OWNERS TACKLE JOB OF HANDLING 1922 COTTON CROP Tbrm Big Plant* In Dunn Start Work Thl* Wook hi Ftao Skopo 180 BALES TURNED OUT IN TOWN THIS SEASON Thousand Expactad Next Wook Who* Indue try Strike* It* Stride Cotton Buying Con cern* Engage Mon For Saa •oo E. H. Alexander Now Man For Joknaon Co. With both the Saimaa OS MBls and thi Goorga F. Pop* cotton gin* atari lag park this week and the Gan- i *>aj Company preparing to atari at once, tba ginning tad&atry 1 1 In Dann ia eppocted to b* in foil awing by the middle of aaxt weak. The two gin* In operation ia town will have ginnod probably 100 >ale* i by Saturday might and during *a coming wook k to expected that at , toaat 1,000 baloa win ‘jo to mad out Olna la tbo county around Dunn atoa urn marling up and before another mruinni ut local nuut WUI aanntc mtd-oaoaon actiritioa. •Inca the atom of but mni all of tha Dun etna bar* bean materially bap raved. Tka Pop* ftn, burned jaet before tbo Mama eloead, km kma completely rebuilt and outfitted with tbc GalloWfiaflem of gina. Tka Gerv •iml Utility Company plant km kma ■ improved by fit* addition of a otar *f» warahouae ceoting 9100^*0, tar* tremeadom *0 englaea, eevend etor *ft bine for aood cotton and bandtada af feat of concrete platform an which to handle cotton. Tka latter plant la eaid to be the moat thorough ly equipped hi tbo world for the gta nine and handlist of mtton. Meantime fan cotton baying can to"* am aaacplotow tbalr plane for T. H Sanaom will buy for tbo do wn Cotton Company; Cari Barefoot will repreamt the Marvin Wada Com pany; WUI Sorie* will buy for hha aatl * H. Alexander, at Charlotte, will be a new nan on A* market. Bo will uepreoant the Johnaon Cotton Company. Ha has boon a cotton buy er on Ae Charlotte market for six year* and core** to Ae Johnson com pany with very highest recommenda tioni. Sock Hudson, Woingee and others of tk* old standby* who have beta coining to Dunn for year*, also will bo bare occasionally this year. Co-opera1 Ive Association mrabon will deliver an of their cotton to Ae General Utility Company warehouse, where o grader will be stationed to determine Ae value ef their cotton, pay Aa Initial Instalment and Isaac bonded warehouse receipts. The ware house will epan today for Aa receipt! of Ala cotton. Nearly 100 baits of Ala year's oat ton crop had been sold on the local market up to noon today. The aver age price was >2 cent*. HUUHE5 SENDS FIRST MESSAGE OVER CABLE Telle BruHUi. Perejga MinUter It Fan.. New Liwh Of “Aarfty" Wuhtngton, An#. *».—The flnrt MMIt to be trenmaltted error the »«w Nlantl Barhade* Sooth Amort «*» **We, rtgnad by Secretary Haghne, end addreeeed te Joee Maa aol de A teredo llcrqOex, If in later of Foreign Affaire for Breail, «u die patched today tram Miami. After ■ ip*emlng hie gratification at tha opening of the new line of teaae nleation between North and Soetb A marten, the Secretary** iwiemgi aaid It formed a am Hah of “mntnal ln tareet and amtty.** Tha meemge waa reeelred at tha State Department by rnido from the •teamar Pan American, on which Mr. Haghee la traveling an the head el the efletal micrtoo te the tntcrcatlon ei exporttten at Bio de Janeiro. The prtetlcg* ef eending the flmt mcrnm* woe given the Secretary by TT|—nmti Oaritea, preeideat of the Weaken Uatoa Telegraph Company “Permit me W anprem,' on behali af Preaid eat Harding, Me deep graft fieatien at the lyaaing of the ami cable to BraaO. thae tnemmhw at aa •ppartaa* thae fsailltiee ef eemam cie alien between the twn eonatrim and farming a new link of matanl h» tercet and amity. Flame eaeept m] hearty feMcMatiene apoa thin happ] event." J SHOPS AT NEWBERN GET BACK TO NORMAL Nerf.Hi Southern SUfi TW> Aad Ib Neefeih Alawt Fully Messed Naw Bern. August If.