the dun: VOLUME IX. DUNN. NORTH U LU STAGE ROAD MAY RECOVER riS HISTORIC GLORÏ Calhoun Highway Aaiociatio» Would RooaUbUah Rout· North And South WHITES RIDDLE TO CET LOCAL CO-OPERATION Road Pasted Through Hart» et By Way Of Barclayaville Budd1*t»I, Etc. — Wat Prin cipal Rout* Of Travel Bafon Day· Of The Railroad—Par alhli La F ay otto. The "Old Stage Road" which oaad to traverse Harnett by way *1 Bar daysville, Bunnleval, etc., U again Is the Hmeligfct and la te be revived ai a part o< the Calhoun Highway, U efforts of South Carolina and Geor gia lolk are auceaeafol. The old road, planked meet of tha way, antervd North Carolina torn· where about Gary's Depot, which la ter was the southern terminus of the Roanoke ami HeUrriborg Railway, waadered down through Wtrrenton, Leuiaburg, Raleigh and PayeUevtUi an its way south It was the mslr thoroagtifare between the North and the South and over it the men wh< made Ami·ru» tied to travel. Btr * rlaysviUe »k on· oi the station· «4 wtllch the ι|<|α chanfrd horsee ud and where the ρaasengers often spent the night in the old Birrky house. Tide house atiH «tends seer the pro eat village by the name on the .Dur ham and Southern The Postal Ulvgraph line· are a boat all that 1» left to mailt the coarsc of the old road through Har nett. For that reaaon It is not tmpro bablr that a largr part of the prev ent Lafayette Highway will be osed for the Calhoua route. jCoaceralag the highway, Secretory L· BîA#T\ ha* rw#i»4 the f»Bow « ftig letter Trot· the OatMvn Highrwa# Association: ' , . .'^,'4. "The Oa&oon Highw») àAelm tion has been re-qareted to ose its organisation in promoting. "The Oid Slap Road," as a tourist route, froap Richmond, Va., to Jaehaonvflle, Pk. We have acceded to this reqneet, a* any movement which aids in tbo de velopment and advertising of any route ef travel, we are of couim very much tntereatwi In it If yoei town I 'ntereetrd and yen will writ· " ■ to that effect, I will send a spe cial w.ltv-up man, who will dope oui the situation, as I intend to is··· a special edition of the Robeeociao at Lumbetion, and perhaps other paper· ■long the roe te, which sro to b« die tributed not only loeaKy bat at the '.ourlet eentree of the North, and also st the traveliag centres of Florida. It is essential that I hear bom yon by return mail with a detail report, as to the sentiment of your local bid nee· men, aad In addition I would like to be advised if yoor town la on the "Old Stage Road," and the con dition of same, both North aad South. "Now In this organisation, we are giving our time and money in fur thering three movement·, and wll m pert yoa to co-operate in the sans· rpirit. The route will be entirely ope·, we hope, by the middle of 1923, ail the way through, aa at that time, the five million dollar bridge over the Se η tee River will be completed. HUSBAND DIES FROM EATING POISON CAKE wtf. In Hwpita) la StrWw CtmM· tloas N· Cloe T· See dec ef C>b PV .delpbi», Oet. 29—W. W. 8t*r rctt, . ι ep»ii accountant of Devon, who »Hk hi· wtf· wu polaon«« Thar»''*y by a ρI«ce of cake matted to home, died tonight 4n the Β,νη Mavr lloapHal. Mrv atorratt ίο in la» Mae Inatltntlon, m report (.·(! In ii erltleel condition irvd attend in* phy*lcta«a hold out UttU Itoya loi ht-r r< emery· Fml ml, State and loeal authority arc c.