Fi_1 IN NIGHT SCHOOL STUDYWAYS TO BEAT WEEVIL Fifty Attend Twk*-A-WMk Al Salemburg School For Training SELECT SEED SUITED TO THE LOCAL CONDITIONS Propose to Raiaa Cotton In Spite of tha "Billion Dollar Bug.” WiU Use Fertilizer. According to Carefully Cal -• eulated Formulae Much In terest Shown m School. By ROY H. THOMAS Slate Supervisee ef Agriculture! Education The old type of rural high school confined ,5t* teaching to the foot walla of the classroom with llttla thought of relating the instruction to the need, and life of the people of the community. The new conaoli dated rural high schools in which ag riculture is taught presents some marked departures from the old type in that it has s larger rision, bases Us course of study upon the needs of the community and offering service to every person In the community One pincr of work dons by tha sg rieulturul department of tht fialem horg high school, Sampeon county this past year Is an example of how the new type oi school extend* it* teach ings to the people of the community a* weU aa teaching the boyi in school better method* of farming. Thia year before the boll weevil invaded thi* community and last spring the farm er* knew that something would have to be done at once to combat the pc»t They tamed to the teacher of agriculture for help Boon fifty farm ers were going twice a week to the school to attend the boll weevil course. Farmen of all agea and types, accompanied by their tenanta, went how to beat the “bnilen doHer" bug it hi* own game. Cotton in Spito of Weevil It had bean the custom in many communities when hit by the boll weevil for the farmer* to change their whole aystem of farming oval night by going into llveitoelc or some thing elae. But not so with them farmers. They knew that some cotton would be raised In thi* community year after year, boll weevil or not so they were determined to learn hou to handle cotton In the msec of Mr. BH1 Weevil. At their first meeting the farmers outlined some of their problems These won: The variety of cottor beat adapted to local conditions, hou to fertilise the crop, how to seloel cotton in the field to Imprvoe the strain, phases of farming that might tupplement. farming and to knov how they stood financially at the end of tha^sar an accurate record should he kept of the crop. With 'the plac outlined, I. 8 Howard, the teach*: agriculture, was determined tha hia farntdM als**t1,l La..— *L_ I— a l_ formation on them problem!. Foi three month! the boat ami moat op to-date information available on far rain* under boll weevil condition) waa centered upon thiv community through the assistance of R. T. Mel vin, the County Agent, and the ape cioliata from the North Carolina Ex periment Stations and Extension 8or vice. This is bow they dhl It ant some of the results: Soma of tho Rosalia 1. The year before a variety ten of cotton on the school farm shower the sort that made the high«*t yield "H sremed to be beat adapted b lh* community. So last spring th< farmer* ordered a ear load of tha read. Instead of growing fifteen va rivtle* of cotton they grew only one 2 To find out the proper kind of fertiliser* to use for cotton, tm fertiliser teats wera mad# an tw. farms A saving of approximately It, 000 wax made when tha farmer bought the materials and homo-mis ad their fertiliser* Instead of buyini the ready-mixed goods These teal wtt* conducted under the oupervMoi of tho N. C. Experiment Station. I. Under the guidance of Dr. V T. Winter*, plant breading apeclahal each farmer this tall selected his tea cotton from the Sold About 1,00 bushels ware fled selected and finne separately These wBl be used fo •eed next spring. 