THE PUNNIDISP ■ ,LUME IX.__ DUNN, NORTH CAROLI*^ DECEMBER B, 1022. BAGGETT WOULD PRESS GRADY FOR ANSWER ON KLAN Senator-Elect Inti mate* Legislative Inves tigation GRADY STILL SILENT ON HIS MEMBERSHIP I’.-fgett Declares That No • uviic Cuicial Should Bo Al lowed To Hold Office And AILliate With Organisation Whose Member ship and Pur poses Are Secret. i News »n«l Observer.) If Henry A Ora.ljr, judgr/lcet in tbs Sixth Jii'l.c.aJ il:«t!.rt will neither • m ■ -iny ii? utt.!ui;'o-> with the '. i Klux klan, tlw publir «lioukl In i . - through proper channcla into hie ■ » v. ii » ,(• socret o sanitations, ■ leclarivl John H. LUi^/rtt, senator elect from Harmtt coanty wbo will offrr l measure in thr roming ecu.on ol the General Avembly outlawing all sunk o:gmnieations from the State V <-ugh askcil ilally for more than wri-k» In anrwer th* allegation marie by Dr. Oarar Haywnotl that he 1* a loailer In the ranks of the In. tiiihle F.mplrc, Mr. Cnuy has main. • a ir.Aal ail am a a -w.- —. . g . at . '••■in that he ;& not yet ready to talk. Ki r a work or more he wu not avail able for interview, and since that ke has declined to make any -tatrmert for publication. “In my opinion a judge or any other State officer who hold# mem bcrihip in a secret order, the pur pcoo* of wh,ch are kept secret, and the Identity of whose members is huMan, should not be permitted to longue hold office and affiliate with such an organisation," Mr. B^gett declares. "I cannot conceive that Mr. Grady would belong to such an or ganisation and still ekpeet the people of North Carolina to support him.” Indication* of the pact two weeks with the Idea with which Dr. Oscar H lywmnl connects him. In the event one of the first step* Mr. Raggett will lake, aa a member of the gen eral Assembly, will probably be reso lutions calling for an investigation. Mr. Baggett continues; "8uch affiliation is not in keeping with the spirit of our government, which was founded upon political freedom and religious liberty. If we hold to the noble and fundamental principles enunciated by our forefa thers—which were founded them selves upon the teaching of the meek and lowly Naaarcne—we roust stand for open and ptiblte enforcement of the law* of thla country and not for any clandcatine administration. Opposes Invisible Empire ”1 yield to no man In my loyalty or enthusiasm for the enforcement of the laws of our county, by the properly constituted authorities, but I shall always oppose, and I believe It I* the duty of every good citisen to oppose any secret or invisible em pire or orgsmiaation unwilling to di vulge its membership, its purposes, or it* ahn* I cannot see how any man can take an oath to support the high ideals and purposes of our Constitu tion and at the same time engage in, be a party to, aid and abet, or give Cover to any secret screened, masked organisation that has no place in this wide, open, free American govern ment of r>nr* No« Benefit te Men “When a prominent member oI any »eerel organisation," Mr. Baggett continue*, "i* ashamed and afraid te get on hi* feet in public, or to thn preaa, and relate the fundamental* of h» Keret order, the purposes for which It exiata, or divulge the bene volent acta it hae done and explain It* piece in eoeictr, then that organisa tion it not a benefit to man nor to the community In which It axiatc. It certainly doe* not appeal to American ideal* of government. "The officer, either State or county (and minuter* who permit the white robed one* to walk down the aide and leave $M> note* might bo included here) who accept* any toenet Infla me* to •noble him to carry on U* work I* (imply abutting off tb* power tho govomwiont (aad in tha ca*e of th* min la ter, Jasua) ha* clothed him with. If II ahould be proven thet *uch an on* believe* m th* aeraenad and maakad moba. he (heuld be dealt with by th* authority givaa tho poopU un der our Conatitution aad he