CORNER STONE TO BE LAID SATURDAY L»r|« Crowd Will So* Corner Stone Laid In Duke’* $75, OOO School Buildinc Duke. Mairli 20. —The corner 'lone or Duke's new aeventy-flvo thousand dollar school building will Ik- laid by the Grand Lodge of North Carolinu, A. K. & A. M.. on Satur day. MaVrli 21, at four-thirty in tb* afternoon Grandmaster, Hubert Mc Neil Poteat, together with other Grand Ofllrars, is respected to be pivaent and to make the principal androst of th* eccaidon. All Maaona. t* pec tally those rending In Harnett county, and all other friends of pub lic education are cordially invited to attend this ceremony. Macon* are urged to meet in the Nei! S. Stewart Lodge No. 688, at S:00 p. tn., in order that they may take part ii, the grand procession. The Singing Clasa from Oxford Oi phanagr will attend th* laying of the comer atone and will also give a concert in llm evening at the school auditorium. Training School Has Auspicious Opening Aaaual Training School at First Bap tist Church Will Ckw Friday The training achooi al the First Baptist church got under way Sun day night The opening session was Iratured by an address by Perry Morgan, general secretary for tha B. Y P. U., department of tha Bap tist Slate board of missions on "Some marks of a progressiva church.” In troduction of tha faculty and en rollment of itudenta. The school Is the annual learning school of tha thurch. The curriculum includes sev en books with teachers as follows: Junior B Y. P. D. Manual—Mim Whylsna Naylor; studying for aorvico —Mrs. J. N. Barnett; latormodiaU Yates Hilliard; Dead or AIhre—Rev. E N. Johnson. There are two class periods aach evening with an intermission of thir ty minutes during which tune light lunch is served by the T. E. L class of th< Sunday achooi. An interesting feature of the school ia the social hoar when tha “Ginger lw*f," a daily ncwapapvr issued in the interest of the training achooi la distributed. Ro yer Brooke, cotton buyer, and a give a dlppingyhEm stcH ual.T.. former newspaper man is editor. Be low are two clippings from it. 'If you think your chureh the best, Tel) ’em to. If you'd have it lead the rest. Help it grow. When there’s anything to do, I-s-t them always count on you, You'll feel good when it's through. Don’t von know?” The B. Y P. U. salute u given in 1lie sheet is: "8«y. my friend, Have you seen Second Timothy two-Mtoen? Piret Thosaaloniant, flee-twenty-two’’ Tulle you exactly what u> Jo.” Prom time to time daring the ses sions of the school the students en gage in singing B. Y. P. U. booster songs Two of which are given below: Tune: “In the Carden”. We come to tho B. Y. P. U. To he trained to work for the Mas ter. Wo will s’er be true, while his work , we rlo. And 1st oor lives shine for Him, too. Oho res And we’ll work an3 pray, livery night and day, Kor the dear old B. Y. P. V. And Use Joys we share, As we serve Hbn there, Will help us whate’er we do Tone: ’’Beulah Land.” Young Baptist* now throughout the Slats, Come rally to our standard great. Lot’s make Christ King, Throughout tho earth, ’Tilt all shall own Hie wondrous birth. Choral B T. P. U., B Y. P. v. Our training service tried ahd true May all our young folk* make * vow To live for Christ, begin right now Make your life count. Some one looks to you. Como. Join oe In B. Y. P. U. As a special IHo of service foi those aiteadlng the school an effort I* being mad* ta place tho Rlhllea Recorder In every Baptist homo it Dunn. Effort la being made, also, u enlist people In dally Mbit reading The Bible reads to' aostg. much 1: j School Girl Run Over And U Killed By Aut< i * ‘ 1 • Year-Old Nathalie Child Step From Truck In Front Of Car Rocky Mount, Match I•».—Sup . from n -rhorl t uck Into th« • path of a pus*ir.y uutomobdc oil th« j highway ucnr h'Midiwitlr, la#!