THE D _ ___ 1 VOLUME IX. DUNN. NONTH 10,1M. * NUMNEK «7 . > J HER REGINALD FLAYS OUUAANU TABLE RAPPING Catholic Prtackar Say* Sect eta Of Dead Are Kept By God CONCLUDES MISSION AT ZACRED HEART TONIGHT Preaches Good Sermon E-ch ■ Night Thia Week — Thanka • Non-Caholica For Attend ance Upon Mae ting a And A aka All To Como Tonight— Not In Any Controroray. The M leal on Is the Catholic O.urek waa continued on Tuesday night by a* sermon on “A nKeeago from the Dead." That message waa contained la aa Inscription taken from a tomb Mac Remember this u you paaa by; A* you are now, eo odco waa I; Aa I am now, to you not b«; Be ready than to follow me.” Father Reginald amplified the dif ferent parts of thle message and ap plied (bam with llluet rations to the living prevent. The warning, he said, waa a repetition of the warning which Christ gave whan Ha said: "Be ya alro ready, for at what hour ya know not. the jon of Man will oome." Cnriat told ui that death would came not when wo exported it but whan Wa least expected it, like a thief la the night. Ha did not spare Hie apoatlaa, heat friends and greatest saints; and sinners were vary foolish It they thought that He would spare them Ha knew the time, place and manner of our deaths; hut He did not give ua that keowtedge because Ha did not wish ta^ialay oar prepar ation until the end. Dot lobaake every da-' ot life a preparlticfo far death %y eorrow and repentance foe dn, by woefc? A penance, by kpeptag Hie 1 •l aeth-j of oar ■■■ ' I —7" ” board*, table rapping* i is tie aeanee* to reeatv* -nee***.* from the *** used tbeie mean*, he eald, gas I a» Invitation to Uatan and Ma eeQ ap£ ~ It*, and diapoaed thetr mmd* for hi* Ed rvll Influence, which often load to on Iom of faith and moral* and *omo- mi time, even th. lorn of nmon. of The tec ret* of the dead wet* kept h_ God. and He did not u*e immoral m< mean* and agent, to reveal them. Bt. er Paal a*»d : “It It appo'uted onto man -n one to die and after this *. }wdg- •" metif That one word lJ tells as what happens to "“J u after death. It uU. ■* of a *"•' {, • lunirme Judge, who know* all thing* the A ay of our death and judgment, j It toll! u. of a trial and in which th. tool, of the d<md give an account of every **’*“*'* I ( word, deed aad ombeioo darn** lrf I It ulb ui of . Ami «t*™al“ivt*m". , by which the good will be bUaand celled to heaven, end the vrtehed e ■ted end ceil Into hell. Men. add the preacher, may think | little Of ein now. hot not eo when they Itend before God In Judgement-1 Men may defy end deny Ood end] there la no hell, bat thelv denied cannot destroy God or do away with he'd. "The fool hath eaid in M* heart th. re b no Ood.- That d«b> “ old at eln and waa proaaptod by tin. St. Paul aald: “Ky« bath npt toon, - J ear heard, nor hath it antor^ into the haart of W«t* God hatt prepared for thoee that love dim. We cannot imagine or doteriba th. pteoaorea of hoav.n or the palna o hell; but w. know that If gmU*T fear, tremble, faint and fall whe tried and cond.mnod h* jarthl Judge*, fhmere will be fUbd wM dread and terror when triad and con . . . flYwl, Thoee wl low h«n*« »»< «** e**t,.l"fnoll name* of hall wiD feel »» u* ,0#,‘ yirplaa fait when thay came *•» la to tha irwrrlapa feoM. fownd t door tladad aaainrt theta, and pl« a,l in vain far mfaatoaKnt W tbo»«Ma of *bat th»* •*•** daTand W«n. wKhtW.U«f toya of heaeen they loot and tha t menu of hell ta »*>ld> *** ■"»* forarer, they wffl weap and.wal1 ynaah their teeth I" bitter a^f prrmrh and neeleee. doopalrtn* fTlt*a aanaoa ended with tha eoi in_ thought that eKhowph r**r*t remora* *»«« be tee la#* « d««<h, they wera not tao 1 if wa I aft tin and with torrvw yaaanea and bopped far aWT pardon Ta tha repentant at Chriat waaitd not bo a tonfbU J to be foared bttt a pent!