K. K. K. CENTERING ON THE JUDIC1AR1 Norman Hapgood In First O Sensational Articles On Ttie Ku Klua Klan N*w York, Dee. 2#.—Charges th* •he Ku Klux klan has changed th line of it* political activities amt l i.ow cantered on an attempt to else to judk-'ul office throughout the Unit ‘■•I State., member* who shall he r» sponsible to thslr oath to the klai rather than to the government, er> msdr by Mormar, Hapgood in th, flint oi * (sanations! series of art! • Icr in the January iesuc of Heart*! International Mngaxine. Mr. Hapgood promises to suppor hi* exposure of these new setivltiei of the Klan with list* of names, doc u.-nents ansi specific examples ol v ' ere public officials have been sub jsc.r.1 to unier* given by the auto erotic chief* of the organisation. Despite attempt* at suppression ir it any parts of tits country, member *b p ill the klan is growing at th< r»t* of mors than 10,000 weekly, Mr l.'aDgoO'l declares. Texas ami Oregon *'• < r« klun candidates have alretd) made their appearance in politics arc bus the forerunner* of a concert ed national effort, for whleK the pub lie must be on guard. '"That th* klan has brjrun to havs its eandiilstes for publie office ii known.** declares Mr. Hspgood in out lining th* purpose of the series. “Thsl .1 ho* recently organised a special department for th« politicians, Judges nnit other prominent citiirns who Join In it, is not understood and is ths moat important ot its developments. The new division, known as the Im perial klan, ia more secret than the rest of tbc klan and it has great po litical significance.” “With the persona! controversies that have rant the klan.’ he adds, “w* have norhmg to do. The topic with which our exposure deale is simply thia shall our government. Judicial, executive end legislative, be secret?" niu*truling the flnl article it t photograph of the Imperial Klan'fa secret session, a reproduction of n letter written by a member of the New York branch of tho klan to the editor of the Searchlight, the klan'* official nesrspaper, and a re production of the heading of the Searchlight, the medium through which most of the klan's propaganda for political supremacy ia sent forth. “To gel the force and meaning of thia new political division, It la neces sary," Mr Hapgood says, “to under stand the binding nature of its oath, the general idea of eeerocy and the rapidity of the growth in numbers. “In general, a klanaman, even of tho ordinary class. Is expected to deny or evade admitting, hla membership," he writes. “This is made easier for him by an elaborate distinction be tween the klan and ths Invisible Em pire This technical title la dtisen of tbc Invisible Empire. Therefore, if he is asked if he bdongs to the Ku Klux klan he feels justified in saying no. This privilege becomes im portant if the question is naked to determine a man's fitness to serve on a Jury or to hold a particular of nee. “Judges, district attorneys, elected executives and legislators in this ‘e* pcelally |und pro tooted group take the same oath as the other mamberi of the klan, In which unqualified at iterance and obedience'to the Imper .al Authority and Ac Knights of the Ku Klux klan are pledged.” "Tn order that men who exercise power might find it advantageous U join, Ac klan is seeking to build up political and social force, and I large voting power” Mr. Hapgoor declares. “Numbers became the ba sis of its effort from Ac very rsom ent politics became its goal. Ten dot lari entrance fee furnishes Ac fundi end this fund Is again put into Hrtv ing for further members." Velvet beans helped one Onalov county farmer to fatten 4,000 poundi of meet and than make about (60t per acre from tobacco planted on Ai land Ae following year. These long winter evenlngi ie i good time to study Ae farm bus Aces Klan a rotation of crops for next yes say college and department agtdcultu re I workers. Feeding hogs properly will he!] heat Ae boll weevil Loom how fren extension circular No 1)1. A can to the editor, extension service, Rs leigh, will bring It free «f charge A widow and four children li Cumberland county drank milk fror a tubercular cew for Are* years Th voungest ehlld Is over three years el end cannot walk. Enlarged gland have developed and phyairtana sa •ha child la tubercular. Row abou your ehlld 1 , WOULD HAVE UNIFORM FISH AND GAME LAWS r. - | Sportiiua To Gather at Dlaaor la Charlotte To Divcwas Con - | Mrratiea 1 (.'Harlot.lr, Dec. 27.