10. P. IS A PARTY OF SELFISHNESS ' J.R.BACŒITSAYS Givm Millie*!· to Wealthy Me· Bet Nothing Te Former , , Soldi·** BOUGHT ELECTION FOR GREEDYi NOW IS PAYING Timber· With Income Te» For BeoeM Of Money Bar·*· Amd Hu To Borrow 800 MU· lion· A· A Reault—Demo crat· Achieve Mach la State —William· Speak·. Pointing to the f»ct that Ikr Hard ing adnninletratian turn /-von million* te n<n of large wealth throujiti lti tinkering with the inceme I» law· while tt refueed te give u cent to the former icnrice men ai evidence of the ttepabUean partyV NMikniu, John Robert Baggftt. Deaocrauc caadi rlete for Um State tonale, leet night ■poke In tW Recorder'* c ο art roots) to · small crowd of Democrwt» who braved the rain Mom to hear the doctrine of Democracy prmchi-d. CUwfcon "WtUlaa·, candidate for the office of aollcltor, alao ipeke to the crowd, ncphaaliing tike need for raal wort on the part of Democrat· IH w» IKCMBI cnytifn. Mr. Baggctt points) 1· th« many 3UU ΐ(πκ1(· created and (oltind by the Oamocratic party tn North Carolina for the reHrf of the people and the procréas at the Htata. Educa tion, rood road· health work—that* war· HtM of th· thin#* th· ipaakrr recalled with prldo .Ho «howail where tlw> «tate thie year wmj apanding aari t -un (2,COU,000 for tl.r higher odo· rabon of the boy* and |ii<< in the Ugtoei *Uy. A. and K. CoUcp aaii tha unrmcl eehoola, and compared that tiich th« meafiy auma allowed by th· lut Sepoblieaa trgulciure. • _ The Democratic party, Mr. Ha M111 •aid. »u th· party of tha people. Κ .* d*U»red in *·»***. in dtmrlbytiag lUU ftijvd» 1» roeh The Rapvbliean party, he declared, wu* · party of eelf brinaaa, intent only ■pou boodle for thoee who finance Ha election «teak. It hae paaaoii * tariff lav which permit· tha moneyed cImmi to tai thu people without liait and haa fixed the income Ul law» ao thai wnltky men wen· relieved of ta χμ. SHORT LINES MEET TO DISCUSS RATES PayetlOTitle, Oct. 21.—For the por po» of dieeuasing a propoeed raad juatment of freight rate·, the tra®c committee ^ the North Carolina Short Railroad Aaaoclatfcon will meet In tola city Monday at the call of A. L. Thorn peon, traffic manager of tha Aberdeen and Rockfiah railroad and chairman of tha traflo committee of the Aort linea. The meeting ia called to conaider a queatlon concern ing readjuitment of freight rate* within the State which ia of vital im portance to the tarenty-nlne abort linei operating IB North Carolina and It ia aatd, may result in a pronounced benefit to the jhipp*n on theae roadj through a umplifkation of Intrastate ι«tea. STATE FAIR GREAT AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY Ralelfh, Ν. C., Oct. 21—The flteru Keir h fid St Raleigh laat week win po down In history a* the greatest agricultural diwlay «*»r held In Nortk Csrollna, according te Director B. W. ΚI Igor* of the Experiment Rtatloi and Extension Servie·. Dr. K4fO><i Md hi* aesoelstee, together wrth C e county home and farm dem onatn ; Ion sjrents, took a leading part In mal lng the fair a