_ THEDUNN VOLUME IX. rtfiwu DUNN, NORTH i _ CliRlSTMAS CHEER FOR EVERY HOME I .'•! Masonic Lodge Anxious to Rtlicv* Every Ceae of 5offering Reported '••a you »t> much in reed dial Santa Claus may not visit youi .* .* .* Du »t:o know of any person who in such a condition. Thaw arc questions the commit |ros appointed by die masonic lodge -t their regular meeting Tuesday night would like to have you answer 1 * wren now and tomorrow night. If your answer it in the affirmative th•> rommltUt* will see that the sufferinr b relieved and that Chriatmsss will be made happy for thoer who are unable to prov-de for themselves There are m.-.ny Ingt.tuUons and in ti vhluals who will be jrUd u> help all who need help during this season when every home in the Dunn Die trict t oeervrr that ebr: r which comes 'with Christmas Already much work hat been done in locat ag the homes where the help is needed most. Geo Gsrdner and £3Us Goldstein as chairmen of the rv. ief end Anancial committees jv rpertively, have been working with -ther members of the committeee for t'e past three days looking for suf fe-er*. And they have found many. Stckncas during the past month hov loft many homes desolated and real want has been reported frequently. The people already have been liberal in making their donations when solirl rd. but would contribute more freely if they could bo brought face to fore vr >h the octusl conditions. The workers also would like to get hoi.I of old clothes, shoes and other wearing apparel, which have been 'discarded by many Dunn families. Ar felea of food loo, can be used to great advantage. If you have any of the above you want to contribute phone Ellis Goldstein or S. Fletsh msn. Jr, at the Fleishman Bros store*, and it will be colled for Imme diately. BUIE’S CREEK CUOSES .msutw, «MWM Cirtllanl For Tom Has Bora A Wort MO, Rapr—anting Sis Stats* Buie’s Creek, Dee. 20.—Buie’s Creek Academy closes its faD term tomorrow with an enrollment of about (Its hundred, representing moro than 60 counties and six States. Anniversary Fragrant On the evening of December Hat, the literary societies, in their anni versary celebration, formally bring to a close the work of the fall tans. The program for this year ia fea tured with addresses by Dr. J. A Ellis, pastor of Pullen Memorial Church, Raleigh, representative Of the Phlloloffiaa Society, and Dr. E D. Poe, pastor of Weldon Baptist church, from the Eutrophian Society. The program so full it aa follows: President—G. G. Richards. Secretary—Elgia Hoeutt. Piano Solo—Ethel Barrow. Reading—Bailie Powell. Dohate: Resolved, That the policy of collective bargaining through trade unions should prevail in Amer ican Industries. Affirmative, Fred Wo mack and Roy A. Morris; negative, D. F. Massey and V. C. Johnson. Piano Solo—Nell Check Reading—Hlla Morris. Eothrophlan Orator (introduced by J. D. Whaelsr), Dr. K. D. Poa. Vocal Solo—WiOle Brown. Philologian Orator (-introduced by Jaaaei Newton,) Dr. J. A. EUia. The spring term will open January sixth year under present manage ment. LOVETT GREEN RYALS DEAD Lovett Orooa Rynls, well known cHsen of Duke township, died at hli home near Duke unday morning af ter a brief Illness of pneumonia Ha waa 61 yean ef age and one of the moat beloved dtltene of his commu nlty. Deceased wet t faithful member o! the Free Will Baptist church and liv ed an upright, Christian life. He wai held in high esteem by ell who koau him and leaves behind many friend who will learn of hie death wllh ear row. , Funeral eervleee were conduct* from the home Wednesday aftemeoi by hit pastor. Rev. Deck Ennis. Th< burial took plate at Prospect churcl where (many relatives sad (friend ruthered to witness the last md rRaa Because ef aerioua iHneet lev. A 0. Doner of Fetarbore, Canada, wll ' • enable to fill hie engagement nib the Oeepd Tabernacle church her during the