m DUNN DISPATCH IMMlI April 1. SM4 •TALISHED TWICE - A ■ WEEK ri EiDATS AXE FRIDATB -hr ~' " u eureee pope ■ - at SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Ore Tear_...- 9144 vs JJjctt,. 1.44 TA h Xtrifci ......—..... N caeh nr aptaxce A Ad ret* a!l eaaaaeateaUaaa ta The VjyjtA AU departwats of The !K> -etc'-' raa he reached through tala fen • M. faouaaalaaUaaa opaa Boa topic) a.> united, bat ante all slreomeua y ’bo -a’.dcr af each csauawnlti' -.sac aid fuaiah at wttk Ma niae li •» no* Jirtuary that the scat be MlOMl bo*, wa iiu-st that it to ftoaa as aa evident* ti goad faith. ■beet aaaaaato af wafllags. enter abaru. ctoh meeting* ala. an COMMUNITY PRIDE Ta tit oit!tar within aw gates a: '.3 a ratios returning freai stbsr sac XfhBR nttlng > more sntfcsahla • c'.tiacti - a»’ Dunn. And sfcp wait Wa ban* practical!? teccy agtecj that woelu <W lbs bsttermsnt « far ctote sad awal ad Wa their with able i the helm ta aaciat as la cubing oa ratoisiM and praoMiag for aar spir itaal walfac. Oar iasWtaliMc a > vulng art equipped with a eaip cf cSkisnt teachers that are sscaa ta none. Our business hewu arc can T<*:enU? managed, eoodactad aleci D£od*ra 11bm writK Iapwm rimI vtWa. itoek. The Chamber of Commerce '.hough yet a youngster, has accent {tllahed many thiags of which wo an proud aad our latest acquisition tb Er.'lHtnjr and Loan to bringing won ■ierful things to yam. Oar maskat fa: eolVrm end prodace to-f—-|1 ocr railroad facilities are goad, oe sanitary conditions are well regulated ow Streets superb, our light* briUi ant. All right foihSL Bars comes tit booster wages. Lets'gel WAYMMt pUARWOt. There are busy days haraabaua Tha stoves aad thoroughfares af tto ■eto Town are daily yewdsd will throng* who hare learned the wiadoa of dciag their Chstotmas dbappiw early and better still of doing It o homo with thoir asightmee who osa tribwto to thtir welfare aad happi with tha Yalotido spirit aad. to tit carnal observer, both aid aad yoaai areas to hare-had a few chats already The small hoy scampers along ia hap W —Utipokloo. tha "sweet yoaai things" nlmost etierveseiag with ex eitowwot are. if possible, more radUai ami the Mint with a twinkle la thcli eyes and a card ap thoir stoorai an aaftly whistling for a brief perioc "Sho’s mine, all mine." rather fed coortiaiaad to cut looaa u few «wv. Uu aad goes tbpm one bettor by ae .aaSy “toting" the bundles for moth er. Bow wonderful is tha coatem pUtioa of Christmas. Bay Uio epiril of "Peace oa Barth, Good Will to Xca” dominate daring coating fmtrr Itlas. Tmlar « gruped the kui of mi oM friend. Sir. Xathan Ducan. or Igrafljr tram our deter of fc^japnoa nnd a brother of Oana’a CMof of Polioo ia days peat. Mr. Doaraa endgmtad to Alabeam a few jraan ago hot the tar on bio hook war too thick and ho yielded to tho can. H# now rcctdoa ha tho Taken aoetloa '<• tho huh oooo aa kk aattre ha* -whore- many good eitketu tMdo. • **»r friend* of thk ooatioc wmo culdcaod Whan It bocaaw known’that Hr. >. k. Tpw wao .lend - a riatiia g “ I W-" nAnOml Be Imm n* sleep iso: the price st tobacco ami fears at tha Ball WaaeQ are to bias anknewn. The FaolUy industry is a profitable M throughout the Root and MUdtb West- Wa wtah "Big Bay" bon royt Wo bare board eonfidosstlally that ministers an la tha habit of keeping their shock absorber* wall adjusted | bat a magnificent thing occurred last I Snaday morning at tha First Baptist ckoreh whan tha coagrogatiea pre tested to Bar. E. N. Johnson, the ' pastor, a brand new "hats’ at a token ■ of tbair appreciation of bis splendid • ministry for tha past yew. Bov. John ! son It elated of coma. Not because i of the Intrinsic raise thereof bat be ' catase of the noble sentiment that lisa behind. Bro. Johnson owned a . car of tha Fllr variety hot it equoak ' erf and tougher, and unllkt It's o«s | sc, woe st times cold and unroapon Bra. The now one ihiiws Ilka his ex ' ample before men and fils more boau ' titeBy late the scheme of things. If ■ Bro. Johnson "stops on it” don't sc r! cuso him of "strottin”—just merely i; answering en S. 0. S. May It be aa Instrument of joy to him and | through him to others as b« labors '[in the Kmart vineyard. !