-igaced In » atraweetia *#or to trace the «endea of the |r—liaga I wan addreMOd M Hit Itmntt aM ranched her home Tbaraday aftai noon It bora ne r·torn iddraio. htm rear, and apart fro** Aa feet the It wa» mailed fro· » teaal raBwm; atetlea. aatiieritJaa werkin* an ttv caea have no βίο» aa to rte origin. Hie eak< waa hi a «Jn bo* addrea· ri In handwriting an known te Hn Sterrett. «h# „id later. It wa* U enly «entente and looked aa M ·* ha been cat frnwi an lead waddle* a«k* AaaaM'.ne tkat It wee fro· MuaAi yra. K»Tttt pre part ta bar he band and at U. remainder heraell Both ware itrtekan aoon DEMONSTRATION IN SOUP MAKING Mu· Bride· Toll· Wonu'i CKib How To Proparo Musical Dith The Honr Economie» Department of the Women'» Olob met at Dm Club Room· Friday aftornoon at I o'clock October 17 M lia Bridge fare deacon «Lratlon of cream of celery soup and • Cream of Pea 80 op. It ni decided (hat w< would «tody food nutrition , ai firm ia our tost book called "What Shall I Bava For Dinner." The following ara revipoe u»ed in da mo netraUon: With Stock—Bool lion, Brown So«p Stock. White Soap Stock, Consomme, Laoib Broth. Without Stock—-Cream Soupe, Puree, Biaquaa. ■eolUo· Ingredient»—7 or 81ba. of lean b«cf with good narrow bona, I qaarte cold water, taH, vegetable» eat into dice («arrêt», trunlpa, onknta, celery.) Method—Cat meat Into small cubaa, brows about half In hot fat Soak re mainder In cold water about half hoar, add browned meat and cook «iewty far aérerai hoara la order la exlnct all }aMaa. Add vegetable and cook thoroughly. Strain, cool, remove fat, clear. Servo in boalHon rope. Ingredient»—3 lba. roand beef, I lb. morrow bone, S lba. real, atock from one foad. Celery, toralpe, oa iona,, carrot» about 1 cup oat into dice, aaH, 4 or β doraa, a littlethytae, Marge raja, paraley aad bay leaf. Me thod—Follow genenai method for bouillon. InfftdiuiU—1 cup (alary cut lata 1-4 inch piecee, mit. 1 plat boiling water equal amount of modlam white Nic·. Method—-Cook celery m til Under in boding water. Calery can be atralaad oat of water if wtabod. Add te aaÉ— white earsc* with Ci ml— W ha Iwp 'bçradlaata—Â aan water te oovoc, aaK. Bqoal aaaout atf | medium w>ite «aoce. Ma add to white mn. White 1 ηgredienta—Thin, 1 tablespoon of batter, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 teaapoon •alt, 1 cop milk, Medium—I tabl· apooaa butter, t tablespoon floor, 1 teaapoon aalt, 1 cap mUk. Thick, I tablaapoona batter, 8 or 4 tsMa spoon flour, 1 teaapoon aalt, 1 milk. Method—Heart mUk. blend butter, flour and sak, add haatad milk gradaaly and cook until thick. FORD REDUCTION DUE TO GREATER VOLUME I According to a statement Juat la jawed by Ideal B. Ford, preeideat of the ford Motor Company, Detroit, a general redueUoo of 110.00 a car haa been mad· in the prie·· of Ford Mo del T. oars and the Ford 1 ton track, effective Octofcer 17th. "The reviaioa la price·," said Mr. Ford cars ara In ranch of everybody, volume of buainaaa which our com pany haa anjoyed daring the praaeni year, and alao to the fact that wa now own and operate many of oar own sources of raw materiala, whldi enable· ua to continue locreasing the quality of our prodwet and at the κ μ ne· to ww WW Ford eane ara ha rwk of «reyWj. "Oar production far 19Ï2 1» al ready ia mi of · million, wfcldh «· bm an Important factor ia briar in* down coata. Our prêtant daily oat put ia avanetac b«Uar than 1,000 ear* aad traoka, wrkiafc meaaa a eoe pleto Ford car, w track rrary 6 1-1 a*e*nd af aaek eicfct-boar working day. It ia ia «atiaipetlaa of Uûi aaa tlnaod da—and tbat oric· adliMt* artU ·«· agate being nude la ordtr to keep ta ifwi Lh. petky af ealliog Ford predarta «f tfce Wwatt pria· constatant with qoaUtj. "Quality, at aaaal," ««id Mr. 7o,4, "wUI coatlaae to be a prima <oaail • ration la Ifce balldiag of Ford eara. At oor k ««!