THE DUNN DISPATCH lmUd.4 April 1. 1*14 •URLUHED TWICS • A • W>SS TUESDAYS AMD FRIDAYS L. BUSBEE rOFt ——-at SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Oa* Tsar...UN Six Uoit.'j __ 1.00 Uttt StNb .SB CASH 04 APVANCR AMnh aD c—MBa*tBttoaa to Th* D epatch. All departments of Tho Oapateh^cpn h« raathtl through Ulo Commarieat.cnj upon'lire topic* are incited, Wat cvd'r «U clrciimctan oo« dn of »uca comnsaica dona mutt furr.tah u> with hi* unr. It ia uot uecooary that th* asm* b* pabltahod. but w* Iran* that U Wc given aa an aridaaca of mad faith. Rhatt accouata at nAlait. enter totMBOBta, dub masting*. ate., are MODERN SPEED Recently la Germany aa arpsrl meet uraa triad to M> how quickly lb* erto cou'd Worn* a newspaper. Thrtc trees with bird* singing In tht I raociiti war* cut down at 7:M a. a*. The trunks wor* taken to tho factory n“d In lea* than two boon transform ed Into pulp and paper. At * JO a. no. tits > sH of paper wu ddicerod to th* cewapcper oftcc. At 11 a’clock copies of tho newspaper printed on the pa per which three hears and twenty few minutes ear’ler wu a lie* tree, were 09 sale in th* streets. Every oar knows a r.ew» paper Is nothing but wood. 1: is mad* out of &o true aa eaTiy aa your table is. The pro case is different. In ■—fcjng the tsbla you aw the uv and the plane, b> aukag the newspaper you reduce the wood to pulp, roll It into a thin cheat and blench it Aftheoah the shore experiment was made in Ger many. tuch modernity is not confin ed to thi* country. Th* feat could bare been aecorppliidwtd in any of the prow rewire natiore however. It u>rv*a to vended at «f th* remarkable quali ties pees rased by throe people. They »»« indeed a wonderful net, ettelcnt, scientific, and forward looking. Prior to 1»H w* Maori at»d than la oar ■tod* with qaltar; after to* Belgian toraaloa w» cam* to regard them aa (ha atrocious arid barbaric Haa; siu«» toe armistice they have received tone eettsideraUon at the hand* of the Aa sriaaa people la toair effort* to es tablish a BepabUc. We can overlook to* plUagihg aad plundering for rach lo war; after a diagnosis of the Ger *oa adad at that period, we are •■* II* ad to ba laa* bitter on aceooat , to# doatrorltaa of th* art trena . » tmtt ■*{ mtopdirie ef.ri* ■■■■«*. bob ■»•*» eWHaad peoples yon for got too aiaaghtor of laaocent hobos aad dofohooioM women. They can novor ootlhre this stigma. CLEMENCEAU Ex-Pnaier Georges Qcsaencean of Praam, who now otyioo himself Citisea Ctomenceaa, came to Ameri ca a short time ago to deliver a se ries of lactam*. HE* motive, so ho dated .for delivering these'lectures was to cement the tins of friendship now existent between this country aad France, and. if powtbie, to coo vinca the American pee pie that France'* preoent policy U neither im perlolisllc aar milltarwtic. Be has ipoken in soveral of our torgmt cities aad has met with splen did ovation*, however, it la evident that Clttaen Clemcnecau is not cam top deoa wWi us. Senators Hitchcock •»d Borah hov* obviously pierced bis camouflage and ho*# openly attacked him la the Senate. His damranor force* one to con ciode that Pmeco anticipates a rap tors of some kind before a gnat •fiflc and I* lieairsas of getting the Halted StoW all let far toe Maee doatoa cry, tboold It become necee •ary to have a liule help. In addrsos taff the military ana at the War Cot Wgn la Washington the other day he mad* this statement, “111 see yon »#■!■ la France,'' which cams* the belief that another horrible conflict io browing. Franco I* fearful of Germany'* Ml* roto, Whxh II BOftra cent great *** **•*• b*** C nanny, oa the eeatrary, fa fal because of the retMue terms that Pnaca haa endeavored la exact. Mr. Uayd George, who perhope taan more shout Intenattoaal affaire thaa any living ms, fa aew eeatrihaUag a series of brilliant articles to mam af the leading >a»e«». bearing aa these particular lames, wtesh we ad vise yea to read. It*e toe deep for ae to attempt to toll yea about fa. Well let Mr. George do It In ear jenata about tows wa can tinas to aae eridaacsa of Dan’ll grow*. Go oat ia any direction and yoa