··«««** - 'LOCAL* » * * « Born: To Mr. and Mr*. Bari May nard, Tu«*day, October lTth, a gtrl. A. Feldiaan. of the Foldman De partment 8tort, it in Mow York to Iruy rood* {or hi* «tor» her*. Bom: To Mr. and Mr*. L. C. King, at the ihanM of Mr. and Mr*. 8. R. HoJraea, Friday, October 20th, a gbrl. John C. Clifford, Jr., wa* bare laat *wk from Stat* Collage to TWt hi* parent*. Judge and Mr*. J. C. CUf t and Chicago. It eomee to the Metro poittan next ntrik Own WlllUaj, a negro, wu «hoi . Sunday afternoon by John Coley, an other ntpo, according to Mon» tien reaching Dnnn ynt^rda/, afui died at Τ o'clock Monday morn In*. II m Mid that berth men had been drink' Ins moonshine Uqaor. The tragedj occurred near Mingo church, in Kia (o towjuhip, Samtieon comity. Thii b *aid to have been the eecond ldOiaj attributed to whiafcey in that neigh borhaod within the laet elghteer ■ont)» βηΚ afaioit the Atlantic Om4 Line RalHvay ha* been IM fey J oh I McLeen, colored, throush his attar nry, fl. t,. OoiMn, to rmttt dam area LxMetit to hi· having been pat off a pMNDfO train near the P. J Jeffrey home aonth of Dnnn. KoLmi waa hound from Philadelphia to hii h note her·. He la aald to here heel eoffe. ing *roaa mmwh at time. Πο had a ticket to Don·, M It la alleged, waa hauled pe*t thi ■talion. tt waa late at night when hi waa pat off the train, and H ta aai< 4 that he waa ahlifrd to crawl match « the diatanne. »«p>eaeat*Hn Homer U Lfm, a the fflxth Congnitaml Dlatihit «fan· laat night In Dana. He apeaha IM afternoon et Sackfcern and tonigh at Kiptlng. Tomorrow iftmaoa am evening ha will apaafc at Main an* UBingten In the Mereet of the De ■Mrtli «uAMaa. N. A. Tuwnaand candidate far aaaaheiaMp In Λ State Haute at ■ignmilathraa, I eceampanylng him on We ta* throng* the county and alee la preach lag the daetrine of Deatoerney. M> Lyon haa been an») freaa Vaàhl ton dM Oangreaa adjearned thra weaha a«e. He aald that in Wi ting ton it waa fraety yiihhi that tfc pepaotea» wonld »aha targe gnlwe h * the forthcoming election and that · Democratic pmidwt would be elect ed M iuc;Md Mr. Harding. Kla Brownie Morris, field rep re Motativc for the Americas Red Crom waa her· Friday and Saturday ta confer with Chairman ΕΑίι Celdateir and other Bad Craaa workers rd» tine to the 1*22 roll call to be start ed on 8atarday, November 11. Dons 1» aikod to raUy it» α «rai #1,000 foi the relief of human suffering through thla rail call. However, there la every Indication that the sum will be maefc larger than that, wooe moat of the money >< aant hare far the malnten inre of the public health work a» dertakon by M Us Aeries Harris, com manlty none. M lee Louiao WQllama, of tb* local faculty, who was for « long time engaged in Bed Croaa work has sgreeil to organlxs a Junior Red Croe· among the adml children hen and Mitt Mary Lucas Cantw«U, «I Duke, will undertake a similar project *n Duke. B. Jackson, one of Sam peon's good I farmers who resides near Cooper, was In town jreelenlay. Mr. Jackson said the people of his part of the county were much interested in tfcs political fight in which one element of the Republican party ia striving to prevent the election of any man who favors the moo nan in· llkker ia "«"•ϊ η» people, ne uni, trv idly behind thl« clement and are do it t all they cm η to pie τ en', the re election of W. Fleet Smkhi, cleric of the court and chairman of the Kipubllun executive committee tl S am p»oiv. Mr. Jackaon ii eupporting the ttckct nominated by that part el the Republican party which revolted agaliat the regular* when they non lnau-d Mr. SeaaooM and Sheriff Wil liam*. The