H t$k A* w* write this, a good friend of •«“ wha fr«oW bo ia the prims e< k** kaurly expecting a death l ke Wag pestpenad. It is —J do tog the heat work of > tag a trouble which, if die aow mehtly tea late to perform an •aCmed aad treated at its start, pre WMp might hare beea easily retne *ad—at least if aecoaapaaied by pro. P«r change# ia the man’s habits. Be wasted tea bag te find oat the facts. We believe there la an Important toaeen far aS farmers te bath them fllosbattena. The farmer's basin ess is twaally not so large ee that ef the tow* business waa. bat it is Just as H'lhil to know how it Is goteg. A* —nasi tersatory, audit, and ia i of all the facts tovetvsd i Is as aeeesaary to its w 1 » oampaaa is to a ship. It J^*^**® te me whether »r net aad may save him freta by gfring Mas wanting la fre hate— cam wc mea tiee. aa audit would haw revealed the diAoaeety teat had keen going oa foT Paara, feat the aadit is Just as d bast# ms policies as diahan hnur abrald know jut Mi Mn holdings and pre ss compared r*rttl “• J—* ' nr other debts are mtn him nau tho flanadal danger Has, he ahonld try to realise it in time auhe plau to iam v‘-iMilf if *• *• HT>«« too Ugh interest charges, ho shraM try to 8nd some way of Ctottag credit at a lower rate of iater oat bpoctoDy ahonld he try to avoid *• tooat miaou iatenat of aU. ■—Mr. that which la known aa “tens — what he boys. If ha has - SB wMfetarest reto ho has bosn pay h—ha aad avoid "Haas prims" next mr. *—nr fanner ahonld also m-k. it • tola to have a competent physician *”* —*h aaxitn of the family a thscoagh physical examination at *-• •— a year. ThU will cost » Httia bat not so mach u a coffin— *■ *»ot. not so mock as a doctor uo •By charge* for treating one "spall •* I***™-" *■ the long run, inch an —naal examination will save more *— dollars for srery dollar it —etc in a-tli.al money—to say noth ing of tho lengthening of Ufa aad haaUh aad kappiaoas. "Ai —o of yrcrontion Is worth a ponnd of care.” Certainly once a you ovwy individual ahonld toy to dad on* the bottom facts shoot himself —* 1 M and readiest Using medlii to ec ••' toata tens fosnd ant. "•I l ith la Uw year in — investigation it December. Left yet the (uti tbit math aboat oar health and the fam ily't health, oar baataaea and the fast 0y*» baeineat, and prepare at oat* for whatever “riyhUabeot-face*' la the way of Urine, trad icy, and vorUay that three facta dwv aa tea “d#*- r m HAKVEY WILL AXTUHM TO U. K. AT ONCIt MU MAAVKY IS ILL 1—tee. Do*. L—tte AmMm vtaniac te tte MM Btetoeateeot a»«a*i< lately far a atert riaft. Tte rMaon aantted ta ki* vUdt ia te ui rty ateat kta wife** With. «M.K tea of lata, aad tte ta fir* kar a Ai tte anteaaa rtet wtll aatealte witk tte pta aaaca te Atoertaa of tte Mtife ate »*ob haated ky (te ttiaaaaSaa at tte oxcteaMr. Staalay Baldwin, it to aa maMd that Mr. Harvey will tote tte oppertaatty aw tte ITirijnii dtoe ttoa generally. U. S. TREASURY PAYS BILLION TO HOLDERS OP “VICTORY- NOTES Wntoito, Dae. l«.—Th# treas «T eomplaUd tonight an* , of It* grants* post-war financial operation* *U*k included a payment 1^ on* day af 91,900,000,000 to holdan af Vic tory notaa amllad for radsmptlan tad matartng certificate* of ladabteUnm* •ad intarcat on th* public debt. The day's transaction also inclnd *d tbs flotation of $900,000,000 In two and ona-half year trap wiry notes and $400,000,000 la certificate* of indebted****, pan of which mature in three month* and the remainder In on* year, aad th# collection of #17#. 000,000 fat Incoma aad profit taxes. Preliminary figure* received by *!m treasury tonight indicated that sub scriptions to Uta offs rings of not* aad cartifieatas would reach about ' r(l'U.OW). ThU vu the ba*U fo. •..-■ir.eata by ofl&claU that the t*o ■• —>M year note* had provad - v' 11 tcYcrUnanb It tu aaid lt t'.At the over labecrlptiuo i«di '0“ ‘‘l-ioe i** Su*ineie | i ;ur payment proved a beat I-— •qua! to expectations, It was oaM II that amount war* added to the re ceipts from the two lean a* of (Orarm amnt oecarttias, the traaoary** ledger theoretically would oiny a larger balance tau'r*'* than laat sight. The outgo for the day which Included $700,000,000 to the bolder* of *1* tory not** caliad fur radaaptlon, 9300,000,000 to pay off maturing ««r. dflcatai of iadabtadnaaa and $100,' I 000,900 la lntaraat on tha public dab ' la aat again ft nacaipta of approximat* ; ly 91.079,000,000. PINU IN WtNTKR ’ I Th* pin** In winter aro a wondrous Deckad out in ulnforma of groan and white; They look Ilk* voteruna on draa* pa rade, Aa down their rank* the North Wind marchca staid. ij- Mr. Farmer— Use lime-41 will make you money. We have just received a car of MAS con ground lime stone and die price is right. Come to see us at once if you want any for winter and spring use. We do not think it will last very long as there is a big demand for lime this year on account of the price and the BOLL WEEVIL. i Johnson Cotton Company Dunn, North Carolina SPECIAL PRICES - • • . ' , _ . r— Standard Middlings _ __ ...._$2.10 Red Dog. $2.50 Sugarine Scratch Feed_$3.00 Sugarine Buttermilk Mash_$3.50 Sugarine Dairy Feed_$2.50 Sucrene Dairy Feed_$2.25 Just a few more tons of the above bar gains left. Next prices will necessarily be higher. Buy now and save the difference. CASH GROCERY The Dunn Package House Thank* you for the patronage given it ing the pout year and wiahe* you a— I MERRY CHRISTMAS I HAPPY NEW YEAR I Will Profit Through Trading With U* --During 1923— 5 Christmas Cakes-- | « --5 ifr Our OLD FASHIONED POUND CAKE is like C your grandmother used to make when you went to the coun- « try Christmas day. Remember? We have FRUIT CAKE that can t be beat for qual ity. It contains the very best of fruits and nuts. It s reasonably priced at 7 5c per pound. We have OTHER CAKES of all kinds and prices, to suit all tastes and pocketbooks. For instance: Coconut, Chocolate, Caramel, Walnut, Orange and Strawbeny. Pearce’s Bakery * North Carolina t 11 A n n i jm % Nothing will prove more acceptable or more serviceable. We have just the things you want, whether they Be single pieces or full suits for Bed Room, Dining Room and Living Room Our furniture store is filled with the choicest lot of fur niture ever brought to Dunn and we will be glad to show you through it. In the furniture department you’ll find a beautiful lot of PI*7®* Pianos, Edison and other Phonographs and all kinds of Records There are lota of guns, rifles and knives in our hard ware department that will be fine presents for the boys and men. Get your presents from us—there is nothing here that is -—-—-not useful-; ■V The Barnes & Holliday Company M K J Dunn, North Carolina ■

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