g LOCAL * --- T. A. Core is In Richmond, Vo. thU week on botinwo. Mr. U. 6. Part- of Robe iron county hi a business visitor in Dunn today Misc Gertrude Boetiek of Asheville la risiting her mother.at Dr. Bain'i lesldenco on Weal Broad street. Mr. sod Mrs. Robert Jordan have returned from their wadding trip ant nre at home at the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Jordan. Min, Virgin Warren was operated 03 at a Fayetteville hospital Tuesday red the latest reports from hor bed tide ere that she is retting along aa well as could be expeced. Mr. A. K. Robinson of Falcon, has rccvptcd a position with the Pops Printing Company. Mr. Robinson is ■ hrst-class job printer aud has a thorough knowledge of all phases of I he business. A twin apple b?» bee.i presented to Tin. Dispatch by Mr W. A. Thornton, n lqcnl merchant Both apples are evil developed ami are securely Join} n dtogvtber. It is rather uniflue and <|u te out of the ordinary. “Young Peoples’ Night" srill be observed at the Find Baptist church Sunday wooing. The special sermon on “Jesus and the Ku Klux Klan”, will be given ly the pastor on the evening cl the 21st instead of the 14th aa ■ ."slOUnMrd. Mm. A. B. Godwin if in tha Pitt man Hospital, Fayetteville, where »ha was taken this week for treatment. Friends of Mra E. J. Nobles will rtxret to learn that ahe was recently taken to a Fayetteville hospital for |. opciatlon. She was suddenly at tacked with appendicitis. The Dnnti Chamber of Commerce w II hold its annual mooting tonight n tht Fraternal Hall. All mambart i;d all others who are interested in tht’ growth and progress of Dunn ' r* urged to bo present. There will also ba an oyster roast during th* vetting to which every citizen of Dunn U welcome. Attend. It will do you good. Mr. and Mr*. K 4. Hudson return ed Wodnrsday night from Wlnston 8sli'm where Mr. Hudson attended the annual meeting of the Detco Light dealer* of the Carolines. Mr. Hudson stated that most of the dealers present at the meeting were dealers present at the meeting wars optimistic and expected a Mg busi ness during 1929. Th* peopls of Dunn should avail Ihsmsslvo* of the opportunity to hoar Bon Franklin Allen who will doltVor a lectuiat the opera house here Wednesday owning, Daemsiber lTth. This noted lecturer Is coming to Dunn under the auspices of the Wo msn's Hub and htsp* will be no charge fur admission. HI* subject, "Re-Making Main Stroot", will ba < I lac eased in an interesting manner. Prepare now to hear this lecture, is you srlll enjoy It. Mr. J. L. Lancaster of Wilson, was here this week looking after the pro gress being made in remodeling the building which is being equipped for hi< new theatre. The new movie heuae will be known as the Colonial and srill be located in the old White Way building. Mr. Lancaster say* he ex pects to be ready to open in about three wmks. HI* new pipe organ has already arrived and u number of good pictures hove been booked. His honse will be for white people only and will be oao of th* most attractive In this section of the Slate. Mrs. W. F. Pearson and daughter, Miss Iva, left this week for Raleigh, where they have purchased a real <ltnc« and will make their home. Mn. Mary Mitchell, another daughter, has been living in Raleigh for some Umc •nd will join the family there. The Pearson family are among tho pie neem of Dunn, having lived hero for more then n quarter of n century, and the town gives them up reluct antly. Howover, their numerous friends in this section of U»e State wish for them much happiness la their now home. SERVICES AT THE METHODIST CHURCH The pastor. Rev. O. T. Adams, will preach at 11 a m Subject: "God Dwelling With Mon," nt 7 p. m. Sub ject! "True Prosperity"—a message te the Business Men." Sunday school 9:41 a m. H. L. Godwin, superintend' ent, Men’s Bible Class, C. C. Parker, president. Prof. W. 8. Snipes, teacher. A