LOCAL RED CROSS DM »E UNDER WAY; Ore«ai’.atlicM Perfected Aa*d ■ M-.i/ Wmaj Taking Part i ’*» Ti a Campaign The a nual Red Crum drive, which i» achedul. d throughout the country from November lllh to the SOth, i» 1 in full awing in Dunn, under the capable -.upcrxlaion of Mr. Ellli (lold- j atoin, the Chairman of the local Red | Ctoaa Committee, aaeisted by an rOt-' cient ami induatrioua corps of work ers. at ia attested by the fact that ycaterduy more than 200 members were e-dialed. So far only the buai-: ness section haa been ruiiva.-Md and ! the number of buaineaa houses that is | d lap laying the "100 Per Cent" mem-i berafclp sign attest* the fact that the good people of Dunn are not lacking when it comes to putting over a drive | that haa for ita purpose the sl'erla- | tlon of aufTering hamumty. M*. T U_las._I ti « • I Liui* I* Un> committee who hat the | work at soliciting in Word No 1 in : charge; Mm. H. S. McKay and Mr*. | Harper Holliday in Ward No. 2; Nn. | IL O, Primrose, Mr*. Ed. Smith. Mr* j We*ley Tiomii.on and Mit« Ladle I Howard In Ward No. *; Mr*. E. M I Jeffrie*, Mm J. W. Purd'e, Mr. Frod I McCoy, Mra. Klli» Goldrteln and Mias Sal lie Purdii in Ward No. 4. In addition to the above la die* qnlta a number of other, arc cdivtcd ; In the *rcr|i in the variou. ward* and < will no doubt call upon everyone in town to enliat them in the Red Croaa Roll Call. However, ahoold they fall j to tee anyone. Mr. Goldstein will be -] glad to receive their raeiaberahlp at ' hie atore. The fundi received from ; the drive thla year will all be used I in the work of the local Bed Croat1 Chapter and will be apent at home, j m thla should be an Incentive to everyone to join. The drive will continue untd 500! member* have been enlisted. Do your part and let's put Dunn I . "over the top." NEILL S. BLUE FACES CHARGE OF LARCENY: **T*Y'* ' — <• h. T if . , i—-d AlUfwJ T. Hmvm Talran 14 MiUi Of Win Fvociaf From Tk» Gomnmtnt Fayetteville, Nov. 14.—Neill S. I R"ue, wealthy eitixen of Hoke county, j \ for all it waa worth, and it Anally i want to the Jury Wcdnaaday after I noon. The cane of W. J. Salmon against, Mr*. M. M. McKay araa continued Mil another Urn* an account of another caw binging apon It. I Flora Webb waa granted a decree of divorce from Oeorgr Wobb. Millie Woodall waa divaroad from RhaiUy Woodall. Theao arc colored people. The eaa* of Sandy Murchieon agalnat A. A. McDonald waa ean tir.ued for another term. Clerk af Court Arthur McDonald I* tick with flu. Clark Chaffin ha* a efficiently recovered from the «f. fret* of the atrenuoua campaign ta taka rare of the court with hie eon to me ry efficiency. DR. H. A. ROYSTER ! i i \ I Prominent Usleigh Surgeon wtio irill address the c Risen* of Dunn Son iay afternoon git 3 o’clock. ttOOYSrawILL SPEAK HERE SUNDAY Will Be Heard By Large Crowd In Opera House Sunday at 3 O’clock Dr. H A. Roygter, a famous rir '■on of Reloigfc, will addrew a man -..rrting of the cittaen* wf Dunn and Lcinity at the Metropolitan Opera nu.s« in Dunn on next Sunday af ter, oon at 3 o'clock. In behalf of the movement for the establishment of a ■O'pitel in Dunn. ‘ The event promise* to be one at ^ wort int*r*«tmg of ity kind tvtr icld in Dunn. Already considerable in I'-rest bas been manifested in the hoe I’ital projeet. not only by th« eitl e* ns of Dunn, but by the adjacent > rritory as well, and the indications 1 re that there will be a large crowd vrraer.t on Sunday afternoon to hear . >c distinguished surgeon diarosa •The Hospital Ides in the Commu nity.” The Mu lie Department of the W o mrn’r C!ub has irrangwd a delightful mutical program, which will be ran lereil, and all who attend will both be enuertauvad and inatrueted- _ r fererjloTy who baa tSe lat^hnt and welfare of Dunn and the Dunn D4a :riet at heart is moat urgently re •juoated to be al the »»»«. meeting Sunday ufcniuon promptly at a o’ -InrV, thus mnnifeeting by their prea* .nc.