JUDOB ALLEN MOLDING COURT AT UUTMF1KLD Switaficid, Doc. l*.—Tto tegular tn week* December tezan of court began heee yesterday, the fint week to to devoted, to tto criminal docket and tto reread week to tto eivfl doc ( tot. Judge ©. H. Alien, of K neton. to pree'dlng. and tide wlU be h* toet court befere retlria* from tto totok. tto to* lc guilt arc pawed a law permitting judge* who ton wnvd for fifteen yean or none and who are over II pen of age to retire on half pay, three judge* to aet in tto capacity of emergency judge* te bold ipeeial terms of court etc. Judge ABew being over « J year* of age, and toeing been on tto beach for twenty Lx yea re to eligible to retire. He will to tuceoeded by Jadge-etot Heavy Grady, of Clinton. who toe figured - prominently in tto paper* recently, toeing been charged with being at tto toad of tto Xu Ktux klaa in thie Thi» week beiag devoted to crlm iaal caoee, tto Sheppard murder trial wfll come up. Thl* le probably the •atetandlng ear* of the ertmlual dock et. It wS! be recalled that Shcppari l* charged with the murt'er of Deputy Stotiff J. Jf. OTTcil of Wilder"* towa •hip. Do bae hevn heid without bond, la the Jail here pending trial. A YANKEE TRIBUTE Southern wt vcra nr.*i>rpa*Acd • ••dng the nation* of the earth in cour age. tpbrit, hospitality, and generality to their equal*. They were apt to com Utar.d and apt to StKeeed. They were •tie politician*. With the tore and habit of truth, which becomes brave ntea In all common conce:rw, they were tubdc and skilful diplomatist* when diplomacy was needed to uecom piadi any political rod. My long conflict with their leaders ha* impressed me with nn ever in creasing admiration of the greet and high qualities of our Southern peo ple. Their leva of home; their eMv aloua reepoet for women; their cour age; their delicate mate of honor; their constancy, which ran abide by an opinion or a purpose or an interest of their state’*, through adversity and through prosperity, through the yean and through the generations, are things by, which the people of the more mercurial North may tab* a Ics »ofi- And there la another thing—eo rftUwimom, corruption, the low temp tatiea of money ha* not yet found ••y place In our Southern politics.— Georg* Prtsbie Hear, senator from MMaacbueetts. 1877,1904. I prohibition omcui . . ACHIEVE A NEW RECORD Eulbfcwsy. Doe. U. — Prohibition oReoru in North Carolina captured a total of 89 Hlielt liquor itistillerlei. *4,029 gallons of InUxleating liquors, Ktxrd 32 automobiles and effected 44 *"«M» during the month of Nmu her, acrenliag to • ropor* tamed to day by Prohibition Director R. A. X* Uw. ftRRCLR JABBING IS LATEST CM MX WAVE Puria, Doc. It.—"Needle demons," is tbo title given to the originators of j ; *• **toct crime warm in Paris, which' police reports tho w has been grow-' ■ag ’.n intensity for tho past two wueks until now dosaaa of womoa tiaHy an being pricked with pofconed nctaUoc by aaidaatifiad monomaniacs. The tenor began among the we men Chriatmna shoppie in the big de narvanent stores, but the needle Jab beta arc now operating in aato btuea, the subways anti other placos when crowd* congregate and it is possible to inflict the injury sad escape with out identification. j The police an as mock mystified us they wsn by last winter's eplde ■** of dress ud far coat sloshing' uml • m far aa arrests her* bean made. WhU# the needle points are believed to be poisoned, the rtect oo too vte tfw* la not serious, the woman usually ••raping with alight swelling and snacalar pains. PAR CLEARANCE ACT •TILL HELD INVALID Italaigh. Dee. 1*—Without a writ* ten opinion, the North Carolina Ss promo Coort today declined to change ita former opinion bolding the par clearance act of tho 1(21 general as sembly lirvaHd. *>• c**c came to the supreme coart again on a re-bearing allowed by Associate Justice W. P. Stacy and Platt D. Walker on October 20, the! original decision in the eaae known' as the Panama and Merchants bank