THEDUNNi VOLUME IX. n..MM NORTH WUlfcKS MHJI IN SEARCH OF STILL Deputy Shoriff Mitchell, of Lil I mg ton, Hu Eye Shot Out By Blookadar « —— Ullington, D«c. 9—D p'ty-8hcr l.'f J. R. Mitchell is in a Rd, ,gh hoa P : i! will, o v cjrc "hi! oat, and th* other cjc-lsll pur.rlurcd by shot, a: i esult ot u raid upon the alleged site of a still about t-vo miles north i ;-t if Hnii*’, C ret Tuesday. Krcd Hollrnd, wni:e, aged between CO and 70, is in the Ullington Jail and search Is being made for Prre* Knui* ard Und Mutthe-as. said to have bean implicated in th# affair. Deputy Mitchell in company with other officers .arrived upon th* sit* at eight o'clock Tuesday night, and ' >•! «l signs of meant operstioos, but i*" •till Sevtfs! Jogs and jbarrclr were discovered about JOO yards from Holland's home. While the party was sorveying Uie situation t ley were fir ed upon from a clump of bushca very nenr them. The load of shot sweeping D—J:iit) She M!f-h« fncr. Aa other ahot followeil hard upon the II . in'l I hi- wounded officer managed to draw hia revolver ami fi e in the ner.onil dirsretion from wh ch the shot, had come, but fle was too blinded to accurate aim. A thorough search, r*’r**lrd no osic in the vicinity but two jug* of whiskey. The sheriff, bleeding profusely, was rushed to Ra leigh for medical attention. Wednesday bloodhounds were pro cured by flheriff-MoArtan from Ks, fool, and undu chant.- of Sheriff D. S. Cock man, of Hoke, were carri ed to the scene of the shooting, and Immediately followed a trail to Hol land's house. His errost followed. The •logs than wont directly to the home of Forty Ennis, and stopped at bis bed. Search for Eanla has been fruit less, as have the efforts to apprehend Pyod Matthews also said to be impli cated and who was beaded for R* Mgb whoa tarn board at The section whe>e the dxotkg took place la densely populated, and ii generally stated that the people are —aa—ad---Ssbwi sw other two men (« on extremely difficult on*. JUROU FOR JANUARY term Criminal court Anderaon'e Creek—A. A. Woet. 8r. D. B. Coaeron. Averaeboro—Albeit Bicker. J. M. Laoai. J. L. Alphin, P. H. Weatbrook. B. M. Warren, W. H. Jerniyan, R. R. Kooace, Willie McLeod. W. P. Nor ria. Barbeeaa—C. F. Bullard. C. A. Cameron, J. 1. Butler. Beckhorn—J. W. Rolline, J. A. Dee*. Black Hirer—J. H Beaaley, R. R. Prince, Jim A. Adame. Duke—W. J. Godwin. Grove—B. M. Canned*yt A. M Beaaley, W. O. Byni. ♦ Heetor'i Creek—W. A. Matthew*. D. R. Smith, Clem Hockaday. Johneonvitte—D. L Autry. LIMnyton—8 0. Brantley. Neill’i Creek—J. W. Gregory, R B. Hermon, J. T., Matthew*, J. F. Collier, W. H. Hatcher. Stearart’e Creek—A. B. Parker. Upper Little Rive—F. M. P. Mc Leod, Bouyald McLeod. Calcium anenate will be ecarcc thla next aeaaon, believe ayrieultaral ex tenaion wOkuri All the more .reaeon ADVOCATE STRONG BAD_ LAW Bulletin Issued By State Morcb ant* Aaaociation Also Discusses Schools Statesville, Dec. 0.—Legislation, schools in rrtail selling and other matters of interest to the merchants of the State are discussed In a bul letin issued today from the office of J. Paul Leonard, executive secretary of the North Carolina Merchants' As sociation, to members of th-j associa tion throughout the State. 