THE DUNN DISPATCH IllilT I April 1, MM j COUHtf IHMOft*TK Twvtftb ewloiiil OWM: J. R. BMfttt of Hanatt. D. A. McDoaald of Mom. Par th· Boom: R. A. TwmuI m SoOritac 4tk Dutriet Clawson L·. WOSuu. For Ccrk fcptritr Court: t, 1 I. w. mO «nt Nrt of Ain*, hat It lflcel: tUt we «β km ■ Polftt Cemmii «t mhfcy. tf the mmemm mm get Federal Iwi aauwdad w Ait h· eu gat ■ Cabea registry foreeaetwtae «Meals aai tbasi nt the ptahiMH·· dkUi to UUw tkoM ■■ 1111 U Mb th· ai» lut ftoM», h· Ma aïk· a howliac «occeaa of tha priiMid tatmi oUwnlw, the Mat· had better «ta» oat of Ue Mim of nilrfc| to Miry freight by wttar. AtmtTVOJLS Niwt Booth Bhrar Baptist Association contMd at tbe AatryvUl· chore)» last week. A protractcd BMtinf » held at th· Wm Will Haptist chorrH at Aa hrjrffl» last WMk. Bar. Garrls and Wataoa din* du preaching. School cp«Hd «y at Qsaat Mm· day, October It with th· am teaoh ers they had laat year: TVj are MIsm Loui· MaPhaU and ΒMria William*. A (intr was bald at th· dement eharch in this part «( Saaspaoa 8en ds jr afternoon, October 8, with tha two local classes. Th· large class Is lid by J. W. Xsthia* and the little elate led by Frank Au try. Tb«y af two aaonjr the best leaden la this part of the coanty. Tha Center choir from over la Cumberland, which is *Wy M by Ami· Royal. Come over and ting. AU three of the elasaes can be complimented for excellant *'*f1 - A aing-inf waa bald at AntryriU· Sunday afternoon the St, bat we ver» not present ud therefor· can not fiTO an accurate report in thia letter. M lu Martha Ana Hall was In fee ble health a few day· ilnce brt baa about racortrad. School opened up at AutryriDa, Monday, October 1«, with atout VI inpile enrolled. Prof. J. M Pace, of thia port of the county, la the prin cipal. He la · rery excellent taachar. Prof. Pace la aaaiated by M lea BOlle Hut, of OaiUlia, Mia Moadice Boy*Ue, of Ckadbam and IUm OoV dte Strickland, of Fay otter file J. L. McL*arin baa baas oa the «Ick liât the year few week· bot ii eonraleechig. Un. K. F. Season» who has bon an lirralld for aoao tee haa not bean aa weH aa aba oaaally ia the paat few day·. L. 8. Puiy and family mortd U Soaeboro a few woaks ago. Mr. Po My hae a aaw mill ta thia part of th« canty which la atUl In opération bar· G. E. Hall baa bean in a aeriooi condition the poet aérerai day· nma thin* ISk> dialocaUon of a hip, pain lag hhn vary mock aa ha walk· ai ridaa. Hia infant child la alaa tat van ^ .11 tarn, •■•it MfWI| Ί01 ad Mch Ma tn feminine ^paral bare uaamd aararal Bwiaa 1» aunct companies, which Inaura m falaat tilneaa, to rmiae tbair premium 1· par cent for Jeat what k scant by thia word "Hell"? Vo»T my aometiee·, "Ita cold aa H«H." Sometime· they «ay, "lU hot at Hall." W*ca it rali» hard. "Ha Hell, tfcay e*y; lu alio "Hell" when H la dry. They "Hat· Uka BM1" u aae it BMW. It* a "Hall of a wind" whan it «Carta ta kbw, Now "How U HaT* tan anyone «all "What la Hell" they aaas by thla word HailT Thia married lit· is "Hell," thay nr. WJmb ha eaote· :n lata, "There'a Hell ta pay." [ta Hell wh«a the kid yea here to tote Wue« he ataita te yaU, Ma a "Hall of a nete." "Its HeD" when the doctor aanda Ma hilla Per a "Hell al a let" of tripe and Villa. When yea «at thia yoa wfll know real well Juat what i* meant by thia word Hell. "Hell, yea," "H«U no," and Oh Hall·' too, "The Hell yoo don't," "The Hell yon do." And "What in the Hell" aod the "HeU it la," "The Hell with youia," and "The Hell with hi·," Now, "Who in the Hall" aad "Oh Hall Where?" And "What the Hell do you think I care"— Bat "The Hell of Κ ie," "Ha rare m Hell," Wc don't know what in the Hell U Hell? tlHMONmi ThunJajr Um twtatj-sixth parked th* capitulation of tvo heart» u»f bni