4. J. 8. Howard, teacher of agr culture in tha Salemb«rg high arhoe who conducted the ball weevil conn* calculated fertiliser formulae for am enty one farmer*. I. .Fifty-six farmer* kept aa m enrols financial record so Bfifi sen of eettoa 6. While th« man war* study tag cotton a clam far woman who wart intr irsted ia Improving their meth ods of farming was earned on. Boll Warril aad EdacstWu The condition that prevail* In many Mouth® rn communities today drw thst the boll weevil ban cos side ruble influence op on tha typa of a school a community may have," said J. 8. RowStd In commenting on tha course. "Many communities have found It Impossible to support a first clam ra ; ral high school on account of tha In come of the farmers being lessened by the invasion of the boot weevil. 1 8o we fslt that It was tha duty ef 1 the agricultural department of tha 1 school to teach the farmers of this ' community how to meet the ball wea vtl In order that they might con tinea i to have a first-class high school.” > The work that the agricultural de > partment af the Saaaaburg high - school did for tha farmers and bays > of the coamusnity who ware net la ■ school Is typical oif tha work being r dans ia eighty high schools of the ■ State today In which agriculture la l taught Last year f.SOfl persons whs wen* not In aahaoi. stopped their far ming operations long enough to MM , to tha school to attend chert cou rasa 1 in order te learn batter methods ef I farming. i The work with person* out af r school is only sue phase af the a udt of the vocational agricultural high - schools of the State. Two thousand . farm boys, who are raguUrty enrolled >, In agricultural con mas ef lasts nsllan • In agriculture, and In every imi nlty Where they are located them i- schools are making It a better pleas a hi which to live.—Mews and Obser ver. PEANUT GROWERS WIN LEGAL FRAY Judge Kerr Create Injneetbe i To Prerent Member Selling Independently ( ' Warrantor, Dee. 1#—Judge John H. Kerr granted the Peannt Grevert A-sortition an Injunction ret t raining C. T. Harrell of Bertie county from idling without the amoclation at a healing In the court house here this morning. Harrell was defended by J. W. Davenport of Windsor and K. R Ty ler of Roxobel. The interests of the co-operative ueociation were in the hand* of Attorney! L. L. Levy, *. Frank Story of Franklin, Va., and Praneli D. Winiton of Windsor. Mr. Levy, whose presentation el the co-operative eases at Nasheilla several weeks ago received wide com ment, said after the trial this morning that the association was bringing eighteen other suits against contract breakers "The outcome of the dear was very gratifying," the California co-operative lawyer said. “It waa a pleasure to have It heard before a Judge who wsj thoroughly cognisant of the principles underlying co-op* emtive marketing and one who had givon thought to its various legal phaaoa "The decision of Jndgo Kerr, fol lowing those of Judge Daniels and Judge Lyon establish the validity of the agreement, and the association is going after violators of contracts ro cs r die is of wealth and position ' LADY ACTOR CENTER FOIWA STORMY SCENE Mshv Speed*. Arwada* «• Mwth Ira That Ska la Howled Dm London, Dec. 14.—Lady Alter na tha centre of a otorray scons at the conference of the National Unionist Association this oftoraooa hcfspe tha arrival of Prims Minister Sonar Uo when she made a speech utadtg aa much Ire that the was several timoa hswlsd down. 4to-ddmdrda«M "Go back to A merlon." Speaking on a resolution in trod as ed by another woman member ad vocating s campaign of economics a mong the young to refute 'Hie la ridloua and Inrsssant socialist propa ganda." Lady Astor threw tha first bomb when in referring to tbs con servatives she said: "Wc hove members living -in more then one house and they don't real ise the eo-dltions of people living in two room*. It Is said that teachers are socialists. I don't blame thorn." Dloonier followed those remarks amf there were eriee af "shame” and "withdraw,” while one delegate shout ed "go hack to America.” Lady Astor shoaled back: "Yoa are worse than the labor party. Shat up. If yoa don't shot up you wont be able to hear what I’m saying." Shortly afterward there was dis tent from her hearer* and Lady As tor retorted: "It is very anfortunate to be howb » BirweSwr Drta«l..