* Mai j liowcll, nine-year-old uuu/hUr o j Vr. C. O- IIjwvI , was run <lovrn b> the machine and athj.-ct/'d to injur n from which she died scvmd houn later in n local io*pital where ah* hail been rushed for medic a) atten tion. According to report*, the child iw ‘red * broken leg numerous cot* and bruises and internal Injuries, the latter causing hoi* death h'-ic ye*Ou tlay afurmoon about C oMock. The utvtlaiil ocrunvil about 3 o'clock a* I *-l.a kj'ri wa'i ubout u> retain .ionw bum whooI :.n tho tiurk which car n*ig ilu- children of the section in winch she lire* to and from school. Details of the accident furnished by relatives of the rldld indicate that vhe (tuck wa* standing still when the littic girl eteppr*! down and out Inin tn« path of a jtn«a<ny nut<uno«>iJ« which is rvportod to havi boon (m. vellng m| a low rate of a|»*ed. Tn« circumstances, It «« dictated, mad. the fatal mishap unavoidable. Townseod To Auiit In National Campaign Will Aid In Tk* Work Of Organising Tkn Democrat* For 1924 Campaign N. A. Towr.ionil of Dutn. l» one of »v varal liandred prominent North Carolina Dtrrux rat* named by Cha.r man Cordell Hull, of the Democratic committee, to organize “Victory Club?" throughout the country Thi» it one of the firxt muftt made by the Democrat* to w*ld* the 1924 pnaldcntial cam paign. It fa planned to carry the or gamxatioD to every town in tiie Uni te build foim a diract per aottal contact between the voter* of rnrh community and headquarter? In WaahTagton. and to provide a great national army of enthuiiaitic demo crat? to win in 1924. Thia oigaplxa tion !** the enilorvmcnt of demo cratic leader* rvtsrjmhere, and bid? fair to become a dominant factor In the election of the next Pro-ideal." ERNEST SURLE3 On toe night of February 23, the death angel descended and bora on ilia pinion to the realms of the great beyond the gentle spirit of Erne ft, the oldest son of J. P. and Rebeoca - Buries, after a seven days illnem sf I jincnnfuitlu. All .that loving hands I could do or medical skill could do i vile, failed to stay the hand of the . grim reaper. The msssags sped from home to home that Ernest eras dead leaving in its wake a pall of gloom that only death can bring. lie was born and reared In Dunn where he spent the 19 year* of life His patient and |gesitle dlspoalt or hail made for him a host of fritfrdi fur to know him eras to love him. HU absence has loft a vacancy In thsl homo that never can bo filled. Pond parents weep not at these who have no hope', hot rsjoics in the though) that when yon too have answered th< call of the great I am and becoms spirit* in the land of spirits, thert you will fln«l Ernest waiting to wel come you. H* leaves to mourn their lots hh parents, sinters and one brother. Tbi ’funeral services were conducted b] Rov. Lather Davis at 4 o’clock. Ths remains worn laid to rest In tho pro scrip* of a great number of f rf tndl and. relatives who had gathered ti pay tho last tribute of ruspuet to th< boy they had loved In .life. Thu flur a! offering were many and beautiful GRACE CLIFTON. vsg-ae among the unions In the stall follows: Tone: ‘‘Give your heart to Jesus.’ Do your Bible readings. Du them every day, Read tho precious Bible, Road It every day, Do your Bible readings In a systematic -way. Read the Bible ever day De your Bible reading'. Do them'evsry day. If yuu’d reach tho standard, Yon matt not delay. Do yonr Bible readings. There’, no other army. Rood your Bible every dny. Th. school will continue throsg Friday night when examinations e i ths bosks sriH be given. Burnley wl be graduation day when award* wl l be given thorn- completing ths wori North Carolina May ' \ Build A Cement Mill — >' Famine ef Thi* Commodity far Read Building Purport* I* Now Being Fait Mured 17.