THE DUNN DISPATCH KilMil AM t, 1W4 SUBSCRIPTION RATH: OM Year.. ILtO Bis Mmthe.. 1-00 Am Maotha —--... .M CASH M ADVANCE Addraaa aU ti—wlriMm to A* 1>‘— !tah K'A deportment* of A* OisfMurk eu be iomM through tala us. booloo IONICS "S't'&Vj ■MVO' _, 00ic» 4ou Mat _- as with hit name. It i* not nwaiurj that the oaaaa b* pahjibed. bat *- iwaAt tbit tt b» ■tun aa an evidence of rood fmhh. Short aeeooaU at wedding*. enter ta haw ante. dub laoUngi at*., are JOY VUSUI GLOOM Whsu guile a youngster we ran •army ta aaa a play and In thb play waa a scene in which were depicted personal hide of opposite baU. One group af characters impersonated Joy—aaotinr group repreeoetad Gioosa. Tko adherents stalked around log around uttering dire misgivings, tending a ehUl to the surrounding*, creating dismay and sadness. Then in turn came the disseminators of Joy woe and eausing gladness t to reign supretno. The _ k aoesehew, got orar to us and we haea neeer forgotten it. Joy and Qleem hare been with as tnm the beginning, they will be with ue until the sad. Joy Urea In the Aaps of the optimist, Gloom exists in the form of the pesstmiaL Ths optimist gees shoot doing good, bs radiates good cheer; he has a word for tho crestfallen and the dswmund <mt*r; ha c so tributes to the poor and ••Iteeue the distressed; ho works for tho aphuRding of hb community and I ■"■Is* when things go wrong; ha bo Boeaa that an £ right with the world taud that the Lord is oo His throne. Behold the pessimist. Be Maeth up la the morn and goeth forth fun •f roaoat If hb neighbor is poor, not hb hard hok. Hs knocks <nr •aylhfng la which he b set materially Interests d; hb neighbors, when pomi Ma, ghra kim a wide berth; ha works •■Jf far the esslargrment of hb awn JaOy reO; kb seal b shrirailed and aa b thb think teak. Whan Gabriel "■k tape wa think wa had rather In the ranks ef tho oplim* tets. What da you think about it? DUNN ms ■w» IN mr km hM ta year 1 •Nwk if Dana mi a town or a di*- 1 ■ni Well wo hove and we promptly tdl that it's a town aad a pood one, and then we display a few symptoms ' of the disease, Duanltia. TM« disease ia fait approaching the epidemic 1 stage aad if it prafea yoa. It will leave foa la much bettor condition than it ■ fsaad yea. *o yon need net be fright eaol and Meik op on preveatativea for aooaer or later yoa an pomp to have aa dtaii Therefore, yoa might aa well become reconciled to poor fate and receive it graeioaalp. Whea once yea have had a good case af the Duanltia. yoa naturally aad ^alwqiietly become a big booster far Duan. Yo . rave continually of Dun’a advantage*, if* wholesome at mosphere and it'* Sac cltUenrp. Yoa ted 'me It U e flemishing dtp of four »h ease oil wall, dtaated on the ~al. Boo of the A. C L railway, Pay.ue *0k a few aulas to dm south, and WOwo a few milea to the north, Bra ■Oes af pawed streets, splendid Hghte n’werything Yoa talk of our feral tors factor!**. fartiUsar plant, o« min. Iron aad steel shops. It's Mfoadld eharehaa sad da* scheob, k's «*—»f eomaaaroa and It’s Bulld Ihg and Lean Association. Watth oat or tka DoasMs will got 7*0. Dm ' h* w K U Wj | * * sn ft fttf 7 Mtf 1&SB r:;: '•> Mb i M i ft* m Cap* IWr. We fancy that Heptane tad the patrol* of tho *m will ho ot the District. hot now Urine In Maltload, IV, |* in Dean with a can lead of wa*g«i and tangerines. Yon *13 And him in a ride-deer pollaiaa jo the B. and H. car track, where he effl be glad te aee yoa and eapply potw waata at lew prl«*e. Julian any* that he like* his adapted Mate bat B alwaya delighted te greet hie eld friend* in UU eectieo. It B a *eore* of much pUosur* te choir friend* end Donnlte* generally to learn of the pregreee being —^ by two af ear bey*. Parry Jenigaa and Braxton Baggett. Abort pwm : •*" ago tbeee young men went u Sanford, Fla., where they engaged in tha aatomebOe buriaaoe and theii wee*** from the beginning ha* beer vlmdld. Their baaiaea* has grown te such proportion* that it became noees »ey to hire larger tauten, and jest recently a eommodioua salee room and Ailing rtalon, wih alt mod ern conveniences, hoa been erected tor their use in the Florida city. They are the agent* in that district for the Lexington and Hapmoblle automo bile* and are deservedly popular in Lhcir adopted home. The style of their Arm is the B. and O. Garage. “Cam ’em ldd“ were tha word* that war* hurled against tha port a'.de of our aaatamy as wa ambled down Broad. These chatty words of greeting emanated from the ehast of Vernon H. Mamengill, bettor known u ”P- T." that hnaky ton of a coble tire. On or aboat Janaary 1. 