AGED SCHOOL HOUSE HAS SERVED US DAY Served lU Generation Wall, Now Give* Way To Con solidated Building Fale on, March 23.—Saturday laat witnessed the passing of the old Eire Oaks nrhoolhousc out of the potsessi on of Cumberland county into th< hands of a private owner, the school listing boon discontinued when Houth Kivar consolidated school opened. Thus paaeua one of the landmarks of this section, and some items in com,notion with it arc worthy of note, Mias Marcie E. Hall began teaching in the old log school-house thst pre ceded this one, on the land of Mr. Isaac Strickland, close to Uie old An tioch Baptist church. This was away back In the 90V The old log echool houae becoming dilapidated, it was tbandonril, and for ■ time the same building was used for church and school purposes. A firs destroyed the chuich. and after a lapse of possibly a year, a school was built on the present location, the land for same being provided by Mr. William Cul birth, father of J. A. Cuibreth, well known in and around Dunn. Nias Hal] had among her pupils a young man, who afterward became her husband, changing her name to Hurling, and the is still in active sar vlce teaching, being In tha Wade achool, where her daughter aauista rdeo. Mis. SUrling began teaching thirty-live years ago, and has been teaching morn or loss—mostly more —ever since. in* ecnooi committee was com posed of three men who hare died within the last ten or twelve years, vlt. Messrs. Isaac Stockland, C. W. Starling and Albert Gainey, the foo mcr two being laid to rest In the old Antioch cemetery In Falcon. Mias Hall taught (or four -r-riini. hegiai^tg, a* well a* bar memory aarraa, In the lltLM term Sahdaia in those days received a maximum of mtSk emeit by the money available in tha county treasury, and patrons of the school were assessed ji proportion to their children to make ap the bal ance so as to hare a four-months term of school. There wore no grades, and no elas *• we have them today, for there was at that time no uniform set of textbooks, and the children last pro cured the book* they coaid though Herrington’* Speller and Coiaw and Ellwood’t Arithmetic were promin ent. Of course the old "bhis hack” speller had its place also. The above conditiona tended mere io individual instruction than is pomi blc under the present - day system, end Mrs. Starling says the children were not only taught the rudiments of education, but also strong effort was made to mould character. Aa to the name of the school, the says that when the building eras erected, at a tort of informal con ic reM* on the ground tom* one of the children, teeing an old oak root which had ipruHK up into five branches, thus making a five-forked tree from the root, said, "Well, Micro Is a place called Four Oaks, so why not call this achool Five OaksT” and from then on that waa the name. The total attendance numbered about forty, and while aome are dead, tome havo moved and tha pupils kave scattered beyond the knowledge of their teaehor, soma still are known, a* follows: The daughters of Mr. William Col breth; Mn. C. H. Randall. Mn Clyde McClellan, Mra. Minnl* Bundy, Mm. Hattie Pata and Mra Manila Spence; Kr. J. L. Hall, now of Ben ton; Rev' W. 0. Hall, pastor of South Side Baptis t church, Wilmington; Alice McCorquodalc, married and liv ing In Lakeland, Fla; Marshal] Hall, of Clayton; tho children of Mr. Isaac Strickland, at leant the girls, Mattie (who mended Mr. H. N. BieseQ), Mr*. Mary Thrower, Mra D. T. John son of Kinston, snd to close the list of that family, the wall-known fos huntor, W. P, commonly known aa Andie, who hoc accompanied Mr. J. W. Draughon