PREPARE EXHIBITS NOW FOR THE FAIR AT DUi THE DUNN VOLUME IX. DUNN, NORTH CAROL1H ι fBPJ I —Ι-ΐΤΒ1·—WP—I——i—— OBER 10 TO 13—GREATEST IN THE EAST ■ COWS AND HOGS MAY DEFEAT THE COTON WEEVIL I'-Vrnj Demonstration Servie* Atks Farmer* To Plant Lnnd To Paaturaire WILL ESTABLISH CREAM ROUTES IN DISTRICT !.)*&lrict A»cnt McLean Here to Help £d|e Get Started— Think» Cowi Will Prove One Of Mm! Valuable Invest· ment» Possible Agent To Aid Fair. Κνι·ι> fatmi-r ΐ·ι y·»· Dunn DiHrtet »·'·<» has be ll >1. votinc hi* land te .ο ton will be to plant tea :cit« of it to grha*Ki. nrrjjirf £ood «οι** tnd hoir» and luy thr found» ■ *l i-jt λ div< r»]9k-Ht4on (irogrnca vv!i m*ki· th» boH wcrvtl'n atr . uk Ui>o·. the community ni n*arljr hi m'u-a a·» pn«i)le, according te 'V.-tricl f^iin Agvttl M:L*n,n, who <u hi tr yi-ftrnlay to aid in «tartine h· wutk of H. A. Ed*», farm d«m <■, for llnrnett county, «non lu the farmer* can be in uuvcu iu ριαην wp grUM-iPi ami boy rfvt, thu · vicnoion division o( the S··!.* ili'pir'jncnt of oirr.caltare wiU imu-.trf- to <?*tabli»h eream peat*· •hrouirh the surrounding country. Ci.nm pathrrri' on -rtici* root*» will hr sb pp«d to RichT.ond. Ralrig-b (·■><! et! or rnjamerjr pjt»t» until tbc «up . 'i r 'e'cr inourii to warrant tbk ι '..b.'i.'UnKnt of a rrHumory tn Dunn Mr. llcLcan MtinraUa tbat th« ri.-.tin ulof.r will msr» than pay for the opki't-p ot the rows, and that thr by prcxlucti In ekim milk and muiur· *:îl yield hAndAOnc* ,irnfiu for 0» fannfr* .Skim milV frit to hog* wit! makr good m< at piofitably; the κ an urc placed on '.arid will crow corn to d tliu hottf 1*. l* hi* i.ltra that the t imi l.nrvet! the RTaat and and con· wort It into profitable cream, milk and mpat. W. W. Shay, rwlne (pecialiit nt work hare. HI» headquarter· nrce» •arity mint be at the county (cat (or the prracnt, hut he Li arrasjciitfc te «pond much of hi· Une ia aad a itmn*l Dunn. White he La 'here hit nUiT will bo in the room» of the Oam'x-r of Commerce, where he may h· ronaulvd on any farm subject •'"Racine the attention of Dunn Dia trV; farmer·. Mr Eilgr j* arrancrinir to aid In the <•xl.ibil.op of farm pnxllMU at the fair h.'M* npxt month. He hopr« to i»riy a farm rxlilbit from here to th.. State Fair in fUJeifh. CAROLINA FOLK PLAYS ISSUED FROM NEW YORK H· nrf H«lt L· C· m ρ· il y Sand Out Autwoiuil Of Vataae Char*·! Π ill. Sept. 20.—Hemy Holt Λ Co., llie New York Tnblliheu, have itnt out the announcement of a vol ume rntitlnl "Carolina Folk Play·," ixpertid to be off the prcaa within a -nonth or to. It i· made up entirely nt iitayi written by undergraduate· of 'the Unnrrraity of North Carolina. "Thoae play* ihow unutual abil ity." any* the Holt annodneemont. "They are rich in atmotphere, full of the flavor of both the mountain· urd the sea. Outlaw·, moonihtner·. 'T'vel.oo?·.' witchea and lend-phrle· nrovM* abundant attion and pie'.uraa quenoa·. Parhapi the atronfeat note, though, )■ «truck hi the <mnahinr pov erty of Terry'." It if pcrhnpi true up the publiait rr, thxt at Chnpel Kill hu been cre ated "a «rhool thr.c wlU rto for A Hier >a whet Ikf Abbey Pkyin did 1er Ire-Unit." Tliij go on to quote tfc· c/tllc, W»-U»r Prtehard Baton, M »»Ttrijr 'jit Carol >n· (tudenta "an I tbi/r taught to writ· their own play·, about IhotT own people and Ihoir tin· <■·■■{· t.Y in, coetente than·, act than»." Cart of the volume it a paper by Toe Pente Croat on the dialect af the (•lay*. Tlx