fM "it it h t WON . ; ‘ %"/> •' MOM i ■Wm mTE M4fc| g Srw 1MM« Bo* W«*fi F< *tf« i Whltevttta, April 1.—Tha' aaU Ik k *»T tetila and friar ta Iho rimt afttawUaaMrinl it —a neth tag unoeenJ tar tha littea grown ta warfare Cntaaabui ta fra dan* tna ooe «e two babe of cat—ta the acre aftahd. . Tha hall —aril appeared 1a this ttrtlao during IMS. Bawaw. aa rj* dial of da—go a— daaa ta Tha aaaaaga pleated ta 1M1 —a >»0| targe and apprcshnatsly half af Uwt Crop wa destroyed by tbeae paatrtafly daatrasttaa paah Tha IMS atiaaga a— radnead Tie atari aixt par mm af that af 1M1 mmd about eighty par cant af that crap —a destroyed by tha ball weew >ta- Couaaqaently Colambua y1 ”■**"* wars almost convinced that it ia east ta aa impeasihttity ta product cotton ia the face af the weevil. Ta Sari aoaaothiog ta sidetrack an from cot too growing waa soon undertaken by n good many af the planters. Dairying and hog miring in vari ant Colunabut ia new tha order and bath af these indostriaa ara pregrem bg very rapidly. During the summer and tall af IMf seven or eight ears #f perkem wers shipped tram this county ta distant parking VMM IIkw, of Ward’* Station, to o—g«ii In dairying oa a good toned acale far a community of it* dee Prom eight hoed of mitten ho mp. pilot two mall towns—Carr* Gordo and Pair Blag—dally with milk and cream and hotter. A number of •tear former cotton growers in tea ngian around about Chadboam are engaged in dairying and from aS re port* tela industry to proving far ■ore profitable than cotton growing under boll weevil condition*. Late report* from those who have "lead and marketed hog* indicate that they are highly aatlaflad with tea result* obtained. It Is eethMted that during tha present year sans* fatty or more ears af porfcan* win ha railed and telpped from this coin-, ty- leu* wain* raiser* declare teat it to aat vary hard to penduea a *00 poand pig at the age of toy or aavon «he, white a nine monte* old pig generally tip* the >cal«* to 800 T* view the matter on on* tod*, tha h*S weevil Ha* wrecked Colam tem, oa tee other aide, tela peel has penned a blearing to an MU SOUGHT AM ECO BUT POUND WHISKEY Danville, Va„ Mareb SI.—School-' •old children who were taken yester-1 day evening an the premise* of Iboj Dnnvin* Country oh*b for an Easter rgg hunt found more than they bar gained for when one excited young firl fooad oh gallon* of llqnor Madly cached under a pfle of bretoi A Mere »r more children had Mattered aver the property where egg* had bean *e*r*t*d and an of teem ware seek ing teem when tea tittle girt, uacov •rad ate gallon jug*. The SckaoMUld •nteoritiee were notified and they posted the liquor oat Dunn Route One The peat wtek haa been a buy one km. A food a*any hart planted ■ona cam, and km hoard ad tame Manila* cotton. Bat, tfcb cold apaU am cam a halt la plan tin*. Same A ink that fruit dneath thia eoanmi lity haa baca killed by cold, bovarac aa tUak that the blooa* arm mat •at •oflbtent to bo kfllod. *ar. E. C. Shea. of Buia'a Croak, •reached at flprte* Branch Saturday tad flan day, aba* aa hia aabeeta. The Hty of Bafuco aad Tha FlabUn*! roach reepactrraly. Amoo* thooo ratarafn* homo froaa •choot far lHa Boater holiday* are: Ifcaoie. A. C. fidbu aad 3 H. Nay-, or, of Bate* Craah; I. P. Naytar.l N Waha Farm; Mia* Laay Naylor,' Rata School at SaJaafrarg; Mhaao Uaa Mao Bagwtt, Lola aad Oaaa rlara Jariuen. Pfeolaad; Mba Pearl llrtbiB, Carol tea (Mai ten); Mbaw Sadya aad JaowhoU