BJ i- ■ - At dm rrmnt Greet shore•raertinc ot the Citizens’ Committee of One Hundred on Prison Legislation tncoam mendabonz srere made by nfieen ocb roainilteee which had been stndy iag ratio a* phases of th* pci sou prob lem in this State. On the basis of th<**a rveomnmulctta-u a committer comyoaed ef Mr. A. X. Salts. Mrs. KaU Barr Johnson Dr. J. F. Steiner, Mm T. W. Sicken and Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt wilt work out n program af penal legislation to be proposed u> the nest General Assembly. lasisr the recorameadationa ef the •ub-eemmltteea (which have not yet, • however, been boiled down Into a, i *•*«•*• prison program) are Uw fel l. Keotganlzatlon of the State Pteonja provide for a central dear. honse equipped wish a Bnreao of Medicine ami Psychiatry and for the supervision of the whole system by ( peaelegUL_ «• "iwwuto wx inr war a zor int criminal issue at the State prison *pd prevision for the eare of afl In aaaa aad feeble-minded inmate* at tba mnl State hospitals tor the bnaa* and at CasweD Tralnin* school. Aa oxastinattoa of all inmaloo would b* mod* by a commissi**! of mcnt^ exp*its aad any saac would be trans ferred to tb* proper department of lb legator. 1 of a farm colony offenders. •f n system of for th* State Prison of the Board of beys similar to th* - -Wj «o*ef 17'had‘ll. B> Iaersue to tfm~ number of ••• tbo Superior Ooort for th*! total of ^riariaoi caaa*, so arranged “■* a* person ta North CaiolJna me- j cusod of crime woold hero to wait for ] *m* taupor than twelve weeks. •* X matron in osclutoe ehaspe •f At VDRMii'i wards of oil roomy ami eity Jails; Is th* torpor jails for Ml tins*; fas th* smaller jail* for portjtlmw . , IS- Prohibition of floppinp and1 **■ of dork cells as punishment' fo both State and saonty prisoners. II. Csawinatien by the Bona *f! Kodtaiac aad Psychiatry at the! ***** Msoo of all coart esses ihoapht! to be mental cases. • ^ I*. Better adfctniriration of pa tota. IX Abolition of tl<e eoorirt lease* 14. A aeieMUW su*s> sod study of tbs suri criminal by a commie Lon kIkM by and under tha direction of tha St*^ Board of Charities and PuV E» Welfare. . , !«. Props ration by tho State Stale Board of Charity and Faille Welfare of plans and specific ethos for musty jaDs and etiy prisons of varying type* to sat tha needs of lb? diffoient eountioe and towns in the State 16. That Bit State Board of Char ities end Public Welfare and the State Board of Health is empowered V> enact rules (or carrying into ef fect tho legal regulations as to sent tatico, health and segregation of pris oner*. TURLINGTON NEWS "vf. W. H. orUngto’i, and little eon HSton, wore partakers of the barbe cue dinner given by Messrs. Lanydon and Faqusy at Sloe urnb last Mon day. Ifm. Stewart Turlington who has been quite tick with Ir.Pucnia b tm trc'^eg tome. lirj. P. E. Turlington and family arr tick with liJluonra. ITog killings are Already beginning Mr. Stcwnrt Tailinglon killed S,«C0 pounds Monday. Mr. John McLeod, who has been rirk for some tiibc. Is improving now. , Rnv. Mr. Bray of Bniet Creek will nroach st Tudlrptna- school 'war (•’••• tiny at 3X0 p. m. We are ve-y to have Misa ll?uic Ennis bark with ns after an sbrence of a week on account n( In rVerw*. Miort Vara a«d Brookic and Ila Ennis spent the week end with their aunt, Mrs. Edd Williams, of Benson. TAXES IN NEW JEltSEY Some people n North Carolina who