content ι include: "Whan Witehe* Hide,·' by BM«a heth Layj "Pofey." by Herald WIV lÎHm»nn; "Do»l Gaat Ye Beth," by Hu bert Htffnerj "Off Ν «c'a Head," bjr I)<ni«nld MaeMlllan, and "The Laat of the Liiwrtrt," by Paul Greene. y*<* of u* have brain· enough te w.Teome the ob**ac)ae of ill health. When home brrwinjr la goln* on, it frequently happen· that trouble » brewing. The ihip· that peaa In the nlfht no lonfxr ne»n, but yea may be a'. V to «well the·. BIG BARBECUE AT ι DEMOCRAT RALLY Lillingtoa Planning Big Time For Tho·· Who Go To Hoar MorrUon Lillinerton. Sept- IS.—-Considerable interest Ken hreo arouiol her* by the announcement that Chairman Hanni bal Co'lwin had KturfJ Governor Ca-ieron Murrkon to dellvor an ad· ilfesj on the political Uaue* here Oc rabcr fiih. The announcement that the ro :rty<cat of Harnett would be the rcere of 'Jir Bring of the fini big gun of lin· Stirt4 campaign furnished tile b>gcvi>t bunch of "pep" that hat b«an i,ijprtr<l into the nulled contcet In thin county. Republican· hsv« not b.i-n heani to disease the matter, but it l« a well-known fact that thay will no' feci so keenly delighted that Governor Morrison should open the ElaUt campaign In LUlington. There have been rumor/ of late that thr Republican candidate· ware mdulg ng in the favorite paatims of ! "luaay-footlng" through the various baiilw-lcka. enlightening the voters by the button-holing pro<eas. Thosa vot ;ori 10 enlightened may come here .. η..j ι ·ι- " nor unravel the yarn· they have been hearing. Probably thit will be the yT***.f*« political Katherine in the history of Harnett coonty. Great kkilleil of barbecue and brunewick «tew will be prepared to f«J the multitude·, and for thoae -vho do not like "briled pig" there it on* of the fine* bo trie in North Carolina under able management which will take can- of all gtirab. It it rcaaonably certain that thu harveat «raton will be far enough advanced :id the crops attended to ao that every man. woman and child In the •cro! ilietricu will be able to come to Lilllngton on October 6th. It pro mîmes to be ■ gala day In Harnett'· political hLrtory WEEVIL DAMAGE IS •EVCRE IN EOBESON I.umberton, Sapt. 1 V -tia greeting lion and imjct cotton is bslnf pooled here and at receirlng point* la the county. An adrant· of t&Q Hi· bai* l bcinff caad· on lb· cotton pooled by member» of the association. Muck damage la being dona to crawn bolls by tile boll weerU ami not doit than half-crop will ly real - itrd hi this county. On· boll brought to town today by a fanner bad 31 iiiglt wrvrili an it CASPER WARREN LEAVES DUNN TO ENTER MINISTRY Youn« Lawyer Heeds Call Of Pulpit And Abandoaa Tb· Practice Of Law ONE OF STATE'S BEST WORKERS FOR CHURCH Hi· Serrices Η*τ» Baan Much la Demand Aa A Speaker And An Orjaniaer Of Church Auxiliaries — Wat Not Satisfied With Original Profession. Casper Warren has «trendy won for hlavsclf a state-wide reputation sa a Christian worker. Last year ha ws· asked le speak at a eonfsrsncs of Sunday School luperiatendentl fcrld at Goldsboro. Only laet week h« mad· an address st a conference of Sunday School worker· hold in kololgfa. RU wort wu to wall known that eharebes la Florida and Taxas have sought hla service· aa a Sunday School worker. Many people la Dunn do not knew that the Sunday Retool of the First Baptist church U considered the has* in North Carolina. Under the lead ership of Mr. Warren it attained the advanced or