peach wont* brought to rid aocioty of him. Caa’t l**o* God tad M—wan “If Mr. Grady belong* to aueh ah organioation, and It I* tha kind it 1* generally reported to bo, than I think, a* 1 hue* pruvtouaty mid, that he nhouM make Ita principles public sad defoud them before the people. But I ha cannot larre dad and anammon. Ha cannot aarva lacracy Iq gnvarn mrat and ba a goad, opan Amarlaan aerrant "In the beginning of thto govern ment aor forefathan ordained and MUb. idled the Union far the pnr poir ef perpetuate* Jaatiee, domeetie tianqaility, common defenee, general ! welfare and aecarc the blaming! of liberty ta tbavualren and posterity. , Under IW!« government wa Hava paa* ed law* prohibiting aay aor rat organ Ination whose purpose It It bo tn any way engage in pall Ural campaigns or mlrecau aecret political prtaefplaa. My bin prapoaaa ta taka tha ataakl and night gwwaa at thli group and bring them In tha fold if law-abid ing rttlaena” PASSENGER TRAIN IS DERAILED AT ENFIELD Enfield, Uk. 7.—Atlantic Coast Line train No. SC split a switch one I i.UU«lrr il )mib south of the station jut Enfi.lil 41 6:10 a. m. derailing ^t car*. two iley coaches and a din ng car. Enp-'ne and tender, and j pullftutu cur> did not leave the track. I Tlir- unglue proceeded north to pas I l ack, I'l-iumlng on Southbound track ■ '»V ng off Pullman can. Two day i (uil.rv we e received from Rocky Mour.t. Transfer of paarengers was olTeeled. xnd the improvised train P ocred.-d north at 9:30. Traffic on I hr nouthbound track will be delayed ^ until noon or later. GREAT PROGRESS IN BUILDING ROADS Ntrtk Carolina Ra.ks High With More Than MO Mile* During Paat Yaar Washington, Dec. 7.—Greater pro grr** was made on the nation's high *>»ys during thr last year than in any similar period in the history #f the county anil thsre is now appar 'em u mal public appreciation of the appearsnet- of maintaining thr roads t. a: an. built, Thomas II. McDonald chief uf the Bureau of Public Roads, Mateo in his annual report to the Secretary of Ag.-iualture made pub In last night It was hardly prubahlr hr born added to tiro federal aid roads alone, he stated and doubtless more than an equal mileage has been constructed without federal assist ance During the year 7.489 mile* of road project were completed and 17, S78 miles were under construction, which were estimated a* fifty per cent complete. Federal aid earned by tho state* on completed and uncompleted project* amounted to 8194,5*0,195, oi which 8166,911,052 bad actually been paid. North Carolina completed TURLINGTON NEWS Mr W. R Turlington hud a big corn •-'Uiking Ta<’Adhy afternoon with a crowd of jolly folio, and plenty to cat anil to drink. Mr. L. L. Tbrlnjtton has bean under the weather this week, due to cold. •His HeUlc Mae Innis one of the Tur ington teachers ie il) with inflo en*a and i* at her home at Sorrull. * Mr. J. L. Stone died Sunday night •til o’clock at his home near Tur lington. Mr. Stone has been falling in h.-nlth far some time. Mra. Stone and fsratly hare the rympathy of the tntlrc community. Mr and Mrs. M. S. Whittington were visitors in the home of Mr. L. L. Turlington Thanksgiving. Mis* Morris one of the Turlington Irschent and Miue Ala Turlington ware guests at u corn (bucking at Mr. Snipe, on Wednesday afternoon. They enjoyed a delightful (upper. Come to the "big blow out” at Turlington school house Saturday December 16th 1922, 7:30 o’eleck Tho "Christ of the An dee” ia a sta tue of the 8*rior, cart in the bronae from tho cannon of opposing Argen tine* and Chileans, standing aaariy 13,000 feet above the level of the sea at Cambre Pass, on the mountain frontier between Argentine Republic ond Chill, ft was placed there isr March. 1904, at a symbol of the per petual peace which was then ewom to by the oppoeing nation*. An in scription on its base roads, "Sooner •hall these mountains crumble to dual than shall tho people of Argentine and Ch