# Harter On IWdM M^t “A, tUl FARMERS TO TAKE TRIP THROUGH PIEDMONT N. C Harnett county's farm agent, H A. Edge, who took hold of his Jot Just one month ego, U vigorously pth h!-g h'a campaign for more prof itable farming in this county. Hli methods for coaching the fdrmrn will lir bv'.d upon practical ideas mid of hie ideas is Ui allow thi i i.i't, fa ■ r* not only how eertair im prevents a I* may he brought about, but also to take liiw and abow them some results that have been accom •s'lihed by tSoac who have already 'opted improved methods, of fans Just now Hr. Edge Is forming a It b of farmers in this county who will take a trip through Piedmont North Carolina in a study of practi cal methods ,of dairying and the growing of feed crops Hr. Edga, however, is ndPaiont in'* his planning for this trip. Hs is bring artlvaly assisted by tha co-operatian of sever, si farmers who arc enthusiastic la anticipation of the opportunity ta thus gain additional information of direct benefit to them in (hair busi ness It ia planned to leave LffUagtoa oa ‘he 10th of November, probably go ing down Into ,'Union county and thence op through Mecklenburg and over into the hustling county of be dell where there yn soma of the la net farm! to be found lb the state. From there the farmers club will owing dawn Into Rowan, through Co liwba and probably back through thr country. Although the exact Itinerary bar not b^jn definitely determined upon, therv are a daaoa or mote farmerv who have unqualifiedly “signed up*' for the trtp, and the group will b< known and referred to in the rounder traversed as the ‘‘Harnett Farmers Cbub.” The main purpose of the tidy wiB be to seek information fn regard u> the growing of food crops, paeUtr Ing, and the like, witfi especial adap tie* to Of jKjjft * >cqpm fbneoAe Indopoa^t*0* "•***** y Atgh tk« poraoit of dairy*** « ]e Ttiii&i for iitfW. flt*to Wry , A. a Kimrey h»» written lf». r< aad art hla teal of approval op Ue trip and Jake* oeeaaion to re- q A that "this la the real way to be kelp to the famine indo^ry.’' * Hr. Kdg* requeMa that every tar- r r who wtohea to make tho pit «lth aoe him in peraon or -write hhn h» ■diatrly and he will cadi and give all I f«?fcAtSon deaired.—Harnett Conn-1' New*. I, rfinft* Lot*" wet t ««T»>on on «* Anile lot* of Ckri«t, proved by ®e reotnMt of Chrtoft eofferinfe In the ork of our mWtllom. Per bi» text Father Beqlneld took I,, worrit of Chritl: '(Greeter love ken thU no men hath that ht lty lows hit life for hit friend*." In inewer to the qucttlon: "Why did ;hritt. who I* God *t well a* “*», lo end tafter to much for a« when He could heve eevod ut by t mere with’” the preacher mid that wh« would heve been enffcieut to redeea end tev* us would not hot* been tut ilclent to prove the Infinite love o' nhriat for 01. Th* greatnew of ChrlaCt love to ma «a proved by the greatoeaa o Hla wffortngm for him. The »eoon tng »t the pnler, the crowning wW thorna, the b sarin* of «h* trtm ' Calvary, and the <™clfixion were « ecribed and given aa a proof of « greatnem of th# (Brine lo** th i bum* for men In t*1* h^rt [ ieroa. He eaa» to cart the Br# , that divine love in the heart# of a where It la to he enkindled and prt y ed by the obeerrane* of G*d*e eo h mandmente and the deroat praet i- of our holy religion. "H J«o h „ rae” aald Ohrlat "he** ■» ic