—Confronted 'i with a tfir.'Et fuminr which, it bi ntutod, nay wrioatly handicap road 1 cc './t ruction in thr state dUTlng tbc tirat yrar, the State Highway corn er *r.’•*)! t* v*u roiiiidcring the ea lublirhrmnt of a cement factory aomewlirre in wc»trm North Caro line. Cwnnur*!jiicrr Bill, Cox and fiene* .i*vc been appointed mem bers of a. committer to luvcitilrate llw mlviaability of the rataidlahreont af eiieh u cement milL It would coat <1 ii Mllmated $250,000. but would ev. ntuul'y take cart of the entire de mand Toi roan eenrtruetion in the 'tele. COWS INFECTED WITH TUBERCULOSIS Total Of 246 China Tubwrculln Teit In HirMtt County Last Weak T»» reaction* retoltud from the ‘.ub.iruhn test of 24« Harnett county •anil' complete*! Friday The tarn re ictAm* were found neat The W /l* mm- made by Dr. L. 1. Fanlk i.U. i aaairlant State veterinarian, of Rukljrh. and Dr F L. Virwon. of the "Vllttau of Animal Industry, Fayotte siifc. About one-half of tile tcaU I were .n and around Dunn, tlioag-i no reaction* were found in ihv vicinity. Among the cattle tea led in and ■••"•• Dunn were: 24 belonging to Worth X. l'opc, who conduct! a daily here, 27 belonging to E. W. 8m‘th. 17 belonging to Warren Bro ther*. 12 belongnig to W. M. Jack aoi , 7 belonging to g. OodwinJ end 3 lo R Gardner. A* hat been atolod ia The Dia-j raalely $2,000 lo ftnance th« tea ting of al the cattle In Hafnett county. The money appropriated by tho comi ty comrr.iiaionrn, wonld be yuppie tnented by a like amount from the "tele -ud Federal gor.. mmrnU. Tuber.-ulin to»U of r*Ul* arc be ing made in twenty-one No-th fa.-u liiwt rountica at thia t IS*, including t'umbcriand. Robeton. f •otlaad and Wakti. It la otimaiod lYil there arc around $.000 cattle in H ..-nett eonn V If it take! a year to complete the 'otic, the coat to the ecunty arill not 'xrea-d $7,000. If the cork can be Li.nipl.-trd in leva time, U.en the tod vill be lean. - A 1 citir.-na who arc interentc l In •he pi sin to huva all the rattlo in ije | county ‘.riled rhould make It known , In the board of county eommiation j era. — name* & Holliday Co. To Have Removal Sale Proposing To V.uU TUi. Fund. turo Sturo Boildisg—Will S.ll At Big IUd.«ti.B After an occupancy of nearly ten yean Tito Barnet and Holliday Com. pan is preparing to vacate the Big loobtn-storc badding in Broad St., crhleb H baa ueed for ita furniture, >nu*le and trunk department 11)1! building, constructed 20 year* ago by John Ellison Wilson and later tranafenod to B. 0. and M. A. Tov-nsend, waa punhtiod last month by the Fleishman Brothers Company and this rammer will be remodelled to aerve the (term af that company i after the beginning of nest fall. The Ramus and Holliday Company I Will conduct n special sale, beginning . nest Wednesday, to dispose of the . crouter pert of the big stock now tunned in the two floors .of the building. The stock remaining after thla sale will be moved to one of hn Barnes and Holliday warehaoacs behind the building. Later Iu tbs year other quarters will bo aeowrod tot Do accommodation of these de partment* and the company will re plenish ita stock to the point it hai boon in former times. Ilptil the organisation of the Chamber of Commerce a little naan than three yean ago. the Samoa eed Holliday furniture show rooms fur nished a meeting place far the tori. »*< organisations of the community It wn bare that the Chamber wai born, and it was hare that some al the bigger things of Dunn had the i i adoption, ft wn* one of thn joys ei i> ***« life of the late M«D. llolUda) II that he had ae convenient a place foi ) r meetings of men and women whi :. wore striving to Improve the town hi | Ladies Dunn’s i Men Out-Claeeed Opera At might hare lailici outipclled iaelodln* lawyer*. doctor!, I and other the old I lime epellin* , Frday even In*. Cooper who Mn Je**e P. a eloee tee cad. At ear lad* It, “ft look do lime for put the men eul