  • be dated January 1, 1923, with the difference ■’ither way to be paid in cash or they may arrange for full cash payment the largest possible amount sf Treas ury Saving* Certificate* in the ex chance. The Treasury Saving* Certificate*, offered in exchange for War Saving* Stampa at thair face value of 36 each, are a government security similar in all respect! to the War Saving* Stamp*, i. c„ yielding 4 per cent Inlfred, compounded semi,annually, if held to maturity, or 3 par cant simple Interest if redeemed to matur ity, except that they art iafted in denomination* of. 325. 3100, and 91, 000. An opportunity is thus offered for the reinvestment of funds on a most attractive basis. Holdon of 323 In War Basing* Stamps can now obtain a $25 Treasury Saving* Certificate and $4.50 in cash. 9100 in War Sav ings Stamps will be exchanged for a 9100 Treasury Savings Certificate end 913 in cash. An owner of 91.000 in War Saving* can get a 91,000 Treasury Saving* Certificate and two 9100 Tiuaaury Saving* Certificate* mil 916 In cash. Possible delay and confusion may be avoided by prompt presentation of the War Saving! Certificate*, son os 1919, at post ofllces or banking jnati tutiona. MRS. RAYMOND JOHNSON DEAD I write a few line* to the Dunn Dispatch of the death of Mrs. Ray mond Johnson: Bister Johnson passed away Decem ber 1, 1912 and her funeral service wai hold at her hone eondaeted by her pastor L. R- Tate of Benton the 2nd of December. Notwithstanding the fact that the weather wan very unfavorable, the many friends of Sister Johnson and her husband, came to her funeral service, a number of whom brought many costly and baaotlful flowers. Sifter Johnson'* body was laid to rest In the Lee cemetery near Cal vary Baptist ehoroh. Sister Johnson ™ •*•«* *0 y*»rt old and she had baen a member of Trinity Missionary Baptl* church for several years. All who knew her seemed to love her. Sha waa the daughter of Mr. Man ning Morgan and aho hue fear slater* »nd one brother, and her mother to mourn their lose. Her father being the only one of tho family who had passed away previous to her death. She married Mr. Raymoad Job son something tike a year aga. A son of Mr. CJeero Johnson near Cal - vary Baptist chareh shoot I mile, from Dann. , 1It a yoang mar wall thought of by all who- personally know Mm and He la a ssaaaarf*I far mer. He and hit wife had Just startod «*t *" life, and they wore doing wad. About throe weeks before the death Awroroagiffl Banka And gS^AQ 000 K.w York. dA destock dlvld end. totaling fBJwp.Ooo were an nounced TueM.A/7 Wus tritl re pent on AtfVaka. bringing liie total stock dfidsBula declared In the Last fvw mofcpVta' more than 61.600,000,000. u, vlri •aally all cases Wean provided for out of vndJatHKkM rerploaes »d pa ran tip in —"-*Jof unfJvor. able taa legialatk^up *e naat Cen The 8tedrbak*A0erp unction ln ereaaed its capitaAmMi $16,000,000 by declaring a 2B.fl^ant mock dfvl dMd. Director* aifemd the cutsm nry annagl ton jW^nt dividend would be continwjBC • ■The Vacuum dtatrib itcd $46 .000,000JH'-aptplaa in the fora of a $00 pcr'Kri stock dMdand. Ihe William Wr#£,> Jnnior, Cre pany declared a J$ per cent divi dend of $l>6co.OQj^renM a_ TheBank of ylfttBan Company, one of tbo o|d«(X|p coanty, In c ranged iu CnoiisaBA 11 Ana non to |JO.#*0.000 by,«*in and declaring a ULjp cant stock dividend. The EqMttti Tna Com pany unionned pUfiao increase iu ripltal from m,ofi>«0 to »2«,M0^ 00«. .nr half oltt* wo«j,| be a MI 14 Stork diemaal aad the re mainder of a nei^Baa of —to wkich holder, .fjE atoch might subscribe. Tko E. 1 l>upoJfirNemou/ Co., .leclamd a fifty p^Bat tlaJ dend amoorjjr*({ tHkOOO.ofh). The Whitman k.dl, »f ^B Bedford, call «d a ttockholdaidH ' to eon i der a stock of fifty p«r cent by toe tloa from *2,000,00* I Thomaevide, Dfip. •—Thankagiv Ing contributions to the Baptfet Or phanage are pouring In like an ava lanche from all phrts of the state, re ports the treasurer-, y. B. H—T«a tkc total today reaching upwards of 1*4.000. The rush if unusually strong on account of the closing of the bowks of the stoto convention whose re r»'*» maat be shaped for the annual »f'SKB to WinaUm-Balsm nAt Tuea •i )■ iftcmoon. Lexington (Fin* Baptist fur-lay •eh.n| leads ‘hi Liberty at-*.