• « THE DUNN — — ■ i I —— —— -y- m mrmnmto—Bt—I VOLUME IX. . OUNN. NORTH w""ffliaggg^=^aggBBg— .11—^^^—— NEW LAW PERMITS PEOPLE TO HAVE LIQUOR IN HOME But Ewjr Mnm Of Procuring Tha Supply, Howsrar, I* Unlawful Salvation It Found In Section No. Ten Whs* Stuff Is Ones Safa In Your Homa You Can Than Faco the World Without Worry. Bill Paaeod By A Vote Of 47 To 2. Sana tor Baggett Explains HU VoU. Raleigh, K»b. 27. — Developing "Section 10" as the salvation clause, the senate sent the no-called Volstead bill through third reading to ratifica tion this morning, and the trio of republicans voted afllnaativeljr. The vote was 47 to 2, The measure is now the lew of tbs state, and although "section 10" per mits the keeping of liquor In one's own herme for personal use, no other section exists that helps one to le gally get hoM of it Albeit tho sen ate accepted the section and the re publicans followed Leader Haymore in his declaration that “section 10 hi thie bill i* good enough for mo.” ha may or may not have been thinking of a certain famous "Article 10." when he explained his vote. Tho two negative votca came from Senator Harry Stub be of Martin who explained he wax again* it for rea sons previously eat forth by Senator Baggett, of Harnett, and for other reasons which he did not care to state, and from Senator Tapp, of Le noir, who merely voted no and did not rise to reason why. Baggett Explains Vote Senator Baggett spent lb minutes in "explaining hi* vote,” during which time He advanced a variety of potato he conoid*red again tho bill. Although attacking it biUeity whoa the joaate Anally gave him the "rash act." on ' •’ to*«ht«g stint, ha robed la the affirmative. "■"“sasranmraMi no provision for lawfully procuring liquor for medcinal purpose* in the home. He expressed grove fear* for the livea of North Carolina mountain een who have been depending upon tho alcoholic liquid to counteract the effects of a deadly poison that is ae cuwomod at time* to creep into cow's milk after "old bossy” has spent the day feasting upon a certain weed In mountain pastures. Dr. J. M. Hodges, republican, of Avery, while voting aa hit leader, protested the failure of the measure to contain a clasts* allowing the pro curing of whiskey for personal use in the home, and sprang the substitute for snakebite, which Senator Baggett used with considerable eloquence and much feeling. When some on* sought to eall o halt on the Harnett senator’s speech. Senator Rive**, of Johnston, roe* to make the motion for more time with the provlifon that If exemption should be finally inserted the easterners should be allowed to have their liqisoi for snakebite while the westerners were getting their* far milk poison ing. Senator Baggett placed the respon sibility for effectively sustaining pro hibition upon the prooehor* and thi teacher*. Not the passage of laws, bui the proper lastruetioo of the peopk t* to the harm of liquor, (* the really suecomful way to combat the evil, hr declared. Liquor Easy to Got w r«arM, can go »wi) from thia hmi« in three hoars sftoi this bm it milled and get 10 gal' Ion* of liquor, bat I east gat II legally." After the Harnett man hac railed agalnt the Inability of provi* ion* for proearing liquor for medl final purpoMC legally, to Bator Mr her, of Wayne, copy of the bUl it hand, ranked to the aide and aaket to rood a clout* which he deelarec ■pacifically provided far the tfelai Mr. Baggett wanted. It tamed oat u he the new fameu* M*eetioa It," enc read aa folcrwa: "From and after the ratification o thia net, the pewdon ef liquor b] any peraoa, not legally permitted aa der data aet to paaaam liquor, ahal be prime tecie evidence that aucl • llqeor u kept far the pwrpoae ef be Ing mid, bartered, taahaaged or gtva: away, fumlqhed or otherwise dlgpoooi ef to vtolatiea ef the prarictnn a thia net. Bat It dmll oot be anlawfa to poaoem liquor la ono'e prival dwell Lag whte the same la oeeapte end aeed hy him aa Ms dwelling only provided, aoah Uqaer U for aae enl for the paraeaal eeammpiUa ef th owner thereof, and hie family redd tag hi Mfe dwelling, ead ef hie hew Me gweate when entertaining hy bb MANY CASES TRIED . BY JUDGE GODWIN Tkuraday Was An Unusually Busy Day In tha Local Recorder’s Court Fifteen of the Iwcnty-five defend ants who have fncetl Recorder R. I*. Godwin this week wctc charged with gambling. All the defeniianls entered i a plea «f guilty and were fined $&i each and coot Theta cates grow out of the activities of Policeman W. C. Dixon and W. F. Nippers, who “flush ed” two "eovcy'a" of men and young boys engaged in grnnbliog Saturday night. One of the “coveyV conristod of nine boys, the ages of whom rang ed from 12 to 2U years. Tlieac were engaged in shooting “crtsji" for a nickel a shot, according to the offi ecis. The second "covey" was maili ng of six men, who ware engaged in a poker game In an ap-lown office. Some of the boys belong to promin ent families In Dunn, while the men arrested Included some of the prom inent citiiens of the town. Six of the defendants weia charg ed with being drunk. Tao of three entered a plea of guilty, three wore found guilty and one not guilty. One WAl (instil And rnsf »hsi /lari ilnlwA showing disorderly eomloct aside from being drunk, while the other* Were taxed with the coat. Two de fendant* plead guilty to the charge of speeding and were taxed with the .cost, whilu two charged with vio lating the building regulations In the in district were found not guilty. DUKE NEWS Duk*. February 88. —The mysterious disappearance of the tire bald eagle in the last f.-w dayt ha* created quite a bit of gossip here. The bird was one of the prised pos session* of the Erwin Park moo. and now its taking flight to unknown place* without informing anyone whatever of its intentions was rather saddsn. During the bird's stay la the park far th* last few. months It Ha* bona Ayubltc^^nw^lUeusdomaitq ^P55^ff!3^ISi^!S5w have maintained that the bird war no thin* rise but a bustard. No one could be found who was an authority 'on bird* of that nature and to this day It it uncertain whether it was an eagle or not. Notwithstanding tho bird has took It* depnrtuie leaving scorer of people here wondering what it really was. Ax yat no reward has! been offered for the bird's apprehen sion and the one that captorsr it will■ be the proud owner of the only bald' eagle in these parts. Monograms were awarded last1 week to the varsity members of thal Daks High School Basketball quint by Thomas W. Sprink'e, principal of the local graded and high school. Those receiving the ‘‘D. H. 8." were Fowler, manager; Lucas, captain; Woodworth, Morgan, McDonald and MeLamb. This is the first time la tho history of the school that its members have been awarded monograms in rec ognition of Uiair work ax athletes. Th# Erwin Concsrt Band will give n concert tongiht in the school auditor ium. They will be assisted by local talent who have bean practicing tealously. Tho band especially has been hard at work practicing through out tho wintor and those who attend are promised a delightful evening. The admission Is free and it is hoped that every one may attend. G. D. Sample is confined to his hod In the Good Hope Hospital with mosa ics. According to reports he is got to mmt hla position with Ilia High school faculty. Miaa Cam* Foote af Meredith Col lege, Kaleigh, spent tho week-end horo tho guaat of Mias Elsie Coffey. Dr. W. P. HoH spent Monday in Raleigh on business. E. It Thomas and George L. So wall spent the week end in Dark cm with relatives t therein.” lawyer members of the senate ex plained that everything was over, in cluding tha shouting, that, unlike tho ' old law, tha new measure contains ’ ■» provision making the possession . of more than one gallon of liquor | prims facia evidence of sale. Tha now i set makes the procursncu of liquor ■ illegal, but if one It has boon suecoaa i fully snag*led into tho collar la be I youd tho roach of tho "copper*,” thoy t Mid I Provision* of Messers I Interesting among tho provision! I of the me** ere, entitled "an act ta i make the state law conform to ths r national law In relation to Irtoxicot i lag liquor,” ore those taking eegnh -| aanee and acoosllsig to tho roqulro i meats of tho Votsiaad act as M D > quor for ooerowiantal and other par W. F. Dawson Resigns 1 As Chief Of Polio Has Emm At The H>U at Tha FaMa. DaftrtaMI la Dana Far Mara Than Yaar W. K. Damon haa resigned A r'titl of the poln-e forco of Dean, hi resignation, which was flirt! on Feb ' U.'i-y 1 Oth, going into effort Wad ns* dug night Ilia successor has not ye I l-uen ramitl. Mr. Dawson had serve* as chief of. the pollen force hero since Krin uary 3, 1933, succeeding U. 8 Pngr. VVhf!c ha lias not decided do finitely what hr will do, he stated V a Dispatch reporter yrslentay, tha I c would likely accept a position wltt the State automobile checking de partment in Raleigh. Policeman W. C. Dixon and W. V Nipp.