■■■■ baa incraeaed «a km eenaUatiy taortatid our eqaipaaat and raanutaeturlng fa«4HtUe, M that price redaction aiaroly raflaeta tk« pregraeetre ■etfcoie adrieb eooa aa a raaait of InaieatU till··. "Tfcta redoctlen, vhUb to tfca rl Ah tinee KartK, UN. brtaga tfca priee of tfca Fard Tearing Oar tree MH, tfca prlaa la ««art eeriy la 1M0. to tfca pmnt eatreiaaly low I·»* ·* ·*··■ wfciafc ia nearly M par oaat 1*· Cw reapondtag rerfaetteoa la" '·*■ mad· oa til oHvr typ»»" The price· by tyyaa foB·*: Toariag .. .. ..... W" IM •II Traefc tCB GREAT CARNIVAL COMING MONDAY Jnbor CUm Mwubwi St*|< Bit Show OaGruM School A roarrelou* uui myatarloas med ley of meritorious monstroaitlas in do* te visit Da an nut weak to faa tu re the Junior CUm Carnival to be <U|td on the GrwM School Ctayoa when ar collection of ihova whoa* tx cellcnc· is not tory oW by and oth er »cKrnemUon onder the mn wiH ap pear for the benefit of the aehowl. The Dispatch do«a not aafc It* read cm t· take it* word for thta. Koai other than the pre*» ipnl of the Junior Class, that .^anaUla rout «on of T. V. Smith of the State Bank and Trust Company, says that the carnival is to be the wonder of the act. He toUs about it as fallows: The Carnival la coming I The Janlor Claaa Carahral — tbe best collection of show· yet to honor Dunn with its praeecer—«ill be at the Dno High School buildlnc Friday nifhU November S. Thar* will be eldeahow* with their nunrclou· freaks and wonderful per former*. Thaae showi ara bainc brought to Dunn at a tremendous a« pensr, and, dime it la the one and only food carnival to be in Dunn this saasan, it ta your daty and privilaca to [MM out and en)oy the fan. The Hot Doc men aad tbe refresh ment stands wiQ be at ya*r service. The show* arill be Aera for yaur ap Ρ«ντ·ι il ι·, «nnottt doobt til· flnMt thine of it· kiad in Um United State· of America. Everybody «01 fc« Am. crtrfboàj win anJey the turn. Da at ma it! If yon da jrov «01 be iwij. The aide W:ow« «01 open at 7 JO p. a. The grand and florUru vaade vfllt «10 begin at (AO p. m Hits school carnival to bigger and better than aver. Eetnaobcr the data, M riajr, November 3rd. Remember the hoar, 7.-M p. ■. to 11:00 p. m. ■pcaei.VJee Cyid _ Wilmington, Oct. ^ «téi WMtot Payne Sprout baa ' bajpk Bltttoh •iii«»*ii5B5wwNiiSW became of 01 health. Mr. Bp rant to a member of the cotton exporting Ana of Alexander gpnmt ud Bom, lac. Liberty cannot be maintained by the destruction of Oberty. THIRTEEN NAMES ON STATE TICKET <~*ne Supreme Court Juatic* and An off year it may be poli tie ally In North Carolina and many of the voter* ara apparently of thia opinion that their election concern to alto gether local, bat State Democratic Headquarter· reaila·· that there to a 8 ta te ticket In the Acid with thir teen name· oa It Of courae, everybody who haa not forgotten knom that Chairman W. T. lee, of the Corporation Cemmtoaiee. to a candidate for re-election. Tho Auociate Juetiee W. J. Adana. of the Svpremc Coait, appointed to All the unexpired term of Jnatice W. K. Allen, deceased. to a candidate for the Ant time. Rlercn member· of the gaperlor Court bench »r» U be selected. The nouon fer Uic odd member ta that the elevation of Jodf· W. t. ÀdtMl to the Supreme court ctwd · *» outer which could not be iUed be yond the ftr*t (oonnU election, there fore A. M. Stack of Monroe I» the utn candidate. The other ten or·: William M Bond. Bdenton, Kir* Dtotrlet. Gfone* M. Connor. WiUen, Second DtaMet J. Uoyd Herton, Farmville. Fifth DIMM. Henry A. Grady. 