-, t.it.r inteiest In the things that •pell for Lhi- progress of the commun ity— especially for that whieh allevi *<«.* the differing of mankind. JUDGE PAYNE CALLS ON ALL TO ASSIST Encouragea Theme Wbo Have Enlisted in the Red Croaa Campaign We.’h rorton, Kov. 16_In a mea 'uge to the 200,000 men and women eho Have juat started their task of enrolling "Every American avary arlicre" on the roster of the American Red Cross, Judge John Barton Payne, Chairman of that organisation, dates: "The Red Cross la a mighty army of red-bleoded American man and women, banded together to wage in cessant batlle against diseass, dinaa ler and suffering. "You are Ui* recruiting officers for this army. As such it is both year duly and your privilege to give to i very American the opportunity to I’oasIterate himself anew to service banner of the Red Croea. Vve are now engaged in the atu pendnus tusk of relieving the misery of mors than half a million men, wo men and children who have been dri vun out of Asia Minor and Eastern tni-ara by the G re co-Turkish var Wiion ihla great international dlaaa ter rame, the eyas of tho American iHlllIh Inrn.l__!.L___I a. ihe American Rad Cron aa the agen cy through which they would lend error to the (offering. "There win never n moment'* doubt a* to what orguninatioa would be rolled upon to render old. The Red Oroee i* proud that It could and did antwer 'ready1 when the eaaor *mey rail came. "Prom now erttll Thanlcegirlng Ray you ere to call tho roll among year neighbor* and friend*, and tboy, too, will be proud to anower 'Ready ' Ry thoir elBrmetivo aaower to the Roll Coll they will bo giving thoir turport to tho ‘Oreateet Mother in the World’; they will bo pledging thoir allegiance once more to tbe grioiail army of merry in Uw hiatory of hu manity "The dimeter In the ffaar Boat U lowly one of the many grim trngodiae ivhlrh the Red Cram la meeting. Oth er* are taking ptaee every day of the year, and any day may he Jolt around PEOPLE INJURED WHEN CARS COLLIDE • . - - Duk* Road Wen 5c«m Of 5ari ous Accident La«t Tuca day Night Whnt ciune near rraolting in a an ticiL* min fi»l| (.'on O’ curved Tturaday 11 Wit on the road to Duko. just be yovd t*si* ciiy !:raito. when a Ford Coape. oocupicd by Dr. U. O. TuDv-, of RliwlMal'io*r» And hh fitlur, M<*. J. L. 'fsilfy, of Cu;*t«. and driven by Dr. Tolly, arid a Ford tourinjr car irivatn by Mr Jeff H TArt who ro c i’M riiiuait i milrd norlh of town iad occupied by Mr. Tart, Mr. Toni Uir^ni and tww India*. had a head on colfiaion, tk« left fore whcela of both can »maching together. The coupe, being "top heaTy” tamed completely over and after the wheel ; »« ainaatcd and Dr. Tally and hia father were thrown clear of the an-eelmge. tie cMer Mr. Tally *o» taining. what waa believed to hr a broken collar bone. The body of the -r1 — — » •'••'yx. igij wirnira iro it is believed that, the top to the ear wa* *41 that laved the orrupaota from boing killed ouright. Th tooling ear Hid rot fore ao badly, the only dam age to thr par being the smashed wheel and a bent fender. However, one of the Iodic* was injured hut it 1* not believed acrioualy. Hu. wa* in bed yeitcrday however, aa a result of the collision, not having sufficiently m, revered an to be up. Dr. Tally's ear was going In the direction of Duke snd the Tart car wa* coming into town, when bio accident occurred a* Ihv ears were passing—it being staled lh*t one of the driver* turned back into thr road too voon, after having first turned out sufficiently to hi* tight. The eider Mr. Tally was taken to hia home at Coats, where he re ceived medical attention. _1_ The correct height of sink, iron leg board and work