‘r*, members of the local poliet force, ore handling the work at pros ent, though it Is most likaly that I successor to Mr. Dawson will ha ub *■ •• *-»v muywi ling unrn cvnD» sionvrs ut an early date. COHON HAS AGAIN REACHED 30 CENTS A* A Raault Several Hundrec Balaa Sold Thu Wook 0> Local Markot For the drat time since the “gior. ous" days of 1920, cotton reach* * SO rent level on the Dunn mark* Tuesday nnd good cotton has COB mandeo that price rock day since Tkuc were many who predicted tha U>e prevent generation would nave again sae SO-cent cotton, though otfc c.r who were more optimistic said tin fleecy staple was bound to sgail reach that Javal. Some farmers, who were holding for 30 cents, hare cold their eottoi aince the pnc% advanced to ‘‘their fig nrca." A total of 200 bales war marketed here Wednesday and jester day's sales totalled 100 bales. Tbi MMM bars for cotton totaled abou • 18,000. Sales Tuesday totaled 01 bales and adding tlw amount paid on on tiiul ‘lay to that paid out Wedneo day and yesterday makes a total o approximately 862,000 paid for eat ton on the Dann market in thre days. Some farmers are still holding * to their cotton, waiting for a highe price, which it u likely thoj w*l ecslise. according to authorities o the demand and supply. MAX WAGGER, MERCHANT OF RANDLEMAN. KILLS HIMSEU A r he horn, Feb. 27.—Mas Wagga a well known and prominent me ret ant of Kandlcman, about eight mile from here, yesterday shot and Idlle himself. Mr. Waggvr bad been in il health for about two years. lie is survived by a wife and tw children. Bis remains ware ahlppc to Durham this morning where the will b« interred. Arthur Fowler, Ralston MeDonal Slid Wsdv Lucas spent the week wit friends near Kinston. Misses Minnie Turtington and A* lea Byrd of LUlington spent the woe sad here the gueets nf Mr. and Mn 0. 8. Simpson. J. W. Parker, Jr., of the Unite States Merchant service, Norfotl Va., Is spending aovcrsl days bat with his Barents. N. K. McDonald returned lfj week from Atlanta, Ga., whore k attended the bell weevil convent!01 He beard errvcral remedies offered ft the detraction of the peat mad ui dorubtcdly he will pet several of thoi into operation this eeeeen In ibis n irlon when the cotton season gets ini foil taring. Mr. McDonald is to peril tcadent of fane here for the Krwl Cotton MOD Company. • - _ _ petes; making It Illegal for a perse to buy srhlakey at wall as to soil » permitting organiteed ministers 1 receive “In tho space of 00 connect tivc days a quantity of vlnus Itqnoi not creator than three gallons for w in sscramontol purposes only," mil ing s folsay of second eosrrlsltton i man uf acts ring or distilling liquor, < shotting in manufacture; nssiaptlii from sis*# prosecution parsons pr vleusly punished by a federal ecu for the mute offense Tho act repeals all state laws her Iof ere enacted In conflict with d new act, but It speeiflee that loe i acts shall eenlntiase in fall fore snd indictment or pceseeqllftM tm , be hail ander either the state act < . the local act rotating to the sal subject.—Brock Berkley la Chaste* Observer. BAPTIST i ► i1 i Luv Gathered In mere closely the a axillaris* oae o{ the moat rplritoai factors the Baptist tare a at Fr* The ssssiao I the rtrer with prosecute* all its . free of vim and parent la a body the. marina ee filer dajr •>«» than \ DIES ; INJURIES u r Cmtrnm P n o Oynthle Britt h mother of pee n tor of • * Godwin And Maxwell Loee Stock of Goodi *a»*P Karate* Fir* Potency Store At qiapo. FnrtteMp Clevered ■p laoaeauoa Fire of unknown origin Tueedey morning about 3 JO dcamuyad tha Marc operated bp Godwin aad Max well'at Cooper. Whan naked about the amount of tha laaa (attained. X J. Godwin, center member of the firm Mated that tha etoefc of geode do atroyed was worth approximately |7« 000 aad that tha tern waa partially coot red by incur M>ce. A dwelling In the tame community •wand bp Mr. Oodwin waa burned about a pear ago. and oa Tuesday W Ola week a tenant house mi hh team, soar Dean, caught oa «ro. Oewerar, the fire waa discovered la time «o save this building. r Haw York American—"flap it with Match.” (The flowers come later.) THREE INVOLVED IN MURDER CASE tKahortea, Feb. SO.—Tha inquest War the remain* of X X Tii|fcirf which were found near Farfcten Moo “7 *1 W»eg, CUM to a erne at «