cordial Invitation extended to all the »e nr Sees of the chair h. Attentive ushers. Good music, a friendly wel come. , THE JUNIOR RED CROSS The Junior Red Crom of the Dane Graded school, is very active ht all the walk which comes under the head of this department. Miss Louise Williams I. chairman, and takas muck interest In tho work. The satire mem bership is >10 and Mlm Dodson’s me tiaa of tho sixth grade enjoys the . i distinction of being 1*0 phr sent The local organisation Is registered with southern headquarters as an active reboot chapter. During the Christmas hoHdayi gifts of toys, fruit, servleoabie pres pets, etc., were gives to tho poor si the community and a check for HR was forwarded to Now Born immedia tely after the fire to bo used in tbt » # ! * . _ . TtrftttMIU^ * WOMANS CLUB CALENDAR * l * FOR JANUARY * * - * * Buxlnea*—Civic* Department A * —Friday P. M.. I JO o'clock, A A January 12, l#*|. A + Home Economic* Department A A .Friday, P. U., 2 JO O’clock, A A January 20, 1028. A A Mr*. Prod McKay, Preeuiant A » , ‘ A MEETING or TH* EXECUTIVE BOARD The executive board of the Wom an’! club met at the home of the pre ddent, Mm. F_M. McKay. Wodneoday January loth at 8 JO p. m. Much buvinem wax dtecuxecd. The hoetaoe, tulrted by Mm E. M. Jeffrey*, (err ed cream and cake. The following were pretent: Mexdameo L. J. Beat, I. B. Butler, W. S. Snipe*, H B Tay lor. C. W. Harris, D. M PeartaD, R. 1_ Godwin, E. M. Jeffrie*, F. M. McKay, T. S Farthing. MRS. J. S. FARTHING, 1 Recording Secretary. Do not fall to hear "Ben Franklin Allen,” on "Remaking Main Street.” Wednesday evening January ITth. it the Opera Houxe at 7 JO o'clock. Thi* lecture I* to be given “Free of Charge.” If you wish to help the xoman'i elub, help boo* l our town tnd laxt but not leaxt, if you want to bear a real live lecture on a good old ubjert. come out and hear Mr. Allen B. Y. P. U. PROGRAM Monday night January 14, 1821 Subject: "The Short Book* of the N’ew Teatameat. Plano Solo—by Mia* Sadi* Nay lor. Introduction—by Mra. B. D. Bans. Bible Reading—Philippian* S:S>tl, 3:8-14—by Mina Roth Taylor. Sentence prayer* — Mem ben of group. Solo—Mr*. Oaear Strickland. The Theme of Paula Utter to the Philippian*—by Mioa Lelia Strickland Fneent Situation* and Patting*— by Id* Mae Pittman. Poem—"Aaiut it Pine Today"— Riley—by Mra. Roger Brook*. Quartette. Jean* Our Example—by Hlk 8am Broughton. A Study in Profit and Loo* by Durham Taylor. Poem—"Keep A Going "—Select ed—by Mrs. Durham Tayler. relief work of that city. Under the efficient leaderahip af Mia* William*, who baa put much effort In the work, the chapter wSl continue to grow and It* Sold of oatfslaesa will ba broadened. It ahootd be encouraged by the public In every way poawble. AT THE OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY "The Child Thou Gareet Me" Pirn National attraction with aa all etar caat Story by Hall Cain. SATURDAY "Radio King**, epiaode 4. •«ao peeked”—two reel Unlreraal comedy. Jack Muihall In two reel Wertern, •'White and Yellow." MONDAY ‘•The Real Adventure." Extra—Ha waiian Troupe Singing and Dancing TUESDAY "Pind the Woman1*, Paramount pictora—Hawaiian Troupe Singing and Dancing. wrnMttmv "Timber Queen”, episode 14. “E*g Doll Rom*nee", two reel Cbripti* Comedy. “Marathon”. one root Har old Lloyd Comedy. Picture* uart I maned lately after Ben Franklin Al im lecture. ****** is WORK FOR TOOAY Do not waste the precious noun That are pi Tan thee today. loragrottiag sad captain* O’er a eeaaon past away: Think not of tho momenta wasted. But perform the present task. For tonight may come the master. And Of thee thy talent aak. Rosy morn and go Id an noon-tide May hare past In idlanoso. Bat them still Is rail for workers, And tho Father watts to Mesa. Look not beck, for Cod In marry Biota tho fonlott (tala away, If we soak, with true repentance, To redeem the time