PRESIDENT ISSUES PROCLAMATION IN BEHALF RED CROSS Diructa Attention To Annual Roll Call Starting Armia* tic* Day DEMANDS ON BODY In Its Peculiar And Historic Field, Tha Organisation Has Mat Many Eincrgancioa Dur ing Year and Still Has to Pro vidoRoliof For Many Who Presklont Harding today Issued at Washington the following p roc tarna tion in connection with the Annual Roll Gall of the American Rod Croaa which opens tomorrow. Armistice Day: “To The American People: "The aaearanee, baaed on many yean’ experience, ’that- there will be prompt and generous itepanse, makea it always a aattafaction to dlra|£ pah lie attention to (he annaat lfeadbar ahlp Roll Call of the Amariiaa Rad Craas. Thia year It will open oa Ar miatloe Day.‘November 11, ahd etaee on Armistice Day. November 11, and close on Thank*giving Day, Novem ber "30 Aa President of the* Ifni tad Hr, Male* and also President of The Am erican Rad Cross, I hereby proclaim 'Mr 1Z as Red Cross 6 as day, ^ MU all thf people to unite with iplTifbol leaders [n such observ Mtas may promote a renewed uto the gospel of service injunction and good rouerieaca Feilhfwgy xtraordinary ilmandi upon ouch ser vice* of mercy and humanity. “One of the moat fearful disaster* of all History has befallen the ill-fated near eastern area, where the Uvea of millions of unfortunate people erve*> now depend and moat continue for n long lime to depend, on the untiring liberality of more favored commani tiua. A very great sum is required to be raised if the emergency Mail be met; and while the took is one to which all well disposed peoples must contribute, our country in vir tue alike of its inspirations of human ity and it* fortunate endowment In material possessions, must be eoaspi euoas for both the great share K ohatl give, and the high spirit animating the gift. "h is therefore ssked that eoopexw tion be established between the Rod Cross, the Near Bast, and all ether nvi nr ires which arc concerned to ns slat in dealing with this crisis. Drmadi Press Heavily "In the domestic field, demands sontinns to' press heavily upon the Rod Cross. The Government is ear nestly seeking to insure to every dis eased or disabled sx-ssrvl«s man dM full tuusti of cans and help whlcl national gratitude sad simple justice dictate. The aim mast be to rostors evory scryies men to the bsri possi ble health and the largest opportunit] for a norms! self-supporting Ufa Is this effort the Government, the Am] and Navy, have gladly availed them selves! of the assistance of the Bsi Cross which, due to lbs notion-wt* volunteer organisation, has boon I const* it and valuad aid. "In tho broad field concerned witl the physical welfare of the people th* Hod Croat, In sympathetic coo tact with other organisations, an. tha Federal and State Bureaus, ha boon particularly active In tha satoh lishmrr.t and support of publl Health activities for the proveurtle of disease and the sneouragesnent s sound snnltoUos. Meets All Esaovg—oUs "In Its peculiar end historic flel of Disaster Belief, the Rod Crass hi mot tho emergencies brought a bos by the large numbr of floods os by the large namber of floods aa other calamities during tho pari yea suffering la foreign lands duo to Wl and peotflosMo. For these rue so no, regardless of tho multi tods of to* problems In every eonsm unity, d American Rod Croos dotorvso well i the hands of tho Amorieaa pstyle. "la th* Into roots of our urn humanity asto of tht service vU wo owe t* our follow mass, I Invi • my follow cltiaoas to renew the allegiance to the American Rod Ore during the period of th* Ms rib stub Ron Call" mcDANIEL HOLLIDAY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED - '* BY MUNICIPALITY AND CITIZENS Eathu»ia*tie Moatia« Of