< Thai IraWny SUI Bo Dry Dw lag HilUtyi Now York. Doc. IT.—Determined (hot Broadway dial] be dry for the holidays, E C. Yollowty, acting peo hlbttien director, as Bounced temlgfri be would invoke the power of the injunction to roattsln >00 cafes and cabaret owner* from •erring into** eating tibactsna. The htjaactione will be taught on the ground that each of the >00 al ready has been convicted of *io1st» trig prohibition laws. Today's actios ia only one of the drastic moaaaaei drawn by prohibition enforcement at Admit In their holiday drive against liqaar law delators. 1 (a order to curb trade at isle and restaurants which score aciUng liquor Yetlowly directed hie agent all persona emgftt In raids wham the liquor eras found, whether in poo •eastern of waiters or hippoekat pa traaa. Aa a farther atop fha director ba oHaiad every person caught la Me net spread bp Me agents, jailed a eaec. and haa done away with the is seance of sammaneas. Bach priaonaa will be tamed ever to the peKee, edu win b* empowered to iz ball or a their dice ration held offend era far aa made bp agents acting seder thaaaZ •tractions today. The revocation a druggists alcohol permits, in aa ad tempt la Alt off the ever 1—rndg flwm af Hqaar bm this aaaraa, ha Am la pragma far darn Today * Ma ns mas ever amrrlsd yet ah know what all tha wadding praam* waaa far. ■—» «»d bat Hit) cotton aaad hams. * s: Adame dafenaa waa eat #f the or dtoaiy and caald wa j~ nm coma under tha iaatgai| ft “arm staff*. He maintataod that ka was la tww of the aaforeaenoBt AT the law, waa anxious to pat down the alia liquid that Inflames the passions and to# tools of aeon, said had repeatedly appealed to tha Towhehlp Constable. Tha “law," however, waa somewhat dHatorjr shoot n[pmdat the Waffle ia this hnmsdlata toeabty and it waa than that Parr* heard tha Veto* from the Wild*meat crying cut, arias from yoar lethargy, doth* thyself to the armor of jililiHwi and being as raBef. Thualy liMfirtd and weighted down f>y haasr d+paadtolHty. he went forth uaehtog those he might devour. He had aulp ppaaaadad dawn the warpath a short distastes when he beheld to tha distance two Agars* eraaptog stsaHhffp along with their burden. Brandishing his weapons and raising hit tt—mA il them to stop to the natoa of Volstead, bat they quickly drpesltad their bardaa •ad took the Antis Berneas. Telly's oenaidoration far tha Jwak dealer ia why ha stand the afseaaald aUD so carefully In hia ham left I fn the ahaawar ad the accessary 1 credential His Honor ruled that U | would ho proper far Parry to swpiar at th* next turn of tha federal Oauat, at which tha* h* caald apply to the higher Tribunal far a spatial com mission. I -» MANY aONCXJUtt VOTE DIVIDOtoS OF STOCK , t-to.trbl C.ri-Htu ltor**l TW 1 Hard 1MM Nat lUtofc ‘! Naw Tart, Pto- It. ' gtoak 4M ; Am da wtn MM tt paapaaod ky 1 tony MyiUI torpor* tiona today. Tte WaaUnytowAkr Banka ONayaay atoekkoVJan, it ana tmoanttd, wttl ! rate, iacraaoo la topttat aUck of tba > company fr*oa (jji^OOO to 9M.OOO. > MO, and daetai* a |< par coat ataak ' *Wdate- ..v Tte PMateld or. A) Tra«t (te 1 paai| doatarad tikM atockdlrldowd I fraaa MOO.OM to MtMto'telb I'daatatod a 100 jar amt alaik dtoi ’ dand after iaaOMtoay Ha oapltalte ! ttea froat 91,000400 to 9S4M40O ■ Tte iaka T. Mar Catayaay, ol 1 tototen, daaliaod a fatty par tan • ate* dMdoad fcteitet koMor* l Tte atoak ktodota of U>a Tart Ptote OUat OMM. *f Toledo «<1 rota f>atfkt» M m a propotol u • 1UM4M ^OlSoWBaO1 aaTte£ • tetokdtattMd. /• * >t* * a. * t • a "Jk WORK ON PURS