and othere from Dunn on ao many nights trailing Bli Reynard, Mist Hall's father, Mr. Morril Hall, woe a member of tho count) Board of Education, and hit norm may be seen on tho cornerstone el the court House el Fayetteville. Min Hall advocated some system with re gent ta Urtbeekr, and was asked wh] she did not petition the legislator) to this effect, hwt woman auffragi Had not than reached the stage when the ladles fait K their piece ta d< mush more than suggest to the atom ar sen what should ho demo in logi TOWNPOUTKAL POT WARMING UP J. L. Wade Will Ask For R. Election, Two Candidates For Mayor Every day. In every way the towi political pot if,Mi warmer and warm *r. Since ihc last report of the "com Intf out" was published in The Di» patch J. I.. Wade, present mayor has announced thst he will offer fo re-election, while W. H. Newborn haa announced that he will offer fei re-election as commissioner iron wanl No. S and P. A. Lor has madi it known that he will offer for re election as rominisaionar from Wart No. 2. E. L. Cook haa entered tin i»ce for commissioner from ward No 1. Mayor Wade's rntry into thi "riruc" moans that at least two can didates for mayor will htvo to be voted on ia the April primary, J. W Whitehead havis* previously announ ced his caodidacy for thst office. Mr. Wade has nerved the town as mayor for the pan two years, while Mr. Whitehead served for two years pro ceed In* Mr. Wade. The time for "cominjr out" is yet a loo* ways off, and others are ex pected to enter the ruev as the pri mary draws nearer. Since the above was written R. M. Warren has announced that he will offer for re-election from wanl No I. Big Still Captured; Five Men Arrested OfiGc.r. Mod* Kick Haul la Saiow «• County W»ia». 4-7 A« the result of 0 raid in Wert biook township, Sampson county, Wednesday A. B. Adams, special pro hibition agent, brought in a 40-gal lon copper whiskey -util] and flee men. Foot of the mon—A. H. Daughtry. D. R. Strickland, A. J. Ja the fifth—W.M. 8 trick land on hw way to the still carrying 104 pounda of augar. Approximately GOO culloiu of beer found at thi still were destroyed The fire men arrested were brought to Dunn and carried before United State* t'ommiaoioner E. Lee. All were placed under a |20fi bond except l ones, who is said to be only 14 years old, fur appearance before Mr. Lee Saturday at 2 o'clock. Mr. Adams was accompanied on the raid by Officers W. F. Nippers, of the local police force, and L. W. Tart, special deputy. The still was a dandy copper outfit and was being operated In fall blast when tho offi cers reached the scene. While Mr. Adsou has been success ful in capturing many stills and ar resting many operator*, the haul made Wednesday ix considered one of the richest yet made. lativc hall*. However, a county ty* tem of textbook* was adopted by Cumberland county, which waa on* of’the flrat. If not the first, to adopt such, and Mia* Kail had tha privi lege of looking at many hooka that were sent her father by publishing house* anxious to have their hooka adopted. She saw tha necessity of a state-wide system, for even with the adoption of a a*t of books by the county, this left no provision foi children who might move from one county to another. In spite of then# drawbacks, how ever, Mrs. Starling state* that ah* believe* than* waa more real work dene in laying the foundation of true and permanent education and build ing of character than the present ays tarn affords, for the instruction being ae largely and noceaaarOy individual the teacher became interested in hei pupils to tha degree of attachment and to contrast the conditions