firat Series opened on June Srd, throe new dereUinge hare been completed and are bow ready for occupancy — a record of “Use new home each month.” Two more homes arc now under conetrnctSon and will be completed withia the next few weeks. Loans bare been appro* ed by tbs directors which guarantee the building of several more dwellings ^efore Janaary If. You may easily sea. all arouad you, Ac aotual baoe fits to the town and community frow, the operation of an active building and loan 555553 Inatlons and yet so operating as to help the largest number of sharehol der'* and build the most bonnes. The splendid start, and the suthasiafn shown, plainly indicates that not only ; the officer* but the share holders bare this movement close at heart aad we may expect the result to be “two or more homes each month” instead •f oar present record. What, a wot dirful community builder a well conducted building and loan aeeocia Uert u and whsd wonders our aseocta tlen couki accomplish If every citlien was intereeled to the extent of being a shareholder. "Everyone does not care to build and neither is every eae able to build—yet every one can and should save "some part of hla earnings." The easiest way to do this is to save sys tematically—save to.much each week or month. The building and loan as sociation offers the moat attractive proposition for saving a pant of your income In a systematic and practical manner. You will be placing your money m an absolutely sound invest ment which is non-taxable and which will pay you a return of over six per cent. Such an opportunity should appeal t6 every man, woman and child lit our community. “The Second Series of stock will open on Saturday, Soptcmher 2nd. The officers have planned to Increase the number of working shares front 2400—ithe present number—to S, 000." MAY PASS BONUS BILL BEFORE END OF WEEK Oppaaeata WipwU Te Ut BiH ha HofU| PmUMl Will Vets It . I Washington, Any. 28.—The senate ■ova forward so rapidly today In ita eensldaratton of the eoldiwrc' henna bill that aoane leadena regarded pass age of tha mascara before tha and af this week aa stars than a possi bility. Opponents wart andersteod to ba disposed to 1st the bill taka Ita enaiw at this tisia In tha belief that President Harding would wets' It Should he da as they planned to cen ter their Sght against fit passage trrti hia veto. There still eras, however, no of Actal information before the sonata as te the axes*tree's view other thar that contained fa hia latter Aad U tha home last March just bafora tha body passed the hill. Tha Presto an than advised that Cengross either AM a means of ftmanolag the lagteUtloT or postpone Its enaetaant sad team friends of tha Mil aa wed aa op poaenta hollova bo otMl la of tbs* rabid. Kaptylag te a qaeetlea by Beast* Robins an. Democrat, Arkansas Chair mea MeCombar, of tha fiasco* oaat to what the Preetdeat wouM do Ha a.Utod, however, that the rhaegoe h» the Mil hy which there weald he ae hdavy draft m the treeeary ter the east thee* year* weald eeeee to e^et every ohjeetien the Preeideat had •4M aciiMt tk« orWm] - tWt U mM m* m-«|q **• mtwwtlr* tttvld *«bo UuMm r4** f CHRISTIAN ORAM FOR Scripture 9 vanea. Topic—Lewona Door* Leader—Ear) pa See*. Devotional Introduction. How Natan Witaoa. How our Uvea Xodp In tune with *. H. Swain. . • • Dual—Rera Ethel Butler. What. Hava Helped Olve— “i change Mr. Howard aaa flat aajnad “ laanagor tor to North Caro lina, Alabama Ifrid 0origin aaiocJa tlona, and waa la tar placed la charge of the aoHing for all., the aaociatioaf wMch nocaaiutaa Cho naming of a 8t*t« tain managor tot aach of the aaooeiatlon. WIU THANK-GOD FOR GOOD CROPS PeopU of Jilimk; Cauaty To Mom "Lator Day" And Offer Ttomka Kurilng that thonka ahqold be off ered for tils splendid crops in John ■ton county a committee of eititaaa meeting at Salttffdd thin week re •olved to oak that aoch thaakt be offered oa Labor Day. The committee la > made' op of C. W. Home, A. T. Laaalter, Dan U. Oliver. O. B. Parry, and W. 8. Btev rai. Tko jrnnla—tlim baa been published in the BmAMoM Ohaarrcr and it ia balieSod that the whole people of the county will gather on the day named to tadnb Ood for the plenty that haa com* tn their county. The raaolation fa Bows: Tr» tk* people of Johaatan County: "In view erf tf a dak crop* aS every kind, that have been «mmha*fed an te oar people ip thin coernty by Our Heavenly Father, vkMk gives prom 'ee of an abundant hprvaat; while la aome port Iona of od beloved State It fothodoa moth destitution and aa(Taring by almoat crop faOur*. "Wa, the nnrlirelgntd. hart bam 'laalgnatod a eommittaa to aaggavt aoma method of trynAdag oar gra Htudn and thaaldfwl—, would re command that tho ijtoM paopio of JoMnaton county of.