THE DUN VOLUME IX. DUNN, NORTH SECOND OFFER IN Li ^ATCH DRIVE | OPENED MONDAY _ Worker s Got 25,000 Extra V '.tea For Each $30 Secured GOOD FOR 10 DAYS In Final Period No Extra Votes At All Will Be Al lowed The second and final vote offer to be allowed in the Donn Dispatch's subscription drlvo went into r.ffoet Monday morning and lasts just, tan days, closing Wednesday evening, November 22. Although the subscrip tions do not yield as many voces as was allowed during the opening per iod, still s subscription taken during this period rosnts more than twice as many votes as will be allowed dur ing the eloeing period of the drive. On esr't Slid collected dnrin» the opening period an extra boner of 2C.II00 vote- war. nllnwcil, while dur ing til'-' ) (• rd fitly 24,000 extra votes • <* » an --very $2<|.P'\ and .luring the closing jjvfiod of the rampi. g-i. t o extra votes at elli will l-e allowed, nothing but the o urinal I ehi>,lrl:i At rnt—. mini— I aa Ik- I back at uacH rsee't.t bonk, will be counted. Tbu closest and moot late-rating campaign aver before inaugurated In tkia section of tbs state is entering upon its third weak and from reports turned in up to date, it is going to be a hard matter to say Just tabs will be the leaders. Thera is not a single candidate in the race who does not stand an excellent chance to win any prise, and the first live In the cam paign air very nearly tied for first place. It is eertain that all candidates will endeavor to get every peeeibls subscription from now to the done of the drive at tbs lots of one subocrip valuable, bnt then then io a vaet dif ference in the value of thfi prises to be given. The riurant touring car, the capital prize, is valued at $1,000, while, the second prize is veined at 0245.SO. The next prize, an Edison Viet re la is valued at 0120.00. Tha; next prize, diamond’rlng It valued at more than ona hundred dollars, and tiie prizes following this arc even leas valuable, so it is seen jest why a can didal* should lose no time, but should __ _ ___ There are score* of person* here i» Dunn who have failed to give their renewal subscription* and the candi date sboald male* a apodal effort to sect every subscriber who la on the liat at the present time. Sojnn of these nave not even yet been approached and will gladly give their subscription If the right candidate goes after them for their renewal subscription. EFFECTIVE WAY OF COMBATTING WEEVIL Gainesville,. Fla.. Nov. 12.—DevaL opmanl of a satisfactory method of controlling the boll weevil on short Dtaplo, or upland cotton waa announ ced here laat night by Dr. WUmon Nowell, plant commissioner for the state plant board and director of tha University of Florida Experiment station. Dr. Newell's announcement waa made a* the result of the successful culmination of research work by Geo. D. Smith, associated eatomologist, conducted under the auspice* of the State plant board. The method Involves a principle in boll wicrvil control heretofore pot re cognised by other investigator*. Dr. Newel' states, and he added that the total < -st of treatment, labor includ ed, do.] not exceed 11.60 or 12 an acre. Is the ficlda treated tho cotton crop In nearly every instance has l eon c i largo »» that obtained prior to the advent of the weevil. Bf kilo aAaxia aolana (a naAil tkf' Amount in comparatively mmall, Dr. . Newell aaid. By HUM of tha iapnr od method a cotton laid la cleared of practically all boll weevils early I* dune and remains in that- conditio* far several weeks. During tkla parted a good crop of belli la sat without weevil intorfemnee. Both tha State plant board and tha experiment elation will lease im mediately bulletins on the improved method of control. Marshall Lucas spent Sunday at the home of bis brother, Jantes Lu eaa, near Linden. He brought back with k.’m a fat ’poeeuni presented by the brother He aayi that the ’pa* sums are plentiful In the weeds neat Linden this year. W. P Dickey left fetnrday tm DUKE OBSERVES ARMISTICE DAY 3:» Barbecue Served Veteran* —Noeh Kelly In Charge Of Fuatt Armistice Day mi celebrated here Saturday with a big barbecue given by the ci-wrrlcc men. Three porker* were sacrificed by the boys far the event. Theae with a certain well known 8t Louis “product" proved