thor 'nr' rtw the called attention to th< fac*. t' at during the time ahe teaghl at Five Oaks ah* never heard a pro fane word about the achooi groom1 and only once during that tint* dit *h» aran hear of one such lnstene* on the way home, which waa report*! to her and duly corrected. To kcei track of the movcmonU of the ehil Hron and their deportment she hat a ryvtara of detection In operation of which meet of the children wan , ignorant, aa it could net be said tha ! not hearing of wrongdoing urn* an; I Indication that It might exist Shi { said -that thcr* eras no fifbtihj among the children, nod In feat ah axpreaaed beinadf enthusiastic ally t the affect that In afi bar cnperlenc ef teaching aha ha* never hail a bat tor er more orderly body af pupil ► than tfcoae In the Uttla achoot at Tlv Training School U A Decided Succea Flea-Cay.- School At FI ret Bapth Citarch data. Thl. Ew Thr annual training ackool, whic opened at the Fitat Baptist chare Monday evening and will cloaa thl evening, he.* been well attended an much interact has been manifeoted ti the retired of study pursued. Thor urv two clow perioita each ««cnln{ with an intermiuion of 30 mlnutaa during which tims lunch la served b; the T. hi L. Claes of the Bunds; school. The program each evening ha been boln entertaining and lnatrue tive and no doubt the school srll bear rich fruits in creating more In iciest ,n the work of the church am Sunday school. WILSON FARMER KILLS HIS WIFE John Barms* Firs, » Tims, Three Shot* Taking Ifxl Wilton, March 22—Wohn Bam*., a farmer of Wilaen county, aged is, i» in jail here charged with killing hi. wife, Bertha Adami Barnet, 2£. at right o'clock last evening at the home of Henry Bunn at Five Points, a suburb of Wilson. Mra. Barnes arai shot In death. It it Noted that Barnet and kit wife hod separated recently, ahe and their email children going to lie# with Mr. and Mra. Henry Buan. to friend, \r*terday Burnet approached local uOicial. stating that he wanted to get his wife to return to their bore* four miles from Wilson to live. A. *. Leonard, local welfare Kfflcer, late vr-storday accompanied Samoa t* the Bann home and they InUrviawad cd to the Suon home in aa automo bile and hit wife is said to have contented to go with him. The three children had entered the automobile. It Is stated, when Mra Bam as moved I toward the house. Barnet Bred flve ahota at hor three takiirg effect. Bonn telephoned for tho police ami Barnet waited betide hit wife's dead body until the ellicers arrested him. He will he given » preliminary hearing before Justice W. O. Pearson Satur day morning. No inquest will be held. Wow'l Even Free., in Dunn? "The fact Chat a live boll weevil wat seen on the streeta of Dunn re cently is. proof that the little ras cal* are not easy to freesa,” say* the Dunn Ditpatch. And wa always Iho't Dunn was such a hot /Httia town I—Harnett County Xowa. Oaks. Asked as to her opinion of the present day movement toward ran so lidotion of schools, iho said sh* fear, cd that the moral condition* would not he SO high, for in gathering all kind* of children and throwing them together, unless they wore strictly su pervised continually, there was grave dangor that the few had ones would demoralise many other*, and It to alee her opinion that a smaller percent age of teachers now art as much hr. tereotod In the charaetor-buildim phase of oehool life an they are In ths financial remuneration. One thing deplored woo the lack of home study and the said that un 1e»» some plan* sr* devised to sn force study during the oehool period there will be a groat lack in the men l«I development