H BAPTIST PASTOR TERMS AUTO GIFT AT FAIR GAMBLE Frearhaa I—mb Which He fcr* Un : THINKS IT.XJUtOR OF HKAOl NOT OF HKART wui Visit FtoJ^Btot Win Nwt Accept Copuom WpJd Re thcr Walk Home Than “Rida To HuU." Bar. Hbert N. John eon. pastor of the Ptiot Baptist church, haUsene that tha Harnott County Agricelarai Pair ■ Aaoeciaioa't offer to give an aateuoo t- Mia to ooax parches* of a ticket * to the fair grounds Ihb week con t Mias oa al—oat of chaser which, oc . «mHng to hto Mas, to illegal and a ■ V Method of gambling. Sunday a largo t part at hto sermon was (tree over » to hto Ideas along this Mne. Prom the palprt ha aaM: I hare haaa tnforwird that tbs Har »ett Ooanty Pair Association has pur • ehpaed a now Overland ear bo ho gHaa **—,ed '^^adMaMat *° "”** each ticket has an attached eoepon kaaiiag a-oandrer and conveying the right W a "draw" for the ear, and tone giving U every visiter to the Mir a chance to win the oar. The Mora tickets that one may bay the 'batter the chaare for one's winning t who may portoee* tide extra thou • mod Hfiketo. and thus expending . same 9IM.00. It U mamfeatiy tha alawWot of lottery, the baying Of a . chance, and the form of gaatoUag In volved la the schema that make H < iffawtit i ae an advmtltewient. “I am planning to portham ticket* to tha fair groond, aot be erase I • want n aaw Ovarlaad, but bseaom I am expecting to gat the worth of the money invested. Hundreds of ether- like-minded people will do too ■ • mm* thing; and to each it wili net ha a cam af gambling or lottery. M, an tho ether hand, tooe* who ptneh • am ttahato haaaaaa of too ehrao# demand sad who would net boy them - • If the winning af the oar war* net • Involved, are gambler, to toe sight wi uoa^-Kuti boyln* u wnmmMi .1 Vjr tha law, ot (ho 8taU and Na**oa, .. Md cannot bo jootdflad brfooo moo • w God. ItMoa who «nhoi tfcfcota with a para moth* oa^M to almlU t '«■*• that moth* by oeyadMat *» ■. ■»«od»y aefcomo. Ao for mymtt l *oU taar Into hdta tha ooapoaa «* • t taohad^U my tiakota, whoa I boy .» . tho. - Tkooa who uwilmp«Uod by tho mo .1 * thri of ft NMo to bay tdabtCa ») owgbt to atoy. ttlowi and pray, tw ,< God wffl brta# oo* infa, jmtomoot. ■ I fool tho* 1 moot actor thda pro, tool la tho oama of tho paoyla to It ► So mot Oowaty the* toot il^btoi— » » aooa. Whoa tho «*QB«iiinm of any *4 adowdfataf whotoo Jtm fa: ita wpeol «t »• thO «wmb»lay taotdaot » m tho «« «Mor ilimioW •< htMi mol pro, it to to -bo aoadomBod aa awowuhr- of DEMOCRATS OPEN FIGHT IN EARNES1 Stato ' *■ The "e» year** rwinige *111 I Otanaa J. rin Heieaiil )■ r ‘ >B0*dlW— *» prwtetawUp ewo eene ty ta the Met*. , g^, ■ante fer $ of *»100 ceaaltee e ike State have il r I H I V lit chairmen and nMien an yendlm ic all ooamiee earn a nattering let where fain er othnr local r neelltli* *«* week « poor riaee.he, ye Iktcei rallies. The heat that Daakan hae it *e (hop, width means the omterfea tal«t ot thtoStataeadh ha.yat.la* •erviee neat path, wMt a few not available far eerrtee then, eled to Wmek* later ta the Speakers edaeaased yeatm elude: Joaphoa Dhatata, for tary ef the Jtawy, James ft. Meaatagj 2* Bohrtalde e*d B. ft. Gardner j eraadJ. W. didate for Governor; : er Dennis O. BrwaemM, Crict Attorney ft T. Aydlett. L. Brooke, tejaer ren State far Saw atari farmer Uiaiiaeat Grreraee ft A. DoasMea. hedge Jreawts ft Wis ■ob, aad Colonel Albeit L. OB*. J. Jft towayhtea aad Oert ee U. Harris, afl ef Telelgh Baftohury on Prldaf ud at BtfdrHDa on Saturday. God wfll prefer to corn* away from tho fair ground* with a pod eon todenM rather than feat new Orrr laad. It w«l bo worth »ora to toe Judgment. Ona had Wttar walk home than ride to a fatoUaitohaQ. Sack a qaaaUaauMo thing ta calcu lated to aaeoara«a lawhuaaa to tha county. As a to isnd of Christ I an •rar. acme of oar ah bat lawyers dare mdiaattotto^ty that *4 rtf r aw •eolation