AA-1 standard. There arc only ala of theae advanced stand ard school· In the Southern Baptist Convention, sad only eve ether la North Carolina, and that a country srhool near Shelby, N. C. Non», he (Mi to the Seminary at Louirrillo to hvcome a preaehar. In ta kin* hie depart·» he dlraetad the following latter to hla ehurrV, T\* Fl(«t BspUat. here: To live la to chooaa. It is .not a m attar of choice whether one attail ehaaae or not. The dawn of every n»w day brings aa to the forks of the road where we 91 net daelde the thing· that go to make «ρ ear live·. Tboee who are eontentod in their pursuit) (Continned on pace t) REPUBLICANS DON FIGHTING FEATHERS Bi« Chief· Out To CM Scalp· Off Democratic County fiwlliiih· This k (oio( to be · good-natorcd campaign, tbta little affair that'* to euro· off in Harnett twist this and November 7. Nobody U paying ao much Attention to nobody elat, which applies alike to Rrpabftcan· at wall aa Dcmoerata. Bat thera'a torn* at tention neTertheJeaa. Voters in the tree country are being boU thing* quiet like, close up to the ear. 1%i· In political partance la called pussy footing. which Is altogether lag·!, If 'twere not. the politician· would make H ao by law. John Sutton Is running for high «.lerifT against Big Bill McArten. Not much boon beard about Sutton oat ilde of his own precinct heretofore, but ho'· moving about unu bow in »ider for th· folks to know he's^vm Dlag. They say he's been ta m aom· folks he's Drear boen to aee before, λ politician just has to seek friend· •hip. you know. David Henry'· got on political war paint again. Long tun* since ho'· ι oremittod hinwelf. bat two yean ago be announced in Republican conclave! uiat ir ι» W** in he'd let tbe worid be informed of the oiHrt. Ht «αϊ no doubt «tick hU torch to the wooded area befor» maay raootu, If In indeed katn't already bw« camping oat. Welter Byrd, cethis# fowl trut clean m a hound'· tooth, ia aaptrine to decorate the Reeerder'a bench with himaclf aa centerpiece. Ha'i got to elKVred many frieada there ia not ao mach talk about, maybe they're «ear ed to talk about Walter, bat kali get talked about maybe aaac. Perkmpa Cavloaaa Burn and Nat Tevaacndll grt together aad do a little talking 'boat Walter and Dave. Than'* a (ell·* named Wllaon (not Wood row) that'· after LaaaMa· Method tat ChaAn*a Jab. Nobody meet "round her· know· Wllaon—maybe that'· all. aamee not wêrmHmmn. eu be notified In tlaa. THI COUNTY S IMC Finally eoaaea the In formation that the County Slag kM been perfected to the extent that it will po*itiv«ljr be pulled of, the date being definitely aet (or Saturday, Sep tember 30th. This wlU indeed be glad nrwi to thoie who are ao mock tn tareated in the Shvf and who bare had, at Umea. fear· that there woold arise Inourmouatabb barri ara. School* bava etarted up, tba f am arm are all buy with tba harvaat, and nuiaerous other thing* oeeroed to build a wall that would keep tba Ooanty Sing out. But—a good thing la hand to keep out. Folk· ramaabar ao uf*B the glorious day laat year whan κ many people came to LiUlngtoh and en joyed the splendid singing, bodldea being able to moat their Meads from all aectlana of the county. That warn juat too grand an erent to pass by without repetition. Tba people want tba Sing, they waat It kept going, repeated ovary year, they bare Mil ao in unmistakable term·. And they are going to have it. It soeau a gruat pity that Ocmnty Go mm