1% bul letin reads port as follows: "The no-fund check law secured through the rfforu of the Merchants' Aaaociation 1* just about as strong as the constitution of North Carolina will permit, your State secretory was told at thf office of the Attorney General i Ralrig'i It is the opinion Assistant Atto rney-Genera! Naah, however that the wonling of the law might b<! changed in aueh manner as to mak- It more effective, and atsch change*, will he sought. The Attomey Generei eg reed with the view of the State secretory that mom indictment* unde* the present law would serve to put's stop to the practice of giving woriMleet checks. “Th* plan to stage “Slate Msrck *"ti' Day*' in Raleigh during the Leg islature, mentioned in the laet bulle tin ia receiving expimviona of appro val from members Ahrongheut the State "THe schools in salesmanship re* "•■ntly established In Chari otto. Dur ham and Wilmington through the re operation of th* Merchants' Aaaocia tion and 1h« State Division of Voca tional Education, are making ftnr pro gress, according to Aaaociation offl ciala and representative* of the Vo cational Board. The first full-course school at Asheville was a success. North Carolina is making history in the establishment of these school* in towns if leas than one hundred thou* sand population.v PLENTY EMPLOYMENT IN M0NTH NOVEMBER *'•«* Tima Aay Meath 5U*a Lae* January Washington. Dec. 10.—An increase in employment over the country In November greater than during aay month since January la shown hi • porta to the United States Employ ment service. In making pubfic a summary of the reports today, the •creiee said a further expansion arms prevented only by inadequate rail transportation for commodities The common labor shortage hat beon re lieved In a measure by the release of form workers it tree stated, but this shortage (till is apparent in many parts of the country. Employment gains were noted parti cularly in the iron and steel, metal, tobacco, textile and pif industries. There were slight dec re sacs In the liquor and beverage industries, with tho usual heavy -daereaaaa at this time of the year in such seasonal in dustries as clay and glass production. "All manifestations point to a Steady trend in employment," the an nouncement laid, adding that "the mounting increase of the past 11 months gives substantial evidence of permanency.” for good planting seed, early prepara | Hon, good cniters and picking square* in growing cotton next year. I An < >pen Letter jj December 12. 1922. I TO MY FRIENDS: I in very anxious that all my friends, and the friends of Dunn, attend my lot sale tomorrow, which will be conducted by Atlantic Coast Realty Co., and I especially invite you -to come and enjoy the delicious barbecue dinner that will be served by Mr. R. M. Paar ; anil. • : [ It In r> y sincere belief that any lot you may buy at this aale wi™, In less than tan years time, be worth more than ten times the priqp you will pay for It. I do not believe that you can possibly Invert the tame amount in any other way that will pay you as well. Do you not think the adyertlalng and development ' which has been given to this property, which Iansf , fenny fpr sale torroTow, has given a great boost to pur . town. And If you do believe that, is It not true also thet a successful sals of ths property, principally ow ing to its strategic location in ths town's further expan sion. will give the moat beneficially effective climax to ! this boosting that ha* been started 7 Thsn won't you come out and boprt the aale and thereby help to boost your townf And remember that ; tf you will buy one of these lots you will have boosted ■ yeur town and made a profitable investment too. With best wlshss to our entire little city for many, ; many years of continued prosperity, ” lam most cordially, ». o. townuwd. ....