THE DUN VOLUME X. * ^ DUNN, MOUTH CHILD KILLED IN CRASH NEAR DUKE Fir? 9^* Injurod Wbmm Ford PhiBfM Off 2S-Foo* Embankovoat Robert Norris, 4-year-old tea of Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Norris of Dake, wan instantly killed mod five others were injarwd, one perhapo fatally, Sunday afternoon when a Road ear plunged off a 26-foot embankment at the southern end of the bridge whleh spans Cape Rear river, four mil os Wuot of Dunn. David K. Hals, driver of the ill-fated car, received Internal Injuries and is not impacted to live, while both Mr. and Mro. Norris, po rsnts of the child killed, and another of their children were all eerioariy mjared and Mm. Esther Todd, a sds ter of Mrs Norris, auffered a broken nose and iatarnal is juries. Thera wore ala passengers oa the car when it took Uto fatal plunge, all of them being eltiaens of Duka. Ths injured were rushed to the Good Hope hospital at Dake moan after the arcidi-nt and ware attended by Dm. Holt, Bale and McKay. The antnma bdr was headed towards Dake, the party being oo their way borne from l.lllingtoa. It is said. According to '■■witnesses the ear waa travails^ at a moderate rate of speed, the driver apparently lasing control as It came upon the embankment. The child whoae Ufa waa snuffed out instantly suffered a crushed skull, his nark, both lagi aad oaa ana ware broken and be sustained ether bruises. The funeral was eoadwstad yesterday afternoon at t o’clock from the Norris home and Interment waa made in the family cemetery. Three other automobile accidents have occurred near Dunn enrimg the •!•»* three days, mention of which will be found elsewhere la today k pa per. FORD FROM FAYETTEVILLE TURNED OVER NEAR GODWIN A Ford coupe driven by a young mao named Vann, who Uvea in Fay ettevflle, turned over eu toe Drub* """ee^ma^^Sn^hmu^^^^rtS shield gad suffered an ugly gash to the face and on one ana. J. W. Jor dan af Dunn, who passed sooa after the aerideat, carried the couple to Fayetteville and the young lady waa token to the Highamrth hospital, where her woundt were droased. The car tamed turtle when the driver attempted to pass another ear on tho highway, it is said. DUKEROUTE TWO f>«ke, April S—Fire af ai. unde termined origin completely destroyed the Mission Presbyterian ehsKh, which was located near tha hone of Willie Ennis, Wednesday night be tween midnight and day. The Are was not discovered until early Thuto rtay morning, whan It had virtually gene its course, sad there was no possible chance of aariag any tob*. Thus far it la not known whether there was any insurance aa the structure or not, but it la believed that them waa aoL Tha lose ia eeMme. tod between »#oo and #800, aa them was an organ, which was prac tically nay, along with literature and other fixtures Rev. A. W. Lassiter, of Reason, was the pastor and Oree tus Ennis waa superintendent of the Sunday school. Early rooming vial ton aa the teens of the fire state that they saw several bam footprints which led to mad from tho building. They aloe assert that they am eoafldeat that it was tha Eerk of Incendiaries, aa a l.eavy downpour af min fell' Wed nesday night and R aa—ad hug rah a We that it should eeteh to any other manner. Mima *l» and Baby Tnrlinyton aatarUiaad a larya nmabar af trianda at a party at tha kaaa at thalr paranta, Mr. and Mia. U L. Torltoftan. Thtunday aiyht. Variana itaotM want piayad ta tha iaa*titoa> Ma delight af alL TaBowlag thaaa, ra fraahmanta war* tarrtd, altar arhiah tha asarmblad yaaata dayt* | tmt tbair raapaetira baton. Cariw H. Canto, af Balaith, la aptading aaaaral daya thia waak at tha heat* af Ma paranta, Mr. and Mr* WilHa Canto. Mira Mod la Marria, af tha Tar llnytan athaai fbraity. to tofdtag thto ant and at har hanta aaar Dnka WRnaaa H. Tarllaytan, Jr., af Ba !