THE DUN VOLUME IX DUNN. NORTH DISPAT IBER 24, ina. KU KLUX VICTOR IN COURT BATTLE AT COUNTY SEAT Ststo Ui»bU To Prove CtM Againat AU«|«1 MemUi Of Mob J U D G EJLECTURES Venable Jurist Civ·· Anderaon Crook Community Bibli cal Advice By W. T. B0.1 (In Crerneboro New») Lllllnfon, Not. 21. — Common-i wealth and Invisible empire foagfct It out here today tod the powers of darkneaa von. The (tatc could not percoade Juilfc* Oliver Allan that there waaj Ητρη probable caoae tor holdlnf Lronanl Do' I and Waiter We at, whom Ν. H Thotr.tor identified u two of the men who flogged bin Mod- | day night prneedinc the eloetion. The feeble alibi of the jroogpUn waa almoet at »trong aa the evidence of· the irwarthy tenant, who admitted absenting himrclf from <*hureh aome- ! tiree nod dr km κ a little liquor oe caaéonally. Either dceUion of the jtt ·*·< «ν.» t. j—w — >'—- — «—■-» I __ · - ■" * 1 would Κ*τ* been underatandable. The •late vu Ah y of unimpeachable teati-j raony. Vevertheleaa, the state tbowud that l/i Anderaon'· CrMk lown»h«p, near th» Harnett-Cumberland Una. there ■ i« a rampant band of «anctiêed ttfu latloniata led by a praechrr who eas ily harntoDlia· th» terrorising of wo man and children and didpUthif) ef. hi· Lord, Pmmon W. C. Dowd ham't j b«D aocuaed in court af Wading thai the Ku Khax nidi on Aaderuoa'i un d eel rub lee ; but he h*a baan Itaud aa a forerunner of tha holy ghoeu wbaaa aectaraal apparitioaa make country Ufa hldeeaa for the reaidaata of that shirt-ridden territory. Pareea IW. H.kiU In a word, ptiaon Dowd haa bad a habit, ao wttaeeeae testified, of ttr» lns UP a few ihtntaa ahpaii of tha maaked Bob, warning folks hare and folka there, that there ta troubla a head or there ia not. Whea Ha Thornton'» home wa· visited the par eon wu pi leant. Tbe woman wmj frightened half to death, the children were wane terrified. Hot no word came from the preacher to the thug* following hia unexpected paatoral via It lodge Allen in a long homily oa rtghteouaneaa aa he dlsmiaaed the con gregation, aald Η would hare bean a Sne time te lead a player aerriee and told how the Eer. John N. Cola « melted r>f ■ mnittn Haw keeper by hatpin* ϋ» liquor (rHo« to roll t barrel of boose oa ι wagon from which It had fall··. Tbe Rot. Mr. Dowd bowed broadly M Judge Allon preached. Bat the parson, if ho forgot bis religion too much to pray did not remember to take up collaetlon, to the lapses balança. Ihi evidence offered by the itato itjwed that Monday night Thornton'* Mpu was visited, he was entioed out bf a story that the men needed Mf on their nlomobfle. He came out with lantern, they seised him, eeverodl hie head with a coat, handcuffed bins, drove off with hiss, stripped him of ι Ms trousers and beat htm. They then I set htm hack ta the road, told him to' ran, shot at Mm and drare off. The Uttle farmer said he recognised Leon-( ard Wood, eighteen-year old son ot Rev. Mr. Wood, and Walter Wa*t,i The only excuse offend for thia! boating was that Thornton didn't go to church and fooled with liquor. Πβ said Ha had not been attending Rev. Mr. Wood's church hut his *r taught Sunday school there. Be also' testified that he drove sen· of the Dowd continrent off one night at 11 o'eloek after ho discovered that theyj wort at his homo spying on hlsn and sotting a trap for Mm. Β Ο. Gakty iMtaa Twiao B. O. Oalney wsi sworn. Ho was beaten twise Sunday eight. The Qmt Ho||l»| was preceded by ehureh talk, by demand that ho toll where a e«rr. tain still wm Ha denied aay knowl edge of It and wps whipped. 