THE DUNN VOLUME IX DUNN, NORTH DCI-lATSWni WAGE HOT CAMPAIG1 Will Carry State By 100,000 RapubUcaaa Hopeful— Di rector Kobioas Busy Wellington. Oct. 11— Democrat today (aid there will bo more wor from Ola dump than usual. In th campaign now gutting under way t the state. The big end of the wor will be done, however, by home tal «nt,‘ »a it is difficult to secure ootiid speakers Senator Heflltn has sy*se t° speak in two or three places sis R is now considered possible tha Senator Stanley, of Kentucky, an Senator Harrison. Mississippi, sril spoilt in the state during the elnnini boors of the campaign. The latte la a sort of party keynoter, and toot! are good speakers. ■ Dotnoerati appear confident tho; will carry the state by a hardrw thousand majority this fall, the fig ores being placed at about a htuidrw and fifty thousand for the Republl cans and Cwo hundred and fifty thou sand fo rth« Democratic party, Fran) Hampton, secretary-treasurer tsf t}v Democratic senatorial campaign com arittee, faasardod the prophecy ‘.ode; the Republican vote would ial around 76,000 below the 1920 level •*d ha asps that lit no eoorrsaatooa •Hatriet In the lists will the Demo ctratlc majority fail bylaw 8,000. Mr Hampton left tonight for New York whose ho vriil confer with a numb* of Democratic leadens, espaciaU] *-Us— P-» - - -1 C. O. f. 1. Hepef.1 Ralph R Pidier, th* RepubMcae candidate In the tenth dietriet. «u -" her* recently to confer with leaders of Ue party. Th* Republicans see do reason why they Aould not give a good account ef themeelvae, or why they should loo* proportionately tmor* than th* Democrats in the egpreach heg aA year alcSlen. • ‘ -'-.yadenJ Prohibition Director A. A. Aohlgpg, o< .North Oerollne, has fee' A" _ Cyhdnner Heynee a lyfTBTOnri uk!' eCandaal isaioi tiens which are being peddled by hinitial 11* in the State. Among other things Director Kehloaa statss: “We ere not troubled with makars of homo brew and vary little bonded adtlnkoy roaches this etnta, out main . violations being the making of maon Aina. This Industry prospers on ac count of die swampy and snountaan ova nature of th* country, although the operations of moonshiners have been lessened to a great extent by the strict method* of enforce wont employed by my agents end tbs heavy penalties imposed by both slat* and federal court*. CkaatWnl Pups re Bens "Ohetuksf preparation*, each *qs hair tonics, Jamaica ginger and sev eral others, are procurable to tome extent, although the drug store* in dlie state are behind the enforcement of th* law as s general rale and re fue to sell any of these preparations unless they are satisfied tint th* ***** •will not be utilised for beverage pur poses. Those few drag stores which cantinas to sell those preparation* in viotatlen of the law art being investi gated and motion- wikn Hsb la.aanl.. gated and action will be taken against them as soon as the charge* ere prov (A. Atvfrtl MmM kivr> hocoai dangerously <D from drinking denat ured alcohol, necessitating boapltat treatment. One man whs aant to tbs Kecley Institute In Croensboro aad after Ms rytum to hit boms bee be come paralysed from drinking the poison. K has been found that gro cery stores and cold drink stands are the largest dispensers of those con coctions sad a great many of such merchants hart been convicted and ssvera penalties Imposed. "Considerable difficulty la also ex perienced vMi persons who sell alco hol don stored by kerosene, pyridine and wood alcohol, the addition of which does not make the alcohol potm on out enough te cause instantaneous death, but the continued drinking of Which causae total hiindneea, paralysis and other aarloos complications. •The vs rises sections of the state have their own particular brand ad moonshine, hot any one of thorn is dangerous bscaaas of the very insan itary conditions rarroondlng Ms mi— ■factors. In practically every In stance a sedimaat U left in the tsr oeoateve In which worms, bags, roaefc aa aad arise sees merit* | have saaa ■nab fermenters aad barrels which mm avowed ta aoUeat swarms of each vermin for days sad ttym are ased ever aad over again without bo lag washed •» even emptied. To pew doee a 'bead* or 'rick', bo^e, bog. aa-t Oe aad sheep rienare I* need, a pile of masn bring Invariably food wbeiever there to a mill. ef sanitation, a I a it Imparted to \ * * SEVERAL MILLIONS IN GOLD REACH THE U. 9 ij btvMi 2a.000,000 sad $*B,000.0« Rseshrsd (a N>. York Par ■HU* New Yerk. Oot. 11—Between 4*6, 000,000 and 185.000,000 in gold hai been received here in the last fra months by J. P. Morgan and com pmoy for the account of the Brill* • jrawnraiwk the proceeds to be usee •a part payment of the yearly in. terevt on its war loan to the United States. J J The balance due has been provided , for by the purchase of dollars In the |! London and New York markets, j j While J. P. Morgan and company , ] undersbandi that the proceeds of the gold and other credits established e *>•" by *• BrHUk government an , “ b* paymert of intaraat on the war loan whan K falls due next r «bey have not yet received ■ definite Instructions to that effect, o'Udals stated today. ' ANGRY PEOPLE DEMAND MONEY BACK AT FAIR | The Pair **-a i lei Clues r_L Sag Mats as* Midway Closed Dewa in ka Salt at We 1 Orrea*oro, Oct 11—A crowd of j shoot 100 people tonight stormed the olltee of tf£ Central Carolines Pkir aosoefation on the fair'grounds here sad demanded their money bank bf ' tense of a disagreement between ths , fair ofllciels and carnival -mnagsia. resulting in the closing down of the midwny. It was necessary to restore nadla Tha fair oArtal* that down the eoocimioae at whieh than wap an element of chasea, commonly known *' gamhUag joints, with prise* was upon the tarn, of wheel, end tha ear niral people in retaliation closed a*, ory show oa tha ground*. Teas dis mantled people —fhlil to Ac fair aaaooUUon ofltoe and. shooting that they had bees nheatid. «IM far tha price of edaaimtoa. They dictot H. aamdeiw. As cacahal 1 light switchae in ail their testa and tha place was left la darkness. N GOVERNMENTS NEW ISSUE OVERSUBSCRIBED Needy a BUBea Delia** Subeerihed T* Half BilUea DeBer I seas Washington, Oct. 18.—The govern ment's new bond issue—tha tint sines the arar—has been or else birthed. Secretary Hellos announced leal night. The total subscription, H k understood aggregate aomethkg neoi one billion doBan on aa offering liav I ted to about live traadrad million. Preliminary report* received from the Federal Ksssrr* banks *how, Mr Melioa said, that tha aabeeriptiom for the naw 4 1-4 par cant bead* el 1*47-62 are well distributed over *1 sections of Aa country. Notwithstanding the orrraobocrip tion of A* iaaua, Ac Beeratary an nooneod, Invaatera who subscribe fo aaioonta of $14,000 or lea* or wtx deaire to exchange their 4 S-4 p«i eent Victory note* on December 11 certificate* fog tha new herd*, m*: ■till gat ap allotment fa full upoi Aeir application, If tendered prompt ly to As Federal Bsesrre banka. Akout iirentf conn tic* in Hortfc' CaroHna now have farm dmomlit 1®* agents. TV® other thirty need thie service, especially thorn is b«U *mtII territory. The (raat rural Inter®he era hn <naa Interests, and pod trope are «f tittle relae to the tamer aalaea they open the dear to a feed klad of Ufa on the farm.—Theodore Roosevelt. the moonshine by the green oerreeiaa on copper etflk whieh hare net bean properly cleaned, which poteen la net affected by dkfl Motion bat la trans mitted to the whfelmy. la to— parts of the state milk eaaa, gasoline bar rels, garbage eaaa aad ether filthy containers are sabetltated for etiDs. OB ear. Very Oomd “tte ettltwh of violators toward enforcement eAoere ki Ineni very adverse and la order to prmwre the Ihrta et my agsnta 1 always assign three men In a eqnad to epprshend violate**, he far w* have been vary forte aaie la net kavk« nay ossoal dks .meet of the seen being snHvne and knew the ehnmetar of the people with whom they are dealing and the leeallty la srhkh they ey evade "We here had hat ewe Instance whore say person has sttaanpted to impersonate eAcera sad h* was bto medtatsly apprehended. Be did n* dimage sod I bettor* Ms was hid •ret attempt, jatg+ig from the bang —W. A. BiUothrsad la Oreeasheee HOGSSAVE)THE •j GEORGIA FARMER [ A. P. Petway, From