VOLUME IX JOHN W. KEHOE IS UNDER ARREST IN BALTIMORE, MD. Formal- Manager of Killiagray Hotel At Lilting ton Charg ed With Fraud WELL KNOWN IN DUNN AND HARNETT COUNTY He la Resisting Extradition But Will Probably Be Turned Over To The Officer* And Brought Beck To The State. He la Wanted On Several Charge*. KBHOe _.N ..N _.N „-N— --N — John W. Kehoe, who waa one of the nen who was interested in build ing a hotel in Dunn, is in trouble, ac cording to the Harnett County Nows. The News carriee the following etory relative to the matter: John W. Kehoe, who until-recent ly waa manager of the Hotel KUlle grwy here, la under arrest and bald upon bond In Baltimore. Bach was the message from the authorities In the Maryland city when Sheriff J. W. MeArtan wired thorn that he held a warrant charging Kehoe with fraud. Kehoe la resisting extradition, the ■win stated. A couple of weeka age Kahoe left on a business trip to Columbia, 8. C„ wbaip he had fdcnh who would coma to hla financial tafia ten ca. Ha “made atauSenta to various pacaona at dlffar|pi time* over the phono that ha weald he back in LiUington an a certain data. Alter making sev eral dataa for h|a return, pafftieu hero who were vary much interacted ia hie making good on certain trane ecttoni became eupkloui whoa ha failed to shew up. A warrant an room out fur hla arruut and Sheriff HeArtan wired the sheriff of Kiekland county, A. C-, to apprehend Kahoe and hold him. The South Carolina aherlff made search and learned that Kahoe, who had been atopping at tha Jktbiaua hotel in Cohtmbia, had registered o4t< aherlff to locate him la Charlotte how ever, proved futile. It waa after M ■earned apparent that Kahoe had ■Upped through North parently by a backwoei Sheriff RALEIGH WILL BUILD UP TO DATE PLAYHOUSE Capital WUI Be Denied Privilege ef Wh nee dag AttvaeUows This Winter, However. Salelgb, Sept. 3—J be old theater confiscated, io to apeak, by the North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative association, Raleigh haa set to work to get another boose Eight assn of financial prominence have vlrtaally made aura the early orection of an other theater or Academy of Moaie, as the old one was called, and the I town does not expect to mlaa the le | fitimate shows bat one season I No arrangements have been made than far, however, to maka us* of r any other budding for legitimate rshows this year. Manager Upchurch, of the old Academy, cancelled all his hookings when his theater was leaaad, thereby denying theater patrons the opportunity of seeing worse of the be* shows coming south. ALL NEW PUPILS TO REPORT MONDAY Mu«» Also Be Vaccinated And ' Brine Their Certtficatea With Them Prof. W. 8. Snipes, superintendent of Che Dunn schools, has teoed the {•Hewing statement relative to new pop 11* ♦Uterine' aehool next week: The Dana school* will open Wed nesday, September IS. Alt new papila—that is children who export to enter the tint grade and child ran who ware not In th* Dana scfooi* last year — should reg ister and be assigned to their grades before th* echoed* open. For attend ing to this important natter the main building will be open Monday morn ing and Tuesday morning September Uth and 12th from 10 o’clock until It o’clock. Teachers viD be on hand to look after the new puptla. All ptpils )hat have not teen vtecl daht #y t)u Hooke Hordsrare House. Uppa tbs trial by Magistrate Puqaay |^boo mated to tha jostles that bo ted ample fends aad weald soon 4b eorb all of bis indebtedness. Ho em ployed an attorney and authorized him to inept Ms obligations, but the ytttorney east becems as^mj HEAVY DAMAGE BY THE BOLL WEEVIL Hole Writer Say* Titer* &>AV eolutely No Ground FtSir * Oprimiam , > . _________ • • By Art War D. Cara I hare sought particularly to hear what the largest cotton fairness in Hoke county havs to tay about the damage dona to their cottoa by the boll weevil, and regret to report that conditions have suddenly become more- serious than had boeo antlcipa tad by anybody earlier In the year/ Sixty days ago ykm | report**- to you and other paper* the >rod*lies made by one of the big cotton plant ers of Ihi* county that H was hit fear that at least 00 par cent of this year's crop would be eut off by the boll weo vll, it was a news Item for the critics lo laugh over. Traveling men passing through the county stopped In Rat ford to offset the itiioumesa of that ttory by informing friend* that they nan stopped along the highways, got ten out of their automobiles and care fully examined several fields only to fln<} conditions spparently normal and the prospects for a fall crap almost certain. But that optimism is at low tide now. although optimism among fann ers is a-spentanroiu thing, bora aa It is with hia bold heart through inti mate acquaintance with all the boeu tiful workings of nature and out ot hia close kinship to God I have Interview men ef axfirume views, men who weigh consequences whatever they may happen to be; and the same note prevails high and shrill above the silent, certain tread of growth aad prosperity; It is to! the effect that 18tt bas silently sol. emnly dosed out ef history’s tutors with the deep-hasd curtain of prov idence the white field of cotton. This io do fanciful