• • * ' ' V 'nJt COME TO THE BIG MEETING IN DUNN SATURDAY MAY 5, 1923, THE DUNN VOLUME X. DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA, MAY I, 1023. SUPERIOR COURT ft DECIDE CASE WOMEN-WHIPPERS’ Three Dci'emianls Held Under $15,000 Bond By Lumber Ion Recorder KU KLUX KLAN IS BROUGHT UNDER FIRE wo Froclorville Women Beat Unmercifully By Hooded Mob of IS Men. Were Drag ged From Home At Night At Point Of Piatoia And Threat ened With Km KJux Mem ber* Totaling 10,000. P ,M. 1 v. «ur, chief of police at F.'.'-ciji.I, John Hedgepeth, a mom •. »• of police fore* at Proetorvlllc ■i.i.l jjic ltroinfen, al*o of Proctor v"..e, vs-tc bound ever to nho Super >or rouit Friday by Recorder W. B. tv- >* of Luinbriton on miouti and rvn.lt;> charge* Browing out of tha ab-pping of two Proetorvlllc women c, IS nm'.v.! mer. one night recont 1t. A jnHl hot.il of £15.000 wa* ro He'itd, much i» to be forfaited if i<>iy >*«.,' of l!io iiirce defendant* fail :o appear for tru! in the hgiher rr> jot Tl . k . . Ll.L __ 4 -■inph- aMUi.it to ftcst-degree' bant l»u7, » ! brought by Mm. Hattie bi v'i Mi l Mrs. Mnry Watson, both of whom lived in I'roetorvills, a small :«wn 12 miles wiothwest of Lumber •.n. AecOiv’ltiit b> the testimony of .’■■j t«w women, they were taken (ir.it, the -vac of Mr*. Purvis on |l4tori!:iy nizht, April >1, by s mash ■ • i of 1U men, esrnetl a short d t Vm.ee to B neyro ebuieb sml there •:.v i» scve.e winping upon their raked f.*/b. Mi l >b«r* of the mob, ac foisll'p l.t the witnesses, Sold then '■t they were Ku Kiux Klan nvewv '»< r. ami warns I the women not to tell vd.al Ind happened and St the seme timo threatening ahem with 10, 000 Ku Klux member* who would cel them reganllcn of where they ■.•’•i. am *’•” ’ Ihc pyei rm+Tiary trial of the ailw < d women- el. ppci < drew onu of the i:i , <*ui t-ruwilx lo l.umheruxi that • fi(i» udeil feu t in the Robeson W! tv! T.-i- uUv;i*bini-« on tile open :. :j Ji> <>■ He Hist was os lima led at 'J.t'flO. P.dlowinc la the atory told by Mrs. Purvis during *ho uua) as reported In The Italcifh News and Observer by Jinn Trivon McNeill: Mrs. Pareis- Story I ihoy »tcppe-l up on the I West to the front door. "Hie wvtliie light showed on the man's fjn. The eye hole* in his mask ve:e tut loo Inry-- and I knew him.' lie wat Juie Broaden Be told me to open np. 1 told him 1 would not. WIdii- 1 wsi standing tiierv six of them broke open the back door ami mein*' up with their pistol a in their hands. John He-dgopeth led the one* t'mt <aaie in the back way. • •sen- i__- __ i.._*u a-]. Bvop'dun when Hedgepeth opened tho ftmil dour. 1 know both of them and rccogtiaod them bjr their else and by their- voices and clothes. They had on shroud* with s red cross on the breast and a peaked rap with a red laasle. They told Uie Watson girls to go l oinr ard me and Mrs. Watson to come with them. Mike Lawson hit the little Watson girl over the head *i!h hi* dob that he earrica when lie la on police. D»i|sd Woman Out "Then they dragged me and Jim. V.’ntsoii out and put oa in a Fowl ra. and started up to tho church. Four of them got ir. with ua and tha net walked. They made ua gal out rdit blindfolded ns. They choked Mrs. Wiilaon to keop her from screaming. > hn.l tome heiipins in my hand and 1 treed them to let mo put up my unit When I did I moved the band apt so t could see. '-Mike Lnwson pulled hi* mash up ‘n wipe hie iti’ly noae and I recog* tiled him. They laid Mrs. Watson down across n log that was used to brace up tho church and puMed op bee clo'hoa. TVy got out a leatther strap and threw a flash light on htr bare flrtsi imd boat her till tho blood ran out nf bar. Then they did me the oatnc wuy. Two of them held our arr.ii across the log while they beat nr. "While they were boating me they so id they understood I had bee* keeping a disorderly house and thai 'hoy woobl (rive me Just tan days U go to my husband at Rocky Mount i told them |t was a lie and that 1 moved to PrortorvtUe to kaep mj caldron In oclvool and that I wau)< go away when I got ready. I Intend cd to jain my husband when echoo is out at Orrum where my boy Is Ii high school “They made ua walk hack to Free --- BE' PAUL' ImV -" _t_ NEGRO LYNCHED IN MISSOURI _ I wat Accused Of Attsduat Fourteeu-Yeer-OId White Girl Columbia, Mo.. April 2*.