*. WIN HI MWTTH FOGD. SAYS MRS. M’KIMMON 5my» Mm Am Much latarMUd lo Wbu* T. Eat And How To Piupara lit, N. C. Dec. 10.—tu a re cent repoit U> Mr*. Jane 8 McKim r.ien one of the home demonstration genu as ye: "If an agent wiaMta to win the confidence and cooperation of the father* and brother* of a coun ty let her sUrt a food campaign of come description for the wom-n and girls. I have never met a man who Is not interested in erhat to eat and “low to p re parr it batter." This, states hn McKimmon, Is eery forcibly demons*plod by a young man who cams to a lecture tad demonstrated given to mpreoa hr value of milk and green voge lables in the diet.' Tbs boy was thin, sick-looking, had i swore cough and wan much Inter •Steil In having the home demonstra ion agon woigh and measure him o dotonrinr jurt how lar hr was bo ow normal. U/V.. tk. ____ a a a._.. the Take of milk aa a body build*; mpneanl him very much and ha aaid, *1 drink it whan I can get It bat I don't g*t it regularly. I have really '•M adviced to tak* my vitamin** in a concentrated form but tha medi cine u too expenahre far me to keep up. I am glad ta hear you aay I ran gat thaaa ritamlac* in milk, green veg*table*, and fruit. "Ym," aatil the agent, "and you get your body builder* and body re gulator* ot the lanai ttma." Ha agreed to try to aeeura a quart of milk a day and went off with a more wtioleaome raapart far the tu|a$ green*; lettuce, and fruit an hi* owe farm. Another inatnnta of hoar the man are Urteraatcd in food la given by Mta. McKimmon fa* coming Iron Hanhamajuan Oawwty, where on* af tha club# decided to eerve a lunch to the county earn aiWan* re that they might mb juat what girta wwba get ting oat of dub work. Tha girla oak in ■ steam pressure ceoker. They had been taught food values and bow do serve a well balanced meal. At th« -board meeting, the menu consisted of chicken soup, chicken croquettes, ham, creamed pease pota toes, hot biscuits, tomato and lattaCe »ala<l, wsth peach Bavarian cream aad cake far daasert. A pot of good hot coffee went with the meal. The six teen guests expressed themselves at l)ciag wen fed sad well pleased aad ware emphatic In their praise af the work being done. The preparation of this meal was one of the bast cooking lessons the Club over ha«l and the readiness shown lx the preparation and earring In a place where few conveniences were to he had showed the development of reeoarcefolneai as wall. GOVERNOR TO OPPOSE HARDING’S PROPOSAL Nr. Morrises Against Isijarliag To Foderai Taa State Aad MaekT* pal Bawds ~“" Raleigh, Dec. Id.—Governor Cam eron Morrison expects to attend the conference of governors at Whit* Sulphur Bp rings, and srill stoutly ap pose Ik* Washington propoaal to mbjsct to federal tax future issue* of state aad municipal bonds, af char acter such aa bra now and have hith erto been exempt from taxation. Governor Morrison takes the posi tion that the issuance af bonds is a method af trancing state aad local governments that is besemary to the progress and wall being af the pree ent aad future generations, and bonds can be advantageously sold ore ly under conditions which insure the stability af the investment. Thera eoa'd be no assurance of stability of ratam on securities subject to the caprices of say taxing D*WPP, •OTTUft HI BOND IS LABU.KD "POTATO RS" ‘ --- \ Cincinnati, Doe. 11.