today. Ida C. H Horne. Clayton, N. C HOW ADVERTISING FAYS In atorokeopiag the money Is In tho number of profit* t* all aalaa rather than In the also of the profit on eeab ml a. For example. )m the hotel where the writer stayed tho other night, a man ,ai tho telegraph station gave the girl a ten-coal tip for sending a (fty-eont t'^tnam- The girl got move profit ••t of this one marnags than the oom P«*r did. Eut in tho long ran, she *•*’* l»t ss amah profit aa ths com F*T, k****** aha won't aond aa many telegram*. Thto illustrate* the prtnaipl* of modern merchandising. which is at tho foundation of ths snceosa of tho Ford*. Wootarorth's, Knogt* and ths lhanmndt of taorebmu whoso fame -is null,, bit whose baaE'aocouaU an w*. Voloma atln at the fall sat fatal hta profit aa sash tale, with aa maty stocktum* aa paaalbla It a year— thaae are the A B C*t of retail success It the hardware, procery, or any oth er field. Aad as soon at a merchant b«*ina ta put thaw into practice, be bapiaa to multiply bit profits. Ota of the simplest Illustrations of turnover la It the dve-and-ten-cent store. It Is said that to thaae stole*, the Hem of atoek that britps In the blppeat return Is teld an the anal)set uaapin af profit] This I teen is candy. The reason is this! a atoek af candy ** “tun*ed*1—aald eases times per year than any other item the "Ire und-tens” carry. A stock of candy la sold out each week. Experience bat made U possi ble to buy just the a mo ant that wlD needed to last a week, and ao at She end of each seven days the com pany lias Its Investment back, plu* a •roflL Suppose the profit made on each week's supply of candy Is 4 par eent. Sines the stock Is tamed over 61 times s year, the total profit is 62 ,im** $ P*r cent, or 208 per eent on| the investment I Of course this is an unusual csss. Thu avenges business eannet hope to tsk* such a rapid turnover. But it •an work toward that end If a merchant has $25,000 Invested ' n a stock of poods, and aelU this stock oat four times a year, be bat s "four-tlms turnover." He is really1 lolnf ft #100,000 nlum« of builneu •n an invsstmont of *25.000. If th« aalo of *26.000 worth of T°0<*’ yl«Wa him 0 par eont net pro-, fit, and ho tern* ovar *26.000 worth if goods four time* ia the poor, he, four times 6 per cant, or *0 par cent not profit. And If ho could; T**d op hi* aeDing Hut* turn his stock one more time—Are times in J*e r«ar—he would make U per cent net profit This with si moot no ex-1 •ra selling or orerkead expense! Obviously, a retailer's preparation for Increasing annual turnover mast begin with his buying. A merchant ■oust learn Ms customer's wants, mast know when and bow to induce them to increase those wants, nod he mast bay those geode which ho esa edi tors over—to people in the ahortost possible time. Ia baeoball. bench-warmera win no tsrnes Ia retailing, ah elf-warmers yield no profits. Bay the goods that move. Although Bote's so rule, ne one nowadays dia betes the fact that Ranees of rapid lumover arc ia favoa of advertised goods. Another argument ia favor of sell lag at a small individual profit is the fact that up to a certs la paint ef huainam volume, the overhead ef every business Is fatal As long as a store ia opus, them is aa overhead expense far rent, heat, Wht. Insurance, dm* hire .etc, A (tore doing s *10,000 entrant volume of badness sun do a *76.000 business with almost no increase in overhead. Th. profit on tho extra «1«A«« worth of onion u prnetieeUy -wl»rt* Tho velvet is the mill of caretal hurlag, weU-ptnnnaf -«■— ffrfrg perhape t IttUa newipapor and direct advertising, attractive window and ■loro displays, and sethnoiastic —>f •fforta oa the past of the stow per sonnel.