iUprumUliw. Practically Amuim EaHy Start Oa Projact—Mau Maatiag To Bm Bald SwmUt Aftaraaoo, Nova®, bar $20,000 Ffaot Tows Dunn le to have a hospital to which the suffer!eg in the town end the eur roondtng country nay be brought for treatment end relief—e bospltal hr the needy as wall as far the wtlde 100,000 In ehurehee, that H had provided for the niffti by planning to tavern $100,000 in addi tional school budding*, and that now It waa It* doty to ipend aomethlng tor the ear* of tha body’* health. "The Great PhyeieUa,” aaid he, commanded that the lame and tha *ick be brought to atm; and ‘Be b*ab d them all’." Physicians fpaah Dr*. Denning and Coltrane ipotw of tha great diAraltie* encountered by focal pbyalcian* becauae of tha »hoence of haapstnl fecilitiea Kora. I^oy pointed out. too, that U waa P*mtUcally Impoaaihlc fur poor peo ple to reeolve hoepital treatment free anlom they war* take* hundred* of ■lie* to the larger ettlae. They wore anxkmi that a department ho provided for thoeo who Buffered but who «nald not pay. It win he don*. The Woman'* Club will bo Invited to aid the Chamber of Oatsuwrue in IU efforts to raiie fond*, and to tok« part la the aiam muting to. bo bold Sunday weak Mr McQueea, T. L. middle and Dr. J. R. Bo tier warn sppwtnted a committee to coal Jr with, the club and to assist In the inange meat af a r.usieal program for the meeting. Dr. Buber* Royster, one of the hast known and ablest sorgeoiw eC^Monh Oamtina will be invited to.apeak at **>• ‘naes meting. Dr. wiuiape JL‘ Cottmae waa appota—<1 a /owiarfgtAe tn invite Dr. Ranter, end Mr. Biddle also w«re ad ■ oommittee to invite nil Benaon't^ “ f |J|m Grantham, T. V. Smith and If. C.j Butler were appointed a comaiUlee U> go before a special meeting ef the board of coannisaioaeTs neat Tuesday night and lay the matter before that body. Favorable action by the board ia asoared, since William H. New berry, P. A. Lea and Ellis Goldstein— a majority of the board—ware prre ent last night and stated that the movement would be given Ibelr sup port. X. L. Howard G. X. Grantham and J. W. Jordan, ranking among tho larger tax payers of Uis town, stated that they believed the board should appropriate the money. When it was suggested that tlte taking of subscriptions begin at once Mr. Goldstein and Mr. Jordan sub scribed 1600 each, P. A. Us sub scribed 1860 for Wilaon and Lao, and Mr. McQueen subscribed |1W. Before others could be taken. It was suggested that the matter be defer red to the holding of the mast saeet Ing. ENGLAND REFUSES TO PURCHASE PEACE Brittoli Leader DacUrae Near Eeat b Memo. Te Peace Of Tha World London, Nov. t.—Great Britain 1a , fuses te purchase peace with the i Turks at the coat of “humiliation aad disgrace." Marquis Canon, British 1 Meretary for foreign s If sirs, declared ' today In an address at th* Cannon I street hotel ! The sttftade of the KomaUtea. re - fleeted In their reeeet demand thal * he silled troops leave Conateadtnople | will net ke tolerated, he added, am ha gave flat waning to the natter sllsts that (key will taaae te sure die I eater if they restore to eppeee the* a military power “te the rirength o t Great Britain aad th. might ef Be d rope.* J The gravity ef the ekaatlon la th r. near east was imptmdat* hy Lor * Carson when he termed H “the met definite mteats te the peace ef th U world.