1928. Pet* will open up aa up-to-date ail oring Establishment in one of tha naw brick atoms. Jut across tha Street from Jere Pearsall’* Mill* sta tion. He win be the local mpraaonta tire of the Hopkins Tailoring Com pany, and will hue on display aa defeat lino of turned*. target n’erwry thing. Pete is a lire one. able to fune >«n at any and all times, and says tell the fellow* to give him a call. Hi* method of doing basic cat will be di rect from the factory to the con loater aM hia price* aril] bo right. The lehools close today for the Christmas holiday* and tha tarhara. ■hooe homes am elaewhovo, will be baring ta spend the Yuiotid* soaaon rith their friends and relative*. They tarn labored long and diligent for the kdvaaerment of Dunn’s young hop*. ’ala and wa am sure that the oppor mahy to relax will be welcomed with >pea arms. May thorn leaving and Chriat Comtag down this morning wo en ountered a couple of kids and when re asked them what Old Santa *ai ^>ing to bring them, their eye* fairly gileteac* a* they told Ui ot tba » PkW bounty, and then ekedaddled. la a happy, carefree manner. The Incident carried u back to the day* of oar early childhood We took a little trip on memory** chip. W*. could aee Cel John Oetei bfaiking the entrance to the old Divine Hotel, mB»* for Lottie; Dr. Harper m*k> hie daily calk; Dr. Fleming at the portal* of Young** Big Store; and then, head* ap, here comes Profeeeor Carrier. Wonderful day* theta. Good morning, chirp* Bum, a* we snap oat oFlt DUNN BOYS PROSPERING IN A FLORIDA TOWN Marina I*** New BaildUg BeUt Te Meet The D*o»*od* CM Their Growing Beebe** The following artlclo from the Sanford, (Fla.) Herald, will be In ter** ting to many DUpatch reader*. Perry Jemigan and Ercxtoa Baggett are doing well in their adopted home ud their guccets will bo pleating new* to their many friend* in Dunn. Here k what the Florida paper says; One of the finest and beet equip ped forego* and filling itatlon* in thi* part of the date will open for burinoto Saturday and in this ieeuo ll the opening announcement. Title U the B. and O. Garage that will open "aw place at the corner of Sec ond «tmet and Sanford avenue and a force of men are busy patting on the finishing touche* on the new fine tile And >tnn*A KailrMn* One H# ilia — - - <*t features of the new building 1* th* big drive-In filling nation Chet will take ear* of a doable line of car* that has ample room to drive In and tarn around or do any kind of stunta all under the big roofed in parking space. In tha building prop er la the accessory department In full view ef th* street, th* ladles' rest room, th* big salesroom that will Hold several ears at on* timo and the bast ^ oflfN and other roorra. In the rear is the storage and m» ehin* shops wher* everything Is ar ranged fer the beat service and th* beet condition* for the force of men employed in th* shops. All equipment i* new and right up to the minute from the new oil and gaa pumps, the water and air pressure pumps to the j machine shop* and best of all the building is fireproof and made of th* beet materials throughout. The build ing U a very attractive one from the exterior a* well as the interior and add* much to that part of the city which by the way is destined to bo rons on* of th* busiest parts of San ford. It is dUKeult to describe in detail* 1 Hew boat* of the- Lexington and Hup mob lie. Go over there Saturday and lock them ever. G* over and get' two gallons of ga* frua, go over and get a free tube with every tire and talk with Messrs. Jernlgan, Daggett — 1 I ww-.ii and fhsve them take you all through the plant. ■' i-h, bat nt* lean, the B. A -C f-nrhourec * as sve aril neve * . i .iy etd cp< . c-Yii "advice" the watrh _• - d ■ “si* f&nke telle Lexingto ~ ?