tables help the hou* wife cheat old age by keeping her good posture. LILLINCTON WILL HAVE A THANKSGIVING DANCE Liltington, Nov*? ' U~—Proprietor Frvd C Morgan of Tht KUHsgrty announce* that he ia arranging for a dance on the evening of the 80th_ Thanksgiving. People throughout tbi* sectivo arr rrp.dly becoming ac quainted with Mr. Morgan and hia hotel and it is predicted that hs will have a "large house" here for the Mil KVJT DIRECTORS VOTE SECOND ADVANCE Cotton Co-Opwrativa* To Pro* cood Afimit Contract Breakers Another advance of Iwenty-ftvc dollars on on Hi bale of cotton deliv e-vd to th« North Carolina Cotton G rowels' Co-opetalivc association will bo made on December 15th, it was decided by the board of director* i at their monthly meeting. The aee-J ond advance will be made only on, rotton that is delivered on or before December 1st. The board of director* also derided to take prompt legal action againvt members of the association who vio lated their oonlraeta. The cotton co op.-ratio's have not so for taken any iagnl action against contract breaker*. The field service department was In structed yesterday to ferret out vio latom nnd offiron of the association were iastnietnd to secure injunctions In such cases as warrant It and to start suits for liquidated damage* in case* where cotton ban boon sold by members. W. A. Shackleford, of Snow Hill, one of the most energetic and en thusiastic field rcpnwenWivos of ton assoc i sis on, arms olcctsd as a director In nieem-d Sheriff i. E. Herring, also of Snow Ilill, who v»i forced u* re sign or. account of ill hoaHh. Sheriff Herring has been a faithful member ef the board. Ss a . .t < .... —wrww«Ia on ••vwrti oi mrarmn rttending ycvterdwyV meeting inclu ded President W. H. Auitin, r i 4* i *. •, . rmmwl . It'# it'iC of '* ** **U i* .O M.iti'V la* vc w|; o.ik ■ So do Arltk in.,»ci Or l*< !< V I 1 AO* i •!pa he ..<f e. nwif, tvk.ch most frame the bitli for Houw rc-apponionate. There v.-'ll be a big ahift around,, regard?cas of whether the seniority • ystem holds op o’- falls dow i. About en raes’iciea arc »o be filled on ap iropriol'eua. A scramble already ha. :*ru-d for four of the eight Repub lican fliircs on the rules committee, ehlch will be vacant. Bfasrnc’iusott« will cling to raorch at raaii::r ami interstate commirc#, irvo CMUnitlrpi in which important |' irislation will be considered. The steering committee, which ■hope, legislation, consists of seven nenibets, tso of whom will not come *rcrcr tcd a: the Metropolitan Op.ru House on Monday and Tui-s iluy. November 27-28 by » averted can of home people which will In clude the very cream of the dramatic ail i-iavieel talent of Dunn. The production In ‘My Uncle Prom Japan’ r.nd it one of those tuneful cornadica by the author of "A Bachelor’s Hon : i moor,” brim-'ull of pure vpnrhling 'in, p-efty girl*, hamlromr eoitum ir.jt and ca.chy ronga. Mr. Henry Mr Iver will d'.rset t'.ie play sad aim ap l'enr in the lcudi.-g character rolo as “Ili tiktib Bsrnjbjr” the unelr from Janan. Then there arc some of the old f.-.voiitet In the cast >s well at tome new thetpians. T-iiv p 'odue’ on it undnr tic aus pices of Ibe Cornelius He.rm-tt Chap ter Daughters of the American Revo 'otibii Ar.d the iroeccdr will jro t« tract a nmoi i*l to tba boy» w'io ! nr.'dt: Iho >uplenv sacrifice in she Into world war. However, the lad to ire not arkln* for any donations hat •dfirr yoo nmeeciMont for ja»t one-half 'tho price that you would have to pay I to see Ic any other town. The pUy wav to b* prccenUnl next l wi-ek but In ordi-r not to conflict with |tV mrrtmirt now ia protrrraa at tht ] Huilbt cnurrh it wm decided to peot ponr tho play until tha following .wick. Tic ticket caippatfP' will bo 1 jtIa ncxl Te-aday, The Irtfiea will cnll 1 around at that time and wo feel rare j they will meet with the slews) sue cuts they so Ju ty desen in pro motiii* tlila won..7 enuao. POLICE GAZETTE ', P.DI OR DIES AT NTW JE13I.V HOMI Sad Bank, N. t.. Nov. 15c—Well ard By to Fox, odder and pabllihor ai The Police Gao otto, International!] known apart publication, died at bli hwiwa yesterday. Ha had boon In fall . In* health for a year. Mr. Foa waa born In Belfast. Ire land, in 1*4* Um non of n mocnaoic •a cinch k.iy , -tain prise in doomed o .]irappo>.teu*)t m thr vote* earn •c far show a very close me* indeed .ii>d ?