in oarryiac oa thb fen* * lottery to nafrtey ttatff Mate* to to dtetneat nader tha tows at North Carolina. Any gone ef yenlttag h eonduchra of a-apMft of toiiTiinini Oaotf chime m toioald cry eat againal **y *l attraction In Raleigh l during fair week will be the religion* f ***•“» “The Crow Trian*bant," . which wfll ha given Taeaday after • and night, October 17th, tact, f ,n "T*1 Gam pea la eree of mill r it til iiggtaaa in the city auditorium, f «o»t||a*^fl4 person. frem aK part, r I^frOacoltna will take part in ‘JS CbHatiaaity im 0>g tjTjTj I and partly apon tredtta* pwd>rit , ten by tar*. Marietta ' Mleaitaj'l i L , Aadmre. of W4^u,V2n The opening'ptoUiar gporeordi by I Mr*. T. W. Jlelta^SL rfj iah laie* la the fbnt oratory ^PSEm plaatod there the staff of Chrt*Ua*3Iy cat from the tree of the frown of Thera*. Then follow* the early day* of pair eecalioae of Christiana, and tho sixth eantary auction black. In the market pla$e of Borne, where children of ■ngiaad are told, and tho Beaadtc line Monk, Gregory, toothed by tho taght of the slavery market, repaired to cany the gospel at Chrtai to Kar *> fourth picture, Gregory. < b—# Pope, fnKilU hie ear- i Her rsealve. and Mnde BL Ang—toe, | where, in the Kingdom of Kent, he is •nkomed by Queen Berths, a Knock Prim—. whom husband. «n Rdte- ' bort, seeepts {or Us domtnion the ‘ frith of the OruciGed One. TUo picture will be sponsored by 1 G»» Consmunity Player* of Raleigh. I Through the period of early Chris- < •Unity in the Bri&ah late*, the that I of rchgtas ferwtjr mrnde its North Caroline, thao opening the way 1 for the ofeurob In the New World, I Ortolan baptism being administered to Virgin** Dare. Partiealariy interesting will be thr fifteenth picture * owing the found ing of 9L Mary's School in 1842 ia Raleigh. The thirteen original stud ents arrive In a stage eoach drawn by four horses, and loaded with tranks, bawd boxes, and fodder for the horse*. Dr. and Mrs. Albert Smodna, founders of th* school, are prtoent to receive the girls. Through the CM1 War period, and up U dbc recent days of eeoflieU'goes the thread of the drama. The elhaax ia reached in the “Christmas Story of No-Man’e Lend,” where the entrench ed dough-boy* behold tHvgnrrt of Christianity hoveeing above the bat' tlefldd- Shining with a new light. “Tho Cross Triumphant,” beckons from a nearby hillside. CHmibtng the steep ancent ia h little obild, followed by the people of all the agos, mints and sinners, kings and beggars, all nations and an faith*, gather on the hillside in the shadow of the Cross. Appropriate music and costume* will be fitted to each port fa the page ant. i _ i A CATHOUC MISSION . Will begin In the Sacred Heart mi Sunday, October 15th. Hie < a te be Reached by the Rrr. Reginald Lanwaer, of the Paa Fatbeea, will be of (ntareot to —■ho— of all denomination*. AH in birtted to aoo, hear and Judge far thewasoireo CeOioiiea Ln the pawaoMng and th* pen**** of thctr religion TV fa**** wRl “Pen «t the ton o’- 1 aleak ***** Sunday mortrlng eod rtee* on Friday night A apecial mt neau wM ba preached each night at *V* p'cMek- Tho auhjocta wHl be a* 1 mm**T *Vht: ‘‘Our Soul* And Oar Amhltlnm." I ^ "Vrt:' MorHagt and Birth TW*o<«r wight! "A Moaaige Frew I the Dead ” r Wadaaadoy aight: “Wbot Bw I **» T*** Soul After Oeeth." t MmmSap night: "A Story of 1» I Aalto U**." i Friday ntg*: "Th* Catholic f the raro-oUrUr'a bolt, the nay of b« midway mad toe noto* «w» Ifthta of the edhbfc haito and t Duns’* fourth ng Tuesday rooming. Nr. Parker will roa ' pooch Tuaa day. Mr. Irca* the crowd* rilT be escorted to tha parade of anuatrl land*, public oAeiafc, school te. Mori- interest attaah** to the war nr at Sapiro than to arty other xln de fraters of too fair. The co-op* rm. ivr marketlag Idea wevor baa bees bo roughly explained to to* great ar oy of cotton growers tod the mt* of