0-—. l LOCAL o—— H. A. Parker was a business visitor to Lltlingron Monday. Mr. Jno. B. Stronach. representing the National Cash Register Company ir in the city. Mis* Fetn. r ot Savannah, (Ja , is tin. house guest of Her sister, Mrs. J. Robert Young. The Baptist State Convention Lx in re at, Winston-Salem this week. Jvp L enUtlves frosn the local con gregation are In attendance. Wultn- Barefoot of Dillon, S. C.. ia hero this week visiting relatival lie was called borne last Saturday on account of tha Illness of his brother, C i lit uanfoct, who il'ed Sundsty* i iurmoon. Rev. E. N. Johnson, pastor of tbc Pint Baptist chunk. was presented with ao automobile last Sunday by rirNtteru of hit congregation. The rft is “ «ok«rn of the high asinem i i which Mr Johnson is held by his congregation. Miss Janie Ipock, a member of the high school factulty is at her home ;n Goldsboro, having been called there on account of the death of her fsthcr, T. B Ipock, who died last week. Her numerous friends In Dunn extend sympathy in her bereavement. Noah B. Lee returned Sunday from E two-weeks business trip to Florida. While pway hr visited several Florida towns anil spent reveial days with J. D. Baggett at Maitland. Mr Bag gett Ir s native of Ssmoson and now controls large fanning Interests in Florid*. The many friends of Ellis (JoUl , Mein deeply sympulhis* with him m the loss of hit mother who died laM Friday night In Augusta, Ga Mr. Gohlateln went to August* latt Thurs dey night and teat with hit mother when the end fame. He teturned to Dunn laat night. E. Heck, erecting engineer for the| Crown Cork and Seal Company of] Dnltimore. Is keie erecting an auto matic bottling machine Tor the Pepsi-. Cola Bottling Co. Win n completed this machine will increase the eapa clty of thia plant as well a.’ improve the quality of the drink. R. E. Morgan and Co , have opened an undertake re establishment in Dunn and will cater to the colored trade only. The local office is a branch of R. E. Morgan and Co., ef Fayetteville, and will be under the direction of John Evans. Their headquarter* will be In the colored masonic hall on the extension of East Broad street. Tha Atlantic Coast Realty Com-! paay will copduet a big sale tomorrow tend. Mr. Townsend will offer for sals that big block of business prop erty on East Broad street. This, per-1 haps, is th* moat desirable business property that do pow available in the town of Dunn The business section of the town is growing in the direc tion of these lots and a large per coat of the trade that comes to Dunn comes from the cast and directly over ths highway that fronts the property. A large crowd la expected to he pres ent and enjoy the barbecue and something site which Mr. Townsend has promised. THE T. E. L. CLASS There will be a very Important mooting of the T. E. L. elaas of the Pint Baptist Sunday school at the home ef Mrs. M. P. Hodges Thursday evening at 7 JO o'clock. Every mem ber is earnestly requested to be pres ent, as this will be the last business ■nesting of the class Una year, and new officers for the coming yeas arc to be elected. It Is also vary necessary far everyone to go prepared to bal ance their pledge for the orphan kept by the elaea The elaas has heretofore made a splendid record and w« do not want to fait abort this year. 1UCR W. D. HOLLAND, Clasa Reporter. DR. J. A. CAMPBELL REGAINS HIS HEALTH Hundreds of friends and admirers »7 Dr. A. P. Campbell, founder and president of Buies Creek school, in Hamat* county, will