think they an being heavily taxed. Hiving* no thoaghu to the benefits de rived from that ■ taxation, ought to move about a hit and make observa tion*. Certainly they woold find com fort In the tax Agiue* font New Jer sey, where the aggregate of taxer levied for the year -021 amount to the comfortable sum of $169,144,939. Making analysis of the New Jersey •itamlen. Mr. MeCmady Sykst, writ i*Jt I* Commerce and Finance, say* that this is $17,000,000 mere than wp« ever before paid for oimilar par peace in that state. It include* tfas taxca levied by local amesaora. coun ty tax boards, and State beards. Lo eal or mualeipal taxes account for Sswwrsffl&s&s fear amount to maaaty 6M)OOJJOO; county purpaess call for mors than $14,#00,0 00. Nsw Jersey haa a population of lr 161.900, so that her state, county, and local taxes alone amount to the staggering sin of $61 per capita. On the statiscical average of Ave persona the family these figures seem incred ible. ft seems Impossible that the avers*e family ahouM be paying over $260 per year in these local taxes alone, exclusive of all income taxes and federal taxes of every kn d. New Jersey suffers an additional burden from 'he fact that ■ larps part of he* P«-P>« make tholr living In New York aa-l arc compelled to^ay Income tax «* there. _ TV average . rate of taxation ip New Jersey, as Sykes baa it, is $6,641 per 100. Compare that with the eomparn —mmn-ww—iewa . « «£:B'v ■ ■ I——; -1 m M \ Sgg I 9994,114 .M LiAxunis Capital Stock-9 10.000.00 fcrpl^o aad ttaUrkfad Profit.-. SSJOS.tS Wmr rtaaaaa Gfrpontfan- 40.tSS.7t Dcfarrad Crodff; Pad oral Kaaarra- 8S.S70.40 9*??****** -- -- -- 40.000.00 ■jHwomrt: Federal laaarva Bank- 77.487.09 •*• —tmm^ 710,7MJK> I 9094, Imjm : r 9 Caapar _OfPytJW • ^ ^ ' tZi.t^c£^SataA I—:— -—- r - . lively low rale 1* Ne:-+ Cn:! tin* the Ncrih Car<ii-.n th* Seneht* secured, (ii! o* h. •.>•_1 Charlotte Okir.vcr. LEGAL ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned hiving qualifled ■e Administrator ef lh» M(nu> of Oeorgim S. Ga‘ney,|dvc«ided, '..uo of •iamcn Co lint 7, tub i< ir, no-.,f.. ^.1 ccrmrna having claim* again* »t!d er fata to present them to me duiy <«,'• •*1 <w» or before the 24th. da/ ■>( November, 1083 or this notiro wit. bo Ira0«d !n bar of their tweo otyfal! . -Kona Indebted to said estate -ill naic* immediate payment. TliU 24th day of November, ifr?2. LENN1K GAINEY, Aucilnstrstar. _ Dunn, N. C. Clarenco J. Smith. Attorney. Nov. 24 Dee. 1 8 15 22 20. AOMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Thv und*;-*iguod baring qanl'ficd *' Administrator of the estate o( 'JcD. Holliday, deceased, lata of Har Pott County, thla Is to notify all per *oni having claims against said estate' a present them to me duly verified ti er before tho 24th dav o. Vov**i *. *23 or thi» notice wit' b. pi.;: '7.; »* bor of their leCuve y; p . ir.iebted to ra ,1 vtitle will make •i,--e»iiato payment. TTila 24th day of November. 1022. HAEP&R hfeO. HOLLIDAY, Admi niatrntor, 1 Dunn, N. C. Clarence J. Smith, Attornev. Nov. 24 Dee. X 8 13 22 23. NOTICE jOF SALE ~~ ~ By virtnc of the teit,'* cf aYevtain >*rtg«ge deed escc.ite t by Willie ope. ar.H wife, Mollie Popn. which mortgage deed is duly registered lu look 108. Tag* 271. m the olTleo of uia Register of Deeds of Harnett county, default hiving been made in ;he Mtymrmt of tho notes secured thereby, tho unUcnienci'. mortgagee wi>l on Saturday, Decerobor 23rd, * ^ » - e • .s'. -4* . '• r-14 iio-ir TV ill- •• • * Hw’. If. 10 cja'w. i » .V V oc."x.'i.' • 1(5 c (5 d d,p' of K. jtfce --1/LO"1. Sen l; tu. * ! i'.t. 1 8 15 28. »*M. or "sale of LAM) wndvr and by virtue of a cjf.. c-.