TO COMBAT BOLL WEEVIL IN SOOTH Iw DUSTING METHODS TO BE TESTED FURTHER War WHl R# Aafc* •4 la rmirlaii.I Willi Air* WMfclagtoa. Dm. IT—«Upo Uken «>• NfaiNm of Agrtevtan* to promising of tbo part roar to thoroughly toot oat tbo eooo itg season,“ 0m secretary wrote, “tbo •c'ootTe farm of tbo daputetb will be folly loripbl and tbooo Who hove boon studying 0m problem fool very rnaflitewt tbot oot of tbooo ow Nublbte.o.bmM be fool tbo eottefnstesp tleo for] " “ Tbo wmIo reply to owe from rto onoioriog a > eei Uaf I tbo lace wrote, “ao doubt My roaco wau tba state of mind of a groat ■naay poopla la tbo loath. Those, however, who bare boon doe oot to the problem realise tbo diflcohj*. with which tbo scientific wo there bare bed bo contend in tbo development •f control measarve foe tblo insect aad eon rider rather that the advene*. ■Mnta mads have bees more than eoald bo expected. “In fact jut at the present tbao the situation is men favorable than ever before. The rlooting ■~T»VeTf v.. ia the face of the heavy ladosUtion of this year proved Moelf "robls of satisfactorily protecting 0m produc Uon of cotton ia large areas of the South. This method meats to bo ao. poelally well adopted far tba men productive areas aad whore the staple eottea have been developed aad la t*»M regions where the yield per acre it half a bats or morg tbo method proren satisfactory, recently ee yen no doubt knew. Dr. Newell and Mr. George Bnlth ef the Florida Experiment sta tion hare pehliahed a bnOetia airing a complete and detailed seeewnt of a long eerie* ef experlmeote la the oae ef another method of cent ml which appear* to be pccnUarty adapt ed te moet the condition* in the Fler We region and in other region* of th* Sooth in which the cotton pradaa Uoc per acre to relatively low. "The fact that the Florida method has bees tarried eat rocctorfelly^by the ordinary share cropper* and th* cotton production practically agoal to that before the weerfl '■-*iim *eem* to warrant the condosiou that thia will prove to he a eheapar and •■dent method over a taiga area in tho heath The department ia jaat a) thh time requesting cooperation *1 t"* F*r Department In th* forthei *•■**■» ,f *ka possibility ef oeroplanr dusting. "Th* remarkably fuecserfal re ■ulu obtained ele*where ty this reo «had teemed to afanndantly justify the additional taper*** that wll be in 1 eupred la a much amt* ertenelva teal to he carried *a thia pear whie) •bould determine rraidadr>l| wketb *r thee* machine* can ha degrader , to materially aariet la Urn eon tret of this peat." OOUSTMAS Mic a > Th* CMmrn bell* are ringing ^ Tk« hen* ef ta^age; Aerem (he Htoat fleld* af mow. The Chrlrtma* hell* t*hy Hag m A joyow pash Pd have yea barn i Bod gtv» te m* the HI TVwi bell* That rang fee a* long yoaaa eg , / PAUL STEPHENSON SHOT BY OFFICER Lam Friday night a tarred at " aka pMtn VH of the palk* adkerm of Frew tha ray ana, it other young man by the OUbib was ia a aenn raaiiwia'M* ier the aed affair. Odaw had gaiaed temporary uea ti tiybiaua’a ear and araa driving ay aad dears Bee aea'a mala street at terrific ayeod. Th* night palirowaa mat to tha heat* oi Chief Perry to aacm Ma aadatanae before aakhe aa arrest. Ia th* asaaatfaM. Odaa drive* to the eatoUits of Dm ton and picks ap Stephenses, and together, they drive bach ay Main street At this Janets** the sdBcen who bad stationed thvsnsalvaa at attegiltf yeaHierti along Dm there aghfara, jumped a pea th* raaatai heard ad tha ear ta wake DM vMt, shsugii* Odaw syeed* ay aad daring tha ti eiteasent th* CMef’t re valvar is aaei daadally dlarhargad aad yaug sto phrnaan seat fatally w*Boded. Atapliaaaaa was rariwd to a Pay •*t^rlUa hupHri where he died ee away, - * A boon laetwwtad hy tha toyirtaiit to the man aa account af the abort croy ud than wW be ae farther nyerte of ginning thla county from tha auon'i crop The chance* nre enid to be nat at all llkaly that re port* will ever be made again la Co lamb a* county. Two reaeoni are asngned. the far mere ate taming their attention tow ard the rmlatog af other e?