of the ad, yet eome of the in the lineup rmiAt world. White the the the door to fit. The "hoa” wi iua plrrt of the ao <iety of the and the proceed* will aoelaty. Arid* from the from the tpelltn* ®» ucal »m*ram id the occatlen aa a plaaw in* affair. Brighter Cotton w.J«ed t« A which it is ia the crrctien at a mii* weet ef Dm ef the Johnten Cette* fmn Congremama H. An ti t-vnc need arked to Ur pnject. It u ptanpo «f the nock locally *tork te t*rf te in nUuitfiM oil weekly poeeibie eltJasaa at Ole te its re af West Broad from the and fIM worth of etotfcliig, Inetodkw si* mar's lata, a Btar.ker of wom^S.’m skirts, a supply of tin, ink handbuebiefs, sUk hos iery, ihirt. 2nd Entir-.ce through the door in ifco the bwildiny hy ‘he r-t of an bar, which the rc‘f.eta ’aft the star*. The cor wa* loft open, .flier* - r.o due as to rubbers were end no Litojta yet boon mode. Robberies of a wan made at Salma and at or the tai-.e Bight, k il h boHeesd -J> eome that the bore waa H * work of an organised band af Whirr ee, ope rating'In this part sf 1 the Stats. 5a_i DEVIL SEKT MESSAGE i LORD TOM> HIM TO OOl Winchteeter. VtL hearth II.— '"The Deril irnt Mud • BtMip »"d the Lord told h|a to go” lilior od George Hoi land’ nogro mtateter ol Upperrllfa, Vo., fR tho ore of Mo dapnrtore for os tmknown deatiaa t*on fallowing mtffi ooroml day* ago of on alleged Jboolenfeg letter -aid to here bean rigaed “K» Box Elan" V, The sheriff aald thf letter to Hol land contained a thpm ^ohtm the •ninleter’e |iTo. Helifkd. ho eold. dm dined otferx of podhoatfoo end de rided to leave tho aatemnnlty. MISSISSIPPI! TOMUDO KILLED SB PERSONS Memphlo, Toon., March 17.—The human toll in tho "hltell, which mrpl northwoot M iaAoMppt Hiiinhy •oa Ineraaend to BSModfht with the death In o MompMo f OQjltQl of Kn N. H Rich, lajarod when hor heme at Borage wot dombhohod, the. no Mlgt of belated odriMo from Mae nio reporting tho dftth of Are no groae in n form ntlMwaot near thol town and farther raMfte of few ae. (roe* killed near RdjgHRi In Pteteli county » - -L. There la do nbaMRto Set thoroogl and timely fnhlratdeo.QRd thh lergo b determined the AfM agtaama e ***** mtet ' lortd; ha aVnraya eg. fted to ylao ' 'he building end Radfmwldhtaga a i the Hiopoeal of mah j»nhp 4 ' Poultry Expert Will SpMk Here Tburedej *«•»«•« Will Mm Held H. Ual Op •ra Haaia At )iN P. M. / I. 0 Wanton, of the Poultry Ir tanaloa Barrie* of tha Bute Depart «ral af Agriculture, will addiuaa Um chicken fanciers and poultry raJaen et Dona and the Dana DUtrict Ic tlie opurm Haase Here Thunder af tcruaon af thie weak at 1:19 o'clock Mr Warden u an experienced pawl try man and will gUr# deatonatrattoiu in cuBlag, (electing, ate. Pool try la an* #f Ike weapon* with wkieh the hall wecrU it la ha faaght and all who are interacted in poul try, and sthen aa wall, « Ho did hear ! Mr. Warden. Re member the date ant Naur and b* an hand. SATURDAY WILL BE SCHOOL FIELD DAY A! Aside tram indoor contract and tn address by Representative N. A. Townsend of Dana, tha following ft rid dsy contests will ho bold at ths eoanty ssaaaaaaasst at Lilllngtaa Saturday af this week, March 24: PMk dances aad stunts by Aral grade. All Dp Indies Hub race, sis giria, dlriaarc M yards, bean b^; kick, SO yards and back to line. Cha rset race. S beys. » yards and back ta Use, flag aad bottle race, 10 feet frasn starting line to first (circles II feat apart!, 104-yard relay. 4 giria. I-logged race, 2 bays, distance U yards, aver tbs raps relay, I girls, *4 yards, wheel harrow race, t hoys, distance M yards, partner relay. 