f.. ' E URITY! ■nanMavr;' The One Thing Above m timers That Every Depositor Wants And Every Res! Banker Seeks To Provide It is tho solemn duty of every financial institution to use •vary means possible to protect the funds, securities and valu ables entrusted to its care. To offer that feeling of absolute se curity is positively duo the patron to justify his confidence. The Bank must actually protect, or it betrays. Iri|’*l Nationt.1 Rents kes carried end continues to carry the best i-isuTnoe protection it is possible to secure covering loss by burglary end daylight hold-up. whether the attack be against our own property or against the property and valu ables of others entru ted to our care. We have felt equal con cert; for the safety of both, anti have spent money freely to af ford them both pro taction. But the management felt that we had net done our full duty until e*ery possible precaution was taken—until our pa tron* had the very hart protection it was possible to obtain. That, obviously, deluded tome form of burglar alarm »ye tem, inch a* is maintained by practically all the banks ia the cities^ and is being adopted rapidly as well hy progress iee country hanks, especially since the great increase in attemp ted burglaries during the past few year*. A careful study of the situation, and investigation of the methods employed by the banks in the cities and larger towns, has led u* to instsll one of the most modern and efficient Elec trie Burglar Alarm Systems and ths ONLY Thermo-Electric Protection in existence. It is acknowledged as being absolutely Burglar Proof, and is a fitting climax of positive security with our modern Steel Vault. This system is manufacturad by ths O. B. McClintock Company of Minneapolis, which fully guar antees that the system cannot be defeated by the most expert burglar. There are over 6,000 of these systems in use in the United State* and in no case has a burglar ever succeeded in his at tempts to rob a bank so equipped. In fact, the attacks upon the henks with the system installed continue to grow less as time passes, though the number of system* rapidly increases, indi cating that the yeggmen are beginning to pas* by institutions which carry the familiar sign indicating that erery modern de vice that genius can provide has been called into service to defeat their efforts. I Safety and Service-The Two Strong PiHars on Which Our Business Rests I INSURANCE COMPANIES INDORSE THE SYSTEM One of the very best indorsement* of our Bur i'lar Alarm System is that given by the Old Line Burglary Insurance Companies. So firm is their belief in the protection thus afforded that they reduce by 50 per cent the premiums on the burglary insurance which we carry on the con tents of our vault, including the Safe Deposit Boxes of our customers. These insurance people know better than any one else, doubtless, the value of the additional protection thus afforded. _ LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE DONE TO PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES. taassKc;* u, "i * IN CASH WILL BE PAID BY THE 4. B. McCLINTOCK COMPANY OT MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, FOR THE CAPTURE \.YD CONVICTION OF ANY PERSON OR PERSONS AT TEMPTING TO BURGLARIZE THIS BANK. OFFICERS P S. COOPER,-----_— _President J- v*?‘ ;'Tl.J CO HON,-Vice-President H. H. '•'/ VI.OR,....Cashier •I. <). V\ ARREN,-Acting Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS jo:;:: a. .mcTiay. j. w. draughon, marvin. wade P. Z. COOPER. J. I.. WADE. EULIS GOLDSTEIN THOMAS E. COOPER YOU ARE ENTITLED TO THE VERY BEST There is no reason why the people of this community should not have the beat protection obtainable, and we are prepared to furnish it. V\ e have a safe place to keep your Liberty • Londs and other valuables, as well as to do your general banking business. Everything entrust ed to us is protected against every kind of at tack it is possible for burglars to make. Your Savings Accounts are safe here, and we pay you four per cent interest on them, also four prr cent on Certificates of Deposits, WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS ON THE BROAD BASIS OF SAFETY AND SERVICE. ✓ •Vi North Carolina I If you have deeds, insurance papers, mortgages, notes, or any valuables that you want taken I care of call on us and let us show you our safety boxes which we rent at a reasonable price. These I boxes are protected by the most complete burglar alarm system possible to buy. ^■