•*«♦», apaat tha pant waak aad with Ma paranta, Kx-Bhartff and Mr*. V. H. TmTngtaa ^Mtot^Etofcnto. af Ma Taiilagtaa WAKE FOREST IS WINNER OF SUIT Now York Court Clru Unan imous Verdict In Boot wick Boquoot W. N. Jmii, attorney for Wake rontat college, waa informed la a telegram received bat night that for the third time the court* of Now York have ruled that gbc college b entitled to the $1,S50,000 bequest contained in the will of the Late Ja in a A. Boatwick, Standard Oil mil lionaire of Now York. On farther appeal b poaaihl* but under Nrw York legal practice a eaae can bo carried to the court of laat reaort only on a showing of error and K i* thought here that yesterday's decision, which waa the ananlmoua opinion of three judgaa, will end the litigation which haa kept the colag* from recovering the bgacy for taro yoara. Under the will of Mr. Bostwicb. who died about JO yoara ago, the col lege wits to receive a Cruet fund, which ha* since grown ftow $200,000 to nearly aix times that amount, in the event ghat hi* daughter died with out leaving hair* who wore residents aixj cittaena of the United States. *1* Boetwick waa married three ttoaae before ker death la March, bat all of hor chSdraa live abroad. A guardian ad litem was ip, pointed for the minor children and the college', right to tbo fund was ear to*ted in behalf of the minor heir*-Raleigh New. and Observer. CONTESTS HELD IN CUMBERLAND F*lc«t and Collegiate bubtato Equally Mate had — Othar CaataaU HaM ' Falcon, Ayr. 9.—On Thursday night the trams af Falcon and Wart ingtan Collegiate Inititate delayed In getting pieced, and there waa no third school to font the triangle, the two schools arnha^ail debating reamt. Mr. Carl Ware sad Mian Annie Sue Virden going to Washington, and Mlaaca Baby Rey nolds and Pearl Bell of Washington coming to Falcon. Messrs. David add Knfat Edwards composed tbs boat team at Falcon. In each cam the do* cisisn was given to the team remain ing at home by a > to Ovote af ths judges, thus eliminating them two schools from the contort at Chapel H in, at which even both have bees represented in the pert On Friday night, at Booth River school, the Mack River township con tost waa held to I elect recitation, de clamation and spelling contestant! for the Cumberland county rtrnman cement. Three schools were reyreaeo tod: Falcon. Godwin and Booth Riv er. In the elementary girls’ recitation contest, Boise Jonas of Godwin was the winner; In the elementary beys’ contest, Raymond Bethea of South River; In the high school girls’ con test. Thelma Matthews of Sooth Riv er; in the high aeheol boys’ declama tion contort. Ruffin Willoughby of Fakon. In the spelling contest, Vara Sewell, of Falcon, who la also an to mato of tha Falcon Orphanage, won over the other fire contestants, there being two from each of the schools. ■** Wire irom vie IBCQXll •f Dunn high school, ns follow*! Profs. W. 8. Snipes end B. D. Boon, Mr*. B. D. Bunn, Misses Mattie Hen derson. Ethel Brain, Janie I pork, Re ehet Clifford and Blanche Grantham. Thor repressed their admiration of tho beautiful school building, situat ed so it Is out In tho country, beta* •t least thirteen mile* from either Fayetteville or Dunn. The Falcon. Band rendered a few selections