—A movement ' to substitute a State-wide gam* and i fiWv law In North Carolina for the (| prtsont system by which the Individ | ual counties control hunting and 1 Ashing will be Inaugurated at a dio 1 ner here tomorrow night, to which ! rpordravon from all aectiont of tha .' State have been invited. , | Plane for fiah and game conserve | lion alao will be diacuaaed. and Ooo. (l A. Lawyer, chief game warden of the United State* Department of Ag rleultare, hat accepted an invitation to addreae the meeting and describe how thi* it accomplished in other | State*. Mr. lawyer will be introduced | by Governor Cameron Morrison. whs I alto will deliver an eddrrta H. H. Brimlry, curator of the : State Moleum at Raleigh and presi dent of one of the largest hunting club* of the State, i* slated aa an other speaker. John M. More He ad, of | Charlotte, formerly Congressman [ frem the Fifth District, and numbers of other sportsmen from this sac tion have taken an active part in I plan* for the conference. Preliminary arrangements call for formation of an association the rap nsentaireas or which will go before the General Assembly In January to urge enactment of a uniform Stats j I and Ash lav, which would pro vide for charging hunters and fish* , ermcn a nominal license foe. The funds from this would be nsed to maintain the law and to provide even tually foe State game preserves and :1t h hatcheries. i North Carolina la one of the few i States which has not already adopted | State-wide laws on hunting, promo i ten of the movement stated tonight, ! and with the banting season opening at different times in various coontiee . much confuaon has been caused j among sportsmen. LateaJ and nearby sportsman have tobaertbed funds for the Sinner, which u to be held at 740 o'clock j^the ^hambci^of^Comm^^^Morc ed, according to Bailey Groomc, sporting editor of the Charlotte Ob , server, who is In charga af reserve It ion*. WOULD AMEND HIE ' DISGUISE MEASURE Senator Brown Thinks Baggett BUI la A Trifle Drastic i ■■■■ Madison, Dee. 28.—Announcement that he would support legislation to make a jperson appearing off Ms p x mince disguised so aa to destroy identity guihy of a misdemeanor; to provide aid for tha faaniiy of an | officer killed while lawfully diacharg | ing his duties, and to establish Orel i form traffic lava in tha Stats was made to the Associated Prom today : by Senator Junius C. Brown, of the Seventeenth District. "I have never read the hill which Senator Baggett propose* te Intro duee with regard to the Ko Klas klan, , but I sec no reason why a person | found off his premiers disguised so aa | to destroy Identity should be declar . ed guilty nf a felony, which I oeder I stand is proposed In the Baggett me asure. 1 would support a hill making such an offense a misdemeanor. 