80 stood oat that ho knew nothing pn4 waa whipped again Thors were about etna .mé^asfcll. ■ mMsfc wtalAoJ II he Mlrt, paring M »m»U m that. AM w*i wiAH In Dm ragnktton Κα Ikn rat*. Dr. I. W. WaHani «fco rnnlntd «ha «Km· «aid ha *H ηητ brutally braton Til· faDrrw ooaM Kardly ««Ik today. Dilt Mrnmd B*n4aT night la*. Tkb Watlnf ι»··» to ha τ» fra*ni out «( an organiaad effort to braafc ay Uw ktutiif today. Varieuj ytrtni were rlattad by W>» rebad racalaton and told that «*W«| tfca tedteteewto wfckah There to· aara·* a*t «··*»«* Powd and Waat vara arlthdrawii sthata wa«|d ba yl*· ttod. Kn. TVanrtoa toatMad tfca» *a klansmcn hail been prncdti kjr P. A. C«n»dy and W. C. Dowd who a#priaed her and other· that the younger Dowd and. ψ*Λ did sot beat Thornton bat other* of Um klen did and the warranta muât bo withdrawn, ι Thr itate had indicted Canady alone I with Wnt and Dowd, but withdraw , ill charter before the investigation had gone rery far. It waa seeking to •how conspiracy on Canada's part. CalU Lawyer Lia» Mr*. Thornton cava the court · little e&cilement when Attorney Jamtl Best appearing (or the défend ante examined her aa to her habita. She denied that her hasband waa un kind to her and paid tribute to hi· ia duatry, he ha* made 12 baie· of cot ton thla year. "You and your haaband have the reputation of selling Hqo orT" Mr. Beat aaked. "You are a liar," the woman snap ped. Judge Allen madj her take It baek and ah* made thereafter a tract· ' able and Intelligent witneee. She Mid Uie in aaked crowd «peeking through one of I ta member· aaJd the boya In-1 dieted had nothing to da with th· beating She quoted Preacher Wood aa another of the itatcment that the' mob bad aaid there would be trouble If the warranta wen. not withdrawn. ror ιη· oeienae ut· boym offirtd' their own famQiea and Caaady'a tee ttmony to prove that t)»y «ort«d Monday Wfon election and retired | •arly that evening. Thornton wtl beaten «bout 10 o'clock at night, bol Gainer was visited Sunday aft·moon ι two boar· before «unset aad whipped | hy the robed klao. The boys denied belonging to any | klan and aaid that they had beard nothing of the (togging gives Thor»-' ton un*! TtiunKÉay foHoertng the' Monday night viait. Re*. Wood teat·-1 rted to the earn*· facta. Th- atate did net develop the fart' (liai the law and order league waa ; engineered by the Dowda, Caaadys and Weata But the preacher haa had a «art of raiding permit 'fie Isn't a deputy ah*rift but he participates in raiiia and haa ttnftathiog of the prerofatiaaa of a deputy The theory of the atate haa been that the thugs «tie have been baatirg auapeete oat there are not real Usa—so bat iaa poeu>r«. ta%Jf|p Alba lap^a t» th* . opinion tftat thaaa ara la»pal ted klanaman aa there U no organisation In Harnett. New Leee Road There te a at range thing about them. They never fail to viait the right place. The road to thaae