01 In ton, Sixth DMrtet Κ. H. Creamer. South port, Eighth DMifat Well A. Sinclair, Fayettmtilo, Ninth Dldritt William A. I>evln, Oxfont, Tentl Dttrict tfbotna· J. Shaw, Orwmbor» Twelfth DWtrrrt W. Ψ. Hardi ne, Charlotte, Tour lee"th DIetrleU J»mee L. Webb, Shelby, Mxteentl Kitiirt. The only Hope of eWII liberty root I with the people; hot If they f wron< , that hope U deetreyed I He who with the majority trample oa the rtfhte of another today, ma; hlmeelf be tfco rkttm of a «Waller ll Jiutke tomorrow. HELP DUNN Awl I»Ne*d POIBtU* Mt ■ ketp »π.οηβ the \ DOT Λαά th· 1 Red Croat m :diat·)/ tn# for Ibtm ι appeal h» b· Another manlty ha* ι The obligation) to B*ed tor] IU of AM· Mi Wm American I til chapter* to | dotfc Tho foil ο wise f to aJ] chapter»; call to haip ho ik· Had kite*· opportunity fori practical aarrfca.J W»« fro· lntun of «· refugee· ha*·. mt Th· ProdacUo·] JmalOT M an nigad to ] of Bwq. The proportion ' Bed Crow taod to lhe infanta and e reeponae· to thta and pupil* may with th· "*^arj[ fh«pt«r» Aomld (or iwort of throofh the Jag ■<« pennilo·»,] >1 and thai Chapter ca to thk work of Jniw .ahould be eeu •ata for ι order Lhat the by toaohe ►' way conflict! tko achool* Tam oatr Croat Coo» «herald endeavor Me» mom of thefc^EfSat prtofc ύύ enterpriM. luW Of eh>thb«. iTîS^i!« and think pu WtU li vfaiU. Under «κ* ««η _ tlona every Little wQl -b« a help. Won't yon Mb »'d«pcnU (fut to ho^T We M tor· that 70η wOL DEMOCRATS WILL WIN, SATS HULL I Only Doubt S*ya, U Washington, Oct. te. — Cornell Hal), chairman of Uo Democratic na tional committee, declared tonight in • "forecast of the ntiatoria] and coa Cressicnel electio·" that "a De»e c relic rie Wry le un red at the election* November 7. "The only question of do«bt re maining," Châtra*» H mil's statement added, "ia the extent of the victory. PnrtitaDy every f*etloB at the D η ti ed Stat·· will eoOtrfbatc · share of that victory, and »»ery elaai of vot m win be largely repjoawited amen* uc Ticiora. Referring to ιι>ογΙ§ of iMdki »p»thy among notera, Mr. Hull aa eerted thi» ni "ft· to tt· feet that the great ni· of rotera haro already mad* up their e)«d» definitely ud flnaily," and had ieclded to "rebake tii· Republican party for I ta failure to keep ita rJecdoa promiaee. Declaring tie qaarUea bad kMi whether RnpabHeaM would atay away from tiia poll· "or tara to the Paaia emit party for ra'lef," Mr. Ball ad d«d: , "If the ctey-a*-Home RcpobUran vote ahoald bo laf*er than anticipat ed by Democrat· tf»are «ill neverthe Icaa be a rary nkMantlal Démocratie rlrtary, "If an tka nth* band, tba praaant tendency of RtoaMltua In raoolt to attirai y aupport Λβ Dfatmtli tic ket ia general, «· there to raaaoa to bcltooa It to, te Doaaooratia party on Tom day, NotMbor 7, win ra«to 1er one of the na* wxyhf cietorlaa It haa kad la aay *14 aUatlon. "At tkto tea i do aot haattato to aaaarl that reerf fedtoatton to te Démocratie riaterf will be l*r*or tea te EepabWaai Man oa te Inaide reaUy ball era th^r victory Bay be." Ercry mm dfdd remember that > bla rich la arc n# Mora aocara tea Ac righto of raory ether Individual ι { Chartea Tow, « te iUpkiana ' Ante hbl akoaé retamed to Dwta ■ yealeedey aftor r*te nmiI éayi with «to CaaOy » Oited. β _ % ^ RACE FOR DURANT AUTOMOBILE AND OTHER VALUABLE PRIZLS IS JUST STARTING ON DloPATCH CjnriiditM Who Enter Now Haw BwtChinf» Of Winning. Campaign Qom· November 29. ι Extra Vote· Now TV rac« ia su. The mammoth aalciraaaddp elat campaign announced in Friday"» Î5V patch ta uflciaily opened and dwIm. uon« ar« earning tr rapidly. Of comae « jr·». no «uhecriptlone hav· been taken. bat no doabf the Utter part of the week will And M; of tfc· moat inrrgvUc Men and women wt thia aae tioa activaij engaged la boosting TSc Di* patch. The one· who have air·ad7 aaat In their nomination» have Mad A· belt Jadgmmt at tboac «h· start ftnt have the beat chancea of winning the capital ρ rise The early bird pti I he worm ThoM who have bees cont'.derin* pn Lrring, bat who have fallad to aohd in tbHr nomination· to the campaign department, are advianl te get their unwi ie at once. I* a «hort campaign like thin wh.m the driv* only laau one atonth η all, the low· of joat a fow day* may *v-a« ih» difference h»tw«-«n a braoliful Durant and «oate «maDt-T prix. Opoafog Period Moot IwpaHaat Wl ^n one (tape to rm\dttr the difference In vote vphic of eabacrrp· lion· during th« opening period a ad the balance of the campaign it 1* eaa< Π y 1<OT jail why the opening period β M important and why it ia ao ηicee u ry that a ceadWate get in the race at the ver1 «tart. The vote scberfute la ι that cub sobscriptie» timed 'm dar ing the opening period averages over three time· μλ many vote· m «<11 be allowed daring the eloelng period af the drtva. Thee a one jmj; aahactip Uen which afinfii V.4M art· muw Mwk.'&'Z'VaMlOf MM that Another riaaait why ·Π prospective eandldatc'a boat friends amy give their vote· to w>e other candidate, net lui awing who Is la the race. A !Ut of all nominee* received ap to Friday morning will he published la Pride*"· iaaae of the Dispatch, hot nr.til the· no one wO] know who has rricrrd the rte*, soles· the cent ristes themselves get ont among their fi»>nds ar«} start scthrsly to wofk. The Pria·· Te »o A««M The Dispatch has furniaheil a list of ρη»>·« which- by far srrpass any rs.mps.ign ever before inaagerated in tb'» sect on of the atata. Great care wr> DHd In fpending the amoent sot m do for pitaca to he owardod. The pand capital prise, th· Darmnt tow ing ru, Is the last word in motor ear contraction. With its powerful, «aey ru.-irLng merer, and ita bcsatiful linaa and upholstering. the Dorant prevents •t,r of the graatest values in motor ears on the market. Ita deep reclining rtuhion», coupled with its many im prnveoenta on other ears of a Mhe ralbo have impressed the aato-lovlng publie. The Duant enjoy· the laad in ears of IW elass. It is extremely Joubtfu! If the Dispatch eeuld have •hoscn a ear mort universally liked. The second prist, the salt of fur niture, can hardly help bat please the »ne who ia fortanate enough to win 1« f. . and αη· of th· prettfeat flit· in the «Mr· city. It m pirthwil fro· Bo rn m ud HoIUday Company, Uad <· on dlaplay >■ their ifcow room. The third prlac. th· E4i*ea tolUng u chine ia ateo ·■ exhibition at lanm and Holiday'·. Th· Idiaon ia th« baat known talking machin· ση th· nariw< and th· winner of the b«autifal cab inet machin· wW aot km worliad « month Is rain. The fourth pria·, th· diamond rtoa ii o* nW bit ion at Jordan'· jewelry •ton whop» all of th· oaadldatoa aad iheir frtonda ar· Inrltod to call Mid laapeet M. The eft)l, afeth, «evrnth, aad eight* pftiae, the hand··»· Itgla braiaiei watce*. were panhaaaj from BaUei Bro·., and ara «a «xhlbrtJoa la th«û Jewelry defaftwat Dm· aataha •to Made by Aai^ha'i fornao* watch maker· and ar· IMtid wit» twenty-ymr rt-fs. All candidate tb· aet· - and atafci an activ· iac·, wha Ml to wli one of th· a«h· -Uaed pit" I win V presented wtth ·. .