VOLUME IX. THE DUN dukn, north 17, 1922. ECHO OF THE PAST IS BROUGHT BY AN OLD NEWSPAPER W-lmington Adrartiitr of 1837 Telia Of Quarrel With Men oo SJ-AVERY in district of COLUMBIA DISCUSSED riey And Calhoun In Debate Over Abolition Petition»— Britain And Canada Have Trouble — Travel Between Charleston And Washington Simplified. An «eh» from tho "pood old «lay·" when folk enjoyed the bicubic» of tovel by stage coach and sailing *»► •ell, had their mornir.'e mornin' serv ed by slaves and were noi disturbed by alarm clock*, found iu way to Hie D Jimtch odlcB this week with the! animant <· of Brurc June·. It la a <opy of Ihe Wilmington Advertiser, ••ati-d December *#, 1ÎJ7. In Uiat day United State» Con· lireas »>■ concerning ilaelf with a bill «■KirJi foujrht to abultth eUeery In rhe Dwtiict of Columbia and wKh the lituation which led to war with 1'xiro eight year· afterward. The abolition πκ-asure wiu before the Senate. A petition praying for ita adoption Had baan pwau d by «enator Wall, of Naw Jersey. A mo tion wae made te lay the petitions on (he tabl··. Senator Clay becfe.1 that Jiv motion be withdrawn. Senator Cal houn inslitcd that the motion be a ilopled. Then began one of the warm en debates of the era. The report mm · "Mr Calhoun persisted in his de termination «eminet th· reception of petition*, aM nfuam, ill ι lf><h e-d all dhe a—Ion» . Clay V· Calk ova "Mr. CI*J· at warmly persisted In Ννοτ of reception, reference, cocsié « ration and report from th« commlv V· vjalnat the jinijrea of th· patiyop" ' fK Th· Brnatot fr*«n# South Caro "r a said the qut-sHon ol union ox da.»· •act thing. H· f«lt convinced, hit that th· people would listen to! rtaann, to uivument, and te aO di» puadonate appeals, mut wllingly *nrl with universal reaped. Dkaaaion he did not {«ar, and he wiahed the Senator from South Carolina would, instead of opposing the reception of petitions, brin* in a Joint resolution that every member of congres· should j b.· called to order by Ute pretld ng officer when he even made allasion' to disunion For liunaxlf he would. Join heart and hand in the «apport I of noli · mtaiun Calhoun won the round however, for the motion to table w*j earriea ÎS to IS. There w« one of the ftnt fayota piled up for th· great conflagration, which «wept the country *n the al«-j tics. ; John Forsyth, the Secretary of State, had just acnt to Congre·· his renort, supylainunting President Van Buren's ncsaage. on the relations with Mexico growing out of that country's rmbantu o:> American goods and the teiaare of American vcsaela. Cuada TroabUaoia* Great Britain wu having a hard Umc with the Canadian French at that time and there wii a report car rent that the Britlnh veeeel, the Tra veller. ha* brir bornod at Niagara. "It erlll now take the whole of tho Brtiiih etanding army," the report »aid, "to keep peace la lower Can eda." D>*r' vu in the tronaory of the State* on Junuary 1, 18JT, HS.ttCi.678. The receipt» daring the year «;ι to December writ $23,499,· 981. rok'n* an frggrrTjaV· ol $69, 4βΚ,Μ(· «Of 'hii onormoei turn." an aa rrtlcle /eprinta.1 (n a,, Advertlae» from i!w Richmond whig, "the ΑΛ minlatrntioft·—economical admte tMratlo.i—-h»· f*P»nded $J»,000,000. King S1I.000·000 mer® A*n the ia tome " (Anil 0»° R*P»bliean Admin istration borro*^1 ·*«ΟΛβΟ,000 ta meet carrent defic"· Ofkar day without batting an Cf.) , It la noticed "in Λ· "*t ·* expen diture* for the ye<rr III· aa ttem of ft 1,000,000 for military «βττίβο. TMi