of the rising genera tlon. In fact iho ha* decided to eoaM teaching the higher grade* and fi back to teaching the etomentnr] grades, whore a good foundatiei mast be laid or the whole education el effort* will be ineffective. Million* of iloilaiu are being spen In North Carolina in the erection o beautiful school buildings and equip ping them with all the latest dervt*# known to promote education, bu would It net bo well to have sons of those older head* consulted befor wo discover that building* and equip > Btcnt will not mansfactaro brains! If Mrs. fftariirig’s candid epialoi 1 t*** ths child of the little oao Uach ! or school learned more that waa * I permanent vain* In the throe or hi i month* than is generally learned nan > in the eight and nine month* tom ** might adapt the phraao af tti . Kansas editor and aak: "What's th i matter with our system of edooi l tlon!" i * I'roclaLaVioiJ ' ¥ Wbmu. the lAul I ¥ Clean-Up Campaign mZ re. ¥ suited in many odvantMb to ¥ cumin ubity life throAaui ¥ 11m United States. ^ t ¥ lu safeguarding heaBk , ¥ In promoting thrift M. ¥ In farthering Bra aMpon ’ ¥ Uon. W I ¥ in stimulating cl no Aida; ) ¥ and m making th« «Am>e , ¥ and City Baaatifal." S r ¥ Now, Therefore, I H ¥ known that the weak^kfa ' ¥ nine March Uth, h^Baan ' ¥ named far a real ca2Kign ' ¥ of pcraioUnt and f|Alf* ¥ live effort in elaaning^Bkad , ¥ keeping it tip. In thif^Bfthy ¥ movement wo urge ai^BttS. ¥ acn to do hi*, or ka^^paat 1 ¥ port to make DngBln, ¥ healthy, thrifty, aeiSnnd ¥ beautiful. 9 ¥ <8iCr,ed) J. L. WjA, ¥ March Ct, IMS. Townsend To Boll Weevil cw.. Up w«*k with Cempeay Aad 1* Marvin Rw.bjp the which '■**» coma ta the Qbi» cral Utility Company Imon ot hta timo than ha fruan Mb nuBH-raas other aatloi* <>•*. Ben 0. Townee with Granville M. Ttlphm W*Aa organised the yran ago, hit manager and will ho April 1 by Mr Wnda. Mr. Townsend, hi* large farming will devote maeh of Mi to exprrimentatJea in irrmi nation. Recently aaeoclatad with a firm periowais thla yoar. Mr Waite, who la of the Wade (ap ply and cotton do rote moot of hit General Utility Company during the actlee cotton ginning month a Bo wna ehaa en to aueeacd % ~-1— 1 —I n lisa I of hn thorough knowledge of the nn-da of the cotton farmers and he. caure of hi* ability M«« executive. The General Utility Company, cot ton ginners and owner #f aaa ot the Urgeat cotton storage waruhoweei in Morth Carolina, la the Mggoat abi de cntorprlao in Dunn. It* plant her* lepreaent* an inviatmwrt of approx .mauly 1*50,000 and la dovatad aa llrdy to the ginning ot loag aad abort staple cotton and tha atorag* of cotton. in* giant gin* h in* company am capable of turning out 10,000 bake of cotton every aoaaan and la 1021 ilid gin more than 7,000 bale*. The ginning plant ii one af the meet eom >’ plotety equipped in the cotton bait of ' the United State., having every eee • vanieuea for the rapid aad eflciaat handling of cotter, from the time tt I leave* the farm wage* until H it , leady for ihlpnvent *r atorage. The rtorag* waiuheuaea have a capacity af mare than 12,000 bale* of cotton aad hava been fiHad dec* early in the praaaat amiVettag earn ion, in epite af !