4 hay*. The fallowing areata fay bay* win he galng aa at the same ttae aa those naan j abaea: hall park: 100-pard Stab, baya sear 14 yaars of age. lQg >asd dash, bays uadtr 14 a*sa af age, lOg-yard dash far giria, Miftri daab far giria, tfO-yard dash far boy* over 14 yean of aga, 1-mHe relay, bays aver 14 years af age. The championship basket ball gama will be the last avesri an the day's program. Teacher* will please see that aU pupil* stay la tha place* designated far the different school* Eneh'evc“t will be called by mega phone frci i the grandstand. Th* contestant* will taka their places on the ftoid at once. Ths wiser In each ere at will be •rvrn a cr.rd designating tha prise won This 'j to be presented at the booth who- tha prises hr* awarded. Prat. B. D Bunn af Dann will di rect tha Rr'J day program. ACID MAM POUND DEAD ON RAILROAD TRACKS Salisbury, March 18—Martin U Heilig Aged SO, of Granite Quarry, this county, was killed Has morning or the Yadkin Railroad. Coronet Newman wBl hold am IngneM te da. j teratine reuse af death. U la Npr#» I rd that the east bauad pamengei train struck Haiti* as be walked a lang tha track. IN CRASH AT PALMYRA Tartars, March IS.—R. L. Moore and J. K. Baas, conductor and flag man, reapeetivaly, of Souths ru freight trail No. SOP, ware Instant)] killed early this morning sear Pol myre, when thoir train wea crashes lute from Me rear by Atlantic Coal Lina train Na. SSI. The na aidant eo. earred an a acction af track of Um Atlantic Caaat Lina rear which th< Soathern la alowcd to epcrati freight trains. Tha engineer and Ataman on Ux Coast Lina train were slightly la Jared. Tush a can and Um edhsaoi at the Rsnthsrp traia were amoahai lute bite, white tha angina of tte Coast Lina train aria derailed It i •add there was a dense fag at thi time which prevented the »wgte>« and fireman oa traia Na. Ml frua •rote* tha train ahead. Both of the dead moat Brad a Portsmouth and are (arrived by thai widow* and famHiaa. J !j h 4S ooumUaa of the Btete, I.T10 [.POP eosftoioem were Had with ana load prods eta with o vatim af |ST1 . PtS. ■•lariSig to Mre. Jana S. Mi I tlmani af the agricultural axtot B.W. Hodge. Passes Al Advanced Old Age ■ Oulh Ctm tarty Iwky Miwhg Fattening Inntl MwSt Burii W. Hedge* 4k.iI early Sunday morning at hi* hoinr-. 4 ntUr* anal of Dunn fallowing an cateiided I tin ant. Deceased wa* in hi* 88th year, being cno of the pioneer cttiami* of the Conn DUtrict. He is earrHrod by hi* wMow and aia children, three daagh U'M -Menlamr* W. M. Mood*. F. & Honda and R H. Mood*; nail thieo *»•*- J. Want, Coroelita* aad H. T. Hodge*, alb of whom He* In Ike wmi eeaaimnity. Tao fimer*1 waa condoned from C ore Fvctbytarlaa church by Rev. A. R. MrQneen. tbo putor. Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. A large crowd attended the fuorra) aad the grace woo completely covered with beauti ful final offering*. Interment waa -made In the March cemetery. Mr. Hodge* wu we'l and favocab ly known throughout tt’.a oootloa aad Had many friend* wao will regret to lean of hi* death. Ho wa* a Confod oraM veteran, having carved practi cally through tlw Civil War. He waa a brother of the lata Coo. R. Hodge*, who died tome two week* ago. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE Questions? A tra*-fal*c rxamfnatloa 1* Mag «!»««> k many high *cheoU and col leges through tha different depart ment!, to ir«t the pay ill knowledge af rtaterncnti as he kaare them tn the •*»■!>• welkH of life. When a Mate, neat it made Ay any one it can be traly aaid that It la time or fake. It ■* n good him far men indlvWtaal to qoaetkn each statement that ka ta ■boat to my—da what I am a Wat ta My traa ar fabel The following itatemeata wan takaa from a rtudy af bialagy In tha tooth grads af tfe Dan high aabaai. k thirty *1 natal, ftg |N li ■ wefl? Any mcrnbir af tha Waltgy dm wiD be gtad ta aaraaat year paper, fait arrite tha ward true ar falaa at thi and of sack itilimml 1. No TtidkiM can Hri aader the water. t. A fiah has no aalhrary glands. I. rah are wed for food. t. Water animal* migrate Ilka land animals A A frag can not Han in the wa ter. A A frag ta born without lego. 7. Ohickena era ham Wind. A Dimams ara eat inherited. I. The offspring 1a a part of tha ancestor 10. Most people Aoiirrt la the Darwin theory. II. Hybridising ta practiced by ruck raison*. IX. The home and caw are eat domesticated —1—* 12. Moat poapl* Mirra la Mmgtn iea, 14. Blood trll*. 