menu.” The aermem enoeo ww — tc for that proof ®* 1®**- * w** , he oa«»e»dr “*• "‘“f0".,*01 t id- lonlfht (Friday) wtth < »• F Mil blaaatng and a laetnro «•«*•« I ,To Catholic Chareh on Trial. la lb* Guilty of tha Ck»|d made un or- H*rf” _ v .. . fro The preach** thanhad both < ml Ira and Non-CathoHea far that MDdan«• and attantiaa and rep. re. hit former atntamant, that ha got adlng eontroraror ner *• iMk*. eharfaa. that ha waa net tryt. uid convert NonX>thoUe* nar m* Jtar I driaa for no* meaabar* 0 that Non-Cathahaa warn t did maraty to Haar the ?»*•“* end lha eaaa and lanrn tha troth ■ bnm» ^ “<* ** _j_ tb«r eaaao ta Chat* they w* le h* onpaatad «a eomfor* tn Odhott y «f eordtof t* theta pUanwr*. » STEEL TRUST AID’S j G. 0- P. CAMPAIGN Broadcasts RtprvswUtim | Wood's SpMch Ou United Sta*«« Steal Corpora tiess Th* Unitad State* Steel Corpora linn, commonly and accurately known is the "Steal Trvart," has actively en •c-»d th* present Co ngrcaalenal caa poifn in behalf of th* BepohUcan •arty by reprinting and broadcasting a speech by Representative Will R. Wood of Indiana, Chairman of the Republican Congressional Campaign Ccmmltte*. The sobject of KepabH tin Chairman Wood’s speech is: Uni ted State* Steel: A Corporation with a Soul " (Laughter.) Ths speech I* a folanms eulogy ef the Steel Trust deMrarad by Xr. Wood In the Honae of Rsprmtata tl'ees on >un* 28 last, la which ba compares the Steel Trust oamnlaa tlon to that of the gWU—( of the United States. Bo might have gone further sad stated that —— Usee the Steel Trust In tie exercUe •f power exceeds that of the Ballad States, certainly with respect to the Clayton law and the Sherman 'law concerning unfair corapUltion and monopoly. Since Ur Wood’* eulogy waa it Hvervd the Federal Trade OoraralaUeu has declared that the pi op raid (tost ■nerger would-be a violation of lew, constituting aa unfair method of competition sad tending to ozeaU a monopoly./This followed the parade of a Senate resolution for an bsqairy Into the Mom snlogy, the Steel Trust has Prices of raila IS te $48 a the sr items steel products Tram 1.00C JUtr j.artaaatrtlvm at w , gteot tndukry fc*ee riao toad *a. * |h honor of din tag * lb* »“*• c< nn to dlaetma the quartieo ol W „ weak their employee tw*hrr * •" » <*•* _that 1 U akould he remembered eairman Wood reyreaents a Caa- e wealoaal diatrlrt. In which the mate t »„t of the Steel Trurt la laaatad. t hetber the ctoedlatior of Chairman i rood*, apeech by the Steel Tra* toll . further the proposed toael margeor. 1 rhleh tor. Weed highly appre^a. « rhether it li U e^raaa gtaUtode for he relief of iu axeeaa pr»«t ***£* ehethar it wlabee to continue in Ooo tvcae inch a powerful friend and ad rocate ae the Chairman of tha Bepnh lican Congreaaionel Ootomtttee, to a matter of opinion. A CATHOLIC M1SSIOW Wm begin in the Catholic church, Donringtewn. on *****. The eatmena ta be piaaehod by Rev rather Reginald Lmamee. of "m pemiontet Fethen, will be of Intaratt to member* of all denominations A1 ere invited to me, hear, and **d* Catholics In the preaching tic. of their who attend are not exported » p form to the Catholic l may remain mm'led , , w n1-The mtadoa wRl open i k the 9 o’eleek aaoea on Banday ar 0 > on tine* ootil Friday night. A ap 1 eUl aermon will be prWtod at e o’clock each right. rt Sunday night-—"Our Soul. a»d o r I a ^kUIana " rf Monday ni«hV-‘'Merria€. . a, 1 Birth Control." o-l Tueedey—“A Hin*t* from m- Dead." _ J W«ln«d»r-,'W1-t H*«"" reel the Bool After T>'***V . v»- Ttraredey—"A Btory oi ™ •el I ^Friday—^'The Oathollc Ow* one I