O 0 o LOCAL 0 o-0 Mttltt IIIIIMIt(«•••••• ¥ WHITE WAY THEATRE ¥-PROGRAM # _ ¥ THURSDAY ¥ "END OF THE WORLD" ¥ A Paramount Special ¥ _ ¥ FRIDAY ¥ “THE YELLOW TYPHOON” ¥ With Aoila Stewart ¥ _ ¥ SATURDAY ¥ "THE RADIO KING” ¥ Episode No. 1 ¥ With Roy Stewart ¥ “LIVE WIRES" ¥ A Universal Western ¥ “DEAD CAME” ¥ Universal Comedy ¥ _ ¥ Coming Soon ¥ THE “GREAT MOMENT" ¥ Mil* Ham*, public health nurse, hai returned from Wadeeboro. where •he spent Think*giving with rela tives. G. C. Womble and eon, Cletui, have returned from Pitteboro, after spend ing a few d*yi with Mr. Woa&le’a mother, who has been seriously in. There will he a box party at Pinay Grove School house Friday night, De cember 8th. at 7:S0 o’clock. The pro ceeds will go to the desk fund. Cape Fear Lodge Knights of Py. this*, are planning to have a big oy ster roast on the rveali* of Decem ber 28th All members and a number of invited guests are expected to at tend. Mrs. W. M. Peele of Aulsnder and Mrs T. H. Bridger* of Lewiston, •pent the week end with their sister, Mrs. Annie Parker, on their return from the Teacher*' Assembly, which W»J held in Raleigh l»*t week. Mr*. LcRoy Bailey ha* returned from a visit to fri«nd* in Belas. Rev. and Mr*. O. B. Perry of Selma were here last week to visit their •laughter, Mr*. Che*. Highsmlth, who has hern quite ill for th« peat several weeks. J. C. Cox of Lumber Bridge, and P. E Monroe of Raatey, spent San-1 •lay her* with Mr. and Mr* R. F.1 Monroe. Mrs Atkineonjjid Ma. R. C. Cax of Red Springs, ware also the gueita of Mr. anil Ma Monro* San day j f. 8. Aldridge of Trinity j Poehaas. praaehad at the1 • Methodist ciiurch Sunday rooming Mr. HuiTaloc. former pastor, morse last wash to his new home in Dui ham, and Mr. Adams who will succeed him ss pastor, has not yst arrived. Mrs. E. N. Johnson and daughter, am visiting the formers' parents is Raleigh for a few days this week. The 01ft Shop announces that through the month of December light refreshments will be served. When doing your Chrmtmas shopping drop In for a cup of tea, ehleken lalad or sandwiehes. Delicious home - candy, packed in attractive boxes, at 60 cento pound. John C. Beard and Miss Mytrie T. Bolton Of Duke, were united in marriage Wednesday evening, Nov ember 20th, at the residence of Rev. E. N. Johnson on South Layton Ave nue. Only a few friends were present at the ceremony which was performed hy Mr. Johnson. Mr. C. A. Baker of D.unn spent Thanksgiving with his sister. Mr*. J. W. Anderson. Mr. Bsker lived hers for several yvars before going to Dunn end his good nature anil sunny smile make him always welcomed by Ida friends, and Ms friends am ail those who ever know hlm.--Willlam Ston Entvi-nrla-, J R Smith and M It Portar re turned Sunday from a visit to rela tives In South Carolina where they spent Thanksgiving. Mr. Smith and Mr. Portar recently located in Dunn and arc establishing themselves as contractors They arc fust completing the Avery Butler residence. Mrs. 8. E. Turbrvllla returned with them and will assist them in their work. The Goldstein Company! Christmas sale begins Thursday morning and will continue through Saturday, De cember 2Srd. The Semi-annual clear ance sale of Johnson Brothers starts this week and will open Friday morning and continue through Sat urday, December l«th. Both those big Dunn stores will give their customer* real bargains during their sates. Goods have been marked down to a low level and the entire stock st both stores U being offered without reservation. PEARCE- BRITT At High noon at the First Baptist church on Saturday. December 2nd. Mr. Robert B. Pearce and Mias OvoBa Britt were married in the presence of a few friends. Rev. E. N. John son. officiating. The bride is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Britt, and la popular with thu younger social act of Dunn. Mr. Pearce is a young busi ness man of promise, bring the earn er of Poaree’s Bakery of Dunn. The young oospla hare the beat wishes of s host of Dunn people who wish for them every happiness anil success. NOTICE TO W. O. W. On Sunday December 17 at 1 o' clock the unveiling of tho S. I.. Jack, ion monument will take place. All members in good standing arc invited to attend. L. B. POPE, C. C„ W. H. STRICKLAND, Clerk, Mingo Camp W. 0. W. S6S. CARD OF THANKS Wn wish to thank our many friends for the numborlasa kindnesses shown u» during our recent sorrow in the loss of our loved one. We also appre ciate the sympathy shown and the quantities of lovely flowers. RAYMOND JOHNSON. AND FAMILY W. W. Shay has begun a register of merit for high class pure bred sows in North Carolina Here is offend another incentive for better hogs in the state. Only the beat can enter tills register. I rum 50 to 100 hens on every farm la the boll wavvil district U mighty good insurance