be glad to know that ha has folly recovered his health >"fter a serious brack down last spring. Dr. Campbell was in Balelgh yeetcr '•*7. looking hefUer than he has leek *» Orove. Dae. 1L—The sec tion around Newton Grove has no Nbied a great lose la the death af A. R. Grantham (bettor known as Blake Oraotham), who died recently. Mr. Grantham was one of the plats, eers ef Beiupesa county, and • man •bo will bo greatly missed la the community, he heriag always assist. •* the peer people la a flasnet^l stay, and Ms passing »iU he regretted by bw umay friends throughout tht •ute. Be was ia hie 70* year. Mr. Grantham’* wife died about ton y»orm ago, and ho leave* three children, Mia* Emma Gruntham, Lawton Grantham and Miu Maya Gantham. Hla funeral wua conduct ed from thy home and interment waa 1 made in the family burial ground near the home, which waa attended by a large crowd. 1PM TAUT DEAD Newton Grove, Dec. 11.--S. £», M. Tart, of lower Johnaton county, died on Docambcr 2nd and wua buried at the Catholic church at Nawtcm Grove on Sunday, December 8, in the preo enee of a large eoneour** of people who had gathered to pay a tribute of rcapect to thia good man. Mr. Tart waa better known a* "Manjr" Tart, ano he waa ever ready to help hla fellow man when It run) hi* duty to do ao. itr. Tart had been married tariee, hi* firot wife being Min Oivtl Bia acll. who preceded him by about 26 rear*- The teat marriage waa to Mia* Sarah Eldridge, of Johnaton county, and from one of the first famliiea of thr Statr There wore no children to either marriage, and those who aorvive are the brother* ami aieter*. Mr T*r» w*a a tor of Whitfield Tart, who wa* eatoemiMl on* 0f the beet men of thia •wtion, and hi* ton. 8. P. >* Tart, la way* earned th»l great honor of the Tart family 'NK THURSDAY AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB Mrs. EBU Ool lftcin was hostess to the Thursday Afternoon Rook Club at a delightful meeting Friday after noon. The topic for the a'ternoon waa the “Rise of Naturalism in Modern Drama and the life and works of Arthor Standberg were studied as being characteristic Mrs. MsttO* gave an interesting account of his life. Mrs. Kd Smith and Mrs. I. W. Whitehead read re view* aad discussions of two of his plays At the conclusion of the program a delicious salad coarse, coffee, and mints were served Clnb members present were: Mrs. N A. Townsend. Mrs. J. W Fltager aid. Mrs. Ed Smith. Mrs. H. O Mat cog. Mrs. JL L Godwin, Mrs. Ellis Goldstein sad Mrs. C. 3. 8mith Other rucau ercre Mrs. N. 8. Snipes, Mm. Cart Barefoot aad Mia. 2. V. Snipes JAS. R. TEW A SUICIDE Jua R. Tew of Mingo township, Sampson county, one of the most sub stantial and moat highly respected citimene of hie community, shot a bul let through his head Sunday sight about 12 o’clock and died almost Irv staatly. The terrible set took place at hla home thrau friends or to those of hla immediate family. Mr. Tear retired Sunday night at the usual hour, about P o'clock is the evening. Apparently nothing out of the ordinary waa on hit miad. His 12 year old son Joined him later. Abo., midnight the son was awakened by hit father getting out of th« bed which both occupied, but before he questioned his father Die faUl shot was firod and Mr. Tow foil dead be side the bed. The young son, a daugh ter and the husband who also resided in the house immediately rushed to the scene, but before any service, could be ends red Mr. Tow was dmkd. For several months the deceased had been brooding