to be a very appetiaing feeik Approxi mately every cx-aoldlcr In thi* dia trlct wu present .along with their friends, who alto helped to est the 'cue. Tbit veteran of the world war, Noah H. Kelly was in charge, assist rd by several of hia comrade*. Kelly was one of Duke's own. who assault ed the Hindenburg line, and who can hold hit hesrerm almost breathless with his vivid occoanta of it. Tr old-fashioned spelling bee Held here Friday night In the school au ditoiium was of much interest. School os it ones was in the old days long ago. was again enacted. Several of tire town's most prominent citlsens donned the nl.l eisAnlkA. .nl eknAl girl attire and ware onco again a aonrce of worry to their Marker. T. W. SprinkW acted as teacher and had to resort to the rod and “duncs rtool” on several occasion# to curb the unruly pupil*. Using Webster’s old “blue-baek’’ speller, be held a match to the delight of the audience. A silver offering was taken at the door for the benefit of the Good Hope Hospital. R. M Knox and W. G. Hall of Statesville, spent the week end here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs Wade H. Coffey. Mias Julia Alston of Use graded school faculty, epent the week end in Hendemon arith friends. Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Daniel ^ent Sunday in Wllaan wfeh relative* Mn Hilliard BarrtagVon and chil dren spent Sunday In Benson wish relatives* 8. H. Bethea ofthe “ Mr. and Mn. 8. D. Henley fit Dur ham ware the week end guests of Mrs. Henley's mother, Mrs. Dana Johnson. George L. Sewell spent the week end with relative* In Durham. Mr and Mn W. H. Coffey. Mr*. S T. Danlal and Miss Mary L. Cant well, librarian, attended the mooting of the Southern Library Association iieid in Southern Pinon last week. They alto attended the Sandhills Pair in Pinehurst. Mrs. Mark Wade anil son, spent Sunday with relatives at B*MOn. C. B. Godfrey. E. C -Anderson nnd Tom Sewell spent Sunday in Wilson. Mr. and Mn. E. H. Boat and fam ily spent Sunday at Port Bragg. Mr*. Rena Lucas and children gwirt Sunday with relatives at Benson. E. It- Thomas and W. H. Lawrence were week end vieitore in Durham. Rev. J. R. Andrew, pastor of (he Methodist church, leaves this week for the conference for the eastern section of North Carolina, which con vene* st the Edenton Struct church in Raleigh, Wednesday. S. C. Geddie and N. M. McDonald iasve this week for Raleigh as dele gates to the local church, to attend the Mothodlat conference. The Duke High eeheol quint begin practice in earnest this week in pre paration for the opening of the County Basketball League of the county schools, which starts the first jf December. The local bask steers arv ilcletmined. It possible, to bring the pennant to Duka. NEWBERRYISM IS OVER DEATH BLOW Democrat Elected To Senate In Michigan Far Pirat Time In Serenty Tear* Detroit, Michigan, November 8. — Former Governor Weodbridge N. Karrii, of Rig Rapid*, tha Ant De mocrat in Mrarity yaan to ha alaetod tv Ih* United State* Sonata from tha State that mw the birth of the Re publican party, eonttnaed to malataia hi* load of approximately 17,00* rotor tonight oror Ua RapobUcsa op ponent, Senator Chariar E Town aend, aa farther rata me from Tnea day'a flection wen reaetred. ' With UM of the 1,008 precinct* ia tha State reporting the vote rtood: Karri., >7t,IM| Tewnavnd, tM.tfl. Ceramet Alex I. Orodbech, Re publican and hie antin State ticket hare been retained to *Sw by nm Joritta* eranging two to on* oror Damoaratla ayyaeeata Rlehmend. obere ha «m vpand ear ELECTION REBUKE TO REACTIONARIES Walab Daclaraa Muat Become MiliUntly Liberal To Hold Gain. Clinton, Mu*., Nov. 11.