THE DUNN DISPATCH Ert.Mi.UJ April I, 1*14 rlymi«n twin . a. . wrwdr • TUESDAYS AMD FRIDAYS l sutm ran — at ■' i ■ ■ ||M, RMh C..«Hai SVMCUFTtOM BATJM: frjw... CASH* DC'ADVANCE'' I Addtwse all commaa! cations la Tha A'-l ten.rtr.wnu af Th« !• a> V *.wh,d .hr»oph tele » Vi' *» • i . « . * . -I* • a *A -: *. u i% a<—Ur » nt to. «e-.d*r ai »ash commoetca «M> Mat tarnish a* with hi* name, tt ia aat oeeortery that tha name be - -j. • ' > - ; tn-»t ; *w «.vefc a* an .vid.uct of pond fnl'h. Shart aeeocitm of woddinpi, «atcr Uwaaata. club meetings, ix nto THE FJUMCS Or FEACE "Date yoa tfci. day a Savior U born** was tha greatest aad mast tip aifkamt birth announcement of ail time. Tha proclamation was mad. tc tha Wla* Mao of the Bast and is re spwe thereto they journeyed, paid •d by the heavenly star, to Bethle hem of Judea. There lying in a mao par aad wrapped in .waddling clothe, they fowad die Uepa af tho World. r.ala 1 m I ■ i i »ka u.nn Tk a PVpSal child reflecting the glory of the Om nipotent Oh, the Virgin Mery beam tag and tenderly administering, the Wise Maa, poms seed of all the knael edge af the ages, leokiag on in won der and admiration. No earthly artlsi roaid da it Justice. The birth of Christ wee the meal Hgulflcunt treat sums tha Creation U mashed a division ia tha cakal* Hag af time. Tha Messiah's cents! botloa to hamanity was Ineamparmbti the giasiost rcaardcd la tha annali af history, biblical er profane H< cemr. Brad and died that tha people) af the world might inherit sterna Ufa. It was tha plan af the Create] far the redemption of those wtu ■ « L -Id_ ™ “jBe PW’oVC. It is appropriate that we make uk celebrate aa this anniversary ocear too bsf 1st as do It reverently ant in a msuer that wiM be pltcolng ti Bm Macs of Peace and Ckmd Will “SILBHT NIGHT’ Piabahty aa earal it aa anivsnallj known, {prod and song as this tha pis Osnitt song. Par year* its origii eras ankaewa, but sappoead to dati back entvbt. A few years ago Lnd wig Bib iavaotigatad and found tha II ssua pee dec ad fas ISIS. The peso paaad fey Prana Gnsber, a school mas tow. On Chrtohnai era af that yea. . la was saag in the church of Obern farf. lbs pact, who had a tenor soles sang the melody, the composer, a bar saag a second part, and a hastily re crafted chair of young worses the to train. A guitar famished tha acton panimeat, the organ being out af or dac. Tweaty years or so later a fan fly af strolling ringers from the ty rel added it t* their ropertoire, am la 1(4# It was printed in Lelpaie, a a “Genuine Tyrolean” song To many years (and still In certain soaj basks) the composer of the song sra given aa Joseph Haydn, probab); meaning tha groat Plan Joseph Hay da. A Machine description of the «f fret af thin none ia given in Zoni Gala'* (hot* etory. (A Great Tree.; CmM| nothing can mare quick]; give the aplritoal atmaaphera af th nougar hlrth than the aingfac af thi beautiful aimpie aang. 1. Silent night, holy night, a! la calm, all ia bright; Soand yea virgin, mother aw ebOd, Hoi, faW, ao under aw mOd. Steep la heavenly peace, Sleep ia heavenly peace. HHl The •• i Wm ■til hitting nn nil faur cyHuJert. Ha '■* fntfca* of that good Benton elttosn, Mr. M. T. Britt. -*«n an fruit dan anybody" ia tha way Difaa pub It. and if you don’t boUavo it, Juat taka a squint in pass Eng. Tangerines, apples, eta., galore, ami orange*—you'd think k* wua tak ing the output of a Floridian grove. Hls Aaeat fountain in **dU town* ecugkt the Fin and U now out’a •back. Dibs says it with fruit. Did you aaa kiai Daredevil Ckli ! 