I. J KiV. L N. JOHNSON PREACHES SERMON ON1 GOSS1PER Eirat Baptist Pastor Discusses The Evil To A Largs Congregation Wholesome Publicity Suggested As Cure _______ Referred To Tke "Disease" J As Tbe Verbal Overflow Of An Empty Heart—Says It Is Rampant la Doan, States The Caase And Suggest* A1 Curs. Wholesome publicity, was ono of lbs thingi recommended u a curt for the disease of gossip by Bev. E. I N. Johnson, pastor of the First Bap tists church, in a sermon on "Gossip —Its Caase and Curs" Sunday tven ing. Gossip U rampant in Dunn, said the preacher, who undertook to de fine it, give reasons for the causa and suggest a cure. O—sip Defined In defining gossip, Ur. Johnson re ferred to the “diseaso" at “the ver ba! overflow of an empty heart." "Cheap talk," be said, “Is calculated to injure the subject, the bearer and the one addressed," while the sroedt —” —— •*«*« vfKnufg ma wound* and seeds of discord. Honset , throsu are cat by whisper*. Th# CiIm *f Gossip In naming torn* of th* causes of gossip, th* tongu* was referred to; as an ambassador of th* heart. “Goa-' sip .» interesting.” said the preacher. “Some people *H and think, while others sit and talk. Gossip does not: require thinking. Gossip is prompted by a pervert* heart" As aa iUaatra tion Mr. Johnson related the story of a missionary who asked a swear ing man If on* could tall th* stuff a mill waa grinding wethoat looking into the hdpper. The other way nam ed was “By th* kind of staff that Comet out of th* spout” Cwroa far Cetdp as ona of th* boat methods of cure for gotsip. Continuing he said in part: "People often talk too aiach be cause th* newspapers tell too Kale. Newspapers, aa well si police courts, should be just It la not fust for tho newspapers to plant the names of negro 'crap shooters’ and to omit the names of white men who gamble and ore equally guilty before the law. Where the negro adult reel is pub lished. her accomplice in th* crime, white or black, should be published also. W< earn never have the right spirit between the races until era give the negro Justice In the court1 and the papers. Honsity and purity’ should b* applied to gossip. Humors arc the big starters of lies. The bearer 1* just at guilty as th* origi-, nator. Half-truths are often lioa. Be fore repeating gossip one should ap-j ply the law of love, the Golden Buie.' These questions should b# asked: ”I» it kind?*’ “I* my motiec selfish?"! “Doe* the Golden Rule Apply?”' "Doe* It help the one InvolvodT” •Does it help me?, or docs It help th* hearer.? The helpful heart carries sympathy, not esnruro. Tho bast bit for tho bridle of the tongue la ■ tit tle bit of lovo. Wo are saved from gossip By opening oar neons to rt sui, to His spirit of parity, holiness, Jove and helpfulness." Wilmington Struck By A 60-Mile Gale Staaesor A. P. Hart le Ink At Her Sehuti Airs night ly Poie god Wilmington, March A 90-mile gale with gnats of chilling rain swept aver WUmington last night The steamer A. P. Hurt, ef the New York, Wilmington and Fayetteville Bteem beat company, wee sank ot bar moor ings, when hogs waves washed over her stern and waterlogged the eatlre engine room. No one era* Injured., At Sunset pack, a suburb, s gar age was blown down, while a rash donee it Audubon, as ether saburb, erst or roofed. Trees won uprooted In vnrieas porta of the etty end tele phone IInee considerably damaged. The A. P. Hurt was the first steel Anti ship ever bnih In North Caro lina. the erne renovated and equlp ped with modem optionees com* yean ego, and turn since bean in •aretes between Wilmington and Pay ettevtlle, carrying freight and pa* MfM She waa the leet of the Meter* Coot of etdewhoetere aovtgotlng flit Cope Poor rtvwr since the days priei to the chdl war. SHOWS UP AFTER 30-YEAR ABSENCE John Hulf, Wanted For Killing Wife, Dies At Home Of Hia Slater Elyria. Ohio, March 5.