—Poor thoo ■ond quart bottle. af bottlad la bond whlakey in 170 barrel* labeled M*w»r ool (loot” wate aatsail la Ova Big Four ralraad yard* ber* yeeterday by Pad oral prohibitiaa agent* and Clneinnat pollen TKa aaeidrntal (trapping of on» of the barrel* by a waihman lad t® the diaeooary of Vho liquor, which aaeardlag to lha Mil of lading, bad baan aMppod by "Jama* Dark" at (leak rook, fl C., U the Gordon Broa Storage Company at Chicago Anyone familiar with the fart* win agree that the yraa* af rmrni North Carolina am* aoror mor* noadod, and that it* apportoalty ora* **t*t groov er. New York, Ofintcd 'hr the Onaadal vitn/actory I IraSe ia h'xti level loading* vrmber tt. can, which **0, 000 over year ago, and wrok in 10Z0. AHhoagh «m 14,000 preceding decline ia by fhe loaa Lie craaation Great L ' iliH and la No vUZ, of oalfut, Ur* 80 par aeitf. bet trade ere and otieai of Steel firm and d-poe.tioA 1 twill* that yaar la aot ,-bllHjr coal ► On at • daily rata 11,000, 000 tea* a 1 September. aqatoreaat by U>e carrier* goad and it t» considered Uet jhaWimbCT ^ freight cars ordered wjFsoox may reach, 110.000, which faflhc total for lilt and is the lmrgfat Agree rapraoantod, .'or any. other peer'since TtlZ. A recession af aboat two per oast in tho ratio of fdaorvo of the coot■ Mned Federal Metre} eytoaan Mm* that figure doe*, to 14.3 pur cent, nig l« (lightly than nay other figure recorded Ala year, but ia rtm high enough'to demonstrate raff ample supplies fi omniaorcihl credit C*nX Onttewk ‘ With the CaaMa. Bureau reporting cotton gipntngs'to Docnmber t, at( 8.818.090 bales, Ac grade is mom than erer IncBaid to stow that tho crop wilt aaooif to slightly leas than 10.009,000 baton Instead of tho tJ 000.000 halos w«Ch were gia-Tirntd a few weeks ago. . 1 With this Aaago Of. gentail and with report* of eerenttou of artoytty la foreign text* renters, tha prise of the staple tall hack chase to 34 rents. At this loreC howerer the mer est appeared w*0 liquidated and poi • a* rallied before As rad'af the port "och- to gppredkhatcly at pant*. The grain meAMte haw* been rt*» ar quiet, partly because of an un certainty regarding foreign d*rtltg menta, hut prtoad base been not Util Much interest 4 displayed la Ac Heating of At ^Alod Fremiere new Sejag hold iq legdoa'. aq It to rreHrel Aat tha 4ad fags ettarlag up tf As German mparatfoua mad Intar-alltol lebt problem br. pressing. A sot rained optimism prate# ou tha basis of re lation* Hetwaeqr_A* French aad Mb i*h gorerereoadto * ■'» . RITUMINOOf OUTPUT h» Unlto-I MferCoal Cwmmiaaloa Si*o »lr*»dy. d+fea»ed the (*M|» -.Ion amour IU aP*b«n that the MU ninoaa ladartrr k *ka United fttotai » o*ertor»*JayaC.a*d that goad W (toeaa and goad (Maanghia raaatee ta. •Mton to eaaaa'tp* eodtoifcing apn tow raal mining to»r*Mon«, accordin' to a aUtoaaat Rada pete lie today. Cmpt In a Rw tocetlttea. wheat trandpartoliwa addition mar atodifi J>a general rpk Hu eearmiaatea aa aartod, incraaaMBMatag aalltllp wf da ham. Tha f«Maa» maaefeto aaa minim cagaaltfc-feo aecaaaMan tar fear a*Id, "caanfe far lam towar fe yatoa at aaal to*l| hecaarto feat taadlitoa at feto^h ta waatotaC # # “JBHiMMMUffi wrmnaam ■toflar* to which horn tlon; joro hnodrod of note clog Trccaary mrUfkmto of lodobt»doM« m4 one hutel mi) Uon in latorMd oa the public debt Vbc Victory ootM taOod, oc which hUmUJUaa Ooo—brr It. boor An coiMMctioB with tbTlWoy'pcy went ootco tcfotcg in t 1-f ]Jo •ml aa lame of MW)OM|Mt of I kaahmt cowmr mxiba or I out a* iwfcw dwtr * * t'kMt «f fMd*n Amu Wt MM r— wt wen Aw> t4n4i A A I, —iJ —* I WY FORCES ROOT "WEIS” IN BOUSE —mm T* Ammd PrwkiWio. lawAmnttaMUy wy roaatt ..s „m ,>i _.k| Woib.njf.oi>. o. -Rde. d. or prohibition, In cmybt,’! ir :be Houae made a clean wt«|, Friday, a kncrklar out ameV.