Dr E. F. Pope, of Goidabotu, *p>irt yesterday here vveiting relative*. Mlu Miry Barbour spent the week end with Mv. and Mn. J. H. Eeeoi-. Mr. and Mi*. W. H. Stalling*, ol FuveUgvlBe, spent the week-end her* with relative*. Mrs. O. P. Shell lust returned from a visit to relatives in Raleigh and Durham. Rev. Frank CoatA, of Augusta. On , is spending tome time here visiting ■datives and /riends. Mirs Ruth Westbrook, of AuUnder, is vprnd'ng a fuw days here with her mother, Mis. p. R Vineon. Mrs. M. H. Private of Spring Hope, it visiting her parent*, Mr. »nd Mis. H. C McNeill. W. H. f.uea* and W. F. Blake of Duke were among th* viih-rs :n Dunn Siaurday afternoon. M’*. Geo. C. Thoms*, of Roreboro. ; - i M* >. M. (!. Khoury. of Newbern, an- the sruerts of Mr. and Mrs. 8am Thom** Iawrene* Jernlgan retamed Tuns ' " I’jo Atlanta Ga. where he was operated 01. Wednrerlay in a govern meat hospital. Ilovheit Wilson, Jr., roiored, baa return*.! to Dui.n from Elm City, w «rv he taggt*. echool the past year in the Wilson countv colored schools. Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Brit*, who live near Lumberton, spent Sundry here visiting at the home of tilth tni, and daughti t-in-I-aw, Mr. and Mr*. Cov er Britt. Mist Corric Blackmon, or Rich inord, Va, .is vUHIng Mi»t Myrtle Pope. Mines Pope and Blackmon spent yesterday Ir. Fayetteville visit ing friends. Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Farmer of Rideigh spent the week-end her* vbiting at the home of Mr*. Fartmr'a biothcr io-law amt sister. Rev. and M-s. E. N. Johnson. Regular meeting ef the Cap* Fair Lodge No. 138 Knights of Pythias. will U heM Tnupiflay owning at 8 o'clock. Rank of pogrv will bn con ferred. V taking knight* welcome. Aa Hfant daughter af Mr. and Mr*. J. R. South died Sanday The child anly lived a short time after its birth. Interment waa matte Sanday afternoon at t:30 o'clock In Groan wood comotaij. J. J. Cook, traveling talesman for tbe Wheerl Company, of Newark, Ohio, baa boon given additional terri fry br hie mmpeny. Si ntwakvda Florida. HU Mnr if alovea, ranger ar.ii aafei. J. K. Hudson. of Doan No. I, waa •bowing in Dnnn Saturday, aooa ftr.e specimens of tobacco plaata. Mr. Hodaon aald he would plant this spring about • acres la tobacco, 30 acre* In cotton and a plenty of com nnd faad stuff. Ou Sanday, April 2#th at 3 p. a., Rev. W. J. Janes, iuperintandeut of the Pin eland School for Otrls, Salem burg, will deliver tbe commancomeig narmor. before the Newton Grave high school. TVe public It cordially invited to bear him. Mias Dora Barbour, leading con testant In tha BmRhtalU Obsarver contact, baa returned to Dunn from <* '-rip to Clayton, Smiths old and Co Ida boro. She la much encouraged over tha bright prospect of winning the 10,000-tadle trip, and her chances a-' ■‘plendtd. Mr. and Mrs. J. R Murphy and Mia- Ethel Hooka aprrA Sunday in Kinston visiting relative* and friend*. They wvrv accompanied to Kin (ton by lln. E. L. Briekhoai* and two children, of New York city, who spent •ome time her* visiting at the Homo of Mr. and Mr*. Murphy. Ctmtvaet waa art lavt week for the boy* dormitory to be erected at Buie's Creek. It will contain 46 room* and will be equipped with heat, water, shower berths, o4c. The cost of canotrnotlen will be 136.000, and the Carolina Oonatraetion Co. baa the contract. ft will be completed by September let Tbe Rre company waa called out twice today In quick eacccetion. The A ret alarm waa sounded at 11:16 on account of a blase on the roof of K. J. Ilodir-n'a home, rtinle* eve - end Ik* eceond at IS: SO an mount of a bhic t* the horrt« of