—With ad vices to ‘ take care of him; he's got juat one week to live,” a man *p Paarvil at the old Hulf homuati*ed on Broad Street nine day* ago with a nick helpless cripple, whom he depo sited inside the door and left. Coro ner Perry was notified of his death yesterday. It was from tide home that John Hulf, a college graduate, disappeared in December 1*U3 op the day after the murder cf .its wife In Cleveland. Of Into yeen the old homestead has been eecupicd by hia sister. Miss Julia Half, who lives there alone. The stranger who brought Iho man to the door rnng the door bell and asked Mias Half if she had a brother. “I had,” sha aid. "He's been stray for years " “Well, here he ia. Take care of him—the doctor says he’s Juat got one week to live.” said the stranger. His "Utcr helped him to bed. To all pleas that he send for a physician, the naan protested, ami the slater ac ceded to his ad shea. During the srcck Hulf preserved silence concerning himself. He died OHMinny nifTL Half and his wife separated inj 1801. A faw days later his wife'll body was found stabbed to death in Cleveland. Hull's description was sent broad cast. but despite his easily recognlt »blr appearance—part of his left arm was missing and his left eye was gone —he never was located. * YOUNG MAN SLAIN IN KNIFE BATTLE Protested Efforts of Brother to Drive Sister From I )( a knife scrape that occarrod at tha home of Thad Harris, Sunday after noon, who resides In the vicinity of Galloway's Cross Roads. Troy Har ris, a young while man about twenty Ave years of age, was killed and Thad Harris. Morton Mills and Roy Stokes ware wounded by a knife which was wielded by Frank Wilson, who is also a white man and about the age of his victim. Prom informa tion received the scrape was the out come of a row occasioned by the re turn of Wileon's sister to the neigh borhood in which the tragedy occur red. Wilson made his oerape and was not found until this utoring when he surrendered himself to the sheriff in Greenville. He was released under bond of fl.OOO for His appearance neat Saturday morning whan the pre liminary hearing will be held. From information received it ap pears that Wilson's sister had laft the neighborhood sometime ago with instruction from him not to return to it again. Saturday night she re turned and was staying at tha home of Thud Harris Wilson, upon learn ing of this, went to the home of Harris with the intention of driving her away from the neighborhood again. When he reached the house bo seat mot by Harris agio, after be ing told by Wilson that he Intended driving her away or killing her, vslueite/l welsL L!_ __-A A_ — «- a at_ hMN. 'Regardless of these intercessions Wilson entered the hoaec and want Into the room in which ho foond hit etstrr. Hera according to his sis ter’s statement, he caught hold of her and had drawn a knife wtth which to kill her when Troy Harrii entered and attempted to Intercede. It wai then that Che eeuilaat gashed Ms just below the neck with the knife He rushed from the room oet inU the yard, where hr fell. It was thee that the ether victims, Thid Harris Mill* and Stokes entered Into thi roeen to overpower Wilson end ear the row, which they did, but on]] aftor receiving several alight cat about the hande. After falling In t*u yard Tray Harris was carried lab the honor, where be died aboot thlrt] minutes later. '• After the affair Tbad Harris order ed WUaon to leave the place and ec comp Salad him down the read for short distance. When left alon Wilton disappeared Into the wood and was aeon ns non ahtll thi morning, when he saireaderod Mm aelf to tha sheriff. Baltimore Sun—America may a] , paar drowsy sad indifferent, hut Jai show bar a pemeeoted people or a on district I Mr*. Mary C. Daniels Die* At Age Of 81 I Mol her of Formor Soerotery Of Th. Novy Phim At Horn, of Judgo DuUt UoUtsboro, March 7—Mr*. Mary