1 will present a measure, or an amendment to Senator Baggett's bill, making tha | offense a misdemeanor rather than a felony. I "It Li my purpose to lntradoee end support a bill providing aid to-the family of an officer who la killed j while lawfully engaged in the neco | lion of the laws of the State In in stance* where tha family la without means. I see no reason why the State should not render aid to the widow end children of men who are slain while lawfully engaged in the ew 1 forcrfmant of the law* of tha Stats Uniform Traffic Law. "I believe that the traffic law* sf I this and adjoining States should be . i mad* uniform In order that eunen . I of motor vehicle* may better under -j stand them| that all vshlcle* eperat . | ing upon the highway* at night j should be provided with ttghte. H »' It ran be worked out, and I think K lj e«n be, I farar requiring the purehaa II or of a second-hand car to obteia a • certificate showing the important . facta concerning It, which information r could be used In the apprehension of I tk'nvro. I "It la my belief that all eltiaa and I town* should bare the asms ragula s tloas with regard to the ope ration *f t motor vehicles in ardor to avoid eon t fusion on the part of drivers. If thtr wore dona, no city ia the State would hav* regulation! and Ian with which non-rad dent* would not bo familiar. I thaH introduce and aappait logfala tton designed ta plaea thoac ll||a tiorto lata of act. “I believe the criminal aad cM doekata of oar eoorta ahould ho ro ller »d." ha continued. "I ilmll oup port aad if ninmry latrodaco a hill Increasing tha number of term* of eoaH far the trial of criminal caaaa »o that aa person aeeuood af arimt would Kara ta wait teager than twobm w»oki for trial The afril court* ohoald bo eudUtoul h> each diotriet U enable a man to gat a trial witbii ala month a, with rlvtl and criminal work dhrldod among tha Jadgua aa fai aa poaathla." Year nolghban map know pm have *n* aad butter to toll, bat tha] wdl probably want ta aad thalra. tea Tad tha folka who do want ta b«] them by aaing aa ad la your km town papar. I MASONS OUTLAW THE KUKLUX KLAf No Good Him Wlfl AfilUh With Moodod "Kmi«fata ” SeyiCrudMuhrMlW Philadelphia, Dm. >7.—Dm S' Klu klaa in Penaiytoeaia vu cmt Uwed by tbe (rand lodge ef Pr*. Maeone today at the mooting of rep reaentatlvee from throogbeut th etate, at which eflctn of tho grant lodge elected December T were in (tailed for tho now Haeonie year. No good Ha (on will hereafter hob a member* Ip or afUiation with Oh hooded outlaws, aoeoodiag to today*! pronouncement ottered by Grant Haeter A. H. Beiller, end which wi given dose attention by tbe rep re eentattvoo of MO lodges of tbe Penn rylvanis Jurisdiction. The action taken today U a refw lation of slanderous reports current throughout the country that mn bem of the Maaenic fraternity have been encouraging tbe TTgnnlantlen and growth ef tho "Invtthle empire," it wee declared. In addition U wanting the nen berehip again* haviag aay conaec <ioa with the dan. the me of Me (oaie property for tho purpooo of holding klaa meetinge wee atrictiy forbidden end whenever n boOdine __A »- . e a - - is rented to Ur organisation, then must be • clear Bade ntaad lag a. to the IdeiMky «f lemee and purpose for which the mooting it to be held. Todays proaoaneeam* by the grand lodge la the Am eAkW recog nition of the activities ef the klen la endeavoring to recruit member* e B>eag the Masonic fraternity la Peon ■ylranis. Matte have bees made a long Use by elder Iteeon. la Peaa. •yhraAia to diseeange the younger end ]<m experienced meeebort from having any connection with any erg. anisatioa width utc unlawful Methods and. while the feeling eieteg the len ders has been ue-atim* hi fwwri rhnie at tn other states, the a*ton with many other juriadktious which have declared against the orgaaiie tioo. Boporte ef (he repress nlatJios showed the membership In P.nnsyi vanla to be 1*0,00A. an tocreese ef 10,000 during Hit WOULD FORCE (CLAN TO NAME MEMBER5 Bergwyn, at Nsrthemptoa, Wffl tm •reAtoe Bum. to TW Zflwl No* Tear Woodland, Dec. *7—Legislation designed to require the Ku Dug Jtlan in North Carol ins to publish a certifi ed li* of its members, will be in tra duced at the IMS erosion at the gen eral assembly by W. H. 8. Burgtryn, one at Northampton's FWiiaaaiiWIlini. he announced today. "1 am also ta fevsr of a rsaMuM.u inquiring into whether or net certain judges end solicitor* are