*«*• ahipaaent* which have been made from them from time to time. Tbe arareboaatl were renetractnd at a e**t af conwd orabty more than $10M0O aad hava eonercl* ■hipping platform, an bath the AUaatle Coast Line aad Dur ham and Southern Railway, The en tire plant la equipped with (Irinas) Arc extinguishers which add much to th* misty from fir* W. Lett year th* plant »u perfected to the paint at which lbr. Tewneend aimed when the caa^aay- waa orga nic oil. For month* hit Other burfaaaa InUraata had mad* large call. upon hi* time, bat It am* thought bad Mat t he Anlah th* project bufort any f, change eboultl be mad* la th* man. - agemeat. With the plant complete la l every detail aad It* baalaa** running 1 In perfect tun*, he fa*)* that the » rompeny will be able la give area i better aervte* under th* maaapaMMt - of *o able a man aa la Mr. Wad*, wha eaa give H a greater degree af > personal attention At mow aa Mr. Tawttaaad I* to* f Moved of Ma duties at the Oeaaral r. Utility Company plant h* w«, fa* * the taring months, davwta hi* entire » ettentien pa Ma enklvatioo of a 78 l ner* potato patch, a lUtn nasty > earn Acid aad dm piaymwtkb af Me >' plan far th* bog woevQ MpHlUMi ia th* SO-aer* cotton Sold Hi* cat S F*iu Tan Stone. But May R*cove i ^ Hailur* Nagi a Tataa Pkag TW^gh Skyaaoopov Elr vetee Haft \i Groroahoie, March *1_Hortila k 4own «■» atari** through as elcra tor ihaft la tha 17-*tory Joffaraoi Standard Life Jnturance Compan; | holltiing hare lata yesterday, Doagia t»»h a Georgia nacre, la eUU aliri at 10 o'clock tonight with a ehaoct to recorer although in a drape r-aU condition. The negro wn on the end of a plank that pro Joe ted Over aoothai elevator (haft when a descending ole rator hit tho plank throwing bin ‘‘own another ihaft. He hit hear* «mtrheH over the shaft at practical) every ttory coating down and landed on a pUtfonn over the hole on th< fourth floor. He started at tha tenth floor He haa a broken leg in tw* placea and iajarica oa the head. B. WEEVIL EXPERT WILL COME TO DUNN Will Work Amsorng Pumti «l A* the revolt of persistent effort •poo the port of the Duo Chamber of Commerce, W. Brace Mabee, bail weevil specialist from the Bute Do parement af Agriculture, baa been assigned to work among the fonaan of tb* Dunn District, with Dana as headquarters. Mr. Mabec expects to begin hi* work about April I. He and Mm. Maboo were here yesterday ing plana for moving from Raleigh to Dana during the next few days. In fact, Mr. Mdbac boa already brought a port of bb working equip ment to Dunn. Mr. Mabee hoe mod* a special stndy of the boll weevil aad hi* ac tivities for a number of yean and M reeofrniasd by the State Dsaaat aiaag the South CaraUna State Hno, inrlading Scotland, Richmond and Robeson. Ho win teach the farmers gm hand the heat-known methods of rrowiag cotton under boll weevil condition*, giving to thorn the bene fit of hi* long study in this special work. While hi* work 1* free to the farmers. It will be to their interest to co-operate with him in the work. Hie plans are those that have boon trie,! eat and found by the twine ment to be the moat effective ia cem katting the weevil. He plans to hove teat farms la each locality, where de monstration* la Hasting with calcium of arsenate will be giver. Ia eacurieg Mr. Mabee to week nmong the farmer* of this section —former* who have had bat little experience with the boil weevil—the local Chamber of Commerce has dona a good work and by co-operating with him the farmer*, and other* a* wed rfcoald r*ap rich revolt*. While Mr. Mabee will spend much of kt* time In the rural 41 strict* among the farmer*, ha will makt Dunn headquarter*. He will have aa offtoe la the Chtnvbsr of Comma re< room* where farmers who wish V convene with him wfll bo welcomed when he i* in hie oAc*. One of the Cast thing* ha axpeeta to do is to got ap ■ so operative or der for calcium of a mo-note, or far niah information aa to whero the pot aon can be aeeurpd at the lowest pH cea. Mr. Edge, county farm demon stratien agent wfll co-operate witi Mr. Maboo in hla work. Former