Bell Wot | il ExperiMce, Telia In i tereadng Story Bjr R. P. Rtiiby (In Greemboro New*, "The ho* *av«J Georgia 'and be i wltl ba the Arat aid to Wake county," oald Mr. A. P. Petaray, president of the 8*minolc Ptioephat* Co., u, talk ing About the coming change in far ming that must take place m every I cotton county. “A< a man wbo baa (eight year* erpcrtenc. with the boll i woevil.” continued Ur. Petway, “I (know that the •erioo* condition ahead of im ia not properly appreciated by ino people of thie section." I war talking with Mr. Prtway e boo* thn bob weevil and f found that he knew more about It from practical I experience than any man I had ever 1 mrt. He know# it up one. aide and down the other, what the government raya, and what the fanner* have done In Georgia where they were Am ov erwhelmed by the inaeet. He know* it to the tune of having abandoned cot ! “>» oa Ave hundred aeroa of land a**<uh produced a halo to the acre without fcrUISiar; of another farm in Georgia cat from Avc hundred to taro hundred and Afty acme in cotton pro daring eighty four bales thia year, and of having roduood .the operating expense* of one plantation from for i)-three hundred the aext. Urn Tkiag To Do **r. POtway, having bean caught in tha Georgia section, when plankaUooa valued at hundreds of thousands of doUan could sot he ***** *way for tha tayes and inter »«t eharges, emaia through it aa others lid. and bow is more hopeful, cob tantad *®d certain la hit fuming op erations than ha has ever bean. Div ersification, principally and fund*. CMDtaNy the making of all home sap piles, with a surplus of hogs, has , *■•** the day and, saved it wilt Mr. faedb of any group of people you' ftnlc ruled when full ralamity of th* devastation by the weevil was first experienced. But now tha U passing. Agriculture is getting on a sura foundation, aafer than in tha old days of all cotton. Little cotton can be raised where the weevil Is. but that little can be made without mu/di expanse and as a surplus. Tho whole secret la in making the farm self sustaining and casting to boy anything for farm use. After yean of experience Mr. Petwpy u oonvtne led that nothing can be done to de |«roj the weevil. The Aral and only thing that ean be done is te make •very farm sc If sustaining. Tills srfl) not only save the farmers hot It aril) cave the business of the section. It Bites E vary body Two expressions Mr. Patway re peals over and ovar as fundamental truths acquired from hla experience. I One Is that tha hog savod Georgia and can save Eastern North Carotins, ' and that the “same bug which Mtas the farmers bites the merchant sad j the banker fast as hard.” Like o^t. O’Barry, Mr. Petwsry says that the 1 business people moat take the lead In ' this crusade and help the fsraMTs make the change. Mr. rH'wiy owns two lirfc pWrrfi tioM In O*or*i» running Into thou sands Of acres Up UH the time of the boll **e»U he bad grown on ltd farm fire hundred bale* of ootten, approximately from ax many acres. Ha owns a farm of a thousand uni In Wlboo county, thi» Mate. On Ml two Georgia fan** tha boll warrfi hat bean mat. One farm, sore anted to ttvastock than the other, has been devoted wholly to Hmotoch. The odM» haa been cut down half. On tlu oaa Maays and hogs ora the tnonei crop and oa the other hog* sad cot tom. Till* year MiB farm produce! •fghty-four bales of cotton withoa tha expenditure of a cant except foi fertiliser. That many galas wan °mde oa two Bxad red and fifty acre In tha face of all tha hell wasefl cuuk do. Oa Ms farm In Wilson county hi I* bow bagiaalng *o make the mmi nibetrtutio*, though he figures Ob | mors full wop of aettoa can ho made Market Day* h Boll Weevil koetlw "At MeBae, Oa.. the other day,' eald Mr. Hotwuy. "I saw twelve them mad doflaxs put la the hunks free tha sale of pwritry an the local wax hat. Two day* #f the creak are as spurt as market day* and buyer* ar aa baud te take all Uw, poultry u 'the local market Two days of th 'week are eat apart aa market day > and buyer* •** on kind to take a the poultry product* that, the fare 1 an bring la. No matter how was lb* 1st, K la taken la at