Strickland, M. Mr. Ifcrfcf With ford, attenwyj 4 Oraabrflk, N. C., oblted hia yar.j Un. K. n. MeLood. of Bafolgh.' vMted relative, here the put week. •' Mr*. Dewey Slut*. «! Norfolk. Va. entered Sunday to ^ead Mao tteo with her Other, Bee. W. B. (Hover. Bew. M. W. Naylor hae hddit fntir P*Md for the lea feed daye bet tUBht he it tow better et preeeatl At ■ church conference of Sprint Brew* Net Sotnrday. Mr D. B. War ***• waa elected ewpeitateadent of the Sunday tebool «t feet yOee. B«ru>e laylap they here a pood Mu atSRd by hlea SIMPLE PC*UK. April t, IMA HARNETT COUNTTS NEW JUSTICES or THE PEACE Ttw Ufialatur* of INI appointed tho following Jarticao of the Peace for Harnett County for terma af ala yean each from tea firot day of April, 1923. Aadorooa’a Crock—J. E. Elliott. Barbecue—H. D. Cameron, John W. Campbell. W. J. Swann, John A. Bob. Black Hirer—N A. Matthew*. D. W. Denjriajr. Boekhoro—S. A. Lister, E. ft. Blanchard, c. E. Abernathy, A. V. Dewar. Grove—J. R. Diaon, t. L. Sorrell. Hector'* Crook H. S. Holloway, D. R. Smith, A. L. Baachom. Jahoeoneflle—W. A. Stewart, John Darroeh. L ill in (ton—S. D. Brantley, C. H. Blot*. J. U Muah. c. Rich. NeiH,» Creek—N. I. Koardon. J. V. Collier. Steorart’i Creek—L. H. Byrd, H. F. Traeloro. Upper Little River—J. Blue MeDo “W. W. A. Paco. D. W. Bub, W. C. B. P. Incram, D. A. Collin*.— Harnett County News. Mft. B. A- MOBBAM DIED MJNBBV . Bryant Alien MB pm. need 181 yanta. died Sandayi dtornlnp at hisj hMte. near Duke, 0 the Infirmities! •f old ape. Decease* tad been tn IU tadltk for w-rtnrt 'Bnartu and has death was not un expel Ud. He ie ear vhred by several chBdrvn. The foa «**i w«* conducted «t the prove jrcs tarday erominp at 1* o’clock by Revs. W. B. Strickland add AiWt McCall I and interment was made io the family I cemetery. 1 . fr-o- o—ft.-o-w o e o o o TOWN POLITICS 0 0- 0 0- 0—o D—g_.Q ■ Q FOB COMMISSIONER I hereby anaormte that 1 am a candidate for coenaUWeaer from the third ward towuef Dunn in the com bi* Democratic primary and will ap preciate your vote. WBBLBY R. THOMPSON. March SOth, IMS. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my eanadtdary for connMoaw, ftrat want town of Dunn, anted to «te action ef the Democratic yetaiilx a W. BUTLER. March *Oth. 1 m. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby annoanea my candidacy for the oflko of eemmiaeionor flrat ward, town of Dm, object to the action of the Democratic primary. R. M. WARREN. March SS. 1SSS. ANNOUNCEMENT " I hereby announae myaeli o aaa iUtUta far mayor of the town of Dunn eabjod tf the action of tho Democratic primary._ J. W. WHITEHEAD. Duma, N. C., Marah llth. - I I -LUR-1- -1_ . _1P FOR COMMISSIONER . i I hereby announce myeelf a eandi ili.M fer commluloner from tke Am* ward, town of Duan, oabjcet to the aetlan of the Dome crude primary. E. L. COOK. Marvh 20, IHI. FOE COMMISSION EE I hereby inn ounce myeelf a candi date for eooomUrioiur, fourth ward, of the town of Dunn, (abject to ae. tlb» ad Democratic primary. B. M. BREWER. March 16th, ISIS. CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR Subject to tke wither of the Demo cratic re ten to be exp retted la the forthcoming primary, j hereby an nounce my candidacy fer rite office of Mayor of the Town of Dunn. J. L. WADE. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myeelf a Candi da#* for committioner of the second Ward ef the Town of Dunn, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary. P. T. MAASENCILL. Dunn, N. C., March 16th. IMS. FOR COMMISSIONER 1 take this means of announcing myself a candidate for comm'« for comnuuioncr of the aoeotij wanl of thr town of Dutn cubjeet to the action of the Democratic pri mary. P. A. LXK. Much 29. 1998. I ATTENTION TO BUILDERS ’ WE HAVE DONE ROOF Ing (or tome of the finest building* in the tity. Pram- ! «rty owner* who renlia* tha > of reliability al. most invariably seek oar ser vice* without competition. They know we uee only the heaviest sheet tin wnu em ploy only skilled help and ' [ | •ee that every Job 4* < > thoroughly well done. Also ] ’ that our blit is always as modorate as w* can make •t. ;; We atao carry a general line of Shingles In Red, J ’ Green and Peach Bottom • > Bln* Black, Includag the ' ’ Lokfaat. All theae goods are < > Super Quality. See us before > you buy your Roof. I i/unn KWriTHa Amu LUKNiLL tu. Z Dunn, North Carolina . < Fertilizers and Seed! For lowest cash price on Fertilizers and highest price for your cotton seed see us. We will also handle Calcium Arsenate ;; this Spring which is recommended by the I government to be the most effective prepare- ; tion with which to fight the boll weevil. Let’s talk the matter over before you , place your order. ' » N. B. Lee and Fred Baggett agents for Lee County Colton Oil Company < • SPRING TIME is PAINT TIME Drives out Vermin The cleanest bouse to the world may suddenly derel sPJsPjjons of wiwtloorae The* visit win be tern* Bated quickly by proper use of RBO 8SAL Lye, used according to directions. Rats, mice, roaches, Seas and thafa ■hejust naturally cannot live with Kbo lui Lye, Booklet of uaas on request. Fun directions in each «« r* Market Notice! In order to treat my customers right I have deckled to classify my steaks as follows: Tenderloin, Sirloin and Round'___;..jfclk. Porterhouse. Shoulder, Clod_30c U». All pthcr substitute steaks_2Sc IV. Call No. 4 for what you want and we will be sure to serve you. If you don’t get what you call for imme diately don’t quit calling, but keep on until it is sent You won’t hurt my feelings as 1 want my customers • treated right . . > G. We Butler Your Market Man LUCKNOW SQUARE — DUNN, N. C. •We have a full line of ACME QUALITY paints—PAINTS FOR EVERY PURPOSE. We can also fill all your WARD WARE needs. Get our prices before you buy. N. A. Bell Company Dunn, North Carolina ANNOUNCEMENT! We wish to announce the opening of the Carolina Grocery Co., in Dunn. This busi ness will be located in the stand formerly oc cupied by N. A. Butler on South Clinton Avenue. ✓ We have a complete line of heavy and | fancy groceries, and are in a position to sup ply all your wants. Your patronage will be appreciated. Carolina Grocery Co. EARL L. DAWSON, Manigsr Phone No. 313 Dunn, —— North Carolina -;_:^ Notice to Depositors of the State Bank and | Trust Company Ail Savings Depositors are hereby notified to bring in their pass books at once, to be balanced by the Audi tors. All checking Depositors who do not receive state ments of their account by Wednesday, April-4th will noti fy the Auditors at once. i U this request is not complied with by the end of the week, this notice will be evidence against any clam* that. may be presented later. H. L. GODWIN, Receiver Juniper Poles— 7 laches across top $1.50 each l “ " “ $2.25 each 7 u “ $3.50 each * 7 - * ; - - $4.50 each Poles WlD Be Cut Down. • * * '***t”. ••• «-W* .. Dunn, North Carolina