made a«eb-* H“r *** ^ Wall case _ , CHtHTUM EKDEAVOK f* OK AM H. for Monday Nl*t, tl ja^-l WMa Beadlny: Heb- ta0 r cvl Ben*. ^aadl Loader—Joe teKfc. wat| IntrndarUon. enter I Dereetleael. ,, tel What la Weekly t—Mr. Cho»«b the only fla «• of Oaet-Marie «Uer^ *»d t diet | Be*- _ nfcea| ' dee enn we tbow an eaaw re not) reoerenaet—Keen MBA , ltT1 | |w<bt Maria Owea. ^ ee-* Veeal Bale—KeeeU »«■>* I I » it eoaot* >rt» at 41 ra rat*. > inkai «• the Dtmomtk >ui <M»m an For 8ooato»a J. S D. A. Far M. A Pot Pc > • it t Pot A W. 4 >• Jat. s B Bop1 ,h* m bA f or mmamMrn k< Goo. L Bonitt" C. M. U iVU Tot ComJt: on! *"•1 i of\ r% 1 a- I i M Bo| IB. I Uhl nla ofl A •* ***“ ^ von Mowrt 1 l JfOH, JlHo pbnnm r |9L I- fc V"“" *#. * REHEARSING FOR m MUSICAL STOW Kama T«U»t Marfiil Coaaady Will B* Prwaawtod Kara Naat Waak Great InWreat Is b«lng abewn by tha gvi cral public In tha big home talent mueical comedy “A BccWcr’f Honeymoon." which edit he preeeat ed le the Metropolitan Opera Haaae. Thursday and Friday nights, Oct- M and 87tb, under the auspice* ef the Woman’c Club ef Dana. The predue Ctoa is being coached by Mr. Harry Mclrar, of Omaha, Nab., Preaidont at the National Producing Bureau of that ofty with Southern headquarter* ad FayattreiHa, N. C. This play la yaamiaad to bo far the beat Hoot* tal ent seer preair tad hare, and tha boot talent aaUctud frees oar mueical and dramatic circle will appear la th* pure apart ling odt and huaur which baa given tfcie play the diatfawtien ff being call ad the ‘‘Funnieet Show, an Earth" and the catchy imp number* which will be Introduced by. baric* Of pretty iprh, ha-wl-or .c!y cuUus od, will land beauty a::d ev.»-m to tbo prod action The prico of admdp ■ion' will bo within reach at all and la conoidcration of thl* vary mori torlon* attraction and th? worthy eb |oct under orhooo —p'.ceo it lo hold, "pnekod hpanoa^aro amured. The W *■■*'» dab ahoald bo conar*to la lad la pin—tint ttua rtandord play and p»r\.Jlng a high claaa of aarter ttb—1 la tbit commoaity. •Fall particular* do to Cart of Ckar dotan. AdnWac, ale, will appear *Jb.-ao* I«o« of TV- llWpotch :#*■ '■1 . s “ _ hT REACHES FAYETTEVILLE SAFELY !* thrwtM* fca Mha Sert of tha n to aafca the trip froae W _ , thto eity. A repreaoatotiee *Mt» « 4 WUadngten eiUeena. haada* *» «* fewt. Gervernor W. B Coop** “* « fetor 0. O. leasts, United Staton * Betriet eagtoeor, etode *• «** *“ he e tenner ,U>. A. P Hart, **Wh * left WBmingtea yaaterdey alten»*<to- « They were set it the deck bore by « n delegation of Pnywtteriao baekntoi a mn and were drirnn oedr the city | to nate-obll-. f The eosnptotioo of the fir* passage i between Wttratogtoo and FnyrttoeRle by the «w rth—*»PU« begtoalag ef reel frelrfrt nod *er .notes on the cnnrtto Fear, eSA la regarded by eia) esparto aa the hay to North Ca* oMen's tratopartotiaa problem. FOR LOW TAXIS “VI IN DEMOCRATIC COUNTIES H |0 Mid thli tUM MS tOO high nad Oia* tho Deeeocrntie party ie responsible. tat ns een eboat that, The State of North Carolina jtnBfcoi Urine nor eoUaete a eoni of tasai aeon y*or or my property, reel m Dereonni. na * direct property tea £e eoarrtiee ef the Stole, bower.. <to trry each . tos. Now, the™ a* I ,nn.Usi to tho StwU being aRgeah Ur*A by D«woc**t* »nd «*•*••* eouttM In th« 8WU »4rBtntateT«! b JUpubHemno D«»cwrrtie Oourf CoulaloMU ft* th* U* t< jj D*o>o*mtie e*»wtl»o R^W*e' County Ccamimianon ft* «h* ‘ rot* f*r **pwWb*n tamaMa^ “ rrvrac* U* rot* 1* th« »orelity-o D*m*«rotte eountioo «< tho fbft* «l(rtty-ft»« iM •**«m-<«nth» eonto rrory bw*»* «•«"• worth **' *rty "toxoA. U th* tw**V-w»** **F Ikon owrtlw tb* *•*«*• tna i U gn* handled and two «*■*• «■ rry hundred d*Uow worth •* KJ aul t dWfoi*—* in fatror of DomoeTWtk Monti** at 1 *>*•*» ««■* •" —***rT Inn proyocty mod. Obrtoowy pobttanna proto* *hob to*** t PiTiTS CONVENE 1 ON HALLOWE'EN Large CilVirfaf Pig Tied Te Attend M—Ht And he trot OwrnHi oiieti!. At r-r-r! Fo*l (Hat cold a j/ l » .