BOLL WEEVIL NOT TO SPREAD FURTHER Hu Almdy Cowed Practi cally the Entire Cotton Crowing Section “ThU is likely the laet year In which the formers of North Carolina will be interested in the actual spread of the boll eroevil,” aaye Franklin Sherman, Entomologist foe the North Carolina State Experiment Station. “Hereafter are will be more intonat ed in the damage the pest aril l do and in methods of combatting hit ravages because after this year we will not have very much territory left to invade. “At the eloeo of 1921, the weevil had method a line running approxi mately aa follows: Hickory to Balls bury, to Raleigh to Wilson, to Wash ington and to Belhavon. No specimens were found north of that lino until late August of this year, when the new migration begun. "Now we have specimens from the following outermost points: at Ad vance in Davie, in southern Alamance at MIHbrook in .Wake (at Raleigh of course,) northeastern Edgecombe near Hobcood, Scotland N«ek hi Hali-1 fax. WinckoT in Rartk. all nf Martin. ■ad »t Craml] in Washington Coun ty. It ao happens that as yet we have no actual record of it from any other eouaty which actually touche* the Virginia Una, though each a record may develop any hour. The weevil ih likely In the ecu them peat of Northampton already." From the apealmen* coming in to Mr, Sherman at preaent, it is known that the weavll ha* reached AW marie Sound, but no specimens bevel yet come from north of the sound. | Nor has he any record of it up to this date from euch outlying cotton coun ties aa Orange, Durham, Granville, Vanes, Warren and Gates. Mr. Shorlhan states that the now territory invaded in 1922 is doe to escape with rather light injury in 1923, with damage being much mono severe to the south and eastward This new tarrhoey will be due to receive normal sever* injury In 1924. Mr. Sherman urges all cottoa grerw en to secure and study Extension Circular 124, "Farming Under BoH Weevil Conditions," which can be secured from the local county agents or from the Agricultural Ertetmkm Service, Haleigh, North Carolina also Farmer* BaUetia 12«2 of the United States Department of Agrieultmrw. "The Boll Weevil Problem," which may bh secured ^from the coanty agent or from the United States De partment of Agriculture, Washington. D. C. — "OUvy to Mr. Cultostor At last one preacher baa been foand who has called the turn an the Ku Kluxers' methods of using the church for advertising purposes, praise be. This preacher—may his tribe increase—is tha lev. Frank Culbreth of the Methodist church. Ha waa holding a meetii^ at Bewtaad Bobeaon county, when tha khucara put on thalr usual advertising stent. Newspaper readers are aware that re try few days there la a news story of maskers of the klan marching into some church where sarvioaa are ia progress clad in the “robes of their order,’ which rfkans that they art die ruised, and interrupting the service to hand the preacher a letter approv ing bis work and making a donation for eomo charitable or religious f w. and than march out. Tha braaenneea od tha advertising scheme was so ap paraet that it ia surprising the klana «*sn wore not called to aceouat for disturbing religious aorvioas. If they arantod Jo gtva the preacher a dona tion and expreas approval of his work they oould hues sent the 1st tor through ths malls, delivered It to the preacher's hosns by messsngsr or handed It to him on ths street. But that would not have gives 'ka— the puhlleHy of marching into ths ehureb dtogiMasd and malting ears that thalr right hands knew.what the left was shout while they used the church and the preacher to advertise the order. And until they tried It os the Rev. Mr. Calbfsth all the preashsiu seem to have fallen for - . scheme, either boesaav they ware <> sympathy wWh tha hi exam or bsesosa they dtda’t have ths asm to reseat tha methods of the Haaamee. But gtsry to 'the Bev. Blank Culbrsthl He mot only returned the donation they attempted to gtve him bat told ths hi vim to their faeSs that he didn’t appoova titotr order and was not ia sympathy with Ik Bsatihly on* 'berry preacher having shewn the way ethen assy have the courage to fellow hie example when the klaas tnea ewfertoki to um Bm far ad— vavtltiag pwrpsem. BUtoevlUe Oak fcr 3HORAGE OF COAL WILL NOT BE ACUTE However During Winter There WUl be Sue Shortage Canted »y, Strike. Washington, Sept go.—Survey of the coll situation vu said at (be White House today to have convinced President Harding that although a eh art age during the winter is in evitable aa a remit |f the miners' ■trike the situation would not bo particularly acute. The Preindent and hie cabinet had before them at today'* meeting a re port from the Geological Survey which showed at effective (tepe have been taken to prevent a fuel famine. Coal ia being moved to lake porta, tha survey advlaod the President, in naceae of the ability of laka carriers to move it to points la the north weak The President it was said, hopes to announce the personnel of the new federal coal commission nsxt week. In the meantime ha intends to give serious consideration to panels which operators and miner* are exported to furnish. While the President has not obligated himealf to appoint any par son recommended by either or both the operators and miners, hs was re ported today as being glad to con sider such nominations. Vsnlseloi and Other* ’ Pittsburgh Dispatch. When Veniacloc ee readily consents to return of Greece to dedicate hit life to the oerrtcc of hia countrymen he 4>aaka with the soul of the pa triot, but the mind of th* statesman Immediately Impose! warranted* condition* he