-iunu to -.i* iuohibition recUun ef tV T -oryj ■op’y hi] urbir*. tbc« rltliiw-' ux.-r derlRwd to weaken rjf jrc< ucu of the VoUtood Uw. 8:*'4i.>e -loi> at uBvpixaeg totior HM. Republican. Maryland. •nHffct to I mil the money tpondiny artMtiw of Ike prohlbli'on, bat i»J* propoa Ja were Uixan ohi b*,fl]y ■ tb'rty minute* of bitter nobota n wb>S the manner of the kw'i «n f.truomvnt waa commended ord corv iomttt I. Nnjnrrour reference* were oanda to the annual adJerrx to Cun "«« duHvoiVod in the day by Pixel •tr aiNirf, tad tbe-b vet -v» apelaa— wlwn m*pfbe-» rmM bnt to* Pi evident bed s» d t-te Slrbt eaatb AutentlmeM »ti hete to IU}. The bill vtood like it «t/»n • wall >P*vd attacks by Mr. CT«r» *»*oy. nbich often Sndn'rd only himvetf It baa not cached the pob.l .r rum ** ton%M heoanae of a> h defer until teraem r M ta era •peuviatan for ■MMUm faec pevot uruvsta for band p-aaeav on r.Wrb to* pdvlil at toe Sanaa af Tlnjcrarl,^. Tba Mgfoat vote a»iin»t too pro htolhoB group vrai eeven, that nom ^*r »f nanibaii aappartinj an amend Mat by ImmmMlee Tlnkbaa, *e dhat nan amplarad in enforcement *• appointed from ton PdenvlM acainvt Sd in oppeettlon. SHERIFF STARTS tO COLLECT TAXES p | rw. w«* dlivrMf J. V/. *■ *l Art*n rniUMUirui k*1 OfUJ >bn JiU anaual round'" irr tax** bayiMdsp ody sast weok I'unt « It! liny of hi* wisieikttu on "■vtf*r data* sin bo ianaed to ibv unMIc wftjii Inn 4«t* few days. 1 haar^ urtll . < pontrd la ta lanlaipua ~'atfr tar V a b-nvfh all pnaamt '*bo dralrr to avail thfm»VM of tka oppertu liy of a (rip to tko (wnlmo. Duo to a .unr system (fiat htto re qntrrd eaua'.lcrmbtr tttao to inaapw n>«t. tho tax be oka are lata this year i». i j-ttar iko taxpayvn hava aeration ca Mv-Tf tv rorieto- plan of nta> tb. Individual taste is 1» brtirvod that overran# wilt asroo that too btaadta of the Bow ayatom ait! CreaUy ofTwt (be time lort la prepar es tb* IMS hooka. Oa tho IV* of tbo tax roevpita it placed the vnluatton of tka property ! ar.d fbt raw far taxes On tka reoatw Udo of tho meeipt Utarv is printed coiaicy rare, the actiael lory. >».< tcwMliip and cpectol dUtiict leefee. «• that any taxpaper imp imaddy hr ah* to lnr« foi himaclf the why and> of die wn total on hb nrdpt It b believed that tax money will tlnu b Mare rapidly fair pear than ! i former year, on areoant of the 3,w *Vt»n which tt {> OiMfht wm prore entirely iitldnlery to n«y. body. A considerable Member of pemas hare called at the thdrUft ill! d. ivadp la ardor to pay tarn, and the diciiif aajre ha will an t'toee who hc »e prompt farther trouble bp *> «« into their own pteciacta with bit aeelu next week.—Barnett Ceunty Mew*. • WEff 0FF1C1AIS TAKE OATH OT OFFICE TO STEER COUNTY AFFAIRS FOR TERM (HatMtt Coaa ty News.) uvc courteouse Monday *«• treated to a droa* rehearsal at whan the newly elected county •Actele caimblod la fa# courtroom oad recited the oath of office to Horn. Q&a. Bow, who swore cadi and rrery •na of the incoming officials with a hard aad standfast oath to observe duo diligence In the oboervaacc as1 wall as -performance of the various' dutW pertain tag to thsir offices. The retiring board of county oem ■^•dpweiu two of whom have agreed to stick it out for another two years i la the morning, aad by their: ••tea ipw the manor matters issuing! bafasu