over his financial affairs. Two yean ago he loaned much money to his friends and also made some Investments ia high-priced pro perty. Ha had been ugbhle to collect on any of his notes and it i* thought -- aP Ld. ~a.1i_a. . _ *_I on him for settlement. Being • man accustomed to meeting his flnaneial obligations when doe hia being unable to. do so at this time made it embar rassing to him. He steadily grew more despondent until the climax Sunday night when be fell a rietlm of hia awn hand. Mr. Tew'e srile died Are years ago and he is survived by she children at follows: Mrs. Bldridge Jemigao, bln Malrohn Jeralgan, Mrs Car} Jerni gan, Mrs. Prank Blaekman, Mrs. Pan) Barefoot, and the young son who oc cupied the room with him at the time of the fatal act. The funeral services were conduct od this afternoon at ? o'clock fleam the home by Elder X. Lea and the body was laid away in the family burying ground. A large crowd was In attendance. To the bereaved ones the sympa °*y of the entire community ia ex tended. CARb OF THANKS We wish to thank ear many friends far the numberless klndneatea shown as during oar rarest aft know tad eerruw In the death of our laving Fa thsr. May Ood'a richest blastings rest upon them all. LAWSON W. OMAN THAN. AND M8TEM. CONSIDERS LEGISLATION TO CUES EECKLESS DR IVINR Durham Herald. Intoxicated drivers of aotomobflei and gua Later* will tar* badly dhoald legislation bold under canald a ratios by Representative Btetar 8. Bryant ■a a purely local measure, ha passed In the next session of the Oonaiu Assembly. * WOMANS CLUB CALENDAR ¥ ¥ KOR JANUARY ¥ ¥ Music Department, Friday ¥ ¥ F. M-, 3:30 Oclock, January 6, ¥ ¥ 1433. ¥ Businem—Civics Department ¥ * —Friday P. M„ 3 Oclock, Janu- ¥ ¥ ary It, 1423. ¥ ¥ Hume Economic* Department ¥ ¥ .Friday, P. M., 2:30 O'clock, ¥ ¥ January -. g * ¥ tl-t"-"tttlllMIMttttttttti The Woman’s Club had it* usual monthly business meeting on Friday December 3, I #22 at three o’clock in the clab room* with Mrs F. McKay, president In th# chair This was a most interesting meeting After Tari our reports from committor*, much new business was diaevated and es pecially interesting diacumsiona, cs to ways of making money for our club during the coming your. Mn. K. M. Jeffreys, chairman of way* and means committee, announce,! that, pencils would be put on sale at the school, which will be only live cents. These pencil* are realty advertise ment* of the school as they wilt have ‘Dunn Graded .School" on them The parent* are ask*.I to cooperate with the club In alienring their children to buy those pencils, as 20 per cent of the proceeds wtH com* to the club treasury. The club will welcemo sug gestion* on ways to make monoy. Pleaar be liberal with your Idea* and do not hesitate to express them Mia* Harris met with the club and in behalf of the Red Cross made a brief but interesting talk—she ex plained tome of the ways in which fnnria warm aaa^._Hs Csum.sM conducted the tuberculosis clinic hers Inst month get* his salary through Red Cross. She urged us to do all we can for the Red Croat, as thia is such a great and noble cease. In giv ing to it see are helping these who cannot help themselves h enables many who soad treatment to be pla ced in snnltorinma, thereby saving maay lives. Many go without treat-; BH-nt ami endanger the live* of those] •bout |hcm. Min Harris surprised the club when she stated that M case* of tuberculosis had conn under har observation bare in oar town. This in itself is proof enough (bat «re