*nt until the lest veto Is roanted .rber 29th. will there be say •• a* ' ty ft* to ju*t who the winner! j .Till tw. CHARGES EXORBITANT PRICES FOR AIRPLANES * wo C>»b Cwnillw Hihi Repertt Cdi* Fee Open f iwa«ti Vrrliii.plon. Nor. 18.—Charge* by • frn.mif.ro of the Aero Clob of Am* : ■ f n viat •Vr.-.svrou*’' airplanes have jv.ta ts the government “at aa . ricncMy hlgi price*.," were pre* /'CU(i TtKi.lcy by lifimatiUn Woodruff. Repoblican. Michigan, to •'hairoisn Ktltey, of a House sab comm’-tiir i.iok into the ebargas and announced v.sold illacuaa the cub . .: islet in tha Hoaae. Tile • apart of the Aero dob cob in'itrv .* r *i forth that tftr elab weald : wage an crgunlsed fight for open com- J petitl-e Vdding ami charged that by! v’olat.oa oC du anti-trust laws all. competition hail hero eliminated and ! siesv idtn: investo a and manafae-1 ’ «r< rr p«cv. nltd ft.»* applying the s.m> :,nd >-rvp with improved eir err.ft It also aria charged that after I the government had paid imhorbKant I pries* for alrplasei they had been; umd for ‘‘propaganda” rtanti iucb “r« ‘Vat wltteV. killed an anna avia* lor tfc>» week at Hartford, Cam., and ! i-in*.v» t‘;ir .Iretil of mare than tarty ■•'It ■'<-rriec officer* dcrtriy the past yrei (LAND SALE FOR TAXES f PASSED OFF QUIETLY! • -- i n. Sheri*. Humr, Collected Mm* Moaoy Jut Prior ta Ika I I i linay.oa, K«v. i«_fthori* Bill VcArtae pulled off hi* land sale as tcv-dalo tiSHi in front of tho oaurt np»o rr.m. ntal affairs through woam* suf >r were forecast to spoechca Moo lap at the world’* convention of Ae Weme.Vi CXsrirtioa Temperance Oa tob Altar a speech af adraai bp Flavor Moore, who aoid *«♦ all ad 11 da) power was boing good to en force the eighteenth aamdbaoat, but that inadequate fore** of fnrrr’Htlia rfrnts an unable to rope with tha orobletn. delegate* from Japan, Ger many and Austria told of tha toils being waged in thoFr countries * fa loot into* tea ting liquor. Mrs. O. M. KubaiMro, of Japan, isld the Jspaa esc Union had a total •nerr.be mh ip at present of S4.0M »*a ora;-> and eUUrtn and that one of U* gruo:»*c steps toward prohibition kau taken place with the paaaiag to the law last April forbidding the sale to Intov eating Uqaor to minora. Mon t'm 10 OC .000 miners on declared ■" ** r-«*«etoff by the mcasarr. Mrs. Kobo*"ire olao aaid the ■ iwn ad -er coos try were ftgfctfeg far a te yk stunlard of morality. Praolein Guatel Bom Blacker, pres J>.at to the Deutaekor Bund Abate mUr Frnr.-n hi Germany, mltoHil f Gerainy within eight yean ami added that the world was rapid>p go log dr*. OPTUS SS CENTS MW AND FOE NETUEM OT HU SON Atlanta, Nor. 1*.—"Ftfty cento fa ward and no qocetio* »*ted," «u afforad to any Atlanta pdlMH «%a “HI r»V«ra 4. T. Wrtktee. 4r., |f yrara old. to tua fatter la it i'i Al*., aeeeHbtg t« a tetter nnhil today by /mn L. Boorora, ebtof of po'-tct ad AUaaU. Tki la I* father wrote Chief Baa rare that he waa "attryks MaaV lick*' a Wat tea bay aad that ba aidd r'tety pay dfty arate to any eaa ter tafaawaUoa aWat^bfaia The tey ted I *«• tktyytnf u oat daaMbto, aatya V. W. LawU, tiecataak laarbalfw •PtetoBN. By N*t taadtoc Day bate ■ d*r batter, da aat haaa aa taadb ihriidnaa aad taka aa a better *tO" •t the witei bafeea they mm aaite ’