—Heritor David I. Walsh, as chairman of tho Democratic Senatorial Committee, la a statement here, mid teat the elec tion on Tuesday was not oo much a Democratic victory as a rebuke to “vtand-pal and retroactive force* now in control of the national policy.” “1 am inclined,” he said, “to re (TOKl the icsalt of Tuesday's election ro on-what la tea nature of a piivdvr political revolution. It indi • ates widespread dlaaatmf action and dlicintantl exprcaaod by tho electo rate against the only agency in their i/ovammenl which they could pretest —the present administration. “The people have emphatically re the promiscuous bestowal of " “M saw nounue* through tariff protection to the few at the expoaa* rf lie many; a post-bellum tax pco rrem which sfc'ftc tax burdens from tig badness to mb all buainoa and 1 om the wealthy to the impoverish ed. “In many Eastern states and In Je*d to a considerable extent th rough rut the Middle Weat there seema to * “"ked tendency t* resent the Mfctriet'.eu of personal liberty which the Volstead Ac tlmpoae*. “The Republican leaderdiip ia ao rm.eUlutcd that there ie little chance of any lessons being learned* from the election return* The farmer, the working elamee ,the salaried group end the small manufacturers end mar. chants are determined to rid their uovemtnenl of the domination of the reactionary and predatory Interest. Thi* in pen ie the explanation of the ■iuution in the Went where the issue is rapidly becoming one between radi cal* and souserraUTas rather he tneen liberals and conservatives. "1 bop* ia view of the * the end a strong liberal patty_ two partias which the peopia_ nalely are inclined to believe merely to have different degrees of conssr vntism. The absence of stn ng liberal >~rl«mhip ia the Democratic party in sonsc Western states in the past has •dmoet exterminated the party in those sates. “The Democrats party q* save the present ajtua'.lon and be restored to power In 19t4 by asserting a sound pmioaopny, ana UIK course I have will be Undertaken with out delay, as the Democratic party must he something more than a party of negation. Its splendid opposition to tho Republican policial of the last Congress showed He capabilities aad sympathies with the masset Democrat* To Gain On Big Committee* Catting Down af CL O. P. Majority Will GW* Tkm Mm Rspressntatioa W;i*lii,igton, Nov. 11_By catting 'town the Republican enajorily in the House, fX-mocrata m the newt Congrats will obtain larger represen tation on all of the big committees by which the most important legis lation it framed. Loaders of both par ties began lighting Friday on tho new alignment. As it now stand*, the Way* and Means Committee, which reported the revenue, tariff and bon at bills, con sWtt of 25 members, 17 Republican* and 8 Democrats. As the lineup ii de termined by the sis# of the House msjority. Democrats, it was staled, will insist upon a division of 14 to 11. Retirement of C ha inn an Ford ney means that Representative Orvsn, Iowa, ranking Republican, will - be come chairman under the seniority •u.'e system. Defeat of Chairman Volstead, of the Judiciary Committee, will —-w» Ri-proanntsUv* Graham, Pennsylvania chairman. All bills relating to prohi bition arc considered by the Judielary committee Mr. Graham was among tho few members who refused to vote one way or Iks othor whoa the Vol stuad moaswre was pot ap (so poo •age some years ago. Keprceeataithro Grlet, Penneydrmnio, rUnde |a line far chairman of the peeloBeo cammitUa in plana of Chairman Bteeneraoa, defeated Only t«e big committee chairmen ware de feats 4—V olrtoed and Btoonoraon— bath came from MHinoeeta. Under the eentorfty ayatam, Xepre eentathra ftnall. Maw York, will haad the rulet committee, inrooodlni Chatman Campbell, defeated la the Canaan primary. eral deya on bodnoaa far tka Broth erhood of BaBoray Mgnekam. M’ARTAN ! Hi* Wat 2,170 Majority* ty candidate* opponent* In muted from aid over 1.4*3 rim ton far ahcrtft made the board linjtton hat Tba laryaat Ilea* candidate oppoaln* averse rot* far era ana 3,MI nominee* and can. The Brown—(,664. Byrd—4,144. Far Caaaliaaaan Buchanan—4,64*. Stater—14*3. McNeill—3,474. Taylor—4,677. Stewart—1,671. McLeod—1,174. Turlington—:2,144. Jornifaa—2,160. Weather*—*,111. Pattenon—4,14*. RALEIGH THANKS DUNN FOR ITS AID Secretary Of Merchant* Aaee> elation Write* To Lecol 8eer*»ery T. L. Biddle, of tee Chamber of CosmeiM, he* jnet re e letter from Mm 0. Sickle, ■euwury of the Merchant* dnnda tloa of Raleigh, In which Mr. Blekle axyrteaea the grstitode of hie a*e tieUen for the eld given bp Don to the recent Merdi (hoe at tee Capital CRp. The letter reads: “Th* Board ef Director* of tee Merchant* Anoeiatien, tegeteer with th* Merdi Gras Committee extend to on their appreciation of poor ef forta in making this week's event ene eeseftd. "We hope that MUe Howard an Joyed W visit end her aeeoeietien with oar member* ee snack aa we en joyed her company. “We can snare yev that while year representative ' was net' crowned Qoeen of the Mardi Gras. Dona was very well represented." shim, ir nyuunaai^iiMT NOT HAUL LIQUOR TOTH* U. S. Washington. Me*. 