0---0 O LOCAL * o---o ¥ ' WOMANS CLUB CALENDAR ¥ FOR JANUARY ¥ - ¥ Music Department. Friday ¥ ¥ P. M, 3 JO Oclock. January *. ¥ ¥ 1923. , Bu'iw*—1'.'ivies Department ¥ —Friday F. M., 3 Oelcc'c, Jnnu- ¥ . y 12. 1938. ¥ li.me Economics ii --’ rtment ¥ Friday. F. M., 330 O'clock. ¥ 'anu-.ry *«, 19*2. ¥ F. Grover Britt of l.c-nbei ton, it a v .>r in Dunn today. ..list Pear. Grantham i. suffering . i t-iii a dlslocutcd arm I MuAl li by a full the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jackson an. e'-ildren spent the week end with Mr Jsrkson’s parents in Spring Hope Mies Juuie (pock, s member of thi high school faculty, has returned U. Dunn from Goldsboro, where she wa* called luet week by the death of he father. J. D. Baggett of Maitland. Fla . n foimrr citiaen of Sampson county, will arrive in Dunn tonight with n cat'll ad of fruit which was raised on Ids own grove in Florida. The car will hr stationed on the Coaet (.in* tnsekr near the station. Mr. Baggett will be* here for several days sr.J will hr gla l' io aee cm i nerve- l Chas. Randall of Falcon. was a busineta viator In Djnn Thursday* Rlw. Luk<- Radrr of Chicago, a strong • \arg*llst of the Chriat.on Missionary Allianrs. wdl begin a Her r* of meet I inga In the Gospel Tab.-rmirl* here * next Sunday night. The Uoor of thr services after Sunday have not beer r-ranged yet, but will hr announced liter. The pobllc Is cordially invited lo hear Mr. Ra.Ur MARSH MORROW MOVING INTO OPERA HOUSE For"*»v Moviig Piet«jrs Hseto Ts B. Remodeled. Bean Leased By New Ceeeeen Marsh Morrow, for the pan »»v ► i-ol years manager of the White Way Theatre, is moving his equipment in fo 'ho opvirs hAiee and will be ready to open to the public by the middle of next week The batldlng which the White Wqy| occupied for the past several years, has been leased to The Golo-| nlal Amassment Co., and la closed at' Preaent for repair*. The faalldingj Installed throughout, which will tZ \ iluda a (4,000 Beaberry organ. Thr j UB* the n«w theatre will be an KM IlfHS FOR SMIRjM REUEF Tarheel daaoutlve A aka Aoeouete Be a»orn foe Vlellma of Turk la* Mataacra In Moor Boat. An appeal to all North "imltaliaa to remember, daring tha aaaioa at fhaakagtrlag. tha rata gee victims at lha Turkiab adraoua as and masiaeTn at Smyrna waa Bad# Moaday by Oar •nor Cameron Morrlaou from Raleigh U coaaaotloa with tha attempt at tha Hear Baet Relief aad tha Bad Craat ta auooor tha rlntlaa ad thla terrible llaaatar erernaaa Ouroraon Montana Beta Sunday, December 14, aa the apeelfic day oa which ha aaha all reeldaau ot hla rommoawaalth I# go a Hula deeper Into tholr poc It at bo oka ta aM tha dee tltute who ara now ecafterwd orar Three* aad Oraaca, their howtoa la •troyed, agtlaa from lhatr aallva land, with no food and only tha olethaa on lhatr backs. Tha Naar Kart Ballad hai bean hard put to taka oara at tha 110,000 little aotbariaaa aad Utherlaas chlldraa whom they ara bulldlog Into the now Armenian nation tha Tar la all hut havlag axtonatnatrd thr aid one. Along oa thla aontta lha foddem throw lag 00 lhatr hands nt orar 100.000 wo men children and old Dam. wbo Sad drum the Turbo anti thereby a are pad tha tala ot 1 sa.000 wbo war# murdered in cold blood by the Turkiab congmar ora ot Smyrna. A recant appeal by Prwaldaut Hard lnp aad Will Haya* committee baa brought aa Inadvquata raapoaae. It la