~y* and the ball weevil. Enough af acreage wae planted thla pear to bdng the crop ap to lad. year’* a amber tat the woerlle dertroyod the the crop. A faw yon »aa rairing elaae to ^ __ I R“CUI *Y^!£,acAlf* COMMEWPtD BY FRENCH Warhi often, Dae. 17,—The walk •f the officen and craw of the i» •tiam destroyer Baiab ridge. in m-1 e»“C «« pereonj yesterday fro* tha bomiag French transport Vinh-Beag h> the See ef Marmora, war i naan a ded by Admiral DnmsaS, the French nnaal eoaunaadcr at CoMtaatiBople, j la a cablegram forwarded today to ■ the Nary Department from the 7J. S. A PHtaborgh, fUgahip af tha Ameri can fleet la ■ntepoaa water*. Admit ■* 1 fonaaBy ragnaatcd *•* the gratitude of the Frem* aaey be npumail Another momagt from the Fttto borgh, dooeribiag the baralag of the Vmh-Soag and tha reaeae. aaM aboat among the our* ream Casnattfce were 1 eaBmatad at It. The Selnbrldge. la la charge ef Uoeteaaat Cinaarulii W. A. Sdemida, andean dgdtg the Sre. the wiring mid, ran atongrida, rtreee ta Cemtoathwpie. T MISSED SUNDAY SCHOOL m IT YtAM tektorUla, Dac. lt_Yaa eaal I Sawn IMtaflltl ,.****!?*y_‘lu?**gfa T* tM,M< *M IS yaaia. A Mtobary mm* «nt Mm Aim yaara LaMar. . * tt (Mto af ftaMaafla. ku tW kaUi Last to fraasla. ftr mm thaa If rwi ha baa taa^rt tha fttoMly rlM a* Mata Stoaat N. ■*. Qiarrk nd baa aaMr antoa.f a Baa Say. WLa* M to McaQad tint Mr. tetofc t aat af tbaaa yam w a talaffta»» V otaMter. iha raaart to all *a Man k LM*a baar fraan tha mat yrnlnal REPORTS CH TRADE Hid ' ™_ip B SWACTWY Km* rruL ta var active Soft Cool U» WolL Wm m Hew York, Dm, 17.■■ AKhpqgh the more qoUctor la lam wonk’a financial market* took place ■maag the foaalgM wrtia^ai report* on Indaatrial and trade iiltlno teadmad to ha aatlafactery. la tha Keel iadaatry the year’. beat rale of artfritj la being maintained and eon ntaiere are covering their reqaire ncata for the firm quarter of tha now year Fig iron pr'ooa ore ttaaii *r and good haying from menofec tsrera of radiator* and aoaitary wan ia taken to Indicate a continuation of bonding operettaae on a Urge leola ■oft aoal production aUo U bold ■ ing op well end the eaeiag of the 'train on the relroada as o remit of aenaal aeaaon tawdamy to refloat- - til hy another fall ia tfao total rscea lem*ad for freight cart. Aecordmg * the American Railway aamelatloa, Jill AftllfU -*-1 at ltd AAA . f*mb*r M, at compared with 174,000 Kovmnbor t. Leading* ef freight ■mmvUU iodine to rao tar ahead >f the boot performance for thl* aao »a ja any other year * Trade reporta. Me, add their wetd ^Z»"murL"b!!te»r^te!iym’hSJik lag laeri.Md p.Mic pnrahaMag pow p rod cnee and adf-cantrol. Ceanawiity pride. an firm. Cattea hat milled bach etoee to the high price* of tha year, although tha de partment ef agriculture** a not crop rttimat* placet the total ot 0,90«,000 halo*, which U nearly one millien bale, mere than woe talked of when price* wrre at tb«ir preriou* peak. Meanwhile it L eUtad that tbma (pnrtcra of the crap hat been Mid by the producer* and *inco goad price* have been received and tha coat of production waa low, the poli tico la the Math Via* boon vary great ly improved. grain the wock*a rally carried wheat and can price* to now Ugh maika for tha yonr, December wheat teaching si 25 i-s and tha sanw de livery of com reaching 70 1-4 cento. Part of thit r*aa ww doe to talk of inerenaed credit facUltic* for fwn er* and *xportee*. bat port it a ia mb of inherent atrength of the rit uaMoa and expectation* of redared acreage and low cenditlon in the wt*k*» government report of the aaw crop, in any event L-i* farmer (a pro fltiaf by the rim in price*. Despite tko expansions of industrial an