'v** one of the birds connected with ■ *'*v F'Catara Aircraft Company, »it t fa oOee the first of the week : 2nd raised a squawk because we fail | cd to make mtriw of hls dsath-do fyinr, hair-raising, blood-curdling ’••anti at the Land sale last week, so ere goes kind nadbta. Chil lers stood on the tap wing or tSo plane while tSe loop was being executed; bung by his both from pro pallor blade as the pilot made the dip; hi’ng from lower wing of plane on hls left ear daring a tail spin; rode "stride engine hood daring a nose I Hive; hong from landing guar on toes end tw the big e"aft swooped down, grabbed a bunch of bananas at Res ide Wsdc’a "First and Last Chance”: ! jumped from plane at an elevation of | Av* thousand feet with a perforated I parachute, and when last scon was roost<ng (a a tall sweet-gum tree on Stony Run away over beyond Mr. Al bert'*. How's this Childers True to form all trains for tbs next few days will be running late and If you happen to have an engage ment along about the regular time for one to arrive and you're going away, don't worry—Just take youi time. If yon hava a hunch to attend a box party, or eare to taka a run out to the dub, obey the impulse and g« ts It, You'll have loads sf time. Daring the Pre-Volstead days It wai “wussst" still. merry CHRISTMAS Before the next appoaranoe of tin Dispatch, Christmas with it's attend •nt pleasure* will have come am gAe. Oa behalf of the entire force, we take this opportunity to wish ooi friends and the public generally a Very Merry Christmas. Kay the season bring you afl un told happiness, and may Old Sants he good to the big boy* and grila sj well a* the (mail ones. TAKE A WALK To pen an article on any topic foi publication that wiH meet with uaanl *nooa approval * well nigh Impossible out of our system. ..y Ju*t at this time the postoffice de partment Is deluged with parcels bear Ing eueh labels aa “fragile.” and el mitar admonitions. All of our article! ere labelled “fragile" hut you note not open (hi* until Christmas. Real joy and happiness Is derivet from making someone vise happy You present a gift to a needy anc sppreeiative person and instantly hii or hvr face lights up In grateful sp proelattvs person and intently hi! partition. It becomes contagioui ind soon, you too, begin to ohow evi dances of joy. Every community haa it's oppor ’.unities No flash light is Deceaser^ to locate them. Police offiears some timee t«n os when wo congregate os street corners to "take a walk*, a after you have partaken of ail tin turkey and accessories and oars U experience some genuine pleasure, w< would suggest, in the vernacular a: tho street, that you “take a walk.” Wallace Reid, that movie actor whose smile produce him thousand I and whose popularity among tfci Flappers Is only exceeded by tha I of Vafrrrtino, haa recently boon vor; 111 and now la ft la alleged tha Me Illness was brought about by tin ose of liquor and drags, and, aa i consequence, the public has assails! the movie Industry when K it simpt| another case ou Welly's part of so , being able to stand the pressure. It U good to MO oar Mead “Ken ’ do" again. Since latt we had tb< plaaeare, ho hao boon aojeuralng Ii liuUaaapoUa when bo haa bean moo r elated with ae automobile com era i He tetta a* that aoea ha will brand i oat la the mmo Baa of M dearer ij . the Bad Town, and aa to rally wo arid him the beat of Inch. He wffl ad ! that good and yipolir ear, the Orar . ^ i -. Idt atght tear of m mug goo try who ora aeon to deyort from d» «h Mima lam, gave a baagaet ta their Mail They dagad It at the Draa Cof o width woo rearrange and mm* It took the Baton of a fanimn dtoaor to |bo “boy*" AB reyertod a Hr mm of iii—b LESSON FOR DECEMBER 24 A LEMON IN TRUST AND PRE PAREDNESS JEfSCR Wb-Uha UJVt •OLD** TRXT—Tbe lit* u am than Mat. awe tha haSr A Ban than ralnaat —Lsls UM. TOPIC—Th. story aI a JUNIOR TOPIO—A raollaia IM Kao. WyMWDUTl AND SENIOR TOPIC tounq vmariM and adult topic —Trwa fthm. «saa an October 8 we had a Ireeon •a the birth and childhood of Jhm, ■“J »11 doabtlaaa prefer to have *EA now^leanow Inataad of tha C hr law L A Warning Againat Cavatoutnaaa CT». IW). t The Ocmalon (re. IS-18), ono of tho ootnpanj reqoeeted Jaoot to bo aaplm la a dlapmtd aetata. Two broth ate vara la trouble or*r at Ln harttaoca Chrlat rafuaed to tutor lha •Phara of tho drll law and warned agnlnat the aptrlt of avarice. ChriaPe mAaton area preeminently aplrltnal. *• Enforcement of the