ten ante' houses are devious and no or-1 dinar? traveler could reach the ob jectives without great trouble. Tha* convince» the state of the local lté ership famished. The «Ut· was cob- ; ftdmt that Thornton bad named tlx ' riff tit meiT and more eenrlnoed wheel' it developed th* organised couplnqr I to free th* accused fellow*. Tbe klaaaroen re» in uncomaon hack twice. They wool to the home of John Hudson. parked mraereoi automobiles in hi* yard, cal lad kia out but found him sick. That hap pened the night that Thornton waa1 beaten. They came back again 8β> (tay night, last, and ha waa fen·. They notified Mrs. Hudson that bar husband was helping to prosecute Dowri and West, and that these war rants must be withdrawn. They woold not stop whan she Informed them that: her husband waa away; (key ransack- { od the house and mads a complete ( examination of it Hudson la · man who wo old use · can. Had he bean] there, somebody wovld have boon •narked and the state would have bad indisputable evidence. When Judge All·· began lettering, I he said he had allowed groat latitude, because be wanted the community to j gat a picture of itself. It waa · tor- [ rible place. He waa aorry (hat It is ee terrible aa to call for masked regulatots. Ha thought these men Tory wrong to' take Sunday afternoon lot thsae de monstrations. They ought to be hold-' ing prayer usee tings, ought to be thinking of Chriat Brother Dowd waa nodding asaent; be certainly mas* have thought the Judge waa on hie side. W—ι. CHm ta-d» Ψ·u«|r The jadga think· running g atU) •hoold t« ι f«lony If mad* «nk » blockader wrjuld a«t ran <k«i g n vernier apota khn Imimi the «patter% rould Own «hoot H· deatarad «hen' meet W am etilngaat law* garem •nf the llqoor tauiaega. Mm l>i nek M Harnatt*· I. W. MeArtaa tnld br««k «y htm with th» right «art1 of la»», ka nid. Ha ma again·* any' le aie ne» far flrat afaadari ta liquor eita·. Bat kaattng α» man la airfai. ka declared : "I wlih the praaelier ta that crowd had nid, taka off ywmr maakt and let a* pray," tka ja4ge *orrewfalljr ami "Wa Vara gait ta rat amnathing af CkHat ta thla taut naaa," ka «eatlmed, a ad Pareon Woad bowed . buwek af «a eta»— I · 4 WOMAN'S CLUB PLANS MEMORIAL TO DEAD OF WAR Will Honor TU· Who Foil la Sorric· Of The ι N«tio· TO BUILD FOUNTAIN, ProcMdi From Hon· T>1—t Muictl Production To Co Toward Fund Some little time after April, 1917. | tight young nun of Dun* utd Hi •nrlrona, along with lema hundred* of other·, marcbad away to moke tb* ; world ■(( for thooo thiaga that tb* German annio· threatened. Tb* him hundred· of olben came back, bat the ei<j+it aevor did. They won Wal ter I. Barefoot, J tarn Awrj, Julio*i A. Wad*, Radford Smith, J aha P. I Draoghon, CHarlo* JohnooB, lit); Wa-' ...I Willi.