aatfafastor peteaa and added to other lota fra % ✓ * nil BEING Paronta Fruits Th« last fuar ! hare dealt with gao^ the repoottortoe In thli [icaifccr w« of the Attend in not each | a far cry from achool attendance ae It at Hist jinnee- For the of Pub lic Welfare Of the njuet effective th ■ number la North Carolina I* to children of the State educated, ■p-* number of jaila and cf rjeenbon at will be -TjjrcrUbly a per iod of at leapt all ohil d> or In the mentally to >able profitably ’ l rchool the '•-aont.' where ade. cfcS •h-oa attended ola of North Carolina rm of lStl-22 than im That ta to remrtUng tween tho aCM at arainat of t and 14 In*. Thaao thoaa from M the Bute Inil’ructioc. bat bean ab dren enrolled tbo age limit mileory achool 1 year*. W«M_o County • of Pobim Welfara, bot until the teacher boa Jrhathm or rot a child'* from aehool la cocarad Wy te Uftttaate rzcoaea. 1 iltneW of tha child or la tha home; doaih ta tha Umnedlala family; q oar an tine t bbyefca! or am tal incapacity; torero -weather; din tanyr from achoodt-poverty aai k irmnda of work on me fare Report* of unazruoeri abaamtae mad* weekly by teachect furnish the County Sup erintendent of PuMte Welfare with the nee r mary izfocmation on which io proceed in ondOrcemaet of the Inw. Succee* In aprpdyihf tha law with Ihr-oughnnee depend* aboe! equally t-pon the teacher aa,l the Snpertataa dcnl of P*bUe Welfara. A tactful teacher may often t-JJurt caaaa with -<tu reference to tb* Superintendent of Public "Wei famine practically we i cry absenca, whan hrcaaUfaird, dln rloaes a family and in her ~i«tu to the home <to teacher may he able to gbrt adrtea that will tniprOT* conditio aa. Parent* who talma to comply witl the Comoalaory 0kooi Attandane* Lew era guilty at a miadaeaaanor and are cabinet to a Ana of rut no* than tti or. irnprlaemBnt rat exceeding *« day* In jail. Tha report* fro* coonliea eeol'ti W tha offlea vi vhn Coqwoiaafoaer ®* PabUe Walfaw *»w that durtnc It* year oadiac lab 31 IBIS, Uim hndboen tU na*roa« and lift wbitaa yrpeentad by cewtj jpa'dn tenderta adipwbHe welfare h -forth Carolina fef.-riolaftie* of tfcii !nw—(habUe WaUpo Procnaa. -<»«»-■ ■ “Circle drove ftm* siwih battel than the “Old {kdhaaa Plane.” Brer] good form la aaMfbd to a naan* am ’onetiaite a U« balpa aaafca tfcw keo a good faato • -II I - COUNTY SING AT ' ULUNGTON GOOD 'Urn Crowd Kan Choice Of I "*an,r TW : Hurnrtt County Nm. Silver Loving Coy — Berbcrur. $Jfl price—l.ilKnftoa. 110 prior—Itrvtrti Crock, j $10 prim—MeilU Crook. I $10 eyreial pri»c- -Dunn. $10 cpccial gift of Lilli nfton dam I to Mn. I{. It. Span, leader. | Thear arc the prime ae award ad ; by the judfci laat Saturday after a duy of jxcellont tlnfinf oa the part of the lowmfiip -jeftri and a day fun of real enjoyment for rvery man, woman and cMid who attend the 111! Harnett County I Inf. Ten <Jallow jn fold wae prerented to their leader, Mn. Henry M. Hpcare by the Lllllnicion elate, for her untM inf tool in bringing the clme to that pc inl of hifh excellence which placed it in (harp competition whh the U»-j dcfatignble Barbecue cleat. iudfOt veto: Dr. W. C. Horton of Baleifh, Mise Bde Gardner of Peace UeUtutc, Baleifh, and Mr. C. W. Pi fluct 'of Knehemt. The aecoad annual featrenl of the Harnett County Sine, etafod lam Bat. m.uuj in nwnugw lUOKtniD, held bu: on* great disappointment, •nd that waa-that there waa mat a faN quote of and coaao ritioa to participate la what has been declared tit* most Inspiring event in tbo history of the county. It waa wa barreering, too. to these who labored to proarete the Stag, that there was aot sufficient seating capacity for tho tremendous crowd of peepfs who came to enjoy the Biag. It to to ho hoped that the Lillingtoa r ncaniarillj wOl res that an aadltoslua is provid ed far it* cwaits before aafctber year rails round. White all the contaatia tho largo tfta boat spirit of Haruott aot prepared for the ecth nets ere. (he loyal spirit sad the general excellence of melodious tanes with which Bar fa rc j t had equipped itself. The loader, Mr. Dan Graham, ssemod not to wren shadow any individual member of his claw, in thriir inspired to make