Warning (re. IhD). Tha parable at the rich man ■haws dearly that to be concerned with earthly richee while neglecting Ood la tha height of felly. Tha lx>rd't naming A of great Importance today; for many are peering gold and forget tteg Ood. Nate (1) hie tacreaee la rood* (v. 18). Hie lichee ware rightly obtained, tor tha groped brought forth plaBUfalty. This ahowa that a man be rich (min of tha Lord's Massing upon him. (9) Hla perplexity <’• IT). Hla land was producing mors than hla bans would bold. He did nol waat tt to go to waste. il be had po* aaaaed tba right rtawa of Ufa and a aaaae of stewardship Mora Ood. hi would hare seen that hto bans at laoai had sough far hla pereoaal needs and that ha could hara distributed hla sur plus to tba needy sad tog benerolenl puiiiaaaa. (I) Tba total choice (tt l& Id). Ba chan to unlarga bit barns and glra np hla Ufa to ease and toxuiy. It ought to ba • delightful tosh for man whom Ood has roedi rich to derate their time and eoergi to tha distribution of thadr possession to benevolent purpaaaa («) The aw tol Indictment (rr. 90, 91). Ood calli him a fool. II. Tba Certain Cura far Anxtot) (TT. B994). Bering shown the folly of tha rid mas who gelaod gold hot lost Ood. Hi ■aw urged tha disciples to trust Ood an asodea* cars. Be aa that thay need net be nax tor tba ■acaaattiaa of Hto r , • . mam (TT. 99 »>. Thu ap to one brief sentence life la mac# then food, end thi body to mors than retro not- Tbs OM who gore tba Ufa and made tbe bod] dbauld be treated to provide food sal slatting • 9. The nisatiations (rr. 24-28) (1] Oodto care for tba fowls (rr. *4-28) Tba ravena do not sow nor reap—the; bare not storehouse or bam. yet the: Bra. tor Ood feeds theca. If Ood flow ■at forget tbs fowls, certainly Hi weald da mors tor Hla children. (9; Bad's card* tor tha Bowers of the 8eti (TT. 9T, B). If Ood la so careful • fhaaa flowers which appear hat far i day, bew reach more will Ha cloUx Ba ehOdraul fl. Tba Uxbortottocm (rr. 9934). a; h»ts not tha flatting of food am tosttae year ehtof esaeern. Trust Ooi to provide them. (3) flask tha king tout «t God (T. 81). Those who tnaki Ood'a kingdom Brat shall hara an that needs supplied (Phil. 4:19). (8) 9 net afraid (r. >2). God's good ptoaa are to upou Hla awn, aad all gooi tttega win Ha giro them. (4) Free Boa self 4aulal to order to be able U fro gifts to these to aaad (rr. 88. 84) » doing at each deads win tend u ' lift tbe thoughts upward to Gad—ti 1 tree HI— III. Be Reedy far Ba earning af tb s Lard (tv. IMO). Hatted wmnad tka <3 ten pi ae agate* i Ik* aogntatal** ef worldly good* wblb , tefgattteg Oad. tad ahm than tb MldUaaniaa ef anxiety fer foad am I Math a*. Be **n them the bleued 1 *aas *f Mag la a atat* af readtaaa ’ wkee tha Lead Ball rots*. Ooarta ; tte* a* to the certainty of tha LortTi eaaateg ta the aai* ear* for worldltnaa and eastern care. Thte attttode « heart Ba *B clear hr two parebiae tkat of tha iwtaralag of tha Lord ex 1 that af tha thlaf. Tha Lard will ba *• i |la*aed with Baaa who are waltlat ter Bln that Ha wUI taka dellgkt h at the bangaat with than, ate Tha parable of Um tha ttew * tha Larfi is aat known. Pate's Wish. I Bate an thlaga hat tea* far tte tec tel eery af tb* kaswtedg* ef ChrW Mb* mj Lard: B hr aajr mean* I aatgM attain aata tha reaarrcctlae at ft* dwt-WB»lm IB-1) Be Many Raven*. * Tb* Lard a*ear had a* nny rav •a* aa h* baa thte waratag—r. D* W»t »•»«•*._ •ad la Kmai tvarywhar*. ft Mtb ta Oad bsawa; III* mm li great la taad.-Pwbn mi “SWING LOW, SWKKT CHARIOT" Bay Taylar, Hi bb pabUBad laa tarve. aufcat (hi* haewOfel and taaeb te* iMib I* a farmer da** af Ui f*teflyi “Matteabag* I karled an* t4 lha late *< ear aid family darkle.. Ba ted tea* a yatarhia far fifty year*. IkMtteM te aften ted am. Rdft ay Wether, te Ui Ba had aaver learned tea art ad pm ll*g- Sat many a tea bar* IwttejMhtte Hrti and aayi Hg^gaea—s—eae—Bases* e-.»l "r '.wlgl tie H<1» ef de Bible, • i .(-.'da, ‘You must be born sgsn tCtu.’ And then he weald wsrm ■ l< *■ « rhome until he plunged • '. J .h* ratiocination of Tating the lost twenty years of . it lie made sigh drafts upon ay ■ :-0•:/ and my wardrobe, just as ■i.-idu of old-time darkies still drafts upon their former mss n in lbs South, and they are al sys honored. When I wae a candi >’stc, Uncle Sufos was a Democrat. When my brother wae a candidate, h“ was a Republican. Whan w« were Candidatse against sack -other, he was neutral. The eld man came one even ing and sat with me In the twilight •aider the trace, and oar minds wan dered back together to the happy days of the past when he was a slave and ! was s barefooted boy- He reviewed •Winy a ghost story he used to tall u» in the firelight around the hearth •tone of his cabia In tha happy long ego. Add there wts many a joke sad jest and merry peal of laughter. But u the shadow* thickened around as the old darkey grew serious.' He spoke tenderly of aiy father and wether anti hie old wife, and all tba old folks who Had gone Wore. With tearful oyca he loft me. But ha paus ed ae he departed, sad leaned upoo bis staff and said: “ ’You may not see ms again. I has had two visions of the chariot of de Lord descending from heaven to bear me sway. The next time it comes, your Uncle it at us is a gwyne bom*.' And as he hobbled away in tb* darkness, I thought ] hoard a song: “ 'Swing lo, sweet chariot, coming foi to carry me home. i Swing low, sweet chariot, ooralni for to cany me home.' “1 never taw him again. Before a week had passed, the chariot hat swung low, the faithful old servant stepped In, and was caught up late heAvan. "As I looked upon him for the la* j time, with the daws of llio'i evening condensing on hi* brow and the shad ow* of death falling around him, Mi simple words of faith in Ood ware more beautiful to me than the most Impassioned eloquence that over fell from the llpe of the brilliant Ingar soil.”—Alabama Baptist. GEO. W. WOOD DEAD Mr. George W. Wood, agod 68, died at hie home at Chalybeate Springs Sunday about noon. Hem rat failure waa the cause of his death. He had suffered considerably lately with this trouble. Funeral was held Monday at 2 o’clock with interment in Chaly beate cemetery. Mr. Wood’s wife died about 18 month* ago. He was the father of Messru. Arthur and Carlir Wood— both of whom are well known here. Arthur was killed In Franca. The bereaved one* has the sympa thy of people in this community.— Harnett County News. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION TO TLAN BALANCE SEASON GAMES ON JANUARY 1 T)i* Harnett Count; Athletic As sociation has had a most Interesting senes of basket ball games doting the month of December. All of the games were played as scheduled ex cept the one between Angler and Lilllngton, which was postponed on account of the unfavorable weather. The Dunn boye am leading the teams of the county, having won every game played during the serial, while (he Lilllngton girls are taking the lead in giris’ teams, having suf | fered no defeat as yet. The board of directors will most Wednesday night, January 3rd, to | work out the remainder of the sea j son’s schedule.—Harnett County News. I _ ^^H H^l ^1 ^BH H B W ^V ^^^B ^ ^H H A ¥ a ¥ AH a jlg_g_M ■ 1 u rll11 J iv >1^*^ F 77?e /3e^>enciab/& sS^ore ^M||HBTi)jr|jnMHMk s *• Thanks you for the liberal patronage given it during the past yea; and wishes you l m A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a £ HAPPY NEW YEAR 1"*' - If hopes to serve ydu oftfert and well during 1923. I I GOLDSTEIN’S DUNN’S - BEST - CASH-STORE » Wishes You and Yours the HAPPIEST OF CHRISTMASES [ and the Moat Prosperous of New Years i We thank you, too, for the great business given us during the year now so near its close. It has been a good year for ell of us, forecasting, we are happy to believe, a greater prosperity for the coming year You have found it profitable to trade at Goldstein’s this year. You will find it more so next year. ] . i * * 1

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