Sempeon Sheriff L T. McLamb Peaces DU4 Seddsnly At HU Homo WW ■MUy Night Of Ay paplsay«Hf laham Tbomaa He Umb. af Hampton county, died nud .Untjr 'Wodneaday night about 10 e’ elack at hU ham# In H tiring town ■kip af igpaplesy. He waa In Ma tma al health up ntn a vary •hoot tbpg before bit death. Hr. MaLam* wna in Dunn the dag befeta hit teeth and tnlkad with a number af big fHands. He waa about 00 yean aid and * mrrhrad by Ms widow and several children. The funeral waa oendaatad from Dm home al « o'Meek tbit af trrneee and Interment tana made ii the family »amatary. An giber thing Dam n«id> a lar. I car weekly payroll. te7 arrange *U year wQ) be eat tntiotrtk af that af Inst year. DUNN LANDMARK IS . BEING TORN DOW Kractur* Will ft BMt Om^TImA. T. L— i “Boat* the Umrii. 'tout it boyar How many men now rcaidiM i« connect it with 4U u.or. the Iaiau tabic “a. T." whom "coraer" pau>i thia weak lata dui memory which hanaos aa maty thing. rtramUccnt of the earlier day* oi Ihii battling community we like U call the beat town under die mo. A. T. Lee, pioneer merchant enwoth trader. Infallible mony.mak er, moat intending of a «p»rM>nt galaay ef local eHarecWm of yaatar reai, hat been a memory ta — far la, the may yean; bat, la theae who knew MadvUla that waa Dana twenty yeaia ago, k areata but yam unlay that he wee buy at fcia far erib. pattlme of making money, lac ing Erntai Young and indulge in the too freqfuent ^periodicals" la •lured by the then legitimate local corn juice. vsu kjt, Known unui th* alder HtitMl ti A. T.’e -housed kb ■’em from tha town's uatfl sdvcnrfty ovrrtoo ttan |Mn ago and look olh«r Holds, far h*« boon with tho Ur. Lost work * building a few Lark now Iqmhi, and tho |wa little !(< were far a mo style af architecture Of the other J. M. Lop the west on Broad atre the new structure onco and will 'be time la the summer, detstoed, a large dry win occupy the A. T.' corner in the coraor of street, Ha eq sailor vancc af leaf af a giant aak aacnu ta the coming af tha new spring heralding tha approach af mg generation of fresh It stood there for years, hat toe stubborn ta die. tied its rafter* disturbing tha steep of ghostly memorial, min swept it. Arcs threatened. Its early cento* pantries succumbed to tune But it remained. Once, in the good old days, when CaL Haasic McNeil carried the chirrs speaking trumpet as head of the Duao Are department, before His advent of the motor driven pansy track, the fire laddies warn called to assist a fin in the eld building. Of course the laddias and Col. Has sle were going to pot the blase oat. If possible; but the fellow who turn ed in the alarm and a great number •f other (oik ware hoping that the department weald break a collective lag before H appeared on the setae. Bat the cussedneas ef the eld structure came Into play premotor*, ly. Whan the hoes mels arrived, the An* aubeidad of Ha own volition, in spite of the accidental over-tuny in* of a kerosene task la its In nards Just aa tha reals arrived, A. T. emerged from tho aide door, slightly scorched, but smiling. “Bests the devil, don’t it beys,’’ hr beamed apon the iHcappslatod ga thering; "the darn thiag won’t buml“ area, mom not without a pang of •mtimanUl grief, heaaaec trend H •ro wot an many memorial ad *a in fancy of Dana—a period la oar ex iataaca aa a community replata with dUBcaH taakv tragic incident and hiatory-making epiaodaa. Whaa that rid atractare Amt reared Ha bead preadly through Urn oaka which abaanderi In thit quarter of the rfl laga. theca won a la* of yoaay fah Iowa knowp to thrir co-workar* m ■klradyn Lac, Prel MaaaanyUl, Jim «y Taylor, Charley Wabb, Brata