ψ» *uppo«e," aay* the ιΛ·Ι«. "ta <οτ tho di>gracefal war In Florida." The Adrertixrr carriea itveral »<t vertl»em#»t» for etaatnboata and rail· ,na<to wfciak wera Juat bacomt«f 9*9 ular Cornelia· VanderfclK h·* t»i»al»el»MH i)n ateamboat "Mortl Carolina." which wu to ply bet*···* »ad Caariaetoe. Q·1* Heat· M Capital One advertlaomeM telle of Α* )·Γ of travel ovar «a 'ecooomical ,*i. roo"" fratn ctmrleaton te Wa* MUSICAL COMEDY STAGED BY HOME FOLK IS SUCCESS (Large Crowd Seea Inlatitl Per» (ormaac· la Spit· Of Circa· SONGS AND DANCES OF CHORUS ARE EXCELLENT Engagement CJom· With Pro (•ntatran Τ«might—Proceed» Go To Wotaaa'a Club For Beanttficatioa Of Townee·d Park—Directed By Nati··»! Prododag Bureau. In «pita of the prime» of a clirua (^town and eome other counter at" tnrctlon», Ά Bachelor'· Honeymoon,' a local talent musical tomedy ttaged under the direction of the National Producing Bureau, drew a large crowd Laat night when It waa given I to flrat performance In Metropolitan Theatre. Tonight will aee the MX end «nd laat presentation of thu really merltoriou» production. Especially reed were the aongi and dencee of the chore·, wkie*i wai aaede up of the IB art attractive tittle gMa and young women of the conjnianJty. So »bo wae the work of Mr*. Herbert McKay, in the rale of Betty * maid —and Mlaa Julia Erwin, aa Mm Oph elia Blggina, on the bill ea being in "tho matrimonial market" and mean· In# bueineaa. H. Mclrer, director of tie prodee Uon, In the role of Deacon Smith, «u extraordinarily good. Otàan who took part in the «how were Kxum Bnltvd, u Dtnny Mo loney. «ad authority on pet*to bug·; and WHhaçi H. Newberry, Jr., u Phillip Springer, Λ» ktMor^km k«>v«>o« waa being ι iHbialil of tk^ cborrib iwii Katherine Butt, Kathleen M, AnnaboHe Neai. Bath T—|il«. Mr' rant Garda «τ, MagddUne Smith, Ja ill· /aekaoa, Ua*. Pridfaa. Carry Hodget, BnRr UnAtrry, HI·· Dad ion, Ma t chel CIMoH, Florence Coof>*T, Loo iec Wiliama, Lncllr Wert, Louut Brewer, Mary Lorie Floyd, Mia· Cur tin, Oladyi Davenport, Koaalie Oold· •tein, Ohnatine Thoaopaon, Mia· Hcn deraon, Bcaele MaaeengUl, Mia Kla cannon. The arueical nabm war·: Opening Chora*, popular "Kit·" of the Maaon—-Cborue. "If They'd Only Mora Ο M Irelaad Over Here"—Ocnny and Cborna. 'Dm™ At the Old Swimming Hole' —Phillip and Chora*. (Comic Bone) "At Night"—Dea con. "It'i A Girl Like Yoa That Keep· A fellow Gnesslng"—Phil, Betty, aad Chora·. "H empty Dumpty"—Phil aad Chor a*. "Heart of a Row" —Betty and Choru·. "I Want A Man"—MUe Ophelia. "Let'· AU Be Good Pal· Together" —Entire Company. Un. John C. Horfge», Plantai, The iajne program will be pfMeut ed tonight. Every time w· (moke a eWp cigar we r mol re to quit smoking. Better put a fence at the top of a precipice than a hoapital below. A modeet milt to usually admired —If people over hear of him.—«d.| Howe. Ington. Or or thia rata on· eoold leave Ghartoaton by ateaaiar on Mon day morninc. awfvc at Halifax, «a the Roanoke, two ikp toter. take hi· «eat In a ear oa the Pctenbvt, Portwnoath and Roanoke Railroad at Gary'· Depot tl»· next moralof, and arrive in Richmond «arty t*>· next day L*a*ln* Kkfcwiend withbi a few nlrvtaa after arriral (m woo Id pt to PradarieMbwnt ln time for breaWaat. Then by traveling nine rnHae by itaca ha woald reaeh the toadta* of a boat which would taka hia to WaaMactoa where he could (pand th· weak ead. At that time the fmrr froca Halifax to Waahinstoo waa only #11. I One Item interesting to Dean fob If an aaaaaneaoMirtt by J. Peareell. secretary of the Hannah Moore Aca demy. Duplin, triHn# of tha eaaeU lence of tha school which was taafht I by Mtoaoa Clarke and McDuffea. Tha achool closed for ta Oil latin «a hoB daye oa Itoaaday, December 1·, and •a* ta neapea an Monday, January 1·. Maw ratten waa (alHag far Imi I 14 >0 eenta on the Witoabiftoa mar 1 k#t- ^ayeWarOle ftawr breaght ftaai ,r» to 9·.