vB observe baildtogs to the nmh lng or some Just recently construct 'd- Ba* year ft arts us expanding. Would that wa had a cotton alll a* two in addition to our other ptoafa of industry. The early port of Urn woafc wo paid a visit to eur neighborly town of beams. Wa like to go to Trews They have a dandy bank building ov er there ami scores of good people who always pretend that they are glad to see us. Benson's fame fa far spread because at one tfcno It was tha dwell ing place of Herr Alfred Schmidt, erstwhile journalist aad the “big cheese’’ of all of the musical signal rations of this locality. Our motive for going over re pri marily to confer with on old pal aad incidentally to give the city fsBen aa oppotunity to lamp a Dana "hlek." While there wa met a war bride (ah! Spaniah-Ameriean). who had every thing and we cmne darn near not eeo *n>: our old friend at alL Bat wa did aad wo had quite a lengthy chat. Be told m ef his upo and downs rises we last saw him, and before we part ed he ritewed us in confidence a lat ter he had just received treat hfa mimua: “Dear Al: The Uds aad I are getting along aU right since you went away. We have taken in a boarder, aa ex-service man. He is very nice to a*- Ho lakes am to the moving ply turn* every week. Last week he took me to see “The Tour Horseman of the Encyclopedia. Kay God Mam you and keep you from year loving wife” —Mary. I Pina like unwisely Inraatad money, •re lost yearly ia mlHions. Fiat m pointed in one direction end hearted ia another. Likewise, money. If not safety loft In sack a bank as the Tbit National. Ribbon ia mentioned in the Bible “Eve was'made from a rib on Adam." The beet line of ribbana shown be fore women, ia aeon at Draagbaa’a. An elderly woman should bo care ful when yachting where aba aaaU hcnclf. She may appear to bo aa old baa sitting on a hatch. Any kind of hen looks better, when {pd on Purina Hen Chow from L. P. 8 arise. If the public did whmt they felt like to the troOey ofklats, the pnbRc would Knag on rapes Inal sod of Stripe. To never got strapped ia year sate, have U looked over by the CHy Gar age. Mr. Fortune moot hove married for money. Isn't ho onpacthig bis wife to have a little fortaaet To have a little fortune, save by baying from Walter Jones. Whin you order tan aorta worth ad lee, you don't bra to lot the ice man in. He aril) deliver it through the key kola. For brood that art! melt In your mouth, try Mity Nieo Bead. A Urn decks age la tho Celestial *■^"1 7e«eg Sanaa Tang of the OiWi pobility married a girt ha era* ■ever permitted to me until she low ered her veil at the wedding tore many, which ta tho eastern. W this Light of the World rueh o thigg would have boon preposterous, Pftftfeoty absurd, but, after all, suoh a marriage baa It’s advantages. Just thiafc of the f*a be could hare had laying a Sat with hjt Boyal pals aa ta whether or mot tec bad a dimple or wars them railed, or aay at all. And tha sooner ho could have cared on ihegtre tickets, oats and drinks. And later 00 If they bad trouble, they could react their families who ar anged tha affair and aoan they weak! be agreeing1 In a oaatmon cause which would Mkaly load to loro. Then they would bo contented and (tick to their kaJtlng. Wo are glad to tee our friend, L. U. Biaacil, out again after being confer ed to hie room for a week by the flu. “Bis" ta the saperinUndent of the ehy wuter department and ha* sarrrd tho towd faithfully for a number of roan. Though conaevatively bunt, be ts constantly making some improve ment around tha plant that win in crease !t*s oOclsncy,* thereby afford ing tha patrons good service. The Poet Offioe force would appre ciate It very ranch If you would mail year Christmas parcels early. UAnally there are a great many wbo wait un til the last minute to do this. Conse quently, you do not get tec service tlmt you would like to kave or tho sorriea that they would like to glow Wrap your packages carefully, put ovary thing inside and on tha outside wi*h, and take them around be fore the eleventh hour rush. The hoys in the ollce are human, like every one •Iso, and you should not expect them to perform Impossible feats. _ T*il» week while attending the Townsend land tale on lower Broad ami while endeavoring to avoid a man who had one e« oar L O. UV-we bumped into our old friend, .Imnol Barefoot at ene time Isracai was tea cola owner and. operator of tha “8wmgk>g Special,” which line was t 1« opposition to the "Sand HID mltid.'