| - In addition to being the Best Town, i Dunn has same of the best people un i dor the son. last Bond ay evening t[ Reverends MeQuoen of tho Preeby ’ terlan Church and Johnson of tha First Baptist church suspended theh '| sorrices out of deformco to tha non i poster of tha Dfrtns 5tract Methoalial 1 Bar, 0. T. Adams. The large nudl •. ease, composed of tsemben of tha f three chorehea. hearal an elnquenl I and Inspiring sermon by Bee. Adams, land all went sway with the feeling , that h was good to hare been In the •, Haute of tha Lord. What was flnei i. or mors IHustratlee sf the spirit oi i' the Nssarrnc. The carnival including the “48" ■ cam* and wane It came by permi* r Mon af tbo City Father* and left the • I aaarn way. W* have not yet learn rc '! whether or not they “aurpiced." Il 1 it allagad, the allagator (till undefied, that on* nwui about tawn waa prom iaad a “split" by *o* at tbo favorite attraction* which undanlably can be I referred to tho department of unfin ished bnainots, and a rumor, latai ^confirmed by radiogram, Mata* that tha City Editor baa retired to m ao eluded apot to chronicle hi* memoin , of tho tented world. i EDWARDS BUILDS RAO. CARS Rdwaida Railway Motor Car Co., capitalised at 1898,800, moot of which ■MX"1*! Wmlis* piipli,-townad operations la its own faotory in San i fc * UJt i’llday. Oflcars af tha com pany are: H. F. Edwards. * resident; I. B. Buchan, vice-president; E. T tTwcry, secretary-treasurer; Wm. J Foster, ehiof angineer; D. B. Worth, a id Mast engineer. The company has , received orders for Its cure from noma of tho largest railron.lt in the eountry, and tho prospects for tha | growth and success ef the business arc declared by President Edward* to I bo very bright. H* hat bean impor tuned by large financial 1 sternal* ta araet his factory in tho large manu facturing center* of the North or Middle Weal, gut hi* loyalty to hi* home town of Saaford prevailed lu his ftnal decision. Personally Mr Edwards Is lookod “P«n 3m one of thr most capable of boataea men. At this end of bia rail, read, the A. A W., Harry Edwards enjoy* tba warmest friendship of ev ery man. basiasro and profeaaional. H'w road baa given tarries that has boss of groat accommodation to Ldt llngton and towns along the way, and the same is deeply appreciated by hi* patron*. .Oar wish for bio la a million; be deeeroe* It. and more.—Harnett coun ty Hew*. ImpsnAls Paw Now* Crop Owing Tb ■varsity of The Mo lartal (N Y. Commercial.) The matt satisfactory cheek upon the boll weevil thus far employed Is caleflun arsenate. UnfortaaaUly this article Is Marts and expvnrtvs. As to Ike oatloek for its increased prodot Uen, A. A. Housman A Ca. la Atir Mat circular letter give the following very interesting facts: “In order to Skew the ms Mur* of relief which may be eapocted next season It Is neeeaaary to. give aseao Ihsegbt to dm gnsotloa of the peso *»« svilUble supply «< raw asaeniv. ’ "The Aasarieaa Imshing and lo> •ntagC-pmV ptsTT^rom. bM rrtscut Cm maxim .u p>u b nf. .*.sJ 4 n »ttxr of /act. at r.a C «.v 1 » * , «•{ ■rtcan pi-p.l**tl«'* t*; (k^ui •!.% v . * om pe* annum t.i > >vfr-l •t<H amount keen p>nrfueed 'r. i f* f:-\ b >r*' HH, rrhcu *us o"t < normally high. • “The demand fur at sarnie at u p.k fl table price cannot je.