·, τ β em Γ of theae ran in Flandan F.eld*; hm died in hoapitali; Dm bo diet cf other* here been returned te their native eoD. Dann remember*; nil, eceralnr yet to we their vlffer»*· younit bodire a* they mtrched letf to w»r; to hear their leufhter andj to eifjojr their faille·. It era* but a little while uo that they left to lay their younc Hree aa eaertflcoe upon, the altar of human liberty. Bat, they are rone. Left ta the ι onuranity ii only the mnnory <rf their aaertfiee and the ahort lire* they lived. Jut before hi* death or the Aaid of fiery, Lieutenant Colonel John MeCrac wrote of these boy* and the j thoaaande who, like them, made the | uprrme aicrifln for country In hi* τι mortal po«m—"In Danikr» Field:" In Plandeia Field the popyiaa grow Between the croaaee, row on raw. That mart oar place; and In the Ay, rbe lark*, (till hrarely aiaelaf, fly. Be* re* heard amid the ran* baWw. W* are the dead Ant ilqr4r'' *a tfcagft*» · ι· μΊΤΤΤΊ>»1||-|Γ Lertd and ware loved, aad aow wa Be Ln Fiancer* Field*. Take op oar quarrel with the foal To yon, from falling band», we throw The Torth. Be yew to lift It high. If yon break faith with thoae who die; We ahall not deep, though popplee blew In F lander» Field*. After the gallant MeCrmc had fal len Moine Michael replied with ftiia: Oh you who deep in F7enderi Field»: Sleep rweet to rlae anew! We caught the torch yoa threw, And holding high We kept the faKh with thoee who died. We eheriah too the poppy rod That grow· on fleld* wtiere valor lad; It eeema to ngnal hi tho aide· rhat blood of herooa nerer diaa. Bat lend* a liutre to the rod Of the flower that bloom* above the dead Γη Flindon FM da. And now the torch and poppy red We wear In honor of oar dead. Fear naugM that ye hare died for naught; We have loomed the leaaon that ye' taught [n Plandera Field». Kow. four year» after peace ha* ( come to America, Dunn, through ita Woman'· CTob, *o«k» to b«Od a me ■aerial to Ita boy» who fell. TMe rae«o-| β rial. Mr*. J. Lloyd Wade aatd tlila morning, tx to be a drinking fountain which ia to ataad forever a» a monu ment to tbeae valiant boy*. To Mia· fond* for thie manorial tho dab la to afaga a aariaa of home talent play». Ttie firat la to tone next Monday and Tuoaday night·— "My Undo from Japan," an oseeUont maaieal production which la ta bai ψ+m In Municipal Theatre. The pro- ' cooda from tfcla production ar» to bo I applied to the memorial fend. Write a card to tho editor, ag(4· roi tarai «tunakon Mrvfea, IUl»t»h, Ν. (I, fer t eoTiy of tlrnltr 1M. H tolh bow te faod bag· fer ft»· IH. W. W. Diagr pnfini H froaa Um nnlti imrid bjr liiam ta, h«f d«aw*JtTaitleiM. Rut wMr <H< prmy and tk· prpathT MTtr AoaeM te «ail a· Um IcntrM wfcor wmnh «ad iklUna were eryt»»e X- A*r prM*nea. MaanwJilla. Hamatt I· ten a* la Aadmoa't and eaewbedy k raine ta pt hun aat than·. ι CONTESTS NEXT Dr»· ο· FIVE LYS LEFT At I »» who I; TkU Will N« JudfM I Until From In J art <Wt tk« Dunn compoifn will moatho foitfcfal ■ circulotioB of oifht o'clock ■ag Um cloood u>d no ctpM. The appointed to ι complet* chore· 1 worker· In ••boeription for their ι boooting the ». At oxoetly bo o««Ulj criptiom oi V tfco j<ul«M will talto umt carefully 1 award tha priât*.. Λ aaalad ballot j rd at the ea Uic Chamber itr p'.ioni t'a η any Un· befora (!ty mrerlnj. car· aPil :·>«<· .-. ni :h envelope coi ht »Md on ι money, or tioi a. No c.iaeka of 4 tepted daring 1 if oay caixlidata payment of a V.Tt t·»" ofceek n>)f aad caahod I 'x~\. There cen ] to thia rota oJ ou lu; by clHcta The mai β aiked araud « voua of will thr. in thr bor. M. Wrdnr afcoiild teks aubte ripilon. wO) 1 wHtovt the will ba ac àajw and ' ! a cheek in j aha ahoalri j te •ta« in the | M 1 win Wa drrre will ray araniax \ ail the *ote« crndxiatea und t tir most int ncc a*er befor» '.