reported. In Clovemnr .vtorrlaon'a ap peal ha atatoa I hat It would mm the paopla ot Korth Carolina. aa wall aa the reet ot America, hava a at raadllv «"'»•« »• nagitude and path™ of tho altaaUoa tcmlvlag tha absolute kaevra desUtntlca aad near .terra now at aakrly a Million women. chtldrsa and aid man. Supplementing thla appeal. Cotosel Oaoraa H. Bellamy. state chairman ef tha Naar East Hall-i aaka that charka aad oontrlbaUona al thla ftaa allbar ha tore ad oner to local coaaty chair man (or Ihla great humanitarian organ isation or bo sent to kirn or Robert A. Brown, State Treasurer. »01 Cltlseas Bask Building Raleigh, rands tor rw M*f ^ Snijmi* vlalmi will bm Adnloli tered within two waaks after receipt, ka stated. At tha same time. Ooloeel Bellamy aaka lha public not to rat thla appeal confused with the regular Near Bast Relief campaign which win ooma later Thla aopeal D Just (or emergency fundi to take eara of rletlma al tha Smyrna maiaaorw sod (oread abandon maat of homes The "regular cam palgn." he points oot. la to Uha care of tha 1.114 Uttla children whom North Carolina la building Into part of the future Armenian nation. It regain* 1X00 ooo a year to do this and this aum has heel allotted to tha various counties of the basts of pope lallon. Voluntear workarn for tha Near Baal Relief from nearly every county hi North Carolina win aathsr tu Oreanaborr Saturday. Da camber 2nd la tha annual state ewavaattaa at this argnalaatlan _ It ia false economy fbi a county U> dispense with either tha farm agent or {a arlwitorr more than ever. The Crvtk. were the Ural to uke bath tubs. LOOK WHAT JOE TART SAYS ABOUT. PIC CHOW j dr Jo« Tart, Duiui. Rout* No. 2 ayi chat Pig Chow is certainly wort> sriiul it is told for. Ue bought a verj poor uitd run down hog from a part) far the simple* reason ho could fin.I nothing that seemed to bring him out. After Mr. Tart booght this hog and having sean and heard of such won. h tful results abla.n«d from pi| Chow ho decided to try it. After us ing only one bag of this feed he sold this hog for a profit of |7.S0. for s money making proposition and the most economical feed that ISO be obtained, Pig Chow excels ‘.hem all. Bold in Checkerboard bags only by I L. P. Buries, Dunn, N. C. NOTICE TO ALL Box party at Oakland School llouse Saturday night, December lg, f-CO o'clock. Come, everybody wel come. R. L- Edwards. Teacher. A ten year old boy beat his dady n the show ring at the Pine hurst Pair "id won IBS as the best showman at he fair. He had been trained in club vork. m BOX PARTY There will be a box party at Jones iorr. School hour-e December 20. Wad lesday night. Everybody is Invited to on>p und bring boxrv SETH A COAT8, KVA CRUMPLER, Teachon P. SURLEJ HAS RETURNED FROM MEETING i nave Juat returned from a con ‘/ention held in Raleigh by tha Pu ••i2.a Mill, of St. Louis. At this eoa ' »nlion I learned lota about facing Pu’lua rhoara 10 come to my .tore uvl 1 will ba only too glad to tall you Cf thr many new and aeonomical C.-eding directions that I know to be correct. Furthermore, if yoti bar. nevar triad this wonderful line of feed get In now as you can’t go wrong Each aad every bag of this feed ia guaranteed to givo entire aat i election or your money will be re funded. My tales are increasing rap. Idly but thare are several that dent know its value yet.'