THE D VOLUME IX. DUNN TO BOOST HOME BUBJMNC Town Subscribes To $20,00 Stock la Building And Loom Association ta 11m with its efforts to nuki •'Oww. the bort town under the sun," the municipal govern room hmi sah^bod and paid tor <10,000 ii stock of the Home Ball ding and I.WT •mccUHoi. The transfer was mad. Friday night whoa the board of di rocton of the association hold lb monthly moating. The sum wW bt ptumd immediately la the hands ol prospective homo builders. With M and ether funds ia the hoods of the association a doses bow homes will ko started within the next few days. Tbs iovetimiat will return to the municipal tty approximately six and a half par root la annual into root, and with the several turn-overs be twseu bow and the tints the stoak U to bo rttiiad sriB odd sonny thou sands of dollar, to the taxable vsaith of the community. The sum is half of the amount re cently paid to the municipal govern meat by the Gasoline Power and Light company as Its fined payment on the municipal power and light company purchased several mouths aga. The town esuimioatoaota thought It bettor to place the money with At association than te leave it ia banka •hors K could draw no mors «•»■» The town still ha* *10.00* fo k0« funds toft from the Carolina's pay wit. It has been pro posed that this *tm ha devoted to the building of a public hospital, bat the prepaid had •••t with some opposition. Shea tha purchase «f buOding sad loan stock has mat with such universal appro val, It l* probable that tha remaining 110,00b win be similarly Invested The Home Srihtiag sod Loan Afc tbo hoods of cttixeat Until now the * —w—rnw mmrm wii's at least two homos hr each month of Hs emrtoaen. This year it hopm to build at least four bomm each PATTERSON'S BIG HOG NOW TOURING THE STATE OF FLA (Sa'it.>»Mi I*, woe at) Messrs. B. E. and W. E. Herring, wb# wore over at Mr. W. B. Win ren'a Sunday, are telUag it that Mr. Warmi has one of the prettiest hog* they ever saw. a fellow that k la thought wtH pull the beam at eight hundred. We shall one daj have an other bdg hog or two to report from up the country By the way Mr. Put toman'* Mg h*g is touring Florida. But Mr.' Puttenon himself expects to move to Florida within o few day* or weeks, but bit pig boat him in get ting to the Land of Flower*. THE VALUE OF ADVERTISING (Concord Times) William H. Ran Id n, in so address ix Qevelawd, orgoe business man to take advantage ef newspaper advortislnj and advtam that advertising should he deem on a large scale. He de scribes as tha “third rail of good bnsixtm.** ptinting out that Sr*1 Ctagae tha good product; second rnlao HrW«o»rw»T to too Int two. «A*r*rtto*o*CBt Id (Host ml*—** ■hfe, »o*ofoco adrortfenp *epy mfe We tor pop *n***h aad coavtmtoi •noapb to araoto a dmtia la to* mla< of roofer* to have to* pr*d»*t ad _w--.a v#rWto«CJ "That th* gift of powor veto ad rarttotnp m*a Kara, and H U U toot credit they ate win* tola preat powo for too betterment of not only pro dart* adrartiaod, bat for to* prom* tfea of ovary pood ****«. Advorttobx iboald aover bo amd to praam** 0* •ale of oa airworthy prodaet or haft ap a baton— that to not built oa lit foundation of hwiofty aad tatopritg “If toot* over was a time la to history of tol* county orb re advei Mtoap —a eoaM really dtmoiwtoat that adveitltoap to • panaln* fore tor pood aad toot to* —I advarttota mac to la a pototUn U dliert to* fore* alone too —it pradaetlv* ebo* nets, now b too that The odeorttotag batfe— b proa lap by bap* aad bounds Ha tra rife* b b*tnp r*ropab*d —f* pm —Hr oeary fey. and lb* mmt — •omfel paidmn and nwaafa—n b to* aw* who UP* to* world wha to* hu to mO to re felt to* po«— •Wbot'a to* penalty f*r rtmllap "Hand labor for Bfe" j BOLL WEEVIL REQUIRES I REDUCTION OF