*<* <> ·.· a Ilk··· aeoant ·# th· . itoarl, <"'.■» to mm th·» fad to win a prt— I- Ch.iah» rf €■■■■*· PraapaatlTa laaildatai wh· ar« mi aidotnc a"tarlnf hat era an <« el da whether to nkr ar not, an cardial farvltod to call by th· campai** οΛβ la tfc· Ohamhar of Caianrrt b*Bd Uf aad talk Κ am with the mm IFOX HUNIERS Of AMERICA MEET U Parte Of] at Fay* attevUW Thia Waak KrSm th<> noantoin futmi of ) Cberoiw· to tii· nruipt sad m ■ <unea of Currituck. 1 «ver» ei the chase and full Mr on of tha kouda trill turn their eyas toward Kayat»a .'.IW MiU week. The North Carolina F os Huatem* Association, an «(nt· aatloo com|K>rtd of spartaaMO of the η rat wati-r, uc te be cntarta'ned In their annual meeting by the Fayacto v.:w Fox HonUr»' Club at their camp •it Tokay, S 1-1 mHr« tut of hat·. Monday. October Ird, at four p. 141* Aral buaiaea* meeting «ill be ht-id at which lima catriaa far tha Dr ι by Chaar race will clot. Thia I rare la ahaaya hat and many yams [l'rjo· a.-a catered. IV lover* of good I h.u.ti art undcipatinf Him rt-al hant I in j whan Utoae riaga of this elaas hit ι out throagk tin- bruah. A silver pétebar, ofui 4 by Joa rph Tkoma*. M. F. H., of Kaw York Γaca to tka wisacT of the Darby Jten which wiU be rsa Taierfay morning, OctoWtr Slat A aacowd raea la the Darby Claaa will ba run tha following morning, Wednesday, November 1st. Toeaday aftamoo· «t δ o'clock the Payattarillr CHib are to give tha riait ir* delegate· a big barbccaa. KmI old fcmy Soatbem Bihaeua, wMh aB the fcûas' h la store far those whe t*s fa*t that *a teak Party Baaa •ar&ava baaa 9 «ad tfcaat «ha tel· va 11 iiéi tkU jraee of the Derby C· wiE be ran. la the afternoon at four p. m., tie t-Etrie· (or Dur all-age clam race will lotaae The finit race will be run ibv ι following Borobi( (Tkinitey, Nov· I tmticr *nd,) A aihrer pitcher (Trail by lîVrey A. Re rkfeîlow will go te the I winner of tfcia AU-·*· raee, becidcs ! money pritr.t of fM, M. wd 91· far 1 Ou- finit, wtOBd and third winner·. A hcoih! AD-A*» nw will be nm I Friday mernlng. ι Not the l«ut in attracting inur lc«t of Fox hound lover» will W ft'.· 1 Bench Show wbich will b« in progr«M during the meet. Hacdaome prisa* l;«v« bean offered far woman in th« vnrlou» claaaei of thia «ho m. A iflver levin* rap, given by Ike K. C. Fax Hunter· Association w2> be gives to tkt owner of the beat Fax Hoand ia tba bow. The earner, to retain permanent peaaeseiori af this tap, mu* win It thren year· in nt ce talon. I The OverhilU Land Company af .OverbQl», arv \f give two sttrer loving rope; one to u* beat mala fas heuaU ia the show; eae to the beet female fok hoead. When time two «a ta Tokay, the éclatâtes fraai the other torn hasting section* of thé Oate, and their »UH 1 or» tram other Stele* (aiaay are cz |peeled) are throagb the day, they will gather ι round a big camp fire and these «pin jini If they hare any to ipin. And according (£ Tom flanVhi, ■ the genial aeeretary of the local cleb, "who evor baard af a fas hantar t'nat did net have a yam to «plnV—Taj ■ ettoviDe Obaerver. Ed Thorn tor m4 Juniaa McUnk, ■f tli· D*ody