va. red oral Reserve Bank of Bleh med, Va., having boon handed down by tha supremo coart an Mag 24. TMS PARADOX or COTTON »'li: 1122 coxun crop U estimated - ••« *\)»emr>eiil t0 be the ima’lcat, ' -ywiiWy or.c exception. In 20 'n fourth meet valuable *('■? si the i-Jirtr;. There r*.e yeeadox of cotton—when ea!» ' Mti t*>e eoutbern cottonflcM*, the tooth pays all It* debt*, but when the mum it perfect, and foner.e is kind. Delete to me body hat accamiao datlagly started a war In Europe, the cotton farmer U reduced abnoet to •Ktary. Tbet It true beoeoie he has no adequate control over his own prod uct Without organisation to prevent — I » «t«t of the market, hie own eue-, tea aa i producer ie hit min. It lent much of a compliment to tho intelligence of the cotton fumer to iay that ha bent euccaoda loan* dally except when a fa ire are taken out of hit handt, either by a war, ar t>y a crop abortage. But lan’t it trnaT —Creenehoro New a __ I CONSIDERS LEGISLATION TO CURB RECKLESS DRIVING Intoxicated driven of eutomobUof end run totere will fere badly eheold Urulitlon hold aider eoniiderertion by RepreeontiUve Bictor B. Bryant, u e purely local mceeure, be paeeed in the next teuton otf the Oenerel Aeumbty. « Save money on your Christmas Fruit by buying it from J. D. Baggett at Maitland, Fla., who will open a car load of Oranges, Tangerines, and Grape Fruit in Dunn, on A. C. L. track near depot. Saturday, Dec. 16 Will stay here untO entire lot is sold. This fruit is grown by Mr. Baggett in his Florida groves, which assures the lowest prices as well as the best grades. Save Money by Baying from Me J. D. Baggett Maitland, Florida *■ * "" ~ =^^==" ■ 1 -r M*^™*^™***^"**^^^ ————i ' 1 '* ,r ■ FOR THE OLD HOME 3 ; OR FOR THE NEW HOME IS— ' _ II „ Get your furniture at— Barnes & Holliday’s . No store has a larger, prettier, more ser viceable line. No store can quote you more attractive prices. I SEE US FOR STOVES M J0j Ijl iy Company I . Mr. Farmer— . a < * * Use lime--It will make you money, i i • We have just received a car of MAS- : COTT ground lime stone and the price is j right. Cotne to see us at once if you want any ; for winder and spring use. We do not think j ^ v’ery l°ng as there is a big demand ii for lime this year on account of the price and ii the BOLL WEEVIL. s a i -»---— :: « v « , Johnson Cotton Company \\ Dunn. North Carolina I: ...Jl SPECIAL PRICES Standard Middlings ... _$2.10 Red Dog .. $2.50 Sugarine Scratch Feed ..$3.00 Sugarine Buttermilk Mash.$3.50 Sugarine Dairy Feed_$2.50 Sucrene Dairy Feed..$2.25 Just a few more tons of the above bar gains left Next prices will necessarily be higher. Buy now and save the difference. FREEMAN’S CASH GROCERY - Holiday and Toy Goods on Display The - FIFTH - aVeNUE • SHOP youno^Giv * JU« ulk night gown, trimmed with pretty ribbon to match_$7 »S Evening gown, good quality crape chiffon, trimmed with silk ribbon and beautlfal fur, price __$M.IO Eaacing frock, good quality, change able color, taffota, newest style aky blue and navy, price U1.M to MS.60 Breakfast gown, heavy quality, crepe d« chine, trimmed with rilk fringe to "“tril..614.50 We have a fine stock of Madoria good!, ipoc tally for the holiday «u«h as scarfs, table cloths, gucat tow •m, pillow Casio, carriage coven, handkerchief! and napkins, you can come and as* for yourvelf -we have these goods on display. Moderia napkins, IS-la. beautiful hand work, special pries for Christ m“.. COAT SUITS DRESSES, COATS AND CHOAKERS a-™* U JJ" ““•* W* J"* received a big stock, especially for the Christmas holidays. Not only this but our prices will be reduced. Remember wbesi you come to oar store to buy dresses, coat suits, coats, furs and choakers, we will give you 20 per emit off of every dress, coat and coat suit you buy. n»Me prices wffl last tmtO Christmas so do not miss the opportunity to buy these goods at a low price. • . Yours for business, The FIFTH AVENUE SHOP Sam Thoms*, Manager Dunn, North Carolina ; 0 ^___ • • ' i •