■on of the atata. Th« battle haa bAq bard foogtit all ] tk# wa« A» Wh) th« beet prîtes ard Indeed ta be congratulated aa tkt; here been op po*(t by moat iadatilou and ·μτ> Getie worker*. A beetle battla VM looked (or from the tint, bat no one imagined Aet all tha aivn candidates would finish tha rwoe, and make a kid for tk« capital pria» right ip ta tha very Anish of the Mn. Τ ht campaign kaf baaa a n»»« la the number of jMbforfbrn that kaee been added to tha IU, tha malllag Hat of tha Donn Dtopaleh hartag ha·· the new sabserlben being is tha Dana trading territory, Una greatly en Same lag the ralae ai the Dispatch u an advertising madliai ta Ma edroTtia ing patrons. ThU has baaa made pos *Ne by the «trenuoms effort· pat forth by the differ··* candidate*. The Dispatch fa no* in a better poo-Hen ta tent Dana, ι be £«an District and its rr.crtbanU. The campaign waj b> : ugarated not for qwnatary gala, bat timnly uaad aa a mean» of maklag ~>o advertising nhma of tha paper mora valuable to the hone nit an ta It I* te tha Internat of a candidate to try aad get a* many ef theee who have giron him or her a aabeartgOoa previously la tha oaatpaiga te give mother. If a candidate feruree an additional subscription from a rab •rribor who bee paid before, then the •-eeoDd îabwripUoa wlU meat an (fee TO*» period that M original robaerip •Jon vaa taken. Tkaa If · saksufcstj look the Dispatch during Ike opening) period and now give· a second wb rriptlon te tha 0mle candidate. then ι he second «wbeeriptlon weald ahnply be a continuation af the nrigiaal sab· Tiption. and DO MlUr whan token woold entitle Aa candidate to ae many bean· rotes ae the mm sabeeription originally entitled her to. Hrwerer, a candidate must mark "ascend nb ft»· the du· of htr report «a wfctofc Um OT%l*l .aWrtprtlen appear· TM» ruttrvg to foDjr itfmd I· nk ïambor 11 In Um arlftnai "Rmbw CondUla··" hi lk« ojarrfnc raMto m foOawai "A ntoniptton «ne* uM Hi by a Motor «id •d at any tla»« Ivrtaf Ota ii>ilp β» Jrtr· btrtftd tha Um It ·—» ort «laally t—< h far will tont· Λ» ran* val·· aa Aee^i tba fall aab rcrtpUaa haa baae tarnad la aricta alljr, pravMad tha iWai )>«<»■ «V^af U awfcad 'Sara·* M|.' ia4 4a*a af ASSOCIATION CALLS ALL COTTON OUT OffiMT· tM «C rainvWm of Dm North Cmttai ι ton Grower»' Co-operative Aaetitia tion, in order that wmnmU may! be mad· for the second advance of Stt a bale which Am board of direc tor· hat art for December IS. The board has instructed the oC cot* of the Association to take left*] action agaiMt monger· of the Amo elation who havn wUlfnllj violated their contracta, and H I· announced that thia wfll bo éom aa toon aa th« data ha· boon collected. It it not '►altered by the ο β ter» of th« inn ciation that there ha» been any eor> skteiable number of wrillful violator» of contracta. Cotton continaea to bo delivered at almoat the umc daily average aa in October, and tbia conatant stream rf cotton corning into the Association has been · remarkable achievement on the part of the co-operative*. The member» of the Association hare done their part