ACREAGE i! --■■■■ | Farmer. Advised To Flul tarty ud Um Fluty Of Cxd ! PertiUeer iSmithfteld Herald) ! *<r. A P. Pctway, who U a native ^ Tar Uni with considerable nptii . one* ia Sooth Ceorgia farming an dar boll weevil conditions addraawd a Splendid audUnae ff farmer* and bartno** an in tha coartbonae In Smithfleld an Ttnaday night of this w*^ hia subject being, “Panning Under Boil Weevil Conditiowe" He made ao pretense of oratory1 bwt ia a slaplo, conversational —i nar ha told how the cotton peat bad dismantled some of the fair*** mti.' cnitsml section* of GoorgU and bow! the same havoc weald be wroacht la! Johnston County and elsawher* in North Caroline anlaa* the and baataaaa man anite ia moblHaiag thalr smaller reasarcaa against tha eamUtiea* that Invariably fallow th* worm. Ha did not adriat tha f armar t« cease planting cotton bat advtaod a redactioa of acraagv. Hia theory la U plant early and to as* snoagh af strong fartOtnam to insar* a rapid *rowtk- B* *agg«*»od leaving from two ta throe plant* in tha biU whom bovwtof or* tha stood has boon chop nod to on* blent Wain w a..' cultivatiea iSmld be rapid to secure 1 M mack af aa early (ray aa paaaibU.1 •peayUg sbeald be raaortod te and: thia riieold ba debs with a nail band; •pray, which daaa net east Mara tin M te U. Mr. Patway declared that the saw aad the hag bad beau the •elvaUea' •* howth Georgia. aad that the bra' bad played aa bad part. Ha stressed the importance af raaoaraafalnate.1 The farmers moat rirperata hath ta1 the amount af pradaci they ralaa aad1 ir> trarbatlag thalr surplus. Aad each' f*n*r mu* produce a surplus. Ha. maatteaad the fa«t that ba md tej re te tewa te aall III hades af eat ton I sad aaw gees to mO a damn. eggs. tin be gam to town be salts' tea., thing from bla farm, and every | ^H^i^nrtoa^Cooa^r fanan^ara; la baheve Mr. Pateriy, they amgtj begin now ta abift their aafla ar da rtroctmn te certain. The aanaal debtl must bs lessened. Wa aaaat bagta now to predues map* grain and to provide for mere cows, hogs aad poultry. 1 Tbit mast be dene without a stem-; ; pede and with precision. Our farm’ demonatratioe agent and home dew I •> Miration agent can ba af Invslaeble help to organising this work. We dielike • note af pessimism' wherever sounded, and if a pocrSon of indifference to the coining of the! | ball weevil would mend matters, we ' would ba the first te refrain from' ■peeking Us name; but era saw enough lent fall to know that the' I bell weevil te no common trifle. He, ; >• upon as and be mast be reckoned. I with if wa are ta continue to enjoy » fair amount of pt asperity. DUKE NEWS Dak*. Jan. ■_Mlw Paaay Bmrth •f Balhcgn. kaa af glad a paattlon ban in tha graded eebeal faculty. She takee the piece eaaaad by tha re •ignatioa ef -Miae Jalla Alatatu Mr. aad Mra. Hobart Haibear ef faqaey Spriaya, goat the week ead bare the yeaet at bis wether. Mrs.: L K fteneil Mr. aad Mg O. .D T pink it* ef Haaeawry. epept the wppk a*4 hpg wtth i«!■ Hue Hardy *kM ef WUwtnygp „ ependig wregl dpyp bag with Ms eepMw, C- i MIm Mtfcia Batter*, irprpe ef Hie Geed Hey# BagHpl, 1a ■pending gey. crab days ad Mr Mia* la WHMa, r baring been ratted then by lUnew in • | Oeeife L. Sewell and little daayhtar, . Ruby, spaa* tha weeb gd in DtoMm J wrtttW - -»-e* r "Wn tvwitNi E. R. Themaa geat the week and I in DprMaa with nlabig W. H. Lawrence goat tha waak* . and ia Dsrfceae with ulattree. ■ Mr. aad Mg H. ft. Byrd aad fag - Dy af Sana Leret, geat the week i ead Mg the (neats af Mr. and Mg i O. R. Magna. f C .H. Mae af Qreeapheg hto t, iwiptit a peattiaa Mg wtth tha - Bank af Harnett. County Superintendent, B. P. Oea - try and Mg Oaatry gent Banda) • beg the gaeate ef Mr. and Mo. C. ft n Math Internal ia being Maalfeated r hag la Senator