—With thirty-one man on the payroll Sere and applications coming in e occur tglngiy It appear! certain that the Norfolk Acs there shops her* will toon be in normal operation again, from Norfolk 'comes the advice that Mm whops than' are almost fully manned and applications are still be ing received. The view of the company was said o ha expressed In th* following stato aett given out by aa official hare. “We to old bring a hundred or more nan bare from northern po.nte but «re do sot Intoad to take any such ictlon. We want to give work to men »f New Bern and vicinity. Wo will ake back all of our former employes >nd want them to return. The rail wea UI uone ereryinir* in It* paw 'd to be fair to the men and ha* boon villtn* to lie# op to the term* pro by the ekoperefta union. We their jobi open for them aa ion* '• tt wu phyoiealiy poaaible to do tt. "he Riopa had to be reopened how irer In order to take care of the wiling mock." When (mentioned aa to their atti nde to the action v>k*n by the Nor !olk hop there, onion men an atrike 'ere, had nothin* to aay dactinia* to liaeun the reopen in* of the Riope. THE TRUTH Do you remember Lincoln’• mory 'bout the little stoamaT with the hi* ehimieT Erery time the tooted the ehiotie blew off eo much Mu that ha boat mopped raanin*. Hmfe the eay with lota af people May. tt hay weald only eee their «aef*y to Wre the paddle wheel pf opportn »ity lamead of eternally Motrin* the ehltfe of diecoatoat they would dad thedbalrea *ein* up the atreaa of mocam «o daa*ad fact that barne tiaa of failure wouldn't Imre a chance In the world to hook onto Their Utile BERECHVEDHERF FOR FIRST TIME Association Ihajanataa Duu Aa Oaa of ftiwhti atiwi Pobta Beginning oday HAS CONTRACT WITH GENERAL UTILITY CO. feacdpU Begin h All Other Towns# Whore Bombed Ways* buss Space b Available— Othar Points To Bo Eatah Uahod Aa Soon Aa Space b Acquired. Cotton owned by qo-oporatlve ^ •Odation momfaora will b« received here to the wars bonsai of the Ger eral Utility Company today, It was announced yesterday by the general offices sf tbs association yesterday. The association also will receive cot ton In every other bonded warehouse of the State la whloh It has been able to scu ml re space. The association has contracted with the local company for tbs storage of several thousand balsa. Daisy baa been occasioned in eloa ing deals with many of tbs waro houses because •» association will dore Its cotton only la State licensed -—h- T\_A_ _a__ _ in many warehouse* await the grant fag of llcanaa before being closed. II la thought bom not to undertake to rmolv* cotton at the opening of the season oaeept ot lleerewd ware boom#, bat by September loth the association will bars ample ware hoaso spaes contracted for. it I* an nounced, aad seventy-dr* receiving point* will ha provided in addition to the warehouse palate by that data. State licensed warehouses for th* receipt of cotton from mcohere of the association art located at th* tol lowing points: Statesville. Monroe. Mt. Gilead, Polk ton, Moreen, Lfioo ▼IB*, Fayetteville, Moneure, Dana, CUntan, Creed moor, Loufcbuig, Pol faekaeiDo, Now Born. Oriental. Kol ) ford, CUsaboth CHy and Smiths old Cotton will bo received by Cuts licensed we rehouses and suds othei warehouse* a* rectiV* their State ll tenses la time with which the —— elation has contracts, Manager Bream •totes. Cimrasalty Isadora aad -ffllun_ mol la ovary eoimty court bens* In th< eotton hoN Wednesday afternooa u rnoolre Baal fawtreetton* from fl*|< reprmoautiva* of the imoeiatlow re laMvo to dOhvery of thalr cotton. Tbb afternoon mooring* win bo haM la or try comma oity by moreher* to hoa '**th^ ^ ** ***t*J' •* Knvp —- I ■ B AVITOR PAYS COSTS IN COURT AT DURHAM RaU> That FlWr