Μ * ktmL Apple bi ι ■"<· wkiefcey waa «wtad «I M A· reliât» . AA, FOUNDATION FOR DUNN PROPERTY LAID BY OLD MEN Larva Amm Of Swiop Land Reclaimed By Them U Youth ONE PATRIARCH TELLS OF CREATING HIS HOME Water Coyi >d /Moat Of Hi· Land WW H. Bought I· Tha Early Eightiae—(t Wu Worth $3.00 An Aero The· —Ha» Broofht proipirity to Family. "Y«M0h. «bdi I boo** thta place the high-water mark wmj within tfctr tj feet of where we axe «tending, ud i>« land wet valued at leaa tàan three dollara an acre." The apeakcr area àa eld ■ LTV— do·· to the allotted three aoort aod tea. Graf hair tore rod hi· faoe api hie bead waa bald. Rti head» vara caiouaed fro™ yean of walk. •at I withal, he waa a vigarooe «id gentle man, wfaoae clear Woe eyee Vectra/-1 ;-d a keen arat (n life and whaee clear blond akin denied the «tory the giay ttain would trll. Be waa etaiidtog at the back porch of bU aubatantial bom·. Around him were barna. In the bar* tot were niuWa. Cloae by wae a abetter cover ing an aataaofcâe aad a tractai, ta an adjoining field four cowi and eev. rraJ calve· were contentedly knee lag com from the dried etalka of tkle rear-a erop Under the toaee ai kia front yard grove were errerai bain »f cotton Behind mate kern waa ι pen in erfcicfe rural pica granted, lelling the world that they ware ta log heaven. "ï«," eoctiaued tbe old pmllc man, "when I etm here, twi'nt *o thla' bat map. My fuoo* -in-law •aid I wma m feoj to try ta fera Um had; uU te tbn^i χ ^ cm.y ■bra I ttigmi to M |HîAmM< «n u Mn. Ht M dlkeh the nu *rW yaader I Then into the clear old oym Aere j :unt a Itxrtt a* tf b« were («chic the and aa It wu ia *b« 80'»—· *aat trpaaee »f Juniper corered rauik, lurrounded by pine foreete la Which inn thougfct only of terpentJre and lusher. "Bat I fooled lie old maa." be m3ed. "Two days I «odU worfc Id the terpentine woods 1er 10 eairta a ι lay. The third day I would ditch. R I rook me year* to flirieh the Week, bat ι from the ft ret I nanaged ta grew a I little *oeaething on tbe laad. How yoa : can aee for younelf what It 1» — < Mgh and dry a piece et land aa there ι le arouad Dona. "But It waa algMy hard work,- bo coneiudcd; "the·· oM bonea bare lone their work. Many'· the night I I waa too tired to deep." In that tale la found the atary it ι how this great territory «ailed the ι Ounn District came te be the pro·- ι peroua community it la. The eld maa on the fame about the tow»—they are the feAewa to whan credit li due. Without them the country would stfll be the haunt of the wood'· bear, the wild eat. the panter and the raccooa. Much of the good farm land bow be ing tilled would at HI be covered by the baek watere of the Capo Fear, the Black, Mingo and the dogged ι i eehe and branche». ml · «a · - a ·-» * retour patronising tjn upon the worn ·Μ fellow» wti» ware dented th· •4rut«|· enjoyed by It Hew far would η» 0/ the present yoanff daa dtea hin gotten nw for tlx founda tion· laid by thm old mtn1 At a reealt of a era» failure In Japan laat year, that country Import ed 5»411,»00 pound· of riee from California alane daring the