nee·* Insofar «a the educational aide was concerned *nd »i iter· Isst week vers ίSi pressed wlUi ti e (rest τ»1αβ of the fair from «his standpoint. About twelve œerytiss mads eoanty rxhftrtia. Bsscomhe won first prise Alaaasaco second, and Cleveland tt»W, with the other· down U ten pertlelpatisf In the priaa aeoosy The ommontty exhlbita ware meri naroeiona than before, with the AV ■aandrr Wilson ComesanKy of Λ& la s net Ceonty winning Brst money the Olypee Coammltr ·* Depth County seeond. md the FairrW· s Ooraseea*ty of Wake Ooonty, third Indlvtdaal fana hanan went to Johi I. Darts of Wayne Canity, f. Hs«i»j Sharp· of OmlHerd, ·*4 L J Hawal Of Hsyweed In the order nned. The llveetecfc dtotfsy wa· "Wl fee ter than the fetd ο rep,, TW war· mare J«*j aatlle (hewn thai all dairy »··* p«t together las rem. AS brv.de of boaf "«*·, sbaaf rwle·, sad h«raM a«d "alas w«r i COOPERATIVES TO HOLD NATIONAL CONFERENCE Dr. KJJ«ara Will Nee* Car· lia a DtUfaûwi Al Μμ· 1·| in S*. Leaia Ralcleh, Oct. SI.—Dr. B. W. KU (or·, pioneer in the cooperative mar kilting movement la the eoath, will rcpn-aeet the cotton cooptrattvaa_ at • conference of nMnbtn of th· in t*r-co operative tanfrKnct committee which will be held next week Id Lob inrillo, Kjt. Dr. Kilgore left tonight (or Loai· villr to attend the conference, which lia» been called for the parpoee of •rraafflBf for a nation-wide confer ence to be held In Washington is the early winter. The selection of Dr. KU ger* u a member of the national committee la a commitment to tka bead of the North Carolina agricul tural ezteciion service. The tobacco co-operatives will be headed by Judge Bob«H W. IHaf ham, pabllaher of the LoafeviUe Cou rier-Journal. who la · native North Carolinian. Judge Bingham is credit ed with being the biggeat Magie fac tor in the aacceea of the Cooperative IfarViOing AaaoclaMon of Keatrtelry barley tobacco grower·, which haa attracted National attention. Other dlatinguWied cooperative leaden who will attend the LoaWvHle conference are: Airoi; oapiro, οι Han Francisco; Cart William, pmidnt, «nd C. O. Moaer, Mcrettry, ai ÛM American Cotton G row an' Exchange; 0n»i> W. JtwMt, nam^r NorOvwcet Wheat Grower·' aaeociation, Port land. Orefon; Charte· Ο. Taagoe, Ctlifomia Prolt Grower*' Exchange. Γ.ο» Angeles, Cal.; MUo Canphell, president National Milk Prodacer» amoeiatton, Caldwater, Mick.; H. Q· Coykendall, manager Prune aad Ap ricot Grower*, gan Joss, Cal., How ard Leooaad. pmidnt of tha IlHaeia I Aynculturei aaaoeiation, Chicago. Senator Arthur Capper, of Kan •vu, head of the "Farm Bloc" in Con çu· aa, suggested some tin* S*0 tha ilea of holding a national conftrnx* TO BOOST CAMPAIGN FOR NEW HARD ROAD OrcaiûamliM Ptaaa Hlfkwaf Pra· FiTMMtk To The VtrgWU LIm •Rocky Mount, Oct. 11.