them tang tfcelr swan song as! thsy voted up on the mensurra. The' hraod shoulders of Chairman Jim Byrd seemed to rise up an inch ar two as they felt the harden lifting, and Us genial entile broadened late a full grin la anticipation of the rap idly approaching moment when hit amrite would bo cpreed ever other Jacb Jordan, aim of the teen frith, ful comeniaaioners who over comatia whs baa te*wt bis official time In hooping doggedly, determinedly at ** tor *he good and welfare of tbo rid eeunty. leeked the look of the ■*'l •“* Tn gwtnc. bach, to ABham." Mr. Jordan has made great sent fins to erdar to be uhto to serve **■ county. That ho has served It, *rithf»Hy and efficiently in the nnl rarsal semmsat. Mr. Bah Jehasoa, tha Other earn ratartonir wha to relleead to pa book | hatoe to tha parwer af hit awn h* dHtowJ ahekela, leaked tired bat hap. W * Imp tarn far Mm. aad whan ha toaaad hto plea to Um aaton that ha ha allewad to pa to aritoa ►aatoa far hi J *• mtm w.tiie catatap * tha aM board head Ha raw tn tha mm wk.etl. Maw aad *aa tha whole aatdt Mapped op Into *• wttnaaa da core *M"- Chm Beat, wha baa at read *e sooty aa atoantap aM ha* bee* eMatol adariatotrm Ma aad welfare af Har^^Ld^ dha bar aad daak eat the aau to tha aaafr Mtotod. aad ha was partial to aaaa. hat sharped thaw that, ferae*, i lap an attoar lataraato. they •beald kaap aa aye ai»«ta.l ta oeanty'r weal Tkmm partaking af the oath ware: Bill McAtan, chert#; Lon Chatfta, clerk: Deep McDonald, auditor; Will F sucett, regleter, Canines* Brown, re corder; Ota*. Hlghtirith, coroner; Hugh Prince, euregper; and the com loner*: 1. A. Taylor. W. J. Mae 8ten art, 3. A. Bechanan, J. A. Ben Lcr, IT. J. McNeill. The finance committee of the re tiring hoard, after day* af checking •p, made report of ’eotUwncnt with Sheriff Me Aetna far 1H1 taxeavTfce rdport in fall H printed In another column. A resolution *a pnaued to the ef fect that * atari os be haM up front sheriff, clerk and register till the cler ical error could be oometed by the next Oencral .dmwMy. The fee *y*tem wua intended to go Into effect December 1, lm, hut earn* aleopy ; yoit clerk on emceed the Ml w m to read IttS. The ceeaty want* the act to take affect a* af this year. McDonald reported a tuD aud final aeUtewent with A. A. Mc Donald, cleric af otoft. and the anme wa* app rowed and aeeepted. The audi tor reported cheek* In bund to cower »n fund* be longing to the county The needy InaUlled hoard effected arginimtioa by Meeting Jeaeee A. Teytoe eh airmen end X. F, Young attorney. Upon lecenunendettow of hoard,.the newly sleeted reoard •r appointed Neill MMUff Salmon - •Miemr of tea recorder'. court The board dofmod tho appoint. Wmm. Ml the Uppn UtU* Wear petitioned for •0 election on tea asUbllehment of • control high aebooL Tha data wu "*•«« •* Jamnary 14, and registrar* wm ■ISilnlij'm f*Bc*r»:-P*r x*t li B. P. Stephan; for No. *; D: W. ***♦• )•■*«•• wSl be; Nor No. ■ 1: D. A. Coffin., Walter Mat thaw.; for No. t; D.' A. Cantor <*, D t. Nov 0. N. Shall waa appohrtod to f|B eWea of alto rrtetdar. Aaiion apo» Mm asostor of farm 4r« protect** «M deferred tn the to'tnry mooting The matter of loaning tha aoenty r*m wao toft In Bm benda of Com- - The wot* of tha ham jsMonstra tto* agent. Him Bridge, pm op proved and »he waa aepapad lor an other year. Tho Board of Bdeeatlee ra^oawed a joint ntetisg with tha County IN »"4 Doaomhar t|th was set aa tho date. ,V ♦

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