Endangered Liam Of People Darlas BaiataW Camr Durham, Aug. 29. — Lieutenant F.llmons, California aviator arrested Saturday on a charge of committing a nuisance by giving an unheralded flying exhibition over Doherty Path where a Piedmont League hasehaTI game was la program, was released in Recorder's court today upon pay ment of the costs In the case. The coart ruled that while there are no State, county or city lawn govern leg the operation of ai rehip*, that the fact to some extent Lieu'e-p^k Vlll-j more so dan ge red the liven «*,* large number of people mad, .Hilh gpilty of the charge preferred.' In his exhibition Saturday after noon the lieutenant dld^ a nose dire over the ball 'park aad ilmoenrhil within about TO fed from the ground Juot In front of the left Sold bleach ers where there were more than 1, 900 people seated, fearing, that thi| driver of the plane had loot control, the fnne “fell eat~ of the hWchtra, ume of them sustaining alight tajur. its. , ____I FATHER’S VISIT MAYBE FUIHi Granted Laao4 ot Aba—ei Tm Saa Dyta« Bajr.iM b Witboat Maaay t Philadelphia, Aug. M—Although the rasaslva gates to the Fsdeevd Pen itentiary at Leavenworth, gaama, an ready to awing opoa a second time for Edward t. Done, go that bo may via* Hie Ave year old Bn, “Buskey,” dyiajf M this dty, H waa considered unlikely today that ho wffl see the lad .Alive. Physicians believed that death is In lib tel, broke, and ha oast pay not only kb own transportation for the nearly I, 000 miles, bat also that of the guard to accompany blot. Ho wind his wife three daya ago that U00 was neces sary The wife, who earns bar earn living, replied sbo had no funds, but would endeavor to raiar the money. Mr*. Aeret haa wired the warden at Leavenworth to learn whether her husband had negotiated lands (or the trip, but Uvte Is hopes that ha will arrive momentarily As the ('eye grow, she la torn between joy and sor row. Fleeting ae is the hope that has son will live, frtendi are expecting President Harding to sign a pardon for her husband within a faw day*, due largaljr to the Intercession of Senator George Wharton Pepper and Mia. Charles Edward RueasIL Dorse's csss first attracted public attention when be wae granted a brief leave lasl spring to visit hit son. who was critically ill with peri carditis. His reward for the long journey was a visit of bat a minute or two srilh 'Buckey," who called for him every day and atiU continues to do so. Doras has served about t years of a 10 yuar sentence for vio lation of the espionage set. TOBACCO USERS PAY UNCLE SAM BIG SUM Conlribstod • Far Cast Of Internal Imm* la 1#2S( StoSisttoe Washington. Aog. 29.—Tobacco ueere gold a] moat • par cent of the **,197,000,000 la internal revenue received by the government In tha Haeai year of 1981. income and pro fits taxes accounted for 99 par cant of tho total. From tobacco and Its manufactory tha rwveminent received *879.719. 000, oatistlca published today Aour. This was aa tncreaaa of (1*490,000 •y»r tho araeuit collected by tha government tram that aoorea In 1*21. Tha Increase was almost wholly from taxes on cigarettaa, wbltb totalled *1*0,182,000. Chewing and wnoklnj tobaaao taxaa totaOad 000448,00C and largo cigars 444,184,000, a da craasa of 904*9.090 from 1921. Tha automobile Industry paid tla gov am man t 9104.M9.000 In the Aa cal roar 1082, through tha manafan terete' excise tax. That was 11,110 000 lam than collected la 1911. Oaariy aad shoeing gem saved tlw ■ government law In taxes by 99440, ' ooo Pram candy *1(4*0.000 wa collected, and from chewing gam i 9748470. Non-alcoholic beverage* 9bawed ( ' Many to*al tax decline, 999.490,*01 i haring b+n paid compared wM 9M.9TO.OM last year. FORD REFHSESTD '< AVERT SHOT DOWN Will No* Bay