—Organisa tion plana for booeUag a campaign looking to tha construction of a hard mrfuc* highway aero·· Eastern Car olina from the Virginia line to Fay etlteville, were perfected · alerting held at the Wilaon chamber af com merce yeaterday afternoon and ai (nnded by upward of *er«nt^-Ara ^ood road· enthusiast* from U>a four counties which the proposed highway would trarerae. The meeting was called to order at the Wibon chamber of commerce yes terday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Pres ident John J. Wells, of the local Chamber at commerce, which Brat In stigated the new highway and mad· ami ngf me η ta for yesterday's taaaion. 'After Mr. Well* Had briefly outined the purpcae of the meeting, Joseph ' Ramsey, alao of thia city, was named temporary chairman. 8trsastag the =1 impon«ncv vi ta· pro;κτ Ana WDIt lu consummation would nut to Eas tern Carolina, Mr. Ruuty pointed oat tliat a ycnoaneat orgaaltaHeti ehoulil b« perfected to carry on the ramptûKD. This resulted in the hIh tlon of W. 8. Wilkin ton. of thta city, permanent chairman, and Noma» T. ChambUea, accretary of tie local chambor of commerce, aecretary. D« LYMAN ABBOTT Or OUTLOOK DEAD Now York, Oct. It.—Dr. Lfau Abbott, cdltor-hn-ehlof of Un Oit· look, with which 1m had beoa aaoo riatod nearly 40 yoara, clergyman, lawyer, aothor and «neeMorrr to Hoary Ward Beoehor aa pastor of Plymouth church, Brooklyn, dlod to· toy. He would here boos »? Mxt Do· ceaiber. Who· the end came hla foar ■κ and te» daughter* wer» at lb bedside, Dr. Abbott nltnd a error· aUack of broachUla at hie eooatry bom· la Corawall on tba H ad era toat samnwrr, tram which ho neror fhlly niwmi Hr m—< to Ma elty Imt two meha ago Warning I toeure year Boette foi -A Baohotor'· Honeymoon" early. Remember It doeaat toe» any mm U »B hi the boat aeal than H dooa ta «taad ap ι· tho back ef «he beaae. A ι word to the «too ta «nActoat. , roproaentod. Additional teats kad U I he r>t oy to boo»* the o»etrfUw βτοα ι the regnlar bane and Aede. TU I «bow of ι IHootock la ea todleMluu ai ,',*hc Tnereaetng totoro* la tMa phaai ι of Urmiag to North Carol laa [MARION ΗΤΠΑ $ THEREPUBUCANS Tek·» Actif* Pvt la Cax» pai«« TWt b lWw Ibhf ' • :.£5tsF ^ ?■ - DÎmin iMW WHO 10 TO 5UCCW nUTCHAUD '■** 1 * Say· North C«ι ·ΙΙ— Haijbr»! Un* Judicial Thàtifr Awl nti âtota Shmaid wj*Mé D*p*i,m4 Of PIm· utW caat By J*4|Vi Deetk—iCâK olfea Rich km -■ ni (By W. A. Hilda ifcrand) WtMxfUD, Ott. ΤΤΓ Γ.ΙΜΜ β«Η nitor Marion BotUr M> kaat mWM ap tlx Aab«vUla apeclal U AH «ppetst an· η ta ta AJaxandar, OmmHM aarf tub eoantlaa. H* apaaka it T»T lomrille today at 1 o'clock I<w «t •ox otker pUee at nl^bt; as Satur day at Nawton «t 1 o'clock lad at HoTiutoa al nfcfct. Wban aakad JoM kefor* Uaro* Um *ute «te h. Éw^l et Mnth Carolina retting tit* M» fada»ai jadgnahip far the fourA cira·H, ka ■M: "I h»*· ne UlM «tetter lb· Pled dent will hIkI the additional iknlt jais· from Nerth Cm*Om er aot. Bat one thjag ■ do knew, «ad that 1% he can net find coperto r JodMal tim ber la any of Mm other rtatee of the circuit. Ne jadge ta· rw wfllllrf croater credit spaa tbe tmmtA limit thaa did Jade· Jeter C. Pi*teha*< Mid we hare ether Ma who would •erve with equal ability aad fltine non. Why ritoold Jadg· Mtehard'e place be take* tna a·?