«-cl ll-lng aiiT Peel that i'.vj.'ig it '.hr reoil of year hair, as ii! every drarii waa about te rtaad «’j endf hear the n.4liag ef baeact :. I tV ft. lUr.-taf of the ghaata ( . j.i .ia lit the a.iau^l fathering fcf umalgaaiated order at indent r piriu ir. Uut laid day ef October— Hellene’va. Latest radio odrteaa atau that thia yaar'i eeaveauoa atfll bo Mara large ly atientimi thaa any alnco the year •f the Big Wind. Millai -mt mat than usual lageed—aa are «a aaaaa uu union lor f.horl., overwork*! by Sir Ob’* Lodge, Conun Doyle, Madam Wanda hurt obtain of the payeklc world, have eoaiplalaod to oSUinli of tbo union for ihwtir boon and non pay. Ttoy •ay that the piaaant ardor of Otago to inimical to their woifnro; that they are being deprived of tktb oar lent •ports around baantad baaaea; that they have an bate far recreation, and wt Uay Joel he da aged If they will •land far all this monkeying with thiaga be the spirit realm by Waagy Boa iU and tick hke Ail mortale will bo prirOeged to attend the oeaveatioe this year. It it well brawn that the gboite gsdhar n bou. old church yards, hartal grnnads and romstoriae an the atariM of __ un tta uM*ahi>*t •***“ r lajiactMO tta id* •* mta Tta dtotriei tad »•*•* betain**y for. ttat toaao, bat ai • eontroverny a« to tta f ichooitaord. AD d to favor of tea le, aad tta court cH aaahta dnetoite* i fUctieao wbtob *a» ta m tta *r»a*d teat tta molca hat aot ton *"«»• -—~ CHOW WORTH CAMUHA— A RALTWORM Abode falaad with m por «■*. the nation ta fanfen rtaok. Mwte Carolina loado tta oadro at tea ote rr and af tta Uao atth maty m^mr tenth* of one par coat of foraWi UoA. Norte CaroU— to aao of tta ^ Mate. .1 tta Onto. It to drootopbw, Inditartoilp, a«aa .•rctolly and nertcutarally. with a nyjjity. it la probably on. af tta aad nbbMnc ftatan in tta Onto*. •» , oouHn taforea tta laaa, 11 a rfayor. , . Ft to carryta* fa alof ooltogo aad ylimrohrtnf tea —. rt- nrw boltdias* and tarta* W*>W m 1000 oa tea uhiaate plan of teto em M Ht'OMfiOO wma •*!** M and ratad far pahB« idairttaa (■ the »in«ta yaar June M. 1M1, M My ». 1***. k" ** **** h la yattinf *W.O".*dO « • tV- lata highway taynr***** ft is wXHnottMy '• oJLLiH, daralma»U and Ita r»- d»a-alartrte * •r- ion a>IO tataaa*Aaid^y« * *«d| kn farata* atm*. •» naana-at^ta y la)- of tka fart that thta —*Ua *m a ■a- forward Mi rtrtartal doartayanart r..r aayaad aaary »■»•«* ***“_■ tki Wartar^rt if tartar afarlart any frart laOar of fa«al|M fgttalManwfaowmi »—«* iakrt I Frth WrtlJakrtJ i Do-1 •< lha Wartd M*a ■*•■* Llwllka Taaytaa BHar. a>«.MW A ,-All aakrtakHad kdandj -j la] abaaad (ran Iwataf fcy a dam £ ta d— * OAy adueal htad. Thay lataad f*M" aa •da aflekaoad a H4n hNd «d *** tidotallaa wldak thay kayo *• ff rt. ef Hrta* «»*•*« (raH and taM ' tla. 4 tcfjjy tmira. . FOR ASSISTANCE OVETM/IF1 FAIR La^reuu* Ttnk* To AM Who Aldod la We. j Of CO-OPEMA'i r/E fPIMT HKU»» ASSOCIATION Mr. Aad Worn*** Croo 1 **■■ \y Of IMr The* And Mod* r i poikifMi Groalaat Sw • ^ Hold Hot—Akosot WhoUjr I A Dmam OUrfct Affair, Mr. ■ Goldrtnfai Print* Out Loddnr bat^ ever tbc «d tt the haw. Th« toir - * — t. V •> t i ’ •>: % i 1 I .

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