J. JL Baygstfa An* t He Khm Mil pending la lb* UyUIa. r tag Tha people Mg ilbwfl Mlg lakewarw g Me gbji it ef (M Myw a He ardor, are aatoraBy lute gated, ar j Baygatt la a natfre af Hag tot ant I* wed-kaawa here 1 I WRECK MAY BRING SERIOUS CHARGES ,TW Driver War Orvak Artec* Invuotiga, ttoM Fatal Wrack 8criaai chargee against Robert Dadd, of Dean, may grew oat of aa investigation of the antemeMe acci dent which caused the death of Goorgo U Dodd, of Goldsboro. ac cording to made by Coro ner J. E. Owen* last tight Dodd was tiUod when a car driven by his bro ther and alleged la have been travel ing at a high rate of speed left the Wehe Forest rosd St s point sear bridge over the Neose river sad ■kidded over e ten-foot embankment ■obert Dodd, who was drivfa« Iks “r, was slighily tajarud. O. X. Pip pin. s pestssger, was sot kart There was svideaaa that there waa ceasidsraMe whkkey In the car at ths time that the wrack took piece, sad it Is sa the theory that Robert Dodd was iatesisetsd at the tnae of the fatal aaddent that tea «—irTg- 1 tl«> will b* made, aaasadteg t* J. R. Owens turn reached the ears of Mr. Owens that a quantity of whiskey was throws hats ths Noam river be foru the arrival of Deputies J. P. *«u end R. H. Biggs, whs west oat to investigate ths report of the fa tal aerident Coroner Oweaa. aetias aa adviam from W. p. Evuu. mUcitor. nftMd te bum ever Mm pUM of Um dead «bte» hs dathrared Um oUwr ef facta Mar M hi* rvlativa*. If Robert Dood i* faaad guilty of driving Um mtamabOo abB* under Um iaUnonee Of wMibiy et the dm* of th* fatal wrack a striking parallal will be aambUalmd between bU cam aad the cam of Cast Bowen,, •be war recently ikangid with man-1 ■Uughte* following Um teagfa death! of Pate Lambraa, a popular member; of th* California Pmi t Star*, firm,] —lUlalgh New* aad Oboarrar. ROSE 0 CHARGE j Far Tba Faetiig Yatr Board of Coaaty Commimlonor* in | mrnion Monday sure load the pramg-i lUv* of appointing mad common er* for th* thirteen townships at the. ooanty to *crv* for tho ononing Um* of two yean. In oobm cane* tho board allowed th* old membera to hold over While In others new commissioner* ••re appointed. Following Is in m tim list ef rood sommiasiaoara of the Severn] townships os named by tho County Fathers: Neill* Creek—John Omen. T. L Reardon, D D. Johnson. Black River—R. W. Lea. J. A. Wil liam*. C W, Flowers Hector* Crook—M. L Ballasd, H. 3 Holloway, H. C. Mann. Averarboro—O. L Haasingway, Q f. Pop*. A. P. Buries. Stewarts Creek—L R Byrd, P. D. Byrd J. H. WHJiem*. Oahe—B. B. Rally. F. M. McKay, Eugene W. Smith Grove—J. M. Langdoa, J. B. Banls, A. P. Crimes. Backbone—Prod Arnold, Mis R. T. Bponas, J. D. Woe them. Barbecue—Edgar Hnrriagton, T. M. Halm**, Gba*. Co*. Upper LRU* River—JX W. Btevmrt, B. B. HeWar, John D. Pattarapn JabaaanvtB*—W A. Stewart, A. B. Parker, Jofca *pte«y. Aadtrvoa Crook J. A- P- M*Cor, nslek, p. H. Bala, l Q. Bb«w. ^IHHrwreM-P. j. Me|te**>d, j, Ml Whhorg, W. P, Byrd. —, Harnett County New*, NECKOEJ Of JOHNJTON EMTtOV A fABM A CENT HmlthAekl, inn. 7 —The nefro far mer! of John*tan eeonty Sara rot ■ deep nototi Into their ropotatIon ai farmer* Thoy on boro min* mom profToaalvo at the day* go by. Tho) H»m employed a a**ro farm demon ttrnllon afoot. Bo baa already aUrted to wort aad the farmer* are elated over their anrraaa la aaaarlnf bit nl 1 oabla adaiee. | Tba wbita farm afent baa bean gtv la« tbe nacra termon juat aa mu) of hlo time ao yeadUe hot oa man] demands bare bean made ao klm thw tbe aacro farmeta aallad a aneehr* and d added U maplor one af tbai team. Tbay wUI la aU probability ad I tba eoanty to faraiah «bam with aba* three boa dr id dollara each year U them ta tbia wart. Tba forern meat will jt*a them aama —y-n-i Thera are l,m farm, ta