should do oar part ansi light it with oar help. Over PA&.000 was sent is North Carolina last year. The Red Cross seal sals is to be conducted through the Woman's Club this yaay. Nit. V. L. Stephens, as chairman of the committee appointed four other committee* to Help har. Namely: Mesdamci E. K Thompson. Sam Broughton. Lee Borlos, 3. B. Farth ing. Beals may be obtained by pban those on Urn HELP FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS BY BUYING SEALS A Christmas boa to b* sent to the government hospital at Oteen is ta be sent by the Wonsan's elub ^ain thia ChrisUaaL While the dub is ask ed directly to look after this anybody in town who wishes ta do so may cou tribute' to thia boa. All the dab members and any one wbo will, is ssksd to give one or more, either old or new record* of any loud to be sent In this boa. A committee consisting of the following will attend to this matter: Mreclame* Fred McKay, 3. A. Hinas. Wm P. Smith, T. L. Riddle. Everyone is urged to have records in club room before December 18th as this will save work and confusion so neer the holidays. ! The Woman's Club at the reguest of the Chamber of Commerce will co operate with them in relief work for the New Bern lire sufferers. The club la glad to do this, as it always is will ing and ready to help In any good cause. Dunn always goes over the top. After the business was dispensed »ith, the club adjourned to enjoy a weisl Hour with Mrs. E. M. irtfrevs. Fred McKay Tea, fruit taka and wafer* were served. —— I The Woman’s Chib la the only or gmnliatien In which all may work together for good In Dunn. Every woman In Dunn has a place In the club. Do you fill it or is your chair in empty anc at the meetings? Do you not want to be active among the women of the town who ere striving to bettor our town? It is your club. Do you do your part by ItT It needs your cooperation, why not give It Attention Sehoel Children Be tore and get that pencil from the school! Only ftve cents Boy Red Crus* Coals—make your Chrlttama packages attractive with them. Business Local LIITRM—WKATHER MAM BAT! intensely sold wove rweeutng this way. Bettor bo prepared with a i food warm wool Auto Robe. ‘Wr nevu u nko aassiOmsiB. A V. fc*Mt 11 tf rOM RSMTr—TWO ROOMS FOB Hght housekeeping. Phase 114. • lit. WHY WORRY—ABOUT WHAT TC ' give him far OhHtUnaa whan wi I have Just what he needs most. Se< our Mae of Auto Rebee. & Y - Balpaa. It tt I CADET COIL WATER HEATERS— Lc* and Rye Price* reaeonabi* CHRISTMAS IS COMING — WHY * nice 8le.itJ.«r or 311k Plo»h lube for Oirlatma* pre .vnL H. will upprociolr It. Com* aiui in our a*M>nmn.l. 1. V. Snipe*. 12 tf. HUNTERIi I WILL TAKE YOU TO Pomtteo Sound for mb duck. Kjuimrl an.' bird .hooting for 120 1 pny nil rapona*. except board and .hull*. Boani for »i idly. Pnink tdne*. BoH >1 looting. Leave Raleigh • each Monday on Pierc. Arrow con verted ear. Mact partUe In Smith field by appointment. For rm.rra tiona write Odl Barrington, Clay ton* N. C* BATTER1EB—COLD WEATHER IS bad on Batterica. Let u. pot your* in good condition for cold weather driving. L. V. Snipca. It tf. WANTED.