- ■ • 1a t.* a.syericr Ccus i «.i • .'-e.’sty, before the Clrr.:. t’• " * all 7. Hedge*, Ad.Ti’ni t.. - 'V. A. Hodge*. fcccu-vol n Ho !gc* ot al*." *u;n» bein.r -- ■■■" Jii Special Proceedinee ■ : . i f said coui t, aad the order - •■•'-’i t' the undcraispiad t • ' "cr wi’t, po Saturday, l»e b: > *, 1922, at 12 o'clock X, . - I'M li> Avt.nmbnro Tc*l. " fctietjr, Borth, . .b*je tuc'i \ for darlt to tlx* . •: •rp’ivat I.UtdeA the follow 13 .,rf t !u; cr paro««f land: .. r -i - »«!>g at a stake A Bettie Hick's 'ix’ r -J. 5V. Hodgef and W. A. ' its' corner, and \runs up said “•h-'a N. 4 1-2 W. a chain* to an 1 '■> c:rca-j thence N. |8 1-2 X. 4.S0 1 . to a stake; lienee the old r i-. 1-2 E. 10.20 chain* to a the comer of wire fence, s >;-sr; ttonce • now-lino and vi ;• fence S. 1* 3-4 E. 9 45 ; a sinker anotbar Bow come.-; •-:c:her nsw lia» S. 12 3-4 W. 1 > ■•.' a:. S to a stake In the oriolnaj Y.t, thenre the origltUl lint N. 88 44 *'• 15 JO cha'iu to the beginning -s .'rising IB acre*, more or 'era. " inis of ,*alu—Saturday, Decemhc: it. U'22, 12 M. i Cotton Seed Wanted! j We pay highest cash price* or will exchange for— J MEAL : 1 FERTILIZER 2 OR 1 « ! I.'.EALTMONIA • £ a * J Scales situated next lo J. L. Hatcher’s Storil "I MHALY1I0NIA—fc«id last year bj^nany farmers 3 j ’ 'f* this section—is highly recommended by those who 1 , , used it. . ' 3 N. B. Lee and FretT Baggj^t j agents fat ♦ '1 * | i ^ tee County ColtoSrQ® CoBj&iiy* !♦♦♦♦♦«****.♦—♦♦*...»n. »>»»«.1 I A Wish | **¥ HAVE TAKEN Cardul far run-down, tTorn-out ■ condition, nervousness and sleeplessness, attd I waa [■ weak too,” say* Mrs. Silvie Estes, of J wining*, OUa. ' j| "Cardni did me just lots of good—to muck fed I gave tJfl i H it to my daughter. She com plain od of a soreness In ber £9 aides and back. She took three bottles of Cardul sad to|9 i ■■ ber coaditfan was much better. "We hsve lived here, near Jennings, for 20 yeers, and now we have our own home In Iowa I have had to ^ work pretty hard, as this cooahy wasn't built up, and it "I WISH I could toU weak women of Cardni—toe medicine that helped give me the strength to go on and I ■ do my work.” This card fulfils htr wish. ICAERDUli I The Woman's Tonic 1 ■ —www gag * **AA -- . . . . . . . * a __ High Grad 2 Fertilizers for Sale _ . * ————— , c, (AX) T00« riijS C.'.v'e Mined Fertilisers. 2.000 Tees 10 per rent Acid Phosphate. 1.000 Tea* German kaWt, 12 per mat. 800 Ten* German Variate, 80 per eeat fstsih . 100 Ten* Gemrv ?j|ptwite, 40 per eeat Petaah. 100 Ten* Crowns T.mkage, 10 per seat Anaemia. 200 Tea* Dried Ground Pish, 10 per eeat Aaaed*. 8.000 Tea* Agrieal.ural time, 08 per seat. 1.000 Tee* Nitrate o» Seda, IS per seat. Sea ar write me to o*l on pea at ease far had! pehm G. I. SMITH Coals, North Carolina f ..... a f • * rtc of tele—On promises, At • •> Townihlp, at W. A. Hodge* .1 r lice. . « of aala—Coth •*! Nov. 20. IMS. V. '-'cLEOD. Commissioner. • - He- I ft 16. . • iiOTICE OF SALE ''iv.uc of an order of the So - or Court of Harnett County ie •..l Ou tic 28th day of November, -2Li. is spec ini proceedings entitled .lr«aa Lee. Admr. of the estate ii j. C. 3eT, defeated, against Mary • •• *»l*i Bell and J. C- BeU, Jy, ft Uie u tide-signed Coramitaioner " tr tf by rail Decree will on Sat *• ‘-‘J. the 80th <lay of December, -T :. i.t 13 o'clock M., offer for sale ' Ilf Municipal Building, in the ■*-> uf Dnxir., North Carolina, the * ::fwir.g described tract of land, to i<: «J n lot of tend in the Town of «• '-ogianlng at a point on the !