**'• a. >1- home of - a - t-rphanage, wilh «v.jr ^l.DVO. Scot:. .d Mock chore > load* the state with nearly *S^OO. the largest paeaohal offering re ported so far is *1,000 by Hn. C. R. Merritt, of It Airy. The larger* gift from a reentry chureh la |4*1 from Krvon in WSet Chowan associa tion. PrTtriVtm s-rl lfaniAvim 1 M»sV — stand* In th. forefront, hi fact Ant In her contrlWtions through th. Suadny school according to report th* amount being e>*r (1,(00. Lumborton /Irst church sends In (1,000, Brown Memorial, Wiaston Bulcm, IIN, Qroonaboro First church WM. Tabemutls, in lUltlgh, Curth ags. Marahall. A pox. Weldon. Now Barn, At Aliy *11 rank high ns gtv ru. Dr. Rosier wish** it to be undar • tood that this snsssn of Thanksglv ■ng embrace# practleaBy two bur* vesta, as on last year the convention mat in rtoveofter and this year K is masting In December ITve thousand dollars sms paid for a singla branch af red applas In For rell,*New Jareay, by a nuraery Aim A record and agreement of purr boo# Have been (led with th. county dark. Th. owner rooalved (1,000 outright for th* purchase of th# apple brunch, ami wl» recede* (4,000 additional la instolhnoirts at th* rate of two eonta rmh In, every tree bedded from this branch, which la to remain on th* Uw In th* (rehard, according to ro ports. s' at his wife they had bom In their home o little boy. 1 am sure |(r. Johnson has Use sympathy of the pastor sad many friends to Mr great leas and distress. Also (bo other loved ones who ora •• greatly batonvod. I I honk the hoopla again la behalf of Mr. Any*and Johnson. to, the Ma MnSuto* *"* ^ >k*w* “* . . U A. TATW. Bonaoa, N. 0. Tc a --1 1 1 =a^=»—gas , SENATE LEADERSHIP CAMPAIGN WARMS U1 ' EBwU of Frieoda mt ■■-Am j RoMom. Mate A C«M I WaahiBrian. Dec. S-A contact af pearcd certain here between 8cm tori Simmon*, of North Carolina am Robineoa. Arlumaaa, for the Demo | era tic Senate leaderahip in tha ne* Congrem to anccccd Senator Under *■'"0(1. of Alabama, who it to retin at lender Tolanfarily beesuac of hi health. Frienda of both began an ac . live campaign elthoagh neither Sen i ata: had formally announced bin can riidaep. Senator Sianarona it the rnnkinj Democrat In point of aerriea ant , ,u chairman of tha finance commit toe dating tha Wllaan adminatration. Senator RoUnaon, aiao a veteran, bat a younger man, baa beaa prominent in Democratic round)# far a number of yean and war chairman of thr laat National Convention at Saa Frandaco. MONTHLY MEETING OF WOMAN’S CLUB Hold u TIm CM ■-Turn day After—, Dm. M. Wu Wall Alt—did Th* Mask Department of tha Wo man's dab of Dann held iu regular monthly meeting In the dab roecnral •i o’clock Toaoday, December S, with Mr*. Marvin W*«ie and Mr*. Wallace Coltraac aa joint hssteeac*. In ab eence of tha chairman. Mr*. Harper Holliday; the meeting was called ts eedar by tha Secretary, Mia Grantham. She aanaoncsd 'derusting program had ad by the cammlttaa - opacad by Mb* Agoec pervUor af mark ia _ tcbeolr Ac thb b the trot a course la Cennady sad some od teg papfla. flte gave a demo Detection of ter work especially that dob* ia the primary and lower grammar grades. The little folks sang and did some work b “ght singing, which convinced those ’resent that th* ichool children of Dnnn were enjoying a rare privilege having thb phase of work added to the evm'cnlom and in having Miaa Canoady aa tuperebar, who b a graduate of the North Carolina Col lege for Women. After the school children had en tertained an appreciative audience_ there were several musical