Ooavea Daniels, mother of Jeeupkoi ' Daniels, former secretary of the navy and editor of The Raleigh News Jan.) Observer, died this morning at !.1:16 o’clock after a critical illness following a stroke of paralysie. Af | though she had shown periods of laa ! provensent during the past dew days, attending physician* and members of ! th' family had held out little hops for recovery. Mrs. Daniels’ death occurred at the home of Judge Frank A. Daniels, She *■» In her S7th yoer. C. C. Denials, of New York, the other of tha three •on* who survive her, was also at the hvtis.de when the and cams The funeral of Mrs. Daniels wHl be held in Wilson and the arrange monte will be announced later. EXPECT THRONG AT T SHOW Only Faw Days Mors Eastern Carolina EapoaWo* Opeoi Doors — * . Goldsboro. March t_Only two wooki remain before the biggest event of it* kind over hold la the Southeast. wlH open Its doors to tbs public of Ess Urn Carolina and la fact this entire section, in tbs farm "f the Eastern Carolina Exposition tml Automobile Show «>■-« .n Wilson, Monday, March lath, at 1 JO o'clock with a monster parade. This big undertaking is being foeter d and actively put on by Ae East • i Carolina Chamter of Commerce, whose headquarters ra at Goldsboro. It is eon lervalively estimated that this week will drew more people to Wilson, Idas' any other attraction las drawn to any town la this ftato, even' Uhrw'taumb pass through the turnstiles during ■fcesc days of this big show. Advertising « Florida More than 1,000 winter tourists in Florida bars had advertising matter nailed direct to them, tnivitiiig them to atop over at Wilson en their re ran home from the Sanny South. Many visitors will be attracted la ■hla way, that would never have aa opportunity to sec Eastern North Carolina. la New England A selected list of manufacturers and bankers in the Nsw England • laics has been made out and they too, are being apprised of Eastern Carolina’s wonderful opportunity. , The slogan that has been adopted by 1 the Eastern Cartdina Chamber at Commerce Is very appropriate for this section: Eastern Carolina, where prosperity It perennial.” This slogan carries with it the Idea that there sre no teal lean years in Eastern Carolina. They are sM plenteous and that's true. 4,000 handsome booklets. Ailed full of interesting facts about Eastern Carolina, are being mailed oat to every section of the country. These eoklcts arc so attractive that each one that falls Into the hands of a business mut will find a place In hlc business library for future reference ■ nd will prove interesting reading insuer in the future These book lets are sun to got favorable result) in years to come. Anas Case Big Attraction Anna Case, who spans the program Monday afternoon, March l»th, li already a regular house word wtt* all the children as well aa ths grown, ups in this section. For they an al Interested ia seeing and hearing thi womlerfol soprano. The prospect now an that every seat for her tun performances will bo sold before th doors open, for the trot recital. Or dan for tickets have boon eteadtV] coming in for three weeks .althougl tho actual allotment of tickets doo ’ not begin until Monday March ttl > Mica Case Is booked aa tho mm i beautiful and meat popular aopmur > in A atari ea today. No doubt aha urtl > have her boat and most enthusiast! audience at Wllsoa to groat bar. Inrjr (top Full Dap The program committee has pact i ad mars real entertainment, anllgh! > an man t and culture [a this oas was i than has ever ben emmMd for a i occaaioa Ilka this bag ere, and It gac • without saying that the public wt a)tow their appreciation of this efc by turuing out ia largo number «■ Kastsm Carolina baa a wonderful a| t tortanitp ta demonstrate what M t on da. H It prodlctad from arm reams that she wfll make goad. Aw>ong the bdla ; ocU county Ini I teteion of tb* I