flnt At* month* of ltlt One realon why aoase people do not haea aort I· that thay do not want mora. People wtf roa· plain that they an not understood are already toe wall Maay men wtve wouldn't Monlt larron y will cheerfully ttaei a baey man'· ttaa. Ltnee Of I Mat rmimtaaee lead ta nowHare. Ooad thoo«hu never ooae to tfcoee with had eetloaa. It li —aiQy the cent] «man that fate the hat end of a gentleman"· •crveseat. I Never pralae a maa ta Mi wife ' far Aa know* Ma aa* will tfctsh yea a fool. i MAY ι GIRL OF Wko 1· Gras Par I· To BODY Tc la *U| Win «a Wha to to I in Ut· iu In **>"> of tM 1 ta tk< r TUt la · ; Duo a. (oik Bar*ral ["#1 «pointed t^*1 Mcuthaa, *fl, •>q«Mted.^p I Dboateh br "life ι ny ftapi uMintaUv· wMd> m >{ the I and at ptmt h**t wllf ko « }*4fm If ^MalaUn sot nota ι to Th* •fit of ι not elaaad. ta BILL I Qeit ΓT^mk He· ««old km atf Europe atop icfattac nlptt H at» > ofjtettoaa, Utt nterod the iNfw cQartnne, UaM ttatea Smt«r KM. * DU told tlM louth CintlM Co.l%l Mano#aiit ar τ» aaecctotlen ta aa itti· hm to la? at the opontar WMioB of tki inirual coaroattoa of lk< Jen. Η» declared dfcat It hat the United IHk He traaaory of the world. "· Sénat·r Dial medl»à the eoKn te ar·· act aa d«utuaW«l to gmmtm ind manufactura·* llfci, tat demoted nuch of Ma tb·· to Ha ni a on the ad η ; ηi«oration at WaAlngeea. .-It ta hiffc^fa*· tor the United itaru* to «vL^toiaS'th· triaeury oi he world," ka a" I» aa attack on he oeiii ι—tnaal appropriation ol tO milHoBa of MfeM to ·ορρ17 food « itarrlng Rani···. "Buropo nod Λορ coming to ■» »*i hat in kan' dkbii for momef, *M go to work If wo had fan· Wto Dm league ai •adorn·, aa wo AnU have goae, w« mmH now bare aMao btiaafo ta h»n> «top flfMin» ·»ί go to wmIl' H. declared ttot he wo aid Mka Μ iee aocno pofeUe #Mt«d eitiiefi en Iota the Imnty trà» pacing ·*■! içpTepriÉt4#ii·. ΤΗ· MB«tor 0m ><r*rd ) dunttMtoè'tt· ΐΜηήτ «Β letod tariff Ml Μ , Hwltlnai mm ktimfd' IBi—«4 the fmllroad lab· board te a packed Jary, and «ha** that the aaai ai^a atriba w* kreaabt on by to· lntoraata M the U»«p waU Tab tka <dmi| at abaa Μ.ΟΟΟ,ΟΟΟ 4 w^fc. TWa adalntabatlan to WaaWa«toi ha miaali af toto* « "Vm* « «Ο» mkm aai >»> twatora.- Μ» la* tbat Hardin* ηι ι U 1 f it,,,** I, . - -rt a » _ JJfXW I f I rO w pf«WIifc|iy ι 011 w· under tba diiail«<Miii of tb· "«·· Tba Mita tar aa*tUd ka pvaaai -otton fa tara· la« aa a haadkap t boto to the |ia»ai aad aantaato· Patoraa trading, be aaaaito, m*t fatae bada Ί |ito far aettoa. Tl ■allar af fataree b |inal»i< ta d< Una a>7 eae of M griai af aattoi hat Mat alBa aaa aaly aaa aortal «radaa. Va* «Mi Maan Iba bayli af Mtoa far ■! Ma far fbtova it trarr Oeaafb tba eatUa ι·*Ιΐ( raotbod La tarapa^M·. "The tataioat ι trato U teUad^ tba* af to« wit •f tb. mmmi » tba man·." ι mM. $2,500.00 IN PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY BY DISPATCH IN THE VIC1T1TY OF DUNN Automobile, Furniture, Talking Machine, Dia mond Ring, Wetch Bracelets And Cash Com missions To Be Awarded Those Secur i ing Most New and Renewal Sub scriptions To This Paper —Campaign Lasts 1 Month ,μ ναυ tuur anaoanranacat U nH» ef tht naamvoth •obecriptian cam paign 10 be lugpnM M thtt payer and of tha mtrry nhrtlc priai» io b· ftven away te tha n«n and women ef thla eactioo. Th* yriu*, 91.400 worth, fa* te be rmnlal to tha orna who «aearc tha aoit veto· la th» drlv», and any an or woaaaa, boy or (M of tkia aeetioo aay cntor and ahara ia tha dlrlrifcuUon of tbe valu able priie*. ♦ The plan by which tbaaa prlaaa art to be (Matrlbutod U oalqe» la that cabaertptiona to Tbe Diipeteh «01 ba tb» only »aaaa «f aacarinc rotoa In tbe Ug drtva. Tha auaraint «f du paper decided open tbla plan ta piarf amM te tha Un worn method et Mrio* aelieHoia. In fact, th· money whlA would have been paid oet to tetiettere ta natoadm U being oaad te pare banc the >aJu*bW priaaa to be omented, thua giving the baae fell· tba advantage af Aanaf ia tbe aab teriptionj .collected. τι* IMapateh MUtm It 1mm been liberal wrtfc th· aaieaid iwfcl fat prise· sad it ia certain that a lapw aaatattve tria wt cialUtta will com pete for the ral-efal* priaee 4» be awarded. Many of the leading eitiaaaa of thia eaction aie ia arrean and will gladly pay the candidate wfce calk «pan then and aaka for their robecriptioni. How To t»w To enter thia (Mil and win one *t «he priaaa I» extremely eaay. Anyone of the aarroandlng country may en ter. It laatleia not whether you are a aabaerfber to the paper at not. If yoa bare energy and anbttioa, theai yea are right in line far any of the valuable priaea yoo deaite. Ia ortar la enter <1m campaign, all you bare te do il to fill out the coupon on tbe fall page announcement of thle laane and bring or aend it ta tbe campaign manager at the (Camber af Com merce. Be will gladly ghre yea full d eta lia in regard to the drtee and tev you h»t how to go about win ning tbe Durant automobile or any of the other priaea you wiA. Tbe nomination la goad for Κ,·0· rota· I and aaeh candiote lb entitled ta faar coupon·. Clip one coapaa aad hare three friend· clip one for you aad yoo will atari with 20,900 ««tea. The only other way in afeicfc rotaa can be aacuned ia by obtaining nam and laaamal aubacrfpOone ta thle pa pular paper. Too have no Uw how eaay <1 h (oing to be to unrt robecrlprtlena. The nuuftr ai the Dtopatefc lui been ao haey ceUiRtt out the papei that he hain't had Ukm ta aftk felka tc aubaeribe, nor eren to eelleet tree thoae Who in aAMrikm, eo the field If ripa for njrmw with plaitf of am UtlaB an4 pap to win a thiirt dol lar car tn J eat on. aranth'a Mm». M··· far AH One boaaty .of tfela drira U thai , then will V» no loam whatavar « [ eoeh e»nclli«t< entering and — . aa aethra net will be rewaided fe , kit or her efforta. Thaw who fail ti ι wt* the Diwaai or ana of «ta oth« . Ureritoed priera wUI be praaaatoi villi · check booed oa the η ■■bar « I tabeulpOaaa taken Thla to Indeed ι ι «aaipatea of m laaaia, «a ttom U HI tie «acoee for thoee t*o would Hfe t to nuke ertra pay la Arir «par ■ lime. ■ Some praapeeUre «andidatoa whe< >, they Mad <h1a artleS· eta gotaf to m; • to theaaootrei that If «hey oaly h* I the time they feel me toay h aria. It la hardly a Matter «4 ttoea, · * a eandldato arlTl eae ateet ererjen if Ihey know before the eaa«a%B I k> ortr, aad the» J«t heape ef Ml * eeriptleea eaa ko —toi rrtr α • Id^kiae ead throafh Hie «all· la really toot a matter ef ttoaa. Sw] bodjr μη iftn flat WHen ene ' (Mpa t· roiuider tkt H ta »B te gala ! and nothlnir to Un, Aar» un ko M poaatble HCiw why ι* *MUet enter. Eres tkeagk yea fail to via the Durant tewlog oar, Ika head >om rait of far· (tare, tfce edtae·, tka diamond rise, or ma Ika IVa watch bracelet* (UU yae eeaUat laaa aj jroa wflJ racahr» a aarii MHaWw ! ta W pa far tw weak r*a here deae. Could aaythiag be (airerl Campaign Fata Ta Al Anyone aajr cater M>ta driva aritta the expeetatien af racelring ebnolate *»lr play. There will ba no partiality