^ery profaaaion, vocation and nrrupadltn. both mala and female, ceaaa from labor and eoma together aa. mama at the ooun ly aval an Labor Dari Bootmabar 4th at 11 Veto* l n., to than) ledWid nally uu1 toUtllw| and throw* lha mlnlatna of tho tbrtou dcnoen I nation* render thaepca ta Ahnlftfctr Cod for HU morel** an to at and Ilia bloaalafa heaped npan **, for HU «®odo**i and mart Up eadwrtfe for mr. •*w# would appaal ta aw mlnttaro and ChrUUdn paapl^.«o grp thalr n.t«M.or» and frtandf ta corn* and J«U »• U«aoo th*nka*Mn* tarrUoa “Wo would aba otbpoat that th* Uadlnp rolarod piopb aahart «uir Uitoatma and Ortolan poopl. to 1 art* upon thalr paapla la mm to , r*th*r on that dap ad neh a place a* they may deem dbafca ante Qod I for HU awrelae end MadefL ’ / . ~ Sunn greets king 'ENTHUSIASTICALLY ■ FOR 1922 SEASON Fjp»t BaW 6# Cotton Crawn Bp , A Uncle Jack Monk Par . Arthur Papa THOMPSON PATS U CKMISi IT GRADE5 MIDDUNG 1 * .. * Toast Prepare* To Bocalra On* Oi Largact Local Crap* Oa Record — Wapan Market Hap SaO 20,00* Bala* Co operator** Will Handle of hi* regular Cotton returned to DOM ycrterday for hi* 19** trUH rft lt»* Mrid* th* And bale of floor* gat hoped la the etirroundin* Held* •caocn. Uncle Jack Hank, a tenant •n th* Arthur Pop* farm, wa* hi* *ok escort. Cnct* Jack grew the cat lam. It graded ‘middling* arv<l brought *6, cents a pound. The coming of th* king wa* wel comed by Dunn'* large army of cot ion boyar* and by all huaiaaa* men who nr* ptln (offering mm from th* burdens left on their dnldra by th* monarch two y«art ago. Bo promise* l* relieve to them of these burdens this year. Mach cotton It open In th* Add* •hoot Dunn. It 1* eatlmatod that Um wagon market here will p»n mar* than SO.OO* bo let daring the seaaoa and that more than 80,000 bale* will pa** through the co-operative —— ciaSoas warehouse*. The crop wa* never bettor than it i* now, although heavy min* throughout tho drat throe wook* of thla month ha* materially ent prodoe Uon. The crop had fine growth through July and had weather condition* reiBBiood favorable through Augoat the crop woakT have boadcu all former record* by auootal of balo*. •nil, bat the _^ cial day. ba* brought a decided Im provement. There i* much long ataple In the region *od ita grower* are expecting to grt an average prleo of more than S£ cent* for it. One long ataple grower ha* kll of Ike cotton hr ba* produced in the latr taro year*—more than 800 balea He *ay. he expert* 10 cent* a pound for it. Throe big gin* operated here by tho General Utility Company,- Geo. V. 1*0pc and the Barnet Cotton Oil Company are being thoroughly over hauled to gin thin year'* crop. Tho rombined capacity of thate it about 40,0*0 balei per aeaoon. Tho Wm. J. Tbompton Canton Co., wholeuln buyer* of cotton with eon aoctiona in moat of the larger cotton cc.itere of North and South Caro lina, will make Dunn iu concentra tion point. A large Virginia concern aloo i* negotiating fOT atorage apace here. The co-operative auoeiation will (tore muck cotton here, it i* told. -I FIERCE LEGAL BATTLE OVER CONTESTED FEES Claim Uaiw Verbal Agreement fat Service* In Lend Sal* Ta Cere remeet . - Edwin 8. Smith, former Durin low yer. brother u* Mrs. L. J. Beet, l« having a hard time collecting fee* from elirnt* he represented in the Camp Bragg land seltlemont matter. A etory from Raeford ramie: “One of the fiercest battle* waged in Hoke county's court Wetary began today over a foe which E. R Smith and W. B. licQueeri attorneys, claim ■nd«y verbal agreement for their aar vieo* in bohatf of Mm Mary lie* and her daaghtrr, Mn. Annie Corner oa, large landowner* in that territory now composing upper Kurt Bragg. Th# foe seat bused, so the pie in tig attorneys claim, upon a SO per cent haate of whatever increaae hr award tha government might make to th* defendant* a* a remit of (ho littga tlon conducted after the geeemasent’e •rat award. “The plaintiff* have not rested tholr tuc yet, bet haet bad a a am ber of prominent wltneaeoa, among them being Judge Conner, before srhorn th* eaec settling tha award* ware tried early Uit* year la Raleigh. Th# amount of the fee claimed 