members of the Ku Dux kina, be rmwinned. "ua ing the desired iafermudoa. “I am opposed to any Inrreeee at judicial districts, judges, »r eeKdtoru I am again* inereasea in the eateries of any eAetala, tbs creating of new o«ce, end in favor at abolishing some of the unaeeemery oaau *'*» * meaaber ef (be beard ef trustee# of the university and a mem ber ef the house, | am opposed to a coalition ef any department of this Institution," be said. The representatives mid ha favored legislation to piece el] seUetton am ••Aeries, instead at under the praw ent fee system, end the election * county rrperintendetdu ef education by popular veto. piu. *• ant, watt JT duoUaMaaaMM.tei wtina th* haya'Wd fMa af *aab atr *«H coal* ha and ud-f j** ^ wh« woald htTInSar th» Jadfa af :y •«“ « • i~mu* criminal* —^n*fl|* ta a at U** ear* is aa y *" <ta^>g*«a ha wiM«ti >mhna>w «< *a ■| ,-l ltl-7 > etaa. Wa dt(<a> map Chla «nt >. .>^|l..d,a.|f,1a( «a farwaad md wylati h,“ h* add - - ~ - - - • ^ Ugamar»»*»lr hoard, and pay a ALLBlflWCHLDREN VBffEP BY SANTj Ihiam. til* r>rtilni aad ae chU hem wore aa cap to irina el disa* points* nt «a the early morning aft* "Jolly flaial Nick" had made his aa naal ronnda. Many a —-~'-4-g soaL hava bean hung by the beam Amid in vain and Chriatmaa day. ISM. wW Its ganlai caashia* aad balmy snath ar. would have breaght ae joy V amay a pwvtbfnl heart aad life hm It not bean far the effort* of the la cal Mao* ale Ladga. Tba caaamiUas •ppalatad by the ladga wera groat*. with nhaarfid r*».by those ao Haitad fog aaatrtf ohaae and with fan aacsptiaaa tba peapi* ad Dun cow tribatad what they warn aakad to give The goad people ad Daaa had It ■ gloritma pHoflagp aad a lay onapaak able ta aaa that a ray of aanakim pant Ira* aa weary beam where them Ii ilmclmtlrn. hr bn eat. ar need ad tba ramfart* ar aacamMaa of Ufa. Daw «a* id famlba* ha** bam mad* bap py Pr gift* or tomrmkttaatc* al •om* Uaddariag th* lopona YulatM* hearted swaa whs eoaLr4W?T*e!I.t< t their time and money far *4 mUef of them *«-» fortunate. "It it mam bleeocd to give than te meahra" U aa atamal (rath which appUej la this aaaa. The canvamiag riaalHai mac: Gecrga Gardner. chairman; Lawn Donning, Waiter Reward aad Bogar •""I*. The twain camailttaa maa: CUil OoliitelR, cWinua* t. fiatat. maa,,4r, and Cart Barefoot. Tha ■bare gwatlrmia derated much of ‘W'tha te-thia oath aad mnda aa ***t ha can that every • itmtHata home ia the eRr. hath white and eoL ary (Wdm will teal year hoed. White Paul Vaughn. lammctar, at Raleigh far intermaltea. AUTO INJURES CtMLD AND SPEEDS ONWARD Ortmr of Car, Baaagwla.d Aad Aa mated. Saga Ha Did Nat Know Ho Hit Boy CHnton. Dae. S«_4Jttle Henry Soaa Wright, aia-ytor aid aaa of Hr. WID Wright, of Ingotd, N. C., wat hit by an automobile aad daegumua *f Nwf yacterday afternoon about Are o’clock. Tba automobile wai driven by a mao named Lewie, from Clinton, who la connected with the mad conetrue Uon weak in due county. Learie did not atop alter running over (ho child, aad erne eaid te ham been driving ai a very rapid rate. Ra «u meogniaed however, and a warrant waa leaned far hie arrant. Later, he rote toed te Ingald and explained that he waa uiv awaiu that ha had ma near the child. -Doetem were eaauatntl from Gar land aad Clinton, and feuad thai boy*e ahull had been fractured **A **"* •*“*’*'* °* ,DUniml lalnr, Ing reyaota that Ma condition la eomw what better. MtMMdOimiiaVTID TO WU40K FOUNDATION FUME Haw Tort. Doe. *T—The del«*n Uan af dx ■■■kin nyiwitm tin Woodrow Wfleoa foundation, wfcic) wiB can mi fonaor Prooidont Witoor ■ tomorrow to oxtoad parting oa kb fAfcrUi, boo y tanned to foetal dem onetratiaa, it waa announced today The eall wfll to wmda at I y. at. At a amothw of tho permanent hoard of India of tho Wiloon fnn datioa, HamBtoa Holt, eseeativo di rootor, aanooaeod that |Hf,tM had hooa t-oatrt bated toward tho 11.