«a:bUo caip a* yea probtbi kite or and ki fine line look than ever In tpelr new home Ke one wae evaf married yet win krww what al thee wedding present, were for. j After a man hfe triad to lead a calf he haa more priJeoee with human beiaga. Busineu Local GOOD MORNIHC.W1AVE YOU HAD yonr mamgat pall tl« and we will mndR (at yea. Preeman’e »eeh Grocery. jttf. MONEY TO LOa! HanY /kwM on long time. I latareeted eee aa 1W*** " 1 W*rtt AttcrMya CHRISTMAS II < OM1NC — WHY |l»* htaa m nice Steamer or S.Ik Hlnah Rohelor Chriatsms pre «fuu He wtU appreciate K. Coma nn<l eee our aWortmsnt. Z. V. Snipea, w11 tf. aATTEWEZ—OCtD WEATHER IS hed on Batteriel. Lot ua pat yeare in Roed cendltlem for cola weather driving. E V. 8nipee. il tf. TOE Mil —SMELL COOK STOVE |n Rood condlutmTlee W. E Camp •bell at Worth tt>pe*t Dairy. tfc. FOR SALE—ONI BOlUft AND E» In flraLel . condition. Any one wishing to tj apply to L. A. Watrra, Root* L, Box 111. Dunn, N C- _It 4t pd. MONEY TO LO II — **00.000.00 h ire Hand rod ' konannd Do Han to loan on flrst m (Wage on real to ut*. Long tin . Easy paymonta. 5 T. Suriea a d 0. A. Barbour, Benson, N C. Office third floor, Firmer* Coma irei*] it««t Build ipK- "i_ Dm. 1 St. CARBIDE-ALlii SIZES. PRICES right. Lea and yo. IStfe. TIRES.—JUST I KCRIVRD A BIG shipment of Madebaher Tirea. Prieaa from f BO up. Come and see thaw. Z. i . Snipes 18 tf. MONEY TO M Ml ON FARM LVAJ* ““»* S» from 11,000 to S.iO.OOO for dWyeara. Godwin and Jyruigan, At todays, Dunn, N. C. WE KNOW—yAu' HAVE REEN waiting for tbeia good Tire*. Wi hare just receded them. BeU W<* *11 prices. Z.y. Snips*. if tf. LISTEN—WRAWER MAN SAYS intensely cdld Ware sweeping this way. Better It prepared with a mod —r~ lUril it Babe. Wo havs a nles^aibsrtmen*. Z. V. 19 tf. FRUIT CAKE—FLACK YOUR OR den now. Beat grade, TKc, per lb; second grade Me per pound. H. 0. Mattox. Phona No. 69 19 St pd. i . • ' it* * >< ’ * . 4 ! • >-* < 4 » Our Annual Clearance Sale Opened Friday , .« * -- - . » p*1—i < i _ 1 i The many distinctive bargains we are offering to our customers are attracting large crowds each day. There are only four days left however, to avail 'ourself of the oppor tunity to do your Christmas Shopping at a big reduction.' f ’ There are many bargains left in our large stock of stand-* 11 ard merchandise on which you can save money. Best Granulated Sugar 3 l-2c lb. | During the remainder of this week we will sell you 10- zf Dm. of granulated sugar for 3 1-2 cents per pound with a $10.00 purchase or more. Only 10 pounds to a customer. Remember we handle only the best advertised brands II of merchandise which means you get qualitr for every dol- ' If lar you spend with us. - fi - __ i H —amae——44 Come And Save Money —* i a i E. L. PARKER & SONS jjj I 1 • ' '' ■ I!! »• ———— CADET con. WATXJt HIATUS— Lea and Bye. Priee* reasonable. ’NB JtlSIDSNCI LOT FOtf'SALl —O-e of Dotin’* rory but lot*. I onto »nou*h for two rooidooeoo located on o corner la fine neirh borbood. Win ei-re term*. Quick. J»bn A. Date*. FayettaolUe, .K.C. AUfe. FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS— Drto* a good used oar and enjoy yoonelf. Others ride, why not you. Big bargain* In ueed cara D. P. 8. Motor Co., Snipe* Gang*. 18 tf. BRICK.—KILN RUN *0 PER CRHT hard. Shipments within 48 boan after receipt of order. Layton ' Bride Works. (Established list) _ Marion, a a Dee 1 • mo. FOR SALE—AUBURN FIVE PAS PWp. Speedster, beth in good condition at bargain countar pricaa. D. P. 8. Motor Company. Snipes Garage. 12 ti WHY WORRY—ABOUT WHAT TO fri*« bin for Christmas when we have just what ha needs most. See our tine of Auto Robes. E. V Snipes. !2 tf. FOR THE OLD HOME OR FOR THE NEW HOME Get your furniture at— Barnes & Holliday’s No store has a larger, prettier, more ser viceable line. No store can quote you more attractive prices. —' ■ ———■ — — . . SEE US FOR STOVES m The Barnes & Holliday Company Dunn, N. C. ^ Tne Season for Stoves is Here You will find the largest and most complete 1W of— Stoves Heaters Cook Stoves and Ranges •w brought to Dunn in our iton. _ Furniture for every room in the house. Prices always right. 7 Butler Brothers Dunn, N. C Varina, N. C. * '• •

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