1* •lightly In cxoeao at H7J)0e De fendant* deny that there waa ever •ny eontraet agreed upon hotvroen th* mid ptalatiff attorney* ami them •rlvae." . coughs ur tuuxr i • cou*hin* *cfl while haihing at Coariy laUad " Frlcdmaa M nan aid. Newark, get rid of a ballot wUab be hail Brad late bit bawl mart than a month ago la aa effort to card hia Ufa. On Juae It Friedman who keepa a eaady a tore, ahot blmaeW faar timaa In the bead. Three ef the ball eta were extracted by City Heepilal phy weiane and the fourth could not be lucuted. d'rtedmen'a rxpiunntfon of hie at tempt at aaieide La that be * temporarily tonne aa a malt at eea tiaaaUy bampin* bit bead aa the raf ter* la Ua eellar a* he be tied eat water from an Icebea draia.—New Thm.e COTTON DAMAGED J BY BAD WEATHER R*»" Ami Dixmih Cmh Damage ia North CwMmi Review of Crop Washington. Aag. M.—CaedMlane •a the whole anfaveiabte far the r°Uon crap were reported bp tlx weather banes hen la (ta -after and crop rTevow for the crock xfbf jrootcrdajr. Cool, flood jr and ahowsrp ore ether preeailod la the aaatara eoetian* of the bolt, bat k woe anaonollp warn ■ad oontinaod dry ia moot Wootora •toLc\, the review void. *A few light ocattand ehowen ae corred la Oklahoma, and cotton chow ad deterierateea gnaecaSp laf that there war mack dxddiag." the neiaw can tinned. “Scattered ihowara occurred in ttatarc opening. The condition at the crop in Tt™ waa mostly poor in iha -oathrrn portion, aery goad in (the «aat and elsewhere. “Light, local ahowen. gave aoaae relief la Arkansas, principally in the couth* rn portion, sad the crop made fair pragma* where them were roeerr cd. lit <J«te no ration erne reported In moat eertlona of the Stale doe ta bet, dry weather. “Progress waa poor in Tenoeme* when the plaate were not fraldag areU. although the general condition we* fairly good. “Bella ware opening more rapidly in Lam iai ana, but there wore further reports of shedding and weevil dam age. while conditions daring the Week were mostly uneaturfectory in Mississippi and Atohaau. “The weather continued cool. c.loody. damp and unfavorable fee cetton In Georgia and general deter ; ioration continued with both shedding ind rotting and acriots weevil dam age waa reported; the plants had nearly ceased blooming ta the State. “The plant growth condition con tinued very good ia South Carolina, the plants wero blooming and frett ing fairly well, but there m name <he,idlng and boll rotting while wuo *> were doing great damage and tikiag Ihe top-crop, except In the Piedmont. The weather waa favorable for their increased activity. “Hoavy rains did coma limn In een*ml and eastern North Carofcm. and It waa a* mew hat too cool far host ‘•suits the latter part of the weak. The program at cotton ia that State varied from poor to very good; the plcnts were mostly at goad rise, hat aaany were fruiting poorly with same diadding and considerable weevil “Picking and griming ailvnnaid favorably In meat section* where this work was in pragmas. Picking had * Uw nertbwaet. A GOO© LA YU Twe I Me Wye were Cmahi the ®*Tlu tteir wayeethre fatten 9»o of Am mMi • "Well, my father raleee late of 'hkkena, and he save me a hen that laye aa e« every day." “Hah I" reylW* the other morafat hr. “ttafe noAay. M, father la Grand Matter of the Mamm, aad ho laye a aornerettne every watt."— Kxeheage. Captain OraavOle M. TUghman ar rhred heme tMa awmlmg after ayend lag eeveraJ day* A the Virylale haw Aml i*,' ip s-£'.- ..1l Ci . * :.* ’ <;/1> • - ^ “ •i D. V, m fel* tel _ _ _ L*"^* • • - _ * .-tti-r iS fS t » I bo or 17.00 for tom. This *o entire days- Mo board foraitiwd at the Dormitory this year. “AV room root is payable rUtstiy In adeoace.** GOLDSBORO GUARDSMEN IS SHOT IN aUFCAMK f" the teat of Eejiaeo la hi la a aeriaoa held, wbg wee_, _ te the civil aothoiitlee by Adjoint Oeoetol J. Van B. Met*. |aM» der a 1.000 bead. HU aether, Mia. A. N. fate, wot the bail. Batter? A. of the 117th Mi ar tillery. ef which thee* am are-r hens reformed today from Cam i: -; Nr *• 41m. 1^4 aad faith batarava ttaM, ar_„ raaa aal aahid SaataafUM ta hum SatUHtoW U aaU ta haaa than pMt4 Ma ran . Arise tha tva teau. ""^tfAciuor wouns •atfeMaam. ft., Aar M grate *»^K. Q. Qtaaa. af tha KtMaha ■* *• car aaTb**! ******* ««—- NNN * FNtMaaf Oattea h tlaul Ma%h. A«c. Ik-U, tHt M. ajjapte aattam fMh«aa4 to RMh Gac> lha Mt af Itpha W, My, tt W ha fUMam, *m •

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