—Jute Scott, a negro ar cased of attacking a 1* year old girl was hangod to a railroad brhlge early today by a iwob mated to number 2,000. deal be fore the hanging, bar father, head of the German lepartman of-the University of Mlaaoarl here, appear ed dramatically on the ecane and ap pealed to the mob to let the law take in coarse. "1 have aa much against this man »* you have,” he is quoted aa aaytac. “Rut we, at eIt!sene of tha United Stoic*, rftonld abide by the laws of the country.” The mob ignore.! the pipes of the girl's father, and despite protests of innocence from their victim, took the negro to the bridge, not far from the place where the attack was made upon the girt. "You're hanging an innocent mar." the negro pleaded. "That's the truth; I ean't die with a lie on my lipa.” After a rope was tied about Ms neck he via pushed off the bridge.' The coroner add liter Has ■ ■ ■ r I■ neck was broken and that he appar ently died instantly. The n*ob gained entrance te the cell occupied by the negro by burning the Iron dooT with an acetylene torch. No attempt was nude to «»he the key* from the ah>riff No students at the university took an active part ia the lynching, eye witnesses stated. There were many in the crowd, it was asserted, bat all chc available wjitmssms bVate they were only spectators. The negro had been identified by tho «irl as her assailant. SUDAN TEMPLE PREPARING FOR A BIG CEREMONIAL New Bern, April *9.—Sudan head qsuiter* arc hurrying preparations for the annual spring ceremonial which wHl he hold ia Waahiagtaa, N. C., May IT. Dr. J. P. Rham, recorder of the temple, stated today indica tions are that tho Ingag dons of landiiWm in nsatny years win bo die posed of. Ho stated while many ap plication* had been received he ex pected many move in the Baal rush. No applications will he received af ter midnight of Tuesday, May S. ♦orvlllo. Mrs. Watson was weak and slmon fstated. She said she didn't be Hero aho canid watt home and Mika Lawson wanted to know If ■ few more Hefca with the lash wo old help her any. I told him that fat would suffer far this sad ha said thsi If I ever said a ward they would gel my head. He aaid there was tor thousand Eu Elmers who would gal ' me anyuAore I meat" The two woman want bams. TV frightened daughters of Msa Wat ’ ton Hod loft hoove, hat their Mss Nee mother searched abaat the terrorise* 1 neighborhood antll aha found them I They went Kama wNh hap sad «h< i elder girl, sat ap with Aar all night ' the stated that Mm Hisnght her as (her wan going la dta.' PRISONERS AMONG THE CONTRIBUTORS Inmate* of “Doath Raw" Can tribute to Fuad to Sava Daniel NobUe Raleigh, April 27.—Hi* comrade* ir. “death row" today contnbotod 21 dollar* to U>* (tnid being -»'—1 by Rev. Sytaeatar Betta, local nd malar, to fight for the Ufa of Denial Mateo Noble*, of Colomtru* county, who 1* munler of hi* aecond oouein Henry Noblea. "The bay* in “death row” all be lieve that Noblea ia innocent,” raid Rev, Mr. Bette today, "and they have contributed their mite to tho load We are raMng in an effort to aavc the* man.” Noble* was to have been put to death in the electric chair at 10:80 O'clock Tuctday morrdry, bin appeal* ma.le by Bar. Mr. Betta. J. Q. Weath er* and Loomia Godwin, local church men, who declare they believa him innocent, canard Governor Moraiaon to gram, a reprieve of «0 day* in order that he may look further iota the cate. HIGHER TREND IN PRICE OF COTTON Clow* Of W«*k At Now Or leans Finds Values 130 To 197 Points Higher New Orleans, April 29—TJnfsvor able weather in the belt caused ■ gradually higher trend to vahias dor iog tbs greater part of last week it the cotton market, but Joet -on thi dose a gTeat deal of liqeidrition trusi the long side was responsible foi moderate read lions lowest prices were mods or, dr opening session when the trsdin) months wore 9 to 19 points under th< cioss of the preceding work sad fron this there was a rise to levels 110 ti 1*7 points orur the preceding week’ final price