-mnuoiuly b: y«ici)lli4te«l Ball) di’s p ira of coi'-d. i* In in tarn doBfiitaty Ar.t^> an.a bails tafflc'-.-nil.. Mt'i ij mutant iitc yaar in **•> >i«r" tut u<c o> high jrlred arMnatr;. Tuc prod-aruon of araanic is mccatibit ol miaa- mai n rtally Increased by the oi.si.t* of lr.-|-e amounts of mlrllt’otial rapttn nud inch additional ocvitul ciuinui >4oily bo attracted until Iht pvim. t:-uuy; •'t the demand for aod tin noma:. • -cy eflhc price of in* afec.ik- Ir sMi-o caftsIW. Th# output of ersenfe le ierreara It »»y be, 0«m* Mi>1 p.-uimte te be increased materially dprln.i* • H3r and Uio possiblii\« of rr in. "Case in 1021 nra extremely limited. Vseioui SaaiM! of Supply “The- foreign 400 "re* of otpyty of •.rccnic n*rj cenf'.oorl practically to l. tpan and Germany and the creates; . nouat of avssnie avaiUhlr ‘for Ara •s’cd. front then® "wo eoimcrtsr. cor-, ilned heiatofoiv ha* been t arm tons V any single year, of which amount 2.290 tout have been mccortd iru'e Upon, with the balance from Ger m. tity, and the ontunnl from Germany w:i» made possible by the fact that “he producers In Gormony had a large itock. on hand which h..d been fr rmitted to accumulate dui ing the ■wur. The German sopnlies n■'i.tfiTSSled In what Is now Poland and produe t^m there seems suspended. Other fcurces. of product’nn of jtiwdc are Aaslrrlla, South Airies, Korea. Csn alf ltd Mexico ( ncliidel in Cnitiwl States Figures). Canada nroducas about. 2,OUfV ton* per year from her nhcltsrs, but her own muidlv inert-ax iigf agricultural need* have raised her dotal production, to be ured home. .The Koreans use their own entire san ely and not more than luo tone Juw ever been ex ported from tMs ourCe. Sooth Africa, produce* a small quan tity-but on balance is an irayorter. Aastral in w’th her utcrensine agri cultural demand* for Idsnrthlri at not a promising source of future sup ply. “From our ov* smMtm and from the available worlds’ supplies about 11.000 tons is the maximum available (er all u*r* up-to the end of 102S. In the cotton field* application vt cat eltlm arsenate c'caacs by the middle of August. Of the above amount only 0,00V ton* will be available in Amer ica up te the middle of next August, when bolt weevil polsioning cehroe. This doee not mean that 9,000 tone •rv^tmiwtae^dr-rtr next Aagu.t for Ihe bofi weevil poisoning but lh»t 0,000 ton* arc available to tn*:c cure of this and all thfc other in.ltutrie* in which arsenic te o*cd, «ui-b as the manufacture of glass, animal dips, •pray* and insoctW* or nl! dercrip ttone. The amount of arsenic that ran hg »et arid., for rollon is accord ingly limited. JUDGE ALLEN'S FINAL COyitT TO BE HELD JN SMITHFIELD Kinston, Doc. 11—Judge Oliver B. Allen, of this city*- is preparing to hold his last.-term of coo*;! a* a regular judge on tie Superior court | bench Judge. Allvn will conduct a jUrqi at Smitbfidd, after which he | *^11 *{*P down to bo succeeded by ] Henry A. Grady, of Clinton Tho local jurist has served nearly a gen eration. Many month* ago ho served notice on those , who misrbt A-.pl re to j tie. judgeship that tiu woald retire I the end.of 1032. DUKE NEWS i ’ ■ i i :kv, Her. II—Md. find Un. L. | . Tlitnu or.tartaineci tho month*'* i ' ' >•- JaaL* Kpwauh l.crgu* of tho .hoi c'>uteh at a very enjoy '■-I' potty given at thoir homo Sot dt» The contcit to iletor- ] : * tho o.m who kaow tho Ton Com - '-n.cnt- v.-o* won by Mario Mo* v-lkid, tkh teu-year old daughter; • * Mr. and Min. N. M. McDonald. who .I'v.