—TO CRT IN TOUCH with noma one noeding a farm fore man- Have had experience ta growing any predoet grown on form. *• F. Monroe, Dunn, N. C. Care general delivery. FOR SALE—AUBURN FIVE PAS ■eagen Rnlge Speed*tar. both in good condition ft berjrain counter price a D. P. Sj Motor Company, Snipe* Oarage. * It If. FARMS FOR SAME AMD RENT— The* »r« aa y0Ad aa the beat, wall located Boar chlrchaa and acnoola Daily maila. pfclk road*. J. 0. Laytea. Duun, R. C. 8 ate. FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS— Dri»* a rood «aed ear and enjqy youraelf. Other* rid#, why not yea. Bir larrain. in uicd eara D f. 8. Motor Co., Snipta Garayr. it if. LOST. — III NS A Y BETWEEN Dunn »hd FayaWvUlc a Mack hand bar. 110.00 rXrd offered. Ea • preaa C. O. D. for 110.00 to 8. N. | Johnaon, Snmtw. 8. C. 8-0t«.1 FOR SALE—on SPOILER AMD E- j yin* In flrat-eka* condition. Any one wiehlny to buy apply to L. A. w.nen. Route }, Bo* fll, Dona, I N. C- It 4t pel j money to loan — ssoo.mo.oo; Fhrc Huadrod Thoueend Dollar* to loan an 8r*t neortyay* on real ea-J tale. l£"y thna. Easy payment* R T. Sortca and O. A. Barbour,' Boraon. N. C. Ottee third floor,. Farmer* Commercial Bank Build* in*. Doc. l SL: ■■ 1 • CARBIDE—ALL SIZES. PRICES ri*hc L* end Rye. tStfe. .*4NXr TO LOAN ON FARM in amount* from 91,*00 to 4&0.UV0 for j| you*. Gojwia lad Jvrniftofl. Attorney*. Dunn. X. C. if*. TIRES.—JUST RBCCtVKO A NIC Hhijiuiom of Studebakar Tire*. from »7 60 up. Com* and no them. 7.. V. Solptr It tf. '» -J’W—J'H'i i i uj a MMX-UM HUM M MW CCNT hjrt. Wgynnw wttfct* a Km Mmw. I C Pm 1 «S>. W« KNOW—YOU HAVE BEEN <****'»» for thou good Tiro*. . Wo huo Jut reeoiv*] them. Boll Wu rll prirci. *. V. Bn.pop. 19 U. 1£«2gBB fit**- Ntii'utny Nd jMwMHa. ^ n tfl ^-•affarsrsrts astA** —■ ,~tw mnHnHHenvnpmwamMBWK I Mil Y NICE BREAD I - -ifc tlw Bread far tie 2 ornt, t. raoi* St taaics «•»**.«r a;id nai lu tVi. N«l a c.ac.i. i» arute.l, baeauae it*» kept alvajr* fretli I *>n:l mj'tt In the n2ee dill-proof, germ-proof arrpppe.' I-ml pr'o IviU Sti koodacaa. I reXl price changes—real down ward revision—real bargains — 3-NOT JUST THE TALKED ABOUT KIND • - • We just simply have too much merchandise and want to move it. ■ Every price we name, every article of m erehandise mentioned are positively assure you it's exactly as represented. THIS IS REAL VALUE WE ARE OFFERING All Queen Quality Shoes were $6.50 to $9.00, now priced_$4.25 All Zeigler Shoes were $7.50 to $9.00, now ,.$3.96 LADIES’ DRESSES No such sales prices offered any where. All Wool Poiret, Serge, Can tons and Silks. $6.50 Dreses now priced- $5.75 $12.50 Dresses now priced_$8.75 $15-00 and $17.50 Dream.. $12.75 $20.00 and $22.50 Dresses. __$13.75 Positively these are'the best offer ings ever made in Harnett County. LADIES’ COATS $ 1 5-00, $ I 7.50 and $20.00 Coats, now priced . . .$11.95, $12.75and$14.75 $27-50 and $30.00 Coats_$21X0 $35.00 Coats now..$22.75 MEN’S SUITS Absolutely all wool. Fast Colors. Stylish Garments. Every one guaran teed as represented as to price and • quality. $25.00 and $27.50 Suits now.$19.75 $30.00 Suits now-$22.50 $32.50 Suits now_$24.75 , $35.00 Suit, now ..$26.75 You know we handle Style Plus Clothes. $25.00 All Wool, splendid style, Over coat _ $16.96 t| BOYS SUITS $6.50 and $7.00 Suits now_$4.95 $6.00 and $9 Suita now. .$6.96, $7.25 $10.00 Suits now_$7.75 $12.50 Suits now_$8*96 SHOES FOR MEN -i THE REAL WORK KIND Black Vulcan, Fairfield Shoe, made by H. C. God man Company. No better work shoe ever made. Sold at $4.00. now _ __$2.90 Ralston Norwegian Grain, Young Men’s Sport Shoe. No finer or better shoe made. $9.00, marked now_$6.75 There are other items all over our store just as good values. It will pay you to look it over. AU Hats n Millinery Department from.$1.96 up to $3*96 Some of these hats were Gage’s $15.00 ' to $25.00 hats * ■ • TT 11 DUKE, — ■ P. S. One lot Silk and Wood Dreaaea. ... • '