play af words .this ball weevil story, it Is a straps something srhieh seams to have bean predestined by the Grant Creator of all one .boom fellcw-fennem saying hia nfcney erupt must be text to me Uttar conversations arc s fond father answering the taker who baa asked what the at the dead and only dtilds diall be. Hare Is a man 78 yearn old, so long a tiller ef the white thet. hia board and scanty hair have ■■fl^tba In no qe ad-color Jnvita ^^loundcring ir. the mire of ^^ion; his habits have be a part of his l^sthal ¥ ¥ ¥ My eiar la the ) V (UM U lMd|<. < '♦' It eaat, whdee * * educated, * dwell, and ¥ chiefly lirad. ¥ I hare cfc ¥ ronaJderaticn ‘ * elUca ef the • ¥ hone »pot (ft ¥ «y city hf*« * ie loyalty. It ¥ mail rapport ft. * * My elty ¥ not ¥ not offlihpeei; ¥ cH«een«lon; * clem) my * net lndlffe * ' Iffy elty ¥ ufjdr, ¥ morale, * th^Vhte at ¥ erican. 1 * elty and ■ * The Me * S22J23C _ poeroon, as. eoanty «t> for Innj bat the naonl out when ■PPOhlad pa one kt. TVvBMBd “■■t ICMBDCh be eppofart of • tonmAip , ha by'the [retain the Job The Co ant r GOTTOH DIRECTORS All BK GROWERS ■i Ton rnmmm Of «l North Car ttu Cotton Gmrtn' , ittlbt' • hntf of cotton throng* that orgnaiaetioo this hum. That* ton Mahon eoat pooo >th* board'of director* and Ad «*np author of holot prodncod hr *beh director Ja ip*#' «u 4dl. Tho average aoaihor of wm own ed end controlled by inch director hi the amoriotlon to l*«f end the obnrng* n amber of Mm end or cnM u£oti for each director it *1*. Thai better* in feoraificsttea (a of 470 arm woe Jnet »• P*»d»*«d tw* thoa^ad toted •ottos OB toad ownad by htoi la IMS. sod will do better than that this you*.. * That bto boainess judgment** btgb ly vdlued U Msown by to* >***• that he to a m .sober of tba board of director* of tba Jaffeiuda Standard Life Insurance Company, of Graaao boro, tba largest life toeuranre to tbe Sooth. So to a director in a half demon banks la this State nad to on -gaged ts the mayematOa bastoeao to flrwithftcld and Pear Oaka Kilgore “Dtet" Fumr Dr. B. W. Kllgoro, direotor far the pabllc in tbe association, so direotor of the North CeroHne experiment tea tton end of the Bute agmuttuiul ax tension eorrtoe, bee been no basy working fox the public for the qaar Ur af a century that be bas not bad time to look after hie own affaire, bat be tm qualify as a "dirt' fareeer. Ho boUrroo in sad practices diversifica tion and in 19*0 he prodecod on Ms fares'da ly thirty bales of cotton al though be had three hundred acres of lead under cultivation In that year. former Congressmen U D. H*b leson, of Wed ■•boro, in addition U being president of the Bank af Wed osbero has exUnabre farming Inter ests ta Anson county. Be. iso, prac tices diversification, but produced SM batoo af rattan aa hto farma to mO. He Is a lawyer by prof rested, but ooaotdon terming Me real reca ps tioe. ABOUltr fowoii Iinutr »» omlhnUi bmh on the board of dt recto m of the aaeoeUtlon U Or. Gee. M. Pate, of Rayaham. Dr. Pate ratted MO bale* af cotton fa> lit*, bat be bad 1400 seres ander ealttva tien, an that be reload winch other •MB eloo. He find. ^nrring and banking aero engrotbiag than prac ticing Saodldne, thoagb be oceaaion ally is sailed hits eenaaltatlon by other doatora. Robert Wall ChrWUaa, vke-preel dent aad at—har of the beard af dt restore, deveto* noil af Ma time tc farming, bat also omnafaetareo fen tiliear. He baa mare then a Htonaaml acres af load tn cS»WMlaa. bM doesn't raa elto|fitir *e eott( a. H< predated MO balsa la 10M. B. O. Teemaaad, of Dana, cam 1 Maea baafaram with fanning, am makes a tacataa of, both. Ho io see 1 rotary and Uataaror af a largo wars bousing Biaopaoy la Ma beaoe tow* He raised MO balsa af eettoo la 10lt |i WBlUm Wooten Eaglet, af Thi Zmat color. Imn4 of a akull l*a tka normal kaad «ka axtn kaad Ku oobr M acalp coming. being In tko «f • bead bat having aa wall daftwd fan tar*. . . • : •_m_• . ■IOX ran w otoetog to ootoob, Jtoto rmito d Mir 7« Mto In ttM. MU «•* Mm of cotoon in 1M0. la addition to famine he to tawto (d in ' ■' j Snow HID, ana of dn tic director* of the txtoaaiva' lion W Mac Interettod In tad banking. Ha prod need 140 bntoo of cotton In 1N0 and bad Md aetto d land ia cultivation. Another strong backer ef the asso rt* tion, whs to rendeibw fine entice m a member of toe beard,of direc tor*. to one of those ”Ood Himl Macke.” He to Archie MrHbrbem, of Ha* feed, tad tbe beat evidence of hit fine leadership in toatahtod to tb* feet that M per sent of Hoke eonnty to signed np ia the amoelttioa. He owns end controls errarnl thonMnd scree ef toad end produced ia lttd MS baiee ef eotton. W. H. Joyner, ef Geryebnrg, does rune etreng on livestock. Ho to en gaged ia the ■ nrrentile bnrinntn nine. H. V. Staton, af Bethel, hee an t»nerve faming aad laemawtSa tolar seta, and to one of too leaders ts hit section. ' < Lml HwM Mm . : Thor* la no of dbwtMt who isn’t kuhM MsMa It ia d«Mil If tber* b another raniutlon fat the Stole that ean akaw ekm dlmMn who will rata hlfhar la aromas latoIHgeneo. aownd boat aeaa jsdaatcat aad haaoatr of far pose. This board af diroe ton has bat object ia clew—that is to atflwl cotton of sad * • V -d :•••*/?. •>: • ; V •-Tv’*.’ ,7:. ><*••{ 'V ' ^ . jfJV f 3^:?S |S B i . .