Christmas holidays Hon ever, it la reported that he will be I Dunn at some feta re data. iiinninnniiinimitnn:i;nmninunumuiMtintiMMitniMfln«ty||pmit»«iui X 1 OTie Letter to Santa Claus j I-— i r — ■ ii CURE IS TO MAKE ! More Tribunal* Would No* Solve Tbe Problem Of Coogastioa By John A. LlvispUn* to Nows n* Okwrm Oner again a grrat hoc and cry .i being mad* in North Carolina about the need tor more courts and more Judge*. There U no denying that m'anr of our conns ar* con gested with cases that ought to be tried, but the courts thenmclvcs seem to be the least worried by the con gestion. It i« well known that In a majority of the counties of this State, parties, w blesses and jurors arc compelled to hang around the court house while lawyer* quibble over details that ought to have been attended to long before die t me set for the trial. Often the court waits while law yeis haggle over compromise* and settlements which do not need a judge and Jury to arrange. No objection j can be made to the amicable settle | rovnt of cases, but why delay othar I important trials while these settla I menu arc being mads? The number of cases disposed of by a court is a poor index of tho actual work done. Often wasting ■ most of the first day of court, it not | infrequently Happens th»t the judge J is through and gone by Thursday night. Tho remedy is to provld* a means of making eourts function mors efficiently rather than to pro vide more terms to be frittered sway with trivia I ties. More recorder's courts trill not wiv» the problem of congestion, for much of it is caused by appeals from these eourts. To the satant that re : eorder's courts arkually try cate*. It , Ml! afford lelief but it doe* not fol low that more of these subordlr.au courts will do tho work. The criminal dockets In ths Sap rrlor Courts am kept fairly well cleaned up, and there seems to b« greater dispatch in ths trial of those 1 esc sot though to be sura thara am i Instances of delay* of trials In crim inal cases. Thara is no real need for mors I criminal eourts With Judge I^ren i and Judge Allan retiring this year ta i join the State's carps af emergency i Judges as provided by the last lagta I laturc, then will be four emergency Judges on tha pay ran. Will thaw not bn able to provide relief enough . for all emergency cases? Tho Bute Bar sssasiatiaa commit i tee suggests mar* judges and men l districts-—the remedy of lh* quack • In other word* give u* mare of whs s w* already have — more quibbling more dilly-dally lag, more delays. Th> / • NEGROES ACCUSED : '' OFROBHNCCARS Several Held For Cigarette Theft* From Car* Ob D.A1 Track* Qoite * Mnaalional tn*l waa held or Tuesday of this week in the Re corder"* Court when fourteen defend ant! wir» arraigned before Hi* Hon or, Judge Robert L .Godwin, to an awer the charge of being Implicated in the theft* of more than two thou aand dollar* worth of cigarette* from Durham and Southern Railway* freight car*. The Indictment allege* that J. V. Hurt, B. J. Carter. Ed Womack, P»l ton Bethea, W. H. Hargrove*, Will High, and eight other defendant*, all colored, were connected with the rob 6c:fra and ruffieient evidence am* produced at the hearing to juiitify HI* Honor in binding them over to the next term of Superior Court un der bonds, running from one to •hrcc hundred dollar*. Shipments of cigarette* have been m asing from Durham and Southern can for some time, but it waa only recently that the matter waa uneartb ed and warrant* lamed. A well known death of Fayetteville, ably aatiatad by local police officer*, waa largely rcaponaiblc in ferreting out the eaae. ft it customary for the American Tobacco company, who own large factor!