a. The not results wen gains of IS to *3 points. Joly, aftc selling off to 89.0* cents n pound rose to *7.87 and 9naily eloesd a *9.74. In the spot department, price gained 7* points on middling, whirl dosed at 88.00 against 17.00 on th dose of this week lost year. Tbs main eompMnt from the ic teiior eras that too ranch rain am inteeferxing wtth the planting of th crop. Tanas sent In the most onfai ore bio account and the rainfall ther was heavy enough to cause flood* an ovmfolwe and some intis washing on of cotton already planted. Ism Southern counties of the stags n ported that planting had bean don as many so three times without goo stands being secured. Ia loses sw Hens of the control belt nmee favoi able accounts were hoard and th tern bdt. also reported favors bi spots but, on (he whole, the era was conoids noble late. Mach con plaint ef rimriagr of labor came trm the Atlantic and aiwo fnern the Moil Contra) portion of the bolt. > i Hi* week hrnwikt. a good demos ■ for ff*t rotten, much «d H apparsn ly being to fW eenrisdtsnenta mats REVIVAL SERVICES AT FIRST BAPTIST Sotim of Mooting* Bogan d*r. W«fco Forest Pu tor Pfwciing A large f ongssgston lust .-vening' greets *1 Her. A, Paul tfagvy, pastor "f the Baptist diiurrh at Wak* For est, when he pleached his first te> men is a aerie* of marling!, which h«*an at the Frit Baptist church of Du IK Somlay efcntnr. Dr. Bagby’s first to»pe! menage greutly impres sed those who f—! him. His »ob-| jret, •"The ery ft the world, where 1* thy Cod?” wgs so <iernlope«l as tn be both helpful and inspiring. Dr. Bagby, before becoming chap lain at Waka Pi^st college, was pae *or of one of U^largr si churches in Uuisvlllo. Ky is perhaps tho, •host popular among the eoi-| lego students i hss ever a#reed 'he Wake Fo chareh. He has a puculisr interesting young people and is iderod one of the ''••at Bible l in the Southern Kaplit eoovor. ihe »wi of tings roily be ran Sunday evei when H*v. Cas nnr C. Warren iched a stirring sermon on. “T Dieine OnB.” Mr. Warren Is a n of Doan, being s aon *f Mr. and B. M. Warrwn snd is ifT'Wtly | by tbs people of his hows toA and rsinwnHT A Uige concregOioi, beard hl» ^ ar.on Sunday cvr#eg. In diecnsriag {be Divine CnB. be ■his ewr. I the joy vending the fart A to do riot. He deb God ml chi! id moth voice of t forth s eh mas d by the ~ Warren, who arrived homo Saturday night f>.)m Louisville, By., wheie he JT' nt rovers! months studying at the Houtuern Bsutist Theological semi nary. At wire* will be hebt twice -•aily -8:«f> a. m. snd 7:45 p. m. The public is invited to all the ser vices. STORM DOES DAMAGE IN WEST HARNETT CO. Rate and H«A> Ac—pan lad by Su-bng Aad Farina* Wind. Near Breadway A occur* wind, rain and hail storm broke acrr the western pert of Har nett county, near Rrosslway, about 4 >30 o'clock Saturday a be moor,. Rcc. E. N. Johnson. pastor of tbs First Baptist church of Dunn, aad IVof. B. 1>. Bunn, also of Dunn, wore in the midst of the storm. Mr. John son stopped hia ear within a few feet oT a large tree which area uprooted hy the wind. Just a short time be ; fere the use was uprooted a member of Mr Johnson's party suggested that he drive hia ear beside the tree for shelter from the downour of rain and hail. Storms were general throughout , Eastern Noilh Carolina Saturday at , Inmoon and night A eydone did eonshlemble damage near Lucama in ,1 Wrison eounty. A strong wind and rain atom struck Dnun about 14 ' o’clock Saturday night though ni da-nspe was reported. ,| L. U. Bitartl. local bmlWInr ky J >• (vector, y( rtnntay ioaacci a permit rf to J. B. O'Neal for the erection of i I tLcoom rorlrlenc* oa Caat Bdgerter [' rtreet. He alas laaped a pormit t< , the DiinnOoooXoJ* BotUinp Co., for ,1 the erection of a warehouse on Boot! FayritevlUc avenue -j in* in May. Liverpool bought limit™ > quantities of spot hero, and asked fa • further Itrm offer*. Japan was foam -j baying Iq Alt market late in 4tn »l week, but at ail times burlwose te A II *pot <U|iarun«Bt was reetrieled b; l| the small offertap*. Market litters ox e I hr weak end predicted Aat the scar - «lty of Oopplloa would become neon 9 