11,—tppHca I-'one for ternafdl ef ftmerlnen vee to forrlyn flape will fee eoaeld orrd by the dtipytaf board only where timaeferee ptakae bfodfav ayveeaeni that (ha dripe will net he awd to hael tateninthiy- liqwera of a.ty kbul to or freae the United Mates r loordlny to aa aaUfen of the yew can of applicative for teeaafer aeado pahllo today fey *e board. Iha r moment aleo woeU apply la any other roaamoditioe aadar la«al ban fee tha United Mateo end la eooe of vio lation, tha treaefer * fey weald few eoaea n»H and the ehlp eobject la ■alia re and forfaiters “whaMm and who rarer faand, whfeawl neinec tlaa te any pane* fewder,* FAKE EYE DOCTOR WORKBOI STATE Bataiyh, Nov. 11_Tor tht pad eevera) ■ weafea a mat (Marine *• bv an apt ppirtaMal avmt oat bp At State Board ad Haafcfc Kat boat Op tra tiny in and nraaad Wilton. He ha* fiten the naana of Martin in tnatt pliSM. U (beat Airly paan of aye, and 1* traveling ta a ChtirtM tonpa. Tho adWMao of thta nan tavt wa>c cat of freed M has hea practiced before In Ada atete, par> licskrtyfist yaaata asms af tho ww larn r»—Ilia. 9m acre iSitemu pdayle die Jeaally chasaa ma vie Lime, »»d csnfidaaiea la |ablfl hy the risioa d being * ryltwIitlTi af the kata Board of Health, aaat eat to kUy -orae aaaflaks tm fha eyea gad dkcr.y gkaaaa an pcaaaafhad. and ea hack nhergkd aa caa he ihtafait. la me aaaa lagaatad this was fl( 'la aaarly every town and dig ef prices first crossing the tb-esnt lard ind then level. At the highest of the week Decea se: traded at ld-27 with the active portion* ISO to 1M points aver Am cIom ef the preceding week. Rene, tiom stsny times ■■ ousted to only! ■beat n dollar a Vais asd moat of I kilo saris law OsiUeV. ALA aol -* two dollars a bolt. W* dost was ■ to to point* Mi higher on tbs' week with December at MU. | One of ttot mala raaaoai why the reactions were not wider eras the Strength ef g* .which wnlMMly led contracts at the advance aad re* fased to give ground when contract* reacted. Spot* closed at the highest luotations for the weak aad msm*. M.I7 cents a pound far middling, and it net gains on tb* week ef 117 potntn an that grade. A year age middling in Utls market closed at ltli. Re port* from the Interior noted equally «* straag posit!»s In tha got can tors there, most massages claiming that there ware men buyers than Milan far all grad ns. the demand tar cotton with any step]* at all in it was especially straag. The ginning figures of tb* weak, tasaed by the earns* harass, greatly stimulated belli* sentiment as the prod action of R.lStAM balsa t* the •rat ef Nswember was wail aadrr Ml bet eatremaly belli* s satin mt aa tb* production of t,lSt,ttt bale* to tb* first of Wovsmbsr ares will ra dar ell but extremely both* predic tions aad was avow slightly lower than the lowest estimate* given out o* the bull slda ef the market. This report ea ginning immediately was faUoared by a fra* troys of vary law estimate* of tb* total yield. Meet •f the gar mis being around I AM *00 balsa. On* asUmnta that attracted a great deal of attention asm* from a private barara aad plasad tb* tntal yield at only • *M*00 balsa. fsrdod aa highly unfrvorsMs tat K ta MMglately offsot, la Its tefla mw ta Mm aaaifcat, by tta ftatag r«P«rt sad tho mvi from tta spot 1—WMi per il jI leiaiabIKiaant of nawalM >o.i». Chile* HftkfMki itertr«|d« > a milk) ia «ttb era*tar awMi than fljBt report* indicated. I* U ea • aat«/l that at laeat 1,004 are Jsd Bear thoua&mU are ia aaodiiur food aad i ‘ in. addhie* ta daad ai Jeted a* the earth ahock eoineidoa with tha yaraage of a mo iyot aver tha ore tral meridian of the moi. Tha earth ahock commenced at the termination of a day of abnormal heat. The mb ryot referred te made ka ipyeomaca November S and waa the higm eh rerved tbi» year. Joint RsudiM Of Dinsiong Proposed Geeerel* Body and Feieen Badeam Sim and Mth MaMlng e* AdirriBo, Nor. It.—litdaf Mm lodorwaaoitt of M«jw Qonorai Chaa. i »Klt«T. W 1mm Ull*T.U Rld4U. MIMI7 ot *rCkMta of **—iiMirn. in Mo