** in Durham, to route a graal many of their shipment* via Durham and Southern Railway. Thia case ii similar to the elrarcttc affair of twe | or more year* ago. people of thia State will hardly »tand for greater expenditure* for raon court machinery of th* bind that fun etiooa ao poorly now. The Bar aaaoeiation committee aug gn<l* that th* additional expenae maj be provided by placing the aoliciton I on a aalory. To th* extent that aolki torn are being paid exorbitant talar 11**, they ahould be reduced te a fall , badia, but it dec* not follow th* j more court* are needed. Aa a matte; of fact the aollcitora team to bi functioning mom efficiently In gutllri toclr cate* tried than do the lawyer •" *he aivil courta Tha roaaon it no bard te find. U th* aolleitor damn* •jy a caae, he receive* no pay. H moat work in order to gat hh money H th* tame thing wot* trbe in al , lhar* rarely would be a apead I »ng up of court machinery. t-«t each tab atand n Ita nr I bottom. Inatead of Inventing apeciou ! pie** for ax cute* to provide Job* fa I more lawyer*, let th« commit toe « ■ th* State Bar Aaaoeiation work ec 1 aoma plan* for expediting court boa , nea* and tbon preach more of U i doctrine of work that noada to I 'DUNN Pi ENJOY ,'NEXTl Will B« Baptiit Jibm THIRTY-FIVE EXCLUSIVE TKe Public Is To Attend. ! Bovin nt 7tl AU Am At Tbnt I •J’ c »’"ie diawa C iriat : l .0 moon U hid i'~r Chrlatmaa ‘ -rarer each other I I ’• rfirc and , P*«<* Peace and Chriatmaa ia :!?:*» of Joy and trVon men fort*t 'n CelTowahip; C>.| ~nc'.irnv »v v*ltai !ra around th« Y •nerry with oor '• >itt roinirv; the ' ?<uirU inakea ha ■ l u VI*. Whet It Cbrist^^R On ChriaUnaa a^EtheScaior B. sill pTfe-t a pag^^K*1 Bethlehem" •el '<-h will revrel. t^R the real og. fic-.ncc of th e gn^^Ly This page » pict.-ree motV^HTly the birth of Chr.»t a* told ip^K-SA-lg Tab Jm repreaetirg^^Ragela appear ing to the Shophj^flk they watch • ir flock*. and i^Kf the Magi br'nging gifts to ^^Babe, add te e rirldnou ef A -'eatit ful e^^E background picturing the pl^H Judos and the town of BstU^KW boon *e fired This the oriental costumes of tUy|^^^B«t boyasod nr comptlfid by IrtiirfUfti ind ; print* on«sic. The poWk at largo Is cordially in , vlted. ‘ A I No sdmiseiss fop or spatial oot ! l<-ctions will be ♦phy* - MASKS WILL NOT BE REMOVED, WIZARD SAYS Head of Order Sage Ha DU Hot Try To Saa The Gov Washington, Dot. IS—Emphasis , -ng that he bad not sought the con versation be had yoMerday with Gov ernor Allen, of 1——. Dr. H. W. Ewans, of Dallas, Texas, Imperial wis trd of the Kn Eh** klan, aaid today he had ''listened to Hr. Allan two or three minutes la which ha aaid he wa* in hearty sympathy with the klan principles but registered soma abjec tion to the klan ragnjia" The Una Turk will never bo taken off, ho ** *?rted, saying it am* part of tha ar ganiaatioa'a lodge ragalia and never would be abolkhsd. “I came to Washington on import' ant business," aaid Dr. Brans, “and bad no intantloa of wasting any time Ur AU_ la_■-IU Ue or no diffafaeea what Governor Alien uyi, and what bo do** moan* cvm l**a." Th# new Imp*rial wiaard of tha invisible empire hold confab with Una officials in U* botal bora today, but no hint of what wue conaidarcd wa* diodohed. Ha was accompanied to Washington by a group af high offi cial* of tii* order. Nothing of Importance la ever dan* without a plan. Getting rren tan*t half aa profit j ablr aa getting ahead, i Sutato liwi error can b* made to *oparsed* aeoaosni* tarn* What you don't know non**body rise It getting paid for knowing. popularised la tha courts aa srall m 1 dsambar*. Judge* Of th* Superior Oonrt at > ready bar* ahem *U wish In Um I rp*r far vaaatiaaa, not taunting th. ■ tin** off from reffelar term* of hoW i leg court*, and tboy ana wall after. I to ilay on th* job during the remain i ing weak* of tba year. It 1* not askii* - too aa«h of thorn to non-suit suit > that are put on tha docket to riutte - dp proerdara, aa a* to gat imparts* mra* continued, and j edges can ran t dar a reel aarslea hy