. For sale In Dunn only at my (bora. L P. SURLEJS. Dunn, Doc. 14. Business Local good MORNING. HAVE YOU HAD y«»r »•••«*? Call *1« and *• wl.l laid ft to you. Freeman'* Caah Grocery. jytf. OOkT SELL YOUR SEED OR Trade imiiws1uwfriif u*1 nntu FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS— Drive a rood uaed car and enjoy nouraelf. Other* ride, why not you. Big bargain* in a*ed can. D P. 8. Motor Co., 8nipe* Garage. If tf. \ I I Announcement [ • * # _ 1 he Officers and Directors of the Farmers Commercial Bank, Benson, N. C., announce that, the Bank has been admitted to membership in the Federal Reserve Sys tem. They feel that the Bank’s usefulness and strength will be greatly enhanced by this step and it is to fftiis end that membership was applied for. The management feels gratified that it was able to pass the strict examination re quired by the Federal Reserve Board at Washington, the greatest banking tribural in the world. The officer* dirr rtors i .vito the continued patron age, and frer.de h?p cf custonur* and friends, promis ing, instead of loc^ ir g bfidfward, to ever look forward to bigger, belter *rd hiphrr thirds, for the community which it serves. faithfully your*, M. T. Britt, President % • # • . -LAW—«.J-I nail FAR RENT.—TWO ROOMS FOI light houeel.ci?pingpg*h0«. 314. 3 Sic. WHY WORRY—AB<&r WHAT TO giv» him f ir ChriaUn.a »li«n w< hare fmti what he need* meet See our lino of Auto Robaa. Z. V. | Snlpaa. It If. f CADET COIL WATER HEATERS— La* and Rye Prlca* raaeonabla. I1!^___ | CHRISTMAS IS COMING — WHY nut livt h:r.\ a nice Eteamcr ur Silk Pluah liobr for Cntiatmaa pf» ! *mL Wa W.li appreciate it Com* i and *aa our asaortmeat. Z. V. Snlpaa 12 »f. LIME, LIME, LIME-WE HAVE IT it will pay you to oaa ua at ene*. Johnson Cotton Co. 1 S 2tr. | FOU SALE—AUBURN FIVE FAS reuger, Pain 6 pea date r. both, in i good condition at bargain counter ; price* D. P. 8. Motor Company, I Snipe* Cange. 12 tf. | WE WILL TAKE TOUR ORDER for improved King cotton Mod, If yon will •** ua at ones, gat ahead of tba Ball Wsr^L Johnson Cot ton Company. j It gte. . FARMS FOR SAlji AND RENT.— The*a am aa good aa ths bant, wall located near ehpfehaa aad achoola. Dally malto. public roada J. 0. Layton. Dunn, N. C. S St*. LOST. — S U M D;A V BETWEEN Dunn aad FnysttorfiM n black hand bag. 110.00 reward offered. Ex prea# C. O. D. far flS.OS to E N. Johnson. Sumter. R C. B-Ste. THE GREAT DELNORA TV, Warfd*. Meat Gifted Waawa (Forteartjr of Philadelphia. Fa.) Locate, bora In Dun. M. C fur the winter Advice given hi all affaire of Ufa Leva, ■n.bieei. Daauctia and Finan cial Affaire—Cananh bar at aaaa Leah Far Mar Mannar, Magaaffa Ava. Jaat beyond and acme, atraet from Near Grammar Moat Ball din* OF EM DAT AMD MIGHT -‘-^ r'TTERIES—COLD W1AT " '.R I oad on UaliarW*. Lot us u out in k»o4 condition for cold . . iho driv.ug. ' Z. V. ZutfH i;» tl FOR 1AUU4MAU COOC ITOvi In good condition. Roc W. 1 l . nm btU at Worth Pop*'* Doi- . tie fOR SALE—OMR BOILER . .iF Z gin* n Ant-cloo* coadlll. . 'j O' at wlching to bay apply ;«•' . A Warren, Rent* 1. Bos ItJ. Hann X. C. »t 4. ,4 MOREY TO LOAN - SMC 044 04 Five Hundred Thooonad D: Mar* ic loan on fitot mortgage on tool «■ tui*. I.nng lima, bn pajrvnt* R. T. Boric* and O. A. Barbour Cftuooa, K. C. OReo thin! iloa: Farmora Commercial Bank Build ing. Dec. 1 *i. CARBIDE—ALL IIZE1 PRICES right. Lee and By*. IStfe. TIRES.'