for three square mealk a day. SomeUmas a cooperative rarlol shipment ran be made of the surplus. AT NEWTON GROVE Kev. R. H. Willis, who comes to IK Knyeltsvillc District ns Presiding d •lor from the Elisabeth City DistrUt, will hold his ftnt quarterly confer cnc* for the Newton Grove chave D.umber Oth enJ 10th. Everybody :4 welcome. Come and hear him. 8. W. PHILLIPS, Paator. | ..o-ii'*. JL> • LOCAL *\ MONEY TO LOAN ON FAIUlj lci.de in uimuntn from $1,000 to i->0,000 for J3 years. Godwin and' r'tigxn, Attorney*, Dunn, N. C 1 III NTRRSi I WILL TAKE YOU TO Pamlico Bound for weeks daek, squirrel and bird shooting for $J0 I nay all expenses except board sad ’ •iirl’e. Board for SI daily. Privet* I place. Best shooting. Leave Raleigh 1 each Monday on Pierce Arrow con-, iirted car. Moot parties in Satth field by appointment. For retarrn tions write Cecil Barrington, Clay ton, N. C. , FINE FARMS FOR SALE CHEAP— Your enance to own a farm by pay it.g rent in this way and make the rvoii pny for It. This will be moeh hotter than renting or buying an cutamobile. Own a homo for year family where yoa cannot be driven r.vrvy. Route I, Box *4, Dunn, N. C. IT »t pd. CADET COIL WATER HEATERS— l,ee snd Rye. Prices reasonable. SStle. ; SPECIAL PRICES | < > __ < • ■ ■ » .■ .1. ■ ■— - -' - -- « . < » , I > , I ' Standard Middlings . .. _$2.10 '■ Red Dog. $2.50 i: Sugarine Scratch Feed_$3.00 ; Sugarine Buttermilk Mash_$3.50 ;; Sugarine Dairy Feed__$2 50 !! Sucrene Dairy F eed_$2.25 I | < ► Just a few more tons of the above bar- ; gains left. Next prices will necessarily be 1 higher. Buy now end save the difference. I < ► , ■ » , - « 1 * « . I » , » » i FREEMAN’S CASH GROCERY li 4 I : • < >» " ' I J ”1 II I LOST —SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1*4 oiw brown leather hand beg con «*i"ing a child* cloth. 1 will gladly pay anyone who ha* found the bag. If toond pieaae bring tt to Mr*. Man Maynor, Dana, N. C.. »#• N. Kirn Avenue. *t pd. BRICK-KILN RUN BO PER CENT hutl. Shipment* within 4« hour* after receipt of order. Layton Brick Work*. (Setabliahed lUf) Marion, K C. Dec 1 • mo. LOBT—IN DUKE BIONDAY A DOG. •tooot 1-4 Bin-dale; 1-4 poodle; 1-4 do*, not *ure what other 1-4 la Name "Butter," theac intimate with him call hire "Bum." Hta money value I*—4, however hi* owner* am attached to him and will give reward for hi* return to Dupotrh Office. tf. WANTED SALESMAN KB MAE nett County tu sell lubricating oU direct tu automobile owner* P»* «** preferred. Gaud pay.1 Ivr portico inn write C. E. Itnumt Bos 1064, Creenobotu, N. C. It pd. WANTED.—TO GIT~W TOUGH with some one leading * fuse fore man. Have bad impart—eo U crewins any product grows on form. ft. P. Mao rue, Dana, N. C. Car* general delivery. CMITH. POBTEB A CO., CONTBAC tor* and builders of frame etruc lore*. Ofllre over Butlert Market, PiOM I a d Mliaftrto y wort coor&titsed. 14 tfg. GOOD MOANING have TOO NAD ynor »«,u'.y*r Call 316 and wo - will eond It te yea. F.i-oraan'iJ Caob Grocery. ITtt MONEY TO -lin MUNm f**# »mMl tin—ill Dalian to Wan mi Aral aMton m imA aw _**■_ Pax. I At HOW fO 1AVE MONEY.—fUT IT Jn aatoaokiUw? No. BimotM No. Extra drcraT Ma Pit la and iand, nek a* wfll add to mi **•!&. fcoalth aad hayplaam ifl i ca-« for your widow and AIM ' whn row ar* tern la »Moaa. I har<' tf>« ktoMl < t toad MMd la. I t> ■■'•* MOM Ulan I «aa look adtor and want to dirtdo oa loaf. aaar ww i• 0. laytoa. Data, X. c. Dot. 1, It »d. :A«Ea>E_aTi ma. ruan i<drt. Loo and Ayr. IMt ■MMMMi.^Maaaai ‘7_.... *• **«• .. y -v ■V -. s —arid for the Day's Start—Bread THETIP’S j o foiTilulion likii B rod iov an Hone*t day's work. 8a htg:n ymr day with Bread—Bread in tkt form af to art or rolls, c J« t n w bulu-rvti slices li»««»d i, .dual found.t on-food because— It bu id* tames, orreba* the blood, givoa yoa an abandonee of Mirrsy for your daily tasks Mily Nice Bread is tlip loaf tha t combine* too Bf Food Baloo, dolkl ""Urn of ftov nr, and economy. Ask your grocer. Pearce’* Bakery /**r!. B.O.Tow send Business Pr Located On East Broad, Edgerton and Harnett Streets in -S nbdivided Into 124 Beantifnl Resident! 1 and Business Lots, to be Offered IT AllfTION Wednesd&y> December H I HUl I lUn AT 10:30 O’CLOCK, A. M C,r<,,in*' •“ m0“ “““”* *Ch°°1* “d Ch-'h“’ •» —k~ in Nora. C^lina, win* These very reasonable terms: 1-4 cash; balance 1, 2 and 3 years. 5 per cent discount for cash. a FREE BARBECUE DINNER-$ 100 IN GOLD TO BE GIVENAWAY J. C, Mack Jen, our representative at Young* s Hotel will be glad to show or furnish any information desired. | GOOD MUSIC BY A. C. R. COMPANY BAND SALE CONDUCTED BY i AI1UI1UU VUUUI 11 “The Name That Justifies Your Confidence'’ WM OFFICES ■■ PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. ■■hhhbhhhhi

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