nan mi Hag ease • thrt ought net to be on th* earn r docket far trial at th* rugulpr tan 1 Mora *f whm w* bar* won't d 1 th* work, but mar* aaraaat attend* >' to public burin*** hy th*e* tngugu • to took after tt nriS pro dues kauri • rial raauh# PKESIPENT SEMP* MESSAGE TO CMUHM Of U. i Met* York, Dm. to—President ,1 Hardin* today sent Christmas groot ln*s to the children ef the United State* a the form of a telegram to 'tl>« Santa Claus association, a ms t Lionel organisation which receives let-1 t«n written by children to Sams' Claus and sees that they are suitably inn* »ied. \ “Merry Christmas to the children 1 of the United States" the president's nvaeage read. 1 ' The words were seat by radio to I night to each of the 40 brmnehee of ! the Santa Class association in the l country. -IT I ~ ' tt ii THE TIGER Of FRANCE, RACK IN Hit LAIR, HAPPY Part*. Dec. 20—Former Premie* Clemen ceru, beck in Parte today from hi* American trip aaid he waa happy to have made the voyay*. aa he found the American people atUI gloat flierd* ul Franca. They hod been mo*t enthu .'aatlr, he added. When the "Tiber" reached hi* heme in the Kjc Franklin he found a number of reporter*, and pholo »- phei* nii'm ei thr door. Be de claied at trot he had nothin* to aay to the newrpeper men. bat he allow.; ed the camoramea to opente, dla r ry.ry lum.ual wimnpneiw, for him, to under*© thia ordeal. SENATOR BAGGETT WOULD DIVIDE STATE INTO FIVE JUDICIAL ZONES S*""**1 WrtricU, CMI J»d«oa Would Not Try Criminal Caaoa and Vic* Vcraai Thor* Would Bo No Additional Solicitor* EUctod Raialgb, Doe l«._8enator John K. Baggett, ark* ku offered Governor Merrieon sad the imiaeif eonfer encc • plaa of icgislatnvi againut tit* Kb Kin, corn** forward with a aug gaatioa ai to rcdletrietin* the state •»'d Increasing the judiciary withoat auhjplyiag the eeiicitoiB. The Buy re Ml court hut a few days ego took judicial notice of o vast con taation la case* that coma up before It. The exoeutive of the «**te bar aoaoelotieii piujoctod the dlacaaHoa when it debated an in •rea-e in the jode^ry of porhape 16. It picked out sis eouatioa which naod Jadgao all tlMir own. And the state i( court calondora sue tub to back up the bar. Mr. Baggett la a lawyer. Ho would tot naaac 16 now jadgao and 16 now solicitors; be would rroute no sotirt torahip* at aB. Bat be would divide the «ate late flue clneutto. Back of theor circuits might, and undoubtedly would, embrace aevurui JudMal dip trieto. In theor dkvtaicuc Mr. Baggett •uuM have both trtaHnal ,d4 ctvll The otatl judge aroutd newer i b»d viceveraa. The SretfcBRSWuxte GIVEN SANITY TEST Inbu I* CMfittri Detroit, Midi., Doe. 2#.—Doctoring h*» belief Out pcraena who (peed ia aotomobilea, thereby endangering the liven of otheim, "either are weak nordad or art wttfnl wrongdoer*," Reeaniar'e Judge Chariaa L. Bartlett, wmmmmi today that nil eeevieted epeedexs would he given a unity tent before Dr. A. L Jacoby, city pay. chlatriat. “If the epetlem are fonad to bo wank-mlndod they will receive treat ment run ally accorded each unfortu nate* ; if they are not weak-minded they win receive heavy jail icnteseea, bring elaaaad with other criwtaala," the judge aald. Fata]him from atreet accident* lurre u far thl* year total 171. againat 117 for the entire year 1*21. A woman motorist wu tha flint to he ordered toot to Dr. Janby.. Should *ha pan* hla taato aha mart pay a ftne of gS* and urve one day la Jafl. Jndga Bartlett declared that Ag ere* of the National Safety CeuneH shewed there arc thotiaaiwii of par tan* driving mater earn who are men tally deficient WHAT'S YOU* REACTION TIME? HEW QUESTION FOR AUTOtSTS "WhM li pour faction tbao or do paa know the vafcaa of pnr porvonal equation 7" Thin Kao boon nf|nti 1 m a pomt Ma question to ba pat ta applicant* far motor vehicle <14000*0 Ucoaaa, no cording to tho Baraaa of FahHc Roods