Yoang, Taylor Yoong. Raneon Tap lor. Job* and H«h Law. PSak PHk xwn. Bob 8kinner. Merit MaKay, Ah bort Harrell, Ooarpa Grantham Henry Hood, John CKffoad and a nomkir of athore wfco wore howtaj • town from the wIM cream and bwRA tag a faandaUon far aar prwwa graatwaaa aa a taw*. Maay of Haaai lure pga—< »*>. tearing a rich bail aogo to thorn wha bare fallowed aw are to faBew. j The rid bonding knew them « taair prime. H aaw them nor lit i CHIEF A. W. PERRY FOUND HOT GOUTY ►, Bum, _ * Wiv? &*3I adjourned at niWt aa.l durln* Ob rHm.'atl court a a*at of nrr« tea teeiU mte^t — tfUpate of. A. W. Peny. *hiaf af paliaa kata, finan ‘7 »f Halelph, Wat acuitu'd of aw muJiciatu af criaiiaal -♦ti-.. w kitting Paul Btaphaamn, a %aa»c ■nan af tkit ptaaa, an tha afte af D.rrmber 15, vhila at-r|1fu u baam a tar aa vtiiah «m OL & **atw te aar, «aa4 rd it ap jaat aa te paiUemaa waa attaaptiait ta bate it, thttew te diaekarpa, te’ MU* platta/tU^tNV throng*, the hath af te car and lata Uia ahatear aad bach af Atapbaaaan ??***** te paUreman te aat know thff te ykmaaa vat la te aat. W. B. Wan i Im If tfafa Bare 1 oared Dm Betel hnU » Altow parriah ■—< vg| n. taatga th» Hd. O. R. fafa fa tag 1-ITMlmi ll IMlUllL L. '•'* in dfaavMt parte fa the State •» have chat** The vrorVrr fa -pending central hundred Mfaa In bniltUng a lobby and thWlg M«ta an tb« fatad float fa tta MHta__ •baa Uiia walk fa-r'-t au h“tei wfll bo aae fa tba beat aaato pad in thia aaettan. Under yreeent pfaM Me town will de coaddmahk atMtt paring fafa T>cing. Petition tan* been «g*ed •Jraady far paring Mm principal bnri ne#» atraata fa Mu'tawn and atbar ortlUoaa call far naideatial paring It ia ptaaaad ta hn*d ta ell parte fa Mm town. - pafadafa fa tba Cttfa »« laJtMad favmafaffapfaMMa icSES MS#* prariag ia a i (ha rainy wiaMiw far «ha PM tan daya. Indication* am that faa aafa tea acreage will be fa. crcaaed intend fa MM* Tmr. PertUiaer aales ay to Me pme ent are ay to nonnal ar batter, N par cant of the farnaM paying cadfc Parmen ma ta to willii* ta da anytWnr «hay are uld to do In an (•do it toward* hilHfa oat (ha ball wmtO. except reduce acreage. Tba prevailing high prim fa eattoa fa toa great a temptation ta »rnr plml. It fa (cared. lire Holme* eaptarod a bald eagle Thureday mearuring eight fact freac tip to tip of tba triage. Ha My* that the hint waa firing over Mai carry tag aomethiag which it faippil, la Ha attempt to reearei the fact arti cle af food H became aatonglad ta *oinc riirabbeiy, Mhm eaaUtag hfaa to acrciaplfah what fa termed* mm feat. Ha ha* baaa vary y malar ta (be neighborhood (tee* he baa baaa •Haplaytag hfa catch. Mbs coming frem mi lee to Sad Jbc and hfa eagle, n order to mtiafy their coriocity State Bank & Truat -son *■» Om inii !• la A ran aado upon tho Mata nw TnatCiwmirkyia J-|-rt)ni Wedneodoy aad yeiteiday rirWtil la the eUotna of tha took y eotoidap af tcraaaa. A notie* ported aa tha door of th# bank building aad dpad bp Qoroaao Lottnua. chief Mata hank ■aaaWaar, road*. •‘Bank dmi In tbo haada of tbo fapoiallca Can 1 minion.” Mr. Loth** oaa* to Daao yotor. ‘ 'tor and after a eonforoan wMb tha •Mdah of tbo bonk tbo daoro am 1 Wooed. Tbo aeeoanta of tbo baah «H ' to audited bp tbo Mata bank oao ‘ iiwty aarty neat week, H H rnti. WWI* the baalt baa bad Mo ftaan * rial tyakleo. It ie aid Oat had B * not boon far tfco raa aada Mai II ’ that it otWI bar* not fcoootae rttti * tor, to dob* tta doom. Mot uatU Ha ’ orroanta hare tooa ibttbif oaa a ’ toftnJt* report of tfco HafcBHIa aad * aeaoto be rttalatd r -- to kick, bat It ttboa a Moo aaa to * poM. Art poa palHap for a "blpyor ” «nd o bettor Oa»r