*00, OM toad, aad that another tioo.WX The India drafted a koltpam u Mr. WHoob, noagiitidtlhn Mao 01 Ma birthday aad daotartn* that tk< ■■yyirt of tho foundation waa «i aMoadld txyroaoloa of faith.” It wa ■Maad by Trank) ta D. HoomooH a A tolopam from Mewtoa O. Bek or, foiwoor aoorwtaiy of war, forward ! «d to Mr. WOoob. la K Mr. Mw tab back to active t—i‘y la oar eaaa •Do tor ycepwortvo aad hatyfai no HW|| A*«iW lilurin wm trat bf C w. EiUott, pwMffb wmmUm of Mai ODD FELLOWS WILL MIST W FAYETTEVILLE JAN. I Fayetteville, Dee. *7.—The gran Me* or Odd Fellow* in North Can linn win convene In gtihl eearin 1 k*r» January C u prvoeat K. I I Horae, George F. McNeil), W. D. On - ter aad George M. koee with jewel r' «"hlem^ of their M year. *f CH .( tinuw memhcnhJp is Croot Cieei l lodP» Mo <• The grand lire ef lb *>verelgn grand lodge Lucian J. Em tin, ef SL Jewry!., Mo., will mm . the jewels While the coiefc rati on l* to last ho I »ne day, an elaborate program ha . h***1 werkod rat by a committee, 1 , amt noted, u the meet!** lg aoe oi I lkc mo*< layertaat la Odd FeUov circle* at the date. TUi event wil , mark the fine tiara the grand lafgi ' hs* met In Fayetteville *iac* iw )amt the drat vjait at .he grand tbt | iir.e ,'iko the late |g ||t I bee, rf Raleigh, wae grand eita h I 18*0. J T! v pngram follow*) 7:*G .:. at—Local committee am grand lodge eCnn meet grand rin and othoi* at trala. • JO.—Frig ta Fort Er^g. 11—Grand lodge at North CartHto convene* la Odd FoBowt hall, where *rand lodge and part grand degree) will he conferred. * *• P. ■ —FahKc «mtnBao la La. i fayette theater. I Basic - by orchmtra. hsaha • called to order by O. Gaston, chair ■UU) ibcal remmittoe. loeocattm by grand chaplain. Introduction bf gr*»d master by D.* 'Castor. Craad •niter's response. Mario inn L o O. F. homo. Introduction of put rracd master, Jobs F. Brawn, WU> ■on. N. C., by grand mastntt. Intro duction af grand sir# by John F. Bruton Address by grand aba. La du, J. Eastin. Marie. - .lrtatl.a ri honorable rotoraa jewels by grand •ire. Basic, doting ptnyar. Bra W. M. Taylor., ranu t, gja •ton ooM lOTJt frapi her gardm rmfuigri *t nmT. H«r fourth of aa sera in amt sad alao furnished ragaonblaa tar family pas, reports C. M. Brickhonse.' County Agent. Bake the home town paper l | Christmas present to that aboant to*, od one. Write Mm about it. There it i nothing, ho will appreciate am. PYTHIANS ENJOY ! BTC OYSTER ROAST Mm Th*» ISO Cathtmd fat C*atU Halt Loot Night to Enjoy OecMlom Member* of Capo Fear Lodge Ho. 190 and a namber of farritad guoeti enjoyed an oyatar roaet is tha local I car tie hall laat sight. Tha pregran atarUd promptly at 9 o'clock tad more than HO member* and invite! gueata were pretest to enjoy tto do lighUol oe cm Ion. Jaanoa Baal, Chair co Li or Commander of the lodge, art ed aa toaatmaatar. Masy iatareatiag featnroe were hr tendered during tho *qrehlng. Th< Maoonrc orchootra waa p real at and mode re cl many auhetfona apprep riot< for tha occaiion. A quartette, ten poaad of 9. L Deeming, Sock Rye LewW Denning and Jaaae Butter wbr< alto liberally applauded and mode i decided hit with their many ho*at! fal aaleetfooa. Short taDu war* aiadi by Mr. T. V. Smith. Mr. John C Clifford, Roe. A. R. McQnooa aw ' Rot. R. N. Johnooa. The local PytUas Lodge la an* oi II the moat active feternal organ laatten i in Thins nni haa to -«- * » M I about 1T« Koch lataroat la manifa* *4 by raaay af Ha mamkoti aad tir tod** baa aajoycd a Mibatla rrowtb dnrta* tka yaar. Tka Infarm* awottn* I art alfltt, wkiek taaay wk ana aat mamba rt attandad, na hlykl; aaaeaaWal aad daw*a*tr*t*d tka fae that tka Pythian* Kara kara a Hr* at yanlaatlon aad ttrira ta tad* It wart bafera tka yakllc FIFTY IN hospitals ptoM sao winner *aa*a», Da*. M—Man tkaa Aft partaaia warn la haayhaU kart tad* auffrrt** front nlanknMa yalaaafn* a a raoalt af drink** it*oar* aktalaa darla* tho kali day*. Two da*tka n da. tf ckla «aam aiaamd. El«hta* af tka yaUaata trat* liatad u la arttlaal tradition. ratd uaHrrtHy, “May y* Hra rt *** tka Ml fratto* af ya« *tra**aaa aad mlf-aacrtflali* Ink***. • CANTATA f LEASES ■ BIG CONGREGATION (By at*. A. a Morrell) • On ChrtrtirA* night, th* Pint Bap ' *** chnrdi »..» t'n« «reat •( c reset [ b'Miuful ChrinntM Cantata and , Pageant, anthla.1 Th# Star «f Beth . Wicm.