goal —the silver loving cup. It was com mon consent that Barbecue deserved the cup. The deem on seas equally un animous that they actually won It. Lillingtoa'a claw showed such re markable improvement over last year that it was thought at times it would bo nip and tuck with Barbecue- LD Ungton had for Icr leader a musician of high accomplishment, Mrs. Henry M- Spears, and Uiv practice through which the class had cease prepared leeal people for the eplendid program rendered by Shis clam Universal op inion was that Islington's rendition would be something above the ordin ary, ">d it proved no disappohitmen* to the aaiiWncr. Stewart's Crrtk, though a now one on tho program, used.- such an ex cellent showing that inmtedlaMdy af ter the fling waa over a community si nr ins class was omaiaed at Berm Levrl aa a permanent inetitaUaa. It waa a plsaaant surprise to moat poo pit to lean that talent of the qual ity exhibited at tho Sing waa abiding in Sewart’i Creak. Bat It Has often beta aid that ona-half the county don oot know tho other half. TWa towntatp will bo doubt be heel'd bt even more proaHing manner another r*w. Nelll’a Creek IBule’e), longtime home of matter-*!ng»n, evidently came to the Sing thla year with the idea that they eeuld retain the Ml | With possibly loss ease than whaa , they won It. Whether they reckoned “a Shout their beeaiags” or wbsthei there was something of aaathar aa I tore weighing upon their mfoda, the r elaaa won rtatlaed that the tmphj , eras coveted by ether aapiraate whd , feed made great effort la prepare tio» far the event JutC here It might not ha a aalaa ta - meat ten the undertone at graat aor i raw and lympethy felt by all attend I ante at tho Sing whom NoBTa Cruel • rams apan the stage. Not nr li r the vast aodlenaa but whose thought I turned tawaml the graat la da mm 1 netad educator, Prufeaaur 9. A • Campbell, hero af a >h leased effort » and nor* for the upbuilding of bl ■ - ana I **T eountp aad state, aw ■ far the mental and ^iritoto atari I ttoa af wham efUnansbtp ha baa Aa A voted ungrudgingly hla kef and PM f fa) life. "Twae fa Ms comfort aw • w*B. being the great audlraq fak am h It waa the mental eenvtetiam mi ami i, than ana tatmar that Neill'a Coe* A' did aat have her whete hoot to Ml ding. Hew could ah*T I DROUGHT 4 W I Wethwpton, Oet. IS. — tea drought i weeka waa tea we« at raina, tea Weatear in a review •( erap i aa ported teat night t nil haa fallen la I | alt octaoa more than I Hu rainfall waa laadhlal la aS daw hut j ► hi better “The ground lonttnnoe tea dig/ tee review aaed, -far tea gaiwhg tern of fall grata ar far tea grvwtk •f graw an paManoa aad amgm. The tioek water eapptp la rary low in the SoaUiweat,” la the eeataal and ef the winter tea aevtew repoetd. eaet of the the gemlaation ad raeteree are good in waatgarUanaaf that territory. Washington. Oct. ^ race* tow death rate was crtabWiad last yeor ia the regiatratioo araaa of the Unit ed 8tatei. according to aa-tin ■eat tonight by the Department a* Commerce, which gave tin 1M1 mm aa 11.t per Om—d popnhSiea agadaet 1S.1 ia IMS. The am tatty rata far INI alee -1 f»« IMS, aaeordiag to the la ment which gave Pm rate for 1IU aa 7« per Pione—il far the prartene a papalatten of 7S^X4^0S. The birth rate for 1SS1 wa »i per thouaad agafaat SS.7 par Pmw oand ia IMS. ■ wv» uiri » injvuv in WILD AUTOMOBILE MCE « OoUsbore, Oat. 11.—Tha onnhtlea of Jiint AnaM Vaadaih«| aw) Letha ThaapaoB, who in ha local hoepltal hot* aa a wall of two wa hart.* boom wPoahad «Ua wwfa* at more than M milaa par boar oa ~ “ till" Hill nillah) afternoon, la att*bt*y. hprand. It waa at {fact feared 111 i litla* if tha raelap aocidaat war* fbtaEy hart. The nan, a Hahn, awaad by Mot cot* N Sutherland, of Wla etty. who waa ridhtc la tha back aaat wth tha two gtrla, aad a HaU, fro* Mat wo* a total wrack. A aal hap aaaM pick ap aay place of tha Salih. Tha Hod eon la laid to hare taracd rear threw tlaiia. aoahp to rnct aa «aa itrieken aahaaL i - m 0> •; •laL ri I 1M l «r ib jHJ > Mi ■ alt * at total i ato k*W» . to. ■Mfi i In* rnr a_ to to* » Mi ■to at tototo • Dm

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