-d a sold laager pin. Many an . . kbit gamey wore played by tho .M-i.vi., alter wfUah the hoxtoaa aerv.j .J refirahnivnU. The election of o4B ■ r» for next year wu* held. ■1-u J-wlor Order of United Aai arla— Mechanic** Lodge her* aarveti l very dellclow* and eppatlx'ng "P rxmowiek Slew" to their member* l /"Vf ml i netted fHonda Saturday n'.ht in th* lodge- room*. W. F.j nt ke, J. T. ttiahep and J. W. Look*-1 > ton mule lalka attaining tho prin ciple* of tit* otdgr. Tho Dak* Qaar ' :i»- c crip need of aurh vocal artiata •t J. M. Coro, S. F. fltevena, L. L - ckomcn anil J. L. Barbour fqmi»h •• I tlic mtuic for f^e ocouion. Omit tig the *te«r thh wei probably tho "X»t enjoyed affair. Thome* V. Bran si ek acted oa toaatmaotor end held h>* own throughout DnAn. UI.lJ Wit_l_*__a thj week -rxl\ere, the jurat of hit b-otlier, C. 8 Hicks. Mlu Minnie Rymla and mother, ‘pent Qrn week-end with raUtire* at Gtniol Mlm Etta William* of the graded, w-bool faetulty, I*. confined to her :•» at Llndea fcy iflneee. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. wore week end visiters in Raleigh. J. Morgan Davie of Butler, Pa-, is spending several dayi here on a hunt ing trip, the guest ef Wade H. Coffey. John 0. Webb agent the week end : with friend* In Doafcam. The latest acqolMtione to the Krwtn Park Zoo are "Tom and Jerry" repw a'J to bo South American badgers, which were purchased by the park management from a carnival show rhieh ha* broken ap for the winter. Those carnivorous animal* are at .iacting right much Intaiest among t'.e people of the town. It i* said that “Ton;" 1* tame, but hi* brother, "Jer ry" ia (tin imbued with * vicious jgir ■t and it i* nut mi* to try to pm him. However, It .* befeved that after he 1 ‘<n* rojoaraed bar* for a while that V will become tivfcia*d and do away hi* cannibal i prays. Th* park ina.iagemeat all in Us power to increase 0f animaia in the *oo. They recently purchas ed a bald l has split the citiicai of 4ec In twain. One no hing but a oemmon bussanl, while he ether* assert that it k really a •id-eagW. Tbk correspondent has firsissid Members ef bulk f notions, ■ft ha* been enable thus far to as sertion the regie's nationality. Tito farmer owner of the eagle, rbo Usee la Norfolk, Va.. stated that m captured sakl bird at Oeaan View, Va.. and that aiKhoritk* on seology old him that the bird was, without lay doubt, an eagla Meanwhile the bird pursues a very nonchalant atti tude, and dees not seem to care what I* being said about him. CAMSUE BAM FOOT DEAD Carsie Barefoot, twenty-atx years of »ge. died hi the heme of bis par ents. Mr. and Mis. J. B. Barefoot, •he lives three mHeetfross Dunn, Ratuntay afternoon at i o'clock, after a brief illness ef lafloensa which developed Into pneumonia. Hie fun eral services sin conducted by Rev. L. A. Johnson at Betbeada cemetery where Interment eras made imme diately afterwards Deceased was a DODular vounr man »hd wm wall knows la Dunn, and to lito many friend* throughout, tfaa Dm dbtr ic t tho newt of hi* death will be heard with (arrow. Hr b »ureived by kb parvnta, Mr. end Mr*. J. B. Barefoot, four broth rre. Talmadgt. Hector, Bvett, and Walter, tke latter of Dillon. 8. C.. a)M three deter*, Mb* Leeeie, Mr*. Hubert Wood of Claytoa, and Mxa John StoneQ. To the bereaved onei the sympa thy ef many friend# la extended. LOCKE CRAIC SPENDS A COMFORTABLE DAT AahevilU, Dec. 11—Former Gover nor Locke Craig, who has been sexi oealy 111 at hb bomb here fer the P**t eeveral weoka, ipent a coiufewt able day Sunday and quite a num ber of frienda were able to ice Mm. Hii condition b at 111 rmB^*d aa a*. rioui and be ia not awl dMvotRer. MISS ADO IE HOLDER AND MR. W. T. CAMERON WED Saturday at noon at th* re.ideoce of Rev c- R. Rom, in Ulliagton, Mim THE GREAT DELNORA Tk. World’. Mom Gifted Wmu (Formerly of