* Presented by i eoaipany of 1 •'•aarig tarty HuiuUn, it daactihcd in reaay graphic and pirtaretgue , rtwiaa, the Story of th* Birth of ana. Xiea lea r*ar*an ea largely ra eponeiblc lor th* beflliaot mnm of 1 t ii« moet thrilling Carre f drama. Ar aiaiad by **m of th* young people nf the Union, bur work a! training tha largo company w.n UMti ct ref’ll Md paiartaklng, remit'ng la a tottl nirriag protcniatlon of th* world** tnaet baautifml and touching etorjr A packed bouse greeted tha play er*. S loading mom wo* at a cou aldasubie premium. Th* Pageant erar tntrodaccd by • brief explanatory talk, and a dean prefer by tho aaa tar, the Rev. Dr. Johnson 'The Mr ef the toprevweil stage eraa occupied by a targe, hand-paiot «d certain, osyMuly depicting the Eternal City, Jerusalem, situated up on the HUM of JUea; and, in ha jar nedide environs, nestled the little «-«m ef BctMshcm. the B'rthplare of The Prince of Peace. The libretto was renytoeed almost sntliel- ef quotation* from The Scriptures. Artistically iaterwevaa »nw the story of the Bobo of Bethle hem. were May beautiful selections finds the Old Testament. Then was there enacted before Brn large and apprueiative audience, tanae by scene, that story which has •'A shsorhiag interest the ton tN bf te world's stag, foe twenty - -' —v ■tend hea utt er story, or do Suddenty,' mid darkened lights, there gleamed from the baekgroand, the soft, white light of the Star of Bcthlshdm. In solemn march, chant lag a weird refrain, The Magi, fal lowing the Bur's celestial rays. And the Infant Jonas, lying in a manger. Opening their treasures, they present him gifts, geld and frankincense and mynh. Then bowing before the Baba, they glee Him the'.t worship and ad oration. for those Who Men from the Orient, have learned by Inspira tion, Ac Truth tevoalved to tho Shepherd* by the Angela, *“— “The Manger Of Bethlehem cradled a Ring." Many beautiful electrical effects •dded greatly to the setting of the of the-musical numbers ni beighWn * hy the chorus tinging their re ■pante* from the gallery at the Tear of (be ebanch. Many beautiful and familiar were interwoven into the story. The climax of the Pageant wat reached •hoe. with Angela looking dawn, and tbe Star chining above, with the Mo ther bending over her Babe, and in the darkness of tha flrxt Chriatmaa softly and sweetly came the melody of that moot exquisite of aB Christmas carols: "SBent night, Holy night, art I* " calm, aH ia bright. Bound yon Virgin Mother and Olid, Holy. Infant, to Under and MM. ®**p In heavenly peaee. Meet night. Holy bight, Son of Ood. low’s.yum light, Radiant, benrae'from Thy Holy Poeo, with .»he Desra »f Ba > deeming Oroce. Chrlit, the Savior is hern.* --- , U. 1 COMMISSIONER'S COUNT Wednesday morning. O. H. Har ; rail and J. ft. Brradngton. ware gee eat la Comriaoioaor Lee’a Court to i explain to HI* Hour why they RtouM Ro acting aa a body guard (or a per fectly good copper atlU and ate bar rata of hoar down on Mingo. Decern ' her Z2nd Byuwtagton stated that ha •u* only visiting at the time the oil r oern made, their call and waa in no t wise connected with the epenetier of i the distillery, which statement waa I eormbotated by Ifartil. Comoeqocnl t *7. Rmwtngtoa waa rates and and Mar , reD will appear h.lpro Jmlge Cannae t at tha noxt Unp of K* Jcral Court la the meantime the nSMetu will koep • •*** Itom Pealed for Ow Colo who i hurdled the bathe* when eae af the l tcMMted a Uttle eaafab. adf \ p ’ ...

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