—Typo Metal. the random shot I shot an arrow lata the a|r. It fell in the distance, I knew not whore, TUI n neighbor said It MUed Ma eoif And I had to pay Mb M 14 I bought eome poiooa to day aoeae And a neighbor rwore H titled Ms eata, Ami rather Ulan aiyu* across the fence I paid Mb d and to oenta. One night I sot sailing ■ toy balloon. Ai.d hoped It would osar till It ranch ed tho moon, Cut the candle fell an a farmer’s straw. Ami he said I must settle or go to law. And that is the trap with the random shot— It never hits in the prayer spot. And tho joke you sprtag. Ant you think ao smart, Ksy leave a wound U some fallow's heart. —Hannaford Entsrarlos THE GREAT DELNORA (Formerly of PVOedelyi^. h.) SrenUJU A drier girra ta *Q cSnlre ad Ufa clal Af>ln—rremit bar at aob. Lark Par Mar laaaar, "r» Ju«t beyond and aeraaa atraet tram Near OtnHMr School SwSdlnc PP«t DAY AMD MIONY Business Local tereated rea or write to W. Ctohde I Bell, Attorney, Dona, N. C. Oft pd_ I -—--— J. L. HATCHER Dunn. North Carolina Undertaker and.Licensed Exnbakner • Prompt Service Day or Night Phono No. >6 JUST ARRIVED I Car Load of AMERICAN FIELD FENCE Any Style you Want The Barnes & Holliday Co. Dunn, North Carolina __ _ __ 1 ■' I COOK WAXT £0—1,000 BUMUELA •i aa** miM at mm |«t aw kat^prtaa wiU tw paid. WTK IU) lost —miaul. mam rot «. •** ftaria. witfc lattata T. L. ■»" aacaaaad aa It. &aat hut Saa iWp. Batata to Si^atcA aOa. aad tat itwaiiIta. iron mll>juiky cow rue. tJeall, M. hoalth, aad hjwt faditiaa. M lauraatod aaa / » KaHy at Mattaa'a atara. Iftk IF YOU WAMT THE OUT COT. Jf* aaad aa tW ouufcat tar tfca J-j-g. r«-u k, Stg. TOR SAUL—EARLY JERSEY WaMUld cabbage plant*, at SIRS pcr *£""5**1 A- D UvniL Fal cow. N. C, Be, 74 ~2*t pd L°*T—SUNDAY AFTERNOON ON Kayattevlle roaal between Dm end Rhode* pend, black ‘L-|. handbag. Finder pleataa return to Holme* Electric Shop, Dunn, K. C , or G. T. Smith City Market, Fay etteville, and ncuive irward. Sttp. CR SALE—2 THOROUGHBRED Ilhede bland cockerel* tad 1 thoroughbred cock. Reeeonablc piie*. Henry C. Lre. 12 Ste. 1NE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.— IX-raom bun In the good town of Angler, wall located for raaldanc* ;r a boarding hoove Three good fnrma, tw* beuaet anal lata in Oun*. Two good 1arme far rent. J. G. Layton, Durn. N. C. 9 tl pd. V.«. CHAIN T*EAD BICYCLE TIRES Special Rid an, Price_$XM Fit* aay clincher wheel. try tire guaranteed. Order now —pay peabnaatar on antral. BaMgb. N.C. it* ip I brick at oar stMoeoraoriraad and Cllataa atraota. Sac. L. f. Bailor, Daaa. or K C Cillctt. SmKMloU. ** C. 11 St pd. ... MOHir TO LOAM oh EAEMTOO |M Mm » mill iMMUl m M IBlUifl |« ro« UU^ CHOICE LOT AM * • aioo Inm, Inmi «a E. HOMEY TO LOAM ON TAMM A YIME fttMM TOE EALE OM KEMT win mb! or Mil on our lom*. No bailor load. IMS will b« goad itaac to (am. Bo au| i aortas i .6. Layton, Dons, No. 8 t St pJ Fastest Pursuit Plans in World Gives America War Mastery of Sky i & :V - ■< ... I ■ •■'.-r • : m '.’I; | TO OUR CUSTOMERS: • •i*v5SB P! Due to the fact that we are not financially able to carry large book accounts from month to month and from year to year, and after consulting many of our friends cus tomers we have decided to do strictly * cash business, be^ ginning January 15th, 1923. Since we opened our store in Dunn we have received a large portion of your business in our line, and we wish to assure you that we have apprecia ted your patronage more than we can tell; and we sincere iv trust that this change in the policy of our business will not inconvenience any of our customers or affect our cor dial business relations with them. We will beat the service of our customer* at all times and will do all in our power to render prompt and efficient services and will appreciate your patronage and cooper*' lion. We will carry a complete line of drug* and toilet arti «1-v -nd will make any special orders desired. Extending you a cordial invitation to make our store your headquarters, . « IYoun very respectfully, ||

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