*' a Replying te adtet he dsetnihed a Lt gibes mads at him self by fenm Prime Minister Lloyd Oeenga as a Winston >psneer Churchill. ha di h elared Lloyd Quango did madh U wi la the war aad that Me retard weal Ir be hmatfbed la laatlag lettern to I* »' pagm at hit ary, hat that same »f h Ip settees to prime mtalstir had m been balpfal to Oarnea’a departmss CAROLINA FRUIT SHOWN IN WEST i _ ; State Representatives To Tain Quantity To Council Bluff Exposition To «how th* pomdfclBtles of Irak growing In North Carolina, 1. D Matthews. Horticulturist for Oil North Carolina Experiment Station and F. H. Jeter, Kditor will earn an exhibit of fruits to ths Midwaa Horticultural RxpotiUon which wK bo hold at Council Bluffs, lows, dor lag tha wotk of Nor ember IS. Mr Matthews hat toller led a good diipla] of both fruits and nuts which ha nl ready been shipped to Coune Muff Printed matter pawing th possibilities of fruit growing in (hi State has alto been prepared an ' will be distributed to eMtota attem r big IMS show. The Midwest Horticultural Rxpos lion is one of tho lirgoet gntherlni i of Its kind la tha world, it draw* frw loll of the midwea tern Mates, as I' though North Carolina Is not uligib I ‘ to compote for the valuable cups si | me dal i offered, still ths exposition o II fors an excellent opportunity for lnriog the doling period of the coin peign will be degooito^ In • nolod ballot box, which trill not bo opaaad • Jolll after tha campaign hat bean at i fleally cloaad on November 2110. Jfc , "®c. axnapt tha oaddidatal thcantelTei r win know tha modber of vataa peon t 1‘aaad by any of A* ceadidatoa. I Ware tha vote* at tka vary lad poblUhed in tha Pti patch, or ptaoot pon a blackboard than tka cainpalgi " •old dewlap let* an aaatioat o • •pocalatloa affair, bat where no on 1 trow* the namber of voto* peaoaaeoi l by anyone ala*, than the ftniah I ■ oat polled to bd fair. 1 it la tha Am datemiaatioa at fla -1 .aaaagcmeat of die drive to too tba ! he one* who do tba boot work aha! i-1 nr thr once who win tba boat priaat * .tad It I* battered tha a*trot math* a if ballotlag haa ranaovod any Hkl d aad at ipcaolatlaa. * A cocaaaitte* of. baakara will h d ■•aoaan to taka akorg* of the eaa P -aign the ilaalag Mgbt had t* awa> *- ne prtaa*. lack candid ale know* tki :h -ho can raecdv* no vataa, anlaaa al '•** the cubacrtpltan and It la lmpoai a, ole for any*no to gtvo anyone n vote, only by aobeerlbtng. On tl i* doling night the aoaaaattto* wfll a* ta and after counting all tba aubaarl rl- i oaa for each aandldato wfll than 1 U1; awarded the prioa aam^ondtag the an caber at votea tnrmad In. j Ia the county, date and Milan the Democratic party ngietend Tuooday a victory which applied ^ahn to the wound* received ta tptlt'hr* yuan pervtoncty. Ia Harnott tha victory waa ovee whelatap. Mot a loactubli, *• far ac waa learned yaWaniap, waa left ta tha party which eiyfct yean age eap tnrad every a ea ia tha caoacy, aad *ta aa tap af tha pr* oleortoc ais&ae that Aa Democrat* weaU ha thev eaghiy naiad. Mat Tewaeead cwdie ta efhee for tha aaroad fat aa the cwuaty't raproecatathre A the.Lagh latan, aad all af the ceusty candi date* came through wlA hi*. w«h tha praataat majority ever given a ticket la Heraett. . - A" t*- T~%fih(i-faf *n*ti* at' capt t»*pocn. whan tha aU Uaa BepoMicaae Mill held tha feet, fe rae taod uwa ta Pi*nncaj The party iirtla*! ad of North OarnHaa'i tan eaate ta tha National Bauaa of loprcacntettaw, petard grwaad ia all the RapahUenn tieaH* aad wan fra* the RepakUeaa* way af the** ■ enact* which have bees ant af tha Demeantie fold Maoe the daye of the Fuatoaiala. Only thfitaaa com Uaa of the 100 ta tha State aa -i-,._■ Sap^hheaa I U«W is Withe* Pf*»tiaa of fcjtMtti party aw cfciaerj ia RiaMtpk, Daria, Htadw baa retained a DaaairaUt majority ia the last half ocatary, nad tha aa» deepen sf thair Majority Ham MOO ha Wilkes Wo yarn a«t> to leas than ■fo. Sam Hath* ia defeated sad Sampson remain* the sale itree^iU of the Republicans la the east. Tyr rell cemnly elected a Rapabltcan to the Hooec far the Aral time ia aarar al years, proridln* them with thair only (ala