Philadelphia, Pa.) Locate* bn in Dana, N. C. for tk* winter ftdMillle M.d*a Crystal Geaae Adriee firen to all affairs of life Loro, Rnaioaaa. Ilamartla and Pimm «WJAffair. X«bteW,GB'-«Y~Jtai Look p« Hor Boooor, Mocoolo Ate •Jv** kefoad aad across (tract froi New Grammar School BaUdlng OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Addle Holder and Mr. T. W. Cam eron wore married, in the preeence of only a few relative* and friend*. Both the bride and groom are of the Barbecue community and member* of the hirtoric Barbecue church. The bride i* one of the ino*t popu lar young lhdiae ef Wcetera Harnett and lie* a heat of friend* throughout the county. Mr. Cameron hold* a re •ponjiblr position with the Atlantic Coeat Line Railway at. Rocky Mount and the young couple left immediate ly after the ceremony for that place, where they will make their home. The hearty good wiohee of their nu merou* friend* go with them.—Har nett County Newt. BOX rARTT There will be a box party anil other features of entertainment at Union Academy school hoars, Thursday night. December 81, at 7 o'clock. The public li cordially Invited to attend. MARY KATE ALIJ5N, LELA LEE SILLS, IN A JEANNE WARREN. DECLARES TIERNAN IS RECONCILED WITH WIFE New York, Dec. 11T -"Poeitlrely the lent statement” to be given to the coblic regarding the marital difficul :iea of Jobs Tiernan, former pro fee >or at Notre Dame Uni\j.*ralty, Indi ana, waa iaaued tail night by hi* bro ther, Peter Tiernan, who i* connect ed with the law office of the City ol New York. After announcing that John Tier nan war now in sedation in thie city and was reconciled with “hi* wife Augusta, and thn:« childwn," Ota statement quotad tJm aa follow*: "An action to annul tho aoaonil marriage will Ije twtitntod by me Im mediately. 1 am prepared to meet any insanity htocending that may bs ' instituted-” -- — 1 ■ 1----___ * | | | * DR- -Hf-nw SHAFFER 9 * Evamfcatlea of Eye* * Blooj' Pnom 9 * FiftioX Glosses * * Fayetteville, N. C 9 * Ffceoe Ml * * * Happy Cow Sweat Feed will make every cow a money maker be cause it supplies more milk • making material than any other feed. It contains 24% protein. When fed with hay or > ensilage it gives you the best milk-making ration at lowest coat. Made fry Edgar. Mar gam Co Mrmghit. Wo utt k. Call or 'ghaut a/ R. t. WADE 1 Duo, H. C. • . U ' • * ' FOR SALE I ■ even-piece ivory bed-room suite. 3 druggets. . • I oil stove. "./I wood stove. • J white Hootiw kitchen cabinet. I seven-piece 'jrey son-parlor suite. blue wicko:- Lreak/ast room suite. I Ivory baby carriage. ovpMh-rt • ? gorch rock r >—I swing. It T. GAINEY I . - os most SS ^ -•* . ' ~ . 1 . ; * * • -THE Gift- Shop NEW PICTURES NEW MIRRORS NEW CANDLESTICKS NEW POTTERY ' ' FANCY CANDLES Headquarters for Chrktmaa Cards, Fromed Motto* (boxed). Remember Gifts Are Oar — — —Specialty-— Shop Early and get the pick. Rooms 43 and 44—4 th Floor First National Bank Building MRS. J. J. WADE, MRS. J. C. CLIFFORD. : _‘ ■ ■ i ——— An Ideal Christmas .Gift This Beautiful Ribbon Wrist Watch *1750 It it not very often that we can offer to oar customer! tack values in watches as the attractive wrist watch illustrated in this advertisement. This r.atth is a high-grade imported 15 i<\s-et mov'cment in a 20 year case. I his same movement in a plain cate ‘ 1; one dollar lest. Our selections of Christmas mer chandise are most complete, and we urge cun to make your selections early. Order now and avoid dttap- I pointment later. .Tif urarrg jviea same day received. ^ LAB^BST JfiWB^ERS^SOUn^0' | NORFOLK, VIRGINIA I SMITH A McKAY Dunn, N. C. % •» A ITVDBBAKB1 Y1AX "" " —> ' I M II |

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