pronounced in tho near future 1 The question of moisture in A - belt will bo of the hlpheet import v aner* this week aad further nrinfal • would bo (onshlorsd very dotrlmoo • tel. Warm and dry wonkier waold b P cans birred highly favorable. Bepinntnp Monday Ao eon true n market will open at eight o'clock Kr h Orleans time, and eiese at one o’oloe 1 except on Saturday*, when it wi d elere at 10 eVleefc, Uda being Ip eot >*’ fonnlty A the daylight aavtag pn r- gram. MAKING MILK SAFE IS IMPORTANT JOB UMratwi B*iog Urged To Help SUU Eradicate Toborcu W* Among Catdo (By F. H. J*ur> Tbc bottle of milk that tat Ml your poitj :!>it morning to cool, to Inviting to.l rv/rt/ateg. i* It fr«e from I'm* germ* of Dm drab tuber cel colt? Are yog feeding that little rhl i who tract< In yog to guard it from all harm, dticgrr germi which1 may later cauaa ito death? Certain* ly sot, yoa aaowrr. Bat later yaa •nondgr whether ar not yoa arc hc cavmr you iln rot know. Units* the herd «f cattle that supplies your milk ka» been properly tested far taberrwloel* gml the reactors have ■II been killed, there it ahaoye a) doabt. About IH children, the «id-< eet no! quite 1C, wore being fad' tuberculosis at an orphans horse ia1 North Carolina oatil the fact va' ■Uncovered by inspector* of Mm state! an.; federal <1 apartments of ^ri-J imkeri'iu of that eoanty to eradi cate bovine tuberculosis. Tbs ia peclona kilUV, nil the cattle, hinted! their core asm, burned the ban, dis infected i)>« preautM anil helped the orphanage to pet o now hoed of cat tle giuuairteod free from the diaeaoe, ■ml dal It Juet In time probably he prevent widespread trouble among the children. Been the hog* kept at the orphanage and fod aldm milk kad keen infected. This then ia why the eradication of tabrrwlofs among cattle ia he' portent in North Carolina aad why the government la spoading aboatj fna.cDo to help in the work Under! Dr. Wflllim Moore, state veterinar ian, the atate maintaining a fence of ‘.rained ami accredited veterinarians who an, helping to eradicate this dice ear from tee state. In 19*1 tee legislature passed a low pasmlN^ tee county rammianteairra to help in tee work by making a small up KipriitiM to eBvwr Mtasl 5JS,n.R,Jte1Bil*|gR.‘ ran meat, the state, aad the county Already about 21 counties have avail ed teembalves of tee opportunity and the North Carolina law ia being copied wlddy by other Mates wktah want the same kind of work te bo done. Dr. Pool Vaughn, who has charge cf :hi* work In North Carolina for Iho federal department of agricul ture, says that state* like Ohio, New York, ami Wiscensi a which have a large coir population are adopting the same plan being worked so suc cessfully in North Carolina. Virginia bus only recently taken up the same idea. Tli# eounty mokes on apgro pi lotion of about $3,009 which covers the tost of notices and placards, tags te fro In lha ear* of tested cattle, ami the (alary aad travsiing ex peroes of t!ic veterinarian. Just at soon as tbs county make* tela ap propriation ami is ready for week, the state veterinarian announces that the county h under quarantine and teat no entile except those which have boon properly tested, can com* l *#• The veterinarian assigned to that i n'uoty goo* to work. Ho goto dowr the road taking every farm as ha | come* to it and taste every aaaaaad •hove ene day old. He take* nothin* I for granted but stops at every farm | and tests every animaL Ail cattle mast pas* ess frw test : »nr reartor* are found, thaau am . killed, thu herd pot under individual; quaram'ne and tooted again within »'* month*. Thia quaruatin* It net' ' removed until tho remainder of thu I animal* low posted three free test* «■* month* apart, or two free test* one year apart. The modern or* , olein within 30 dayo and then tha , ovrrer it indcmniftod about two third* the vahiv of hit animal. Fee instance*. If a grade «ow Is worth at a fair appraisal nf tit, it found ta he luberealar ami it killed, it may he that pari of the animal* I* paused hy the lieerued ineper ter to he need |' for food. If port* of tha carcass can ■ he marketed Incully for $10, th# |Ut i! rnimrut then pay* In