** Cootloeing, be aaid: "Noiito Caro I na not only bae Jodtcial timber at the very blffee* r*ak, bat It la aUa a iUK of the very Ant rank bea every atandpoint Then I· bo North Carolina I· a i> great in territory, grit la aataral rtMorcm, aad (real ia tu rape (to etti iudl». η·π le net mortier 14,000 ■Qaarv mlUe la the ainli area of Ike United Stater wMoh hu the mehk of natural rceourecs equal to North Carolina. "The truth ia," be added, "we ought to be the graateot aad moat important state in the union. We hare the natural reaoaree· aad we hare the people. The only troafcb k that our people hare not yet fully waked op too or datiea, oar reepeart hUtUee, aad to our oppotrtunitioa ffhtn we learn to aie oar all-po*»er t<û franchie· eoffrage with the eaiae independence aa ta ahown by the peo ple of Ohio and Indian·, than we will have both of Ike great political partie· coning to North C»roltna to •elect their candidate· far PioetdaTit "Now, mark yoa, the aaac thing that will eauee both the poHUeal par tlee to cone to North Carolina far their candidate· for Precedent wfl] alao attract mittioaa of dollar· ai capital to our atato to develop our wonderful natural raaumi'ea. When that lima rnmii anil It la ranin* koon, then North Carolina wfll bt eoae the rieheot aUU la the aaJon. WtiM out peepl· realise tbte rr«at troth, than they will «ou for «hat they wart—tor their Intereoto, In stead of agalast their Lntereota." When aaked «tat ho thoafht of the ehaneea of m or moro BepuhM ran coiifnntn k*ii| «looted, ho •aid : "A aajorit; *t oar people know bow that It la boot for ear Mate to hove an admlaotrotloa at WaAIneten folded by the eeaotractiva principle* and poiieie· of the groat BnpnhHuqj party, laetoad of by the a ma ll < a aU Impracticable poHeiee of a» htaWainl Democratic admlnlotrottai. It la boat to ka·»» a Republieap adqpialatratlpe at Washington, then I· order for os to (ot the fall benefit» from t(A aa adnlBtstratloa It 1· lHIHaiy f*r ao to bare unpiawm la Wa^laf too who wtM m ap«iata with the ad nUniotratloa for thi ataO'r wjlfarm. I Tho folly of aesdinf Dottoc ratio «» I rvaan to WaAlaf·* **" Β>00Β notMag bat loo· ta tho »Ut*. Wo «beald ao loaf w ilohy the iirroctloa of a mistake M pa teat aad ao oaa* ly." "Why," bo aafcad, "la m Innta^ of tho Troeaary LoOHo M-«how. Hart. INI · ipaslrtaf tear la thé (Μι to •arrow, whoa there are aity aalh lor btai tlaewheroî tt b booaaae hi baa theoe «oata rWw» abat ear MM aad our people. Bo kaowo that wt mm bo the piilal aad rtoheot stab la the aalen, aad ho wawta «a half brine H about Bo alee kawwa wfca< a I ne wraai Mml Idadwp Patter aoa la, aad ao bo waate «a «at ta hoi MM.