Mayor t, L. Wade, Harnett direct, Both ft tea were ctriinguUhed before retouch damage resulted. The polplt of the Tint Baptiat chunk of Dunn woo filled both Ban day morning and evening by outeof t*w" preoehera. Dr. ft. D. Bryan, a member of the faculty of Hoke For c« Collage, preached <n the morning •"I Rev. J. g. Fanner of Raleigh preached * the averring aarrieo. Both aermona warn enjoyed by goori-rioed Rtt, E. If. Joknmn, jwiWr «t tin First Baptiat chnreh af Dunn, Son day at 11 a. aa. preached the dedi «otory aawnon af the Baptiat ahortb at ftanalevel. Bov. J. A. Campbell dtltvorod an address, far which hr go** •" Iota resting history af the rimm* ad Bomlevol. Dinner war ••trod os Ow shored grounds rut< tha program waa anjeyad by a largo gathering of poapla. Charlie Join-*, of Wineion-Mnlrm. | visit #d relatives here la«t week. Mir- K. J. Swindell, of Southern Pin**, la visiting friend* in Dunn this week. Mi*. L, D fiani* i* visiting hoi daughter. Ml*. Ben Collin., at Clwr lottm. Mr*. A. B. Harrell, of Petersburg, Va., arrived today to spend torn, el me with her parent*. Mr. and Mr* Henry Pope. Mhu How J»nc Knott, a nwmbei «f the Coot, high school faculty, upon! the weeks1 ml with Mist Ruth WcAbtook. The nrxn who buyi a factory prod del buy. factory manngement and factory character. Or. their eoundnem depend, the voumlneve of his invert ment.— Linotype Bulletin. FOUR YEAR-OLD CHILD RUN DOWN BY AN AUTO Minnie Lee Barnet, tho 4 year old daughter of Mr. and Mra. A. C. Burr.ea of Donn, wo* run down by an automobile driven by a Mr. Gwynn of liuke OI. North EUI* avenue Satur day afternoon. While the child hod a dost call. «he escaped wiUiout »c riow. Injury. According u. those w.ro witnessed tin- accident, «*> child came from bi-hind another car, which v-B» parked on ih* side of the atroet and walked If. front of the moving enr, which knocked heir down and dragged her a few feet before it could bv .topped. Thi child's face wao right badly bruised anil dir »uf ferrd other minor brukra. DUNN ROUTE ONE Tlic pail week ha. becu one of great activity in thi. community Planting cotlor. has been tho order of the day. The farmers have about Anuhrd planting their early crepe. TIi* heavy mint » few days ago packed the ground no that corn that had been planted ha* failed to come -P «« m •*-•*** nowfrcr, with warm •lays of th* pat weak, thing* ha** takan on newness of life, and it ij Uoglniuj.tr to look like spring. Mr. laonard Edge, who has keen sick for Sevan) days, died at th* t*«m« af hit daughter Mrs. Andrew Smith April lPth. Mr. Edge was a Confederate soldier belonging to Co K. 24th Regiment, Cspi, Evans, com manding. Deceased was born Oct. S. 1838, being R6 yeans, 7 months and 18 days old. Funeral service* wrra conducted at the home by Re*. H U Davl*, pastor Methodist church ■* Duke, April 20th. tnu-rment was mad* in tbs Naylor burying ground. W« extend sympathy to hi* aged widow and children. Rev. 8. W. Phillips filled hi» r^g olar appointment at Wesley's chapel Sunday. Mr. Eddie liodd and daughters, of Goldsboro, viailed relatives h.rs gun day They war* accompanied by Mias Axalee Hvoter We regret to chronicle the death of our esteemed friend. Mr. Jno. Q. Jonco. which occurred at his home at Godwin. April l»th. Mr. Jones lived in this county (Sampson) all his Mf* until about ten year* ago, whan he moved to Godwin, He was a successful farmer and business m*n. Ha was the pioneer of what 1* known ss diversified farming in this section. Mr. Jones was a safe load er. and hia people trusted him. He *** untiring in hit efforts for tho betterment of th* eoramunity