Jahaatai dad by aiareaa arad a tbara am only S14 na Trail. extending from the Ua Cemrty l«o to Duaa by way af Ulliagtoo end Bole'a Crook, baa boos rare eyed by Highway Cogwalgatag en gnmen, end awarding of contract for eoratruertan baa boon layirtaf fag the pat oertral aooatha. bet mthi^ definite ohm to be fortheoidg La tbia reyogi. Met /apnculatlen bio been, indulged by err oral mad ruhoua peraonr who prefaaacd to hare “ta rt dr dept." that contract for thW road would bo let "toon." But that “iton" baa coma and gone tkaa is rnd ont. and people here are begin ning to abow mom tnrpotiaaro ta tbe •boeare af any aabataatial rrteeoe* that the road it being avrtaualy cow aide red by tbo Highway aatlialMlia That Harriett baa atood a paar abow in the (hatribotUa of tbo fifty adb liter dollar* may bo reodfty aaaHuad whoa It it contedorad that tea aw# pteee of eoaatrnetiea obtained I* fwly a temporary stealr. partlowa of wHfh running through tawtaada wfll aerar huld up anti barf aurfacad Tba (p I fayette. road, wo are lnforaaod, aoat I approximately UM.BM. BarnoW w*i M.«H people la aa-r ---|-t| | both la point of patmiab— wf am Wlth oao buwdrad aewaUio la tba State, Ua aroraga eouatp would eawta la for about bait a mffltaa. Uses thin a third of teat amount kna eamw tMa war. What Harm* paafU an mm ft talty tntsraatod la la tha teat that 0.«a aounty geada mora gand raada And wfth |*ad aadra —fid la : abundannn thay da ant aaa why than •hnrld ha aa Mach--j g*. lay la fitting what ihaatd ha Mm Beatdaa tha Lafayette aad Sanaa raada, thin eaanty aaada araaaa raada connecting ilWtaat yaHtaaa ad Ihi eoanty with the aaaatyaaat. Par hr atnnco, aaa metiaa am la aaad at a gand read ia that landtag throng! PUt Branch aaaaaaalty, aa eat ti OrarhlHa aad amaaettag wMh Om» j berland raad ta Cany Biagg. A high way bnllt thtaagh that tanttarj wonid not only aarra a la** aaa bar at yangta bat world agaa w anna ol tha Mat fanning torrttnn t la tha eaanty. Thin wall ba « ' araaaa road ta that It waald aaa : nact at UOtagtoa aW tha atha amfa i highways. Anothar araaaa raad bad^ aaada - and which ahetad by afl manna riaalai . aarty cuiwUmMb la aaa laadtag aa 1 towards Ptaaatoar aad OttaU aad aaa l nactiag with tha laha aid Maar > county raada Oaatodaaahto daralsg r asst waald raatol front Alt aaa JUDGE GRADY REFUSES TO DBff OR ADMIT MEMBERSHIP » KLAN i a ■ • a I af the <>!■** wwh hi Mmn cwitf whin tha typo if M tout eaperter ta that *f eppar ■■matt Thus two anenaae hatting «■>. mthaM flow tha nwtput would be tha aiaana In a (aw you* of eddtng largo Agorae In totMia and famishing Mm earns ty with nat of tha revenue athleh H aacafy needs. ft occurs ta Tha Mawa that aesne thing caa ha arit^Mfhail f» the Tastier af fitting more nidi built In Harnett County. Cttlaani should Impress span tha two rape* se Metises from Harnett — Mimw HiggiM naf Tswamad tin laspsrtsnes af praaa lag this county's elahas before tha Highway Ci mi I si 11 t whSa tha Gan oral I Highly ta la esestea Than rtghta Ctttasps af thla county fas that their righto have haw slept apart And share la aaana etrtna in "sitttai In** at noswt—Haaaatt County Mawa DUNN ROUTE ONE ItywfcM* akftaf MM •aaf H to. Or a Jafca tka* wUJ mw, A «N| that la im, ka MaidM rM4ywTrf "mart •Am a» ara tt*» Mt aB aNka to A laaaactf Bar. A. A. CaMfkatt af — Oa cma af yaf>« «kf far Wa tfcaa Jar. B4. Aad tka» aka8 Mk«*M ta Mm a*B <Mf faaaa AKkaraar It Is Aa Mi aatoaM af Ala «m •tAklakaOM Akmaaiaa r'E. AMaf«aa Baafar. 1 I ► r i : : la If _ _. » af Mr. MaDaaU am ywat fraa ► •« •» **a»t Mr. ax) Mia. J. B. M« * D*r“- Mr. aai Mia. * W. MaOaaU ■ af Bmahiar l»tU«at Mr. «af Mn r , Mr. aMMaCIa < * DvrU, d af * (Ma.) Argaa. : - ft.Un L rf >rta i :'

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