during the program, God win and South Hirer school* each sang a rhotus. and sales were played by Virginia Godwin of South Bhrer and Miriam McLean of God. win. FRANKLIN COUNTY GIRL ASKS ASSAULT DAMAGES Durham, April L—MMu Irene Murray, Franklin scanty girl, has sa i hnl salt against John Haas, gf i Durham, for IIIJM damages. The . complaint fUed today allagss that | Plane .eeauMsd Miss Mu*uy, and , that "bar life hu bees wrecked, has kstith ruined, and she placed “In die frees forever." --. A bar haler may be loaeeema ai times, but be doesn't buss to play seeeud diddle to a pinkeyed pee die. Designs Of AD Paper Money To B« Revised »r 8p—ial CmltlM Of Traniy Officiate Washing Ion, April «.—Bacoouoen datioiM for a general revision of Ik* designs of all paper money hoes boo* almost completed by a special com miUcc of treasury officials and an ••xchangod soon to bo to mod tear to 8ucr*tary Mellon And, If the findings of the committee an adopted, tho two iloLlar bill—shunned by Urn gam bler and matiiatad by the sopersti tioas to rid it of any III omen seifl be the first to go. Tho committee will propsoa a standardisation of tho designs of all paper money of the asms donomlns tioas os that tho United States and Federal reserve notes geM certifies, tee sod other local tender eurroacy *111 appear the same eve opt for the designation of Me source Three plans eail for similarity sf color, portraits, which an regarded as the greets at protective fester* of modern ear reney, sad of general markings. Abolishment of Ike two dollar bil b oot sag grated beesose of any ea prratitlon, tho protective fsataraa gwlnad by doing away with it botng the Influencing factor. TVs tnonary ■cent service, observing the way ef "bill raises*** for years, has reached the cor.clarion that than woald be fewer Mils altered by the criminals If the two doBor notes wore not bi ciroulotlew. It was figneod -1— thpi by withdrawing the £ro dollar MB gnmter economy in the printing of money woald bo affected. ROBERT BRITT DIRS PROM HURTS WKEH HIT BY AUTO Liunbcrtoa. April T.—Reheat Britt, year* whits man of Lea* Stuck •♦ebon, died Friday night at a b*«i Ul hart lows hours after brim atwk by aa aatotaobiia d rites by J. W. Branch. The snntrtsnt an tha highway of bars aa gained ' coaadoomaa attack. Boric! was the hoata of his pi Hr* Richardson Britt, near Branch Baptist charch. LOCATE WHISKEY HID IN CEILING Home. Of Four Mm RaUaf la TW Viejaity Of Lata a a Buford, April A—On* at the Mr M* whiskey raids ever polled off (a this county -was staged Id the rlclaity of Lemon Springs, eight miles tenth of this city, Friday afternoon, when the home of J. W. (Bud) Bowmaa and the homo* of three of hie tenants won raidsd and amny gallons at whiskey wan foand. The raiding-party was mads ap of Prohibition oncer Grady MeDuMU, of Wait End, Moors Monty; Sheriff Rosser and Deputies Ones, Dmlrym pio and Hsmllten, of Loo oaonty, and Depotios McPherson and Mman, of Moon coanty; Korol Policeman Mac UtU, of Moaro, and Chief at Police Williams, of Carthago. At the homo of Jim Kelly a half gallon was foand and another half gallon burled on the premises, and Kelly pat ondor a |H0 bond. At the horns sf John Battle, antfhar tan ant at Mr. Bevana, aoma Ian gal lons wan foand buried In cans, bat Battle was not at hams. At Bbartg Dali’s hems no whiskey was foand bat kegs and emw that gars rrllsnss of haring contained whiskey won found. The Bowman homo, which is a sloe host* in the aebarbe of Lemon Springs, we* thru “negotiated.” Mr. Bawmpa, whs