In which ho lired. Doe eased was sev enty ycuc* old, and had been Is. fail ing health for several months. He loaves a widow and one daughter,. Mr*. E. C. Edgerton, besides a groat ho*t of other kindred and friends to sorrow at his going, hot they f«*l that their loss la hie gain. Funeral sendee* war* conducted from the home by Ear. A. R. McQueen, burial at th# family burying place, oa his old home place in Dismal township. , We command tbs sorrowing ones to Him who death nil things well. i no tgiqneiKcmeiK exercise* oi Mingo school win he Moy 3rd and 4Ui. Program will bo announced later. Mr. O. B. Naylor ami family visited M Mr Ever.dvr Pope’s, at Cooper, Bondoy. Mr. and Mia. <Je«. Naytor, Dona, visited Mr. Naylor’s brother, Rev. Milos, Sunday. Miss Lucy Naylor, etoHnrrt at !te lomburg, spent the weekend at homo. Mies Mary Parker, of Dune, vie wed friends here Sunday. Mr. Royal StricMond. of Malttend, Pta., is visiting relative* her*. Mr. David WHHford, attorney at Oroenvfllc, N. C„ visited his parent*. Mr. snd Mrs. D. M. Williford, Bai^ day. Quite a aambor of oar yoang folk* attended eehool etoeing exeseloen at Cooper Thursday and Friday. Hen. Leo Carlton, of Cknton, dalivored tea nddreos. Mr. Carlton la Sompoon’i moot gifted speaker, and ie always found on the moral old* of every ten*. The Barer* else* nt Spring Bramh I* growing theao day*, both in num ber* and Intercut Com* •*, Soya, and tad a* have the boot rlasa tai tea county. Mime* Led* j*«luon and Ana* Baggett, studante at Pinotnnd, spent the week end at heme. Mia Alma Rain, etodeat at Bale’s Crook, opont the week-oad with hot -(■rente. Rev. and Mr* 0. A. Bain. SIMPf/R SCRIBE April tl. IMS. THE WOMAN’S CLUB ¥ WOMAN’S CLUB CALENDAR * ¥ FOR APRIL ¥ ¥ Music Department—Friday ¥ ¥ P. U.. 8:30—April «th. * V Buxines* Civlea Meeting— ¥ * Friday P. M., 8:80—April II. ¥ ¥ Home Economies Department * * —Friday P. M.. 8:30—April ¥ ¥ 27th. ¥ * ¥ MfHmemmeeeemeei - HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT Vha hon>.- economics departmenl of the Woman* Club will hold tt* regolar mooting at the club rooms Friday. April 27th. at 8 p. m At this meeting the gill* from the home economic* ilcpautmunl of the high school will h*rc an exhibit. All lit. terented pal,on* of the school and Mm Indie* of the town ar* urged to be preteig. SAW MILL AT COATS DESTROYED BY BLAZE Coats, April 24.—The saw oiiII, en gine and bo:ter, with a .im*11 uai.tlty Jf lumber, belonging to T. C. Stew an. was completely destroyed by fi.-s here yesterday about 8 o’clock. A •cifl Iw.iw tilled with meal, and a boxcar, narrowly rrcaped banting. Tie lost is about 12,000. IHmn Family Laundry Ooened This Week H. D. Hood, J, , Formerly o< Nor '•Ik, Va, Will Harr Chary* Of Pteel The Dunn Family Laundry war opened far bumnenj yrtfcpTvWy This new ciAerprioe fa located in a new hrlck building adjoining the plant of th» Dunn Ice * Fori Co. North Veucc street H. D. Hood. Jr., form erly of Norfolk., la proprietor of (Its laundry. Hr. Hood U an experienc ed laundry man. haring had ssvorai yrars’ experience in the laundry ba« isaa. Tht equipment is far washing and Is up-Co-tele In rvrry detail. The machinery installed will do Mir wwah Ing for twrlrs different families at the same tun*, and yet Ml' clothing of no two famil'ea is mixed in the least. The plant Is capable of tak ing cate of the washing for S00 fare ikes each week, according to Mr. Hood. The plan under which the laundry will hr operated provider for U*S slothing u> be called for and dslirsrud the same day. free laundry bags ba in* fumkdmd by the laundry. The diarge for washing