Mon era cannot aoo their way clcar to footer tha Sing ai a oocaty ifMÛtutMn. Other countlaa are watch - Ing the experiment in Harnett rrry clo*elyk Tboy «mat to know bow It will tern out, what good It wtll do, and whether It te welcomed by the people and what iatereot they take in it. mrotu ■ 0mf wms cvnniNmva upon tkrovgkoat th. State Urt jmr Thio y«tr Hviri! (wMIm wUl ml raywMiaflw» km to uko not··. Bo»· Inn tirwdy ι «ρ rond υι ht' lention rt Imitating thl» iourrty. ThW mw»iHr ι trm day· ift reoeWed ο rcfMM fro· Nww Tot* lut· fer kit copie» ef The Now· MaUMRf any HtnttU Haf dota. Cn it not ko claariy toon that tMa oooaty kat tak en · lane (top ta adnim of oAm In r oramunlty «worfc t Tha meat positive effort AoaM bo pat for* to maka tfcta year'· Ma« a wondortal rauMl Oar faith ta tfce poayle lead aa to barter» Hurt ia Joat what It wHl ka—lUnwtt County Nun. M Wawrlle Oa Oh Ce**a« Ml LunAerton, Sept. 14.—Bering 4e •troyed all the young aqaaraa. the WoH wee-rlla have mow tamed tkair attention to the grown eottaa boll·, according to thaae «ta are la^di^ a aratah of tho aKoaUon. One grown boJJ broogfct to town Friday by a farmor bad I» ««Jatt weevil· mm R. develop!·/ HOMES «MB ON·^· T« PerlrrWw To B· 3mU AMONG B£ST HOUSES IN BvtU F, Every Modorta IncJadtng W, Sewarge, 10 Per Per C«at A The ten Ιβ8· by tfc. Dun In the lortlrwMtary ft· «old KoDdmf, October Ai* morning by iui, a director of The·· ere em ■futility -ber a ι* idaelly a*u of time be! from th· be^n«w lot fro [ »Λθο1. [to he im ,4aairiag fM whleh ut a farnace* 1 inn imh 110,000 : (» ja4ee. iMVr· the residential ; txfct u a mad· «Van improvementa Tewitsearf Parte, af from whtch ttia ι 9* Partnrtvw. The dia «111 be wit* the to ■wt Ha RACES AMWOWS BIG ATTRffimONS offaûtwjnnI I Running EwnUTo Ha*· Fini Trial Al Cil l 'ill Mm* Ob BROWN St REQU B· UMd τίχεζ Pair· 1» Dm Dni fair InUreatiaaujBiJifc* «ltd aata* teirrln* fMtvn X'ik (Twl crnt. For tfca finrt Up· 'afiw* the auperb race coon· Kfψ «φκπκ^ four r·*» ago ranaâgf, a^q^a win b« fea tured la mMMuFy jfi anal hanxaa rrenti Π» J""> apecial etr eua freight aaajOMt. ·< tka Brava and Dyér a«njttn»«> ·1Ρ We the «W baMbt Jko tawn. They iacloda the oae^alblc «Wrlcaa, the Brown and DrtdMI Animal Otreaa, wltk Caatatn α··Μ'· ten anfai miag Hon·, <mlM WOki'i dz ««*» κν«η per· i OptaJr. Carter M M»*'» w»h tor WB4> Htppodro·»· ι Indian·, ■ Κι ud Um Uw JtoMT) Ik· Ln4 of drome CbWMH tend; Hm Cardan rf •f porte ι —) ' U»<*· vmacai. TWa • ι hand·, all tetan·. , *t Moon; • I Motor r| Woedrr > Ik· W»rM; Ua Vfa«tnk XI» •ad · ·ο«7τ fNH| PMt War ExM II D«e a»d Mill·»·, SOLDIERS' BONUS l FAILS Of SENATE1 Tar HmU 1m Both Houu Vota To Refiuo .To 5u»t*ln I Proaidont'· Vote ' Wiiutringlon, Bcpt. XI).—The mI iicl··.' bomi* bUI failed toda>, the Bwnk'v vote falling iHort of the dm ciaary two-third· majority. The 8ri>«(r vote waa 44 to 18, ami came within a frw heart nfUr the! ttou»<r hul paaed th· maaauic over the Preiident'» veto, 268 to H The Senate vote war four l«u than the neoaaary Ivo-AiHi majority. "TV. IUU Call I The roll call follow·; To override the veto: Zepofcllcan*.