Priadto Cool to. loaded to lUHttotoio Detroit. Aog- «0—fleery Fort to do? refused to evert o' toot-doom of hie automobile pleats ton* September lfl at_the expense oftb^ tomootic coal oaen of the Northwrt£ ft mao learn ed b? the Amedated'tormo from a reliable aoarct. ; I According- to <Ms laftamai Inn Mr. Ford chargee that priority coal con algoed to too North wait ba boon of fered to him by oool Vrokara In tele gmma reaching hit Mm fears. Tho manafactarar rafoeea to Wbootoao too fool, bolding H weald mot be a hu manitarian act to tola ssAl intends* to relieve the mfferinj •* man, mo men and children dartof tho coming winter. W.oId Start Cool Mr. Ford W*a quoted aa aeylng that "oool boot-leggere* had offered to “steal thle toal" and sol M to v«— Saports emanating **m Wert Vlr ginia that the Fort Company bad ro foaed cool offered at normal prices waa explained at the Ford plants. R waa maortad that the fua| ao offered waa beam eaal a predoot of little uao la the Ford Industry because h contains a high salpbar content. A low salpbar cool la regaled far blast furnace work. 'WlMfy dam coal. It waa explained, would rwa tho mw Uh mead lathe Ford plants Only »*ooi BO par east af Ua aoal umd In tha Ford faetaafm hare cm be af the Mun variety, ft mu itatad. Rap Of Mapar ' DaapiU tha drtermfaatton af Mr. Tord to elaaa Ua fartoetm hara on lam he can nhtada Ua ‘kU af aoal ko naodi at normal petaia. tha De taolt Indeatriai dMrie* took haan today atvMi it araa —oanaod tka Oanaral Motor* Corporation. pTi| l«f batwaaa 7 5,Odd and 100,000 naan, had a M-day mppty af anal arallnMa Cloatny af tha cartoon plaata af tha eorporation la dWm—l park at tha can try, H was explained. woaU af faat kandrada af tk tarn a da af wait man amplayad by earn amt depend Up a pan Oanaral Matari far aartam materials A martian, anaapportad by fact, k muataryi mrmln and pm oral .bom *» kewarar alapaat *--pnpi. eapM >*«t to pam tar inaafa leala. - - Mim ffarrtatt Cirlhptoe, af Rack lapham, la hare ae a paaat af Mr*. X O. Mattox. 1 \ "*1 ' ■ g—asaesa ' JOHN J. PARKER, OF MONROE * Former Republican Candidate for Governor, who is to make opening address at the Dunn Fair. BRAGG DEMANDS V TOWN CLEAN DP ' TayettreiHe, An*. *0—A tborooyfc lavaetlyatlon will be -Bad* by Mm Cuabtriaod emty pud Jury as tha band* af tlutnd mad* by odlciale of Camp Obayy that licmllaifan and iBBtaal uomaa an tea yfantllat ta thia city, H wa* leaned today. Thaaa aOapad eondlUona ban been tbe “♦loaned ay- Fayetteville will b/de fall oo-oporateon of tbe maalilpol a*-1 tborttlaa waa aaaaiod, tbe military; omciau, at tut ■mutioa of Mayor B. R. MacKeithan, want Mow the grand jary, now »n eeaeion daring the present term ol Superior court, end laid the situation before that body. The grand jary baa net yet reported to the court oa the matter bat it waa learned on good aaMority that ev erything within the power at the grand juror* will bo done. A high «Octal of Camp Bragg stat ed yesterday that It was hoped that the cltiseao of Fayetteville will take op this mevemeht and cooperate with tbe Camp authorities la cleaning oat an illicit traffic. That this hope ■ well founded it esemlngly expressed .. founded la seemingly indicated hy the attitude expressed today by both city and county officials. One of the for mer declared that the city antitoritiea •ro doing everything in tiiatr power how to cope with thane ceadttioaa. among the meat difficult which face any city government. Their internet in the effort to mast the situation, it was said was shown by the mayor'i suggestion that the matter bo taken to the grand Jury and the fact that Mayor MacKethaa wont before the grand Jary with the milkdry ofleiela A number of arrests far violation of the prohibition law have beer