Proof lection of Joha atoa Cnitf, vmv bound e*»r to M >r»l Curt oa » llunfi rf having op •rated m whUkey aim whan tried h» for» UaKad Sut·· OoMUntw Bid rod*· U· jimfday ·ιι·Ι·>. War nab have bvaa inaod for ■·>—al other mob «ha ara aUa«ed to Un bwn aaMiatrd with MeLanfc and Τ horn toe. Thaaa «an auto «m faff aa Via rcaoK of a raid mad· aev «val awh an by Ko hart Wtwn and ι Chief Parry ·< the >>n«»a poli·· 1· partiront. p*l<* mwipr. Whether jw> dacWr la an tar ·» aa*. yea em· It to y««t mU to at lea* «at the datai)· of tlda wonderfai oifrr If fmt ftnd H ··»> vantant to eall ty In the day tliw, «ha •fc· will ha open «vary evanlM ■* U1 eight, gtvtef u--· wfca w»i1i · thane· to «at the fall fartMhn. If <|y*« ran oat ted thne to call and pot I arquaiatod, toha the plana aad eall No m, and tha MBatn win to ■ted to aaplala all Γ ' Ρ* if **** ** ■ ye lea. Da M M. ΟΪΠΜΕΚ HURT IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS HERE ϊκλ Little <Urb Src^d MARGARET TOWNSEMD, LOTTIE ADAMS VICTIMS WW It c*uri _ —Aa*ui Chhd Hit By Hat· land Truck. Κ ο*. îewlng cîaao upoo the Ml » atoiiiar aeridvat Satardfty Im util· Lot tir Adaau of Aagiar « ίατ^Λ, Hvftnt, tb* little X Mr. and Mr*. M. sinfully, if not Metosâr, boat yea. «ruay af Irmoo· < >y ya ladUar wtilob foB fir*· ft < ina Pr.w«r arri Light j ihr>««o by W. C Yoaneblaed. Mr Youngblaaod «aa irtrb* aloof CroaU t'jMt at · eeiseel· #nl At U-f inianccilon of MeKfty Atom· ho waa forced to tfco loft dim of Aa rtrurt by · aftr wUeb mnW Μ· , Broad tie· McKay ftftd cut tfco oar- j· arj. flavml little girl· won -— Broad atmot and wore directly ift tW pat]} of the track. Ift as ofort to «>· tkcm, Υιι·κΜι>Ι itiuad tho track into ο toliybnai poU. The polo rao broken by the itayact ood · I**· l»r on tho track fall, Utdag tfca ttk tW ffiri. urn# «lui body. Dît trcxr, pambrg in kla ι S*·*·» her *!il that, hi W Ht think Km jorie* the li«d Tfco mtdâmt ranfta* to »jr« «Udmim. litd· Uk ti* was nuuitnc MM Ih· iM ta r.Mi hrr take nk— tke truek *ψ >roarbcd tk· f rowing. Tk· Mm ΛΛ net if* kn util ahe m |mMM| »·Ικ Ik* wheel·. He Mit mfj af roit ta avert ninnlnc M k«r, tat ikf wa· to· eJoao. Om «C tk· «Μι wm4 ont her kw< H«r only injorU·, koat»·!, «m nioor eat· and hriileea abent tk· head ind bed jr. She waa anw<i< by Dm intei and TarUnftae and Um Ac t« Harrle, comanaatt» aaaaa, la Ik· >Dc*» of Dr. Sestaa. SAYS FRENCH WILL STAND ON OWN LAWS Ja—r.«d Dm.1 Tkiak U. i *M«U«· Li|a» Ola Wm Kcw York, CM. *»—M. J«(m *m mtM, Jjaaneh aMba—itor ta Ike Cn'Ud Bute· ea kU arrival kata m eke Pari· from Prma aaeart«d Mat in the fare of tke nent "kaa· 4ry m'irtir at Attorney General Ε ty which prohibit tke *ae ar ι >f any thine*· Murium poru, jiily ky oto law· af 1 _ He add·*, travtnr, that n· iroa'.d k« taScm by Ike f>a»li ba?«y in Waabiactaa aatO tk· fl*. crrtn· court Im yaaeed ·»>» tk· raV Trétush «Sip» in · put af Mm ta»· tltory of Fraace," m!4 IU •icr, "«ad 1 >d>T« that f«i proporly «la'rn yMr eirrim m ptgt af Ikt t'nitoti <Ut« aWi w Ikqr Mr ii" Tho )m of fiiMi, pmm4 ht «rai fuit iro ta mut PirtliaMt Mi t' eao half · >Hdi of «te· ma V. Hmrf to tko itltora MI «rml· a*4 a fall botto U» «1 t> eant wator, I mu "·'·»- it i* iltnwm· far «M m te drlak." nrrY-curr holoot cost» LIVES TWO TJnlantowa, ftu, OA — . trJM, ΛτλΛ ai ÉtiMkil — y Mot Koltf>T>. took *o ·< ·"· tolajaflat Mlee M'Het «οΛ htvH M f««ml Brown later to « ear M Mow On» va mi M ι TVo bail

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