nanther* rendered by the club mem here and an article read. A short bus!new session followed the musical program during which It was voted to have Mr. Act and hb talented daughter, Mbs Anjta Act of the Fayetteville School of Mimic gtv* a concert in Dorm during January under the auspkte of the Music De pmtreant The musk loving people of Dunn are looking forward In the coining of thb organist and who accompanies kb young! who i* a violinist. After dispensing with other row tine lusSneaa, the bostsas served l odad coarse with tut ten. The social boor proved a delightful eonehwfoc te an enjoyable afternoon. WINSTON-J ALU* FAVORS LICENSING CHAUFFEURS Winoton-Salem breaks the lee wltt a proposal to rroht a ft— rlgocsw exaaalaatioa at the eatsai; the —fa provision should be one for isnaa Non of the Meense as soon as 1* she] become established that the cfastnf fenr is hasdlem of tho safety of draw •ntrnstod to Ms earn er sthsra whoa ha masts on stsa— or hlgfamg Oor present Urafte notations haw bean adapted sa tits wrong boats, i permit la required before a itlhin o the State may panbaeo a Ditto! a matter what that pistol is to ba wa far. Wt fat. aaybody taoee wHh fa daadBeat weapon la the wo*d, a gas ottaa dries, vsbiels, ami hold as sa ami nation as ts mental, moral ee pby Naal • taoee That sort of fabag ana as* Ml to glvp treahU. Tho longs H Is portfried la the are— rendition win bar—a. * Wl—as fail— has mada a bagis slag on tho right end af tbs prol Was: why sat fallow bar I—If_Ra Islgh Timas. .rn III I l)T. GOVERNOR MEAD or ' NEW TRUST COMPAN1 l| A charter Ur the Continent* Turn Company, of Charlotte, lace* pomtod with a capital atock of *MS, ••o, waa panted yaaterday by th* - Secretary of State. Ueateaant Go*. . amor W. 0. Cooper U pnaideat rt I new concern. I The company’* charter waa giant 1 "* »** permloaten to begin opera ‘ tior. with a paid in capital of *100, 1000 afready aubaciibod. Baaidaa the '| Lieotenaat Governor, W. C. Dowd i Charlotte poblieher; D. X. Hendor* eon. attorney; O. A. Xank. W. H. Wnbater and B. H. Giaahan an among the ateckholden—New* and Ohaerrer. SOIL FERTILITY 1 IS FUNDAMENTAL At Very »—-ffilfi , «f pw Mr^ilTIwJFwpIo, Says *7 C- B. WILLIAMS Chief, Division of Agrenemy, North Carolina Extension Barrie* N# thoughtful peraon can fail to realise that to a vary largo extent tho prosperity of oar people it Aioraly associated with the prodKtiveaeee ef ear soils. Co wherever you may, if the (earner is doing his part by the soil, and it (« productive, you wiO the people are generally making some money aad are muinUluiag muck better standard* of bring than is animanly being maintained. Bo at the Tory foundation of the pros perity ef oar people lie* the q section of soil fertility and the ns* of crape and vaoiatiee ef erops that wil give the largest returns for the «gtM sod effort pvt into the »redaction. formation fee^il^^Mpfa^^w prod action at feoir soila usd tot the «*■*!»« of crops feat art going to gNo then ‘Ha largest yields par oak of labor and expense, is going to bo '«> the iatmtst of pablic good. Thors mat to be well pasted in the pabtie mind the idea that increas ed production per acre mesas a large total aggregate production aad over production. This need sot aarsaaarfly bo tbs esan. The point which It wished to be emphasised Is that ia order to g«t Largest returns one mast sea to it that bs gets at taast moderately good yields par ana. aad ia ardor to do UHs be most use good'seed aad ration al methods for maintaining aad build iag soil fortuity. H fears is daagsr of orer productio*. sat fee aersigc “d produce more per aero, end tot order to do this oar soils mast bo built ap. to this being fed fact, our walkers haro devoted consider able attention, not only daring too »** rear, bat ia previous yuan, to encoring apoeifle information with reference to oar soU Asads for [ meat profitable crag production sad ia giving this