>'* ' a>nrgin of Kdgorton Street ■/ i«i jL'iwird front the intersec tion cf suid «*-ect with the Eastern •- -.irn of McKay. Avenue, and runt L‘ ;ace Northwardly pamllal with iCay Avenue 150 foot to Edgsrton "" 'III——BgM street; theeee Weetwerdly with Ed r-rten 8treat TB feet to the bagtn Dlng, being e let TO by 1B0 feet la else. Tense of Balei OneAhird eeto upon confirmation of the mle by the Court; and one-third La ninety days and one-third In aix after *~~i Arm at Ion, the deferred gagman* to bo aeeared by &rat mortgage an the (Jiaraieee. Tan per cent df the roe ceatful bid arOl be required to be da poeited on day of eale pending ood ftrmatton by live Court Thia the SSth day of November, | IBtS. N. A. TOWNSEND, CoimnWecer. Dec. 1 « IB 12 IB. ' NOTICE Or SALE Of o»M ESTATE Under and by virtue ef the author ity contained In a certain mortgage I deed executed by Caeeie Moon to Tilghman Lumber Company on the 86th day of March 1980 and aeeared by a bond of even data, and default having boon made in the payment thereof, the unde reigned Mortgagee will on oMndey the Bth day of Can ary 1921, aall to the highlit bidder, for taah at the Court Boom door in the towa at HUB igtoe, N. C.. the following deecri bed tract* of lani to wii* TV* town let* *4 mapped by Geo. B. Prince Is the- eabdlrUion ef the Uad known a* tilt Oil Mill propel U and sold by Huyhy Bro*.,ohth* 28nd day of Deimter 191B, the •am* being lot* No. 40 and 41 la said suh-dlelalon. Beginning at a (take os Wilma street and ran* about W. IBB fact to a (take; thenew about N. B4 foot to • stake; thence about B. l«l hei to Wileon street; thence with Wil ton street 60 feet to the beginning, containing two lots, alma 26 X 181 feet, these being conveyed to W. Q. 'Hollingsworth by deed from J. t Wllmn end wife Bunicy J. Wilson, recorded-tn book IBB, pegs B22, re cord* of Heraett eoanty, aad convey ed by W. G .Hollingsworth to Cemlii Moore August 14$, 1919 end re corded In Harnett County hi book 188, peg* 621, record* of Harnett County. Thu 6th da* of December 1922 TfLOHMAN LUMBER CO., Ini Vf n Young, Beat and Young, Attorney* Deo. 8 16 It 24. I LI NCOLN Get Behind the Wheel ■ H W Drivir.p the Lincoln brings a new acme of | The. complete mastery of rime and roads. Rid- ,) L Seven»P:is9cnger tng under all conditions and at any speed. Touring Car is a smooth, even flight. )) ft ^ WflM 300 operation* accurate to one quarter T thousandth ofvan inch; tsoo operations fflfl F. o. n. Detroit accurate to one half thousandth of an inch. - =. Ten Body Type* 5°°° operations accurate to one thousandth J Ir‘-^' make the Lincoln'the most T acru.-ateiv |,„lr car i:» the world. - | J.W. THORNTON '' Is * -nL‘l‘ ITT-' P^—j Mi f\ : ^_ ‘ ' V _ _L_ . . U j The Season | for Stoves Iis Here You will find the largest and most complete line of— j Stoves Heaters Cook Stoves and Ranges $ ever brought to Dunn in our store. -- . . Furniture for every room in the House. Prices always right. t j Butler Brothers ' Dunn, N. C. Varma, N. C.

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