M a waO-te-da ettiesv of this county, was not sf Mtia Mon ty. was not at home. Bp —n-g a hoi* la the rolling U quarto at whis key wen found Jboariag tho bM of PMswua Ryo, and eight gall owe of imltetiau paash brandy were found. STEAL LIGHT FOB A “CRAP" GAME Aa eO lamp stolon from tit* rear of I- L. nsai man’s aotewwbtta Them, day was later found tn an aid barn, •ear *• ell mlM. 1%s serroaadingi Indicated that the lamp had beat naad as • Mght-prsdasrr far a “stop" gams In Mia bant. Mr. Dsanaar thinks the Isaap was taken from Mi ear far Mint parpni. He bad Wad k , with oM fast before M was stalaa am it waa empty w*sa fyaad In Ma Rer. Be In Dina’s win 000. Tk. ed Irani Sunday lb* amt city tariaa •it) at u>>» mr mwk.imUr thu mr and mad* ■ » i—"ary aariy canonical in a number of llWtln In Nafth Can. olJaa. in ■ gpngfi nunap U> DM pitpH •/ Doan, aaklay tkm to rally ta Aa rapport of the* who are adedag for their loyalty to Chrtat, CoL Bel lamy ealdt "Many of the Ohlldna bi oer or "huHwea are rietDao of tho (net tear ae wall ae af the* parade loyalty to Chrirt. Three hated thoaecrnd Ar menian roen ween killod la dtfeama of tho rut Bake all fid*. IflMtary a» perte ayrae that failure af the Oar taaae to yet thte praoknu eQ eepply shortened the war hy aeaay eaeatha. “They were ktOlay at raw at the rwte af 10,00® a-day whan the war ended end H can ha ready ataa that, had it laotad eta ■ -r ewe a t aeaay North ' ■ today who weald otheewloe ho r I lay hanaath « waedaw oroae la Proace. | “We girt mUUane to «oeod Ae doctrine of laaM Ohrlat la — I loade. and yH Aaeo yooplo a** *Niai 1 their Meat to prana® Aa (riel el 1 the doctrine af it A wan id la dheto tian. U tt net Chrtrttoatty'a daty ta ' eaa that Aaty eUldtoa da aot dta A< horrtbU 4#*th tf Mtkrmtim t i • / » • I THREE KURD AT GRADE CROSSING I J. H. Nt WV. Am4 A <4 M ■ «km 4 NEAR SERIOUS APTO ACCIDENT FtrdCtrMmW mMOm **r, Nwur 11 Them Wilma, yewag white mu who Uvm in tea Iked, (haw earn, mualty la teww—a county, wmpalB teBy hart y.aterday monUag about 11 e’aieek whan a rand car which ha wm driving torwad over aw tea Dnnn-CHatoa highway. aaar Mtgi •fcerch. White an bonaa warn braita. Witeaa’r iaft ehotOder wm badly braiaed. Mr. 3. Latear Wilma, mo tear ef tea young man, wm aim ia tea ear at tea time of tee I eel dee t. bat ear aged bijary. The ream of the accident te aade termlned. the**k U to teeoght ft re. eaHed from a defective teed. Mr*. Witeea elated to • Dtapalte rmnrln teM bar eea wae driving Rawly when mddealy the car taiwod aemgletaly arewad ead tee* lamed wear. The ear wae badly damaged end both Mi*. Witeea ead the driver had a ariram leae iteeyi. dumn nrs wm Dana wrikad away with the fbW Ugh eehoel gaam at the aaaaea hart Friday, defeating Benferd It to * The pitching ef Tee Bake" gtawmt, who took tee baa far tea meewd frame after a teatord hHttag ipraa, wae tea f aatare ef the gat. Baggett baadtef a.hefty hat far the homi team ead •at a dee hit end a Ragle eat at thorn tripe. Sear* by laaiaga R B. B Sanford . .ltd NO *00— • ■ 4 Daaa .. ..ON Hi M»-U 11 1 Mr. Hard lay asm 'kited Us eteea sad there. WkUe at the Secrete*/ Wash* salad to the TWfm aac* will fees** tee rttoetlna mt tee Chief Ezrc store tea esaa in* week and the Prasidsat is daaarifc. •4 as asset aiudoaa to cat as aaay as passible. If set al af ibato eat s( tee way before the akdAe of Am the teas tentathrrly - fH f»r tea heyhialsy of tea priptohd Weston ' ' __■_ ‘ I ttflt ? **■*'•/ •p- ■■ ffiRv •£ ■

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