—Brandec·*, fcirvtrm, ι Îappe·, Colt, Cummina, Cartii, Goad- < ag. Hale. Harreld. Jone». Waafcmc »n; Kalian, LaFotleUe., Lenrooi, ι Lodjte, UoCormiek, VeOoMbar. Me- j Lean. McNary, Nie ho taon, Norfceek,|< Sddie, bâton, Shortridgc, Stanfleld, Sutherland, Townaend and Wataon, I Indiana— 25. DtoNrMi—Aafcant, ' Broujaard, · .aiDceoa. rmuw, <j»rry, Harrieon, Saftla, Hitchcock. MeKctter, Raat Jell, Reed, Miaeouri; Roberaoa, 9hep wnl, Simmon·, tnltk, Tnawll aad ITaUti af Majmch«a<-tU—IT. TaUl «4. SuMeJ»U« Vata Ta taataia the veto: Btpubllctn»—Rati. Borah, Caltier, ZaacroB, PUliimh—, DoPaat, Eilft, Cmt. Prrnairi, KniK», Key··, Nomi, «ialaon. New, Newtwiiy, Popper, PMpp*. Heed, Pcnnaylvanla ; Saeot, Startiaf and Wadawoith—21. Dtaocrata—Dial. OUaa. M jots, )mu, ShirUa, Underwood and Wil iaiea-T-7. TataJ M. ifcrt r«il«ay anH Jones, Now. Horico. far, MeKtaley. apiat; Uar rSwa aaO Walsh, Montana, far, Fm· inktuyaea, agminat; plttaaaa and Paereae.f or, <»aiiao· (present ), «·»■*· „ ' Overman and Nonb, far, Vana ου* NEW HIGHWAY Le*or· of food road· in this terri tory ir» finding time to glee praiae le Engineer· Jordan and Smhto for the general excellence of the finished part of the Lafayette Highway. TV# scarifying and leveling fare·» kara passed by Islington an their way down Ike Hae to Ion den. From the Wake county Una down ta where the force» are working, the road is a renal π · specimen of Harnett gravel ed speedway. λ α tolata ara uiiHn| as they annihilate dlatanee with a minimale amount of gaa. RuTaliats also arc Happy, a notable effect be lli that they are making remarkable improvements ia their haclcndas alone the way. It was hoped that the aurvsy af the Sanford-Ounn link in the Boon* Trail would he ready for the big "letting** last m&nth, but hops has not been rorrrnderod that this con tract will be given out soon in tpKe of the Information that another lot ting woold bo deferred for a year. A· the Darin Dispatch has well a· Id, It ia time Hamett county changed places with tome of the pets at the head of the highway table. It map not be good breeding to growl ai feed time, but this highway buiineM seems to he somewhat like * boerd lnf-hoew affair—it you dont get your share It'· pour own fault, be eaoec there wont be much left after the grind rash.—Hamett County CT1W1, CAPACITY OF DUKE HOSPITAL IS DOUBLED Da Ire, Sept- 1».—Da· W laadayi «te ipaea far tb· pniwr and «ffVeWnt tttndttnfr af the many patVrit» wfca nA admiUane· iHrmh, tW capacity of tk· Oaad Roy· Haiptu) bar· tea haaa r»eer>Uy doebltd. The rnn la whleh tha nurtaa har» bean itartnf hr*» baan «eiwtiM tut» audi fat patenta. The haapitel haa anaased tha nlna-raota dw»lH*f op petite H, ao4 la am aataff it iar a aaraaa* he··. UUf, patumt» w(U ka mtd far Dur· alee, Aa *4da4 ImUm, taa, U tha ' practically new iqitfant tlwmgbct th« mi tir· kalMlag, On·· making Κ I an inetltntlen that la tkorcmghly a*4 ern la mrf nrapeet. ..Bmum tfcto to the ealy kaapttal W ; twean Raleigh and Seaferd and ImHUUtd and FayaUorUla, tha aa* raoimadatian· are Nled all Mm thna. Dnko atay well he yraad af Ma brfto peiuabU aaaaC ULUNGION MART I IFOR COTTON BRISK UHingtoa, Sept. II—Six dMT»real flnwa bidding fer «otto· a· the local raaiket hu Mrrvi-rl to WÎ1 up η bit in th« cotton world aboeU. The (tapie noimiii to rofl la early In the aaomiag and until lata at night With Mk of the l-acal Jdns running night a» tkinr m comidcfsWf cotton baled ap, aad tke fanam predict that a (ear wacfca* tiaM «nly «m be cqulrid to take the white floacc fioa the field·. Oattoa harveodag •eat on will be ana»·ally Atit tMa There it tome repart of boO weevil «(ataagc, bat nothing what wat «xpertod eeveral when It beeaaae known that the were hart by Die mil Hone. In Λ <id* tlwi weevil did the