the Dana Dttotot. ' hi* late day tbara to a-a Ion to tha plan aatoag the Ivrot all of tha __ , ia«a placed la tha mfadi of 1 (i* fhooaanda w« ba Kora 'ba- Ha wOl bo eeieOfaj-e rualneaa men .of Dona at a ■— ,^r n Young’. HotaL Tbh Immhaoa la H’lre^amanged [a Ordfa that tha mar ion they may dafare ahefa fae plane Ion tha co-operative hmifcatlmg af otton. Mr P.Hter it , .j Jr ama^ Dm jeople. They .fa t hfa Midi >*rc two yean ayo B •nd gava tha r* fW* ’pinion fa . nvIUMon axteadaf M« fa fair thl. year. g. W«U h* 'J hfa aaifaga i* Oodarin. fa mo _ •on*, af tha Oadwiat /fat ofaaUa fa Jadya Oadwfa fc^ ‘VTui fa Godwin, who fa dafata fa tha ;«unty dayeaaafafa indfaie aawaafa Tha format aa^Mhfa, Maw ••If. will totmdaia mi tfaw fa hfa aodfanea at fa Mfa-jffaMte' n*«t»y af aaMMlalfa fat Mr bn ran yeaterday. TVa M *U» ha aaaw P>*t*< Monday. It M fajaafad fafa •Yery exhibit fanay «fa ha fain fa onflow! ay fa afafa id tha many ad. JKiony mada dfaaa MflbM waa bwOt three yearn ay*. . | * * ,[ PAVED HGBWAY NORTH AND SOOTH I - 0*ar BWW*’ Prana Virginia South Plana to Uaiwti a campaign Look ing to th* conatractio* of a hard aar (aaa highway from the Virginia Ha* to tha Booth Carolina boundary a croaa this section of the atato were anaotsnoed by chamber of esnnsm oMctola thia morning following am la formal conference betwaaa Pinol. dart EQia Ooldatoia and other Op. tsn of the commercial organisation and good roads asthaatmts of thia etty. lb* plan of th* Ctmager of Com mere* aa outlined by rrrtilial Geld •totn I* to got Weldon, Halifax. Whit aMm, tosttleboro. Rocky Meant, WUaoa, Reims, PayetteviMe and other toarm which to* props**! highway mould donnaet lined ay fas mam for* nation far he eating th* highest pro Jost and ior ntmoat cooperation in peasant! ag (ho paffMsa to to* state highway rsmiairtna To this offset, lahtors embodying the proposed plana »™ being aaat to ebambers of cam manee aad road aathuaiasts hi ovary town along th* contemplated rent* af toe road. Further conferences oa the matter am to be held aa aaos .1 received from tow town, which an expected to jeha whal* heatedly la to I n—iilan la aanmadUg to wwpaign plane, towbar ad re—area odWUit ptoted »•* **«at etrpa ware already wader w»T far a CapitaUodanat highway nwahag wet and weal hwt that aoth kg at ail had baw aaad concerning a highway wars and atah which, thhy declare la badly aaadad aad weald pewee of great benefit net only to ewbeaw OerlUaa bet te to entire Mew Oriaaao, Oct. i.—It wfll be to Anay venae to Mevy when Fag Kafeer aad Sappy Littleton atage a i<>T dei art nee Legion daring kta matload convent!— haw, October lath. Lagt oanatoe who were in to Any art backing Kciaar, while Llttbtoa'e <«. poTtow hadade tfaooaaade of fetwar "gtibt" Xrtor hw aa enviable war tacoad. Aa Beat eetgwnt, be lad Ma —apaar over to top at MootJeocoa and waa vaauaiied k to eh odder ahcrtly af ter going bite action. Re lefaatd to "taw for Brat aid and atayod with hia coha pony, a paying far trwhnawt edy older Ua oak bad attaiaod ita •hieoMvo late ia the evening. Kotor feed* Bob Martin, A. K. P. heavyweight rk^li, for to title at to Otyaaptt gniii la Pula wad gave the champion n alow » for the boK. He hat alnee defeated Say tin at Bootee w well w Heawaa BSUer to toy Mdf Warn. lAtUrioa'i war record ia riao goad. H* aarred tow peace lm Uh Mary Wanteehtp I editor ■ and aarred aa two nine aweapato In the Marik *•» Whit. In the Mwrp. UttWton d rotary Mlae Clara Woodall anted m teerteary. fltitar foailrea new ein ben were added da the re]L Bapaeta were heard flea the fihrailea. tn» oxer, thilmea of aadt, adaaattagal and Orieddeatth dgarf eata The Ctete department has aanoaad m eyoon'biljty of looking after the ntery ,ertll pgt oat a nahtr of ernpo myrtles la the town tide of Bn aate ad an*! CM la partly 4 MILLION DOLLAR I CORPORATION IS - j BEHG ORGANZED 5 B&'i £