sentathr* Mat A. tad potted by that A biH limit* Ik* upon bind* to 41 day*, kuWI for detr to noa-i " county ra] policemen to of tb* county sad tk* auditor'* *• tc an appolatie* Followin* It tb* now ftoh law i “ft that) bt to Ath with kook any of tb* and Haraott riTtr in Bomi vtN't bride*, at a between April 1 yew, U riwdi be pc mot to tab* any jack or pike from tern" Section | of other law* aad conflict htfc lb S eta tea that from aad altar t to The aew deer hfll eao for hnatiag dndrf for tra ytara, except that a man ia allowed ta bant an hk awa land* M4j latam No vember IS aad Ddftmbar 1 of any year. Thk law dMb oat nag raai dent boa ter* toUnif. The bill which *a^ea the aadV toia oflkee Croat aa dtttln one ta aa appointive one (*aa Mt affect at tba expiration of tha Mill aadltor'i tana. ■Ue Applykg Ta Dana Two bill* i|i|il)ht to Dean—oac euthoriatnc the i ilhf of aa election to vote oa a JIOO.OSO bond ftanse far the erection of a betel and another authorizing the nlhf of aa election to vou oa a Ite.OH Wad ken* for the eraetten of a hoepital—were in troduced by Hr. Tewnaend and paaa I ***' ' bill* introduced hf Xepresantntive , Town tend were ■ Odoaatia—I bUk , all fa which were Patetd by both I honaea. | Mew Read Law I A bill la trod aead ia the Sonata by Senator Baggett, which waa paaaad ' with tdVenl amantenata, provide* that the board of oamnty eranWM- ( art may call as alaWoa to rota ah a | bond laws sot amaaMat1 (WObM , far road aad bridge purposes. This , bill alto onthorUatf dw tipaiiinMta of a body to bo ia0— as tbo “High way Commas!oa of Htnwtt County.H , ThU eommMen ia ft ho rnntgtttd of Ora month art to ho appobttod by tha coenty coramittionata. Tha MO pro. rider farther that th« members Of thU comraialoo non la fto court home In L8tt*ctm the fhst Monday la aaah moath, «tft pans kolas to > moot mom often If ~ iniimri The i mertbrrt are to rotates wWI« nettop > ngaged in th perforation of their » dntieo the ram of 910 per diem aod atfiooge; hot so par diem that be ’ paid for more thah am d»y la asah i month. The ten Mary daD raaafra r aseh aalary or par Mem at ft# taaa mtwnon mmj piuiw* twi ■vui iiBr t nUh tdah bood a the oeatsMIaa I Undar the bifl tha : moat etoet a meat of Mgbrwayf Sol alto s aod eaperi eared dhfttd atoll engi t eloat of tho Mptolor. The aalary of a tbo luparlntaodat alaetod aad tha a engineer, M tlartad, ehedl bo Wood by D ft reouwlmleh. aM mOartoa ft bo it paid ost of tha fta«i to ho Mod I k and coUoetad nadar hbitilhaft k portatosdast moot aaobo head ft fto a NO of 99*00. aft Malt a ad spas y faithf«i performssae at Me doMoa Awm»4m4 to Byrd Bm. and Ike. F. MMO Wit) Ba Me dew. Beiab S tree tore Contract for the erection of a Mi chawh building «u lot Wodaoada] by tha Orietian church of Dm fa Byrd Brother* A Shaw, coatmetor of BuiuUevcl Bad IflUMtoo. thi oootnet price for completion of tto building being IB4M. The eaotzee raBa for a main auditorium tto* will aaat approximately SOO pooplo and IS Sunday acbool claaa teoeoe. Tto building will bo o modem brick •tractor*, steam-heated and electric. Hgtrud throughout, with modem ft* toroa sad equipment The contract provide* that the now building to implotod within sight month., and work oo U will bo bogwa at suae. * Am wmm stated in Tuesday-. Dia. pateh. the new church will hu erect ed on a lot, corner Cumberland street aad Clinton Avarua, arrow Cumber tend (tract frees the old church building. TO SEND NEGROES WTO RUHR MBS Mow York, March T—Harry V. Daugherty, arriving on tha T-T-rrrhif Mafaattc today, aauauncod Mat h* had perfected plana to trae»ort M *wooa S.bOO and >DM America* ag gie miner* to tba.Buhr to work cool udaoi soiled by tbe French an even ant “At least MO-r‘trr miasm frrai the Wert Virginia raal fleWe' «Ai be seat an Am Ordene, which •alia March II," Mr. naMbarty sail. “They will be hllmi by ether rtiip ■aste ee fart ae the Me* eon he ’**?