in the Stats. Tha raft ad the ticket want Democratic. . RspaMleen Riyrmeatetlea Small The Republican minority in tha State ligielelen w3l ha a mlaarity indeed. About the only member left in the eanats is Rate Haymow and in Ac bonaa tlan win ka taw area bait a Ooaca atakcn. >, •v /-4| Yaalarday iiUnuw cawuet af &e Kationai Hauaa of " jr nrMy «ik*M .k doukt. bat jp wwa oeafaA* tkat want of Aa fries* af FA* d«*t UaAbNT ka4 kaaa beeaaw aM *S>1 awnu 7 eelartay Ai.aona, Atburat, California, J Cannacticat, Delaware. IloiAa, TraaaataU, Uurgla, Oeoage, Duttat. I Uiaaa, fcaktaa, DeawaaA • imh1, (riniii mac aapioa bei Republican. I.tryLud Brace, Democrat. ! ■■eeexhiivtte, Ledge, Rcpoklbcc. ihigaa, ferric Piaiaet !i. laeoota, TMpilrcl. TermeivLa. (dun aad tang term.) Bepah brace Rhode Iclaad, Gerry Democrat. Tenneeeee, XcKaOar, Democrat. Utah. King. Democrat, loading. Vermont, Greene, Republican. Virginia, Swaadoa, Democrat. Washington, Dill, Democrat, laad iag. West Virginia, Nealy, Democrat, leading. Wieconein, LaPolletU, ItcychMrcc Wyoming, Kendrick, Democrat Democrats elected Ooeeraer il Smith in New Tack aad made gaim in all other Republican Atntne ad tbe Union. MANY FARMERS ACCOMPANY EDGE ON PIEDMONT TRIP To Study LEAVE MONDAY, 20 Will yua Portia la UuUu, d*n And Artmd Livt Plan* far tto tour to be tabam by Harnett County farmers under tbc direction of Earn Domowotntloi Agent Edge, togtnnlng Monday, No , romtor M, an practically oompleV and It it oortnin that at hut ftftl > of the loading fanoart and bnalnan - atoti of tho county will go. Ahmad: > S? farnoea and taat buainooa am l proftmlonal uen bare isproomd that ■ determination to ba memtose of th P»rty. t Starting fnm UUIngtoa o* th 1 morning of tho twentieth, too part: 1 will ebdt potato In Unlog Count . When o herd and largely aoeoeeofi I ftgfct U being wnged agniaet the bel b weevil. Tto e**t day the party w< touch petoto In MeOUaaburg. goto • in the afternoon to Mee^ewrlSa I r vtaH tho State larged r re mu or i Wedneoday, Tbaraiay and Prtdb it'wtS ha u—1 In and around Statoevtt e ht Iredell, tdterc tho big live ItW 1- ohow w« be to prograaa. Tin tet a will aad la Catawba Oanaty Satardr u aad the party will ntotra bone th S evening. r Tbie tear baa far ito object tl m wady of lnteadva fuming uethe io in aoe In other parts of the Stal Through It fanwn no to be dm DEMONSTRATIONS PAY POLK COUNTY A|wt As an indication of tbo safe* of • horn* demonstration agoat to a caaa ty. Mr.. Jaaa 8 MtTlaaaa Vkm la c four ladWtdnal elnb wateboro wet i fate prints also. So in to not ad ham > tha dub ■•■bon hoeoaoi that Midi Padgett in a raecnt rapart “ Mn > Idrdhaiw »ayo: "they an r math intonated la ear 1 tko pragnate. Obo > Mountain, yrnpioti la I eonwnanttios of Poh I put Into ops ration a aletdy m log thsengk feo o ■ to itfllw’'' -4 ‘ *— '% Carr!iff** AUed eat la afk, rotrol and leather, with lrary aad aieklad Attiago, coating at once tbaa flMBt* were auctioned off la IimBl, Ha Maw, nwady, far 910. The aarrl tffoo OB or belonged ta fla Odhat, Anthony 1. Drool aad athar dtMla gabbed ritHm*. gerernl kata aU far trial 99 ta att oat h. •cation on the forme. Ur* Merit, dairying, trait and *««• table raitore. rtr., arc to be nod led at Ini haad. Amona time* who are ta Make «M taar arai B. H Amen, A M. Wad doll, M. A WBdar. «. C. WDdrr, A 1 « Baii*. OharWo Booa. w. A Tar [ C. P. Kelly. X. J. ■ 49. wart. D. A 1 OoDini, M. A Oodwta, W. C. Pwtfc . J C. Byrd, W 9. ha., A. A Barb . aaan, A T. Draper, A D. Blade. Wlh i tie Xante. A. A Oreiby, W. B. Daraa. ■ a P Abell. Dr. A A Warn, A A a Boll. A ■wrrhiMa. M. H4L Kap. A M. Loekaaay, H. A 1X944, J -IM. Moore. D. C CoWw, J. P. O'* --Oataa. W. J. Cotton. A X. A lard. I- T D. Bpoaeo. T . L Blddla. L C Ob*.