* ltie "Swaglog Special” vru no T-.«e identified with the Union <3 wo available at all hoars of > day and sight. The daprsooion tvu years ago geve the special st lockout” and it was eventually ta ■ over by ths Jitney Trust Israel iow residing near tho place ef hie Ui where he la producing a plenty f.hog and hominy. Bo eoyi the life - room conducive to Mod health than l.e transportation buslneen. AJtSUCKUt TO OPEN A CAFE IN NIPPON Tokyo, Dec. 14.—Kuraort that Koe coe Arbuekle plane to return to Js pun in the early «ring and eetabliah u cafe In Tokyo have been unoOdally confirm 4d His depleted taancoe sad onpopu laiity in the United States ore cold to have combined to induce the com edian to laench the Japaneee reatau nsnt ventura. The aeandel which reealted In ban uing Arbuckle's pictures in Ameri can apparently bos not off acted Jape neea “mavis" fans who applauded "Fatty" on hi* Tew sppeamncee is theatres hem. According to reports the restaurant will be called the "Cede Debu” Iron f “Dckukun,” meaning “Mr. Fatty," which he is called by Japaneee admir er*. THE CIVIC MIND If people learn to lavs their coun try, if their vision I* raiesd beyond th* p<*ttj circle of their personal and fata lly Interests to appreciate the true width and splendor* of national life as a thing- which not only embraces oil of oa who are now living here and groupod In a great body seeking com •non cade, but reoebes back into the immemorial post and forward Into the mysterious future, it elevates tbs conception of eitUenship, it fills tho sheath of empty words with s keen edged sword, it helps men to rise above marc party view* and to feel their exercise* of voting power to be • solemn trust. K h common to talk of ignorance a* the chief peril of a democracy. It has, however, another for not leas pernicious—this is lado lrnee. Indifference to puhUc affairs •how* itself mot merely In s neglect to study tbera and fit oae’i sail to glee a Judicious eats, but ia tha apathy which doaa net cam to give a eota whan tha time came—Jamas Bryce. SENS ME A CHRISTMAS VOICE Send as a Christmas voice tonight Out of tha friendly glow Of Unset waaths and ho% And starlight an the snow; A silvery raise of gladness To give my aoal a thrill And Unger through tha coming year When Chdmmi joys are still j A voice that teams with laughter, Warm fellowship and leva. That sets my thoughts to danefaig When moonbeams dream above. Oh, eagerly I*m listening To catch this token ran—■ A cheery voice of Christmas, Out of the world assnawhara. —JULIA H. Banana. SHOULD RESIGN Judge Qrmdy from the sixth Judi cial district stUl heaps his mouth Hint as to his connection John K. Baggett, senator-cl act from Harnett county •ays that ha win offer a maasurs a* the coming session of tks legislature outlawing the hi an in f(orth Carolina, and makes strong utterance with re gard to an affiliation by a judge with •ueh an ocgamiaatteA. We entirely agree with Hr. Baggett that any judge doaa not properly con strue the law, and does Dot under stand the function of tha law, and Is not thoroughly posted on the rights of the eitisen, and therefore cannot’ be just to a prisoner In his court If he regards government by an invla ibto organization aa correct. Suppoee e member of the klai zheaid appear before him for belni connected with a lynching party, 01 a whipping party, or any kind of I party whloh waa eagaged in any ad which appeared to him to be corree but which la entirety Irregular ai eonetrued by law, what would ha d< with It? Certainly hit connection will the klan would influence him, be .. 