it tl per family, with a maximum of 20 pounds of dry clothes. All over 20 peunds will be charged for at the rate of S eon la ■or pound. All washed clothes are dried with Rn BrUiomAtir d r-virw-v *■— willi no danger of breaking buttons or in jury to clothing. When the AnieV in* touches have boon applied this laundry win be one of the very best equipped damp-wash laundries in the State. It was through the -Ports of the Dunn Chamber of Commerce that the laundry was established In Dunn and it will All a long-felt necessity here. blsPMAll—COWELL Fayetteville, April 14.—Cards an noanciag the marriage of Mia* Aline Dell Cowed to Mr. Joseph Rogers Me PhaJl, Jr., have been issued by the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Christopher Cowell, of this elty. The ceremony was performed In the la dle*' parlor of the HoAel LaPayette Katorday waning. The eflkiating minister was the Rev. H. A. Humble, the bride’s pastor, who was assisted by tbs Rev. Prank Culbrsth, of Laur. inburg, former pastor of the bride FToom. The ring ceremony of th* Methotlisl Episcopal church waa osed. The decorations were in keeping with the beautifully simple character 1 of the ceremony. The vow* were I void before an Imprerieed alter af i ' Enatcr lilki and Southern red Lax. i Thu bride'* c return* wa* a modteh • of midaiyht Mae. She carried a r a «hewer bouquet of bride'* roe** and 111!** of the valley. • , Mr. and Mr*. MeFbail felt lmm«- > I dlately after the ceremony for a bri- > , dal tQur la the north. I , Mia. McPhall t* a chaiminy yiri. H j b: tin cite type, and a lovable natara 1 i She powcaeee unueual beauty of tee I haa wan the heart* cf many friend*. I Mr* McPhall haa token a prominent; ■ 1 pert in th* aocial and rally I out life of Kayrltavillf, and the fact that they1 i will continue to make their home here' c will be received with fratiflratiea I J Ur. McPkail it one of the moot' popular youny mm, aot only ia Pay.; »ttnville, but in North Carolina, the' riirle of hi* frirnde, which coincide*' with the sum bur of M* acquaint anara. oxUadir.y to every port of the State. He ie a well known life Irv •uruncc awn. and haa met with pre nounced aucccte in thl* Held. — | STATEMENT ' uf tlw ownership, — irayatann ate., of the Dunn Diapotoh, rend-weekly, nablMictf at Ihuia, Harnett, County, N. C... tor April lat, IMS. required by tow: 1 Owter. PribUaher and Muaftr, L. Hu*be* Pope Puna, ft C. Editor. P. Crevor Britt. Dunn N.C L BU8BEC POPE, PobHahur. I Sworn to and oibacribod before ma tbia 24th day of April ISM. H. A. PARKER. Notary Public. My conmdwdon expiree Dec. flet QTVYyYYYVYYYVYwwwwhA\At D«U». April 2a—A eerie of re vivol ecrekee are te begin at tbe Methodist church next Tharoday right, with tbe Rt». G B Starting, ef Mount Olive, awiotsd by the Rev. H. L. Darla, paator ef the Weal | church, rood acting thorn. The mag. | ing will be led by Frank L Wilecn, ! Who ia a trained cheettar. Tbe putJ j 1,rRT already giyea of «te appraecH ‘n* nwetlag and the Internet being fhown wil no doubt bring many to tiioor aermcco. *ev H. L. Daria, pawn of tko Methodist drrti, ceded to bis | Ivoare at Hemp Saturday on account ! of the «addon death of hk young ; brother, who war Wiled when a tale ; mine in which be Al worhk.g caved la. boryiag blot and two other*. Bor. Mr. UaTk left lmmi tlal.ly ao roco.pt of the telegram iafenadng him ef the tmredy, ini H b lot Mow* whan • hr wil] rotara. However, be k ex ' ported bark by Tharoday ankle ha ’>» ai.avoi.laMy detained. Mr. and Mr*. A. L Oldham and Mte. C Woodworth Spent Sunday in Dtwham orHh relatives. Walter F. Blake la iponding this