candidate* for thl· fac tion are L B. Hudson, for ckrk of th« court, and Lonnlc H. Honeycutt f«l «heriff. Remember reMrted leata for "A Bachelor"» Honeymoon go on aale W*dne»day morning Octobcr 24, at 10 o'clock. WUaon and Lee't Drag Store. No ertr· charge for reaarviag; .o ret your» early BUSINESS AND SOCIAL MEETING OF WOMAN'S CLUI The flrat regular meeting of the Wcman'i Club we· hold In the club room· on Friday Oct- 20. After tha roll call aad minutea, the aew Pren drai, Mr». Fred McKay greeted thoae preeent with a tew well ctioaei word·, la which ahe eaeraeaedlB-UT word» in which aha commended the untiring work of the retiring oBeera giving to Whecn one tin ted praiae foi the «troag org* ni—Hen which the] •haped and formed, β» alao bagged the entire menberahlp of the aakmg that they give of their timi and Influence to help make "tike bed town under the Sun" the "moat bee» uful town under the aaa." OU biutneae and reporta of Tari ou» cpmmtttfii were won jltftkbwt. ..Under new koalnea», the wey» and inclina committee announced that a borna talent opera wu bekif rtaged by Mr. Mjulrar, Mm (hew to he pra· **nt«d on next Thareday ud JViday nights. TicWrta for «al» wan given to tboe· present ami erary g» prora ted te ««apport the entertainment. The club then adjourned lor its social hour, duriag which the teacher» of the city school» won honor gu»«ta. Vn. McKay walcowed the tear tier» at the door. A delightful program had bean arranged and each number wu well received and much enjoyed. The program we· aa foDowa. Ooileet mt flob women of America—by aS. Violin Solo — Robert Jordan. Mrv Jno. Hodgea, «crorapantst. βοΙο—Mr*. J. W Πta««raid. Pap*r>—J do. Ova Η re MaoNeill— Mr». Loaia Stercna. Reading—Mr·. Anal· Young. Paper—Work» of Jno. Cfcaa. Mac Nelll by Mr». Durham Taylor. Duat—"Oh That We Two War* Hayiag—Mr». Befhert McKay and Mr». Harper HoUlday. Concert Singing of Southern Mal adie». At the conclusion of the piogra» an enjoyable aocial hour was «peat during which the parente ρ re Mat met the tuchen. An lee coom followed by coffee and aalird noli wu mrrtd Til· ll Urnoon pm«d to be xt only t plraaant ereaalon, but alao a halpfal en*—for It fave the parent* and pa trons of oar school* an opportaaitjr to know the twho·. creatine be tween «hem a fpirH of lyaecthy and co-operauon without which oar aehool ayatem could not do the beat work. Help Brautify ttaant patronise a llrat-elaaa "home people'·" ahow. The Woman'» Clob wQ appreciate your patronage and guarantee the *ow. β*· "A Bachelor'· Honeymoon " DUKE NEWS Dake, OoC St.—Aevhral aervtcea began flanday at the Metbadlat ehurrh with Rev. J. JL Andmr preaching the ImtiWI eeii»ju to a larva confregvtioii. Br|hnlaf Mon day, Rev. rnak CaKnrth of Laorin borg. win hold the eerrtc·*. It U u pected tturt the aervkee will taat ton day» If not foncer. Qatte a ninritxr of people eateaded the flute 7air froo Vere laat weak and report oae *f the beat Mn la y*era. Alumni of M. C. ttdte and CaroMna, raaiding here, attended the fraeaa between the two tnaUtarttona. Him Mamie WilMana e4 «to gn* mi aehool faoatty. baa been ri^t aaek for the peak few day*, M ia better now. She I aa patient is the Qood Hope Boepkal. Mrm. Mark Wade la getting aleag (Ine in the h «optai tore, after un H. Lawreaea, coAractar fi «M I Mldlnc, o»d ri Mr. ri Unι 1.1 » %«n te fco D.T. » ·. cltrcoiac aa Itt. W. H. Usniet, •chooi Midi ne, open* in D« Joacph Eubanka lh« w«k «ad her», and Un. G. Ma· Bile vilUi (rtiM eoboot wtrk end here, Ac L. Grady. •r la put twD X. R. La DuitM Mr. u4 Mr·. É. dnn apent th# p^at hu .tbt |τΜ ri 8. Boat. L. G. Oodfrey