or farerttam ahtrwn aayan·. AU will b* treated exactly alika. The cam paign ta betog c end acted by the 8ae oeaa Circalation Veneu, wtar the •upervieioa of 0- Edgar Atkkaea,1 and Iht aaasy **~f'r* tkia eean paay hae ceod acted tferin^ tkia aMa have aH baea ee fair tka* the aaaa ■Cement of Tka Dtagatch faaraataaa ι to aH eauaxta (tat they will récrira > he pnv to whtah their walk aod ι eotea entitle them. There it no red tap· aad Im eely wpy to arte U te gat the aahaariftfeha. At Τ How who are ι na>g»platl«g en tering thi· big Mm AhU an tKo advantage of thoae whe «ait until the laet lanaiiat «a «Oar. In tke β rat plat·, augr «fil ftea thetr new or mm] nkKtiyCim te tk« ftnrl candidate who aria tknL Vaka op raw mind that f«i wiD ba that Λ rat one. Thee· are bandied» of dol lar· la back anbecifettaa· aleae armK injr far aa cnergetic pezavn ta telle rt. If yoo watt antfl tooee sere te<hu trlon woifceae have gotten etarted, then y oar chances of winning the Parant are Jan that »nh laaa. Oft Parted saw, and ha the mj Ant aa· ia the Held. Clip the teapea tad eltfc I or bring it U the Cbaari»r of Com mence, or take the fhmo aad eatt the campaign ■ n g r at aaanher BM aad be will giatfty opiate tbe f«i] Λ+ tail· of the driva ta ywo. Am*hw raaaaa why a I ithould get hla or osa· if that oa aubeeriptiMU daring period than at any ether tea. the opening day gp to and November lit* m extra 46,00· TDtaa will ba ud every ten dollar* In ι turned te. flita rati* .twij aabeeriptiea —mm jtima aa many vote* aa -wfl ba ι wrai m wi»i par>»a hi .It U Uwnfm mdllr Ma Jaat kx j importait U· epaoiag f«lM la. m* jwtiy II ten m unary that a tn4V jdate gat rt*TUd at mm. la fart, ,Λοββ wka «at»r right turn aaa the «Ma wfca itaad tha baa chance ta the final race. Nat UaM T· Tm The caMpalga I» apen ta aaynaa <A tW« «action and ana 4o«a »ot km . 1» Cart tba raaUamU erf *e waaHn i! tewM a4Jaevnt ta Oua have Jaat a< iigaod a tteaari ta «la a* Dm taBd Ί hara la tha rity. The roral laatai an >jespaeto4 to pntm» ■tota yen Hva, M yea hare ι ta jroar ability, tea la »i(M»| «■ Jaia biTftad to aMhar aril the maaa* I at tfce CWw»>r at Γι—irn ar tl rf*®all Chatr awitoatlw ■!■>!— to Wl I 41·. aa4 aa ttea trill ba teat la In |! alafclnc Ml iafa ilea· gal ttoatet at [the aan4l4ataa la ' Laaa aa «Ha, Uiiw yea Ira II > Dana ar la aaa rf POUTKAL POT HEATS TO BOHJNG powriNcoom HANNIBAL UK Ε CAT THAT ATI THS CANAKT Hp·· W For I— - DmM Hoery AmI Walter Ψ. Al·· OaMFtr KmMmh b •ad Harnett Cevaty in I to a 4e*rw of iotereet la poMSt· m» J>anm kaa bean tha gathering each atondat tbfc week for Mltm Ktrnttt. tit* ορροί; ng leaden «ttk their fol. low·*» about theai Μ**»ml at the mum tier and ia the tun Mark aloaf Bread Street, planning what titer are te 4e te each other Inkf tfc* da]r. Wcd-reday HaanSba] Godwin. He nrr 1 ,>ea. Nat Towaaaad and Ae loatr- ligbta of Daoeancr. aad Datrid H«nrjr hater, Walter Bjrrdaad their ■epabUeaa etatc lit·*, vert *B eengr». bon, October ?», TJO y. ». i. C. CMtot. tau· lut moi J. Mtit Ttmng: AX So ml· fchoel, Omt IwiiiMy, OcMv it, Τ i*0 p. Hwwt Union. Neflk CMk imAlf, October M, si. a. T. TfU(, Weill ML hlM »«4 C. H. Brew»: At Meflb CMk tut»ni Hack Btanr, October M, Tstt Un Creek, October tt, ΤΛΟ y. a. O. S. OiwDim, C. C. Parker «M M M. Jenùeu: At Lean Brack Nw'ft, VJC 't-'' Oeteber tt, at 741 ». m. μ L· Levkw··, V. ■ T^tor aaé Ε L fliiili: A* ImAiii Mint •c«r i" tk* dey tirn» «tt e«o* kl

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