by |triii| their loyal •epport to thoaa charted with the sale of cotton, officer» declare. The rotto» co-op«jrativee hare born waMiH kecuK of lack of adequate fHrttK ia which to worV. Th« htadqiuten aUf raorrd kit *«k bitt iti {wnnirimt quartan in R* WijV and U now »n*»**l In clearing 9f the ma· af voA In connection with t>>· hauadlu ι* of many thouaandi of cotton. T>· roah seftwn for d»lir»Ti«« U eapectod to eoatinu· antil well through DocofDbor, oOcei· ttate. eenk «tant*· nv?rt liitirg orijrnal ,et>?erir.'on «· ιί*·Ρ·" TV» «eleetior of Xi>«rt Herbert Taylor, cnahler of the Flrnt National Rank; T. V. Smith, pfeMent of the Slato Bank anil Treat Company; Jin Oa*ta, eaahler of tba Coarmeirl·) Bank, all of Don a, and Mr. flatten, Mahler of the hank at UUingten, ha» mot with untvrtnaj fever, all of the contemn ta malixing that wltfa the·· raon la char*· of tha ballot box that •11 will receive a ««ear· deal. The onoa who an fortanata enough to obtala th· moat vota· and win t>· capital prlae may raat aaearad that they win h« eorvfratalaUJ flnt by •hrne who have been working agalnet them. In poftfe' or any ether ram far anprcnMey there an «aaatlnna "hard leM.a," b it R la certain thtt tha eandtdatea 'a thia driru will be rood winner·, h they win, or gra»a ioaara. If t oy fail ta via the pHae they hep> for. Of eearae all eannot h· «Hnaac». and th* few re maining da· a will deehto J «at who , will ilrfva ι. way la the aatomnMlea. A tubaertptij* teak aaw may he tha > difference In a (ante pria·, and a Mali ' ana, aa got exceedingly heay and make the laat few day· eeant. ESTIMATES BOLL WEEVIL DAMAGE ΑΤΜΟΜΟΜΜ ΟΟ.'.υΟΟ by the werril, tccvnHnf te α Ha-rie Jordan, c.irmi Co:! o>ltirv«/ a mect.»r of the tu'e*. merchant» ami Γ··Η·Μη* kt the Clumber βί Cow·! -,nnee Thuraday at oood. Mr. Jor.'iin euJmatce that the V* to the ΚΓΟΤΓ» thj year through! :>· damage (lotM by boll waavfla will j ·.■ ugir-c»t« 4.000,000 bate·. The vil ^jfeituUon now • < ttor. belt, it if 'rum iia:hw»*wrn Tea·· te Um nor·' ihrra tier of coantiee in North Car*-| I'ra. Mr. Jon'an If c»·rally Λ-«util«ut the rbatb, having "· i.if»t<-<l with the American Cet te ι KMoc.'atlon for a cumber of ;·ρλ: Ho wlTJ eppr-ir at the Cham· bu.' οΓ Coaaeni· far tbr penwe ai —ouain* the local mm STOictft of the cot&m indttJtry in the I «■•utn. The mivencnt of the cotton u-f «.ctt'oii to aid the fanner of the -ootH W the tight against the pelt la' IIVral)j supported by ■— .•or-r» *nd one local maoafaetttar '% -rwrted to havt promised ta ean tri Su to *500 to the eau.T Co r Hie cotton situation, Μ». „'οτ·'-ι·» ctatM! "The haaard of cotlor oronoctioa ka* till·» «a in«! lu Jm heorlly infested haB pwl r»i credit· to cotton lUT wera lw»vo been doatrvyad n4 Ha»- ?> .-ebuilng anri debt-paying •w-er hu atmoet ecaaad. Kuqr thou«*nd» of «π*11 tenant and ι Clipper cotton |IOW»W. wtiO I connitatc the large majartty of grower*, have become dlacoangad, lfft -Jir ferma, and gone lato the l» ri*l rtntnra to earn a Mrhtg wage for thrmwlvM aad faialltaa. "It hM baea practically dlMan dated on many eetton farm· that by eflclcm. inter»·'.»· rultaral BMth ttiit, liberal o*> of high grade fertOla o.