· "n. In.' Htniy mi »«·»·,, Kb JteU dr. _ J*wta« vittf* \ **&*' Κ«τ4ί C to th· bMfftif·) 41 I» the »»r »n wfcol»' U<m wfcieh isd by *ar ■•ht tta« ttntimi." to Mm I ΡΚΟΗΙΒΓΠΘΝ AT SEA EFFECTIVE Weehtaet··, ΟΛι. II. of th* liquor lUtttita, twU Vjr Atto»>| •fy Gtunl Dud transportatto* ni pato «( I llltM Ο» and ·α fwilp milM of tka Upltaâ HUt— i»a*. bo-1 ugw «ffoctln, tatfÉkt *t The nteuh· « tta· nidW Vr| P*rrAfcj>t Hw)U> Kara to «rrtun wmr aSaln to eo»-| ton· to the mitBf a«tes4 at cUrad, UMllmi fax a tlHW tab ltéoa >«4 not baaa i|>nwi R «■ «iuiUm*! probable that ■cnral daya weaM »l«|n Man t» tea· iW praUblttoa f»i»n wwM 'ten· u u Uh mn af Mr au thority andar tbe PW#iw% eptai««, bat tkla. Κ vu daelaiad waaU bava no affect aa tki ayaltliia «I tba tew. A foraiya τι ml aaVa* with lahMtad cargo A*r tadar, It waa uM, «««Id ba M ftkt«tb. yaaahla. flaad by tba V jPM Μ* Ι* alw fba mUiad JVBMla- ataW waftoaa baartag that <«*«; Aaterleaa 4fce,^»der *a rail* for which ft te flm iU> WJU * Oitjr Ρark) packed toi·· «01 m Mb* pNt V»· local ttulm at each per (onuBc. Tk· fifc* H aitwtoalM have bon redated to ■ lahilaia· ao that mrj ooa w «fard ta g·. Re served MU will go ea aale WeA*·* day Meaning. October M at 10:00 o'clock, at Wflaan aad Lea'* Drag Star* Thai* ia no extra charge far iaaai»liig laata, aa Ma that job gat 7»W MC DAY! AT CAPK FSAK FAM Wedaaadoy, October a·—Military Day, foaftaitag Fait Bmgg. On <hU day «Il Cftoi—H V«t» UailHHtta n<«a of «ha Mr A «a wiat tan. M>Hag at tha Aiwiy fcnd fee tog aaaeided «a tha Mr of mOKary Uie wiA be de»teCed hy tha arieara of Fart ■— iacIadU* toot yttrtitog. fcarneaaiag datih, Bo mb» taoea. tog «f war, «rat aid drflk **Λ writtUm etawta. ThJa eaWMtkm wilt était nm> ly at X p. ■·, and rreryoaa to urged U ha at the Fair Crowd· at that tfcoM to wtaia «da ft*· Mfcsuu-. îlmr to be ι—rtiUt. Oii éÎÎi^ ψρ· ready hM Wn W*p< mm· ■rbat by the Kudt} wt an The (oalitjr »f all beys la nfttM HtAitiif (Nil an nflilH illcMy lever tku laat jraar, daa priai I pally to knrer hi hag iiwa. b«t ■aikatteg carta an aUU m hieh tba* la naaj lalaaiw Horn nl mIUkc ι>irm· are mmra thaa the t ». k. yotat petoa af tha hay. Sepoito froat aoMmiag terrttoriea ι faal »op»Jy at local tafa. Tha paaBeat lajyly aeeea to b· te Xarik Carolina, Am dealen rrtti—1« la ta! tarage MMtb atfBetaat far para than twa at Ana Mattt. Til· irinla, Booth Carolina amA Oiiuli Ml asa·* atotaa harteg · lav to tiz aionthj ia»l| aod Alrtwa Bad Mtart—lfpl for tba aatff· MaaL 7ha refortod to kn a lai«or Μ "ψ [>ly than laat year bat ha? Ja bate* ddyped teto that teultot) tram Ohio, Mew Yaih and lfUhlgaa ASSOCIATION tUITI AT •UNNLBVEL, ΟΓΤΟ—■ M-M Bum1· Crack, Oct. M.—IS· UMIa| Khrtr AMthUi· will aaa ■Up aharah. Itulral. Omto »4,| ft uvd M. Tb€ laUadaataay ι Fill W >mdn< at the Ant f)et«k«r 14 at 14· p ·. ky Be*. ft| N. Jafcaaaa, ψaatar of tfca TM Mat etarrt, Dwm. Hob. J. C. ClMToaJ (. atafefaM Um mhéiWi» ·Μ J. A. CtaagMl U| ileit-tmiTir, hartnc MM «U >Um twmHlnlj «toaa im. Tha «Mtrtatlaa ΙΙ»ΓΙΙ· al all k«n* fai Wab*| la Laa ■M Ha awhiiMi kaa gnrm MO la lira ta a«n tha» la] *U yaar Ma1! Crwk Aaafeay ia ia thtoj aawhtlaa aa4 >»—m Ua taat ι Janaary. I. INT. It ia aaw « M f ·" af HtW and h a tea yaar at «A Tfc ,1a Wiw fen laat year at IHk **£ *»A a« tha M» k··» itarta*. Tha *kh. at aM la a aiawhl t* that wif» af » *a Mn. Jaha C Uahaar, ca4 af Mr. wi

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