1*. Man cannot improve hia aa viroomant 16. Bath plants and animals ate mada ap of colla. 17. Wa noad ta practice hy*ieo* of ttio bona. It. Tha Hear U a respiratory or. taa. The atarap brala waifba a> boat taa panada. •0. A working aaa nor da only about 1.000 ealorloa par dap. 21. We arod more ealorloa alula aaiaop than while at troth. 22. Tha largest pareetit of aOk la water. U. There are at carbohydrate? a milk. 24. Una's diet ahoatd bo lacieM <nl aa hla work frrraataa 26. A growing poraon aooAa more food thaa aa a*ad poraon. 26. Wo aood more food la winter > than la aantmm. 27. Adulteration of food la pro 1 HbthaJ by law. 26. Alcohol la a food. 72. Tobacco «a aot dotrhaoata] to I south. * obis la di goat I on. ( 21. Ensymaa comps* a Hqeid to i Bid la dlcaotioa. r 21. The thrrr io larger thaa tho i long* 22. Blla has no haocilea la 2w t body. r 24. Tho fanctloa of villi la to ab mth food. 22. Alcohol doee aot offset db r motion. - 26. Tha blood has only ana Ida! r of aorposelo. h 27. The body ta one fourth Wood <• 22. Tho heart aid* ia Wood sir n I eolation. 22. Bath plants aad aabaal x COLONEL WATTS IS FINED $100 Hr»k 15.—renew lew. aa* Comraiaaiaaar A. D. VmU ty pvated atttkpacfcwnr to th* ftalafeh '•mjiWtpal coart tM* mmrmmt. aahaait ‘*■4 to chary* of “aid aa4 in praatiUrtJ™^- arhiok { •'« laaicaattor. * «oad f 100 aad H» eats* kart _ ttoi atokt train and waa to tko . :-—m whaa room irTMil After .uktntttinar aad paptoc kla ftoa. k* wont to tit* • h*r* ho haadtad i if work damariMy hi* i ton prepared to loan too oft* dor toy tfra eftenwn. Owiac to -too Oaata of Catoaal Wotta. which had aatotod far aaoM tin* aad totta* aeata the % mba nataiunto bttnyhl etearya* picfenad ayito I waa farced to aak i M« com tote* *r fear •a e,:y <*€!«« of aldla, and l>l<W| to CroUHatfoa follow, * th* ,taad la. to. b, him to. *•tat. Wkaa to- / ftean dMrooorod • now MW ka rcata the bod la hte ptoaH — ®°nd«y afefct In JaHtir to atori* tod the ehar*. and toe »«t da, mat to re nation la 0*NMt Morrteon. •f a roan* omploy, of'lKb anmt aad a iterated friend that 1m b* far tb« pirMtnaa *f to* womimto llte room. Colonel Watt* voted oat rcjdted that M 1 got IW aad I ate. Vha I8b8w gpfPj W&m S&KsSa Ml too downfall to aa •ralj. poMtteal »ekiaa for h» Chariotte DUKE NEWS _ Dak*. March JO—A -rrtfni at tbs Community Club waa hold at tha Ub nif lul Thu reelsy Bight. The meet <"r was sysasd with prayer by tha ■MsnWn, after which sever ‘ tieaJ i Mis* Bri4ge, •a boar to 4a a samtn at BB^K Mias Cantwell, librarian. Is of ibn oiah with other the (Mb holding th* was Toted to hoU a month. A fall moathe t*t st tiU atsetlng. Ms ay. Wti is credit to tha student* of tba saaaty. is replete with tha boot from sack school hwrlsg sms published ia It. Thomas W. “ principal of tbo local giaisd school, is editor ia Mat. Mr*. B. W. Hick*, at «( sprat the week mi hero i parents. Dr. sad Mis. W. T. A. A. Hswtey of QsotsaU. waa a week end visitor here. Mho Allies Byrd < rpent the wook cad ‘ Of her sister. Mr*. O. B. U*d# 0*Qaina ' lar. wMk with roUttess at Mew* eomiac from MUa eat ing* Is to tbo effort that Btowsrt Be Roy is mskteg s (treat bid for Om atjnfiK rwrnnn on w* ubtimoo bssebsll tsoas. H* is th* son at Mr. • sad Mrs. r. M. McKay sad is ill Ms senior year St DavMasa ftfBk th* selection of B» j ty high sebosl liBsBil baa lasted fay tbo coaches at sack It was foe ml Brat Daks _ sas sMsshsr SB M. £pay, tha Mam ■

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