* r.m' the proper ippTlciH·* at j.ii;c"9to poi»'<n<. that cattail aaa be profitaVy grown ia the >wt keavtly I inf cited ball tmrll ara··. Tneee , flat·* and method· af utt— colter· ι ma»t be ώυ»η In a practical way to ihe mat wwit of the cotton grow era and their act!*i:'e· -',.«· ted Η the crop» ef the futarj are ta ha «▼ad frai· diiaitr»." He tiVn waold look with rniliaH upon the famar1· partait to Mt wor thy the h «mo of a maa.—Buchat. Make plana naw ta grew a law hag· next rraMn. The neighbor· MM h.-lp you mate «ρ · carlet Jar aala • 4llrtf Tkla tfari· a » priai ugly good eaah toea·» when nta aey U tight. SANTA CLAUS HERE I |H)R PRELIMINARY SOP.VEY OF FIELD LiitU i 1 Bdwvxr Of KM· V· VISITS TOY SHOPS !.:Urn»wi PrcftNtr T· Cheek if? On WCUMiw Suiû On» h-t »■<«( V e't f> Uttui pxtlunl. a<? la Ma vtol· il>w ** ΓΜ>μμ in, Hm wired Utd· »»■>'»—■, vfau rrer ritt j t» «tow older, M kl λ wy ry moo.) vhaa he aw I· to »T h !» .-♦/poet· t» TV Diiyateb ataff *:»* ht Wit ylmil wit* tkm iepott «•-Î. rf Hi* little friaoda who ν* *· 't iee!p'.»»iU of A· ataagτ flfia ha t pÎ.-jirHg to bring tkm on tkt ι V» t.arir· iwlncUerr era da· M ] hrsech iha air to rhiamay toy* ι "'.c ccuntry aWa. ν/hi» ï-are he pnW a aocrat call ι·ο irifrwor W. 8. Snip*·, « w+io «ν· t»· M UttW boya oil pbtt wKi» etc oU nN|ll toptt. «Heel. H- looked ever Che ι «port -'.J- 't '21 of thMB. On mm h· - iru tnnA» itial w·^· net z'i bat he ρ onM to Λΐύή all pi«rloai taé wih V J I u'.jr. qurct cnne pun f»ld- ' V)M -44 fallow uidhtwti planaiti* ο sake Ju> coming ChriaUM» vm mt 'τ !-««rî end wirWit i'.dh fee wu. "ve : cnieky tier· txpcrittcW by the ■i t j i!jf r-r tb· lut tw» er 1 ■t>r. Hw tfKttl U· Dirinf tike·· '-sud «f. He wm Mt akW te de mu » «Mil by hi· IIttle friand* Mb· kubd to, bac thl· yaar to ahartd to Suata dent··! lhal br had iUuiM hi* faitkfal nWnr la tmrmr et am MtopIaiM. "Th. «bip· ut the ait,- to Mid, "itp too dtaprmi for u (id MIm Uke m. They hnv· « way rf falling to the vrth, and «km wd< ι··1 the toy· bo if I «m to f>U at Chrtotrae* Im. My faithfml old A» on and Dancer and the Mt of the «tard· which draw By aMgfc «m gat· Une «Id, hot th«y «till in *%er>M and willia* to Malta the leng triya. With·at them I wooMat want ta to Santa Wft veotenUv far hi* •rithin tkc Arctic Orel·, «tor· In will açtmd tho ant Mitk la pnfvt tinn fur Ul MHb| to Dunn M D· unWr 14. H« aakrd Dm DUyattb M tell all of h» Uttic frfewd· tint b· would to «· A· Jab «ad M> Um thil jeer. MU. STSPHBIU HMT1M OlM at tkm >nlHw p*i it— of 0» noon by Mr·. L C. lUfbui fkw «h· aatcrtahiad Ο» «Mwbni ef bM dob u< · beat ·( eCtor Wwii Th· htra >lnp i>h»lHii «M doro.-iWI '.kn«|koit rerepMm kd< llrlay nob and pidon wkfc aQrar and «nUI baabat» of |«Pmt «toy· utixMiK·, 1mm and at bar pa Ma I piiili tor aty haad yahrted pitn card· marked pheM tor limb «I right tablra of pmiarin brtdf· Md - «c'a. After aa»fl la<aia»»lag gmtm tfca 1Mb· iMrtit Vjr bar aMar, Mr*., Mtnd toTrl—· aaWd seltaaic of yellew aad wbita waa aar tiont. CM faaaaber· yiaMM «η Mm dam·· Arthar Ftp». Harper HbUkiay. Goer*» Jfdtoy, ffm. hml, Oar baa Taylor, Qoddard. Dartd PmimU, »W* Tfcifiia, Potbort Taylor. foot, ft L. Daaaiav aad 1. M. *** Otbor («M «ajeytai Mr·. Hqk

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