7- ' ““1 1 | can* in advance be )• In sympathy with such procedure. Aa we are it the only graceful ' thing for Judge Grady to do la to . resign, since If he resigns from the ! Warn and retain hit potiUon aa Judge : ha cannot deal justly with one of its i, members since he has already dcelar 1 »d by joining the organisation that I he it in sympathy with it—Wilson •■Times. ictmas, Gift RUN* Wriat Watefc T° 1 I ----a fruit K^g, and Save Money / We are selling out at a price drat fits your purse and will give you a tyg reduction on 'large quantities. We are expecting two car loads of sweet Florida Oranges first of week and will have plenty for all. * You will find At our store a big stock of Applet or angea, candy, nuts, raisins, cocoanuts, grapes, grape fruit, dates pineapples, celery, tomatoes, or anything else you want in the fruit line. And don't forget that our home-made candy Is the best We will sell you cheaper than the other fellow and in addition to this will give you a & per cent discount on orders amounting' to $5.00 or more. Wholesale Prices To Schools, Churches and Charitable Instituting ( Spcpial—5-lb box assorted chocolate candy, splendid grade...V_$1.75 Come to see me. I did not grow this excellent fruit but my brother did. 1 guarantee it M. S. DIBBS PHONE OS —DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA VULCAN PLOWS 0 We now have on hand'a supply - of VULCAN PLOWS and'PARTS 0 0 I 1 • , ■ YOU kn6w the quality .. ■ ■ ■ - JOHNSON BROS. .■ .. M— ■ ■■ ■ ' T-O-Y-S! (. i > Are pieoUfol at our .tor. Yeur era cordially Invited ta call and anako y*ar .election., | *5tr,v“SM,t ••«*«*«• in our athrortiaemenu; we ' ■ t™ *» Y°u-T^ not b* di*ap pointed when you ice our Toy* for there la no hotter aaoortmcnt in the Statu. Our patronage ' hmt increased and indication, are thot thl, year will ho mater J 1 more comPleU nMuiy itorea in larva ■ ■ J ► c.tic*. Wc mention below tome of the item* we carry. « ► _ ' 1 !; ; BOOKS BOATS i i ' 1 CIRCUS FIGURES DOLL TRUNKS :: I272IV?3 DOU- suitcases r am^V"3 TEDDY REARS CHECKERS DOLL PUSH CARTS TELEPHONES riCycIrk 1 > foStmlu" stick hSSm W AIR RIFLES • TENNIS BALLSET8 XMA3 ™“ g^3 SLATE BOARDS FARM WAGONS EXPRESS wagons ?1K3™dM T“wwS« i: DOLL CARRIAGES OIA1RS SKOOTERS WHEELBARROWS KIDDY CARS JUMFINCJACKS ZYLLOPHONE5 ROLY POLYS AMMUNITION . I MOVING PICTURES DRUMS CHEMISTRY SETS IKON TRAINS ' TOYRWmSr* MECHANICAL TRAINS BMDMnrm ELECTRIC TRAINS ROCKING HORSES I°LJ*°NS HOBBY HORSES I ROM r Mr MA.n.. AUTOMOBILES SEWING BRTR*0* SKUDDER CARS < J^7"Q SET* IRISH MAILS i; ’ DOLL*FURNITURE SH°°£i™ ; ; PIANOSEDS CANDLE HOLDERS. 1 [ PIANOS TOOI rHV«T« ' CHRISTMAS TREE ORMAMEHTS CMESTS — _ SPECIAL PUrvh**#d from tfa« U. S- Government a Urge number «4 Aeroplane Seat*, which wo hooo ooavortad into children'* twinr*. Thom *ro meeting arilk mock iwcaa* for their original coat waa 7 00 ta 115.00 Our price template with hooka, rope* and wlatr B,rm» <•.Plain -SS-OO- Leather UpkcMerad. . SS.00 || GIFTS FOR GROWN-UPS While w* have apent much time talking of ehildron'* ton we ' 1 have not faUod to provide man, UaeTu tffu for grown-w a" { [ our atom ia full of thouaand* of uaoful artioUa for the older folk* , ! laJu! I!! *“** you i"KI1 **• F^****1 »"7 .tore and we aincerely uvrtto you to come for ’ __ “3ANTACLAU3 WISHES TO SEE YOU." Huske Hardware House y ^AYEmVILLE, —NORTH CAROLINA < » A4AAAkAAAAAAAAA|ttt 11t t t lllfMi § tlftf J t f f f |f » » + + + \ of our “Yardsticks” etpevlorqciMItyaodthelrl-dofeawtrurtlen thb make pceafcle apUAdid performance md comparative freedoat f-om repair. The four bear bip crankshaft and aavro inr h frame, with Bee cron mtiaban and tha aub frama Hapodht the motor and apanta hnaaWun, are evidtnce of tbe mechanical asceWmce at the Spedal-Six. »te Wjw price la an achievement fa the . amount c4 reel value for tha money —an aehlevamant that (a due to Studahaktr’a K£JTunm *" money, race and You tan buy the Special 9i* with eon Bdenee batman of the aaaae It bean—the . aman fombatar whiqb for 70 yean baa Mood foe hornet value tad Intajplt;. Cuupa(4^uua.X—^.1400 Coupe (PPuanX- I1M — *fti> SMITH A McKAY Dunn, N. C. .THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR • * . • I ' n >

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