of tho Department of Agriaattar*. Reaction tin* la tho Interval of Urns that alapoao hotwa'an the lasUnt a ait> ar aignal is aaon and tha aaraa mrp action eUrtod. A driver starts to pass another vehicle whan aaddoalp a third vehicle appaara which map > Mock file path Tho driver aaaat de i cide whether to paaa it* vahtatc or drop hash. If hla raaotioa time la I Mow ha map not raattne tho danger • until too lata to avon aa aorldsat *«np aatrawanaar who choanal 1 whoa a ctar etaaiaa a hair liae In hla r| tvtoaeope and praaoaa a hap aa that t the tin* map ha electric alp rccarlad - knows than ha Mass sat ahairva tha 1 fact and pm Iha hop at tha aam I tin*. A earraotion haa ta ha mh l which haa haoa aarafaRp datamlnac » nad la called Me parnaaal eqa»H»a. I a votioa with dlfforoat people. I Timor* af a Mat raso wtk apMl * aataad watahaa wtU fraqaoatlp p dlfforant raailta Mr tha Um af th me*. Th* rmettoa t(cM of mm y*oyl* fc **ry »low and aodwutUA, It th* •MM* *f many aeatoaMa. Dm* <k* yuW« *af*ty roqnlr* that Mek y** t P>* k* toM dr+ron’ Utmtml Th* *«"•» •» P«M»« iMdi h m • m*4y to *4*M*to n«k • yatfer. tat l nuUm that it *mM to Iwraatigat 1 ti e rV! juriet (I«m the purely puni tive a.'pvet of the euorta to • studying 9f e i rw iu tfuatoasut He think* the system i* headed In the right dl reetion under the juvenile court law, tut be reea a vaat itiffarror* between ; the negative sentiment which refuse’ to rend a youthful offender to the eha.t ge.igu and a psuhive system which would Had something worthy tew rd which to torn the erring juve nile. Throe flve c-iroafta, he thinks, oreald not r.eee*aarny change the promt]t rotation system. And he thinks coat would be eart and sraat rat as usual. Thv criminal judge* would bo bald to their circuit*, but the civU judges would run oa even aa Tennyson's brook. Half the Judges asked for'by the bar would bo suAcaoat to try the criminal docket* sad as new aolicU mra would be needed at ah. Mr. Baggett has not been able to present the plan ts Governor Morri son, who V* understood by the Har nett county man to favor the eld ryurimi The issue wfll be brought dedahehr to the toy toedm fha asssaw * ALL PARCELS DESIRED **U ef Seals U Am fnp.rl.al Imw Of Imm m Fight Aaaiset T»t»niil«.ii Since the sals of Christmas Mala u an important sourer of revenue for the fight against tuberculosis citizens should bay them aa generously os potato*. Wary woman sit sacrificing their time at this busy season to sell thus sad their efforts desert a cordial response. There was a time when no disease took so high a toll of human life in this part of the world as the “white plague,” That *t wae preventable wma generally un 'Jeratoed. Cases were alltwed to de velop until they became Jbopeteca. Thousands were scat sway to other climates in the dubious hop* of re covery. New every on* knows that a proper regard for the laws of hoatth it tho best guarantee against “consump tion." as It used to bo called. Tbe seeds of the disease may be planted in childhood, especially ia crowded neighborhoods where people are hud dled together la close proximity and fresh air is a luxury. Nor are country places free from the invoice for la thvsa there la ffften ignorance of the laws of sanitation. It is the aim ef the district nuns sstl relief committee and the county workers who have charge of the sale of the tubercular stamps, to safeguard tha children. This Is plainly the ascot ef fective way of stamping out the dis ease. It’s the fight against tabesculasfa that Is being waged by tha sale of these stamp*. Do not forget, there-! feee, to lay In a supply of thcMl Christmas sells and use on every let-] tor and parrel through the holiday season. __ BSK>E WORE CORSET OT UUBS AMD ORCHARDS] (Mowot EagolMr.) Mr. L. T. Hart m Th« Ea^ntrerV liaotypa omtor. L«ka ckxklM «* try tint he ntmiWn potting in1 type • eoTBHQ&icAticNi tMS# ythVi ■CO. food**#: "TW* brM» waa hand •WO is h#r pinf>ivi| ktiwh, <«« • totott of iniat of tba rall*7 uul ■mcs.» CYCLONE i 'ACK’S FATHER DEAD Tfcoe. A. I cLenio- Succumb* To^ Car err Trouble At ; Bonr.