additon aboot r M il nnd th* state ift.lt to the farm i er. nv.klng him roceleu a total af 121.00 far hi* animal, or two-thirds > of Ita appraiued value. In this way many farmers are aneoamgad to re > move marroo af mfrcUea when they •| •miM he loath to do aa otherwise, I; Many feel that killing their aawa ■ work a hardship an them and aa »| tha date and government agree ta ; make this aa light da peasMbe. t Dr. Vanghn *uu« that the meow r went is gaining to popularity. Pan#' kj Ucally all health and madSaal otgaai 9, aatioai In the state have lelimf *! th* work. Th# county medical aaaa - nation* have given It Mr Indorse meat and *o have tha vartaas atek GREAT MEETING HERE SATURDAY The Ml WmtB to Be Attention, FlHilUl , . There la only on* “beot way” M «'»« cotton un-ler bell weevil road! tlom, end evayy farmer la the Dana Diatrlrt who would like to Warm what that waa ha AoaM be la Dunn Saaar doy afternoon of the! week at 8 o’ clock. At that hoar the aaU foe bat tle attain*: the weevil win bo moo4 Xtl and the "rotdW farmer* aad bu»:n*ae men will be given iaetrnr t'xre for wegiag the war that ia to V: foognt eat during the oeat few month*. A noted authority on Bm bog wee vil from the Blau of Ineihaaa win nddnwa the meeting aad the ilndkg machlneo foetid to ha the bo* by Iwt will bo aa ditgtay. The martial win he bold la tbo local am beam Thlo meeting waa called la* even ing at the eoariudon of a omtliig of kwrl bualaeaa ame. W. Brace Habit who l« In chaig* af tha Weal Ml wssr'J Arid Molten, addressed the bue'iites am, his *dd»*m being fal lows*! by a reoad-table dteeuioiee af the weevil and plant far wagiag a eamaign agaiast ike cotton anoosy. there is toe mush ladEfcraue* npsn th* pan af bath tMin mm and farmers aa to tbs ateatSon which aaa f rente this section. U Is planned to Make Aa meeting Saturday Aa biggest sf to kind near britl W tha county. Th* faltowiwt commtwoos war* appsintsd; A dear t ie'ng—J. M. Sherwood, J. E. Bteek. | Wsalry Thsmp.sn, W. B. Mikas, r. 1 Oi over Britt; Ansar* ■ J. L TWna , son. a. O. Primrose, J. W. PusdW. A* a part of Ao adasrtMag yiagiam letters will be mailed to aroand dr •M farmer* living la the Doan Db rict, mging them of the Impsrtsnrs -1 attending Ao meeting to bo Md Saturday after* sm. X# farmer who is IgNtAli la do Mias Agnes Harris. Weal Bod Cram hem ho name, yesterday tirnspsalif Master Clarence Wilitai to Qao tonis. where be entered th* Mato Ortho pond la hospital for 1 >1 Mat Dr. I. F. Pop* of Goldsboro spent the week-end her* visiting ulMlisi anil frWnda , availoW* to carry oa th* id , for Ac noccasary to he mad* far their Dr. Vaagha _ M soon as all ths cattle la s rn . tasted, the county is pot under n -r» Mko HI I - that all the cattle an totted, Ha reacton kilted, aad the barda la whieh reactor* art found art pat aador lo cal guarantied. The eattle la th> county may then ba moved for market or far albar a* raatrirtloaa with reference tuloeia. Tba uutcmetieally the price ef tbe cattle. A naira receatly aant the credo eattle bore for abont ftt par bead it la known that " eoanty free of com ef blooded eettU the been lacreaaod from ITS ascoedinc t» tbe merit of tba Another thine ef eeenemdc import aaee (a the faet that tba tlimleih ex chaacc ef CMcaco papa abewt tea eenU per hundred mote for boa* from aaeh am area than it dew for them Hoc* whore tbe bovine tabemo lotto ha* not boon cleaned up. Dr. Vouch a eta tee aim that ter health aad other dleeeeee are the tuhcreuleeie baa no otatco that abont Td of 40 ear* each ef nttlo are con demned annually at the See b% pattt aad buttoem bedim fat the ccantlm. Darla* the two which the weih boa been no In North Carolina, abont U have been orfaaiaed to eradicate bo vine tuWrruleeie. Wlthta tbe nett few day* Dr. Moore and Dr. Vauchi expect to reloam tea of them whM ham cleaned ap entirely aad all eat . tie in <hor border*, eneept a foe animat* new under iheooouUea, m free from tba tiaia Th “ tie* la Whlok tba work Id conducted ore Dane ' bore. Union. Steely, | an, Davldmo, i ■ 1 I BOLL WEEVILS ATTACK COCKS _ *« Wot* Hot A~M fHHI IS USS!

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