iaformstioa out to the rarmx* of tho itete through eawful. *7 piaaiMd aad conducted diwiudra ' tlaaa on different turn in different '-sections of the state, and in ether 1 "ft The mate general plan af on j oration hae Wen need In securing information with reference to lU ure enr varieties er types ef ear "Ha crops for different sections ef tW atato end in giving this »-«-nne tien to tW people In the tame mini wap. It la felt that one ef tW meet effective wape of carrying informa tion ie through field demenatmtiene and bp bolding meetings at tW to ■ mewtratien itolda at tW end ef the pear to (bew that the different treat i mentu er varieties a4 crepe have dene samps re Uvety, ea M to bring ant the ■peeial points It la wished to mmba aiae wftb the farmen ef the comma attp- For instance, if It ton Won re efirnd that a certain treatment oi i variety ef trap is Wet in a certain me tien ea a partlenlar type of soil U > order to aneceed beet in the grovnaa i •* * ptrtltoltor crap, then this fact I er facts may W btwnght opt to ear* » Mlp coaffnetad demenmretims m l same good farm In the canptper see i Men where it la feH that the informs • I tien needs to be iiphiitu | •I The toA fertflhy demtumtiatipm >! an bp tW Division ef Agraaeog anti . pear have pronraci rety affectira man ,'ef impressing aa uton, fnnaem el ‘ ***F e^tonWea in the tiato Da - .Importance ef aslag partienlar math -. ads ef sail fertitltp building aad el . atiag bettor etralas af different crepi ♦hea ihaw h- L_ - - - w*V MvV ffftfffM, THE NEW COUNTY OFFICERS SWORN W LAST MONDAY Morr or the board ART NEW A. .'clmon Y/ac MMtor Of Th» % || Harnett f Jantjr'n naw eetnnueatea m took the oath of ettee rtaLUUag 'on Monday and west into neater ■cnion. Only ronthe biuinoa. came bafara the bmrd aad ten little mik *M diapaaad ef at tba Brat iaa. A. Tuylor. who W. Jordan ar i (action of the i . _ fr aohetad a* Chairman of tba 1 K. r. Youm., aha eitiaaa of Dana aad oaa of the beat known h» the county, »u attorn ay. Kell ___ for the ofiff of (ohrltor of Wo Ba co-dar'a Coan by Cayimaaa H. Brown, •ha now Bar older, who alee named Otla P. Shall ao Vlco-Jtcrondcr. The two .tenor nominatiaau wore con Earned by the ronmUaioncn. AU the county oSetn took tba »th Monday aad they enter apeo Weir da-daa backed by the largo* Mujrrfty that baa dear coma to a politic*] party in Harnett roomy. Tba PcrfaCUd by Ctektoa - - - ■mfiho « Out for in deaarlbiqg what thi* great earn for education maan*. Tha ftahaibli Ciiiaaa aaya: "Forty-taro million Mla/a on yat Ur education in a year) r*uairiai what that naan*. It meant aa tawo »'.ty of happintm. power; and wealth for North Carolina. It mean* that hoya and girt* who would have gone into cotton mid* and furnharo fac torlaa with mindj untaught to WN wKl bare their imaginative power* aa rtiaolated by Mheolliv that they will contribute Labor-** v. ng gad m» ■oy-raaking Imrantian to the world of machinery. It maana that ipaw who wonld have ilahad the mountain rtroama w01 h ante a* thooe wwter* to indo*trial undertaking*. It nttirr that young men and women who wdaM have idled away day* empty with Ignorance wlU develop that go aim which paint* undying picture* •ad ourve* cold marble lata warmth ti beauty. It nami that me that* wba would have eherlahad n* dream af greatnaea far' (hair children wffi give them the baa** Hfr that laud* bo »»« achievement. It manna, in brief, that North Carolinian* from mill a taiu tap U ocean edge will ho Wor thy of North Carolina, tht (tat* which In nature] raaoerra* ia the rutatiai hkg leader of aO America." Oeaegia tan profit by tha pattern •H by IW* great aid Rate.‘WhO* wo bum and hear over a anal) bawd iaaw* for road* to match the goventmewt ap propriation, North Carolina to going npoading adHteua far gaada. Brhaato aru being gonommly auppert ad, and North Cantina hay* and gtrta la future yean will Advance ^ —- - ___- . 4 ■ - . «»»»$&I