a-iwh In Washington, D. C.. attending the National Amoetedon of Mortc Clubs, which moots thero this wonV. Mn. Martha E. Eyala k spending •evend days in Samoa on ecoonnt of the iUnou of her daughter, Mrs J. , W. Raynor. Mim Elisabeth Eenrvsy, of the high **■>»••> faculty, Went the work-end with Mrs. E. R Thomas at her home mi Durham. E R. Thomas Wes! •lruggWt. s*en» tv week-end whh hit (amity in Due Ham. i. Ben Coppedge. of Baletgfc, wni a buxine** riwtor bera Monday. Bdwin M Bottcpont tha weak-and ; with friend* in Man. I C. o. Sample, of the high eehoel faculty, wet a week-end etatter la Greenville. j Mr*, fl. J. Clarke, Sr., «f LMietta, 1* ypeading eeearal day* hare with her eon. 8. J. Clarke. Jr. 1 Mr. end Mr*. C. B. Godfrey and hire* Juanita and Baby Sewell pyent flamlay in Raleigh. Mr. and Mia J. U Skinner, at Lit i Union, tpenl the week-end here, tha •nu of Mr. and Mr*. I. I. Clark*, r. Mr. and Mm. L. L Pate and ftarty rant the w—k-aad at Beoeea wltli Pl»tlT«». Mr. sad Mm. A. D. Woodworth peat Sunday ad Bunn Laval with Ib. Woodworth’* paraate. Mr. aad In. B. 8. Byrd. Mr. and Mr*. D. A. Byrd aad lam 1 (pent tXe week-end wfch ralativaa Mr. and Mm O. B. Shapna and iiaily (pant Banday with rriatier* t Bona Laval. •avaral {not kar* attended tea •d tea lien of tka Prteadtetp Baptlat torch at Bona Laval Banday. Mr. teaaa^ parlor of tea Pint BapUat te.j m .a chip P Dm, ynatlnd <h mar man and dadWotod tba baitdiap. Mat J. A. Camp ball, of Pala’i Cnp, n •ountad tha Matary of tha FriendPui charth hoar Ka fotadatlaa M a Home Of MMkbi which waa da lad back a f«HtmoH4w man or mm. Tb am bufldiag la • eoanntUaaa boa* with several Pan Pi? achool room aad adda much ta tha conuaaaitr a* i what*. Tha funeral at J. tawiamr PmUh wto Mad Satarday, waa bald Panda: tram bla aid home, aboat throe ndle aoatb of bor*. Mr. Poritb waa • oat •ran at tha CM War. and at ib. Ume of KW death be waa near ‘Ju rl*hty-rear mart la Ufa. Ptrab«i and the loflraiitlea at old apa am 14* tm . ' Wsebss n m ■ | At Colonial Theatre Dunn, N. C. . i Kuna Continually from 3 p. m. to I I p. m. Wednesday The Picture you all have been waiting for i| “THE WORLD’S A STAGE” Elinor Glyn’a version of a screen star's life in HOLLYWOOD The Moat Interesting City in the World The moat talked about picture of the Year j; !i_, j| Thursday: William Duncan in “ The Fighting Guide." ..*...—' * I — ■ — .. — - I ' ► . V • Wm Condensed Statement of the Condition of First National Bank DUNN, N, C. . aft ths close of Business April 1Mb, 1923 RESOURCES Loerns and Discounts_ $571,548.90 Building and Furniture__ 56,670.39 5 per cent Redemption Fund .. __ 2,000.00 Federal Reserve Bank stock_ 2.100.00 North Carolina bonds a ndstocks_ 3,750.00 U. S. Government Bonds_ 40,950.00 Cash on hand and in banks_ 136.587.58 » Total. $813,606.87 LIABILITIES Capital Stock...$ 50,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits __ 31,546.96 War Finance advance_ 40,722.72 Circulation . 40,000.00 Rediscounts. Federal Reserve. 149.391.26 Dediscounts, other banks__12,300.00 Bills Payable, other banks_ 27,500.00 Deferred Credits. Federal Reserve. 14.420.73 Reserved for Liberty Bonds_ 5,400.00 Deposits. 442.325.20 Tt**l.-_$813,606.87 N. A. TOWNSEND. ~ . • J. W. DRAUOHON...I _ "I” ‘ "vi^President u -—Active Vics-Prsrfdemt 1. O. WARREN_J...idiuit CaSlS _ . 9v of shove statement. the Pint Nations) Rank, the Oldest Bank in thi* section, solicits your account. c J 'U- ■ E. L. -<.r. :,S', .y.^ a ■ 0* :-'. >•' - ' .'•:> 'AtJO; ’. , ;.f ' ; . n • ,, ■ <»;• *:h ■ - 4- .'•■■; •v: *—. V*

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