made raeeeiUy by the lore! police, it was further pointed oat. A county official declared today that with proper co operation oil ground much could he done to better things, /though bo tWt *• b™ (condition* sold to obtain ham would bo found to exist In say other community «f like sloe in the State. According to allegation* made by the military officem, bootleggers and paiatad women have bean gutting o largo ekare of tbe flM.OGO which la poid oat to th* aoldicm at Camp Bragg every month. Tbe proportion oi rcneruaj jimum among the on Urted neti has bean mounting rapidly, tt ia said. It is the desire af «ta ramp authorities that the monthly payroll of ths soldiers be spent In a mare legitimate manner aid tbs camp authorities am confidant that the eiUaens will etaad back af them In this moTemant. It is aaid that sew ernl concrete examples sroald be af ferad the grand jury aa ertdenee. McCauley LssU Clinton, Aug. M.—A quiet but traaatlfal wedding task pints at Ito —»« af the bridal parents, Mw and Mrs. mask Lento, urban that: .daughter, Imali, Allege k seam a «b< I bride af Rcr. Joseph Karty JleCaalay «nr. Oaotgu Mattbesm. pastor at tfc , bride's mother, performed the aura muay is the prases., af a fear rain ties, and moat Intimate friends. UHittdo. la Ini. . By Aacisrites Aacior, Aar »-A«|i*r 4tbtM LUIlaatan Car tfaa tfdh —ra^il 4m bar* this aftaraaau. Saltt, tfaa laeal pMcfaar, halt tfaa rtattma at Ms aarcy (iariar the whale aCair. Tfaa fsatara af tfaa faasa *a tfaa altcfafaw af Saltt hittiac af Gardner —‘ ZlSn af "*•*" Taaa*, all far tka lsaala. Tfcf* pnoe should *i«. Aa*ier tfaa champion of tfaa Caotrml caaattat af North Carolls*. Ska has playad m-'~ ssd beat bar S-& SH E. Ulllactas ..MO 010 MO—« 4 S *MUf.010 Mt Ola—4 10 I Sattartsa: Colt mas sad Nanis; Saltt aad Mb. I* Kaatacky. petrified foot was TESTS HERE SHOW Twwdy Flu Bal« Sant To Own By Federal Gov. Hava v~r-t * —ttt little DEPRECIATION WHEN CARE IS'GIVEN How , cotton loft in the , winter end op ring? That la a qaarbon Uncle p— ^ae •Aad himself, aad to dad the answer he pieced twenty-lire Ulea harm wHh' Ac General Utility Company last De cember. He lot the cotton May anti) mid-July. Yesterday be bad two of bit exports—K. L. Nixon, in the cot ton headline division ef tbs Federal Bureao of Paim Economics, aad W. oplnnin* tester of the do ! oortmeat attached te Clemaea Col lef*. Hr. Nixon la detetmlalag As - >ft in peaada ef cottea. Mr. will determiae hew badly lemm»f b the remaininr lint for rpinnlm pwr Tbe twenty dire bales war* handled bare andor aevmal yondKJons, te eemper* as nearly a* possible to ena drttowi under which eottsa b handled on the farm*. Throe of the tedaa warn placed oa timbers b< Mrs paid ■nd covered widi eanvam. Apparently "• dMAdV hie come te It. Tbo asst three wore placed oa tim borm aad loft ueeovorad, bat sa tamed attar each rain KaHly mam rve per cent of donum VM tone to hie. Tko next three wore placed m tWt f1*"1' togawlee. and tamed after *■*"**- The damage U Oil* n town* tea par rent. IT*** *Mt Of the oottea «U ptoood la varioaa paiKtoao oa tko eraaad and loft to eland thiaagfc too aattoi Mrtod with oat turning. ha g- t, P™b*6lr m,Tt than M per ooat. *00*0 at tko bafca wore i |, Mr. Ntatoa flag* that „ ton ooto gsoar. tHdor , towte aka woald not npoot mol toawgo them feagaeatt, waa a grow deal; aad earna ttoiao whoa ko Tf-ff to ato daaaago tkm waa Ittto. 81 ttiaka that tke rmoa fat twTam to to tk. to* tWt not htwapa prm too boJeeanlfonalv Whom water wa. ahk to mt lato the - J non, du^| TURLINGTON CLAN HOLDS REUNION AT BETHSADACHKH • '■_«■■ - • . 1 ✓ •v. t •/* ■i $ '.S* :Vi • 1 i ,v-r ■-V. | ft y: *. f'[, HI \V'i jvjil \ y »* #■' ■’ s * i V I i i ■f

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