larve bell·. It range to «g, Acid· that were damaged an near neighbor* to ether field· thai were not touehad by the weevila. Br far the greater damage to thia purt cotton crop hi thia rteiaUty wan dene by the cool raie* in Aagnat, n4iieh cauMd math of the froit to fall off Cett·· krenght to irta.l thai far haa been of anaaaally Md nado and has Mid for good _ at a genual rale ate with their leOarno The w.rchoear ha* opeated, — — there hat been let little cotton ptoeod ♦Via lala FA YETTEVIL1X HAVE BOAT BEJIVICSI WlbalnftM, Seyt. 1# ■uiti ha*· b**s Mtlrtil jni freight trem Hnr Y«k Ml Baltimore em a lkm«k MB ·< Mia· to Fay·1Mb, tlM part «f WU •ifl this ] Effort! are to fee the CIy«l« line tie City a port «f call, la facilitiee will be *UW ter PRESIDENT HANDS FORMER SOLDIERS | "SOB" STUFF ONLY! CHANCE FOR A BONUS FROM G. O. P- SL1GHTI Actio· Oa Tariff < BUir-Durar Fuaa Aemtm. By UviH Κ RrlttM in Nm u4 W«ihl»j(toa, 8*pL 1·.—**I cart Mt tWt you yaw 1er» bat why rtid |M kick m· tonatainT" my wan ba th· pUtat mt tba ! •arrW an m dwj ml tfc· bon m bill veto aiaap at Hardin* It ■>«—*» la tba bar" itaf Ant Sm aoIdtara did In tha «hM » nut pUIMt tha kHij ha· far I that tfcp ·entry wfl imr g*t aaarj being giatafal, bat aa ta aary ι aaaa^aaiaatlaa af · 4·Oar a ι than tha dallar a day flat tha aa)4Ura| ware yavd. aaying In «fact. "Wall, baya, «a haaaart gat (bal ■onay aad aa yaa wW han ta trait] »« bava got tha way a* tha day] that Coaaiaaa trill liaton aa «a Md| pat a aalaa tax aa thai tha aaMiar boaaa WO ta , ad, whila at tha ι Haaa party la ylaaaiaç ta I ta Llbaria and Hardtaf ta| dataraatnad to gat I «abaidy. NURSDiG SERVICE VALUABLE TO DUNN PHWKAL HEALTH Sut· .taw Her· To Of Wark Far •Km Kwrii TUBERCULOSIS CLINIC TO Κ HELD LATER Tkt the MfleratM at · w*«W tlm· public hmttfc nunc atui teach t· the pfcyri—I mthrt of tti ·ββ* MBitJ «Μ *haw* yeatarday «tea Am p»blie health towltm Mt la S»« nil af the OuAm of Cm ■Mtc· with Ka· gastrin· Iota «aperriata* hihw for th· An ■ricaa Bad Cm·, and ylw—J a yea rta ta b* eheerred bjr Kin <pa Banfa, pablic health aaCM, darlo* th· Aral yaar of bar Mrvfc* la ia« mm e€**tt«« parting far thr »ick at Ikmm a»«I a batter id4mI«*1· Sag af M η it· rj conditio* ta th« home. ». That every firl b· la|kt At principle· at baby hygimc, prefer ably Mm Imtt wtMl Mart at Miu Banii* timr Wtwtaa new and the evening at the fair «01 ba taken up with a^Mpptne h«r ef Bca in the room· of tka Πί·>ίΤ at Chiiiii iM Haw lag fer tka ehlU haaltk eMfencr ta bo held eaeh day of tka iatr. Aftar the feir «he will ba in tka ottee en» afteroeon web w»rk ta fire· any advicc ar aa iMaatt ihrirM ta tkaaa «ba Bay ariL Or. H. C. Tariingtaa, city haaWb •dear m rleetnd chairman af tka COlBiBlCvcN* CflpOinUMl Djr KMjOT Tf MO la work wttk NI· iMrla. T. L *ld dfW, malm of Hw Chaatbrr W ffiria waa elected «earetaiy. Other ■>■*»■» H the nifltttt pw ■ant yaaUiday ««re Mm. L M. I«aMl ■HWMIIH tka WataM'* CJab ElHi Coldatein, repreaentiac tka M Croaa nrf fiafaaiai W. I. SalpM, r>pra· |mMi« tka eity tehoala. SOUTHERN SIGNS UP WITH BROTHERHOODS WMbhtftoii, 8»|< wm il«n«4 today by the feotbctn **i revreeeetetires of tW Oui·» of Untd Oadaeton m4 •f IU»»»y TnHf ntO Juwry ι. 1M4. BTfl by lb·! baif «I Um Movtkwr· by Henry W. MUUr, «iMfNtMMt IB ekarg· «f «ρ· irtlw», Ml by th· imnlMflM m4 W «m flrct U b· ekpm* by uy et lb n*d if tbe IhA, kI »M4la wuafctr·

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