Fermer, te wfth M· brother, Mine· leu Holloiaa* ri «h· faculty, spent ρ the (uati ri lin· Roberson. Both •η at «h· local J. H. Burke of in* BcvereJ day· Uri A. P. Mr «ad Μη W. M. Cwwford of Anrier «peut the woofc «ad ban, wltb their mu·, Bntert »4 Laie y. THe political pet U liaçlmln ta •team with the flnt ceespalrti «pteiiti of tke ctafijfn MÎf made tara Saturday alfbt by flgn. H. L· Qod wl» of Dnnn. Ttier* Mtai te be a lack of inter·* db··^ la tba «outy élection· m far tfctaifatr, bit tba paat, prmnt aad fatfM-a«ooΙοιι day draw· nearer, «É nlbf >>l* lace win ι mHillj j n— ap aad tke® poHUea wtH b^ everyone*· mind. G·. toi Tic ι Un eon to -A Bachelor', nieat «how on earth. During the 10, 1922, export· totaled in value U, acrainat the $β,61·, export· ia the Durlag the aai ' The fan· >70,000,000, M raj He of I fiocal year. *1 Uted la valu· |1.««·.(>0·.000, m Malm the ΙΪ,βΒΑ,ΟΟΟ,ΟβΟ TkhM ο: lmporu fa tkt pmiMi JUcal year. A statical ibow with a Jlagie. "A ImUkI UnuyaMt," the kind « âh«OT jroa Uke. ΡΚΤΠΊΟΝ POR PARDON Thia ta to ftr* dotice that th. an Atmigmtd will *19*7 to the Ookim of Nena Carolina wlUUa Uw ses M dar· 1er th· tardea «r parol· of her haaband, Garlic B. MaWhiai v Tile the !4tà day oi Oct. UK. < MIC. KATIE HATTHBW8. ONi V. . »«»*«+< • BUSINESS LOCAL · FOR lAU-t. C. tMITH SHOT «rua. Doable barrel. Sac J. T. Co ble at Belli PhuaMac Shop. 14 tp. fOt IAU. — TWENTY SHARKS Seminole ffeaaphate Co. Stack. Godwin aad Jemlgaa, Attorney·. 10 tfc. GOO© MORNING. HAVE YOU HAD your aaaaaavT Call SIC and wa will aaad U to yen. laaaa'a Caab Qroeety. ITtf. FOR SAI.r MY Six ROOM REBI danoe on Eaet Papa (treat. Lot TO s 140 feat on corner Desirable la cation. Bee aa for further infor mation if Interested. Hn. R. C. Jerniaan, Dunn, t4 tfc. FOR SALE — POKTY HEAD OP hot* walghtac from SO to SOS-lba. on foot, at Boll Weevil price*. Worth M. Pope, Dana. WK CHALLENGE ISM LADIES and firle wh· want the neweat etyW, β neat material, with perfect tailoring for taaa awnry to aee aad price Oar eompkjtr line of l.ediea* aad pria rtoaka, coat évita, dreeeee, and aklrta contnc la thia week for a mtitm of KM to fit.00 fee garment, between Wedneeday Oc tober 23th to 8atorday Xnwker 4th. ISM, the date* of «he YeUew Front 6t*raa Pinal October Drive. B. 0. Taylor Co., Dana. N. C. lia. BUY TEN DOLLARS WORTH OT MetchaadUe fro» aa aad cet taa pound· of aagar far flfty eaata. rmouua Cejfc Croccry. tttfe. MONK Y TO LOAN ON FARM Laada or tew· praeertr. WUaae aad Ma Lead. DmaTV 6. IS tfc. DUJUNC oua η M Ai. OCTOMI k^Mriac, we tertio éjm M·. baya aad *1x1, w » «w Min—mK«î a» _ If r·* ··■! the beat diMftr «m β Mb te j« of 1111 ceat éKtn. (two·!. Yo» know rack prioae m w* now rirt will not Wat alway*. October SMk to land». Nm· ber 4. IMS. ft. G Teyior Co lie. COTTON STORAGE. —40c Utility C*. N. C 19 tf*. WE CALL TO THE ΚVI ft ESI restart UM af the ynttlMt wom en and ftrla who wul Mich their boaoty agalnrt the «aWw'.'d ttftl eonlnir Into the Yellow Had Store th{( work if y*a ear* for Dm rewevt «rle. tad iaeat atetrrlal· for Iria mo··?* duria* oa: tat) Oo tober drive, wedneeday October SS to Saturday Noveabor 4, IMS —w»>«ld you know aeeρ», tf w roaA our hif ad In thia pap<*r. B. G. Tay lor Co. Ite. INTOWN OR OUT Sport clothes ! Well dressed men everywhere are wearing them. For golf, for the car, for business. Some beauties here from the Kirschbaum shops. *251» *45 I E. L. Parker & Sons II DUNN Each Department is Filled Coat Suits, Dresses, Coats Millinery of the Best. Gage Hats Little Miss Gage Hats ml· I I Style-Plus Clothes Ralston Shoes Godman Shoes Queen Quality Shoes Fairfield Shoes