—JO ST RECEIVED A B1C shipment of Sunlebaker 't'r« Price* from 47.50 up. Caere- * >.l •*c thorn. Z. V. Sniper 14 -I _ . Gift - She p NEW PICTURES NEW MIRRORS NEW CANDLESTICKS NEW POTTERY FANCY CANDLES Headquarters for Christ ir a* Cards, Fronted Mottos (boxed). -Specialty Shop Early sod set the pick. Racctt 43 sad 44—4th Floor Fir** National Rank BoiMfeg MRS. J. J. WADE, MRS. X C. CLIFFORD. i1 MONEY TO IA4N om m2 ' londa ui an-'-BJit* from $1.0*0 to r $40 30* fM 4S ywH. Godwin ud • J.rrl«*n. AiUmtjrt, Dou, JT. C. ij - j Christmas Goods :=i.. ON , a-ajars..,' r DISPLAY | * f * 1A big stock of toy* now open at my .dor*, everything ! you can mention in this line, and 1 want you to come ard see our price before you buy. Lets make til* ehil- i dren happy onco more by buying then toys from me. I have special prices during the Chriatr i-a on shoes, dry Cood* ard clothing. If you wish to eav# money it will j oy you to come to my store and net try prices and yon \ ill f o home happy. J hay* a big stock of Boys suits from_$1.71 up Men's Suita from_s.___|MO up Father George Homespun_IS 1-Sc Yard Good Quality Gingbaa._9 1-Sc Yard ?Tcn and Women’s Shoes from _fS-00up . on and Women's Underwear from_Me op «• ha e a big Une of Mea'a Felt Hats from_|IJO up ! cV* Dress Shirts from--91 .M up : la Vs my store your headquarters when you are in T'< ?#bdro. Beat and cheapest store io town and I carry' * e Hiytxst stock in Roeeboro. WTS-TOYS-TOYS Youre for business George C. Thomas FOSE BORO, — NORTH CAROLINA » —.. „ , ;. ,,,J r -NOT JUST THE TALKED ABOUT KIND-■ We /nst simply have too much merchandise and want to move it you it’s exactly as represented. erchandise mentioned we positively assure Every price we name, eve^y article of m e i THIS IS REAL VALUE WE ARE OFFERING All Queen Quality Shoe* were $6.50 to $9.00, now priced 1_$4.25 All Zetgler Shoes were $7.50 to $9*00, now....$3.98 LADIES' DRESSES No such sales prices offered any where. All Wool Poiret, Serge, Can tons and Silks. $8.50 Dreses now priced . _■- $5.75 $12.50 Dresses now priced_'.$8.75 $15.00 and $17.50 Dresses...$12.75 $20.00 and $22.50 Dresses...$13.75 Positively these are the beat offer ings ever made in Harnett County. LADIES' ^OATS . $15.00, $17.50 and $20.00 Coats, now priced . . . $11.95, $12.75 aad $14.75 $27.50 and $30.00 Coots.$21.00 $35.00 Coats now-$22.75 MEN'S SUITS Absolutely all wool. Fast Colors. Stylish Garments. Every one guaran teed as represented as to price and quality. $25.00 and $27.50 Suits now.$19.75 $30.00 Suits now l_'_$22.50 $32.50 Suit* now_$24.75 $35.00 Suita now...$25.75 You know we handle Style Plus Clothes. $25.00 All Wool, splendid style, Over coat — ..$18.95 BOYS SUITS $6.50 and $7.00 Suits now_$4.95 $8.00 and $9 Suits now. .$6.96, $7.25 . $10.00 Sui^s how-$7.75 $12.50 Suits now_$8*95 SHOES FOR MEN — THE REAL WORK KIND Black Vulcan,-Fairfield Shoe, made • by H. C. God man Company. No»better work shoe ever made. Sold at $4.00, now . __ $2.90 II Ralston Norwegian Grain, Young Men’s Sport Shoe. No finer or better shoe made. $9.00, marked now_$8.75 There are other items all over our store just as good values. It will pay you to look it over. All Hats in Millinery Department to $25.00 bats Your* truly, I Hasse -Johnson I DUlfZ, _v_ • I IP. S. One lot'Silk and Wood Ptmibi. . . II

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