names—a decide* pop ular vote—probably doe* not bind him to the srrmloifM sf hi* people In view of his comparatively recent experience*. Nor i* Greece’* foremeet pobjlc oai deceived by ontVid—tie agitation for the estabUHiraant of a republic to replace the monarchy. He protWly traces that suggestion for a political shift to a reaction from the defeat of Greek anno. Vmiaclo* ha* not forgotten how lately the same Grant patriots who arc now clamoring for hia immediate return to art the country voted ov erwhelmingly ta desert him and all hi/ policies to cheer the exiled Con •tsnitne beck to hia throne. a* would become such a high official as such s Mcmendoui plant a* that with which he la associated. There' was no grease on hie elbows, no amat' on hi* countenance nor coal dual on j his nose. For the overall* which bo I hss been wearing for • nearly throe ' month* as, here and there he flitted to All the places and do the work | which striking shopmen had former-’ ly dona, ho waa weanng the -usual neat busincm cheviot, bedecked wtth a collar and necktie, hia ahoes were shined and hi* hair was parted In th* middle. ---■■ . - J-!5BT MRS. CANNON DONATES j MONEY FOR BUILDING Ceaeerd *•»« Ohms IHNC To ffSss.waU JhU. Tiaiaiai ^■hnol Concord. Sept. IT—A gift of »JO.-j IX)0 ha* been node to the Jackson Training acbool, State Homo of Cor rection for Boys, by lin. Ella Boat Cannon, of this city, for the erection of a new administration building to replaeo the ono recently deetroyed by Ore. The announcement of the gift waa made thia morning by James F. Cook, chairman of the board of dt rector* of th« arhool, who stated that the building would be u memorial to the late hue bead of the donor, Jaaioe W. Cannon, prontinout textile manu facturer, who died at hi* borne here several month ago. I Work on the structure will begin next week and It la planned to com plete the work within several months. The building will contain tbo office of the ichool, the home of the super intendent, a director*' room and *7 women instructor* of the acbool. It will be one of the haiWbomeat build ing* at any of the Slate institutions end will be modomly equipped. The gift of Mrs. Cannon la the largest ever made to the school. HAGEN BECK- WALLACE COtCUB Among tho trained animal acta that the aaajeatic Hagenbeck-Wallace dr cu* will bring to Baleigh Tueaday, October J, none will be more Inter acting than the feme of the yuraaa, which are aaid to have been traiaed with remarkable drill. The puma, cougar, or panther aj it waa called by the early lottlera of emotern part of the United States, h of the great cat family and generally U from iiz to eight faat long from the tip of the noer to the tip of the 1ML A century ago thia animal *u wry plentiful in the atatca, .but now It it rarely met eact of the Allegheny Mountain!. It may util! be found in •»t Appalachian rang** and in the ■ l't!«r pa .* of the Middle Weal. In nraUern California, western Oreaer •mi eeveral other districts, a constant nsv Is wagon upon the specie* by tlu ,.!M of cattle aad sheep, in the crt» of exterminating the beasts. • ho try of the male puma Is said n be on* that will oarijr terror u .hr it outfit man, white the fcynaW w u.hU Ilka the wail sf a child in dls lr«a. While very youay the cabs art playful and kittenish, bat with ma turity they dsvalop trmcheroos qual ities Nevertheless, drilled trainers bars developed a sesse of obedience in those beasts as ths Hannbeck-Wal lace exhibition will revssl Trained salmal acts are outataad iny features of ths ptagram this sea son aad with the aqasstriaa acta, the exhibition ja mid te sarpaas all ever accomplished by a circus IN TESTIMONY Me* Kt ay hand aad _ >8tcia! aai. at EeM*b, thdi >f IntaaUr, IMS. J. BE YAM GJUMEI1, f Upt II U M Oat. f. I NOTICE Under the power of mle contained la a certain amitgMa dead, dated tSNStSWrtfK K»«.*S5tr“ &TS 0., recorded In Huaatt Ceanty in Book US, nan MS, defnalt hariag kaaa made Jntlie payment of Ike note Mcered thereby, the aadcnlgaed will eapoee te eale at pabUe laatlen 5 the ki«W bidder far ceeb, at the wort keaae doer ef Haraett ceaatx UlUodtea, M. C, at ISiOO a’eleok on Betardey. October 14, 1111 the following deaertbed load: A certain piece w Met of load ly «? Mb* in Arernebore Team chip, Harnett county, aad State ol North Carolina mi Hawftii aad de •ned aa follow, ta-artti All of Lota Noe. 1. S, », aad 4 la Bl*»k -V la tha aab-dMaiao if tha J. J. Cook property. aaid at the tataroorOan at tha edae ef Granville Sitae*__ w» the A. C. L. right of-way frente ta A, C. L riyktwf way 1SS teet aad rune with the Neethara edce di Omnvltl* Street cxtoarien 1» feet aad brine and forming a let ef land ltd feet by 1*0 feat. Thla Septaiaher ». IBM. B. L GODWIN, lloitfifM. State Bank * Sheet Ceaepmey, Sept. 1* Id Oct < to. notice i Under and" by | euaUined In n Mi.,-—. tad by J. ). Adanu and wife. Bailie C. Aflnmt to P. B. iehaaoa, whiah mertracc Deed la recorded la tha raa iatry of Burnett Conoty, In Book Me 1X1, Paxv 117; detank heviay haw made ia tha paymeat ef Mete eefred at thr Court Bow Door ta Tb^TniriMa lollowtoy dtaartbod . to wit I Oa« tract at i ' .ontoo North tor Thirty , . ho KoK t^« Stmth^** •* mrnm Bwri * *» Woot by twrwl OuttoMd Iitii yitow «xl b to* tract Of land mm Ami i. C. AdiM artato by too said J. J. *toM, and eoatota* fifty Boron Aetao of laud, nan or Vim. „ On# Tract of land bcmndod oo too North to th* land* of D. • > ♦ ■ -v f .... « GOLDSTEIN’ DUNN’S BEST CASH STORE I IB >1B-.. ..__ • , , - • .. . ■■"■^BBiiMBBHBBBBBMflBBBBaBBMlBBBMJ I _ __ __ j- w. Thornton, Dealer Dunn, N. C ' V. . . • -V