*-£+*£ The aegtne wfli reeern |T -a lay In addition to board Ml Mlgbig. he ■ail. and will receive toepmtatiM In emit of Injury. Three Dead And One Dying After A Snow New Vorb ia Grip ml TecHble Iherm That Taleee Urn Aad Caaaae New York, March 7.—Three per mu dead, ene dying and isveral in Jared ia part of the to« enacted her* by a M»W wUah hated drew yeaterday forenoon an til Ihle morn. bag Two of the victims wore feaad dead is enow banka The third slip ped from an icy platform, and vn killed by a train. Kin and n hrif Inehee of bow fell and traffic war great*; Impeded A force of neatly 10,000 men worfcet aH day to char the mlia artertea while no attempt war made ta attaei the drifts ia rile streets. devoted txaina, running al night kept tracks epea. Subways in Man tiatten were net effected, bot in see done In Brooklyn, where under [roend 11m tnvtnc M| «pti cute, I rifting mow hampered Mrrioa. Marla* trail* wa* aartooaiy die. ■opted, eaptn'.ma of Incoming Ihm nofcrriag to remain at qaaiaiKiae mtM the itorm to*tad. NO WONDER FARMER! AU ALWAYS IN DEBT Lynchbang, Va.. MarrJi 7.—Mr*. W. i. Crowder, af Nil* city *Ua reeling a patoto yaatorday fomd a note in It reading: "I gat M canto par toukaL Wkat did yaa gtoaT” b era* dgned -O. F. Baardatoy, Stanton, Mtok," and traa dated Am ary IS. Hit Crawdar (tod to* paid thirty (aata a peek (ar tka ptomtom fend* wktok at; <«a* bit* Ida kaada. according to tka kit, porferto all tka dnttoa vtoathm to roada wktok kare h*rotator* kern parfararad ky Ika keerd af aaaaty caaunlatoanart ar ky road atoriab In ika amraral tvkn ad fiwai tka nk ad mid kanda toaO k* aaad In taking ay and ro [ “WSSS—F <• • TO FILE SUIT FOR I DEATH OF THREE f msxx l Gotdahene, Ranh *—Bait Car F?Sr | WO wm be filed this week f j the At) an tie Coast Um railroad for r iDafod damages grewtag sot of the | death ef three men killed km by a 1 meeaagar tram earning from Wil ] mington u Sunday night. Fctmrary . 18, it was slated yaotesday by Faiaea Thompeon. counsel for the date—■ It wtfl be alleged in the eempialat that the train at the ti—n ef the rreident wae traveling at 48 —a.. per hoar that It had mitered the city limit*, an«l that the creasing wae blind re US feet ef the track. It urlU be elslnwd, toe, that aB ef the i tarn left widow* and children, that j EUIet Pigferd, a live stock daaior, wee a ana with nn ana oat income of $10,000. W Ilham Register laaea. g widow and fear ehiidsen and Herbert Soathcrtand a widow aad two chil dren. Other counsel who wQwi appear in the case are former Congressman S. E. Fowler aad Henry E. Faiaon, and B. H. Crura pier, ail of Outran. The soil 1* to bo filed either is Wayn. or in Bampoon eownty. DtES SHORTLY AFTER MARRYINO YOUPfO WOMAN Chicago. March i.—Tweedy alap | tea after he had am mod Mira Elena or McCarthy, • girl of 14, Hit—n A. Bwanaoa. aged It, a retired cap. Itaiiat. diod of heart failure today.! Tha eoren«r*i office dariilaj Swan aoa’a death a— doc ta haait trinMi iadacod hr the-initial I’mJliu tha wadding. ORPHAN SHOOTS BS BENEFACTOR nsat Pare *11 waa fatally wounded thin Burning nt ton o’clock by Hilton Scare*, a arreoteoa yearwld orphan bop who a— -hag hit homo with Mr. aad Mrs. PareaU about areac miles moth sroat mt Re Id ted le. Mrs. Pascal] waa carried ta a Orecmboro hospital this after Mrs. PareaU's hatband waa —ad. iag tha dap ia DaawUo on bualaaaa i and yaang Scares taking adeawtege ! of Mr. Poreell’* absenea decided to I rob the safe ia tha PurcsO homo. Enuring the room bo demanded of -Mrs. Pareetl to open the sals aad upon her rafasal tha bop shot ha* with a rerohrar. Tha first ballot entered her rfcht arm pane*rating Into bar breast. Two other bullets ! miered tha oenm'i back Just left of th« via*. Tha PareaU* are yroaalneat and wall known ia this county. Lari year Mr. PareaU operated an ante mobile bn anew