*ttwrCle, 8 C., Dae. 1».—T. [A. Mr Leaden, /ether ef 8. T. Mc Lendon, belli* known at MC>dor.r Xack,** otir of the world'* greateat c-'argolleu. dW.i hare at *:S0 tM* -aonrfr.fr. H- wee 73 yean. aid, and h»-J bi«n a pttijmi. tu: r r over v x month* with cancer of Iho iiom •ch to *'iVk he tot/Hy rxnnded. H* war re* u .led tj. ever, one n hefar one of the beat rovn la Mart •ro county. He died er-’ortiag hi* put yreach or roe 4 coatlnue preaching the word of Cod in i>,« parity. The body ie If. '•g in atate la the homo ef the era*, "diet and many Magranu aad s»ru farn or lymp.th;- ate Wag received. Mr. McLendon fey many yaam «g *» official ic the Idet-odint church. Ilk i* vurvlvro by hi* eon: Rev. Rl •’ T VoLcndaot hh daughter Mm. 'rr rii* Pond and rix brother*. The fuaerul and bur'll will take pW hi Befall cemetery Dinner tarlUr Ladd* Ski devoted wife who tiled two yean CHRISTMAS Onrtr.M»! ‘- sly. a time far pSdlaaopky; : ret a time wliei; many are thoruahrct i “why do >•» celebrate Christ mavV* The Charrh-* have one intycr, an satM-er tl-el a!? ChK-tli.-u, at lawt, r-e: to .r- tiabatlm. Bet the c*io br. ttoa of Chrietmaa ha* com* to r.taa much to many whoa* religion ^noa rot .-■•<« thorn to rejoiea at the With of Jama; It te celebrated with ‘ ’xv.rt'neie and hrpp.We by thorn who do net belie** in any religion by ***** of alien faiths and atrangc; It io a time #f joy and happicea* to •hoaoandi of ehOdran who have lhtle •- »* un.hrt»landing of Ma religions ■iffftcanco; It lo warm h the hoarta rood win to ne*. It awana aa opan ing of heart*. It mean, theaghl for tho poor and needy. It meant bring ing joy to children who otherwise and atkor time* kero little joy. It »~«— lo*c la the heart. It mean* brother hood. Thar* U no brotherhood with oat a fatherhood; tboie I* no brotherhood of nuui without a Fatherhood atf Qod. and eo oven tboae who know nothing . . . if there bo rath . . of tho day, 1.9S2 yean ago, which Chriatmao celebrate*; nan rudi aa thcae. la cole fa rating Chrslmae, In recsivligr or giv ing from the spirit of Christmas, are led In spite of thorns*! vea, back to the Creator. Chrietaui , . not a time for phll otophy. bat a bcau'Jful time to prove that wen philosophy most yield to the spirit of the Yale log, which bringa to os all. Ch.iuian and Jew. snd be believer, juat and uajaet alike, M*h*mm«UB ,ad Buddhist. Imathcn the unification of that lor* which, alone of all fece* in the worid, can nor make It wholly a placo for bro therhood 1—Selected. SAMPSON PAIR PROSPEROUS It it particularly gratifying to be Informed that the Sampson County Pair AuoclaUea, deepHe tha atrtn C*ney of tha las* thres year*. haa bad unusual degree of prosperity. While tome of the fain, aa wc Kara and »rstood, hare scarcely auulo rails Sampson Pair haa made haud^e profits each year. Mr. T. B. Smith, the efficient buff rims mat «er. inform* as that j* haa paid off •mry rant of expense attending tha last fair and haa a balance of In tha last foar yeast the proDti harp totaled 10* per rent of tho original capital. Thi* apcnlts exceedingly well for tha maiMgrmrat an.) alae for aor pooptr's appreciation of the fain. Thrae U rrarerly a queetion that this la the loading county fair in tha Bute.—Batapeon Democrat. tlyoa the bemfcrs In (ho park I son the ram of broken men. Uf* la them barna a fee be .park Whea will their dhlpe teas la? - •b. when) The fkartaoaa tu raiment gay Rwoop by thorn bra Ned ton). I "TVs lMab bond they aaam to pay Itatr brothen la tbe Naaarrao. _R. trune. t U Wade haa boea rottfin rd U hi. room for the peat fra deye on account of IBnMh

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