ia ReidaelSe. The : yoathfol da—red* baa bees Using with Mr. aad Mia. Paredtt about i , month. Scares waa an inmate for I . Last year ha waa saat ta the orphan . agt farm at Koonody borne naai , Kinston. Saarea waa flmridlb with hia aarreandiiigs there and res . away. A little later he eras eatagh' tot* Welfare Department About the flrat ef Dwenter Wet aiu Superintendent 1. H Allen « LoehtnphaiM eeantp was mM to tak< he bop la charge. Mr. Purcell tAe lapcrintcndent AUen to allow Ma » take eharps of the bap. Soar •emed to be delisted ritli hie mi mate and eoon gained the full eon ldenee ef the Parcel! fatally. R ■new that Mr. Purcell kept mono o the cafe at heme and Mm teaipte ioa to peb woe toe great far Mae « ■aeiag Mra Purcell Oort suet rounded the bap dropped the wool tor, mounted pm at Mr. Puneoir to root and left A rimft dlMaaa towa the read, an hour after th ■hooting occurred, Mm ham wt round wandering la tha wsada wtti out Ha (Mar. parties wore farmod an Ml Mason, Oa., Marsh «■—Tornado Otruefc to Pori Oalaoo, Oa., at Le fates, near Mason, at Pika road, I mile* fro* Montgooaorp and near 0 to reports » has bo la prop* rtp tot I reports of tom of Ufa w W^KESDAY 14TH 1* OPENING DAY ’THEEYECUNK wa |. tuu n. |»| “_r[™ II BalM areas : B ■ sBm ; mg *«■>« to b« conducted ta Tbo clinic will be h»ld is tbo Cham ber of Commerce room* and wiU o,*n at I a. m. THt eyet of all erhooi children from *• foUowin, mheatn in-Harnett coaaty will be tested hem £ witneut mm to too pmottt riwy Oror*. Mary Stuart. Omta, Tntiat :on, Leeg B raw eh. Macro, rniortm. Loe'a Own and (tan. A like due .m be eoudartad ad »*o Tumday of no* wmlc. Three dodo, an nondaetid by th, But. Beard of Health and under the aoa> b>n» of the Harnett coant, hoar* of education and public welfare. ^ The flnt clinic« were held at LG child*.* went examined and Wedaaa. day U were iwalnal Oat to Aa Barwatt la Aa aaeato eoeatp A . | tha State A which epa rlAIae haea bea> bald. If » m«u wtti matam A »W» ««n t,, «t A planned A tin Mat Ska cHaica A ether aonwtfaa A Aa | State. Jedging from Aa Aigl number to AOdrea attending tha ep-0-ng I *, ka, there ia amok In threat A them. Pnrenta should taka admntagt to thla oppeitunhy A An to tha tcfeete to their children. The party U direct charge to the disk: include! M eye •peclaMat -an optician and a State - ■urea. Thaae an aarieted bp BA Camp. superintendent of public welfare work ta tha eoanty. Man Works fas Dun Bui Lira Miles Away He AraMU Htn b|a WKick H* Ceald Mere HU Feewly While tha Hecnc Baliding * Loan ••■•eiatiet) he* been ngwAi for (he erection to around M aaw honaa In Dunn daring tha Itat aia nostfci and a nuntber of other* have beta created, pet the supply to kna ia far from aoBdent A meet Aa da* aad began work cereral «Mks age Aa baa* unable to cat a ■-** nearer hi* work An la the Godwin vicinity. ■am niiht aey Air le a bad ad. *awtoamaat I* A* town, bat ate aa Thia dnai Aat Aa team la ate date, bat vary mate aHv*. It ia Aa dead town that tea plenty ef vaaeai dwell- ' inca and baalnaaa beam. Yet, Ala eendWan Aoetd appeal A ckteaw wHe Ova here aad weald Kka ft an Aa town jrow a Aba Hate A the local Seildiay aad Lew aaaedattaa. THat to wa way. wd a adybty pad ana. to raUave Aa bear top altae tlaa to Daw. Tba Fewth aartoa ad Aa law ■atldiat and Law Meectatton epea ad Saturday of |aat weak, bat tea la yat plenty of tton a teaHli far Mock In Alt mrtaa. ntssiosirr oolfinq • AT rUMIIDA MAW Ormond State. Tie.. March 7.— Tktaa feateemaa wan nab ay fra* tba yraMdaiHil party ate Aad a* a w Aa Own aad State Saba after IT lanebeea Tv awl ay. Patedate Hardtop • played to Aa firet ftaraaan wtA h Edward McLean. Ctertoa A fiwwaa. ► wd A. D. Leaker Sana ad bto weed • an abaft wane aetoly aver NO yaada » ate be nab imal (any pafta wMte wan ayytoadcd by Ac yallery.

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